Prayer With The Congregation Final Checked

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 13
Prayer with the Congregation Presented to you by: ISAT The Islamic Society of Arlington, Texas

How often it is that we talk about our external enemies, but what about our internal enemy? What about ourselves? What about our responding to the call of Satan who whispers to mankind? What about our shortcomings regarding the rights of Allaah? What about us slighting our obligations and indulging in prohibitions? Are these not the main reasons for our defeat? Indeed they are.

When we respond to Allaah, adhere to His commandments and refrain from His prohibitions, our enemies will never be able to defeat or overtake us. It is often that we blame our external enemies, thinking that they are the reason for our defeat and humiliation, thereby freeing ourselves from any blame, when in fact it is ourselves who are to blame. A prime example of something that we are neglecting and have shortcomings towards is the matter of prayer - the most important practical pillar of Islaam. There are many among those who do actually pray who fail to realize the importance of prayer, its benefits and its true value; therefore, it has become a burden on them rather than the delight of their eyes, tranquility for their souls, and a light for their hearts. Many people pray hurriedly, without any calmness or tranquility. Allaah mentions tranquility and submissiveness as the foremost qualities of the true believers when He says (what means): “They who are during their prayer humble and submissive.” [Al-Mu'minoon: 2] Allaah has commanded the establishment and preservation of prayer, which includes performing ablution properly, adhering to its timings, fulfilling its pillars and conditions, perfecting it by performing all its recommended acts and etiquettes, trying one's best to prevent it from being rejected, and, for men, performing it with the congregation.

Many men take the issue of performing their obligatory prayer with the congregation lightly while a Muslim should not take lightly a matter that Allaah has attached great importance to in His Book, and which the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam emphasized upon in his Sunnah. In fact, to highlight the great rank of prayer, during his death sickness, the last matter which the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam stressed upon was the prayer, when he said: “Guard your prayers.” Evidence illustrating the obligation of praying with the congregation Allaah frequently addresses the issue of the establishment of prayers in His Book and magnifies its importance; He says (what means): “And establish the prayer; practice regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (during prayer).” [Al-Baqarah: 43] This verse is evidence for the obligation of prayer in congregation; if the objective of the verse was to simply command people to perform their prayers and not necessarily with the congregation, then the verse would not conclude with (what means): “… bow down your heads with those who bow down (during prayer)” because Allaah commands the establishment of prayer at the beginning of that very verse.

Furthermore, Allaah commands the Muslims to maintain their prayers and perform them in congregation, regardless of the circumstances, when He says (what means): “When you [O Muhammad] are among them, and lead them in prayer, let one group of them stand in prayer with you taking their arms with them; when they finish their prostration let them take their positions in the rear and let the other party come up which has not prayed, and let them pray with you taking precaution.” [An-Nisaa’: 102] If Allaah commands the performance of congregational prayer during times of war, then how much more so is it during times of peace? If any were to be excused then surely it would be those in the front line ready to combat the enemy and endangered by their attack? However, since they are not allowed to pray alone, it becomes clear that Muslim men are obliged to perform prayer with the congregation, without exception. In order to highlight its importance and to reflect how serious a matter it is, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was very strict about performing the prayer with the congregation, to the extent that he sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said regarding some who were indifferent to it: “By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! I was about to order that firewood be gathered and that the Athaan for prayer be given. After that (I would have ordered) a man to lead people in prayer then go to those men who did not attend the congregation and burn their houses down (while they are inside).” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim] The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would never have issued such a threat regarding the non-performance of something that is only recommended.

Furthermore, he sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam did not permit Ibn Umm Maktoom, may Allaah be pleased with him, who was a blind Companion, to perform prayer in his home. The narration is that Ibn Umm Maktoom, may Allaah be pleased with him, came to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam seeking his permission to be absent from the congregational prayer due to his blindness and not having someone to guide him to the mosque. At first, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam gave him the concession, but just as he was about to leave, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam called him and asked: “Do you hear the Athaan [i.e. the call for prayer]?” The man replied: “Yes.” So the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Then respond to it [by coming to prayer].” [Muslim] If this was merely a recommended act, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would certainly have exempted this blind Companion from having to pray with the congregation. Our Lord the Exalted says (what means): “The day that the Shin shall be laid bare, and they shall be summoned to prostrate, but they shall not be able to. Their eyes will be cast down, humiliation will cover them, seeing that they had been summoned aforetime to bow in adoration while they were whole, and had refused.” [Al-Qalam: 42-43] These verses prove the obligation of performing the prayer with the congregation from several facets, amongst which is that Allaah punished them because they did not answer the call to prostrate.

The danger of abandoning prayer with the congregation is that Allaah may not accept the prescribed prayer that is performed individually without an Islamically legitimate excuse. It was reported on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever hears the call for the prayer and does not come to (pray with) the congregation, though not hindered by an excuse…” (then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam was interrupted by the question: 'What kind of excuse?' He sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam replied: “Fear or illness.” Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam continued…) “…the prayer he performed individually will not be accepted by Allaah, unless he has a valid excuse.” [Abu Daawood] There are different narrations that were passed down from many other Companions confirming the same ruling and proving the obligation of praying with the congregation. Abu Moosa Al-Ash'ari, 'Ali, Abu Hurayrah, ‘Aa’ishah, and Ibn `Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with them, stated: “Whoever hears the call for prayer and does not answer (i.e., by going to pray in the mosque), his prayer will not be accepted from him, unless he has a valid excuse.”

What can be worse than possessing the qualities of a hypocrite? This is yet another danger resulting from abandoning the prayer with the congregation. Ibn Mas’ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “During our time, only a hypocrite whose hypocrisy was well known or a sick person would miss the congregational prayers. I saw many instances of a man brought to attend prayer while being supported by two others, until he was placed in the line of worshipers.” [Muslim] This statement clearly affirms that not praying with the congregation is considered a sign of confirmed hypocrisy, and it is known that the signs of hypocrisy are those of abandoning something which is mandatory, or doing something which is prohibited. After presenting these various statements of the Companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, commented: “These statements of the Companions are authentic and well known, and there is not a single known statement from any other of the Companions to contradict them. Each individual statement is sufficient (to prove the obligation of praying with the congregation), so what about the fact that they all reinforce one another?” The virtues of praying with the congregation

From amongst the lofty qualities of the Islaamic Law is that it has legislated many acts of worship to be done in congregation. The Muslims gather so that they may come to know each other, keep in contact with each other, seek advice from one another, seek help in removing any difficulties that they may be in, and discuss various issues with one another. This contains great benefit and many desirable points which cannot be enumerated, such as teaching the uninformed, helping the needy, softening the hearts, and manifesting the greatness of Islaam. The Heavenly Revelation endorses this understanding, for when it prohibits and commands, it does not direct this prohibition to any specific individual but to the congregation as a whole; Allaah says (what means): “O you who believe! Bow, prostrate and worship your Lord ...” [AlHajj: 77-78] Indeed the congregational prayer is from the greatest of means to removing sectarian differences and racism based upon one's color, race or land. Through the congregational prayer the Muslims attain mutual love, respect and brotherhood. This is because the elders become known and are thereby respected, the poor and needy become known and are thereby helped, the scholars become known and are thereby asked, and the uninformed become known and are thereby taught. There are many other benefits one gains by performing his daily prayers with the congregation, such as:

• Waiting for the prayer until its due time earns one the same reward as praying itself. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “Everyone among you will be deemed to be occupied in prayer (i.e. he will be gaining the same reward as if he is standing, bowing and prostrating) for as long as the prayer detains him (from worldly concerns), provided that nothing prevents him from returning to his family except the prayer.” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim]

• Angels supplicate for such a person, as long as

he does not nullify his ablution or harm anyone. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “The angels supplicate for any of you, so long as you remain in the place where you have performed prayer and are in a state of ablution. They (the angels) say: `O Allaah! Forgive him. O Allaah! Have mercy on him.'” [Al-Bukhaari] Waiting for the next prayer after the current prayer has just ended guarantees that one will pray the next prayer in congregation, which earns one twenty-five multiples of the reward for praying alone. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “The congregational prayer excels the (prescribed) prayer performed individually by twenty-five degrees.” [Al-Bukhaari] Praying with the congregation strengthens one against Satan the accursed. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “If a group of three people in a town or a desert do not establish prayer (in congregation), the devil will control them. For that reason, stick to the congregational (prayer) because a wolf only preys upon the lone sheep.” [An-Nasaa’i & Ahmad] Abandoning the prayer with the congregation consequently leads to one abandoning his prayer altogether; thus praying with the congregation is a means of preserving one's prayer.

• Going early to the mosque enables one to be

present for the initial 'Allaahu Akbar' of the prayer which entitles the person to a great reward. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “He who is present at the time when the initial 'Allaahu Akbar' is uttered in the congregational prayer, for forty consecutive days, will receive two certificates (from Allaah):a (certificate of) clearance with which one is released from Hell, and a (certificate of) clearance which frees one from hypocrisy.” [AtTirmithi] The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam also said: “No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr (dawn) and the `Ishaa' (night) prayers, and if they knew the reward for these prayers at their respective times, they would certainly present themselves (in the mosques) even if they had to crawl.” One is considered as being present for this if he is standing in line for prayer and utters 'Allaahu Akbar' immediately after the Imaam does. It is a means of praying in the first row about which the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “Allaah and His angels invoke blessings upon those who are in the first front rows.” [An-Nasaa'i] Another benefit is that it enables one to coincide with the Imaam when he utters 'Aameen' in the loud prayers, which has a great virtue, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “Say 'Aameen' when the Imaam says it, and if the 'Aameen' of any of you coincides with that of the angels, then all his past sins will be forgiven.” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim] One should start saying it as soon as the Imaam begins to do so, and this will make it more likely to coincide with the angels saying it.

• It testifies to one's sincere faith. Abu Sa’eed Al-

Khudri, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “If you see a man who frequents the mosques, you should testify that he is a believer." He then made reference to the saying of Allaah (which means): “The mosques of Allaah shall be visited and maintained by those who believe in Allaah and the Last Day.” [At-Tawbah : 18] Arriving at the mosque early enables a person to pray attentively with calmness and tranquility, which is the core of the prayer and its essence. The beauty of tranquility in prayer has caused many people throughout history to embrace Islaam, like in the case of Sa'eed ibn Al-Hasan, who was a Jew who embraced Islaam in 1838 CE as a result of observing the Muslims pray. The congregational prayer brings mutual love and affection among people and illuminates mosques with the remembrance of Allaah. It is also a way of demonstrating the rituals of Islaam. When worshippers stand in straight rows behind the Imaam, this demonstrates the unity of the Muslims and the strength of the relationship between them, i.e., the relationship of faith and religion, which is stronger than the ties of kinship.

An advice for those who have neglected their prayers with the congregation: Return to your Lord. Nobody will bear your burdens on the Day of Resurrection except you; no wealth or children will benefit you; your youth, prestige and wealth will not remain eternally and you will regret your shortcomings on the Day when regret will be of no benefit. Remember that death will come suddenly while you are heedless; prayer is the first thing about which the slave will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection and if it was sound then he will be successful, otherwise, he will be a loser.

In closing, let us ponder upon the following great words of one of the outstanding Companions - Ibn Mas’ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, who said: “Let he who would like to meet Allaah tomorrow (i.e., on the Day of Resurrection) as a Muslim maintain performing the obligatory prayers where they are proclaimed (i.e., with the congregation in the mosque). Prayers are the tradition that leads to guidance, and Allaah legislated for his Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam the traditions of guidance. If you pray like those who abandon the congregation and pray at their homes, then you would abandon the way of your Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and if you abandon the way of your Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam you will be misguided. Whenever a man performs ablution properly and then heads towards the mosque, Allaah will grant him one reward for each step he takes, elevate him a rank higher, and eradicate one of his sins. During our time, only a hypocrite whose hypocrisy was well known would miss the congregational prayers, and I saw many instances of a man brought to attend prayer while being supported by two men until he was placed in the line of worshipers. Each of you has a place for prayer in his home (for offering optional prayers, and for the women).” [Muslim] These are eloquent words given by this great Companion, may Allaah be pleased with him, reflecting how the Companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, attached great importance to the congregational prayer.

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