Eit-teaching By Principles

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 335
  • Pages: 2
Rahmi Wuri Handayani


Mahardika Dhian P

05202241008 (secretary)

Izzashiyami Putri T

05202241012 (leader)

Novita Ratri P


Teaching by Principles 1. Automaticity It employees the learners’ ability in learning a language subconsciously 2. Meaningful Learning Learning the language with many relevant aspect. Avoid some abstract vocabulary or something that the learners cannot grasp immediately. Learning with a clear purpose. 3. The Anticipation of Reward Giving some forms of reward, such as compliment, present/gift, that will increase learners motivation in learning English. 4. Intrinsic Motivation A person might be motivated by the enjoyment of learning process itself or by his desire to be better. 5. Strategic Investment The learners’ own technique, style, and strategies to learn the language. 6. Language Ego When the learner learning a new language, he sometimes meet anxiety, doubt, that can influence the process of learning English. 7. Self-confidence It could be easily be claimed that no successful cognitive or affective activity can be carried out without some degree of self-confidence, knowledge of yourself, and belief in your own capabilities for that activity.

8. Risk-taking It implies that learner is supposed to be not being afraid of making mistakes or errors in learning English process. If the learners are not afraid of making mistake, then they will able to learn the language communicatively. 9. The Language Culture Connection Language and culture are related one to another. When people learn a language they also and should learn the culture of it. 10. The Native Language Effect The native language of learners exerts a strong influence on the acquisition of the target language system. 11. Interlanguage Teachers are engaged in a never-ending process of making sure that we provide sufficient positive affective feedback to students and at the same time give appropriate feedback to students about whether or not their actual language is clear and unambiguous. 12. Communicative Competence Given that communicative competence is the goal of a language classroom, instruction needs to point toward all its components: organizational, pragmatic, strategic, and psychomotor.

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