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  • Words: 1,648
  • Pages: 9
PRIORITIZATION 1. Hypertension Criteria


Actual Score

1. Nature of the problem

3/3 x 1


2. Modifiability of the problem

2/2 x 2


3. Preventive Potential

3/3 x 1


4. Salience of the Problem

2x 1



Justification Hypertension is a Health deficit in which will cause complications that requires immediate attention and adequate management of one’s blood pressure. Current knowledge, interventions and resources are available to solve the problem of high blood pressure or hypertension Increase blood pressure can be prevented through proper health teaching and proper health management of hypertension. The family perceives Hypertension as a serious problem needing attention


2. Smoking Criteria Computation 1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 Problem

Actual Score 0.66

Justification Smoking is a health threat in which may cause a major risk in one’s health however does not demand immediate action

2/2 x 2


3. Preventive Potential

3/3 x 1


4. Salience of the Problem

1/2 x 1


2. Modifiability of the Problem


Current knowledge and resources are available and interventions are feasible in the elimination of smoking Smoking can be stopped, reduced or minimized The family recognizes it as a problem. It does not seem the problem as needing immediate action.


3. Inadequate Living Space Criteria


Actual Score


1. Nature of the problem

2/3 x 1


It is a health threat that does not need or demand immediate action.

2. Modifiability of the problem

1/2 x 2


3. Preventive Potential

3/3 x 1


Increasing the living space will require quite a financial expenditure. The family’s resources are presently not adequate. Increasing the living space will provide bigger space to allow adequate movements when performing housework.

4. Salience of the Problem

0/3 x 1



It is not perceived as a problem or condition needing change.










1. HYPERTENSION HEALTH TEACHING Good morning Mrs. Estrella, we’re student nurse Elaine de Leon and Mark Aquino from UERM. We would like to discuss about high blood pressure also known as hypertension. A normal blood pressure ranges from a systolic pressure of 100 to 140 and it diastolic pressure of 60 to 90. Hypertension or High Blood Pressure generally means when systolic blood pressure is consistently over 140 (systolic pressure represents the pressure generated when the heart beats) and diastolic blood pressure is consistently over90 (diastolic pressure represents the pressure in the vessels when the heart is at rest. Usually, no symptoms are present. Occasionally, you may experience a mild headache. If your headache is severe, or if you experience any of the symptoms below, you must be seen by a doctor right away. These may be a sign of dangerously high blood pressure called malignant hypertension or a complication from high blood pressure. You may also experience tiredness, confusion, vision changes, crushing chest pain, heart failure, and blood in urine, nosebleed, irregular heartbeat and ear noise or buzzing. Blood pressure elevated systolic of 140 and diastolic of 90 at any single measurement is considered as hypertension. High blood pressure happens because of sedentary lifestyle, smoking, obesity, diet (fat, cholesterol-rich and salty food), alcohol, and stress. Also, certain complications may develop if blood pressure is not monitored and maintained. These are the following: Stroke --High blood pressure is the most important risk factor for stroke. Very high pressure can cause a break in a weakened blood vessel, which then bleeds in the brain. This can cause a stroke. If a blood clot blocks one of the narrowed arteries, it can also cause a stroke. Impaired Vision --High blood pressure can eventually cause blood vessels in the eye to burst or bleed. Vision may become blurred or otherwise impaired and can result in blindness. Arteriosclerosis --As people get older, arteries throughout the body "harden," especially those in the heart, brain, and kidneys. High blood pressure is associated with these "stiffer" arteries. This, in turn, causes the heart and kidneys to work harder.

Heart Attack-- High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack. The arteries bring oxygen-carrying blood to the heart muscle. If the heart cannot get enough oxygen, chest pain, also known as "angina," can occur. If the flow of blood is blocked, a heart attack results. Congestive Heart Failure-- High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for congestive heart failure (CHF). CHF is a serious condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to supply the body's needs. You can take steps to prevent high blood pressure by adopting a health lifestyle. These steps include maintaining a healthy weight; being physically active; following a healthy eating plan, that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy foods; choosing and preparing foods with less salt and sodium; and, if you drink alcoholic beverages, drinking in moderation. Hypertension is controllable with treatment. It requires lifelong monitoring, and the treatment may require adjustments periodically. A healthy diet may also reduce the risk of hypertension and the maintenance of a normal blood pressure. Minimize salt, fat, and cholesterol intake in the body. Not only it caused hypertension may also contribute to heart disease which may lead to hypertension. Herbal medicine like GARLIC (BAWANG) has been used to lower cholesterol levels in the body and may help lowering blood pressure. Garlic may be fried, roasted, soaked in vinegar for 30 minutes, or blanched in boiled water for 5 minutes. Take two pieces three times a day after meals. Take on full stomach to prevent stomach and intestinal ulcers.

Health Problem Hypertension

Family Nursing Problem 1. Inability to recognize the presence of possible complication in hypertension due to lack of knowledge. 2. Inability to decide about taking appropriate action due to failure to comprehend the nature, magnitude and scope of the problem. 3. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to a member suffering from hypertension due to: a. lack of knowledge about the heath condition; b. lack of knowledge on the nature and extent of

Goal/ Objective General: After nursing intervention, the family will take the necessary measures to prevent and properly manage hypertension. Specific: After nursing Intervention, the family: a. can understand and explain hypertension b. Will be able to plan and prepare the appropriate meals. c. Will be able to do exercises and activities that will improve one’s health and prevent increase in blood pressure.

Intervention 1. Broaden the knowledge of the family on Hypertension in the patient’s level of understanding by providing pamphlets and pictures: a. Discuss the meaning of hypertension and importance of maintaining a normal blood pressure b. Discuss the implications of the signs and symptoms of hypertension c. Discuss the cause, effects and consequences of hypertension d. Discuss the

Rationale -will develop an awareness/ understanding about the health condition

Evaluation -discussed Hypertension on patient’s level of understanding.

nursing care needed.

d. Will be able to take the appropriate medication and treatment

prevention and treatment of Hypertension

- for proper food selection and healthy food preparation that will lessen increase in blood pressure

2. Discuss with the family the proper food selection and food preparation in preventing hypertension such as preventing salty, high in fat and high in cholesterol food and more of vegetables - to improve the and fruits. mother’s health condition and 3. Discuss the possible prevention of exercises such as increase in walking and blood pressure. activities like sweeping, dishwashing and recommend rest period in between - to lower activities. cholesterol levels in blood. 4. Demonstrate to the family members the preparation of garlic (bawang) as a herbal medicine in the

- Family was able to identify appropriate food selection and preparation in lessening cholesterol level in blood.

-discussed possible exercises and activities and recommended rest period in between activities.

-demonstrated preparation of garlic as a herbal medicine in he treatment and prevention of hypertension.

treatment and prevention of hypertension. Health Problem Cigarette Smoking

Family Nursing Problem I. Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem due to: a. Lack of or inadequate knowledge about the risks and effects of cigarette smoking II. Inability to make decision with respect to taking appropriate health action due to: a. Failure to comprehend the nature/ magnitude of the problem of cigarette smoking. b. Negative attitude towards the health condition or

Goal/ Objective




1. Discuss to the family about the cause and effects of smoking and its possible complications.

Develops a knowledge and understanding about cigarette smoking.

Discussed to the family the cause and effects and possible complication of smoking.

2. to provide activities that will disregard from smoking.

2. provide activities such as dancing or playing with her children.

Provides a healthy alternative from smoking.

-provided activities such as dancing or playing with her children

3. provide adequate counseling on the elimination/

3. advise client to minimize smoking by removing one stick a week.

Provides a gradual elimination of smoking.

-Advised to minimize smoking by removing 1 stick a week.

General: To eliminate or minimized smoking habits. Specific: 1. to provide health teaching about cigarette smoking.

Health Problem Inadequate Living Space

problem of cigarette smoking.

reduction of smoking.

Family Nursing Problem I. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to:

Goal/ Objective

a. inadequate family resources, specifically, limited financial resources b. lack of knowledge of preventive measures. II. Failure to utilize community resources for health care due to lack of family resources, specifically, financial resources.

General: After Nursing Intervention, the family will be able to provide an environment conducive to health maintenance and proper utilization of community resources. Specific: a. to provide health teaching on the basic measures in preventing illness/disease to a family member. c. be able to utilize community resources efficiently and economically




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