Problems In Sexuality And Reproduction

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 738
  • Pages: 18
d e s s e r p e R

il ty a u x e s

Sexual Intercourse with non-regular partners

Source : Sexual Behavioural surveillance survey, 6th Wave, Tamilnadu, by NACO

Condom used during last Non-regular Sex

Casual sex workers Truckers & helpers

male youth slums Men sex with men Intravenous drug users Male factory worker

Source : Sexual Behavioural surveillance survey, 6th Wave, Tamilnadu, by NACO

“High – Risk” Groups Commercial Sex Workers …and their partners Multiple sexual partners Homosexuals Intra-Venous Drug abusers Truck drivers Factory & Construction Workers People already with other STIs

“Bridge groups”

Common STI s Syphilis Chancroid Genital Herpes Hepatitis B Genital warts

Gonorrhoea Chlamydia Candidiasis Scabies & Pubic Louse

Not all STIs have a ‘blood test’ Diagnosis by “Syndromic Approach” ALL STIs are curable People with STIs do not seek timely treatment

Common Symptoms of STI, in men Genital discharge Inguinal Swelling

Genital ulcer lower abdominal pain

A drip or discharge from the penis Sores, lumps, rashes or blisters near the sex organs or mouth Burning or pain when urination or having a bowel movement Swelling in the area near the sex organs Swelling or redness of the throat, fever, chills and aches- like flu

Some common STIs

Ulcer Chancroid



Factors that increase the risk of STI/HIV Prostitution Broken Homes Sexual disharmony Emotional immaturity Urbanisation International travel Changing behavioral patterns Social stigma Alcoholism Already existing STI


of “ Safe Sex ”

A – Abstain B – Be faithful C - Condoms Clean Syringes & Needles Safe, Certified Blood Sterilized Instruments for Ear-piercing, Tattooing Barber Shops

What is safe sex? “Safe Sex” is sex which affords NO risk for disease transmission or injury. Abstinence ( not having sex at all) is the most sure way. But this may not be acceptable or realistic. Fantasy, masturbating yourself, hot talk, and non-sexual massage on healthy skin

What is safer sex? “Safer Sex” is any sexual practice that reduces the risk of transmitting HIV/STI from one person to another.

This would include Mutually faithful relation Using condom Avoiding sex when either partner has open sores or any STI

AIDS A cquired I mmuno

( Something that you get )

( Capability of the human body to fight diseases )

D eficiency

( Shortage; reduction )

S yndrome

( A group of symptoms )

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AIDS Spreads by … Unprotected Sexual Intercourse Blood, Semen, Vaginal secretions

contaminated blood / skin-puncturing equipment Transfusions, Needle / Pricks, I.V.Ds

Mother to her newborn child


SIGNS OF AIDS MAJOR SIGNS 1. Weight loss greater than 10% of body weight 2. Severe tiredness lasting for several weeks 3. Diarrhoea for more than one month (on and off or all the time) 4. Fever for longer than one month MINOR SIGNS Swollen glands at two or more sites (excluding the groin) for more than three months Cough and breathlessness for more than one month Itchy skin rashes Cold sores all over the body Pink and purple blotches in the mouth or on the eyelids

Diagnosis of HIV HIV Infection is diagnosed by Blood Tests for Antibodies

HIV Antibody tests usually done are : 1. ELISA test 2. Western Blot test

preliminary / Screening test Confirmatory

Done at most Govt Hospitals Costly


HIV “Positive” 6 – 10 Years



s 4 – 6 Year


ry a d con

s n o i t c e f n I

6 weeks – 3 months

From 3 months upto 2 – 10 years

After 2 – 10 years

HIV Antibodies reach a high titre aprrox 3 months after the virus has entered the body

Anybody who has the virus is a carrier and can infect others

Signs & Symptoms of a disease manifest

If the tests like ELISA & Western blot are done within 3 months, they may be reported as negative. This is known as the window Period

He/She has no symptoms of the disease at this stage. Considered Positive as revealed by a positive test

However the patient will be in a carrier state transmitting the disease to others

A person can be an unknown carrier for years before the virus has destroyed much of the immune system that he/she falls ill

Window Period

HIV Positive

Period of latency for AIDS from the time of HIV Infection

These can be grouped under major or minor conditions

Dies due to opportunistic infections and/or AIDS

AIDS case

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