THE RESOLUTION FORMAT A resolution is one (very long) sentence. It begins with the committee or subject (“The World Health Organization” for example), which is indented by five spaces, underlined, and followed by a comma. After the subject, come the preambulatory clauses. Formally, these are participle or adjectival phrases modifying the subject. Informally, they describe the committee’s intent, motivation, and frame of mind in writing the resolution. Preambulatory clauses are followed by a comma and begin with an underlined participle or adjective, which is capitalized. Examples of these “first words” include: Affirming Alarmed by Approving Aware of Believing Bearing in mind Confident Considering also Contemplating Convinced Declaring Deeply concerned Deeply conscious Deeply convinced Deeply disturbed Deeply regretting Desiring Emphasizing Expecting Expressing its satisfaction Expressing its wish Fulfilling Fully aware Fully alarmed Fully believing Further deploring Further recalling Guided by
Gravely concerned Having adopted Having considered Having considered further Having devoted attention Having examined Having studied Having heard Having received Keeping in mind Noting further Noting with approval Noting with deep concern Noting with regret Noting with satisfaction Noting with zest Observing Reaffirming Recalling Recognizing Referring Reiterating Seeking Taking into account Taking into consideration Taking note Viewing with appreciation Welcoming
The operative clauses, which follow the perambulatory clauses, formally make the predicate of the sentence. More informatively, they contain the action of the resolution. Each operative clause begins with a capitalized present tense verb in the third person singular. Each “paragraph” formed by a new operative verb is indented five spaces, numbered, indented to the tenth space, and finally ended with a semicolon. The last paragraph ends with a period. The following are representatives of operative verbs: Accepts Affirms Appeals Approves Authorizes Calls Calls upon Commends Condemns Congratulates Confirms Considers Decides Declares accordingly Demands(*) Deplores Designates Draws the attention Emphasizes Encourages Endorses Expresses its appreciation Expresses its hope
Further endorses Further invites Further proclaims Further reminds Further recommends Further resolves Further requests Has resolved Notes Offers Proclaims Reaffirms Recommends Reminds Renews Requests Solemnly affirms Strongly condemns Supports Trusts Takes note of Transmits Urges
(*) only the Security Council may “demand”