Prayers Of The Faithful.docx

  • Uploaded by: Maria Danica de Villa
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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 258
  • Pages: 1
Prayers of the Faithful Baccalaureate Mass Bais City Special Science Elementary School Priest: Brothers and Sisters, God has granted us so many blessings, the gift of life and the gift of wisdom and knowledge. Let us give thanks to Him, and let us ask for the grace of faith that He will continue to bless us always. Response: Lord, Thank you for your goodness and love. 1. For World Peace and Unity; May the Lord give us peace always, especially in our country. Let us pray to the Lord. 2. For our World leaders; may they be guided by the laws of God in governing the people of God. Let us pray to the Lord. 3. For our Pope, the Bishop and the Clergy; May they always be guided by the Holy Spirit in their teachings and in their mission of salvation. Let us pray to the Lord. 4. For all of us here present; may we practice true love of God and true love of neighbor. Let us pray to the Lord. 5. For the graduating students and all the youth; may they attain success in their plans, in accordance to the will and plan of God. Let us pray to the Lord. 6. For Parents and Teachers; May they be blessed in their sacrifices for the good of their children, making them better Christians in our society. Let us pray to the Lord. Priest: Loving Father, bless and purify our petitions, for without you we can do nothing. This we ask through Christ, our Lord, Amen.

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