Windows Xp Tweaks

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Windows XP Tweaks Directory Disable Windows Messenger. 1. Go to START > RUN 2. Type RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection%windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove and

press enter. 3. Restart and Windows Messenger will never be seen again. Getting Rid of Accessibility Tools. 1. Go to START > RUN 2. Type RunDll32


3. Restart and you will never see Accessibility Tools again. Turn Off Indexing to speed up response time. 1. Open My Computer 2. Right click on C:\ drive and choose properties 3. Uncheck box that says “Allow Indexing Service To…” 4. Click OK and files will be removed from memory. This removal takes up to a few minutes to complete, but its worth it. You will also need to disable the indexing service here too: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Go to START > RUN Type “services.msc” and then press enter Scroll down to “Indexing Service” and double click If the service status is “Running”, then stop it by pressing the “Stop” button To make sure that this service does not start again, under “Startup Type:”, choose “Disabled.

Turn Off Hibernation Option. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Right click on desktop and click “Properties” Hit the “Screen Saver” tab Click the “Power” button under “Monitor Power” Click the “Hibernation” tab, then uncheck the box next to “Enable Hibernation” 5. Press “Ok” and you have just saved a load of hard drive space Turn off Auto Restart. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Go to “Control Panel” Click on “System” Select “Advanced” tab Select “Startup and Recovery” Uncheck “Auto restart”

Repairing Corrupt Files. 1. Go to START > RUN and type sfc /scannow (space between the sfc and /) 2. You will then be prompted for you XP installation CD 3. Go to START > RUN and type chkdsk /r /x (again, note the spaces) Disable Startup Programs. 1. Go to START > PROGRAMS > STARTUP Or you can go to: 2. START > RUN and type msconfig and press OK. 3. When that loads, open the “Startup” tab and select program(s) to disable Change Icon for File Type. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Go to START > CONTYROL PANEL > FOLDER OPTIONS > FILE TYPES Scroll down the list to select the file type that you wish to use. Click the “Advanced” button. Press “Change Icon” in new window. Go to C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll Click OK to close

Shutdown and Restart Icons on Desktop. 1. Right click on desktop 2. Select “New Shortcut” 3. Type shutdown.exe –s –t 00 in the box 4. Click NEXT 5. Type a name for the shortcut The icon will now be visible on your desktop. In order to create icons for reboot and logoff replace –s with –r or –l respectively. If you want your machine to wait a certain amount of time before it shuts down then change the 00 value to whatever time you desire. Example: shutdown.exe –s –t 10. This means that the machine will wait for ten minutes after you clicked the shut down icon.

Shortcut for Fast User Switching. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Right click on desktop. Select “New Shortcut” Type Rundll32.exe User32.dll, LockWorkStation Click NEXT. Type a name for the shortcut.

The icon will now be visible on your desktop.

Shortcut for System Hibernation/Standby. Repeat the process above except that when you choose the “New Shortcut’ option type: %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState Clean out the Prefetch folder. It is a good idea to clean out the Prefetch folder ever few weeks to improve system performance. This folder contains files that help programs load quicker, but after a few weeks or more it fills up with things that are no longer in use and this can slow your computer noticeably. So I delete every thing form this folder every few weeks. The only problem is that deleting the layout.ini file (which also files up with things no long in use) in this folder will slow the computer down for the next few times you start it up, The workaround for this to to use a command to recreate it. Most people here will never remember the command or to clean out the Prefetch folder as regularly as they should. So to help remember both open notepad and enter: del C:\Windows\prefetch\layout.ini del C:\Windows\prefetch\*.pf Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks Save it as Prefetch.bat making sure the save type is all files. If you put it some where like the desktop or start menu you will remember to use it. Repair/Reinstall Windows Components. Often part of Windows start messing up and not working, this is often because the files belonging to that component are missing or corrupt. The good news is that often these components can be reinstalled with out reinstalling XP. It is best that you run Tweak #6 first but it some times dose to repair some components of Windows XP The way to do this is first put in you Windows XP CD then go to the folder C:\Windows\inf and right click the .inf file that belongs to that component of Windows that you what to reinstall and press install. Accessories - accessor.inf Communications - communic.inf <-- the components in the Communications folder. COM+ - comnt5.inf Windows Defragmenter - dfrg.inf Distributed Transaction Coordinator - dtcnt5.inf Fax Services - fxsocm.inf Windows Fonts - font.inf Windows Games - Games.inf Internet Explorer - ie.inf

Internet Explorer Short Cuts - ieaccess.inf Windows Internet Games - igames.inf Web Tools - iis.inf <--Includes FrontPage Windows Messenger - msmsgs.inf Multimedia - multimed.inf <--Volume control and Sound Recorder and Media Player Network Management and Monitoring Tools - netoc.inf Outlook Express Shortcuts - oeaccess.inf Out of Box Experience - oobe.inf <--oobe folder in C:\Windows\System32 Pchealth - pchealth.inf <-- Pchealth folder in C:\Windows Pinball - pinball.inf Indexing Service - setupqry.inf Search - srchasst.inf Terminal Server - TsOc.inf Windows Management Instrumation - wbemoc.inf Windows Messanger Shortcuts - wmaccess.inf Windows Media Player Shorcuts - wmpocm.inf Tour XP - wmtour.inf Wordpad - worpad.inf Accessibility Tool - optional.inf One .inf file of importance that dose not install any thing is sysoc.inf, it controls what you see in "Add/Remove Windows Components." If you open it you will so that most lines end with ,,7 (or some other number) and ,hide,7 (or some other number) adding hide hides it, removing the hide shows it. This can be useful for administrators that what to stop components being installed or removed. Remove Entries from Add/Remove Programs. Sometimes after uninstalling a program the entry is still left in the Add/Remove Program, to the frustration of some users, so here is how to fix it. First start Registry Editor Then Locate the following key(folder): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall I recommend that you backup this whole Key(folder) by right clicking it and pressing Export and saving it some where, where you can find it should some thing go wrong. Locate the key to be deleted by locating the key name created by the program. If the name of the key is not apparent, browse through each key and note the value for DisplayName. This is the viewable string in the Add/Remove Programs tool. It is best to double check that you have the right one by having Add/Remove Programs open as you do this. Delete the selected registry key(folder) and its values(files). Do not delete the entire Uninstall key. Quit Registry Editor.

Add Another Menu to the Task Bar The first step in doing this is to make a new folder, to do so in explorer go to where you what to store the tool bar's folder you can make it any ware. Now in the right half of explorer's window right click and then New > Folder. Now name the folder what you what, remember that this is going to be the name of the menu so make sure that it is a name you what it to be. Now in to this folder add what you what in the menu, it can be Short-Cuts, Documents, pictures, music, etc. anything that you what to be able to get to quickly. Now Right click the Task Bar in the context menu find "Toolbars" and then "New Toolbar". In the Window that open find the folder that you made, then press "OK" You will now have a new Toolbar on your Task Bar. Folder Options. To get to Folder Options go Start > Control Panel > Folder Options In the General tab there are three sections, “Tasks”, “Browse Folders”, and “Click items as follows”. Under “Tasks” chose “Use Windows classic folders” to remove the side panel of common tasks that are not use are needed, the choice it yours, but that is what I recommend. Under “Browse folders” chose “Open each folder in the same window” to stop too many explorer windows opening. Under “Click items as follows” select “Double-click to open an item (single-click to select)’ to keep the normal double click an icon to open a program, this stops accidents. In the View tab there are two sections “Folder views” and “Advanced settings.” Under “Folder views” you can set the current folder view (details, list, icons, tiles, thumbnails) if you press “Apply to All Folders”. You can also restore the default settings if you press “Reset All Folders” Under “Advanced Settings” Do’s • • • • •

Do not show files and folders <--This is under hidden Files and folders, this prevents files that have been set to hidden form showing. This is best because they have been hidden for a reason. Hide protected operating system files (recommended) <-- You don’t need to see these files. Remember each folder’s view settings <--This mean if I set a folders view (details, list, icons, tiles, thumbnails) it will be the same next time I come back to that folder Show Control Panel in My Computer <---Just another way to get to the control panel. Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color. <--Means I know if some thing is encrypted because it is green or compress because it is blue.

“Advanced Settings” Do Not’s • • • • • • • • • • •

Automatically search for network folders and printers <--This is what adds to the list of shared folders in My Network Places < Entire Network < Microsoft Windows Network I don’t like it doing so, and this adds to network traffic. Display file size information in folder tips <--This is a matter of personal preference, if you look at folder tips tick it. Display simple folder view in Explorer’s Folder list<--Dose not seam to do anything. Display the contents of system folders<--Unless you know what you are doing you should not be looking in system folders. Display the full path in the address bar <--Matter of preference, I normally un-tick it. Display the full path in the title bar <--Matter of preference, I normally untick it. Do not cache thumbnails <--This makes thumbnails load slower. Show files and folders <--This is under hidden Files and folders, this makes files that have been set to hidden show. This is not advised they have been hidden for a reason. Hide extensions for know file types <--If you tick this a file could show up as filename.bmp in stead of filename.bmp.vbs, and you would think that the file is a picture when it could really be a virus. Launch folder windows in a separate process <--It starts another process which is undefined. Restore previous folder windows at logon <--Means all the Explorer Windows that I forgot to close open when I start my computer.

Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items <--This annoys me, if you like it keep it, it dose not make much of a difference. Changing User Passwords This option enables a user to change anyone’s password without knowing their existing password. The procedure is carried out as follows: 1. Click START > RUN and then type cmd. 2. From the command prompt window, type net users. This will show you every user account on the computer whether it is hidden or not. 3. Make sure that you are logged into a computer with admin rights. 4. Type in net user followed by the name of the account and then press enter. 5. From there it should ask you whether you want to input a new password. 6. Enter a new password of your choosing. Applying a Password to the Guest Account The default password for the guest account is blank. Many Microsoft reps say that adding a password the guest account is not an option but they are wrong. To apply a password to the guest account, do the following:

1. Make sure that you are logged into your machine with an admin account. 2. Click START > RUN and then type cmd and click OK 3. Input the following command: net user guest password 4. Go to Control Panel > User Accounts 5. Click on ‘Guest’ 6. You should now be able to configure a password for the guest account. Increase Security by Disabling Services Go to START > RUN and then type services.msc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Messenger – Home/Pro/SP2 = Disable NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing – Home/Pro/SP2 = Disable Protected Storage – Home/Pro/SP2 = Disable Remote Desktop Help Session Manager – Home/Pro/SP2 = Disable Remote Registry Service – Pro/SP2 = Disable Routing and Remote Access – Pro/SP2 = Disable Security Accounts Manager – Home/Pro/SP2 = Disable

How to Reinstall PCHealth To reinstall PCHealth, do the following: 1. Click START > RUN and then type the following: %systemroot%\inf 2. 3. 4. 5.

Click OK to open the .inf folder Locate the file pchealth.inf Right click the file and then click “install” Insert Windows XP installation CD when prompted

Preventing Slow Domain Log In 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Right click on network connection icon. Select “Properties” Click the properties button for TCP/IP Click the “Advanced” button Click the WINS tab In the NetBIOS settings, select “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP” Reboot and try to login again.

In most cases, login time is greatly reduced. This tweak only works with XP machines running off of an NT 2000 domain. Faster Icons In Windows XP, when My Computer browses for files, XP automatically searches for network files and printers. This causes a delay in displaying your icons. To combat this, do the following: 1. open My Computer

2. Click on the Tools menu and select Folder Options 3. Under Folder Options select the view tab 4. Uncheck the box that reads “Automatically Search For Network Folders and Printers” 5. Click Apply or Ok You should see a dramatic increase in speed when Windows displays your icons. Remote Shutdown computers on Your Network 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Right click on desktop Select “New Shortcut” Type shutdown.exe –i Click Next Type a name for your new shortcut Click Finish

You can now browse the network for computers to shutdown and reboot or just type the IP/Name of the computer. You can even broadcast a message and schedule a shutdown. Note: This will not work with machines that have admin access enabled. System Info Instead of typing systeminfo in a DOS box you can simply do it in Windows too. 1. Start 2. Select Run 3. Type winmsd Reinstall TCP/IP To reinstall TCP/IP, do the following: 1. Navigate to C:\Windows\inf 2. Find the file: nettcpip.inf 3. Right click the file and choose install With regard to the speed of executing the command, it is instantaneous which makes it seem as though you did nothing at all. Shortcut For Closing All Network Connections To close all connections using a shortcut do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Find RASDDIAL.EXE in Windows\System32 Right click on it and create “New Shortcut” Right click on shortcut and click “Properties” In the target field type (space)/disconnect at the end of the path. In full: C:\WINDOWS\System32\rasdial.exe /disconnect 5. Click once on the shortcut key field and press the key combination you wish to use for closing the connection.

6. Apply Slow Network Browsing Create a text file using Noteppad and input this: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters] “SizReqBuf”=dword:0000ffff

Save the file as ‘WHATEVER.REG’ then double click the file to apply the setting (on the server only). Disable CD Burning This is a registry hack which can be used to disable the CD-R drive. 1. Open Notepad 2. Type the following: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] “NoCDBurning”=dword:00000001

If you wish to enable CD burning, change 1 to a 0. Display Message On Startup If you would like to display a legal message in a pop-up window when Windows starts, do the following: 1. Click START > RUN and then type regedit 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon 3. Modify the key “Legal Notice Caption” with what you want to name the window. 4. Modify the key “Legal Notice Text” with what you want the window to say. 5. Restart Your message will be displayed once Windows boots. Delete Hidden Devices You can view or modify hidden devices by: 1. Open Device Manager 2. Select “View” and check “Show Hidden Devices” 3. Hidden devices will appear and be available for modification.

Defrag Status Icon You can create a DOS display screen which shows you how fragmented your drive is. This can help you ascertain as to whether your machines drive needs to be defragged or not. To create this icon, do the following: 1. Open Notepad 2. Type the following: cd\ c: cd windows\system32 defrag c: /f chkntfs c: Save as maint.BAT and run. Command Prompt will now display a dialog box giving a read out of how much the drive has been fragmented.

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