Praise And Worship

  • May 2020
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This week’s Bible Reading Memorise John 4:23 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.

Psalms 83-84 Luke 23 Luke 24 1 Peter 1 1 Peter 2 1 Peter 3 Psalms 85-86

“The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him.”

Why do we devote a special study lesson just to the subject of Praise and Worship? We have already given a lesson on Prayer, in which we spoke about praise and worship (volume 2, chapter 5) – wasn’t that enough? In the light of the primary importance given in the Bible to the place of Worship and Praise, we felt it necessary to have a special study of this important (and often neglected) aspect of the Christian life. People often confuse prayer and worship, assuming that they are the same thing. Few people understand that they describe different ways of approaching God. We begin therefore by emphasizing their importance, and then we will look at each in turn. Hopefully, by the end of the lesson, you will understand that this should be a central part of your life and relationship to God. 1. Why are Praise and Worship so important? The Old Testament After God led the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt (in about 1400 BC as described in the Book of Exodus) He brought them to the foot of Mount Sinai in Arabia. There He appeared to Moses and began to give instructions how the people should live. Exodus 20 Exodus 21 – 24 Exodus 25 – 27 Exodus 28 – 29 Exodus 30

The Ten Commandments Laws and Festivals The design of the Tabernacle Instructions for the Priests Further instructions for the use of the Tabernacle

Why did God give such detailed instructions to Moses? Read Exodus 29:43-46. What was the purpose of the Tabernacle in the middle of the camp of the Israelites?

God said three times: Verse 43 “I will _________________________the people of Israel” Verse 45 “I will ____________________________ the people of Israel” Verse 46 “...that I might _______________________ among them...” When God met with His people, they were required to respond to Him. Read the following verses: Exodus 24:1, Exodus 33:10-11, Exodus 34:8 How should the people respond when they met God? _______________________________ The Tabernacle – and later the Temple in Jerusalem – were the centre point for the people of God, at the heart of the nation. There the people came together to meet God. There was an elaborate and detailed ritual of sacrifices conducted by the priests, which emphasized the holiness of God and the need for sin to be atoned for. But the central purpose was that: • God wanted to meet with His people • The people were to come to express their worship to Him The New Testament In the New Testament, the principle is the same – God wants to meet with His people. But otherwise there has been a great and significant change. When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well in Sychar (John 4) He taught her about the changes He had come to bring. •

She understood that Jews worshipped in one location. Where was it? Read John 4:20 _______________________________ (the Samaritans worshiped on Mount Gerizim) • Jesus replied that she was right, but a change was coming. Read John 4:23 What was changing? ____________________________________________________________ • Jesus told the woman something about God’s attitude to worship. What did he tell her (John 4:23)___________________________________________________________ • What is the nature of true worship and true worshippers? John 4:24 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. What is true Worship? We have affirmed that God wants to meet with us – and that He wants us to respond to Him in worship. The big question is: What is true worship? Read the following verses and write next to them what they tell you about the nature of true worship. How did they express their worship?

Whom did they worship?

Genesis 24:26 _______________________________________________________________ Exodus 4:31 _______________________________________________________________

Joshua 5:14 _____________________________________________________________ Psalm 95:6 _____________________________________________________________ Matthew 14:32-33________________________________________________________ Matthew 28:16-17________________________________________________________ John 9:38


What qualities of character are suggested by the body motions expressed at times of worship? _________________________________________________________________________ Why did people bowed down in worship before Jesus? And why did He accept their worship? _________________________________________________________________________ In the Bible the essential concept of worship is ‘service’. The words used to express worship signify originally the labour of slaves or hired servants – respect, honour, reverence, submission, adoration and awe. The inner attitude of heart in worship is therefore one of humility and wonder, often expressed by silence (see Habakkuk 2:20), a sense of personal unworthiness (see Isaiah 6:5), prostration on the ground in awe (see Revelation 1:17) and bowing down in humility (see Philippians 2:10). The expressions of the body are only expressions of the reality of the inner heart. 3. What is real Praise? In our churches we expect ‘times of praise and worship’ to be an extended period of singing, clapping, making a loud noise – maybe holding arms in the air, or even jumping and dancing. None of that is included in the definition of Worship that you have studied above. However, the Bible definition of Praise is quite different. Read the two passages below and write what they both teach about Worship and Praise: 2 Chronicles 20:18-19 What is the expression of WORSHIP in these verses? What is the expression of PRAISE in these verses?

2 Chronicles 29:28-30

In the Old Testament the words for Praise mainly used are: • HALAL, the root meaning of which is connected with making a noise • YADA, which indicates bodily actions and gestures which accompany praise • ZAMAR, which is associated with the playing or singing of music In the New Testament the favourite word is EUCHARISTEIN, which means giving of thanks Read the following verses and describe what they teach you about the nature of Praise: Psalm 9:2 _________________________________________________________________ Psalm 33:1-3 ______________________________________________________________ Psalm 95:1-2 ______________________________________________________________ (compare 95:6) Ephesians 5:18-20 __________________________________________________________ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ________________________________________________________ It is helpful to think of both Worship and Praise as an attitude of heart – and not as something to do at certain times. It is true that in the Jewish Temple certain times were set aside for special worship and praise. It is also helpful that churches gather people together at certain special times – like Sunday mornings – to set aside special times for singing and praise. There are thousands of wonderful songs – many of them based on words from the greatest of all praise books, the Psalms, and they can help us to praise God. But praise and worship do not stop when we leave the church! How can you learn to praise and worship 24 hours every day?

♦ Apply this lesson to your life 1. Spend some time in silent meditation and worship. Perhaps meditation on God is necessary in order to remember how holy He is, how unholy we are, and how amazing it is that we can approach His holiness. Think of Mount Sinai, the Holy of holies, the awesome vision of heaven in Revelation 5 – and bow before His presence. 2. Sing a psalm or song of praise – or make a loud noise of thanksgiving to God for sending His Son to give you eternal life. Think of ways you can better express your love for Him and your desire to give Him pleasure. 3. How can you possibly be thankful in every circumstances and at all times? Think of some of the hardships and difficulties and then work out how to thank God for what He is doing in your life in the midst of them. Count your blessings again and spend some time giving thanks and praise.

A Prayer while you study this lesson: Lord, teach me more about your holiness and your love. I want to learn more how to bow down in reverence and wonder – and to make a loud noise of joy in thanksgiving and praise. Fill my life with Worship and Praise! In Jesus’ name, Amen ♦ Team group study questions: 1. In the Old Testament God met with His people in the Tabernacle or the Temple – just one place in all the land where the people would gather to meet God. Even then, they had to approach God through the priests with sacrifices, before they could come close to God’s presence. Discuss how things changed at the Cross and why it is different for us now to approach God. 2. What experience do you have of true worship? Ask each person to describe their experience of worship and what feelings or reactions they have when they approach the holiness of God. 3. What is praise? Discuss different aspects of praise. What do you feel is the most enjoyable aspect of praise? What other forms of praise could we learn to practise? Are there some practises that are not acceptable in the context of Christian praise? 4. Someone has defined Worship as the expression of the ‘worth’ or ‘value’ of God in our lives. If Jesus is worth everything to us, we will put Him in the first place. How much is Christ worth in your life? How can you express His value in your behaviour?

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