Prayers Of The Faithful.docx

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 453
  • Pages: 1

Celebrant : Who we are and what we have belong to God. Let us pray to him that in gratitude for all His goodness we may be unwavering followers who will continuously love, praise, and obey him. Let our response be: Loving Father, make us one with your Son. 1. That Pope Francis, the bishops, the clergy and consecrated men and women may be examples of self-giving love and so inspire the people to glorify Him through their good works…Let us pray to the Lord 2. That all government leaders may be inspired to build a world of peace and show concern for the good of all. May they see themselves as servant leaders following the examples of Jesus who died on the cross for the sake of others…Let us pray to the Lord 3. That all of us candidates for graduation may be filled with gratitude for the fruit of our hardwork. May the vision, mission, goals, and core values of the Department of Education be our guiding ideals as we continue our quest for learning in pursuing our personal goals and dreams in life…Let us pray to the Lord 4. That our parents and guardians who have been our source of support, inspiration, and strength, be filled with the Holy Spirit as they continue to generously and patiently guide us in our journey. May they be given the grace of good health as they endure to give the gift of themselves to selfless love and service… Let us pray to the Lord 5. That the administration, faculty, staff and the whole Department of Education community, who have been part of our growth and journey, in realizing our dreams be given boundless graces. Bless their dedication with joy and wisdom as they continue to mold, guide, and support us to be better citizen of the world…Let us pray to the Lord 6. That all of us gathered in this celebration may fully be in one in glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ and in one in rejoicing His passion to His resurrection. May His saving grace impel us to answer to His call to be witnesses of love, joy, mercy, and compassion to all…Let us pray to the Lord 7. That those who have died, our loved ones and those who have no one to remember them may be received into the fullness of God’s kingdom… Let us pray to the Lord 8. In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our personal intentions…(pause)…Let us pray to the Lord

Celebrant : Almighty Father, as we offer our prayers, we thank you for your Son who conquered sin and death, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

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