Prepgmedicos Practice Paper 1

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PrePgMedicos Practice Papers Series Test paper 1

Important: These test papers are not for evaluating yourself , but instead this is an effort by PPM Team to make you prepare for PrePG exams on tough and high yield topics. To get full benefit discuss each and every question of these papers in detail on PPM Forums . Anatomy: 1. The preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland travel in a. Lesser petrosal nerve b. Great petrosal nerve c. Deep petrosal nerve d. Internal carotid nerve

2. The tail of the caudate nucleus ends in the a) dentate nucleus b) amygdala c) hippocampus d) forceps minor

physiology: 3. physiologic responses to hypoxia are all except, (a)tachycardia (b)polycythaemia (c)decreased mitochondrial activity (d)reticulocytosis 4. The alpha rhytm appearing on an eeg has which characteristic;; produces 20 to 30 waves per second. disappears when a patients eye open. is replaced by slower larger waves during rem sleep. is associated with deep sleep 1

This paper is complied by PPM Team for the benefit of its members at free of cost.


biochemistry: 5. Z-DNA has;; a.right handed helix and has 10 base pairs per 360 turn. b.right handed helix and has 11 base pairs per 360 turn. c.left handed helix and has 10 base pairs per 360 turn. d.left handed helix and has 12 base pairs per 360 turn 6. CORRIN RING SYSTEM IS FOUND IN ;; a.vit-b6 b. vit b2. c.vit b12. d. folic acid pathology: 7. Mutation in PAX2 gene is seen in which of the following a.wilms tumour b.renal coloboma syndrome c.waardenburg syndrome d.renal cell carcinoma. 8. Dohle bodies are inclusions seen in ;; a.eosinophil. b.basophil. c.monocyte. d.neutrophil. 9. Scar carcinoma of lung is seen most commonly in a.tuberculosis b.irridation c.infarct d.lung abcess 10. Transition from G2 to M phase of the cell cyle is controlled by ? A) Retinoblastoma gene product B) p53 protein C) Cyclin E D) Cyclin B


pahrm: 11. only bisphosphonate currently approved for intravenous use in pagets disease; a.etidronate. b.pamidronate. c.alendronate. d.risedronate. 12. Which of the following calcium channel blocking drug has the most potent negative inotropic effect;; 1.felopidine. 2.amlodipine. 3.nifedipine. 4.verapamil.

13. of the following agents, which is best avoided when a patient is being treated with an aminoglycoside.;; 1.metolazone. 2.triamterene. 3.furosemide. 4.acetazolamide micro: 14. which of the following toxins acts by inhibition of protein synthesis; 1.cholera toxin. 2.shigella toxin. 3.pertussis toxin. 4. toxin of enterotoxigenic e. coli 15. Antigens processed by the exogenous antigen presentation pathway are presented in association with which of following? A. Fc receptors B. IgG heavy chains C. MHC class I molecules D. MHC class II molecules 16. Viral enterotoxin is a possible mechanism of pathogenesis in ? A) Adenovirus B) Astrovirus C) Calcivirus D) Rotavirus

3 fm: 17. VERDIGRIS is the toxic compound ofa.Cu b.Pb c.As d.Hg 18. patterned abrasion is a variety of ; 1.linear abrasion. 2.pressure abrasion. 3.sliding abrasion. 4.superficial bruise. ent: 19. In a patient with hoarseness, the L.vocal cord is seen in the paramedian position.with R, vocal cord,moving normally.he can be managed by; active treatment. 2.type1 thyroplasty. 3.type2 thyroplasty. 4.teflon injection 20. In carcinoma in base of tongue ear pain is mediated through? 1.hypoglossal 2.glossopharygeal 3.lingual nerve 4.vagus ophth: 21. Bulls eye maculopathy is associated with all the following, except;; 1.benign concentric annular macular dystrophy. 2.battens disease. 3.retinitis pigmentosa, 4.chloroquine toxicity 22. uhthoffs sign is seen in ;; 1.diabetic retinopathy. 2.demyelinating optic neuritis. 3.craniopharyngioma. 4.diabetes insipidus

4 spm: 23. confidence limits are calculated using;; 1.the median and the range. 2.the median and its standard error. 3. the median and the range. 4.the mean and its standard error 24. Which one of the following is the weakest level of measurement scale;; 1.ordinal . 2.nominal. 3.internal. 4.ratio 25. False about Indian reference female is? A. Weighs 55 kg B. Age 20-39yrs C. 8 hours of moderate work D. Walking and recreation for 2 hours MEDICINE GENERAL MEDICINE 26. The following mineral is the treatment of choice in patients suffering from Wilson’s disease, a) Selenium b) Zinc c) Molybdenum d) Manganese Answer key – CVS 27. The most common tachydysrrhythmia seen in a patient with Sick Sinus Syndrome is, a) Paroxysmal Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia b) Atrial Tachycardia c) Atrial Flutter d) Atrial Fibrillation Answer key – RS 28. The following cause pulmonary hypertension due to direct involvement of pulmonary vasculature, except,


a) Sarcoidosis b) Besnier - Boeck disease c) Schistosomiasis d) HIV Answer key – GIT 29. Which of the following is not a recognised complication of celiac disease, a) Hypersplenism b) Osteomalacia c) Lactose intolerance d) Oesophageal cancer Answer key – CNS 30. Which of the following provides the most definitive diagnosis in a patient with suspected brain death, a) Absent cerebral blood flow during four-vessel contrast cerebral arteriography b) Intracranial pressure greater than mean arterial pressure c) Score of zero on Glasgow coma scale d) Two isoelectric electroencephalograms Answer key – SURGERY GASTRO SURGERY 31. STEP (serial transverse enteroplasty) procedure is used in, a) Chronic Typhilitis b) Short Bowel Syndrome c) Hirschprung disease d) Meconium ileus Answer key – GENITOURINARY SURGERY 32. Which of the following testicular tumor does not require RPLND, a) Germ cell tumor b) Embryonal cell tumor c) Seminoma d) Teratoma


Answer key – CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY 33. All of the following are systemic artery to pulmonary artery shunts except, a) Blalock-Taussig shunt b) Glenn's shunt c) Waterson's shunt d) Pott's shunt Answer key – GENERAL SURGERY 34. Cocketts and Dodds operation is for, a) Burgers disease b) Lymphedemaprecoxia c) AV fistula d) Varicose veins Answer key – PAEDIATRICS NEWBORN 35. Which of the following neonatal emergencies is not encountered in the first week of life, a) Intestinal obstruction b) Meningomyelocele c) Necrotising enterocolitis d) Gastroschisis Answer key – GENERAL PAEDIATRICS 36. All of the following organs are suitable to be donated from an infant , except, a) Heart b) Lung c) Liver d) Kidney Answer key – PAEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY 37. Retinoblastoma gene is located in, a) Chromosome 12 b) Chromosome 13 c) Chromosome 22 d) Chromosome 23


Answer key – OBSTETRICS 38. Conduplicato Corpore is seen in, a) Brow presentation b) Face presentation c) Transverse lie d) Deep Transverse Arrest Answer key – GYNAECOLOGY 39. A 28 year old nulliparous woman, complains of bleeding betweem her periods and increasingly heavy menses. Over 9 months, she was treated with 2 D&C, OC pills, antiprogestins which have failed. Which is the most appropriate option this time?, a) Perform Hysterectomy b) Perform Hysteroscopy c) Perform Endometrial ablation d) Treat with a GnRH analogue Answer key – FEMALE ONCOLOGY 40. Immunohistochemical marker for embyonal carcinoma is, a) Beta HCG b) Placental Alkaline Phosphatase c) Alpha Fetoprotein d) CD-30 Answer key – ORTHOPAEDICS ORTHOPAEDIC ONCOLOGY 41. Bone tumor metastasizing to bone is, a) Giant cell tumor b) Ewings sarcoma c) Chondrosarcoma d) Osteosarcoma Answer key –


GENERAL ORTHOPAEDICS 42. Ring sequestrum is seen in, a) Tuberculosis b) Syphilis c) Malignancy d) Amputation stump Answer key – SKIN 43. Pseudo Isomorphism is seen in, a) lichen planus b) warts c) psoriasis d) vitiligo Answer key – STD 44. Treatment of both partners is recommended in all except, a) Herpes b) Candida c) Trichomonas Vaginalis d) Gardnerella Answer key – ANAESTHESIA 45. Which of the following medications cannot be administered via the endotracheal route, a) Diazepam b) Atropine c) Lignocaine d) Calcium Chloride Answer key – 46. Ventilation in prone position is indicated in, a) Hemodynamic instability b) Pregnancy c) ARDS d) Raised ICP Answer key –


RADIOLOGY 47. ‘Double Floor’ sign in x-ray skull is found in, a) Craniopharyngioma b) Meninigioma c) Pituitary adenoma d) Carotid aneurysm Answer Key – 48. Most common cause of punched out lesions in phalanges is, a) Enchondroma b) Chondrosarcoma c) Multiple myeloma d) Aneurysmal bone cyst Answer Key – PSYCHIATRY 49. Bad prognostic factor for schizophrenia is, a) Early onset of disease b) Catatonia c) Presence of depression d) Absence of family history Answer Key –

50. Who introduced electricity to induce seizures (ECT) in the year 1938, a) Meduna b) Carletti and Binni c) Lundy d) Freidman and Wilcox Answer Key –

Wish you Good Luck for your examinations preparations, Regards, PPM Team


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