Prayer & Praise 8.22.09

  • May 2020
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Prayer and Praise: Josiah and Helen- Pray as they start their semester next week and as they manage, work, school, and being newly married. Pray for God's grace in their life and that we are able to spend time with his word every day Jn 15:5

Joel and Robin- Pray for traveling mercies this week and rest in the Lord as they are traveling to San Francisco Ps 121

Jason and Hannah- Praise God for their pregnancy, pray for a healthy 9 months and that Hannah would not be nauseated and safe travels as Jason comes back from New Mexico and starts the school year for college ministry! Ps 54:4

Jason and Sarah- Pray for them as they seek the Lord's perfect will and calling for Jason as he is asking the Lord to lead them to a seminary. Matt 7:21 Also, pray for comfort as they lost their dog Oliver this week. 2 Cor 1:3-4

Sean and Jenny- Pray for healthy pregnancy for Jenny and for healing over her back, also for Sean as he is in PA school this semester for perseverance and time mgt. Ps 31:3

Steven and Elizabeth- So sad to say goodbye to them as they promoted to the "older wed" class but since we still are one in the spirit please pray for Elizabeth as she asks for an "open door" to the gospel with Priya ( from her apartment complex). Col 4:3 Pray for them as they prepare their apartment life at Camden Valley for starting school!

Tim and Crystal- Praise God for their pregnancy, please pray for a healthy 9 months and for no nauseated feelings! 1 Sam 25:6

Colin and Mallory- Please pray wisdom for Mallory in her relationship with her sister and for Colin as he will be teaching tomorrow! Pray for wisdom and guidance as they seek where the Lord wants to use them in ministry. Ps 25:5

Shane and Ruthie- Pray for Ruthie as she is taking her pre-requisites to attend nursing school and still working full time at Children's, for time mgt and perseverance. Ps 85:13

Brett and Kim- Praise the Lord Brett got a promotion!

Ps 68:35 Also please pray for wisdom and guidance as they seek God's perfect will on where to serve. Ps 23:3

Floyd and Amy- Pray in faith that they would get custody of Floyd's daughter Gwen! Praise God for Gwen's ( their daughter) salvation and decision to get baptized. Ps 72:18 Pray for Floyd's stomach to be healed. Luke 9:11 Also, pray for them as they are CARES team leaders ministering in Irving, pray for salvation for where they have planted seeds. Jn 14:15

Jaime and Brent- Continue to pray that GOD would heal her fibroids and continue to help in modifying her diet. Jer 33:6 Pray that GOD will use them to minister to their students as they will be facing some changes at school over the next year. Job 36:11

Brad and Rachel-

Pray for them as they are serving as CARES team leaders at an apartment in Las Colinas, for a prosperous ministry as they share Christ daily. Also pray for wise time management as they are newlyweds who are both still in school. Jn 21:17

Nate and Natalie- Pray for Nate's dad, Sila, for continued healing of brain cancer. Praise God for what He is already doing in sustaining Sila's spirit as he continually teaches and disciples others. Ps 40:5 Pray for Leslie, Natalie's sister, as she just got married last weekend, that God would put a hedge of protection around their marriage. Ps 5:11 Also, pray for wisdom and complete trust as Nate and Nat ask the Lord for direction on where to live. Also please pray for Natalie's co- worker, Anna, for Godly sorrow that leads to repentance andsalvation! 2 Cor 7:10

Daniel and Julie- Pray for them as they are leading a CARES ministry at Shadows of Cottonwood at Las Colinas, pray for opportunities to share Jesus daily and build deeper relationships with residents Eph 6:19. Pray for renewed passion and purpose in working with Student Bible Fellowship, particularly as it relates to discipleship opportunities. Ps. 138:8 Also for peaceand patience as they have started trying to have children Col 3:12

Laz and Kristen- Please continue to pray for Kimela, Kristen's sister, who recently found out that the reason for her dizziness and passing out has to do with small seizures. Please pray for healing and wisdom for the doctors to treat her. Ps 103:3Pray for Laz and Kristen for discipline to study as they are both in med school and tests are coming up. 2 Tim 1:7

Tyler and Lauren-

Traveling mercies as Tyler is headed back from New Mexico tonight. ps 121 Pray for obedience and faith and that the Love of Christ would compel us to share Jesus daily. Pray for wisdom and guidance regarding potentially moving to Dallas. Rom 12:2 Pray for healthy pregnancy 1 Sam 25:6, pray for Tyler's company Vision for protection financial market. Ps 25:21 Also, salvation for my grandmother (Carol) and my friend Regan and Sarah- pray that the Spirit would draw them and i would see repentance that leads to salvation Jn 6:44.

Church Wide Request: Pray that our three services will continue to go smoothly and that John, the staff, and the worship team would be given strength from the Lord for each service! Pray for

revival at First Irving

would start with us! Is 57:15

and that the Lord

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