Primary Structure Of Jana Chetana Mancha

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,143
  • Pages: 4
What is Janachetana Mancha: Janachetana Mancha, is a people’s forum for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of ideas and experiences and inter-linking for effective action, by individuals, groups and movements of civil society who are opposed to violent politics and those who in favour of sustainable development. The forum has been conceived as a democratic space for protesting violence with special reference to the degrading practice of politics in West Bengal and in parts of India. The forum also emerge as a democratic space in search of path for sustainable development. Why This Janachetana Mancha: There is an urgent need to mobilize strong public opinion against violence in general and political violence in particular rampant in West Bengal and in several parts of India. The Indian nation is under the onslaught of a ceaseless trail of violence be it in the form of communal riots/assaults, caste based attacks or separatist and insurgent conflicts. In west Bengal, however, the violence that dominates the society is blatantly political. It is high time that a strong and unequivocal protest is built up and resolutely voiced against this violence which is destroying all social, cultural and economic activity and growth in the state. The increasing economic disparity and deprivation has marginalized and impoverished large sections of people. Their anger and desperation is being used by anti democratic forces to fuel mindless violence. The Rule of Law, a vital aspect of Democracy, at all costs. The state has to be made to function within the Law, with sensitivity and respect for the rights, interests and aspirations of the people. Immediately, it is necessary to unite and launch a peaceful campaign for an integrated and sustainable pro-people policy of development. JANACHETANA MANCHA is committed not to be guided by any political party, but individuals from different political parties and political belief may join. If any conflict between the stance of JANACHETANA MANCHA and that particular political party, in which the individual belongs, comes into surface, then the individual has to decide his/her stance. He/she has to quit from his/her party or from JANACHETANA MANCHA.

What JANACHETANA MANCHA Can Do: Only mass awareness and the vigilant role of people and social and constitutional bodies can ensure that the government, self-governing institutions and peoples’ representatives functioning in a democratic, honest and transparent manner. Janachetana Mancha is formed to mobilize public opinion in socially relevant issues like the above. We aim to emerge as a social movement for a healthy, truly democratic and civilized social life. We belive that only people’s voice can ensure the practice of participatory democracy. Membership Structure:

Executive Committee President Three Vice Presidents Six General Secretaries One Fund in charge Eight Members President, Vice Presidents, General Secretaries and Executive Committee Members will be elected by the general members in a General Body meeting. President will have the right to convene a meeting and dissolve the Executive Committee and to propose for election of a new Executive Committee, in discussion (preferably unanimously, but if not possible to take an unanimous decision, then on a majority principle by vote within the General Members in a General Meeting) with the Executive Committee Members. At at least 2 General Body Meetings of members and at least 12 Executive committee Meetings (one in a Month) should be held in a year. In absence of President, one Vice President (elected by the members present in that meeting) will preside over a General Body Meeting and Executive Committee meeting. Executive Committee will be elected in every year from general body meeting of members.

Advisory committee: Under the guidance of a Principal Advisor this committee consists of a panel of Advisors who will give their valuable advices in all these above mentioned sectors. Initially, there will be a single and common advisory committee. Later on, it will be better to have separate advisory boards on different sectors. In that scenario, a common advisory committee can still be in operation to supervise the separate, sector-wise advisory bodies. Advisory Committee and separate Advisory Bodies can suggest and advise directly to the Executive Committee or to the General Members in a general meeting. There will be seven teams for different work under the vigilance of the Executive Committee. 1. Anusandhan Dal (for research) 2. Mother India Team(for Women) 3. Sahojatri Team(website, national-international connections with other organisations) 4. Procharak Team (campaign) 5. Sobuj Dal (for youth) 6. Unnyan Team (for Sustainable Development) 7. Sahamarmi Team (for movement in support of victims of violent politics) Spokesperson(s): Appointed by the executive commitee. ASSOCIATED MEMBERS There will be associated members of the executive committee. Those members are nominated by the executive committee. Representetives of other organizations (who are willing to work with JANACHETANA MANCHA, without loosing their own organizational identity), convenors/presidents of dist/regional committees, experts for any specific work etc may be the associated members of executive committee. DISTRICT/ REGIONAL COMMITTEES There will be district/regional committees of JANACHETANA MANCHA. Those committees will function independently under the leadership of the executive committee.

Membership: I. Any Resident/Non-Resident Indian of any sex (including a transsexual) and sexual orientation, minimum of Sixteen years age, agreeing with the idea and aim of Janachetana Movement, can be a Regular Member of Janachetana Mancha. II. A regular member will pay a membership fee of Rs.10/-( Rs. Ten Only) per month. III. A regular member will have the right to;A) present/circulate his/her opinion(in written or in verbal form) in GM, AGM or directly to the Executive Committee or individually to any other Regular Member of the organization. B) be selected/elected in any committee(including the EC) of the organization, IV. A regular member is expected to believe, carry and execute the idea, message and aim of the Janachetana movement and his/her attitude, life style and practice must be in compliance with the essence of the movement, failing of which may result into his/her separation from the organization. Executive Committee, on behalf of the organization, will take the final decision on any Separation Issue. The decision must be passed through a resolution in Executive Committee, preferably unanimously; if not possible on a majority basis. V. Each and every separation process, initiated either by a Regular Member or by the organization, must be completed or resolved through an Exit Dialogue between the EC and concerned Member. VI. If, any Regular Member does not wish to participate in Exit Dialogue and want to leave the organization instantly, his/her written request/declaration, stating the same, is necessary. If, the member does not even wish to give any written request/declaration at least five Executive Committee members and five non-executive Regular Members will talk to the concerned member either by personally meeting him or over telephone and report the conversation in written to the Executive Committee, on which Executive Committee will take a decision, preferably unanimously; if not possible on a majority basis.

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