Preview- Unfold

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,660
  • Pages: 8
Chapter 1 “Incoming!” A football was thrown in the hallway. Teenagers were at their lockers talking to their neighbors. Others were either applying makeup or were bumping each other fist and talking about the upcoming foot ball game, except for four other people: Tora, Ian, Zack and Raven. Tora was in the greenhouse watering her Lily flowers. Ian was in the gym punching bags. Zack was running around the track. And Raven. What was she doing and where was she? She was a very strange and mysterious person and a person of beauty. She wouldn’t spend her time applying make up or chatting with the other popular girls. She would rather look out the window and be in her own little world or sit on the rooftop and imagine what would come next. She was a girl of many things and so were the other three kids. Special even. But why? “Hey have you seen Tora?” A pixie hair girl asked. “No,” A blond whispered, “But have you seen Zack running outside the school today? He looked so cute!” “Of course we have! God I wish he would ask me out, but he never does. Wonder why." “Anyway we know Tora is head over heels with him and they are best friend. Why doesn’t she just ask him out?” “You know why. She’s a really shy person, but yet she really pretty.” “Shush!” The pixie hair girl whispered. “Zack is coming.” No sooner had she said that Zack came through the Gym door and was immediately crowded by guys and girls. He bumped fist with the guys and hugged the girls. That he does every day. He’s the school’s jock and was very athletic in sports and was always at the top of his classes. And he never hurt a fly. “Practicing for the upcoming track tryout?” His friend, Sam, said. Zack smiled. “You bet. Think I’ll pass?” “You always do.” He laughed until his eyes turned to the front entrance of the school. He stopped laughing and just stared in amazement at the girl who entered. Her hair was long and a sparkling black. She had pale skin but in a die-for way, black calm eyes that never seemed to meet yours and a beautiful feature that any celebrity girls would just kill for. She also wore a long sleeve t-shirt that showed her bare shoulders, a skirt that ended in the middle of her thigh, knee-high socks and combat shoes. She was the most beautiful and popular girl in school even though she always keep to herself. “You still crazy for Raven?” Sam murmured, also awe at her beauty. Zack didn’t answer only stared at her. When she came closer he stood up straight, cleared his throat and smiled at her. “Hi Raven.” She didn’t stop or say anything back but kept walking. His smile faded and he looked down in defeat. His friend tried to soothe him but it didn’t work. Zack had



been in love with Raven ever since he saw her sitting in a room alone staring out the window in thought. It had captured his heart then and there. But she never spoke to him or acknowledges him. “Are you okay Zack?” Tora just arrived from the greenhouse and saw Zack sober. And she only had one guess why. “Let me guess, Raven ignored you again?” “She didn’t ignore me,” Zack protested but his voice wavered. What was that girl’s problem? Tora yelled angrily in her head. She cared deeply for Zack –love him secretly- and hated to see him getting hurt and falling for a girl besides her. They’ve been best friend ever since they were little. They shared everything together: secrets, food and stuff. But she never told him that she loved him more than a friend. “You should really get over her. She never talks to you, look at you, she never does to anyone, and she’s always in her own little world.” Zack looked up at Tora with hurt in his eyes and she instantly regretted what she said. “I can’t get over her. And I’m not going to give up. I just have to try and maybe I’ll break through that cool façade of hers.” Tora just sighed and jumped at the bell. Their friends left them for their classroom earlier so they were late. They rushed toward their classroom while Ian just walked out of the gym. He was always late and the teachers never bothered to do anything because of his reputation. He got into tons of fight-always win- and he always spent his time in the gym at school. But really he’s a nice person but people never looked beyond his tough but handsome appearance. He slung his bag over his back and began walking toward the stairs. “Hey Zack!” Sam called out. Zack looked around his locker and saw Sam running toward him grinning. “What?” Sam leaned on his knees and took deep breathe talking in between. “Did you hear about the people who are going to the ‘Mystery Trip’?” Zack eyes gleamed with hope and curiosity. “You know whose going?” “Well I heard your name. I was in the office for detention don’t even ask,” Sam muttered as Zack opened his mouth to ask why. “And I manage to catch your name on who is going.” Zack grinned and punched his fist in the air. “Yes! I’m going!” As soon as he said that the P.A. speaker began announcing the trip. “Excuse me all students, this announcement is for the students who are going to the ‘Mystery Trip’. As you all know only four people are going. The students whose names are called will you report to the office to pick up your schedule and requirement: Tora, Ian, Zack and Raven. I’ll repeat: Tora, Ian, Zack and Raven. Please report to the office for your schedule and requirement.” Zack stood there dumbfounded. Tora was coming with him and not only her but also Raven. He smiled even wider and began running through the hall to the office thinking of what he’ll do to get Raven’s attention during



the trip. While he was running Tora was happy and mad on her way. She was able to go on the trip and also with Zack. But Raven would be coming so he wouldn’t pay any attention to her. On the way Tora thought of ways to get Zack attention. Ian wasn’t too excited about going but he also was. He never got elected to go on a trip and he was also going with the other 3 most popular kids. He thought of ways to become friends with them. Raven didn’t even show the slightest emotion about the trip. She was sitting in her private room looking out the window, thinking of something- or someone- until she heard her name announced in the P.A. box and the word office. She didn’t feel like going but she just sighed and left the room thinking about what she’ll do. “Okay,” The principal sighed as he stepped out of his office,” You guys have been chosen for the trip. Here are your schedules and what you need for the trip.” He handed out papers to Zack, Tora and Ian who were standing in line, excited. “Where’s Raven?” Zack look around and notice that Raven wasn’t here. Where is she? Does she not want to come on the trip? Is she avoiding me? Zack shook that last suggestion away and began to panic until the door opened and Raven herself stepped in. “Raven?” Raven didn’t do anything but stepped in line with the others. Not speaking nor making any eye contacts. The principal stood in awe at her beauty-watch out, pervert alert-and handed her the schedule and what she needed for the trip. “You’ll need this for the trip.” She grabbed it but made no move to look at it. “The trip is on Friday so you guys have two days to pack up and get everything ready. Now is there any question?” “Actually,” Ian spoke up, “why did we get picked?” “Well to tell you guys the truth you were handpicked by the person who was supporting the trip and who takes of the place where the trip is.” “Where is the trip?” Zack asked. The principle smiled. “In London.” Tora gasped. “We’re going all the way to London?” He nodded. “Oh my god! I’m going to London! Wait, do we have to pay for it?” “Nope.” Tora squealed and hugged Zack. He smiled and hugged her back, while it left Ian and Raven standing alone beside each other. Ian did a sideway glanced to Raven. She was looking down at her feet. He was about to say hi until she turned and walked out of the room, slamming the door during the process. What was her problem? He shrugged and turned to Zack and Tora who were still hugging each other.



“Hey.” Ian muttered. They were too busy in their own world that they didn’t hear him so he just gave up and left for home.

Chapter 2 “Dang what am I going to where?” It was Friday and Zack didn’t pack yet so he was throwing whatever he could into his suitcase. His mom kept him yesterday in case something happened to him she would treasure their last moment together. His father was never around since he ditched them when Zack was only 4. He couldn’t recall any memory of him anyway. “I gotta impress Raven!” Luckily he got a seat next to Raven. They were going to be seating together for 7 hours. More than enough time to get her attention. “Zack!” His mother called. “Yes mother?” “How many times do I have to tell you? Don't call me by that, it makes me sound old.” “Okay mom!” He said, impatience, throwing stuff around to find his favorite t-shirt. His mom entered with a long sleeve shirt in her hands. “Now, are you looking for this?” Zack looked at the t-shirt and sighed in relief. She was holding his favorite t-shirt. Hurriedly he threw it on and hugged his mom. “Thank you mom.” “You better call every day, alright?” “Yes mom I will.” A horn honked outside. “Well there is your ride.” His mother said tears in her eyes. “I’m going to miss you.” “Mom!” Zack groaned as she hugged him again. “I’m only going to be gone for a month. I’ll be back before you know it.” “Promise?” Zack smiled and kissed her mother cheek. “I promise.” “Remember to exercise, to brush your teeth and to put on lotion after you take a bath.” Tora’s mother, Sarah, reminded her.



Tora just groaned and grabbed her bag. “I will mom, okay?” “Also don’t forget to use that dress to the ‘Welcome Dinner’ if you want to catch Zack’s eyes, alright?” “Mom!” Tora groaned again. “I will wear whatever I want to the dinner alright and I’ll try to get Zack’s attention however I want!” Although her mom’s idea was great. Sarah sighed and grabbed her daughter into a hug. “You promise you’ll be alright?” “Yeah.” “Okay.” Sarah turned to the stairs and called out, “James! You get down here right now and hug your daughter good-bye!” They heard a grunt and heavy footstep coming down the stairs. James appeared looking as handsome as he was 15 years ago when Sarah met him. He was a big man but had a soft heart. This is why she fell in love with him in the first place. James grabbed his daughter into a bear hug, hiding the fact that he was worried, and kissed the top of her head. “You better be careful. And make sure Zack still treat you good.” “I will daddy.” Tora beamed. They all heard a car horn honk outside. Tora took this cue to kiss them both on the cheek and to run out the door yelling good-bye to them. “You got everything you need?” Ian’s dad, Robert, grunted. He was a tall and masculine guy and was a pro wrestler but he was a decent father. Robert was always there for his son and never put his title before Ian. “Yes dad.” Ian murmured. Nervous but excited at the same time. This was his chance to become friends with the three most popular kids in school. “Well,” Robert looked around the front entrance, nervous, “just make sure you drop some hint on how you’re doing.” “Okay dad.” They became silence afterward but it wasn’t awkward. Ian actually felt comfortable. He was always scared of his dad because he was a pro wrestler, but right now he felt like he would never hurt a fly. Or hurt him. A horn honked, breaking the silence and Ian’s thought. Ian nodded his head to his dad and rushed out to the car, where Zack and Tora were talking about what they’ll do. When they saw Ian they smiled and started a conversation with him. “Hey Ian.” Zack greeted as Ian sat down besides them. “You ready for the trip?” Ian blinked in shock at them, but quickly recovered and smiled. “Yeah I am.” He looked for Raven but didn’t see her. “Are we going to go pick up Raven?” Zack eyes brightened when he heard Raven’s name and nodded. “Yep. Then we’ll be on our way to the airport.”



The car pulled away from Ian’s driveway. Tora looked out the window, thinking of how she’ll be able to attract Zack. She is pretty and she loves him very much. They’re best friend… Tora groaned in defeat. They are best friend and that’s all Zack thinks of her. “Wow.” Zack’s voice sounded amazed. Tora looked at Zack and began to ask what happened until she saw where he was looking at. The car had stopped and they were parked in front of a huge mansion. Even the gate was huge. There were Oak trees on either side of the driveway and the front entrance had a gothic style to it. The whole mansion was a gothic style. “I never knew Raven was rich.” Tora stared in amazement at the mansion. “Neither did I.” Zack murmured. “Well, is she going to come?” Ian asked. No sooner had Ian said that the door- they didn’t notice it- next to the gate opened and Raven stepped out and walked toward the car. She still looked beautiful and was still distant. Her black hair now had silver color edges to it and a black fire tattoo was shown in the corner of her right eyes. Yet she still looked like a dark princess to them. After she placed her backpack into the trunk she sat besides Ian and looked out the window. Not aware that the two boys were trying to talk to her. “Hi Raven.” Zack greeted her, but she didn’t even budge from her position. “Hey Raven?” Ian spoke up, confident that he could become friend with Raven, and he could’ve sworn that she saw her grey eyes flicker to him for a brief moment. But she was still staring out the window. Tora pouted at the boys’ behavior and sat back looking out of her own window. How could she compete with a dark princess? Raven was really beautiful and she was just … pretty. Raven wasn’t even doing anything to get Zack’s attention but she gets them! Tora sighed and looked back at Raven who now had her eyes close. She did same and thought of Zack who was now looking out his own window. “Okay guys,” Zack announced to the others as they got to their gate, “the plane will start boarding in 5 minutes. Let’s introduce ourselves and get to know each other better.” And hopefully to get to know Raven better. “I’ll start first. I’m Zack and I love sport. But most of all I love to run. I had never hurt a fly and I’m not planning on it anytime soon.” “I'll go next!” Tora offered. “I’m Tora and I love Zack!” She stopped, realizing what she just said and quickly try to cover it up. “Like a brother! And I also love to plant. My favorite flower is Lily flowers.” “I’m Ian and I love boxing. I may seem harsh at first but really,” He paused not sure if he wanted to confessed, but thought better of it, “all I want is to make friends. I’m a really nice person and I’m not really mean.”



“Great!” Zack smiled then looked at Raven who was staring up at the ceilings. “How about you Raven?” Raven didn’t do anything for a while so Zack gave up until they heard her speak. “I’m … Raven.” She didn’t say anymore, but it was enough for Zack who thought it was an improvement. “Well, anyway the plane is boarding so let’s go!” Zack pumped his fist into the air then grabbed his bag and walked toward the entrance to the plane, giving the flight attendance his ticket. “Is he always like this?” Ian asked Tora as they and Raven began heading for the entrance. Tora just sighed and nodded. “Yup. He’s always like this but it’ll rub off of you.” “Raven!” Zack yelled to Raven as she tried to find her seat. When Raven spotted Zack she walked toward him and checked the seating. She was sitting by the window besides Zack. She mentally frowned at the thought but sat down anyway. Once she did he was already bombarding her with question. “Are you excited to go? Will you miss your home? What do you think will happen?” And. “I never knew you were rich.” Raven just sighed and slipped on her headphone, turning up the volume on her IPod. She couldn’t deal with energetic people. They were always exhausting to her. Well, now they were exhausting to her. After an incident had happened she was never the same again. After all her sister had died. Her twin sister. Zack was still asking her question trying to get her out of her quiet state but when he saw that she was still resting with her headphone on, he gave up and checked his watch. It was 3 o’ clock. They would arrive at 9:403:40 in London- and would arrive at the destination in 20 minutes. He sighed and rubbed his head from the confusing of time difference. “Zack!” A voice whispered, as he jumped from his chair and saw Tora standing beside him. “What are you doing here?” She looked hurt and Zack instantly regretted it. He hated hurting her, but he was hoping he could use this time to talk with Raven, who was now looking at Tora in annoyance. “I just wanted to talk to you. Want to sit with me and Ian? Apparently we have an empty seat next to us so I wanted to know if you want to reserve for it.” Tora said hopefully, aware of the annoying look on Raven face. Zack shook his head. “No thanks Tora. Sorry, but I just mostly wanted to lie down and sleep. We’re going to have an early day tomorrow.” Tora smiled faded and her hope fell. “Oh, okay. Well if you ever want us you can just come over.” With that she left. When she reached her seat she instantly hit her head on the back of the chair in front of her, startling the person on it. “Sorry!”



“Wow,” Ian murmured, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this before. Let me guess, Zack rejected your request for the seat next to you.” Tora nodded her head. Ian just shrugged and read the magazine from his bag. “Bummer, but I can tell why he would reject. Raven is after all a beautiful girl. Not to also mention mysterious and distant. Any guy would want to try and crack her cool façade. While doing so, falling head over heels in love with her.” “And what makes you so sure?” Tora grumbled. “Think about it. Raven is a beautiful girl, which any guy would mostly fall for, she’s mysterious, that adds more challenge for the guys that they love, and she’s a ‘Dark Princess’. If you observe most people fall for the dark then the light because the dark is very different in a way.” “Huh?” Ian groaned and shook his head. “Just think about it.” “But if you could tell all this from an observation then why aren’t you in love with her?” He shrugged. “Because not even I would be able to get her. Or even Zack that’s for sure. By observing you can tell she’s annoyed with Zack energetic self. And she’s not also interested in a guy like me.” Tora thought about it and came up with another question. “Aren’t you a boxer? How can you tell all this from one observation?” “Well, one thing about boxing is to know your opponents and his moves. Meaning I have to observe how he moves and how he reacts. Once you do it enough you just begin to observe everyone around you.” “Ah. I see. Well you think I’ll have a chance of making Zack fall in love with me?” He looked at Tora for a moment and gave her a sly smile. “Maybe, maybe not.” Then looked back at his magazine.

Chapter 3 “This is so amazing!” Tora squealed. The four teenager arrived at London and were now riding in a limousine. Why they don’t know but they were to awe at the sight to even care about it. After all it Is London. It maybe not be like Paris but it’s beautiful enough. The buildings, monument and even the people. “You are right.” Zack murmured. Zack’s and Tora’s faces were plastered to the window trying to see as much as they could.



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