Prayer Newsletter July 2009

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Chain of Lakes Presbyterian Church

Prayer New sletter

Volume 1, Issue 3 July, 2009

Thanks For Your Prayers Thanks to all of you who have kept Chain of Lakes New Church in your prayers. Your prayer support is the best way for now that congregations and individuals can support our newly forming congregation. Thanks to all who offered prayer support as the Steering Committee of Chain of Lakes developed our new church’s Purpose Statement. Our Purpose Statement answers the question, “Why do we exist?” For three months the Steering Committee and I prayed over and discussed our response to that question. You helped by keeping this process in our prayers. We eventually developed our Purpose Statement at a Retreat on May 30th. We then continued to pray over and refine what we developed. The Steering Committee voted on the following Purpose Statement at our June meeting.

“We are called to be an authentic, Christian community where: Strangers become friends Friends become disciples Disciples impact the world.”

Participants at the Blessing of the Animals in the Park on Sunday June 28. We enjoyed a picnic lunch and fellowship after blessing our pets.

Before the Retreat on May 30th I sent a number of E-mails to our folks asking for prayers. During the Retreat I put a prayer rock in my pocket. At certain moments during the Retreat I would take the rock out of my pocket and put it near my materials. It was a wonderful reminder of the spiritual support that many people shared through prayer. I believe that God gave us this Purpose Statement; that our Steering Committee discerned God’s direction; and you helped through your prayers. Thank you! The entire process was invigorating!

Inside this Issue Thank You For Your Prayers Page 1 Prayer Story Page 2 Prayer Resources Page 2 Current Prayer Requests Page 3 Contact Information Page 3

Volume 1, Issue 3

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Prayer Story from Pastor Paul As I’ve shared in the previous Prayer Newsletters I enjoy talking about prayer and sharing prayer stories from my own prayer life. In recognition of John Calvin’s 500th birthday, Princeton Seminary is encouraging people to read through the Institutes in 2009. They created a web site with a daily reading schedule, weekly commentaries, and a message board. This is an excellent idea and I decided in January to follow along on the reading schedule. I read through the Institutes in seminary, but this time it became a chore. I started off by reading the Institutes during my own personal devotion time. I had planned to read through the New Testament in 2009, but initially decided to substitute the Institutes. I started off fine, but by mid-April realized that reading Calvin and reading the New Testament are far different. I discovered I was hungry spiritually. I stopped reading the Institutes and started reading the New Testament during my devotions. That was a good choice.

I didn’t give up on Calvin, though. I would find time during the day to keep on the reading schedule. But when my family moved out of our house in Rochester, my Calvin reading was cast aside. I got behind on the readParticipants enjoying the picnic ings. Eventually I in the park on June 28th decided to give up on reading the Institutes in 2009. However, recently during my prayer time, I felt a gentle nudge to come back and read the Institutes again. When I felt this nudge I asked God, “How am I going to catch up?” I felt a response to read for 15 minutes during the day at the office; start out with the current day’s reading, and then find a way to read what I’ve missed. That is the plan for now. I do believe that the nudge was from God—so I am sticking to it. Don’t hesitate to ask me how my reading is going.

Prayer Resources Prayer Resources The following are some wonderful resources that can support our Prayer Life: This is a blog about prayer done by the prayer ministry of Church of the Resurrection, a large Methodist Church in Kansas City, Missouri This is a prayer site run by the Jesuits in Britain. They offer a ten to 13 minute daily podcast on prayer that can be downloaded. I’m thinking about downloading it into my IPOD and listening to it on my drive home. devotionals/ Click on the devotional tab and a person will find a very large number of daily devotionals. I just came across this organization called Prayer ventures. They have some resources about prayer including some articles called, “7 Secrets to Effective Intercession” “Prayer Walking” and “Praying as Husband & Wife. Thin Places is an ecumenical newsletter with a particular interest in the contemplative spiritual journey.

Pra yer Newsletter Pastor Paul Moore Chain of Lakes New Church Development 6776 Lake Drive, Suite 225 Lino Lakes MN 55014

Phone: 651-528-7321 Email: [email protected]

We’re On the Web

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Contact us! Do not hesitate to contact Chain of Lakes New Church Development Phone: (651) 528-7321 Address: 6776 Lake Drive #225 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Web Site: Paul Moore’s Blog: You can also connect with Paul Moore by sending him a Facebook Friend request and by following him on Twitter. Chain of Lakes Prayer Newsletter Editor: Paul Moore Designer: Amy Moore

Current Prayer Requests     

Please pray for guidance as the Steering Committee decides where we will hold weekly worship later this year. That God would move in the hearts and minds of the unchurched in the Blaine/ Lino Lakes area For the 20 families who have participated in an event at Chain of Lakes Church. For Paul, Amy & Hannah Moore as they begin their life in their new house in Blaine. For Vacation Bible School that Chain of Lakes Church will hold on August 12 & 13. Pray that many children from outside our congregation will attend.

All who grieve the passing of Rev. David Droog. David died on Tuesday, July 14th. He was an accomplished Interim Pastor who served many churches in the Presbytery of Twin Cities Area.

“We are called to be an authentic, Christian community where: Strangers become friends Friends become disciples Disciples impact the world.”

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