Preference Towards Coffee

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  • Pages: 66
chapter 1 introduction

1.1 introduction of coffee in india

the province of kaffa in ethiopia is considered to be the original habitat of coffee arabia (arabica) and central africa is recognized to be the home of coffee conephora . the history of coffee dates back to 575 ad when the first1 cultivation was started in yemen. this was the period when persian invasion put an end

to the ethiopia rules of negus celeb that conquered

the country in 525 ad. certainly, the discovery of beverage resulted in cultivation of the plant in abyssians and arabia but its progress was slow until 15 th and 16th centuries. the arabians were jealous of their new found lucrative industry' and for a time successfully prevented its spread to other country by not permitting any of the precious berries to leave the country unless they had

first keen steeped in boiling water or parched so as

to destroy their

power of germination. however, it was not practically possible to watch every avenues of transport, with thousands of pilgrims journeying to and from mecca every year and this explains as how coffee was introduced in india. according to the mythology, arabica coffee was introduced in india sometime during 1600 ad by a muslim pilgrim, baba budan. he is reported to have brought seven seeds from yemen, presumably mecca and raised seedlings on his hermitage on the hills near chickmagalur coffee seeding gradually came to be planted in the backyard and gardens of most of neighboring villages specially in attigundi. it is from these gardens that seedlings were introduced to nalakand in coorg, which subsequently gave raise to luxuriant coorg plantation of today. 1.2

coffee cultivation

area under cultivation coffee cultivation is mainly confined to the states of karnataka, kerala, tamilnadu and andra pradesh and on limited scale to arunachal pradesh, assam, madya pradesh, manipur, meghalaya, mizoram, nagaland, orissa, karnataka accounts for about 53 percent of planted area.

climatic requirement

a well distributed annual rain fall is preferable for coffee major areas growing coffee experience south west monsoon as in the states of karnataka, kerala, all of the north east, seekim west bengal and maharastra it is also grown in areas which receive predominant north. east monsoon as in tamilnadu, andrapradesh and orissa the south west monsoon is normally active from june to september with showers during july-august. the north east is received in spells usually caused by depression in bay of bengal during october -december, december to march is normally dry months. summer showers are important for flowering in coffee and are received during march april certain areas in tamilnadu were north east monsoon is prevalent, blossom occurs more than once. failure of blossoms leads to crop loss. arabica coffee requires a cool

and equable climate wile robusta

thrives well in hot humid conditions the temperature, rain fall, shade, soil condition and elevation are some of the important factors and which influence growth of coffee plant. elevation influences species cultivated and therefore quality of coffee arabica grown well at elevation between 900 and 1200 meters wile robusta comes up well at lower elevation. 1.3 growth and development of the industry in the world the original architect of the coffee industry are said to be ethiopians before 1200 its consumption at spread along the red sea to adhen and cairo by 1300, coffee was known to persia and by 1500 to turqui. shortly thereafter coffee was being sold to venues across the mediterranean sea. most pilgrims had started to cultivate coffee in india by 1600 ad. coffee was under large-scale cultivation for the first time on 1729. brazil was producing 200.000 bags annually by 1850 - 3 millions bags annually by

1850. the first significant export from brazil was made about 1809 i.e. 80 years after their first planting. it took another of brazil's coffee exported to reach 4 million bags. soluble coffee was first produced in usa on 1867. coffee cultivation was first developed after 1800 in brazil. parallel development occurred after 1850 in most latin america countries and as late as 1900 ad in colombia.

brazil coffee history had been complicated by surpluses of coffee in 1930's and 1860's, equivalent to several year crops. these surplus were caused due to large extend by brazil uncontrolled production and cultivation of coffee. in india coffee, which was brought in india by a muslim pilgrim, baba budan on his return from mecca, remained as a backyard plant until sometime. later, it was developed into gardens. however, it was in 1820's that the commercial plantation was opened in south india with british enterprises and investment. the cultivation of coffee rapidly progressed during next 40 years. in 1856 there were only 7 british planters in mysore. by 1869, their numbers had increased to 662 owing 8094 hectares of the total cultivated area of 58670 hectares. indian coffee soon established itself as outstanding in quality and became a commodity 2nd to none in the world market. india at present has about 350000 hactares of cultivated land of which arabica accounts for 40% and robusta for 60% 1.4

present status of the industry the indian coffee market is very small. total market is smaller than

portugal, which is a country of 9 million people. india offers an opportunity for market development. at present, only 8.8% of the population consumes coffee. in the urban areas the figure is mr17.1% and 5.6% in rural areas. at present, the only coffee plantation areas are dedicated to arabica and the remaining 60% is dedicated to robusta.

chapter 2 background of the study

2.1 marketing

marketing has it's origin in the fact that humans are creatures of needs and wants. people need food, air, water, clothing, and a strong desire for recreation, education and other services. they have strong preferences for particular versions and brands of basic good and services. the concept of marking brings us full circle to the concept of marketing. marketing means human activity-taking place in relation to market. marketing means working with market to actualize potential exchanges for the purpose of satisfying human needs and wants. american marketing association approved a definition for marketing management in the year 1985, "marketing management is. the process of planning and executing the conception, prizing, promotion and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create an exchange with target groups that satisfy the customers and organizational objectives". this definition recognizes that marketing management is a process involving analysis planning, implementation and control that covers goods services and ideas, that it rests on the notion of exchange, and that the goal is to produce satisfaction for the parties involved.

2.2 importance of marketing i. importance of marketing to the society 1. marketing helps to achieve, maintain and raise the standard of living of the society. 2. marketing increases employment opportunities. 3. marketing helps to increase the national income. 4. marketing helps to maintain the economy marketing is a connecting links between the customer and the producers. 5. marketing helps in creating of utilities. ii.

importance of marketing to the business firms 1.

marketing generates revenue to the firm.


marketing acts as a basis for marketing decisions.


marketing helps the top management to manage innovation and changes.


consumer behaviour consumer behavior is defined as "all psychological, social and

physical behaviors of potential costumers as they become aware of evaluate, purchase, consume, and tell others about product and services". in a simple word buyer behavior is the process by which an individual. whether, what, when, where, how, and from whom to purchase

goods and services. 2.4

determinants of consumer behavior a buyer's purchase decisions are highly influenced by buyer's

culture, social, personal, psychological factors. cultural factors culture represents an overall social heritage, a distinctive form of environment or adaptation by a whole society of people, it includes a set of learned beliefs, values, attitudes, morals, customs, habits and forms of behavior that are shared by a society. social factors this includes : references group consumers accept information provided by their peer groups on the quality, performance, style, etc. these groups influence the person's attitude, expose them to new behaviors and' life style, and create a pressure on the individual. family most consumers belong to a family group. the family can exert considerable influence in the shaping the patterns of consumption and indicating the decision making roles.

roles and status roles are activities of the person in a group. each role carries a status. people will choose the products that will communicate their status to the society. personal factors a buyer1s decision is also influenced by personal characteristics, notably the life cycle stage, occupation, economic, circumstances, lifestyle and personality and self-concept. the lifecycle of a person begins with die child birth, shift to dependent infancy, adolescence, teenage, adult, middle aged, old then ends with death. under each stage people's buying behavior is different. person's


depends up on his occupation. his need satisfaction

depends on his occupation, which provides him the means. personality is defined as the person's distinguishing psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and enduring responses to his or her environment. personality is described in terms of such trades as self-confidence,





defensiveness and adaptability. psychological factor motivation motivation acts as a driving force in the floor towards purchase action. motivation that is, set into motion to take action to fulfill the need or wants. a human being is motivated by want when these needs are backed by purchasing power it becomes a want. motivation is mental phenomenal.

perception perception is operationally critical. perception causes the behavior in a certain way. perception gives the direction or part to be taken by the buyer. to perceive is to see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to smell and to sense something or event or relation and to organize, interpret and find the meaning in the experience. learning learning describes changes in an individual's behavior arising from experience. learning reference to change in the behavior brought about by practice or experience. almost everything one does or things his learned. beliefs believe is a descriptive though that a person holds about something. these beliefs may be based on knowledge, opinion or faith. attitude attitude describes as a person's emotionalized inclination to respond positively or negatively to an object or class of objects. attitude affects both perception and behavior to have an attitude means to be involved emotionally and ready for action.

2.5 marketing and consumer behavior the term consumer behavior refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching for purchasing, clothing, evaluating and disposing of product and services that may expects will satisfy their needs. study of consumer behavior is the study of how individual make decisions to spend their available (time, money, and efforts) on consumption related items. the field of consumer behavior is rooted in the marketing concept, a marketing strategy that involves in the late 1950. the marketing concept refers to the consumer needs and wants that are to be given prime importance rather than more profit making. the marketing concept is based on premises that a marketer should make what it can sell instead of trying to sell what it has made.- while the selling concept focus on the needs the seller, the marketing concept focus on the need of the buyer. the primary purpose for studying the consumer behavior as a part of marketing curriculum is to understand why and how consumers make their purchase decisions. these insights enable marketers to design more effective strategies. on the other hand an in depth understanding gives marketers and unfair advantage over sensitive element like price, quality, etc., the solution to such practice can curbed by keeping consumer's well informed about the product itself.

finally phillip kotler and authority on marketing states, although it only takes a semester to learn marketing it takes a lifetime to master it. customers c


care for the customers



understand the customers



study the customers



trust the customers



oblige the customers



meet the customers



evaluate the customers



response the customers



sell and win the customers

chapter 3 profile of the organization

3.1 origin the


organisation coffee board is a statutory organization constituted under the coffee act vii of 1942 and comes under the administrative control of the ministry of commerce, government of india. coffee board was established to perform the following function. 1.

promotion of the sale and consumption in india and elsewhere of coffee product in india.


promotion of agriculture and technological research in interest of the coffee industry.


assistance to coffee estates for their development.


securing better working condition and improvement of amenities and incentive for workers.


working of the measures enumerated in coffee act elating to cooperation of the surplus pool.

the main purpose for the government of india to set up the board was to develop the growth of indian coffee industry. increasing coffee production internal marketing, export marketing, quality control, research and promotion are all activities of the board.

3.2 growths and development of the organization indian coffee was mainly depending upon export in the first quarter of the country. coffee industry was almost ruined due to damage by pests & disease and the general depression of thirties. planters found the coffee industry to be a losing proposition and some practically abandoned the plantations. government of india passes coffee cess act xiv of 1935 and set up the first indian coffee committee in november 1935 with the main objective of promoting the sale and increasing the consumption of indian coffee at home & abroad. one the outbreak of the ii world war the industries export outlet was blocked, resulting in loss of european market. the industry received setbacks and faced unprecedented crisis. the indian coffee market expansion board was set up in 1940. indian coffee board succeeded the indian coffee cess committee in 1942 under the coffee act vii of 1942. this act brought, within its preview, all estates of 5 acres and above and reduced the iso to 10% of the crop in 1942-43. further notification dated 28-08-43 every estate under its preview irrespective of acreage. no isq was declared after 1943 till 1992-93 seasons. every planter was obliged to deliver his entire crop to except such quantity as were permitted by the board to retain for his domestic seed purposes. on the recommendation of fourth coffee control conference convened by the government in april 1946, the government placed the life

of the act on a permanent basis. in fact the unit system of selling coffee by the pool marketing themselves to enable the board to tackle the problem of control of coffee, government passed an amendment act of 1954 & the amendment act was brought into force in 1955. one of the important changes of the act was to appoint a full time chairman to coffee board, as a chief executive of the board with 33 members including the chairman. for overseas promotion, an indian coffee market expansion a board was organized in london. the coffee commenced works on 20th july, 1936 under the stewardship of a director of indian coffee propaganda in london. the external promotion work was done in the uk in close cooperation with the wholesalers, distributors, institutions and government departments by interesting them in indian coffee and removing prejudices against it. indian coffee was brought to the notice of public and retailers through exhibition and displays. today external publicity of indian coffee is largely through participation in international trade fares and exhibition and displays. since its inception in the year 1942 the coffee board had maintained its monopolistic position over the industry by following the pool marketing system. this system was followed for nearly 50 years i.e., up to the year 1992-93 after which an area of liberalization started were new policies like isq & fsq were introduced.

3.3 present status of the organization unitil 1992-93 the marketing was regulated by the coffee board. the era of liberalization started with the introduction of internal sale quota (isq) allowing the growers to sell 30% of their output directly in the domestic market. the isq was replaced by free sale quota (fsq) scheme in 1993-1994 allowing the growers in 1994-95 in the season fsq was increased to 100% for all. the coffee board which was administrating and regulating the market fully till 1992-93, has oriented itself for better research, assistance to industry and training. it also provides market information and intelligence activities. last but not the least it aims at strengthening the existing auctioning system. finally the coffee board is strongly emphasizing on establishing the future markets for the coffee commodity.

3.4 functional departments of the organisation a. secretariat the secretariat is in charge of the board. it seeks not only to coordinate the activities of several department of the board but also deals with those matters, which do not fall within the domain of the any other department. a part from the personal and general matters one of the major functions dealt with by the secretariat pertains to the labour welfare. the board which had only two departments at the beginning has at present the

following department apart from the secretariat viz. 1.

coffee promotion department


marketing department which has been realized from the' activity of poor marketing due to liberalized marketing policy of 100% fsq for all small and large growers.


development department


extension department


project planning


research, assistance and training.


accounts and finance.

the coffee board has 33 members including the chairman, who* is the chief executive of the board except for 3 mps who are elected as representative, all others are appointed by the government of india. the board in each year, out of its own member's elects a person to be a vice chairman for a period of 12 months. the structure of the board is a follows : 1.

members of parliament - 3 (lok sabha - 2, rajya sabha.


representative of the government of the growing state * 4 (karnataka, tamilnadu, kerala, andra pradesh).


representatives of other coffee growing state


coffee growers - 10 (3 large growers, 7 small growers)


coffee traders - 3


coffee curers - 2


coffee consumers - 2


labour - 4


instant coffee manufactures – 1


eminent personalities in the field of research / marketing of coffee -

1. the term of the board is for 3 years. the present chairman of the board is mr. g.v. krishna rau. the board

functions through its size standing committees, which are

appointed by each year by election for a period of one year. these are : 1.

executive committee.


marketing committee.


propaganda committee


development committee


research committee or


coffee quality committee

the members of the board are distributed accordingly in one or more of the above - mentioned committees. b. coffee promotion department the promotion department as a department constitutes of the board, is charged with the responsibility of increasing the sales in the consumption of indian coffee both within the country and abroad. to fulfill this responsibility which is best owned on the department under the coffee act.

the department has been undertaking several promotional endeavors which can be broadly classified as under : 1)

generic promotion that is promotion of the image of the coffee industry and of the coffee as an ideal beverage.


market promotion for the sale of the coffee seeds, coffee powder and the coffee on the cup from units run by the board, through agencies etc., in india.








publications of special reports, pamphlets, board's own periodicals. this department functions through its statutory committee's, viz. propaganda committee and the board and is headed by the directors of promotion (the charts showing the set up of the department appended). marketing department since, the liberalization of the marketing structure during 19931994 the marketing department, in the coffee board has been reduced to a bare minimum where most of the staff opting for vrs (voluntary retirement scheme) and few being employed at other departments. development department the important function-of the development department is to render financial assistance coupled with the technical assistance to the coffee growers for the overall development and improvement of their estates through increase in production. in this section the board is implementing

6 types of loan schemes and 3 types of subsidy schemes. they are : 1)

intensive cultivation loan


replanting loan


extensive cultivation loan


special purpose loan


hire purchase loan


crop hypothecation loan


replanting subsidy


interest subsidy


expansion subsidy development department organization chart

c. extension department the extension wing is one of the vital links between the planning committees on the one hand and the research on the other & is in extension since 1948. in order to achieve the various physical & financial targets fixed for the industry & to have effective administration, the entire traditional areas has been divided into 5 regions headed by officer of the rank of the deputy director (extension), who in turn is assisted by the senior liaison officers at the district level & junior director (e) at bangalore. the traditional coffee growing areas includes karnataka, kerala, and tamil nadu, which account for 98% of the area under coffee.

presently the extension services in traditional areas cover an area of 2.35 lakhs hectares owned by 1.15 lakhs growers. out of these, 98% of the growers who own around 61.7% of the area form the small growers sector (10 ha & below). today the extension services of the coffee board are quite unique in transfer of technology in the entire country. d. project & planning department the projects wing is headed

by a joint director (planning &

project) at head office, bangalore. there are three deputy directors (vizag, uwahaty & haflong) eight senior liaison officers (andhra pradesh, orissa, runachal pradesh, assam, nagaland, mizonram, andtripura) and seven junior liaison officers assisting the respective states in extension, training and development of coffee. one senior liaison officer at the coffee board regional office, guwahati, coordinates the activities in the north-east region. the project wings formulate plan project and programs as per the guidelines to achieve the perspective plan target on production and marketing. it also functions as the co-ordinating department in monitoring and evaluation of various plans programs pertaining to research, extension development, promotion and marketing department of the board. e. research department promotion of agriculture and technology in coffee for the benefit of the coffee industry has been one of the primary functions of the coffee

board. the research department for achieving this objective is dressing itself at central research institute, central research station research station at central research substation, chetalli, coorg, karnataka, chundale, kalpetta, kerala, raghavendranagar, chintapali, andhra pradesh, tandigudi, tamilnadu, diphu, assam. f. finance department this department has been divided into two (2): pool fund and general fund. pool fund: according to the provisions of section 25 of the coffee act, the sale proceeds of coffee are credited to a fund called pool fund. the pool fund transactions involve major activities as under: a. payment to growers whose number is more than a lakh, in 6-7 installments during a period of 6 months. b. arrangements payment to pool agents with bank for keeping funds at various places payment to growers through pool agents. c. periodical payment to pool agents and collecting agents of the board. d. payment of central excise duty, export duty as well as duty of custom under the coffee act. e. accounting of stock disposal. general fund;

accounts showing receipts and

section 30 of the coffee act prescribes general fund is credited with : i)

all amounts paid to the board by the central government under subsection 1) 13, (i.e., proceeds of duty of customs and duty of excise under section 11 and 12 of the act reduced by the cost of collection transferred).


any sums transferred from the pool fund to general fund under the provision to subsection (2)of section 32 (provided that where, after the requirement of the clauses of the subsection have been met, there remains any excess in the pool fund, the board may, with the previous section of such excess to the credit of the general fund).


all fees levied and collected by the board under the act.

borrowing power rule 38 of the coffee rules, 1955 has been amended with the effect from 18-10-1988 to enable the board to have cash credit limit up to rs.275 crores. in pursuance thereof, the state bank has been allowed a credit limit for 1989 (as requested by the board) of 205 crores. the entire' amount carries the export packaging credit interest rate of 9.5% p.a. the rate of interest has been reduced to 7.5% p.a. jbrom: 1-3-1989. any withdrawal in excess of the export packaging credit attract interest rate at 16.5% p.a.

chapter 4 research



title of the study analysis of consumer perception towards different brands


coffee in bangalore city. 4.2

statement of the problem poor consumption of indian coffee by the consumers in comparison

to consumption of various other brands of coffee. 4.3

objectives of the study a. to find out the consumer behavior towards different. brands of coffee in bangalore city. b. to know the consumer's opinion to use coffee. c. to recommend the new opportunities in the market for the improvement of sales and consumer satisfaction towards particular brands of coffee.


scope of the study the marketing research in this context is concerned with one of its

several function namely marketing research which deals with the study of the market for analyzing the consumer behavior and consumer attitude towards different brands of coffee in bangalore city. the result of the study helps coffee industry and coffee planters to get feedback of the coffee consumers in the fastest growing city in asia viz bangalore, about their attitudes and behavior towards different factors.

4.5 limitations of the study 1.

it is confined to bangalore city


it is confined to coffee users only


the sample size is confined to 100 people.

a. research design of the study this project is a descriptive research with seeks to find out "what will be the coffee consumer towards different brands of' coffee". b. sampling plan sampling plan can be classified into 3 sections as mentioned below : sampling unit sampling unit referrs to who are the sample target. in this project study, the sample units are the business class, executives, professionals, house wives, students and the worker class. sample size this refers to the total number of people included in the sampling plan. in this project study, sample size is 100 coffee consumers in

bangalore city. sampling procedure this refers to the method incurred for choosing the samples. in this project study the sampling procedure undertaken is the random sampling method. i. primary data here first hand information is obtained by distributing printed questionnaires . ii. secondary data here the information is obtained from the boards publication, report, journals, books, magazines, and newspapers, management reviews. c. sources of data mainly two sources of data have been used in the making of this project report.

sources of data primary data aquestionnaries

seconary data 1) books 2) journals 3) boards publications & reports 4) management review 5) newspapers

d. data collection instruments in this study conducted the foremost data collection instrument that has been used is the questionnaires. the questionnaire has been designed both open and closed ended questions. d. field work questionnaire






colleges, and houses, colleges. e. data processing and analysis of plan processing and analysis of data-has been done by means of printed questionnaires method and many statistical techniques that include percentage analysis, pie chart, histograms, which are followed by conclusion and recommendation.

chapter 5 data analysis and interpretation

table. 1 no. of male and

female respondents surveyed particulars male female total

no. of respondaents 53 47 100

percentage 53 47 100

analysis: out of 100 respondents surveyed 53% of them are male consumers & 47% of them are female consumers. 0100090000037800000002001c000000000004000000030108000500000 00b0200000000050000000c024e046f05040000002e0118001c000000fb0 21000070000000000bc02000000000102022253797374656d00046f0500 00527b0000d03c120004ee8339f88720000c020000040000002d01000004 000000020101001c000000fb02ceff000000000000900100000000044000 1254696d6573204e657720526f6d616e000000000000000000000000000 0000000040000002d010100050000000902000000020d000000320a2d00

table -2 age group of respondents age group 15 -30 years 30-45 years above - 45 total

no of respondents 47 36 17 100

percentage 47 36 17 100

analysis: out of total number of respondents surveyed majorities i.e. 47% of the respondents belongs to the age group of 15-30 years, 36% of them belongs to the age group in between 30-45 years and the rest i.e. 17% of them belong to the age group 45 years and above,

47 50 45 36

No. of Respondents (%)

40 35 30 25


20 15 10 5 0 15 -30 years

30-45 years

Above - 45

Age Group 15 -30 years

30-45 years

Above - 45

table-3 occupation of the respondents occupation business class worker class housewives students total

no of respondents 21 40 10 29 100

percentage 21 40 10 29 100

analysis: out of total number of respondents surveyed about 21% belongs to the business class, about 40% belongs to the worker class, and about 10%

40 40

No. of Respondents (%)



30 25


20 15


10 5 0 Business class

Worker class Housewives


Occupation Business class

Worker class



table-4 consumption of coffee category daily occasionally total

no of respondents 76 24 100

percentage 76 24 100

analysis: out of 100 respondents surveyed 76% of them are daily coffee drinkers and 24% of them are occasionally coffee drinkers.





talbe-5 alternate choice among the respondents alternatives tea milk soft drink nothing total analysis:

no of respondents 41 22 18 19 100

percentage 41 22 18 19 100

out of total number of respondents about 41 of them consume tea, then about 22 of them consume milk, about 18 of them consume soft drink, and the remaining 19 does not consume at all.

0100090000037800000002001c000000000004000000030108000500000 00b0200000000050000000c024e046f05040000002e0118001c000000fb0 21000070000000000bc02000000000102022253797374656d00046f0500 00527b0000d03c120004ee8339f88720000c020000040000002d01000004 000000020101001c000000fb02ceff000000000000900100000000044000 1254696d6573204e657720526f6d616e000000000000000000000000000 0000000040000002d010100050000000902000000020d000000320a2d00 000001000400000000006f054c04201c1600040000002d0100000300000 00000

table-6 percentage of consumption of branded: unbranded or both particulars branded unbranded both total analysis:

no of respondents 50 36 14 100

percentage 50 36 14 100

out of total number of respondents surveyed about 50% of them consume branded coffee, about 36% of them consume unbranded coffee, about 14% of them consume both branded and unbranded.


50% 36%




table - 7 percentage of consumption of filter coffee instant coffee or both particulars filter instant both total

no of respondents 43 30 27 100

percentage 43 30 27 100

analysis: out of total number of respondents surveyed about 43% of them

consume filter coffee, 30% of them consume instant coffee, and about 27% of them consume both filter as well as instant coffee.


No. of Respondents(%)

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Filter



Particulars Filter



table-8 percentage of consumption of coffee through out the year particulars uniform not uniform total

no of respondents 79 21 100

percentage 79 21 100

analysis: out of total number of respondents about 79% of them say that their coffee consumption is uniformed through out the year, and the rest about 21% opl for change which is not uniformed through out the year.




Not uniform

table - 9 the season in which the surveyed respondents consume more coffee season summer winter rainy can't say total analysis:

no of respondents 8 35 42 15 100

percentage 8 35 42 15 100

out of number of respondents surveyed about 8% of them take coffee in the summer season, about 35% of them take coffee in the winter season, about 42% of them take coffee in the rainy season, and the remaining 15% of them have no idea. 42

45 40


No. of Respondents (%)

35 30 25 20


15 8 10 5 0 Summer



Can't say

Season Summer



Can't say

table-10 different brands of coffee respondents are aware of name of brand

no of respondents





brooke bond green lable




indian coffee




coffee day






tata kaapi


analysis: the response given by the respondents exceeds the sample size because of the multiple choices given by the respondents out of which 94 of the respondents opt for nescafe: 91 respondents opt for bru; 68 opt for cothas; 65 for coffee day; 62 for brooke bond green level; 56 for coorg; 27 for indian coffee; 25 for tata kaapi and remaining 12 for diacafe & kwality.

100 90









50 40 30




Tata Kaapi



Coffee Day


Brooke Bond Green Lable





Indian coffee




No. of Respondnets (%)


Name of Brand Nescafe


Brooke Bond Green Lable


Indian coffee


Coffee Day

Kw ality


Tata Kaapi

table 11 attributes of coffee respondents perception attributes

no of respondents















manufacturer's name


analysis: out of the total number of the respondents 46 of them considered taste as the top most attribute, followed by 40 of them going for price as the second attribute 25 of them is quality conscious 20 of them going for aroma, 18 of them going for flavor, 6 of them going for energy, and the remaining 2 of them going for packaging and manufacturer's name as the main attribute of coffee.





35 30


25 18



15 10










Manufacturer's Name




No. of Respondents (%)


Attributes Taste







Manufacturer's Name

table 12 the reson for why cofee is consumed most often reasons

no of respondents



reduce fatigue




daily routine


family trend


fighting headache


to prevent sleep


to promote sleep


analysis: the response given by the respondents exceeds the sample size because of the multiple choices given by the respondents out of which 79 of the respondents consider refreshing as the main reason for consuming coffee; about 35 of the respondents says drinking of coffee is a daily routine; 33 as habit; 18 as family trend; 16 as fighting headache; 14 as reduce fatigue.



60 50 35


40 30







To Prevent Sleep

Fighting Headache

Family Trend


Reduce fatigue



Daily Routine

1 To Promote Sleep

No. of Respondents (%)


Reasons Refreshing

Reduce fatigue


Daily Routine

Family Trend

Fighting Headache

To Prevent Sleep

To Promote Sleep

table-13 purchase once quality of coffee powder the respondents in a week analysis: out of the total number of respondents majority of respondents about 50% of them buys coffee powder in the range between 100 gm 500 gm, about 18% of them buys in between 50 gm - loogm, about 17% of them buys in greater quality i.e., in between 500gm & more and the rest about 15% of them buys in between 25gm - 50gm. quality of coffee powder the respondents purchase once in a week grams 10 gm – 500 gm 50gm – 100gm 500 gm and more 25 gm – 50 gm total

no of respondents 50 18 17 15 100

percentage 50 18 17 15 100

50 50

No. of Respondents (%)

45 40 35 30 25





15 10

25 gm – 50 gm

500 gm and more

50gm – 100gm


10 gm – 500 gm


Grams 10 gm – 500 gm

50gm – 100gm

500 gm and more

25 gm – 50 gm

table-14 respondents rated the overall quality of a branded coffee particulars very good good medium poor total

no of respondents 40 45 10 5 100

percentage 40 45 5 5 100

analysis: out of the total respondents about 45% of them rated the quality of a branded coffee as good, about 40% of them rated as very good, about 10% of them rated as medium and the rest about 5% rated as poor.


5% 42%


Very good




table - 15 respondents consciousness while buying a brand particulars price conscious

no of respondents 48

percentage 48

taste conscious



brand conscious






analysis: out of the total number of the respondents about 48% of them are price conscious, about 43% of them are taste conscious and the rest 9% of them consider as brand conscious as the main factor while buying any coffee brand.

48 50



No. of respondents (%)

40 35 30 25 20 9

15 10 5 0 Price conscious

Taste conscious

Brand conscious

Particulars Price conscious

Taste conscious

Brand conscious

chapter 6 findings & recommendations

6.1 findings out of the


number of the respondents surveyed about



them are male consumers


47 of them are

about female

consumers. the total number


surveyed consumers constitutes the sample size of 100 in which 47 of the consumers belong to the group 15-30 years, then 36 are in the age group 30-45 years, and then the remaining 17 of them belongs to the age group 45 years and above. the different classes in which the respondents falls are about 21% of them belong to the business, about 40% of them belong to the worker class, and then about 10% of them belong to the housewives, and the remaining 29% of them belong to the students. the percentage of daily coffee drinkers 76% and 24% of them are occasionally coffee drinkers. the best alternative given by the respondents, if they stop drinking coffee are as follows: 35% of them opt for tea, 17% of them opt for milk, and then 15%

of them opt for soft drink, and the remaining 33% of them opt for nothing. the percentage of consumption of branded coffee is about 50% 36% of them consume branded coffee and the rest 14% of them consume both branded and branded coffee. 43% of the respondents consume filter coffee, and 30% of them consume instant coffee and the remaining 27% of them consume both filter as well as instant coffee. out of the total number of the respondents 79% of them prefer to consume coffee trough out the year which is uniform and then the rest about 21% of them prefer to consume coffee occasionally. surveyed respondents are 100 out of which 8% of them take coffee in the summer season, then 35% of them take coffee in the winter season, about 42% of them take more coffee in the rainy season, and the remaining 15% of them have no idea. the nescafe brand is the top in the awareness of the coffee brand as 94 of the respondents are aware of it, 91 of the respondents aware of bru, 62 respondents aware of brooke bond green label, 12 of the respondents aware of diacafe an kwality, then 27 of the respondents aware of indian coffee, 68% of the respondents aware of cothas, 65 of the respondents aware of coffee day 56% of the respondents aware of coorg, then finally 25 of the respondents aware of tata kaapi. taste is the most attribute by [46 respondents] followed by the price [40 respondents ] then quality coming in the third position [25]

other attributes are aroma by [20] and then flavor by [18] energy by [6] then packaging and brand's name by [2], the responses given by the respondents exceeds the sample size because of the multiple choices given by the respondents out of which' 79 of the respondents consider that refreshing as the main reason for consuming coffee, about 35 of the respondents say drinking coffee is a daily routine, 33 of them say as a habit, 18 of them say as a trend 16 of them say as fighting headache, 14 of them say as a reducing fatigue, 11 of them say as opt for preventing sleep as the main factor for coffee consumption. majority of the respondents about 50% of them buys coffee powder in the range between 50gm-100gm, about 18% of them buys in the range between 50gm-100gm, 17% of them buyes in greater quantity i.e. in between 500gm and more and the rest about 15% of them buyes in between 25gm-50gm: 45% of the respondents are price conscious, about 43% of them are taste conscious and the rest 9% of them consider brand's name as the main factor while buying any coffee.


recommendation:  most of the people like good quality of coffee with nominal cost hence the authorities / organizations / industries should make available cost based coffee brand.  coffee industry should create awareness among the rural population for the benefit of coffee consumption.  coffee industry should introduce to the extent the coffee bar or units at all the public places example railway, station, industrial centers, academic institutions, hospitals. etc.  the coffee industry should introduce eco-friendly coffee, example : the diacafe. 

promotion must be given to promote those unbranded coffee, which are not popular in the market.


questionnaire dear sir, madam, i, kuleshwar sharma, a management student is doing a project work on the “analysis of consumer perception towards different brands of coffee in bangalore city", in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the mba course of bangalore university. i would be greateful if you could kindly spare some time to answer these questions. all the information given you will be strictly confidential.

1] name of the consumer:______________________________ 2] age groups: 15-30 years:


30-30 years:


above 45 years:


3] sex:

a] male: [ ]

b] female:

4] occupation: a]student:


b] business:


c] housewife:


d] worker class:


5] income per month: a]


b] rs.5000-rs. 10000:


c]rs. 10000-15000:[ ] d]>rs 15000:


6] do you consume coffee? yes:





b] occasionally:


7] if yes: a] daily:

when _______________ 8] if no: mention other: alternatives :____________________________ 9) if yes a] branded coffee: [ ]

b] unbranded coffee:


b] instant coffee:


10] if branded a] filter coffee: [ ] 11] if unbranded, where do you buy coffee? ___________________________________________

12] which brand of coffee are currently using? __________________________________________________ 13] is your consumption of coffee uniform through out the year? yes: [ ]



14] if no: in which season do you do you take coffee more? a] summer:


b] winter:


c] rainy:


d] can't say: [ ]

15] is there any particular reason for taking more coffee in that season? 16] would you like to continue the same brand of coffee? [refer q.12]. yes: [ ]



17] what are the different coffee brands you are aware of? a] nescafe:


b] bru:


c] brook bond green label:


d] diacafe:


e] indian coffee:


t] cothas:


g] coffee day:


h] kwality’s coffee:[ ]

18] what are the different characteristics you look for in coffee? a] taste :


f] price:


b] quality:


g] packing:


c] flavor:


h] brand's name


d] energy:


19] what quantity of coffee powder do you buy in one week? a] 25gm-50 gm:


b] 50gm- l00 gm:


c] l00gm-500 gm:


d] more than 500 gm:


20] how would you rate the overall quality of branded coffee? a] good:


b] very good:


c] medium:




21] while purchasing the coffee [any brand] are you? a] price conscious: [ ] c] brand's name:

b] taste conscious: []

**thank you**



bibliography 1.

marketing by phillip kotler


principles marketing p.njreddy, s.a.sherlekar

3. consumer behavior by leen g.schiffman, leslie lazar kanuki

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