Principles Of Teaching Prelim Exam Notes.docx

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  • Words: 1,357
  • Pages: 2
PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING Understanding Teaching – Teaching as a Profession Implications – Change of Behavior, Change of Knowledge, Impact on the performance CONCEPT OF TEACHING Teaching – is a noble profession, rewarding and fulfilling - mother of all profession -without teachers we cannot produce other professions What is principle? Principles of Teaching – refers to the psychological laws of learning educational concepts and the rules of practice upon which all educational procedures are formed. Principles - rule for guiding the ship of education so that it will reach the port designated by the philosophy of education - is a compass by w/c the path of education is directed - mean any general truth or guiding norm by which a process is carried on Challenges of Teaching - meeting the challenges of time - meeting the need of time and quality The Purpose of Teaching - it goes beyond memorizing - it us important to the teachers to know how to handle class and being knowledgeable to its subject matter. - to develop learner’s potentials and develop their self-esteem. - teacher should know how to deliver a class - become a facilitator of learning and guilds learners

TEACHING FOR UNDERSTANDING 4 FRAMEWORK OF UNDERSTANDING (4 CORNER STONES) 1). Planning Generative Topic - Build the curriculum around important and accessible topics that interest learners and teachers - Preparation of topics / lesson plans - To organized 2). Understanding Goals - Define explicit goals for learners’ understanding and make goals public early and often - daily objective for quality goals - thinking about the outcome 3). Performance of Understanding - Provide multiple, varied opportunities for learners to perform in ways that develop and demonstrate their understanding. - to the different activity that develop and express their current experience - understand what the student already know. (learn, relearn, unlearn) - influence student to learn more. simplex to complex- application of their learning 4). Ongoing Assessment - Assess learners’ work frequently using public criteria that align with learning goals and suggest ways to improve. - Assessment through feed backing (example report card) - Diagnostic test, summative test, formative test, narrative report based on criteria - set activities to understand learners

- Get feedback to know what will do to improve their performance THE ELEMENTS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS 1). Teachers - Prime mover of the educational wheel - life-long learners 2). Learners - Prime participants in the learning process Students – grade 7 up – they are the one of learning scholastics Students – grade 6 below who receive instructions 1st century leaners are commutative, creative, open minded COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT - It is field of study in neuroscience and psychology, focusing on a child’s development in terms of information processing, conceptive resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of the brain development and cognitive psychology compared to an adult’s point of view. - Qualitative differences between how a child process its working experience and how an adult process his/ her working experienced are acknowledged. - The emergence of ability to consciously organize and consciously understand and articulate these understanding. - intellectual DEVELOPMENT - Is the construction of thought processes, including remembering problem solving problem and decision making from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. 2 FACTORS AFFECTING COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT - Nutrition – Illness – environment - discussion 1. Biological factors – substance that affect the environment 1. Senses – receives stimuli from the environment (the 5 sense) 2. Intelligent – the ability to learn about 3. Heredity – process of parsing. 4. Maturation – process of learning to cope and respond in an emotionally appropriate way. 2. Environment Factors 1. Learning opportunities 2. Economic Status 3. Play – opportunity to interact 4. Various types of stimuli 5. Family and society INDEPENDENT LEARNERS 1. Curiosity – explore, seek 2. Self Motivation 3. Self Examination – strength and weaknesses 4. Accountability knowing what you have to do. 5. Critical Thinking – think critically with multiple situation. 6. Comprehension – need visualize and instruct themselves 7. Persistence – serious, who don’t give up easily, they stive to understand full responsibility for their own learning


- One of the most basic characteristics of any learning process is the depth of study that it involves, the two extremes in the spectrum being surface learning, deep learning, and strategic learning. - They want to understand things 1. Deep approach - Students learn to self-direct their own education and to adopt what is known as 'academic mindsets,' and they learn to be lifelong learners.” 2. Surface approach - Surface learning (as its name implies) involves simply 'scraping the surface' of the material being studied, without carrying out any deep processing of the material. Students who adopt such a surface approach tend to work according to the following general pattern: concentrating purely on assessment requirements. 1.Visual






4.Physical 5.Logical 6.Social


7.Solitary -

7 LEARNING STYLES (Spatial) are those that learn best when they have an image or cue to help them process the information. They may also need to map out or write out their thoughts in order to really process what they are thinking. (Auditory-Musical) is a unique type of learning style, but it is used to classify those who respond primarily to sound. (Linguistic) learn best both under verbal instruction and writing. They typically excel with both. These learners are typically those that go into public speaking, writing, journalism, and debating. (Kinesthetic) are extremely animated and always need to be moving. They learn best by going through the motions of what they are learning. (Mathematical) They are the individuals who want to understand the reason behind content or skills and tend to enjoy games like chess and doing brainteasers. (Interpersonal) social learners are natural group workers. For students, these are the individuals that seem to be involved in every extracurricular activity. For adults, they are the individuals that like to be engaged with others, work on teams, and ask their peers for feedback in order to learn. (Intrapersonal) - Solitary learners are individuals who simply prefer to learn on their own and keep to themselves. In most situations, this is a learning style for socially introverted people—but not always. There are some people who are extroverts in social situations but prefer to be alone when they are trying to learn.

DAN LEARNING STYLE - DANIEL WILLINGHAM 1. Environmental a. lighting b. sound c. temperature d. sitting arrangements 2. Emotional a. motivation b. persistence c. responsibility d. structure 3. Sociological – association with people 4. Physiological – intake time of day and mobility, perceptual, visual and audity 5. Psychological – global vs. analytic – resort to do something before learning GUIDELINES OF LEARNING

1. There is no definite / single learning style, it’s always mixed. 2. Some people have dominant styles of learning with for less the style. 3. Other may use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right combination. 4. Styles that are developed can still be further improved for learning environment.

4 FACTORS OF LEARNER 1. Global learner 2. Analytic learner 3. Age 4. Gender



prefer to work soft lighting and informal setting, need breaks, mobility and snaking. prefer bright light and formal setting, no interruption, little or no snacking vary and change with age as people grow older boys and girls tend to learn different ways. Male – for visual, kinetics, mobile, informal environment, peer motivation Famale – auditory, informal setting, less mobility, selfmotivated, conforming, authority oriented.



2. Creative Learners


3. Intellectual learners


4. Practical Learners


are leaders they learn best by analyzing and solving problem by grouping the lectures instead of books and picture are Imaginative – They have open mind new ideas are organized – logical and precise. They find fast fascinating, none scientific, they find difficult to decide or act on a matter are both thinker and doers, experimentation

3 Stage of Persons Development 1. Acquisition birth to adolescence, basic development, cognitive 2. Specialization Schooling, personal experiences and early works 3. Integration mind corner through later life

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