Premarital Questionnaire

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 787
  • Pages: 6

2401 W. Cypress Creek Rd. Ft. Lauderdale FL 33309 Becky Jensen .954.315.4244 Fax.954.977.9774




Address: City:


Phone: Home


Zip: Cell


E-mail Address:_______________________________________________________________________ Your Age:

Name of your fiancé

Tentative Wedding Date (if any): Location of wedding (if known)

You are probably about to begin the most important stage of your life … MARRIAGE. Marriage is a divine institution created by God, and it will be blessed when there is obedience to His principles.

Please answer the following questions in a careful and prayerful attitude. As you and your fiancé work through this questionnaire (without consulting one another), we trust that your present relationship will be strengthened and enriched as a prelude to a fulfilling and growing marriage. We also hope that you will have a much more realistic perception of yourself, your fiancé, and your marriage in the Lord.


SPIRITUAL A born again Christian is one who has trusted in Jesus Christ to save them and forgive them of their sins. Would you consider yourself to be a born again Christian?

If yes, when and how did this take


When and where were you water baptized? Please describe your walk with Jesus Christ since that time.

Have you ever attended Calvary Chapel’s Deep Faith classes? If yes, when? Please describe the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Is Calvary Chapel your home church?

How long have you been attending?

How often do you attend? Which one?

Are you presently attending another church?

EDUCATION / EMPLOYMENT Highest educational achievement: Future educational goals: Present place of employment: _______________________ How long? Please explain your present position: Please explain your career goals:


PRESENT FAMILY LIFE Are you still living with your parents?

Are they still married?

What lessons (good or bad) have you learned from their marriage?

Do you expect to repeat their successes/failures? Discuss either:

Do they approve of your intended marriage partner? If not, why? What is your response?

Are you presently living together?

If yes, please explain why:

PREVIOUS MARRIAGE(S) Have you been married previously? If yes, how many times? (If more than once, please answer the following questions on separate sheets of paper for each marriage.) Date of marriage: Were you widowed? If so, when did your spouse die? _____________________ Date separated (if applicable): Date of final divorce decree: Why did this marriage fail?

Were either you or your ex-spouse born again Christians at this time? (Explain):

Has this ex-spouse remarried? Were there any children?

If so, ages:

What are your children’s reactions to this proposed marriage?

Explain custody, visitation and child support arrangements:


PREVIOUS MARRIAGE(S) (continued) Is child support current? (Be specific):

What classes/counseling have been initiated to assist you in the healing process from this divorce?

PERSONAL Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime? ____________ If yes, please explain: ________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently involved in any lawsuit? ____________________ If yes, please explain: _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ How much financial debt will you be bringing into this marriage? (include car loans, credit cards, student loans, child support, medical etc.): _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you presently owe any money to the IRS? ___________ If yes, how much? __________________

ENGAGEMENT How long have you known each other? ___________________________________________________ Are you engaged? __________ If so, how long have you been engaged? ________________________ Are you sure this is true love? ____________ If yes, please describe why you believe it is: _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ Please describe your understanding of a “marriage covenant before Almighty God”: _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


ENGAGEMENT (continued) What are your character strengths? a) __________________________________________________________________________ b) __________________________________________________________________________ c) __________________________________________________________________________ d) __________________________________________________________________________ What are your character weaknesses? a) __________________________________________________________________________ b) __________________________________________________________________________ c) __________________________________________________________________________ d) __________________________________________________________________________ What are your partner’s character strengths? a) __________________________________________________________________________ b) __________________________________________________________________________ c) __________________________________________________________________________ What are your partner’s character weaknesses? a) __________________________________________________________________________ b) __________________________________________________________________________ c) __________________________________________________________________________ Has your engagement, so far, enhanced, hampered, or had no effect on your relationship with Jesus Christ? Please explain:

What are your personal spiritual “habits”? Prayer: _____________________________ How often? _______________________________ Bible reading: _______________________ How often? _______________________________ Church attendance: ___________________ How often? _______________________________ Are you involved in a ministry of some kind? __________ If yes, explain_________________________


MARRIAGE What are your plans in regard to children? _________________________________________________ How many? _______________________________ When? __________________________________ Does the wife plan on working outside of the home? _________________________________________ How will this affect the relationship/marriage? _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What do you expect from marriage? ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What does your partner expect from marriage? _____________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any fears or concerns about this relationship proceeding toward marriage? (Please describe): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What Bible studies have you participated in and which books have you read regarding Christian marriage? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


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