Procurement Objectives

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,899
  • Pages: 11


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Engage our experts and align your organisation with best practice procurement Many organisations understand the need to undertake a strategic approach to procurement but find it difficult knowing where to begin. GSB Consulting has a suite of tools and serivces that can help your organisation deliver short term savings and longer term value through organisational change, process improvement and enhanced supplier relationships. Our services include: •

Spend analysis

Procurement health checks

Procurement reviews

Procurement strategy development

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A procurement review identifies what and how procurement is performed across the organisation. Strategy and recommended workflows tie procurement reform firmly to strategic business objectives.

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Review: Identify what and how procurement is performed across the organisation taking into account your specific challenges and drivers. •

Highlights strategic vs. non-strategic spend categories

Identifies control elements and highlights non-compliant activities

Highlights issues that may exist with coding, resource management, supplier management and purchase processes

Highlights potential areas of risk, duplication, opportunity and challenge

Establishes a baseline from which to make informed decisions and measure improvements

Enables change management with stakeholders

Structures reform to support financial, business and procurement objectives

Strategise Define your procurement strategy and link reform firmly to strategic business objectives, encompassing both strategic and tactical workflows to deliver organisational objectives. •

Provides an auditable framework and clear direction

Roadmaps activities to achieve goals

Manages approach to Sourcing, including contract negotiation

and supplier management •

Aligns procurement and e-solutions

Provides a plan to mitigate risk and reinforce compliance

Ensures stakeholders will be engaged appropriately and roles are clearly understood

Makes change less of a fear factor

Reinforces organisational objectives and provides clear targets

Implement Where the hard work and the real benefits begin! Ensure procurement champions are focused on achieving organisational objectives to help drive pro-active procurement change and positive results. •

Adherence to best practices and alignment with Government Procurement Policy (where applicable)

Reduces the cost of procurement and can provide additional purchase savings

Mitigates risk

Provides cost-effective compliance

Streamlines processes which means you are working smarter

Improves supplier performance

Develops level of expertise and application of commercial knowledge within your organisation

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Tenders and contracts

Procurement - policy

Pages in this Section •

Confidential Complaints Procedure (Whistle-blowing) - A Guide for Suppliers & Contractors

Contract Procedure Rules

Freedom of Information Act 2005 - Guidelines for Suppliers

Procurement Policy

Procurement Strategy

Sustainable Procurement Objectives

Sustainable Procurement Policy

The Merseyside Procurement Group

Downloads •

Location Map (1 MB)

Procurement Strategy 2008 to 2011 (233 KB)

Sustainable Procurement Policy (703 KB)

You are here: Home Business Tenders and contracts Procurement - policy

Welcome To Wirral Sustainable Procurement Objectives Wirral Council is a major consumer of goods and services. We recognise that the goods and services we purchase will have an impact on the environment and human development both locally and globally. We aim to reflect our commitment to sustainable development and equality through the goods and services we purchase. The Strategic Procurement Objectives are outlined in full by the Procurement Strategy developed by the Corporate Procurement Unit (CPU) and approved by Cabinet on the 4th December 2003.

The CPU have developed a Sustainable Procurement Policy to address the objective to ‘promote procurement practices and policies which contribute to the Council's priorities on equality, sustainability and regeneration’ and is a key objective of the Corporate Procurement Unit (CPU). The Policy was endorsed by the Finance and Corporate Management Select Committee on 30 November 2004 and approved by Cabinet on the 15th December 2004. Sustainable Procurement Sustainable procurement should meet normal procurement imperatives (Best Value) but not by:•

Exploiting labour, working conditions and pay.

Undermining local cultures, values, practices and legal requirements.

Damaging future economic and social prosperity of the individual community, country, and future generations.

Exhausting or damaging natural resources, wildlife, habitat and bio-diversity.

Polluting air, land and water

The purpose of this policy is to help minimise impact on the environment by providing staff with information and practical help to assist them to buy or specify products that cause the lease environmental damage. It sets out Council policy on environmental purchasing and gives tips and advice on how to find products that will be effective, of value for money and do least harm to the environment. Wirral Council has a commitment to sustainable development, or as the Government recently put it ‘a better quality of life for everyone, now and for future generations to come’. This commitment is part of our response to the global action plan for sustainable development Agenda 21. It numbers us amongst thousands of local authorities throughout the world all playing their part. This guide aims to assist with the implementation of the procurement strategy. If we are to deliver best value services we need to take account of the wider implications of our purchasing decisions. The purchase price may only be a fraction of final cost to the council, or wider society, with a variety of impacts associated with the way goods and services are made, delivered, moved, used and disposed of. These include running costs, repair and disposal charges, along with indirect and hidden costs like traffic congestion and pollution. We all use goods and services on the Council’s behalf, or influence the specification of council purchases. Whilst your individual choices may not seem like much, they add up. Wirral Council already spends approximately £180 million each year and so has a potentially huge impact. The UK Government currently encourages Green procurement and in several European countries it is already mandatory in the public sector. Equality Wirral Council is committed to equality of opportunity for everyone regardless of his or her race, nationality, religious belief, gender, sexuality, disability, age, or marital status. We are committed to promoting equality and diversity, which embraces a broader definition than equal opportunities. This broader definition recognises that everyone has a contribution to make and that services can be improved by harnessing the skills and contributions from all sectors of the workforce and community. Equality issues relating specifically to procurement will be incorporated in this Sustainable Procurement Policy. Further details can be found in the ‘Equality and Diversity Statement’ recently adopted by Cabinet.

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The Objective

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For important key procurement and production processes, delays or difficulties in delivery of materials, products or equipment can result in very expensive costs and displeased clients. As the schedule and pricing of projects continue to become increasingly critical, it becomes clear that expediting should be incorporated into the project planning at the onset to ensure compliance with the required delivery terms.


The Solution


Expediting can become quite complex when many subsuppliers are involved in the supply chain process. Therefore, the expediting should be carried out by experienced and professional field expediters who have sufficient understanding and experience to work with the suppliers in order to detect the areas causing problems and/or delays.

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As part of the SGS Supply Chain Services, SGS offers expediting services that cover many phases of the production process. This is partnered with periodic status reports tailored to meet the specific client’s needs. SGS’ skilled expediters identify the areas which cause potential delays and undertake the necessary actions to ensure that materials and equipment are delivered to the location on or before the promised date defined in the delivery terms or purchase order.

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SGS expediters also obtain or reaffirm delivery promises from suppliers and fully investigate all aspects of the suppliers’ scheduling which are evidences of the practicality of achieving such promises. Multiple benefits of Expediting Services by SGS:

Service description in PDF format

Fulfillment of contractual delivery terms

Avoidance of contractual penalties related to delays

Detection of potential delays

Quick counter measures to avoid further delays

Professional inspection by an independent third party

Limitation of further problems

Shorter duration for possible borrowed capital

Recognition as a committed and reliable business partner

Improved confidence on the market

Why SGS? SGS can perform expediting to a sequential group of activities forming a chain within the network plan, or to a selected number of activities, or to the total project activities. SGS expediters have the experience, expertise, knowledge and diplomacy necessary to ensure that the material flow between

parties happens on time and under the terms of the contract. With our unique global network, we can assess vendors and their production plans in every corner of the world, within hours or days. Our Services for Expediting SGS Services for Expediting include: •

Field and desk expediting

Coordination of expediting with all suppliers

Situation assessment in the context of the overall project

Expediting visits


Supplier performance monitoring

Provision of recommendations for necessary measures

Dispatch of material


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