Prayer For One

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  • Words: 2,143
  • Pages: 10
PRAYER FOR ONE’S CHILDREN O Heavenly Father I offer my children to You. Be their God and Father. Mercifully make up for whatever, through weakness or Neglect, is missing in me. Strengthen them to overcome the evil of the world, to Resist all temptations to sin, and deliver them from the secret Traps of the enemy. Pour your grace into their hearts. Strengthen and increase in them The gifts of your Holy Spirit. May they grow daily in the grace and In the knowledge of your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May they faithfully serve you here on earth, and may they come to rejoice In your presence forever in heaven, Amen.

= = = = = = = = = PRAYER FOR A FRIEND May the grace and blessing of your Sacred Heart be with (mention name) O Jesus. May the peace of your Sacred Heart surround (name). May the merits of your Sacred Heart plead for (name). May the love of your Sacred Heart set (name ) soul on fire with your love. May the sorrows of your Sacred Heart comfort the (name) in his/her troubles. May zeal of the Sacred Heart give life to his/her soul. May the virtues of your Sacred Heart shine in every word and work Of his/hers, and may the joys of heaven be his/her eternal reward. Amen. KEEP ME FROM SIN Take my body, Jesus, Eyes and ears and tongue, Never let them Jesus, help to do Thee wrong. Take my heart and fill it full of love for thee All I have I give thee Give thyself to me.

PRAYER FOR HELP ( when in despair ) Lord, hear my prayer! In your righteousness listen to my plea Answer me in faithfulness! Don’t put me , your servant, on trial, No one is innocent in your sight. My enemy has hunted me down, And completely defeated me , O Lord. He has put me in a dark prison, And I am ready to give up, Lord, I am in deep despair, O Lord. I remember the days gone by I think about all that you have done, I bring to mind all your deeds I lift up my hands to you in prayer Like dry ground my soul is thirsty for you Answer me now, Lord. I have lost all hope Don’t hide yourself from me, lord or I will be Among those who go down to the world of the dead. Remind me each morning, Lord. Of your constant love, for I put my trust in you My prayers go up to you Show me the way I should go. I go to you for protection, Lord Rescue me from my enemies You are my god, teach me to do your will. Be good to me, and guide me on a safe path. Rescue me Lord, as you have promised In your goodness save me from my troubles Because of your love froe me, remove my enemies And destroy all my oppressors lord, For I am your servant Glory Be.

PSALM 91 I have made you, Lord my defender, You, the Most High, my protector, And son no disaster will strike me, No violence will come near my home. You will put your angels in charge of me, Lord, To protect me from hurting my feet on the stones. I will trample down lions and snakes, Fierce lions and poisonous snakes. You say, you will save those who love you, O God, and will protect those who know you, as Lord. When they call to you, you will answer them. You will reward them with long life You will save them GLORY BE PRAYER: Lord God, you are the eternal Light which Illumines the hearts of good people. Help Me to love you, to rejoice in your glory And so to live in this world as to avoid Harsh judgment in the next. May I come To see the light of your countenance. JESUS TEACH ME HOW TO PRAY: SUFFER NOT MY THOUGHTS TO STRAY: SEND DISTRACTIONS FAR AWAY; SWEET HOLY CHILD GOD OUR FATHER HEAR OUR PRAYER, WHICH WE ASK OF YOU MAKE US ONE IN LOVING YOU DRAW US ALL TOGETHER. Whoever goes to you, Lord for safety, Whoever remains under your almighty protection, Can say to you, You are my defender and protector. You are my God, in you I trust You keep me safe from all hidden dangers, And from all deadly diseases. You will cover me with your wings, I will be safe in your care Your faithfulness will protect and defend me.

I need not fear and dangers at night, Lord Or sudden attacks during the day, Or the plagues that strike in the dark, Or the evils that kill in daylight. A thousand may fall dead beside me Lord, Ten thousand all around me, But I will not be harmed I will look and see How the wicked are punished

PRAYER FOR HELP (in time of trouble) Listen to me, Lord, and answer me, For I am helpless and weak. Save me from death, because I am loyal to you; Save me, Lord, for I am you servant And I trust in you. You are my God, so be merciful to me; I pray to you all the daylong. Make your servant glad, O Lord, Because my prayers go up to you. You are good to us and forgiving, Full of constant love for all who pray to you. Listen Lord, to my prayer Bear my cries for help I call to you in times of trouble, Because you answer my prayers. There is no god like you, O Lord, Not one has done what you have done. All the nations that you have created Will come land bow down to you, O Lord They will praise your greatness. You are mighty and do wonderful things You alone are god

Teach me, Lord, what you want me to do, And I will obey you faithfully Teach me to serve you with complete devotion I will praise you with all my heart, O Lord, My God. I will proclaim your greatness forever. How great is your constant love for me, Lord, You have saved me form the grave itself. Proud men are coming against me, O God A gang of cruel men is trying to kill me People who pay no attention to you But you, O Lord are a merciful and loving God Always patient, always kind and faithful PRYAER FOR HELP (for safety and protection from enemies) Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful, Because I come to you for safety. In the shadow of your wings I find protection Until the raging storms are over. O God, the Most High, I call to you To you, who supply my every need, You will answer from heaven and save me You will defeat my oppressors. O God, you will show me your constant love and faithfulness. I am surrounded by enemies, Lord, Who are like man-eating lions. Their teeth are like spears and arrows Their tongues are like sharp swords. Show your greatness in the sky, O God, And your glory over all the earth. O God, my enemies have spread a net to catch me O Lord, I am overcome with distress They dug a pit in my path, Lord, But fell into it themselves. I have complete confidence, O God, I will sing and praise you I awake my soul, I awake my music Lord, I wake before dawn. I praise you among the peoples.

Your constant love reaches the heavens, lord. Your faithfulness touches the skies Show your greatness in the sky, O God. And your glory over all the earth.


CONFIDENCE IN GOD’S PROTECTION (from defeat) I wait patiently for you to save me, O God I depend on you alone You alone protect and save me You are my defender, And I shall never be defeated. How much longer will they all attack me, Lord, I am no stronger than a broken-down fence. They only want to bring me down From my placed of honour, Lord, They take pleasure in lies. They speak words of blessing, But in their hearts they curse me. I depend on you alone, O God, I put my hope in you You alone protect and save me You are my defender, and I shall never be defeated, My salvation and honour depend on you , God., You are my strong protector you are my shelter. May your people trust in you at all times, Lord may they tell you all their troubles. For you are our refuge. Men are all like a puff of breath, Lord, Great and small alike are worthless. Put them on the scales, and they weigh nothing, They are lighter than a mere breath.

Let us not put our trust in violence, Lord, Nor hope to gain anything by robbery, Even if your riches increase, we don’t depend on that. More that once I have heard you say, O God, That power belongs to you, And that your love is constant. You yourself, O Lord, reward everyone according to his deeds GLORY BE.

PSALM 86 (85) Turn to me Lord, and have mercy one me, Strengthen me and save me, Because I serve you just as my mother did. Show me proof of your goodness, Lord. Those who hate me will be ashamed When they see that you have given me comfort and help. GLORY BE

PRAYER FOR HELP (for enemies) I call to you, O Lord, for help I plead with you I bring you all my complaints I tell you all my troubles When I am ready to give up You know what I should do. In the path where I walk My enemies have hidden a trap for me When I look beside me, I see that there is no one to help me No one to protect me No one care for me

Lord I cry to you for help, You Lord, are my protector You are all I want in this life. Listen to my cry for help, Lord, For I am sunk in despair. Save me from my enemies lord, They are too strong for me Set me free from my distress, Then in the assembly of your people, I will praise you, Because of your goodness to me GLORY BE O GOD SAVE ME LAMB OF GOD, YOU TAKE AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD, GRANT US PEACE. PRAYER: Graciously hear me, Lord for I seek only you.

You are near to those whose heart is right. Open yourself to accept my sorrowful spirit, Calm my body and mind with the peace which Surpasses understanding Lord, you are the source of unfailing light.

Give me true knowledge of your mercy so that I

May renounce my pride

And be filled with the riches of your house. PRAYER: Father Creator and Ruler of Heaven and Earth

You made man in you likeness to subdue the Earth and master it, and to recognize the work of your hands

In created beauty. Grant that your children Thus surrounded on all sides by signs of your presence, May live continually in Christ, praising you

Through him and with him


O JESUS, priest forever, keep your priests safe in the shelter of your Sacred Heart, where none may harm them. Keep clean from sin their anointed hands, which touch your sacred body, each day and their mouth, which drink your precious blood. Keep pure their hearts marked with the wonderful marks of the priesthood. Let your holy love protect them from the sinfulness of the world they work in. Bless their work with success, and may the souls they work for being a joy to them here in this life, and help them to reward of everlasting glory in the next life.

Mary, Queen of priests, pray for our priests and obtain for us many more holy priests. Amen

PRAYER FOR SUCCES IN STUDY O Mary, Mother of love, of knowledge and of holy hope, By whose prayers many have grown wise and become holy, I choose you as the guide and patroness of my studies. Because of the deep tenderness of your motherly love for Me, and because Jesus, the eternal Wisdom, was pleased to Take from you our flesh and to give you more heavenly Light than all the saints. I humbly ask that you would Obtain for me by your prayers the grace of the holy spirit. With this grace, may I be able to understand and remember, And who forth to others by word and action, all things Which bring honour to you and to your son Jesus and which will lead me and others to everlasting life. Amen

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