Presidents Report May 2009

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Brian G. Tamblyn Volume 11 Issue 1 May 7, 2009

Thashehad current global economic crisis that has seen Canada spiral into its worst recession since the Depression devastating consequences for many families across the country, as reported in daily newspapers that headline rising unemployment, bankruptcies and foreclosures.

Our partners and friends in the automotive industry have been hit particularly hard, and this should be a concern to us all as this industry employs, directly and indirectly, one out of every eight Canadians. The industry has weathered economic storms before, and we can only hope that the same creativity and resilience will ultimately prevail during the current crisis. Dramatic change in the automotive landscape is inevitable, but hopefully this period of transition will lead to a spirit of renewal that will enable the North American industry to better compete in the global marketplace for years to come. The auto industry is not the only sector impacted by the collapse of the world financial markets and with it, consumer confidence. Some economists have gone so far as to describe the current global recession as an “economic pandemic.” Yet, very often in such troubled times, colleges such as Georgian can shed light on many lives by restoring hope and confidence. Among governments, politicians, media and the public, colleges are heralded as vital catalysts for economic recovery, with growing numbers of Canadians looking for ways to better themselves either for their current or future careers. The lifeline provided by colleges partly explains the momentum gained at Georgian over the past several months that will undoubtedly result in new enrolment records again this fall. From the increased enrolment of last September and January, to the current number of fall 2009 applications and confirmations, all signs point to another banner year for Georgian and, most importantly, for our community, at a time when there has never been greater need for our programs and services. The March 1, 2009 audit count showed an increase in full-time postsecondary enrolment of 8.15 per cent over the year before. Laurentian@Georgian enrolment increased 8.5 per cent over the 2008 March audit. When Second Career Strategy students are added in, our overall full-time enrolment went up 9.57 per cent in the winter semester. This all comes after we at Georgian saw our January intake increase by 53 per cent. The Ontario College Applications Service (OCAS) Admissions Report released on April 28 indicated that Georgian’s confirmations for total funded programs were up by 9.1 per cent over the year before, riding on the strength of a 7.2 per cent increase in applications (an increase of approximately 800 applicants over April 29, 2008). Applications to Laurentian@Georgian were also up an impressive 13 per cent according to a similar March 31 report. Past experience has taught us that strong counts in the spring and summer do not, necessarily, translate into solid registrations in the fall without a concerted effort by each of us to reach out to our applicants and their families in the coming weeks and months. We need them to experience, first-hand our well-earned reputation as a caring and nurturing institution. Over the years Georgian has developed and perfected one of the best conversion programs in the college system. It provides many contact points with prospective students, including: Preview sessions; mass mailings; call centres; e-mail blasts; personalized campus tours; consultations with program co-ordinators, faculty, and staff in Student Services; and the opportunity to experience student life through the exceptional efforts of our student governments. Like you, over the years I have heard students continued over...

Office of the President

Georgian College One Georgian Drive Barrie, ON L4M 3X9 Tel: (705) 728-1968 ext. 1248 Fax: (705) 722-1559 E-mail: [email protected]

comment about how they are more than just a number at Georgian. There is no doubt that the main reason conversion events, such as the highly successful April 25 Preview sessions, have been so effective is because they enable prospective students and families to experience the human side of Georgian in ways that instill confidence and optimism that they are making the right choice. The latest Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were released by the provincial government early in April, and I want to congratulate the staff for once again achieving solid results across the board. Despite this difficult economic period, I was pleased to see that Georgian achieved a Graduate Employment Rate of 92.4 per cent, marking the 11th consecutive year since the inception of the KPI program that Georgian has surpassed the 90 per cent mark. In the other main categories of student, graduate and employer satisfaction, we achieved results above the system average, which is important in part because it affects the College’s share of KPI funding from MTCU. Over the course of the coming weeks, staff will be drilling deeper into the latest results to identify areas of strength and possible future improvements. Combining Georgian’s impressive enrolment growth this year with what will be additional good news as a result of the Ontario budget last month, we expect to see a significant swing in the 2008/09 year-end financial results, from a deficit position originally anticipated to a small surplus position. I want to stress, however, that at this point there has been no official provincial announcement on year-end funding for 2008/09. Our estimates indicate that the bulk of this good year-end news is a result of the College’s successful enrolment growth strategies. This improved financial position for the end of 2008/09 will greatly help Georgian cope with a financially challenging 2009/10. At this point in time, Georgian has received virtually no information regarding provincial funding for 2009/10. However, as a result of a variety of budget adjustments and the expectation for some improvement in funding, the 2009/10 budget that will be presented to the Board of Governors in May will show a much smaller deficit than had previously been estimated. The College will have adequate reserves to cover the 2009/10 shortfall, although the Board of Governors will expect us to reduce the projected deficit as the year goes on. The province is also close to finalizing a new funding formula for colleges, but it is unclear at this point as to what impact it will have on Georgian. Ideally, the formula will include a combination of base and growth funding; however it will take until at least June before the final details are known. Given some of the ongoing uncertainties, our best strategy is to continue to grow, while at the same time controlling expenses and maximizing multiple sources of revenue so that we can become less reliant on government funding. This will mean that any increases to our full-time complement in the short term will have to be limited and by exception, but we do plan to review all vacancies and I expect that the vast majority will be replaced. We are hoping to hear exciting news any day now on our Centre for Health and Wellness project. A detailed submission was sent to the federal government at the end of March requesting support through Industry Canada’s “Knowledge Infrastructure Program.” Georgian is requesting $27.5 million from each of the federal and provincial governments toward the overall project cost of $65 million. The College has already achieved its preliminary fundraising target of $10 million towards the project. We will be required to have the 165,000square-foot building “materially completed” by the end of March 2011. In order to meet this very tight deadline, shovels will need to be in the ground no later than this summer. The community support for this project has been nothing short of amazing. I alluded to a number of the donors in a recent newsletter, and we have subsequently received a $500,000 donation from the Georgian Alumni Association Board of Directors. Barrie SAC has agreed to donate $100,000 to the Health and Wellness project as well as $50,000 to the Centre for Sustainable Technologies that is nearing completion. Construction on the latter building is on-time and onbudget with a July completion date and the official opening is scheduled for September 17. Updates on the opening will be communicated to staff through the summer semester. I am pleased to further announce that every member of the Georgian Board of Governors has agreed to make a donation to the Centre for Health and Wellness. I am also delighted to report that in the first month of the

Office of the President

Georgian College One Georgian Drive Barrie, ON L4M 3X9 Tel: (705) 728-1968 ext. 1248 Fax: (705) 722-1559 E-mail: [email protected]

Georgian Employee Challenge, an impressive $141,000 was raised towards the overall Power of Education $25million capital campaign. When I meet with members of the community, donors and government representatives, I am extremely proud to be able to stress how the Georgian “family” of governors, staff, students and alumni are all participating and standing behind our campaign for the future.I want to personally thank all of you who have made a contribution to date. Also, I want to acknowledge and thank the staff who have volunteered as team leaders for the Employee Fundraising Campaign, notably: Catherine Dewhurst, Jean Stevens, John Cunningham, Vern Telford, Ruthanne Krant, and Greg Levis from faculty; Tara Hardy, Mary Kilsch, and Patricia Watson, representing Support Staff; and from Administration, Cathy Campbell, Gabe Koopmans, and Hank Thibideau. Shortly, the Georgian Retirees’ Association will be launching its own campaign. This internal support for the Power of Education is a wonderful tribute to Georgian and our students, and illustrates why Georgian is widely regarded as one of the top colleges in Canada. In total, some $17 million of the $25-million target has been raised to date, with more exciting news to come. The addition of new buildings such as the Centre for Health and Wellness and the Centre for Sustainable Technologies should not detract from the fact that Georgian faces a monumental challenge in deferred maintenance costs across our aging infrastructure. The total cost to repair and renovate facilities at all of our campuses is estimated at $30 million. I remain hopeful that Georgian will receive a sizeable infusion of deferred maintenance funding as part of the provincial and federal economic stimulus packages. These projects should be attractive to government because they can generate immediate employment opportunities across the province through infrastructure work that can be started, and completed, quickly. The 2009 recipients of the Board of Governors’ Awards were recently announced and the Recognition Committee was extremely impressed with the overall number and calibre of nominations. In fact, this year brought the largest number of nominations the Board has received in many years. Deciding on the final winners proved very difficult in virtually every category and, for the first time ever, the “Team Award” has been added, going, in its inaugural year, to the staff at the Midland Campus. This is a very deserving recognition of a campus that has undergone an extensive transformation over the past several years, culminating in the opening of one of the finest Skilled Trades Centres in Ontario, and the official dedication last August of the Robbert Hartog Midland Campus. Other award winners include: -

Award of Excellence – Brian Charles (Support Staff); John La Brie (Administration); and Geoff Booth (Faculty) Innovation Award – Terri Edmonstone, Jo-Anne Roos, Jen McGillis and Shona Rickard (Orientation Team) Professional Development Award – Anita Arvast Distinguished Alumni Award – Dianne Martin, Executive Director, Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario (1998 Nursing graduate, Owen Sound) - Distinguished Partnership Award – BMO (Bank of Montreal), RBC Royal Bank, and Canadian Shipowners Association - Board of Governors’ Award – John Hart (organist for the Barrie and Orillia convocations for the past 41 years) - Honorary Bachelor of Applied Studies – Barry Peacock, Kempenfelt Graphics Congratulations go as well to Katherine Wallis of the Barrie Campus, who has been selected as the 2009 recipient of the Outstanding College Librarian Award from the Canadian Technical and Colleges Libraries (CTCL) Association. Katherine has been instrumental as the Director, Library Commons, in the advancement of all of Georgian’s libraries and she is very active provincially as well on behalf of the Ontario college system. Katherine will receive the prestigious award in Montreal on May 31st. The College is still accepting registrations for the 22nd annual Georgian College Classic fundraiser that is taking place this year on May 11 at The Club at Bond Head near Bradford. The Classic is one of the longest-running charity golf tournaments in Simcoe County. The tournament has raised more than $670,000 in support of student awards and scholarships to date. Funds raised through the Georgian College Classic benefit the Power

Office of the President

Georgian College One Georgian Drive Barrie, ON L4M 3X9 Tel: (705) 728-1968 ext. 1248 Fax: (705) 722-1559 E-mail: [email protected]

of Education campaign dedicated to improving and expanding key areas at the College, including health and science, skilled trades, hospitality and tourism, as well as the awards and scholarships program in general. To register for the tournament, or for more information, visit or contact Hank Thibideau at [email protected]. At the time of writing, a few spots are still available for this funfilled day of great golf, hospitality and friendship at one of the top-ranked courses in Canada. It appears that the event is virtually assured of being sold out. In closing, all staff are welcome to attend the Employee Service Recognition Event that is scheduled for May 12 at 3 p.m. in the Georgian Dining Room at the Barrie Campus. Lorraine Callaghan will be recognized at this event for 40 years of service, a first at Georgian! Also, please be sure to sign up for Georgian Day on June 10 at the Barrie Campus – it really is the only day of the year where all our campuses come together for a day of socializing, fun and professional development. Stay tuned for what, I hope, will be exciting news later in May on the Centre for Health and Wellness. I will publish a special edition of the President’s Report as soon as I have more information to share, and plan a final edition before the end of June, to wrap up my reports for the 2008-09 academic year

Office of the President

Georgian College One Georgian Drive Barrie, ON L4M 3X9 Tel: (705) 728-1968 ext. 1248 Fax: (705) 722-1559 E-mail: [email protected]

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