Pre Sales V1.3

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,082
  • Pages: 8

Prelude: 1In light of optimistic sales forecasts and compelling business cases presented by IPTV equipment vendors, analysts say that IPTV delivered over a broadband IP network faces a number of market and regulatory challenges, and probably slow, uncertain growth for the foreseeable future. The challenges include inadequate network infrastructure, unfriendly regulatory environments, high and often unpredictable capital costs, the difficulty of securing content consumers want and the uncertainty around whether consumers will actually switch to an IP-based pay TV system. This is especially true in markets like India, Sri Lanka, and Maldives etc. I would like to highlight, how I can add value to your organization in these market conditions. Objectives: 

To showcase my skills as an ideal pre-sales manager

“ Never- say- die” Attitude

Ability to motivate the team and lead them through Busy and Idle times

Involvement with Product Design and Implementation

Knowledge in Document Management and Data Transmission Systems

Pre-Sales: I have always been in a customer facing role, hence can easily translate Business,









Understanding Business model in an uncertain, fast growing environment is proven by my ability to translate requirements in Digital Signage Market. In my experience most of the projects fail not due to lack of technical abilities, but due lack of understanding of customer requirements. I can act as a bridge between the customer and technical team because of my exposure to technologies working as a Operations Manager for an Internet service provider (ISP).

1 June 25, 2008

2 I would be able to relate the requirements of the Telecom/ ISP customer since I have faced similar challenges as part of my role as Manager Operations for a DSL network. For example: Quality Problems faced on DSL Infrastructure




Frame delay differences


Image blocking

Image jerkiness

Brightness levels


Figure 1: Network Problems

As shown in figure 1, I have the ability to identify problems and propose changes to the network. I have experience using Visualware version 1.5c to diagnose and analyze the network problems. For QoE problems identification, I can develop metrics based on Mean Opinion Score (MOS) that is subjective in nature. The customer will only sign off a project once the metrics promised are delivered. As a consultant, there is a need to add value for the customer. 

Advise on best practices

3 

Document the entire process

Under promise over deliver

These measures will ensure that the customer will be coming back for more services. Never-say-Die:





Figure 2: Person Matrix

To further my point, I request you to refer figure 2 Qualification: It is determined by college diplomas, the knowledge that a person has received by formally undergoing training. I have a MBA in Information Management; I have been formally trained in understanding and mapping customer I.T needs. I have achieved top scores in Information System Strategy (ISS) and Integrated Business Case and Presentation (IBCAP).

4 Skills: Skills are acquired by working in a certain field for long time or with training and certification. I have experience managing a fairly large DSL network (spread over 6Kms). New skills can be acquired by my willingness to undergoing further training. Customer facing skills (soft skills) was part of my role as manager and acting consultant to certain projects e.g. VSAT project handled in Calicut (India)(In my resume). Ability: Capability to handle complex issues that come from working on varied projects. I managed to complete my projects on time as per plan, also managed to get repeated orders for my organization. Attitude: It partly depends on the person and rest the environment that they operate in. I have always believed in never-say-die attitude, It’s because of the competitive nature of work in India and believing in my own ability and skills. Team Motivation:

My Team

Busy times

Set S.M.A.R.T Objectives

Give recognition for a job well done

Quite times

Involve members in goal setting

Design challenges within the job

Figure 3: Team Motivation

Encourage social interaction

Staff meetings and off-job functions/Training

5 S.M.A.R.T Objectives give results: 





Time Bound

This clears all the ambiguity in a task and well defined objectives can be achieved. Mantra for success: 

Assigning the best people for the job

Getting agreement on what they are to do: • Monitoring their performance • Staying out of their way

Product Design and Implementation: GSM-SMS based Broadband network control 

Business Need

Functional Need

User Need

Business need: To reduce travel cost of Network technicians during Network Outages. Functional need: Should be Independent of the existing network. Reliable, Speedy and Secured way to control the Broadband Network components, should be weather resistant. User Need: Simple to use and install. Commands easily remembered. For this project, I used spiral model of development. The product was developed in stages using easily available components. The work of designing and coding the IC chip was outsourced to a startup company. This managed

6 to keep our cost down, but the risk was high in terms of work completion. The agreement was such that the product design would be our Intellectual property, and no royalty for further development and production. The outcome was the travel cost came down by fifty per cent and indirect savings of around thirty per cent due to timely shutdown of Network Components that was protected during the time of thunder and lightning. The other benefit of using spiral model was: 

Use the same platform for Network Device Security (Motion detection)

Possibility of using the same device as part of server security and monitoring(Network Usage Statistics)

Document Management / Content Management:

Figure 4: Content Management


Capture Bar Code



Google Docs


Savvion BPM

File Sever

Preserve Tape drive

Deliver PDF Conversion

Google Search Appliance

Figure 5: CM experience

With reference to Figure 4 and Figure 5, I have worked on Google Apps and FreeNAS as major tools for ECM.

8 Data Transmission:

Data Transmission



Fiber (Metro LAN)





RG 6



RG 11

Figure 6: Transmission Medium

Advantage of working with different medium for Data Transmission 



Understanding of: 

Bandwidth issues


Ability to deal with interference

High QoS levels

Conclusion: I hope, with this document you will be able to get a better picture of my skills and abilities.

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