Presidents Report June 2009

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Brian G. Tamblyn Volume 11 Issue 3 June 22, 2009

Tabilities he overall success and accomplishments that increasingly define Georgian are a direct result of the creativity, and determination of our staff. I was reminded of that fact last week in two campus events that really showcased the special talents of College employees.

On June 9, Georgian held its first-ever “Authors on Campus” reception at the Barrie Campus and, impressively, more than 50 staff were recognized for either having had works published, or for being in the process of completing a book. I was impressed with the wide range of writers from virtually every division of Georgian, with the combined collection ranging from academic publications, to works of fiction, to children’s books. Overall, more than 100 staff turned out to personally congratulate their colleagues. I want to acknowledge Linda Love and Kim Stubbs for their leadership in arranging this first-ever event that was well appreciated by all of the authors in attendance. I also want to extend my appreciation to Cynthia Finlayson, Rosemary Toth, Elaine Murray, Arlene Stone, and Janice Priest who assisted with the commemoration. For the staff who missed this opportunity to see the works of Georgian authors, you will be pleased to know that many of the books will be available for sale in the Georgian bookstore. Staff wishing more information should drop into their campus bookstore. Georgian Day was the second highly successful event last week that attracted a record turnout on Wednesday, including an all-time high of 26 staff who travelled to Barrie by bus from Owen Sound. In keeping with tradition for this event, the flair and creativity of our staff was on full display during the opening session in the Georgian Theatre, including Mike Agema who did a literally masterful job as master of ceremonies. This year’s keynote address at Georgian Day was presented by Jim Lees, a counsellor at Confederation College. Jim is the leader of a team that launched Confederation’s exemplary and well-known “Respect” campaign three years ago. His remarks were both entertaining and insightful as he addressed the fundamental issue of respecting the dignity of students, staff and visitors in a campus environment. Confederation’s “pro diversity” message encompasses many interests and issues including aboriginal learners, those with visible disabilities, the gay community, as well as the right of staff to be treated with respect. Confederation has developed its own code on “Rights and Responsibilities” for both students and staff that stresses the themes of Recognize, Speak Up, Participate, Exemplify, Communicate and Talk About It. I was very impressed with the pervasive nature of the “Respect” campaign, extending to all of Confederation’s campuses. Among the many highlights of this initiative, the College offers a “Lunch and Learn” series that probes such topics as bullying, dealing with disrespect, intervention, mental health issues and “Generation Y for Dummies.” The “Respect” campaign is also strongly featured in Confederation’s “Offer of Admission” letter. Jim’s inspirational presentation could not have been timelier in setting the stage for the launch of Georgian’s own “Respect” campaign as part of Orientation this fall. Staff in the Access Centre and Human Resource Services are working in tandem for the official launch, and I was delighted to learn that our student governments are already a driving force behind the efforts. You will be hearing more exciting details later in the summer. While the economy has been the dominant global story of late, you may have noticed that closer to home, our environment here at Georgian is also changing on many fronts. Government policies, demographic shifts, societal trends, and new technology are just some examples of this changing environment. As the world continued over...

Office of the President

Georgian College One Georgian Drive Barrie, ON L4M 3X9 Tel: (705) 728-1968 ext. 1248 Fax: (705) 722-1559 E-mail: [email protected]

changes, so too must we. In fact, the strategic choices we make as an institution today will shape our successes in the future. This year marks the end of our current Strategic Plan and I believe the timing could not be better for us to explore some of the issues, challenges and opportunities facing Georgian. Accordingly, we are embarking on a strategic planning process that will result in a new plan for implementation in 2010. Although the process was officially launched at the Board of Governors’ planning retreat this past month, consultation sessions have already begun with some staff and external stakeholder groups, and will continue until the end of this calendar year. A project team is being established that will include representatives from Local 349, Local 350, OCASA, and other internal stakeholder groups. In addition, College Council will act as an advisory group over the fall months. I hope you will participate in one of the many employee focus group sessions as your input, ideas and suggestions are vital to our continued success in the future. Stay tuned for more information on how you can be involved in the strategic planning process in the coming months. On May 30, the College’s Board of Governors approved Georgian’s 2009/10 operating budget. The budget forecasts an in-year deficit of approximately $4.7 million. This is down substantially (almost three times in size) from projections of last January, based on available information at the time. The College has enough in its reserve fund to cover this year’s estimated shortfall, if necessary. The reserves improved at the end of the 2008/09 fiscal year, thanks to provincial year-end funding, largely a result of our recent enrolment growth. The deficit in the 2009/10 operating budget reflects a combination of an ongoing shortfall in provincial operating support, and annual cost increases related to salary, benefit, and pension rates. As usual, the Board expects us to try to balance by year end, and we expect to have a better sense of our financial picture later this year when details of a new funding formula (that we are currently under) will be shared by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU). At the opening session of this year’s Georgian Day event, I was very proud to announce that the “Georgian Family” campaign raised more than $1 million in support of the College’s “Power of Education” campaign. This is an exceptional achievement and a real tribute to the Board of Governors, Campaign Cabinet, Barrie Student Administrative Council (SAC), Georgian Alumni Association, retirees and staff who all supported this important cause. The Georgian Employee Challenge results, announced at Georgian Day, revealed an all-time record for staff contributions at $203,000. A new donor wall will be unveiled this fall recognizing all who contributed to the campaign. The Challenge volunteer team deserves the College’s heartfelt thanks – Cathy Campbell, John Cunningham, Catherine Dewhurst, Tara Hardy, Mary Kilsch, Ruthanne Krant, Gabe Koopmans, Gregg Levis, Jean Stevens, Tom St. John, Vern Telford, Hank Thibideau and Patricia Watson. Thank you to all the staff members who have generously supported this campaign (and others can still participate by calling the Office of Development and Alumni Relations!) – your support will benefit many students for years to come! All of the donations in the Georgian Family campaign will help build a new Georgian Centre for Health and Wellness, a Centre for Sustainable Technologies, revitalized hospitality and tourism programs, and assist the Muskoka, Owen Sound and Midland campuses with their growth and development needs. In addition, the student awards and scholarships program will continue to grow to benefit generations of learners to come. I had the privilege of joining Laurentian University President Dominic Giroux at last month’s Laurentian@Georgian convocations held at the Barrie and Orillia campuses. Approximately 180 students graduated at this year’s ceremonies. Among the excited graduates was the first graduating class from the four-year Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program and the first four-year degree graduates in Psychology and English majors. I heard many warm and touching comments from graduates and family members, particularly how this personal milestone would never have been possible if not for the local opportunities provided by our unique University Partnership Centre. Many of these graduates will also have the opportunity to eventually complete their Masters in Business Administration (MBA), which Laurentian will start to offer this fall on a part-time basis at our Barrie Campus. There were also other highlights at this year’s Laurentian convocations. President Giroux used the occasion to announce that Laurentian will introduce three new offerings at the Barrie Campus, beginning this September: A four-year BA in History; a three-year BA in Anthropology; and the Rhetoric and Media Studies stream of the

Office of the President

Georgian College One Georgian Drive Barrie, ON L4M 3X9 Tel: (705) 728-1968 ext. 1248 Fax: (705) 722-1559 E-mail: [email protected]

four-year BA in English. Also new this year, Laurentian University courses – Introduction to Writing and English Studies and Introduction to Psychology – will be delivered at the Owen Sound Campus. The courses will be available through part-time study during the evening, beginning this fall. This is a first step in exploring new ways of providing Grey-Bruce residents with access to a wider variety of educational opportunities. I am pleased to report that Georgian’s Defibrillator program will be expanding in July with the installation of an additional 12 units. The new units were obtained through a donation made by the College to the Heart and Stroke Chase McEachern Tribute Fund. Installation of the new units will be undertaken in partnership with the County of Simcoe Paramedic Services Public Access Defibrillator Program. This is another piece in Georgian’s Health and Wellness initiative, benefiting students, staff and our communities. Please note the following dates in your calendar for later in the summer. The schedule has been finalized for my 11th annual “President’s Breakfasts” in August and September. The dates, time, locations and contact numbers for each campus are as follows: Barrie Campus – August 20 and 27, and September 3, 8 to 9:30 a.m., The Last Class, (RSVP to extension 5148 voicemail); Owen Sound Campus – August 25, 8:30 to 10 a.m., the Georgian Dining Room (RSVP to Nicole Graham or Mary Kilsch at extension 2040); and the Orillia Campus – September 1, 8:30 to 10 a.m., main cafeteria (RSVP to Colleen Lavender at extension 3080). Also, staff members who are available should plan on attending the official opening of the new Georgian Centre for Sustainable Technologies at the Barrie Campus on September 17. Plans for this landmark event are well underway, and final details will be communicated to staff later in the summer. Whatever your vacation plans this summer, Lisa, Evan and I hope they more than meet your every expectation. Most importantly, be safe. I look forward to seeing everyone at the President’s Breakfasts and hearing about your summer experiences. Thank you for an exceptional 2008-09 academic year

Office of the President

Georgian College One Georgian Drive Barrie, ON L4M 3X9 Tel: (705) 728-1968 ext. 1248 Fax: (705) 722-1559 E-mail: [email protected]

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