Precare Prevention Services

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,052
  • Pages: 2
PREVENTION SERVICES The below services are provided before a claim has been opened. These services are billed directly to the Client. Prevention services are provided weekly with a six hour per week minimum. Before an injury can be prevented, the risk needs to be identified:

Risk Identification Services: Baseline Ergo Assessment The first step in providing Prevention Services is our Baseline Ergo Assessment. We take a careful look at injury data: claim frequency and severity, types of claims, how claims are occurring, where (departments) claims are occurring, body parts being injured and when claims are occurring as relates to time, days, months, seasons and in relation to job tenure. The assessment will assess programs and processes currently in place to prevent and manage work-related injuries and observation of the different jobs and physical demands. From the Baseline Assessment we create an Action Plan for the coming year which details recommended solutions, proposed timelines and accountability measures. The Assessment and Action Plan are reviewed with Management for approval. Functional Job Analyses PRECARE’s Job Analysis is a comprehensive evaluation of a job category encompassing objective observation, measurements and documentation identifying workplace physical demands, tasks, and risk factors. Essential job functions and physical demands are identified. This is valuable objective data necessary for determining an injured worker’s ability to Return to Work. The risks are identified and quantified with recommendations are made to eliminate risks of injury. A functional Ergonomic Job Analysis report is provided to the employer, which details essential functions of the job, ergonomic risk factors and recommended solutions. Ergonomic Evaluations PRECARE provides employee-specific office and materials handling ergonomic evaluations to determine risk factors and make recommendations to alleviate the risk factors. As part of the evaluation, the PRECARE therapist will observe the employee performing work tasks, take measurements, provide injury prevention education for the employee and document recommendations to minimize the risk factors. Recommendations made are practical and incorporate function in order to minimize the cost of any needed modifications. A report is provided which outlines defined risk factors, changes made during the evaluation and recommendations for any needed additional changes. Ergonomic Assessments Ergo Assessments are provided for individual employees and specific departments. By walking through the work setting and observing employees performing work tasks, the PRECARE therapist is able to identify potential ergonomic risks and offer solutions for alleviating or minimizing the risk. Assessments can be targeted in key areas where there is more risk and higher frequency and severity of injuries. Therapists observe employees performing work tasks, interact with employees to offer suggestions to improve body mechanics and make modifications as able. Upon completion of employee and department Ergonomic Assessments, a written report is provided to the supervisor of the department which documents observations and recommendations. Early Intervention Screenings Early Intervention Screenings address early signs and symptoms of potential Musculoskeletal Disorders. Employees are encouraged to see the PRECARE therapist at the first signs of discomfort. The therapist will screen the signs and symptoms, observe the employee performing work tasks, educate the employee to avoid recurrence and make recommendations for soft tissue first aid. By reporting problems early, employers avoid lost time, absenteeism and minimize cost. Schedule an introductory meeting with a PRECARE representative: 866 996 1735 or email us at: [email protected]


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PREVENTION SERVICES Once the risk is identified, the proper solution can be implemented:

Risk Solutions: Employee Focus Employee Training: PRECARE provides comprehensive and interactive classes for all levels of employment, focusing on the importance of ergonomics in the workplace from an economic as well as an employee well-being perspective. The primary objective of PRECARE classes is to educate employees on self-awareness, self-responsibility and self-management as relates to preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Work-n-Stretch PRECARE designs customized stretches based on the various physical demands of a job(s) for implementation of a Work-n-Stretch Program. Structured routines of brief effective work stretches and recovery periods counterbalance and offset repetitive motions, heavy forces, and awkward postures. The employees are able to apply self-responsibility to prevention of musculoskeletal injuries. Conditioning Classes PRECARE creates, implements and leads Conditioning Classes with a focus on improving and maintaining employee physical fitness. With the aging workforce, it is becoming increasingly necessary for employers to provide employees with a regular, routine opportunity to maintain strength, range of motion and cardio-vascular stamina. Safety Teams PRECARE providers can be regular participants and members of client Safety Teams. Through this important forum, PRECARE provides knowledge and leadership in the area of preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. New Employee Orientation PRECARE providers are valuable assets in educating new employees. PRECARE provides classroom training on safe body mechanics and then takes the class content into the workplace by working one-on-one with each new employee. Good habits and technique are applied from the beginning and then reinforced on an ongoing basis with our Job Coaching service. Job Coaching Employees benefit most when they get one-on-one attention on a frequent and recurring basis. The provider will work with employees as they are actually performing work tasks to reinforce good technique and coach where correction is needed.

Management Focus Management support and involvement is critical to preventing injuries and to sustaining good results. Involving the PRECARE in regular management meetings reinforces the importance of safe work practices and policies as relates to ergonomics. As part of the regular meetings, the provider will report on findings and recommendations and get valuable input from managers on problem areas.

Engineering Focus After the risks have been identified, PRECARE will make recommendations from our list of solutions. We focus on employees, management and the design of the equipment or workspace. If it is recommended that the workspace or equipment be modified, PRECARE will work with management to incorporate cost-effective changes.

Schedule an introductory meeting with a PRECARE representative: 866 996 1735 or email us at: [email protected]


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f 707 935 8177

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