Presentation By - Group V

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  • Words: 1,583
  • Pages: 37

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A: What’s the matter? B: Nothing A: What’s the matter? (said with increased volume and more emphasis on the word matter) B: Nothing! (said slower and with increased emphasis) A: OK! B: OK!

People do what their minds and emotions tells them to do…. The LEADER works on their emotions through his/her thoughts and actions. So, our advise to our dear classmates is to be a future action LEADER

What is Leadership? It is the process of influencing a group of followers to attain group, organizational or societal goals.  • There can be no leadership without followers  • A leader is capable of influencing them  • It is an illusive art, practiced more on the basis of feel than on the basis of knowledge 

What does a leader do?       

Initiates action • Gives orders • Makes decisions • Settles disputes • Offers encouragement • Serves as a role model • Is in forefront of group's activities

Impact of a Leader A leader has the most impact on the behavior of a group • Through his/her thoughts and actions, a leader is able to make others act and behave in accordance with the objectives perceived important by the leader 

Sources of Power of a Leader      

Expert power • Informational power • Reward power • Coercive power • Power through hierarchical position • Referral power

Traits of a Leader     

Charisma • Persuasion • Inspiration • Influence • Role Model

Traits of a Leader (contd..)?         

Initiative • Courage • Intelligence • Vision • Personality (Height, facial symmetry, looks) • Sense of humor • Maturity • Emotional stability

Leadership Styles  

Delegating  Low relationship/ low task  Responsibility  Willing employees Participating  High relationship/ low task  Facilitate decisions  Able but unwilling       

Leadership Styles (cont..) 

Selling  High task/high relationship  Explain decisions  Willing but unable Telling  High Task/Low relationship  Provide instruction  Closely supervise

Are Leaders born or made? Certain theories : Genetic inheritance: People with certain inborn qualities are more likely to emerge as leaders  • Situational Approach: Traits required of a leader differ according to the situation 

• Interactions Theory: The characteristics of both the individual and the situation account for who would be the leader 

Certain theories (cont..) Genetic inheritance: Major events are influenced by the persons in power  • Situational Approach: Great events are the results of historical forces and not necessarily because of specific leaders  • Interactions Theory: Leaders are both born and made 

Effectiveness of a Leader • A leader’s effectiveness is related to the aspects of the situation in which the group operates  • Various factors interact to determine what style of leadership would be effective for a given situation. E.g..:  – Task structure  – Basis of power  – Personal relations 

• A leader should adjust his/her leadership style according to the situational factors 

Leader vs.. Manager Leader  • Often dramatic & unpredictable in style  • Creates an atmosphere of change & chaos  • Visionary; obsessed; drive to succeed  • Excites,, stimulates,, drives,, inspires  • A leader may or may not be a manager 

Manager usually analytical & objective plans organizes and control ability to take optimal decision has to be a coach to develop skill leadership is one role of manager.

Leader vs. Manager (contd..) Leadership and management are two distinct and complimentary activities 

• Managers have formal authority; leaders have incremental authority beyond formal authority  • A leader may fail because of his/her inability to manage  • A manager may fail because he/she didn't provide the leadership to steer change  • So there is a need to have managers who can lead and leaders who can manage

Situational Leadership supporting




New Leaders Take Note  General Advice •Take advantage of the transition period. •Get advice and counsel. •Show empathy to predecessor •Learn leadership   Challenges •Need knowledge quickly •Establish new relationships •Expectations •Personal equilibrium

Developing effective leadership qualities       

Trust your followers • Develop a vision • Keep your cool • Encourage risks • Be an expert • Invite dissent • Simplify

Leadership Quotes The most important quality in a leader is that of being acknowledged as such.. - Andre Maurois 

CONTD… Leadership in today's world requires far more than a large stock of gunboats and a hard first at the conference table.. - Hubert H.. Humphrey

“Communicati on is the single most important lead ership skill.”               

-Lin Both well

TheArt of Leadership

Leadership is Enacted Through Communication   

•A Leader should be : Communication Oriente d  Responsive and receptive to questions from participants  Ask and persuade rather than order or command 

Types of Communication  Speaking  Listening  Non Verbal  Writing

Communication Tools for LEADERS •Group Discussions •Public Speaking •One on One •Formal Meetings

DISCUSSION LEADERSHIP FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION (Qualities of the Leader)  •A LEADER has keen interest in the topic  •Able to involve everyone in the discussion  •Able to balance the viewpoints  •Has a basic plan, but is flexible  •Directs the discussion, keeps focus on goals

COMMUNICATION TO EMPOWER THE FOLLOWERS • Active Listening for understanding the followers problems and queries.  • Asking for more information.  • Paraphrasing (expressing the same message in different and simplest form).  • Checking the assumptions about the other person’s feelings.  • Sharing information to help the other person understand his/her point of view. 

Communication Leadership Framework   

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Core communication skill - Active listening - Itemized response (appeciative,full response) e.g. "What I like about it is ...." or "What concerns me is ...“ . -paraphrase e.g. “I hear u saying…” - Making statements rather than asking questions . e.g., "don’t you think it would be better if ...". 

Cont… 


Managerial Communication Skill

listening (subodinates,staffs) Facilitating Directing. Questioning (close questioning, open questioning,pesonal questioning) Corporate Communication Skill

-Interpersonal communication - public speaking - presentations

Communication drives the process A LEADER is anyone who undertakes to influence change and make things happen. Whether the issue is organizational restructuring or a new sidewalk, communication drives the sidewalk, communication drives the process. 

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Effective communication is the oxygen for new-breed leadership Communication is not one-directional  Engage strategically  Listen hard  Create an environment that allows candid feedback/ criticism Communication needs to be regular  In good times and bad  Never skip scheduled engagements Communication has to be open and honest  Own up: take personal responsibility for hard decisions  Resist the urge to spin – it always backfires

Keeping the Communication Channels Open 

“Responsible leaders work hard to prevent bottlenecks and keep channels open up, down, and throughout the organization by (1) establishing an appropriate working climate and adjusting their communication behavior to fit the situation, and

(2) practicing techniques to improve communication in their organization. 

Practicing Techniques are: 

Potential Techniques Active listening. Being with the audience. Making words count. Tone and body language. Using silence.


1. Communication is the key competency of today’s successful leader. 2. Effective communication is two-way.  This means sharing relevant information with the right audience at the right time, but also listening to the concerns, fears, suggestions and criticism of employees.  As much as this sounds like a simple way of life, it is one of the hardest things to instill in an organization consisting of more than one person.  It won’t happen of itself - it has to be planned, managed and monitored. 3.  There are many tools to achieve this - a menu as extensive as the content of the internet to choose from. Some of the tools useful, include regular leadership video conferences, lunch time forums with a cross section of staff at all levels, work place visits, personal letters and personal sessions as part of the induction programme for new employees.

Cont… 

4.  Consistent and regular communication is key to organizational harmony.  Employees interpret corporate silence in many ways - not least of which is that the leadership has something to hide. 5.  Part and parcel of being a leader is to take hard decisions; to take responsibility for those and to live with the consequences. Leadership communication is of necessity honest and open - it deals with the bad news as confidently as with the good.  Leaders are not spin doctors - in fact good leaders avoid spin doctors like the plague.  The simple truth is that if your value system is anchored in integrity, spinning is not part of your armory. 

Cont… The Communication and Leadership presentation seeks to help team leaders communicate powerfully, not by changing the way they act, but by building on who they really are. 

To lead people, walk beside them ... As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honor and praise. The next, the people fear; and the next, the people hate ... When the best leader's work is done the people say, "We did it ourselves!" -LaoTHANK YOU

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