Pre- 2006 Pensioners Calculation Software With Arrears - Prepared By T. Jayakumar

  • October 2019
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Download & View Pre- 2006 Pensioners Calculation Software With Arrears - Prepared By T. Jayakumar as PDF for free.

More details

  • Words: 838
  • Pages: 218

G. Thiruvenkataswamy

Basic Pension / Family Pension as on 31-12-05: (Enter your existing Basic pension / Family Pension with out Dearness Pension) Commuted amount if any:




40% of Arrears amount to be paid during 2008-09: Rs. 340 60% of arrears amount to be paid during 2009-10: Rs.

18762 28142

If your retirement month and year falls inbetween December 1995 and January 2006, put your scale of pay from which your last pay was drawn.(Use Drop Down Box) Others leave it blank:

Date of Birth: (Enter DD/MM/YYYY format) Existing Dearness Pension as on 31-12-05:

01/01/1947 2000 After entering required details, Print

page 1 of this sheet and go to

arrears statement and print Page-1 .

New Pension as on 01-09-08: Basic Pension / Family Pension: Additional Pension, if any: DR: 16%(on basic pension/family pension and additional pension if any)





Phone No: (Chennai)

1446 Additional pension details:

of amount 10486 Difference between old pension total and New Pension total:

Less: Commuted amount if any: Net Amount:

340 10146

*Percentage of DR on New Basic Pension:

[email protected] 9884492265 If age attained is inbetween 80and 84, 20% on basic pension / family pension, 85- 89, 30%, 90 - 94, 40%, 95 - 99, 50%, 100 and above,100%

1666 0% as on 01-01-06, 2%, as on 01-07-06, 6% as 0n 01-01-07, 9% as on 01-07-07, 12% as on 01-01-08,16% as on 01-07-08

DUE AND DRAWN STATEMENT NAME: G. Thiruvenkataswamy asic Pension / Family Pension: 9040 Commutted amount: 340 D U E MONTH BASIC Additional Total of B + D.R(on Basic Commute TOTAL BASIC PENSION / Pension if C pension/famil damount PENSION FAMILY any y pension / FAMILY PENSION and PENSION additional pension if any) 01/06 0 8700 9040 9040 340 4000 0 02/06 0 8700 9040 9040 340 4000 0 TOTAL 18080 0 18080 0 680 17400 8000 B/f 18080 0 18080 0 680 17400 8000 03/06 0 8700 9040 9040 340 4000 0 04/06 0 8700 9040 9040 340 4000 0 05/06 0 8700 9040 9040 340 4000 0 06/06 0 8700 9040 9040 340 4000 0 07/06 181 8881 9040 9040 340 4000 0 08/06 181 8881 9040 9040 340 4000 0 09/06 181 8881 9040 9040 340 4000 0 10/06 181 8881 9040 9040 340 4000 0 11/06 181 8881 9040 9040 340 4000 0 12/06 181 8881 9040 9040 340 4000 0 01/07 542 9242 9040 9040 340 4000 0 02/07 542 9242 9040 9040 340 4000 0 TOTAL 126560 0 126560 2170 4760 123970 56000 B/f 126560 0 126560 2170 4760 123970 56000 03/07 542 9242 9040 9040 340 4000 0 04/07 542 9242 9040 9040 340 4000 0 05/07 542 9242 9040 9040 340 4000 0 06/07 542 9242 9040 9040 340 4000 0 07/07 814 9514 9040 9040 340 4000 0 08/07 814 9514 9040 9040 340 4000 0 09/07 814 9514 9040 9040 340 4000 0 10/07 814 9514 9040 9040 340 4000 0 11/07 814 9514 9040 9040 340 4000 0 12/07 814 9514 9040 9040 340 4000 0 01/08 1085 9785 9040 9040 340 4000 0 02/08 1085 9785 9040 9040 340 4000 0 TOTAL 235040 0 235040 11392 8840 237592 104000 B/f 235040 0 235040 11392 8840 237592 104000 03/08 1085 9785 9040 9040 340 4000 0 04/08 1085 9785 9040 9040 340 4000 0 05/08 1085 9785 9040 9040 340 4000 0 06/08 1085 9785 9040 9040 340 4000 0 07/08 1446 10146 9040 9040 340 4000 0 08/08 1446 10146 9040 9040 340 4000 0 TOTAL 289280 0 18624 10880 297024 128000 289280


2000 2000 4000 4000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 28000 28000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 52000 52000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 64000

DRAWN D.R Commuted amount

1440 1440 2880 2880 1440 1440 1440 1440 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 2100 2100 23280 23280 2100 2100 2100 2100 2460 2460 2460 2460 2460 2460 2820 2820 52080 52080 2820 2820 2820 2820 2820 2820 69000

340 340 680 680 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 4760 4760 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 8840 8840 340 340 340 340 340 340 10880


7100 7100 14200 14200 7100 7100 7100 7100 7400 7400 7400 7400 7400 7400 7760 7760 102520 102520 7760 7760 7760 7760 8120 8120 8120 8120 8120 8120 8480 8480 199240 199240 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 8480 250120


1600 1600 3200 3200 1600 1600 1600 1600 1481 1481 1481 1481 1481 1481 1482 1482 21450 21450 1482 1482 1482 1482 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 1305 1305 38352 38352 1305 1305 1305 1305 1666 1666 46904

9040 9040

9040 9040






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