Prepared By: Niko T. Manalili

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 901
  • Pages: 3
Prepared by: Niko T. Manalili


Source: 2008 an 2009 NLE

Maternal and Child Nursing 1. Cindy was diagnosed with endometriosis. The condition interferes with fertility because: a. Endometrial implants can block the fallopian tubes. b. The uterine cervix inflamed and swollen.


c. The endometrial lining becomes inflamed leading to narrowing of the cervix. d. Inflammation of the endometrium causes release of substance P which kills the sperm.

2. Cindy’s cousin on the other hand knowing nurse your specialization on family planning, ask what artificial insemination entails. Which will be your best response?

a. Donor sperm are introduced vaginally into the uterus of the cervix

e. 4. A female client asked the nurse about the use of cervical cap. Which statement is correct regarding the use of cervical cap? a. It may affect pap smear results b. It is not need to be fitted by the physician c. It doesn’t require the use of spermicide d. It must be removed within 24 hours

5. A pregnant woman asked you about fetal development. Approximately, at what gestational age does the fetus single chambered heart begin to pump its own blood cells through main blood vessels?

a. 10 weeks c.

8 weeks

b. 5 weeks

3 weeks


b. Donor of the sperm are injected intrabdominally into each ovary

c. Artificial

sperm are injected vaginally to test tubal patency

d. The

husband’s sperm is adminitered intravenously weekly

6. How long is the gestational period of a full term pregnancy? a. Raining from 245 days to 259 days b. Arround 5,554 hours to 5880 hours. c. More than 294 days

3. The painful phenomenon known as “black labor” occurs in a client whose fetus is in what position? a. Brow position b. Breech c. ROA position d. LOP position

d. Averaging of 256 to 294 days

7. An 18 year old woman in her 18th week of pregnancy is being evaluated. Which positive sign of pregnancy should expect the nurse to be present?

a. Fetal heart tones detectable by Doppler stethoscope.

c. Cervical Lacerations d. Stimulate uterine contractions

b. Fetal movements detectable by palpation.

d. Fetal heart tones detectable by a fetoscope.

12. Bernadette received a laceration on her leg from an automobile accident. Why are lacerations of the lower extremities potentially serious in pregnant woman than others?

8. A large number of neural tube defects can be prevented if a pregnant woman includes which supplement in her diet?

a. Lacerations can provoke allergic responses because of gonadotrophic hormone

c. Visualization of the fetus by ultrasound examination.

a. Vitamin A c. b. Vitamin D

Vitamin B d. Vitamin B9

9. The nurse would anticipate cesarian birth for a client who has which infection present at the onsent of labor? a. Herpes Simplex Virus II

b. Increased bleeding can occur from uterine pressure on leg veins c. A woman is less able to keep the laceration clean because of her fatigue d. Healing is limited during pregnancy, so these will not heal until after birth

b. Human Papilloma Virus c. Hepatitis d. Toxoplasmosis

10. After a vaginal examination, the nurse determines that the client’s fetus is in an occiput anterior position. The client will anticipate that the client will have? a. A preciptious birth b. Intense back pain c. Frequent leg cramps

13. Bernadette routinely takes ASA for athritis. Why should she limit or discontinue this toward the end of pregnancy? a. Aspirin can lead to deep vein thrombosis following birth b. Newborn develop a red rash from salicylate toxicity c. Newborn develop withdrawal headaches from salicyclates d. Salicyclates can lead to increased maternal bleeding at children

d. Nausea and vomiting

11. The rationale for using prostaglandin gel for a client prior to induction of labor is to: a. Soften and efface the cervix b. Numb cervical pain

14. A public health nurse would instruct a pregnant woman to notify the physician immediately iif which of the following symptoms occur during pregnancy? a. A presence of dark color in the neck

Prepared by: Niko T. Manalili Source: 2008 an 2009 NLE

b. Increased vaginal discharge

c. Grand Multiparity

c. Swelling of the face

d. Premature Membranes

d. Breast Tenderness.

15. A woman who is 9 weeks pregnant comes to the health center with moderate bright red vaginal bleeding. On physical examination, the physician finds the cervix 2 cm dilated. Which term describes the client abortion?

a. Missed Abortion



18. The endometrium thickens at which stage of menstrual cycle? a. Secretory Phase b. Menstrual Phase c. Proliferative Phase d. Ischemic Phase

b. Incomplete Abortion c. Inevitable Abortion d. Threatened Abortion

19. The nurse knows that the occurrence of shoulder dystocia during labor is most likely caused by? a. Polyhydraminios

16. In a big government hospital, Nurse Pura is taking care of a woman with a diagnosis of abruptio placenta. What complication of this condition is most concern to nurse Pura. a. UTI b. Pulmonary Embolism c. Hypocalcemia d. DIC

b. Maternal age c. Preterm birth d. Macrosomia 20. The nurse uses what equipment to check fluid between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis. The outermost covering of the testes. a. 30 cc syringe b. Transilluminator

17. Which of the following findings of newly delivered woman’s chart would indicate she is at risk for developing pospartum hemorage? a. Post term delivery b. Epidural Anesthesia

c. Fluid meter d. Manometer

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