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Let’s Get PRofessional Hugh M Culbertson Chapter PRSSA. March 2009

Vol. 1 Issue 1

Not-for Not profit Sarah forPRprofit PR Irvin and Kelly Nowinsky By: Heather Farr

Agency PR- Nader Ali-Hassan By: Grace Naugle

Nader Ali-Hassan is an Account Supervisor in Digital Nonprofits: there are approximately 1.6 million in the Communication at Fleishman Hillard in Cleveland, Ohio. He United States, the largest, Lutheran Services in America, being in a the Nonprofits: there are approximately 1.6 million nearly $7 billion dollar network according to Matthew Sinclair of the graduated from Boston University with a degree in Public United States. With thousands of charities registered Nonprofit Times. This, at one point, placed Lutheran Services Relations. Ali-Hassan and the staff at the Digital nationally and flourishing and Rubbermaid successfully, ahead of American Online andrapidly just behind on how the does Communication department are digital strategists. These one organization make itself known among the masses? Fortune 300 list*. digital strategists are social media elitists who work the web to Public Relations. With thousands of charities registered nationally and navigate pathways to reach publics in new forms and deal flourishingNoticeably rapidly and successfully, how does one organization different from it’s counterpart, not-formake known amongfocuses the masses? Public Relations. with crises over the Internet. Digital communication is a profit itself public relations on “fulfilling an educational or different fromthan it’s counterpart, merger and a pioneering form of public relations, advertising charitableNoticeably mission” rather focusing not-for-profit on developing public relations onthat “fulfilling educational charitable services and focuses products will an “make moneyorfor its owners, and marketing. This form of PR has no boundaries and no mission” rather than focusing on developing services and products as a way of financially rewarding them for their investment in specific job description. Each day offers new discoveries, new that will “make money for its owners, as a way of financially the company”. posts, blog entries and innovative ways to reach audiences. rewarding them for their investment in the company”**. AlumniSarah Sarah Irvin of Irvin Public Relations has Alumni Irvin of Irvin Public Relations has had thehad the chance work withnonprofit severalclients nonprofit clients chance to worktowith several over the years.over the Ali-Hassan and his team advise and consult a variety years. “Nonprofit is a lot different from for-profit, given the of clients in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. fundraising“Nonprofit that has to is beadone,” Irvin said,from “also, nonprofit given the lot different for-profit, They use Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, organizations rely heavily volunteers, whichsaid, can get hardnonprofit fundraising that has toonbe done,” Irvin “also, Mang and Podcasts on a daily basis. The department teaches because people rely haveheavily such busy theses days”. organizations onschedules volunteers, which can get hard clients ways to make personal connections with customers One of Irvin’s nonprofit clients is the Columbus affiliate because people have such busy schedules theses days”. of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization, which hosts through interaction. The key word is transparency. Knowing One of Those Irvin’s who nonprofit clients isorthe Columbus “Race for the Cure”. do choose to work volunteer for that there is a face behind the name is one of the most affiliate organizations of the Susan G. as Komen thehave Cure organization, nonprofit such this onefor often a different goal important factors to remember when trying to connect to the which in mind.hosts “Race for the Cure”. Those who do choose to audiences of a product, or the credibility is lost, Ali-Hassan “People who and volunteer [for Susan G. Komen work or volunteer forwork nonprofit organizations such as this one said. Digital strategists know how to integrate and reach for the have Cure] aare differentgoal because they’re so passionate,” Irvin often different in mind. said, “we have a lot of survivors been death’s doortostep audiences through innovation using technology as a tool. “There are so manywho’ve reasons toatget people care, and they’re verytopowered [the Race] helping others”. we just have find theby ways,” Irvineand said. Public Relations professionals who are in the nonprofit One of the recent projects Ali-Hassan is involved in is It is not uncommon in non-profit PR situations to find field do more than simply plan events to make money. Ohio is 4th a campaign for a pharmaceutical client engaged in Asia a the “one person department” according Kelly Nowinsky, in country for mortality due to breast cancerto so the Susan G. Pacific. He is currently researching international and Public Relations COSI. Komen organizationManager “ works toatraise awareness through the year Nowinsky handles external communications, which influential bloggers in other counties. This intercontinental by servicing 23 counties”, according to Irvin. are so many reasons to get people tomanaging care, we all includes “There strategic communications planning, contact would not be possible without social media. He just have to findCommunications, the ways,” Irvine said. Institutional writing press releases and interacts with these bloggers and exchanges marketing It is not uncommon in non-profit PR situations find a PR pitching local media, handling social media efforts,towriting techniques and tactics. “one department” according to Kelly Nowinsky, plansperson for exhibits and films offered by COSI, and Public assisting the Relations Manager at COSI, the number one science museum in leadership team with media interviews and speeches. Ali-Hassan had advice for those going into the Public the country (Parents Magazine). “Every single day is different, and full which of cool new Nowinsky handles external communications, Relations field. He encourages as much activity on the web challenges,” Nowinsky said, planning, “Also, the great all thing about includes strategic communications managing as possible. Start following blogs of people you know in the working with non-profit PRwriting is thatpress you releases literally get do every Institutional Communications, and to pitching area. Start to build a network of people that you trust. Learn local media, handling social media writing PR plans for you single job; you are exposed to efforts, many new things because how to sort through information and bookmark articles that exhibits and films offered by COSI, and assisting the leadership are a small department or a one person department.” interest you through websites such as del.ici.ous. Use team with media and speeches. Being interviews single-handedly responsible for one’s own TweetDeck to see what the hottest topics are on Twitter. “Every single day is different, and full of cool new department can prove to have both positive and negative challenges,” Nowinsky said, “Also, the great thing about working sides. with non-profit PR is that you literally get to do every single job; To get a fresh perspective, in Ali-Hassan’s words: “The [other] is thatbecause you are very thing you are exposed to manyside new things youspread are a small stop going to the Pigskin, stop going to the Pub, and start and the work has to department.” get done because it’s just you,” department or a one person paying attention! NowinskyBeing said,single-handedly “but, I highly, responsible highly recommend it”. for one’s own departmentThe can Chamber prove to have both positive negative is sides. Orchestra of and Columbus another [other]that side Irvin is that you are spread and with If you have any more questions about social media or nonprofit “The group works with. very Irvinthing deals the work has tothe get audience done because just you,” said, about researching andit’s figuring outNowinsky who cares digital communications, email Nader at: “but, I highly, highlyorganizing recommendprograms it”. classical music, for children, organizing [email protected]. The Chamber Orchestra of Columbus is another outreach programs, publicizing events, and finding sponsors nonprofit group that Irvin works with. Irvin deals with researching andaudience donors.and figuring out who cares about classical music, Find him on Twitter or follow his blog on a new look the mostfornon-profit, the goals and objectives organizingWith programs children, organizing outreach programs, are at Crisis Communications from a traditional and digital point of different and always changing. publicizing events, and finding sponsors and donors. view at “Our main goal right now is to getfrom the younger “Non-profit is totally different public because it’s generation to care about classical music,”Irvin Irvin said, said. “it’s a passion not a good or service being sold,” With most non-profit, the goals and objectives are that people have.” Er: MEditor: different and always changing. Maranda Salingaranda Saling, VP of External Relations “Non-profit is totally different from public because it’s not a good or service being sold,” Irvin said, “it’s a passion that people

Let’s Get PRofessional March 2009

Hugh M Culbertson Chapter PRSSA.

Corporate PR- Chelsea Hamilton By: Tony Sylvester

If you had asked Chelsea Hamilton during her first year at Ohio University where she thought she would be in five years, she would have told you in sunny Los Angeles, California working as a publicist. “When I was in college, never did I ever think I would live in Columbus and be working for Bob Evans – never!” she said in an interview on November 17th, 2008. “But life took me [there] and now I love it.” Chelsea Hamilton graduated from the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism in 2006 with a B.A. in Journalism with a focus in the public relations sequence. Throughout her time at Ohio University, she was an active member of PRSSA—serving on the executive board for two years as well as being president her junior year. Today, Chelsea is experiencing the corporate world of public relations in her position as a PR consultant for Bob Evans. Any given day she has a variety of tasks she is expected to complete in order to do her job efficiently— a fact that she says keeps her day in the office interesting. “In my current position I work on media relations, internal relations, event planning, newsletters, social media, community relations, marketing and the list can go on,” she said. “Believe me when I say that no one day is the same.” When asked whether it is necessary for PR professionals to be to get their start in agency before entering corporate, Chelsea says that there are numerous ways to get experience. “[I would recommend] doing whatever that person feels like doing,” she said. “I think the bottom line is, is that agency life is not for everyone and if you know it is not for you, you should not feel that you have to go into agency because you learn plenty working in corporate.” “I enjoy focusing on one brand,” she said. “I feel like the hours are better, the pay is better and there is not as much turnover. You don’t have to keep track of your time and bill your client every 15 minutes.” The prospect of finding a job, however, can be daunting for future Bobcats who are looking to enter the real world relatively soon. For those who wish to focus on corporate public relations in their line of work, Chelsea has one simple word of guidance: “Network, network, network – I can’t say that enough. Networking has truly helped me get in the door of every single internship and job that I have had since graduating,” she said. Beyond strictly career-oriented advice, Chelsea encourages her undergraduate peers to let go of hardwired presumptions and embrace the unpredictability of life. “Life is so random and I think it’s important to know that things may not go as you have planned, but you will find your way and all will be okay,” she said.

Vol. 1 Issue 1

Government- JC Benton By: Maddie Stevens

Making strides in Ohio’s school system, JC Benton’s position as the Director of Board Relations for the Department of Education is a perfect example of government public relations and the many skills these professionals use. In an interview on Nov. 12, 2007, Benton explained that in his job, it is “truly about building, maintaining, and fostering relationships.” He has been in his position for one and a half years now, and was a press secretary for seven years prior. He works as a liaison between the Ohio State School Board and the Department of Education, working closely with the board’s president to communicate their efforts to other policy makers, the government, the legislature and community members across the state. He uses a combination of communication and public relations practices to ensure each month’s meeting of the two bodies runs smoothly by utilizing a staff for logistics, putting together briefing documents for each meeting’s discussion and making sure the presentations are consistent with the work of the department as a whole. “Every day is something new,” Benton said. He is able to use his PR training and combine it with his master’s degree in political science. Because of this Benton “enjoys political communications and the calling for public service for Ohio’s school kids.” Originally, Benton wanted to work for a PR firm. “I had no idea I would go down the state government route,” he said. But after volunteering in the governor’s office, he interned at the state agency and was then hired. He was fascinated by the workings of the government, and that’s when he decided to go back to school at Ohio University to get his master’s degree in political science. From fifth grade, Benton knew PR was the work for him, though he admits when he first read about it he thought it was all about taking clients to lunch and playing golf! To be a good fit for government PR, Benton said it is very important to be a people person and enjoy meeting diverse and unique individuals. The ability to relate to others on multiple levels is vital, too, and this goes back to his idea of fostering and maintaining strong relationships with others. He said it is also very important to get on-the-job experience. College classes prepare you only so much, and nothing beats internship practice. He advises those looking into government public relations to “become the best writer you can and pay attention to everything. Take an interest in other people and their backgrounds. Most importantly, don’t neglect the daily newspaper.”

Er: MEditor: Maranda Salingaranda Saling, VP of External Relations

Let’s Get PRofessional March 2009

Hugh M Culbertson Chapter PRSSA.

Consulting- M.J. Clark By: Rachel Miller

Vol. 1 Issue 1

Investor Relations- Jeremy Bridgman By: Morgan Lyles

M.J. Clark is a public relations professional with drive, experience and smarts that have allowed her to grow from doing data entry for a typewriter equipment company in Milwaukee to running her own business, consulting with various clientele. Her interest in public relations began in the mid1980s while she was working as an administrative assistant to a group of lobbyists for BellSouth Corporation in Washington D.C. After seeing how their PR department operated she began to pursue a degree in public relations from Ohio University and graduated with her BSJ from the Scripps School of Journalism in 1995 with a minor in Spanish. She later furthered her education with a master’s degree in Journalism and Communication from Ohio State University with a focus on organizational communication in 2006. Over the years she has worked in a variety of jobs from being a receptionist to U.S. Senator Bill Proxmire to teaching at Ohio University to working as a public information officer for the Ohio Department of Public Safety. She started her company, M.J Clark Communications LLC in 2003 and is still successfully running it today. Two of her biggest clients are Integrated Leadership Systems, a leadership company in Columbus, Ohio where she does a lot of leadership and team building coaching, and Carlile Patchen & Murphy, a law firm in Columbus, Ohio, her biggest strictly PR client. Clark’s favorite aspects of working in public relations have varied over the years. “When I started I enjoyed most the writing and event planning and media relations. I still am very interested in writing, but now enjoy most the business strategy and planning and enjoy least the event planning and media relations,” she said. Clark has much knowledge and great advice for those seeking a future career in PR. She stresses the importance of taking internships early on and learning about the variety of avenues in the field so that you can find the one that you truly love. She also stresses the importance of not limiting yourself, “When I decided to start my own business, people warned me that it’s lonely because you have to sit in your basement (usually) not getting out as much. I made the decision that I was not going to do that. So I have never been lonely. I do a lot of networking, training, attending meetings and events, etc. so I have never felt alone. If you want to start a company, YOU get to decide the parameters around which it will run. Don’t let anyone tell you what it ‘must’ be.” In her spare time Clark enjoys a variety of hobbies and activities including riding roller coasters, going to water parks, playing with her cat and children, eating chocolate and writing poetry.

According to Jeremy Bridgman, working in financial communications largely entails, “helping management teams turn their numbers into words.” As the Account Manager of Financial Communications in the Global Corporate Practice of Waggener Edstrom Worldwide, Bridgman’s position covers all facets of financial communications. Bridgman, a self-proclaimed media junkie, enjoys the constant news gathering that is required to efficiently perform his job. At the New York City Waggener Edstrom office, Bridgman works to actively execute financial community outreach, perception research, transaction communications, financial media relations and regulatory compliance. The Otterbein College alumnus received his bachelor’s degree in 2004 in Business Administration and Public Relations. He held Investor Relations positions at Ogilvy Public Relations and Makovsky + Company before beginning his work with Waggener Edstrom. “Both were invaluable experiences that helped me learn this niche within the public relations business,” he said. In light of the adverse changes occurring within today’s economy, Bridgman has seen a trend in the financial communications and investor relations field. He has noticed that Chief Executive Officers and Chief Financial Officers of companies are relying heavily upon their investor relations professionals for strategic counsel. “With so much depression about the present and confusion about the future, it’s more important than ever for companies to effectively tell their story,” he said. “We may not know all the answers, but it’s our job to keep stakeholders informed.” In terms of the future, Bridgman claimed that he thinks technology can affect the way that we as PRofessionals do our job. An avid Twitter user, Bridgman also said that he thinks social media will play a gradually increasing role in speed and method of financial disclosure. The business acumen and communications savvy demanded by his job have captivated Bridgman, who says he sees himself staying in the investor relations field. Waggener Edstrom, whose vision is to “be the recognized leader in communicating world-changing innovations that

influence markets, inspire people and improve lives,” is a great firm, according to Bridgman.

Er: MEditor: Maranda Salingaranda Saling, VP of External Relations

Let’s Get PRofessional March 2009

Hugh M Culbertson Chapter PRSSA.

Vol. 1 Issue 1

Entertainment PR- Mark Cendrowski By: Annie Farinella Mark Cendrowski, a situational comedy director in Los Angeles, acknowledges the important role that public relations play in the entertainment industry. Cendrowski, a TV and film major from The University of Michigan, has been directing since 1983. His current projects include The Big Bang Theory and Rules of Engagement on CBS. He also works for The Disney Channel, directing shows such as Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place. “PR really drives the industry, whether it be giving the green light for pilot episodes, keeping the studios interested in various projects, or just getting the word out there about new and upcoming shows or actors.” People in the public relations field help to create and fix an ‘image’ for various professionals in the entertainment industry. “[In this industry] you have to constantly sell yourself and share ideas,” Cendrowski said. “It is a lot about how you are perceived.” This is where the skill of PR professionals comes into play. PR representatives are vital in covering the scandals that arise in Hollywood, especially the ones concerning actors and directors. Cendrowski says that the search for good PR people never ends, and that their experience in handling scandal and gossip is always in high demand. “In a day and age when people’s personal lives are displayed in magazines, the Internet, and other forms of media, it is important to know who to call when something goes awry with a difficult situation,” he said. Cendrowski also recognizes that networking is an imperative part of PR. Because the turnover rate is so great in the entertainment industry, Cendrowski says that good connections and a good network to fall back on are extremely important when it comes to moving from job to job. “I have been on shows that have lasted four years, and I have been on shows that have lasted four weeks,” he said. “It is all about connections.” PR is integral to the entertainment industry—Mark Cendrowski’s career and the careers of countless others in this business would not have been able to flourish had it not been for the art of public relations. ‘”The demand for PR people doesn’t fluctuate,” Cendrowski said. “There is always a need for Public Relations in the Entertainment Industry.”

Edited by: Maranda Saling

Er: MEditor: Maranda Salingaranda Saling, VP of External Relations

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