Prm Save

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,147
  • Pages: 7
export: release - production on sun jul 15 02:00:05 2007 copyright (c) 1982, 2002, oracle corporation.

all rights reserved.

connected to: oracle9i enterprise edition release - production with the partitioning, olap and oracle data mining options jserver release - production export done in we8mswin1252 character set and al16utf16 nchar character set server uses we8iso8859p1 character set (possible charset conversion) about to export specified users ... . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting foreign function library names for user prmdb . exporting public type synonyms . exporting private type synonyms . exporting object type definitions for user prmdb about to export prmdb's objects ... . exporting database links . exporting sequence numbers . exporting cluster definitions . about to export prmdb's tables via conventional path ... . . exporting table r_akmast 0 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_alarmcfg 9 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_amcfg 0 . . exporting table r_audit 137234 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_block 8066 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_calcfg 1 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_caldtdef 0 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_caldtdef_fluke 0 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_caldtrsdet 0 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_caldtrseq 0 . . exporting table r_caldtrslt 0 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_caleqlist 0 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_caleqtype 2 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_calgrpdet 0 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_calgrpmst 0 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_callist 0 exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics.

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1 rows exported 2809 rows exported 139266 rows exported 879 rows exported 4221 rows exported 2723 rows exported 9 rows exported 11770 rows exported

8066 rows exported 395 rows exported 1678 rows exported 940 rows exported 675 rows exported 940 rows exported 940 rows exported 76 rows exported 40 rows exported 16 rows exported 226 rows exported 14 rows exported 6 rows exported 9469 rows exported 0 rows exported 1363 rows exported

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0 rows exported 0 rows exported 0 rows exported 486 rows exported

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questionable statistics. questionable statistics. questionable statistics. r_mnt_command r_mnt_config r_mnt_history questionable statistics. r_mnt_num r_msgasoc questionable statistics. r_msgnumlist questionable statistics. r_msgnumstat r_msgset questionable statistics. r_partasoc questionable statistics. r_partlist questionable statistics. r_partmas questionable statistics. r_pkmast questionable statistics. r_pmtmast questionable statistics. r_prmcfg r_prminf r_proaut questionable statistics. r_recdesc_dic_s questionable statistics. questionable statistics. r_recdesc_dic_u questionable statistics. questionable statistics. r_rechelp_dic_s questionable statistics. questionable statistics. r_rechelp_dic_u questionable statistics. questionable statistics. r_rect_dic_s questionable statistics. questionable statistics. r_rect_dic_u questionable statistics. questionable statistics. r_refmas questionable statistics. r_reftbl questionable statistics. r_relrul questionable statistics. r_sermas questionable statistics. r_statusdisplay questionable statistics. r_stlabel

10 rows exported 152 rows exported 762 rows exported 2 rows exported 123233 rows exported 69 rows exported 1 rows exported 2 rows exported 0 rows exported 0 rows exported 0 rows exported 0 rows exported 5 rows exported 6 rows exported 1 rows exported 76 rows exported 2151 rows exported 1050 rows exported 1417 rows exported 580 rows exported 2937 rows exported 1580 rows exported 13 rows exported 168 rows exported 2 rows exported 2 rows exported 225 rows exported 4 rows exported

. . exporting table r_tmp_child_device exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_tmp_device_sec exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_unread_alarm 134797 rows exported exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_usergrp 4 rows exported exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_usermast 82 rows exported exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_userpmt 110 rows exported exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_usrrol_bak 3 rows exported exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . . exporting table r_versioning 1 rows exported exp-00091: exporting questionable statistics. . exporting synonyms . exporting views . exporting stored procedures . exporting operators . exporting referential integrity constraints . exporting triggers . exporting indextypes . exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes . exporting posttables actions . exporting materialized views . exporting snapshot logs . exporting job queues . exporting refresh groups and children . exporting dimensions . exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting statistics export terminated successfully with warnings.

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