Matters Related To Prayer Final Hc Checked

  • November 2019
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Matters Related to Prayer

Presented to you by: ISAT The Islamic Society of Arlington, Texas

The prayer of a sick person


bin Husayn, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “I was once suffering from hemorrhoids (piles), so I asked the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam (about how to pray in that condition), and he sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “Pray standing; if you are not able, then sitting down; and if you are not able to do so, then pray lying down.” [Al-Bukhaari, Abu Daawood & Ahmad] Once, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam visited a sick person and saw him praying whilst leaning against a pillow, so he sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam took it and cast it aside. The sick man then took a stick to lean on whilst praying, but he sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam took it and cast it aside, and said: “Pray (standing) on the ground if you can; otherwise, (simply) make the movements (of prayer) with your head, making your prostration lower than your bowing.” [At-Tabaraani, Al-Bazzaar & AlBayhaqi] From the above two narrations and others, the following rulings regarding the prayer of the sick can be extracted: •

A sick person should pray standing, regardless of his ability to stand up straight; this holds even if he has to lean on a wall or a stick. If a sick person cannot stand then he may pray sitting. However, it is best for him to pray whilst sitting in the position where he would have otherwise prayed standing. If a sick person cannot pray sitting down then he may pray lying down. Furthermore, he should lie on his right side (if possible) and face the direction of the Qiblah. If the latter is not possible, the sick person may pray facing any direction.

If a sick person cannot pray lying down on his side, he may pray lying down flat on his back with his feet towards the direction of the Qiblah. If possible, he should also slightly raise his head to face the direction of the Qiblah. Also, if he cannot point his feet to the direction of the Qiblah then he may pray with his feet pointing at any direction. A sick person should prostrate and bow during his prayer; but if he cannot, he may tilt his head and make the position of prostration lower than that of bowing. However, if he is able to perform only one of the two, then he should perform whichever action he is capable of, and should tilt his head in place of the other action. If a sick person cannot tilt his head, he should point with his eyes to indicate bowing and prostration, closing them slightly for bowing and more so for prostration. Note that pointing with the fingers, as some sick people do, is not a correct method of praying and has no basis from the texts of the Qur’aan or the Sunnah. If a sick person can neither tilt his head nor point with his eyes, then he should pray with his heart, uttering Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar) and reciting the Qur’aan and simply bow and prostrate with his intention. This is because reward is achieved in accordance to intention.

A sick person should pray each prayer on time, and do as much as he possibly can from the actions of prayer. If he finds difficulty praying at the designated time, he may combine the prayers in this fashion: Thuhr with ‘Asr and Maghrib with ‘Ishaa’. He may pray them at either time of prayer in the combination, e.g. when combing Thuhr with ‘Asr he may pray them at the time of Thuhr or ‘Asr, whichever he finds easiest. Fajr, however, should be prayed alone and at its designated time. If a sick person is traveling for treatment, he may shorten the four Rak’ah prayers to two Rak’ahs until he returns home, regardless of the length of his stay. The sick person does not have to repeat the prayer if he takes any of abovementioned accommodations. The Prostration of Forgetfulness

In the event of finishing the prayer without fulfilling all its pillars due to forgetfulness, then it is obligatory upon the person to return to the missed pillar and perform it and all that comes after it. After uttering Tasleem, one should perform the prostration of forgetfulness. In case one remembers during the prayer, and before moving to the next act, he can make up for what he forgot without having to prostrate for forgetfulness. However, if he remembers it after proceeding to the next act, then he should return to the position he forgot to perform and make it up, then continue with the remaining portion of his prayer in correct sequence, and then perform the prostration of forgetfulness after uttering Tasleem. If the person realizes his neglect long after his completion of the prayer, then he must repeat his prayer. If one forgetfully omits any obligatory act of the prayer, such as the first Tashahhud, then he should perform the prostration of forgetfulness before uttering Tasleem. If one remembers before moving to the next act, he can make up for what he forgot without having to prostrate for forgetfulness. However, if he remembers it after proceeding to the next act, then it is cancelled, and he should not go back to it but should continue his prayer and then prostrate for forgetfulness before Tasleem.

If one mistakenly performs any extra action in his prayer, such as a bowing or prostration, then he should conclude his prayer by uttering Tasleem, perform the prostration of forgetfulness (two prostrations), then utter Tasleem again. Uttering Tasleem before the completion of the prayer is also counted as an addition. If utters Tasleem before the completion of the prayer and does not remember this until after a long time then he should repeat his prayer again. If he remembers a short time later, such as after two or three minutes, then he should complete his prayer, utter Tasleem and then prostrate for forgetfulness and then utter Tasleem again. When praying behind an Imaam, and the Imaam forgets, then it is compulsory upon those praying behind him to follow him in his performance of the prostration of forgetfulness. This is except for the one who arrives late and needs to make up the parts of the prayer he missed due to arriving late, because he cannot utter Tasleem along with the Imaam. After the Imaam utters the first Tasleem, he should first make up what he has missed, utter Tasleem, prostrate for forgetfulness, and then utter Tasleem again. If one doubts the number of Rak'ahs he has prayed (whether it is two or three for example) and cannot reach a firm decision, he should consider the lesser number (two in the above example). He should then complete his prayer based on that and perform two prostrations before Tasleem. The limits of one's ‘Awrah during prayer

One should stand to pray in the best possible state; Allaah says (what means): “O Children of Aadam! Take your adornment [i.e. wear your proper clothing] at every mosque.” [Al-A’raaf: 31] Meaning, for every prayer. If a person pays great attention to his appearance when meeting an important personality, how should the case be when he has to stand before Allaah Almighty? Is Allaah not worthier to be properly covered for? For men, their prayer is invalid if any part from the navel down to the knees is uncovered during prayer, and it is established that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam instructed for the shoulders to be covered during prayer when he sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “None of you (men) should pray without having something covering his shoulders.” As for women, they must have all their body covered, except the face. Advices regarding prayer The following are advices to help one preserve and guard his prayer and perform it in a proper manner, in order for it to be accepted:

Learn the rulings of prayer and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and correctly perform ablution, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “Allaah made compulsory upon Himself to admit into Paradise any Muslim who properly performs ablution and then prays two Rak’ahs with attentiveness and submissiveness.” [Muslim] Leave your house in the state of ablution, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “The one who leaves his house in a state of ablution to perform any obligatory prayer will get the reward of a pilgrimage.” [Ahmad]

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Be keen to perform it as soon as its time is due, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “The best of deeds is performing prayer at its due time.” [AlBukhaari & Muslim] Be keen to perform it with the congregation, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “Prayer with the congregation is twenty-seven multiples better than praying alone.” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim] Be keen to walk to the mosque if you can, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “Give glad tidings to those who walk to the mosque during darkness of complete light on the Day of Resurrection.” [Abu Daawood & At-Tirmithi] Be attentive with your heart while performing prayer, have your heart attached to the mosque and wait in the mosque for the next prayer as much as you can, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said when mentioning the seven whom Allaah will protect under the shade of His Throne: “…A man whose heart is attached to the mosques…” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim] Perform the regular optional prayers at home because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “The best prayer is the one performed at home, except the obligatory prayer.” [At-Tabaraani] Beware of staying up late at night because this is a likely cause of one missing the Fajr prayer. Beware of eating, drinking and laughing excessively, as this makes performing prayer heavier on the heart.

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Utilize all possible means of waking up for the Fajr prayer. Read about the Salaf and their ambition and keenness to guard their prayer, so as to have them as an example. Think about the glory of Allaah before you start praying, and ponder upon the verses read during the prayer. Always say the recommended supplications and remembrance after the obligatory prayers, and do not leave the mosque before finishing them. For those who have abandoned Prayer

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O you who have abandoned prayer! What is left of your Islaam after this abandonment? Do you not know that prayer is the spinal cord of Islaam and the indicator of your belief? O you who have abandoned prayer! All creatures prostrate to Allaah except you, while Allaah says (what means): “Do you not see that to Allaah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people? But upon many the punishment has been justified.” [Al-Hajj: 18] If you do not pray then you are likely to be among the ones mentioned in this verse who will be punished. O you who have abandoned prayer! Do you not know that abandoning prayer is an act of disbelief, as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “The pledge between us and them is [expressed by their performance of] prayer: whosoever abandons it has disbelieved.” [Ahmad]

O you who have abandoned prayer! Do you not know that slighting prayer is a form of hypocrisy, as Allaah says (what means): “Indeed, the hypocrites [think to] deceive Allaah, but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing [themselves to] the people and not remembering Allaah except a little.” [AnNisaa’: 142] You do not pray whereas even the hypocrites who lived during the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam would, even if it was just for show. O you who have abandoned prayer! Do you not you know that abandoning it causes hardness of the heart and heedlessness, as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: “Those who abandon prayer should cease doing so, else Allaah will seal their hearts to be amongst the heedless people.” [Muslim] O you who have abandoned prayer! Do you not know that this leads to punishment in Hell, as Allaah says (what means): “[It will be asked]: ‘What put you into Saqar (i.e., Hell)?’ They will say: 'We were not of those who used to offer the prayers.'” [AlMuddaththir: 42-43]

O you who have abandoned prayer! Do you not you know that abandoning it causes you stress, grief, disturbance and a difficult life in general? Allaah says (what means): “And whoever turns away from My remembrance – indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather (raise) him on the Day of Resurrection blind. He will say: `My Lord! Why have you raised me blind while I was [once] seeing?' [Allaah] will say: 'Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot [i.e., disregarded] them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten.'” [Taa Haa: 124-126] Your life is being wasted while your heart is veiled from worshipping Allaah; how can you depart this life not having tasted the finest of it in the form of worshipping Allaah, mentioning Him and expressing your gratitude to Him? O you who have abandoned prayer! What remains as important in your religion if you have abandoned your prayer? Do you not know that the one who abandons prayer finds it even easier to abandon other acts of worship?

Glorifying the position of prayer There are many ways one can glorify the position of his prayer, such as:

1. Rushing to perform it at its prescribed time, as soon as it becomes due.

2. Perfectly

performing it fulfilling conditions, pillars and compulsory acts.


3. Feeling great sorrow if any portion of it was performed improperly or negligently, such as failing to be attentive and submissive during prayer, because a prayer without submission is like a body without a soul. The ranks of people in relation to prayer

Imaam Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "There are five ranks of people in relation to prayer: First: He who transgresses against himself by neglecting parts of his ablution as well as the timings of his prayer; and he will be punished. Second: He who maintains its timings and conditions, but his mind is otherwise preoccupied during prayer; and he will be questioned. Third: He who maintains its timings, conditions and all its rights, and struggles against himself to not busy himself with other thoughts during it, thus being in a state of Jihaad while praying; and he will be forgiven. Fourth: He whose heart is fully consumed by his prayer, and his main concern is establishing it properly and perfectly, and he is thereby in a state of servitude to his Lord; and he will be rewarded. Fifth: He who does as the fourth, but in addition he sets his heart in the Hands of his Lord, being watchful of his Lord, glorifying and honoring Him as if he can see Him; his mind is fully focused on his prayer, and this type is far higher than any other rank; and he is close to his Lord and will have the absolute pleasure of his eyes by also being close to his Lord in the Hereafter." Dear Muslims! Which one of these ranks would you like to be among? More importantly, which one of these five ranks do you actually occupy? Hold yourself accountable and weigh yourself according to your performance of prayer, because it is a highly accurate scale.

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