
  • August 2019
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  • Pages: 6
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Insert_Multiple_Recipient(alert_id_seq IN NUMBER, eventid IN NUMBER, initid IN NUMBER, pdnOrderid IN VARCHAR2, crid IN VARCHAR2) AS new_resourceid NUMBER; new_resourcetype NUMBER; new_initid NUMBER; record_exists NUMBER; new_emailid our_user.OUR_USER_EMAIL_ID%TYPE; our_user_id OUR_USER.our_user_id%TYPE; our_id OUR_USER.our_id%TYPE; our_user_email_id OUR_USER.our_user_email_id%TYPE; CURSOR all_recipients IS SELECT ces1.resource_id,ces1.resource_type FROM ces_event_subscribers ces1 where ces1.ces_event_id = eventid and ces1.resource_type <>1; CURSOR C1 IS select our.our_user_id, our.OUR_ID, our.OUR_USER_EMAIL_ID from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_ID IN (select distinct OUT_USER_ID from OUT_USER_TEAM_ASSOC out where out.OUT_TEAM_ID IN (select distinct OUT_TEAM_ID from OUT_USER_TEAM_ASSOC where OUT_USER_ID IN (select ord.ORD_INITIATOR from CBM_BP_MAPPING cbm,ORD_ORDER ord where cbm.CBM_CUSTOMER_ID=ord.ORD_CUSTOMERID and ord.ord_orderid=pdnOrderid) ) ); C1_row C1%ROWTYPE; CURSOR C2 IS select our.our_user_id, our.OUR_ID, our.OUR_USER_EMAIL_ID from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_ID IN (select distinct OUT_USER_ID from OUT_USER_TEAM_ASSOC out where out.OUT_TEAM_ID IN (select distinct OUT_TEAM_ID from OUT_USER_TEAM_ASSOC where OUT_USER_ID IN (SELECT our.our_id FROM CCR_CHANGE_REQUEST_CR cr, our_user our WHERE cr.CCR_INITIATED_BY_USER = our.OUR_USER_ID AND cr.CCR_CR_ID=crid) ) ); C2_row C2%ROWTYPE; CURSOR C3 IS select our.our_user_id, our.OUR_ID, our.OUR_USER_EMAIL_ID from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_QUARTZ_ID IN (select distinct ACC_MGR from CUSTOMER where BP_ID IN (select cbm.CBM_QZ_BP_ID from CBM_BP_MAPPING cbm,ORD_ORDER ord where cbm.CBM_CUSTOMER_ID=ord.ORD_CUSTOMERID

and ord.ord_orderid=pdnOrderid) );

C3_row C3%ROWTYPE; CURSOR C4 IS select our.our_user_id, our.OUR_ID, our.OUR_USER_EMAIL_ID from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_QUARTZ_ID IN (select distinct ACC_MGR from CUSTOMER where BP_ID IN (select cbm.CBM_QZ_BP_ID from CBM_BP_MAPPING cbm where cbm.CBM_CUSTOMER_ID in (select cr.CST_CUSTOMER_ID CST_CUSTOMER_CR cr

from where


) );

C4_row C4%ROWTYPE; CURSOR C5 IS select our.our_user_id, our.OUR_ID, our.OUR_USER_EMAIL_ID from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_ID = (select OUR_SUPERVISOR_ID from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_ID IN (select our.our_id from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_QUARTZ_ID IN (select distinct ACC_MGR from CUSTOMER where BP_ID IN (select cbm.CBM_QZ_BP_ID from CBM_BP_MAPPING cbm,ORD_ORDER ord where cbm.CBM_CUSTOMER_ID=ord.ORD_CUSTOMERID and ord.ord_orderid=pdnOrderid)

) )

); C5_row C5%ROWTYPE; CURSOR C6 IS select our.our_user_id, our.OUR_ID, our.OUR_USER_EMAIL_ID from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_ID = (select OUR_SUPERVISOR_ID from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_QUARTZ_ID IN (select distinct ACC_MGR from CUSTOMER where BP_ID IN (select cbm.CBM_QZ_BP_ID




here cbm.CBM_CUSTOMER_ID in (select cr.CST_CUSTOMER_ID from CST_CUSTOMER_CR cr where cr.CST_CR_ID=crid)

) )

); C6_row C6%ROWTYPE; CURSOR C7 IS select OTR_RESOURCE_ID_TEAM,OTR_TEAM_ID,OTR_RECIPIENT from OTR_TEAM_RELATED_RESOURCE where OTR_RESOURCE_ID_TEAM = new_resourceid; C7_row C7%ROWTYPE; CURSOR C8 IS select csd.CSD_DESCRIPTION, csd.CSD_RESOURCE_ID, csd.CSD_RECIPIENT from CSD_EVENT_SUBSCRIBERS_DETAILS csd where csd.CSD_RESOURCE_TYPE=6 AND csd.CSD_RESOURCE_ID =new_resourceid; C8_row C8%ROWTYPE; CURSOR C9 IS select our.our_user_id, our.OUR_ID, our.OUR_USER_EMAIL_ID from OUR_USER our where our.OUR_ID IN (select distinct OUT_USER_ID from OUT_USER_TEAM_ASSOC out where out.OUT_TEAM_ID IN (select to_number(csd.CSD_RECIPIENT) from CSD_EVENT_SUBSCRIBERS_DETAILS csd where csd.CSD_RESOURCE_TYPE=7 AND csd.CSD_RESOURCE_ID =2) ); C9_row C9%ROWTYPE; -- This procedure is called from the procedure st_checkEvent procedure. It takes the input as alert_seq_id, eventid,initid, pdnOrderId and customer id. -- The purpose of this procedure is to find all the possible combination of Resource Id and Resource Type for a given Eventid, -- and for all the resourcetypes found, we are going to find the userid and the corresponding email id. Then we would copy -- the record for the input alert_seq_id from CAL_ALERTS table and insert it into the new table CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS. Then we would -- update this record with the new userid and emailid. --For a given eventid, we have to get all the possible resource_id and resources_type. ---The alerts are currently inserted into CAL_ALERTS table on for the Initiator where the --resource_type is 1. ---When the resource_type is anything other than 1 we have to insert the alert into another --table CAO_ALERT_OTHERS with the same alert message but the email_id of either a single --person or the group of people depending upon the resource type. ---We have to insert as many rows into the table as we have members of the resource type BEGIN OPEN all_recipients; LOOP FETCH all_recipients INTO new_resourceid,new_resourcetype; EXIT WHEN all_recipients%NOTFOUND; new_initid := 0; new_emailid := '0'; if new_resourcetype = 2 THEN --2 THEN

if pdnOrderid is not null then OPEN C1; LOOP FETCH C1 INTO C1_row;--our_user_id, our_id, our_user_email_id; EXIT WHEN C1%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into record_exists from cao_alerts_others where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq and cal_recipient_user_id = our_id; if (record_exists = 0) then insert into CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS (select * from cal_alerts where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq); update CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS set cal_recipient_user_id=C1_row.our_id, cal_recipient_email_id=C1_row.our_user_email_id where cal_recipient_user_id = initid ; end if; END LOOP; end if; if crid is not null then OPEN C2; LOOP FETCH C2 INTO C2_row;--our_user_id, our_id, our_user_email_id; EXIT WHEN C2%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into record_exists from cao_alerts_others where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq and cal_recipient_user_id = our_id; if (record_exists = 0) then insert into CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS (select * from cal_alerts where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq); update CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS set cal_recipient_user_id=C2_row.our_id, cal_recipient_email_id=C2_row.our_user_email_id where cal_recipient_user_id = initid ; end if; END LOOP; end if; end if; if new_resourcetype = 3 THEN if pdnOrderid is not null then OPEN C3; LOOP FETCH C3 INTO C3_row;--our_user_id, our_id, our_user_email_id; EXIT WHEN C3%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into record_exists from cao_alerts_others where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq and cal_recipient_user_id = our_id; if (record_exists = 0) then insert into CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS (select * from cal_alerts where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq); update CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS set cal_recipient_user_id=C3_row.our_id, cal_recipient_email_id=C3_row.our_user_email_id where cal_recipient_user_id = initid ; end if; END LOOP; end if; if crid is not null then OPEN C4;


LOOP FETCH C4 INTO C4_row;--our_user_id, our_id,

EXIT WHEN C4%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into record_exists from cao_alerts_others where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq and cal_recipient_user_id = our_id; if (record_exists = 0) then insert into CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS (select * from cal_alerts where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq); update CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS set cal_recipient_user_id=C4_row.our_id, cal_recipient_email_id=C4_row.our_user_email_id where cal_recipient_user_id = initid ; end if; END LOOP; end if; end if; if new_resourcetype = 4 then if pdnOrderid is not null then OPEN C5; LOOP FETCH C5 INTO C5_row;--our_user_id, our_id, our_user_email_id; EXIT WHEN C5%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into record_exists from cao_alerts_others where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq and cal_recipient_user_id = our_id; if (record_exists = 0) then insert into CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS (select * from cal_alerts where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq); update CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS set cal_recipient_user_id=C5_row.our_id, cal_recipient_email_id=C5_row.our_user_email_id where cal_recipient_user_id = initid ; end if; END LOOP; end if; if crid is not null then OPEN C6; LOOP FETCH C6 INTO C6_row;--our_user_id, our_id, our_user_email_id; EXIT WHEN C6%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into record_exists from cao_alerts_others where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq and cal_recipient_user_id = our_id; if (record_exists = 0) then insert into CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS (select * from cal_alerts where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq); update CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS set cal_recipient_user_id=C6_row.our_id, cal_recipient_email_id=C6_row.our_user_email_id where cal_recipient_user_id = initid ; end if; END LOOP; end if; end if; if new_resourcetype = 5 then OPEN C7; LOOP

FETCH C7 INTO C7_row; EXIT WHEN C7%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into record_exists from cao_alerts_others where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq and cal_recipient_user_id = our_id; if (record_exists = 0) then insert into CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS (select * from cal_alerts where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq); update CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS set cal_recipient_user_id=C7_row.otr_resource_id_team, cal_recipient_email_id=C7_row.otr_recipient where cal_recipient_user_id = initid ; end if; END LOOP; end if; if new_resourcetype = 6 then OPEN C8; LOOP FETCH C8 INTO C8_row; EXIT WHEN C8%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into record_exists from cao_alerts_others where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq and cal_recipient_user_id = our_id; if (record_exists = 0) then insert into CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS (select * from cal_alerts where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq); update CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS set cal_recipient_user_id=C8_row.CSD_DESCRIPTION, cal_recipient_email_id=C8_row.CSD_RECIPIENT where cal_recipient_user_id = initid ; end if; END LOOP; end if; if new_resourcetype = 7 then OPEN C9; LOOP FETCH C9 INTO C9_row; EXIT WHEN C9%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into record_exists from cao_alerts_others where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq and cal_recipient_user_id = our_id; if (record_exists = 0) then insert into CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS (select * from cal_alerts where cal_alert_id = alert_id_seq); update CAO_ALERTS_OTHERS set cal_recipient_user_id=C9_row.our_id, cal_recipient_email_id=C9_row.our_user_email_id where cal_recipient_user_id = initid ; end if; END LOOP; end if; END LOOP; CLOSE all_recipients; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise RAISE; END; /

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