Practise Your Grammar With Answer Key

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  • Words: 96,078
  • Pages: 381

compiled,produced and editedby ipek Ekmekqi & QigdemOnat

Ankara2003 Middle EastTechnicalUniversity Departmentof BasicEnglish

TABLE,OF CONTENTS 1. VERB TENSES 1 . 1 S i m p l ep r e s e natn dc o n t i n u o u. .s. . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Simplepastand continuous

1.3 Future ............ perfectsimpleandcontinuous 1.4 Present 1.5 Pastperfectsimpleand continuous............

2. PRONOUNS 2.1 Personal Dronouns

4. QUESTTONS 4.1 Yes/ no. 'wh-', subject/ objectandinformationquestions

5. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS 5.1 Adjectivesandadverbs 5.2 Adjectivesendingin-ing and-ed 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.1 5.8

Adjectivesand prepositions Numbersusedas adjectives Adjective order Comparativesand superlatives . .s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D o u b l ec o m p a r a t i v e Adverbs modifying adjectivesand otheradverbs

PAGE 1 ll 17 25 41


B8 l0t

104 105 105 108 108 109 t20 121


6. N,IODALS 6 . 1 A b i l i t y( C a n/ C o a l d/ B e a b l et o ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .2. 3 6 . 2 P e r m i s s i o(nM a y/ C o u l d/ C a n1 . . . ). . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . 1. 2 5 (Would/ Will/ Could/ Canyou...) ............. 6.3 Requests 126 (Let's/ why don't / shall we/ could / How-whatabout)..... r2i 6.4 Suggestions 6.5 Offers(ShallI /I'll / Wouldyou like).......... . ...... 128 6.6 Obligationandnecessity(Must/ Haveto / Should/ Oughtto / 6.1 6 . 8 Lack of necessity (Don't have to / Needn't / Don't need to / Didn't have to / Didn't needto ) ................

I -1-1

6 . 9 Advisability ( Should / Ought to / Had better) ... .. ..... . 134 6 . 1 0 Expectations(Should) .............. . r35 6 . 11 Criticismand regret ( Shouldhave/ Ought to have) . .. ............. . ....... . 136 6 . 1 2 Degreesof certainty ( Must / May / Might / Could / Can't / Couldn't / May not / Might not / Must have / May-Might have / Could have / Can't-Couldn'thave/ May-Might not have) ................ ...........136 6 .l 3 P r e f e r e n c e( W o u l dr a t h e r) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.4. .l. 6 . 1 4 P r o g r e s s i vf eo r m so f m o d a l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .4. 3 6 . 1 5 R e v i e wo f m o d a l s . . . . . . . . . . . .t.4. .3

7 . THE PASSIVE 7.1 Simplepresent andcontinuous ............ 7 . 2 S i m p l ep a s ta n dc o n t i n u o u s perfectsimple 7.3 Present 7.4 Pastperfectsimple 7.5 Future 7.6 Modals -7 . 7 R e v i e wo f a c t i v ea n dp a s s i vveo i c e. . . . . . . . .

8. CONDITIONAL SENTENCESAND WISHBS 8 . 1 T y p e0 8 . 2 T y p e1 8.3 Conditionals with unless 8.4 Possibiliw t yi t hi n c a s e. . . . . . . . . . 8.5 Conditionals withprovidedandas longas .............. 8.6 Type2 8 . 7 T y p e3 8 . 8 M i x e dc o n d i t i o n a l s 8.9 Wishes 8 . 1 0 R e v i e wo f c o n d i t i o n a l s


NOUN CLAUSES 9 . 1 R e p o r t e ds p e e c h 9.2 Indirectquestions 9.3 Noun clausesbeginningwith questionwords 9 . 4 N o u nc l a u s eb s e g i n n i n gw i t h t h a t . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 5 U s i n g- e v e r w o r d s 9 . 6 U s i n gt h e s u b j u n c t i vien n o u nc l a u s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1V

... 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .5. .8 ........160 ....... ...... I 6 I . . . . ... . . . 1 6 3 .............164 . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .6. 5

. . . . . . . . . .t.6. .7 . . . . . . . . . .1. .6. 1 ... 169 . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .6. 9 l7l . . . .. . . . . . 1 . 72 ..............114 ....... ..176 .............1'76 . . . . . .1. 7 9

............ 184 . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .9.0 ..........192 .. . ..... .. 193 . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .9. 6 ..196

IO. ADJECTIVE CLAUSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .1. .9.8. . . l0.l Non-defining................ .....'200 10.2 Defining . . . . .2 0 6 10.3 Omission ....207 10.4 Reduction 208 ........... of quantity 10.5 Usingexpressions . . . . 209 N o u n + o ; f w h i c h . . . . . . . . . . 10.6 ..-.209 prepositions usedastheobjectof the 10.7 Pronouns ......--......210 1 0 . 8 R e v i e wo f a d i e c t i vcel a u s e s

11. PARTICIPLES..........


12. GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6

A l l o w ,m a k e, l e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E n o u g ha n d t o o( . . . t o.). . . . . . . . F o r m so f u s e dt o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C a u s a t i vvee r b s. . . . . . . . . V e r b so f p e r c e p t i o. .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. andinfinitives Reviewof gerunds

............'....221 ..............222 . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. 2 . .6.....228 . . . . . . . .2. .2 9 .........230

1 3 . CONNECTIVES 238 causeandeffectusingso/ such...that................ 13.1 Expressing ....239 purposeusingso that,in orderto andbecause 13.2 Expressing

14. EMPHATIC STRUCTURES l 4 . l C l e f ts e n t e n c .e. s. . . . . . . . . . . 14.2 Inversions

1 5 . GENERAL REVISION 15.1 Clozetests........... 1 5 . 2 M u l t i p l ec h o i c et e s t s. . . . . . . . . . .

A N S W E RK E Y " " " " '

..........-..........243 ....245

........--.250 ........---...265

""' 306

1. VERB TENSES 1.1SIMPLE PRESENTAND CONTINUOUS A. Fill in the blanks with suitableverbs in their correct forms. Bridget Damon is a housewife.She doesn'twork so she has a lot of free time. Bridget (l)

getting up early so she gets up at 6:30 every morning. Then, she


breakfast. After breakfast, she (3)

Bridget (4)


the dishes.

for a walk in the park every day. In the afternoons. she physicalexercisesbecauseshe wants to (6)

On weekendsBridget sometimes(7)


solf with her friends. ***

YolandaSmith is from Oxford, London.She is a studentandsheis l7 yearsold. Yolanda goesto schoolby br"rs. Sheusually(8) the bus. She


(l0) (lt) (l3)

out of the window when sheis on a


sandwich for

the cafeteria. When

lunch or

she is

television or (12\


she sometimes

the dormitory, she

to music. Sometimes she

cardswith her friends or (14)

a book.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets.

Bob and Cindy ( l)

(2) (3)


(be) married. They live in London but they (be)






(have) a son. His name (4)

Australia. They (be) Peter. He

(have) blue eyes and black hair. Peter (6)


student.He is just two yearsold.

Jaya Rajah is fifteen, but he (7)

(go) to high school. He studies (be) in their

medicine at New York University. His class-mates(8)

twenties.Jayawas born in Madras,India, but his family moved to the U.S.A. when he was

two He (9)

(live) in a house in New York with his parents and his

younser brother.His fatheris a doctor.Jaya(10) He never (1 I ) (12)

(havegot) any friends.

(go) out in the evenings, but he sometimes (watch) TV.

He says, "I

live for

one thing -



(want) to be a doctor beforeI'm seventeen.Other children of my

age are not lnterestlng T h e y ( 1 4 )

(understand)me. so I don't

usuallytalk to them."



( l5)









(get up/ always) with the sun -- about hall' past four i n the




caravan in


rnountains. He

summerand half past sevenin the winter.For breakfasthe (18)

( e a t ) t"]DO5( '"q.

sausagesand potatoes. His dog. Lance. is always by his side. At the momel.)r, he


(make)coffee for himself. There are birds (20)

i n t h es k y .a n dL a n c e ( 2 l )



Dear Sir,

I (22)

because (23)


(take)place in my countrythese

that far too many changes(24) days and consequently, we





(21) ( 2 8)

(lose) our a










identity. I this


instance. they

( b u i l d ) a burger bar in the place of my favouriterestaurant.Our


(belong)to everyone,and I (30)

why the authorities(31)


( s e e m) t o l n c

(understand )

tdol anything to prescrveit. In I'uct.I

(think) of starting an action group. I (33)

lappear)on TV 4's "You Talk" programmeon Friday night to make people aware of the importance of this issue. It's time for us to start doine somethins before it


(get) too late.

Yourssincerely. And Archer


Hi Nigel! How are you?


Fine. fine. It's beena long time, hasn'tit? So tell me about yourself.


Well, for the time being I (35)

(work) in a

language school in Cairo but I want to change my job as soon as I (161


I see.What (37)


I (38)


That s lovely.And what (39)

(find) a better-paidone. (do/you) here in London? (have)a holiday. (think/you)of

Cairo'l Rupert

Actually. I like it very much. It is a very excitingplace.


And what aboutyour job? Is it difficult?


Not really. I (40)

(teach/ usually) from I I

a.m. to I p.-. and then later again from 6.30 to 9.30. In the (go) into town very

friends and I (41)

often. We nrefer to cometosetherat eachother'shousesand chat.

You (42)


(seem) to enjoy your days in

Cairo.So when areyou going back? ( l e a v )e

Next week on Friday.My plane (43)


early,at about7.00 a.m. Nigel

: By the way, how is your brother?



Chris... oh. he's OK. He is married with two children and as usual he (stop) telling me that I should settle


down and get married.Thesedayshe (45)

(play)a (guess)he wants to

lot of football.I (46) get fir!


(constantly/ complain)that

Alice is an annoyingguest;she the houseis cold.

(understand)everythingI say.


My dog is very intelligent.It


The white building oppositethe street

(belong)to a famous

pop-singerbut sheis planningto sell it. 50.

You shouldn'tlift that heavybox. You ***

(expect)a baby.

A : W h y( 5 1 ) B:

(wear) a suit and a tie?


I have a iob interview this afternoon.I (52)

(want) to look good.


53. A:


(remember)your first day at school?

B: Yes. What aboutyou? 54. A: What'sall that noise?

B: Our neishbours

(have)a party. ***


Where is Jane this morning? (55) baby?


No. She(56)

(bath) the


(bath)him in the evenings. x**

A: why (57)

(Bill/try) to finish the report so quickly?

B: It's Tuesday. He (58) checkedon Tuesdays.


(give) his reports to his boss to be

Where is your fiance?I haven'tseenhim recently.

B: He (59) summer. A: Ohl (60) July?

(work) as a receptionist at a hotel in Leeds for the


(come) back for our class reunion in

B : N o . b u t h e ' l l b e b a c k a s s o o na s h e ( 6 1 ) get married becausehe isn't very happy there. He (62) get on with the manager.

(earn) enough money to (seem)to

(ring) the doorbell! 63. A: Barbara! Can't you hear? Someone My handsare greasy.Could you pleaseopen the door for me? B: Sure.mum....Oh, it's Uncle Harry!


October Hi. Teresa!

I (64)

(write) this letter from Berlin. It's a very big city

Thereare a lot of interestingpeoplehere.School is greatl Our


(finish) ar





(usually/have)lunch in the restaurantopposite the

(66) school. The food

very good and quite cheap there. In the afternoon we (often/visit) a museum, but this afternoon w e


(go) swimming in the big swimming pool

(68) HeidelbergPark.

Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Hugo












(often/stay)at home on a Saturday night, but today I



(have) a terrible headache.I (71)


in my balcony to get somefresh air now. It's a warm night and the streetsare crowded.ln (sell)flowers.

front of the cinema.thereis an old woman (72) S h e( 7 3 )

(wear; a long colourful skirt. >k>kt



(7s) from the States(76)








(never/go)out in the evenings,but at the moment our friend (visit)us and we (77)

theatresand many other interestingplacesin the evenings. him to restaurants,



C. Ask questions.

Linda and Mark Nelson are from Canada.They have two children -

a girl and a boy.

Their daughter,Sue, is 3 yearsold. She doesn'tgo to school.Their son, Tom. is 12. He goesto secondaryschool.The Nelsonslive in a beautiful housein Toronto. Their housers big. There are five bedrooms,three bathrooms,a living room, a dining room and a hrig kitchen.There is also a garagebehindthe house. l.

? No, shedoesn't.Sheis onlv 3 vearsold.

2. It's in Toronto.

3. Five.


Completethe questions. ClarissaandRobertaretalking: Robert



I'm an accountant.




Yes. I do. In CentralBank




It's in High Streetoppositethe SportsCentre.




Yes. Jack and I go swimrningat the Centreevery day.




Jack'smy husband.We've got two daughters.




Janeis five and Mary is sevenyearsold


in a bank?



theri ?


10. A B ll.

Mv husband?At the restaurantnext to his office.


12. A B

I boughtit tenyearsago. One.It's an old Volkswagen. in thrscity? No. They live in Cambridge. after dinner ?

13. A B

Well, we usually watch TV. And when the weatheris good, we go out for a walk.

Alice and Marco meet at a party for the first time. Alice

Hello. My nameis Alice. What'syours?


It's Marco.




Italian.I cameto London in 1992.




In the Italian restaurantin Maple Street.I'm a cook there.

. Marco ?

Italian food?

(1 6 ) Alice

Yes, I have.I think it's delicious.Are you married?


Yes. i am




My wife does.She is a very good cook

at home?

*** Alberto

Hello. I'm Alberto.


Oh, hi. I'm Brenda.


(1 B )


I'm from the USA.


Really!I'm from Italy. (19)






No, sheisn't.Sheis my sister.













: No. I'm not a student.Actuallv. I'm a teacher.

Mary is talkingto her mother abouther new friend, Linda. Mary

Linda is a new studentin our class.She is stayingat the school dormrtory.

Her mother

I see.(23)


Her parents?Well, they live in North Carolina.

Her mother


to North Carolina at

weekends? Mary

No, she doesn't.She has a part-timejob in a restauranton Saturdaysand Sundays.She wantsto savesomemoney.

Her mother



Becauseshe is planningto buy herselfa new computer.

Her mother

I see.Why don't you invite Linda over for dinner?I really want to meet her.


That'sa good idea.

to savemoney?

Martin is talking to Sally on the phone. Martin

I want to go to the library tomorrow morning. I need to get some information about new computerprograms.


Let's go there togetherafter school.


OK but my lessonfinishesat 5 o'clock.(26) ,|


It closesat 7 o'clock.


That'sgood. Let's go togetherafter schoolthen.

D. SIMPLE OR CONTINUOUS? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: the 'present simple' or 'present continuous'.




Oh, the house( 1)



I've just bakeda chocolatecake.


: Where is John?



He is in his room. Pleasedon't disturbhim. He (2)



Have you finally found a good job?


: No,




(3) A

: Tell me what you (4)


: It5t


a part-time job at (serve)drinks at the bar.






(rhink)of ir. (like) working at late hours.It's very tiring.

The album I bought fbr Jenny (6) photographs.She can put all her holidayphotographsin it.

(hold) more than 100

*** Do you like it herein Cambridge?




: Yes, very much. I (7) is so much to see.

(have)a wonderful time. There




Don't forget to tell Paul aboutthe meeting.


: Don't worry. I'll do that as soonas he (8)

( arrive).



On my desk I have an old mug that pencilsor paperclips.

(hold) thingslike pens.

I 0. When you are travellingby underground,you have to be quick and get off as soon as ll

11. Tell me what you 12. Now I teachingme.

(stop). (think) aboutin front of that fire place. (see)what to do in caseof emersencv.Thanks fbr

1 3 .W h y

(clean/ you) your car?Look at the dark clouds in the sky.

It's going to rain. (see)some customersso I can't deal with thesepeople at the

14. I moment.

15. The new pub has beendecoratedin such a way that it an ancientcastle.

( l o o k )l i k e

(still / think / you) about what has happened?Let's forget

I6. Why all about it and try to cheerup.

17. John

(go) to the cinematwice a month.

18. She looks very thoughtful. Do you know what she (come)from France.

19. ShespeaksFrench,but she

20.r 21.Tom 22. The Smiths

t t h i n k )a b o u tl

(feel) depressedeverytimeI hear that song. (meet)the companydirectorin a few minutes (have)a cottagein the mountains. (do) an experiment.

23. Charlieand Janeare in the laboratory.They 24. My secretaryis away for a fortnight, so I

(type) my own letters.

2 5 .O i r

(float) on water.

26. We

(give) a party tonight to celebrateour first wedding anniversary.

27. A: Are you still living with your parents? B : Y e s ,b u t I

(think) of moving into a flat of my own soon.

A: How will you afford to pay the rent then? B: I'm not sure.PerhapsI'll get a part-timejob.

28. Look at the liquid in the testtube in my hand.It 29. He'll send me an e-mail messaseas soon as he exoerimentso I'll meethim to talk aboutthe resultshe obtained.


( b o i l )a t 1 0 9 ' C . (finish) the

30. She hasn't decidedwhich bar of soap to buy yet; she

lsmelll the

nink one. (they/hold) a committee meeting? I'd like to

31. How often

know aboutthe regulareventsin their firm.


(hold).How much

I wonder about the bowl which you (32)


(it/contain)? **r.


Listen to thatl I (34)

) 1-35

3 6 .Y o u

(hear)some lovely piano music. I (think) it's from the next-doorneighbour

(always/find)excusesfor being late. I am beginning to

losemy patiencewith you. 37. David his wife is on vac;rtion. -18.Jeffrey

(write) a new book called"Up in the Mountains"while

(feel) that his life as an athletewill soon be over. (have)my dinner

39. Don't disturbme, please.I

1.2SIMPLE PAST AND CONTINUOUS A. Mark the bestchoice. (l) 20th,somebody 5:55p.m.and7:30p.m.on December Between


Haan'sorecious diamond necklacefrom her room in the Excelsior Hotel. At the time. Mrs. Haan was in her room. She (2)

a bath. The police think Sandy, the

chambermiiid,is the thief. I.

a) b) c) d)

stole is stolen has stolen stealing

2. a) had b) has beenhaving c) has had d) was having

her back while she 3. She carrying a) hurt....was b) was hurtrng....carried

somefurniture c) is hurting....has carried d ) h u r t s . . . . icsa r r y i n g


B. Completethe sentences usingeitherthe 'past simple'or 'past continuous'. 1. Theyhaven'tgot a caranymore. it lastmonth (sell)


(watch) TV at 9 o clock?

B: No, I wasn't.I was havingdinnerwith Tom

3. A:

(he/buy)this car?

B: Threemonthsago. 4.

She was injured in the accidentbecauseshe



( w e r r )a s e t th e l t

: Richard is in hospitalwith a broken leg.

Anne : Jane


(break)his leg'? During his trip to the Alps.


Olivia Bates

(live) in Brighton between1982 and 1992.



(do) when you hurt your back?

B: I was carrying a big box of books when it happened. Bruno and his family arrivedin the United Stateson March 1, 1999.In the beginning,they stayedat their relatives'house becausetheir money was not enough to rent a house. Two months later, Bruno s father found a well-paid job. Today, he earns $2000 a month and the family is very happy but they say they miss Italy a lot.


when they arrivedin the United States'l No, they didn't. That'swhy they stayedat their relatives'house.

9. $2000. 1 0 .A :

(go) to Jane'swedding last month?

B: BecauseI was on a businesstrip in France.How was it? 11. Look at the sun! Can you believethat this time yesterdaywe


a snowman? 12. Last yearSusan so shesetup her own business.

(seek)a well-paidjob but shecouldn'rfind one

13. When his father his fatherthat swearinswas a bad habit

(swear)at the other drivers, the little boy told

1 4 .I

(ust / begin)to study when the lights went off.


C. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

I. Detective






(hear)the shot last night?

(2) Andy

I was in the Iiving room (3)


I see.What (4)


I immediately(5)

(watch) TV. (do / you) then? (run) to the window to look out

There were two men (6)

(run) towards a car

and one of them (7)

(hold) a gun in his hand.


Was thereanyonein the car?


Yes, a young woman (8)

(sit) in the driving

seat.The two men (9)

(get) in the car and she (drive)

(1 0 )




(drive) away, I (12)


car (write)

down the car'sregistrationnumber.Here it is. Thank you very much for your cooperation.I will let you know as soon


as I learn something.











(fly) from London to New York. When the plane (start)again

landedat the airport,that strangefeeling ( 14)

- a feeling of fear in my stomach.Was my passportstill in my briefcase?Had I forgotten the visa? Had someoneput diamonds in my bag? I turned to look at the other people aroundme. None of them seemedto be worried.Thev (15)



patiently in the queue.My heart (16) hard





through the

customs. When

everything was



(take) a deep breath. ***: DearAnna.

I'M sorry about taking so long to write my first letter. (18)

(1 e )

As you know. I

(move) to Long Beach two months ago. At the moment, I (stay) with my cousin Jefferson until I find a flat at a t3

reasonableprice. Jeffersonand I (20)

(attend) English classesat a

communitycollegethesedays.In Long Beach,it usually(21)


in Septemberbut today it is quite hot and the sun (22)

( s h i n e )N . ow I'm

in Audubon Park. There are a lot of studentsaround (23)

(enjoy) the

sunnyday in Long Beach. Every weekend my cousin Jefferson (24)

(take) me sightseeine (visit) CatalinaIsland.It

around Long Beach . Last weekendwe (25)


(be) fun ! This is all for now. Pleasewrite me soon.I want to hear the latestgossipl Love, Blanca

At 10:30 last Saturdaynight, there was a power failure in the city. Ian Jones,a barman,i s describinghis experience: "At

l0:30 last Saturdav nieht the pub was full



customers. All

the people

(talk) at the same time. Some students (28)

therewere somecustomers (29) a





( n lay) darts.I

someone when



(drop) the glass, and





out. I

(break) it. While I


(try) to pick up the glass,r

(3+ ;

(sing)a . nd


( c u t )m y h a n d . '

t *>k

It was a beautiful Sundaymorning. While Mark and Paul (36) the beach carrying their surfboards,they (37) "No Swimming -

(walk) along (come) to a sign which read

Sharks". They (38)

(pay) attention to the sign and


(go) into water. They (40)


(appear)a few meters away. "Mark! Jump onto my board and push

lsurf-; when u shurk

( b e)

yours towardsthe shark,"Paul shoutedand Mark did so. When they t 4 ) r safe on the beach, they (43)

(look) at each other.

Both of them

(know) that they were lucky to be alive.




Mum, do you rememberthe blue hat that Lauren gave me for my birthday?



Yes. your favouriteone.


Well, the wind (45)

(46) but with no luck


(blow) it away while Jack and I (try) out his new speedboat. We returned to look for it,

: I'm sorrv to hear that. >k**


Did you manageto talk to her last night?


'ortunately not. Unf

She (47)



(be) out


TI. (wait) for flight SA 140 from Johannesburg,

T h e d e t e c t i v e s( l ) South Afiica.


plane was

and with


every passing minute


(get) more and more impatient.They (3)



a valuableparcelof diamonds.A few hours earlier,someonehad told the oolice that some thieves would try to steal the diamonds.When the plane (4) (sit) inside the main

(arrive/finally), some of the detectives (5)

(stand) on the airfield. T'"vo men

building while others (6)


(take) the parcel off the plane. After they (8)


to the CustomsHouse, theY (e)

(open) it. To their surprise,the precious

parcelwas full of stonesand sandI

( w i t n e s s) s e l ' c r l l

I'd like to d e s c r i b e a s c e n e l ( 1 0 )

(live) in Hawaii.

yearsago. At the time of the incidence,I ( 11) One






kiawe tree. In




the center of


(fight) while the others( l6)

time watching the fieht.








(decide)to investigate.The mynah birds were in a large circle





(come) upon three or four dozen mynah birds. As they


in the shade of







minutes, one of

(drop) to the ground.The other bird (18)

oroudlv for a few secondsand then (19)

circle, two


(have) a great the mynah birds (walk) (fly) away. I have no

icleaabout the reasonfor the fight betweenthe two mynah birds, but the behaviourof the other birds clearly proved that human beings are not the only members of the animal kingdom that enjoy a good fight.

t -)

Linda is talking abouthow she startedher job at the 'Your House' magazine. Well,



(see) the


advertisement in


(decide)to apply immediately.r

interview a week \ater. I (23) interview.






(call) for an

(arrive) there half an houl: before the



middle-aged man



hi o

(wait) in the secretary'sroom.I (25)

sociableperson and I normally (26)



(be) a very

(like) talking to strangers,so we

(sit) there in silence.waiting for our turn to go in. More than an

hourpassedlike that.I (28)

(get) rather angry when the interviewer

finally (29)

( i n v i t e )m e i n . I ( 3 0 )

(have) much

hope of getting the job, but to my surprise,I (31)

(tell) to start the

following Monday. That was five years ago. I am the editor of the magazine now. It


(publish) every


weeks. More

(become) interested in

| 111



fitore people

their homes these days so we

(work) on a big advertisingcampaignto increaseour circulation.

We hope we will be more successfulin the future.



(36 ; and (38)




(shake)for a second She(37) (read) a book at the time. S h e ( 3 9 )

fiightened and (40)



( l i e )i n h e r b e d fopti

(sit) up in her bed, wondering whether it was an

earthquakeor not.

This time yesterdayI 1 4 1 . 1

(give) blood in a hospital.I wanr to tell

you about the experiencethat I had as I believeeveryoneshould give blood at leastonce in his or her lif-etime.The idea of donatingblood didn't come to me suddenly.I had had the intention ever sinceI (42) just waiting for the right time to do it.


(receive) someoneelse'sblood to savemy life. I was

(drive) home from work, I

Lasr night, while I (43)

(hear) an announcementon the radio. The doctors at St.


(look) for blood type AB Rh(-) to be given


to a patientwho had beenseriouslyinjured in a car accident. As the blood tvpe mentioned was the same as mine,

I drove to the hospital

(arrive) there, the nurses first made

immediately.When I (46)

certainthat my blood wasn'tcontaminatedand that I was healthy. (give) a big glassof orange

After everythingwas over, I (47) iuice and had to rest for a while. When I (48)

(get) home, I was a (feel) very happy.

little tired, but it was worth it sinceI (49)

using the clues. D. Rewrite the sentences 1. Theyarenot marriedanymore. last month (get divorced) 2.

I was making a saladwhen my mother arrived. (while)


He starteddoing the experimentat 6.00 and finished at 8.00. the experiment. (take)


Our teachersaw the mouseunder the table. She screamed. (when)


On my way to school,I found a purse.

While (gol

1.3FUTURE A. Complete the sentences.Use be going to. I.

I f-eelterrible.I have a toothache.I


There are dirty disheseverywhere.She


It's warm and sunnyoutside.They


I'm writing an article.I don't know how to spell a word. I


5. Larry is thirsty.He 6. -1.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown are going to the swimming pool. They It's late at night. I feel tired and sleepy.I


It's freezinsoutside.He


Our TV doesn'twork properly.My father

[0. I haven'tgot enougheggsto make a cake.I

B. Completethe sentences with your own predictions.IJse will. l.

In the year2100 there



3. Brazil 4.

The weather



(be) enoughfood to eat. (be) snowy next week (win) the next football World Cup. (get) much colder in the next few years. (disappear)beforethe year 2100.

C. Complete the sentencesusing will or be going to and the verbs in brackets. 1. Look at that presnantwoman over there.I think she very soon.

( h a v e )u b u b v

(lend)us somemoney.


I expectshe


Oh, no! Look at thatboyl He


Look at her facel She looks terrible.I think she


A: Why don't you come to the party tonight? (come)at 9:30. B: O.K.I

(drop) and break that vase. (faint)

D. Look at Barbara'sdiary. Write down what sheis doing next Monday. June,12th Monday playtennis 9:30 I l:00 meetDavid 13:15 h a v el u n c hw i t hS a l l y go to a party 15:00 19:30 meethusband in his office








'presentcontinuous','presentsimple' or E . Complete the sentencesusing the going to. l.

(fall) into the lake.

Be careful! You

2 . A: What'sthe weatherreport? (rarn)tomorrow. B: It (finish)

(start) at B:40 and

3 . The lecture at9:30.

(miss) the train.


Hurryup! We


I've bought some cheese and eggs. Tonight we omelette.


The plane to New York (arrive)thereat 12 o'clock.

(eat) ln

(take offl

at" 9 o'clock atnd


1 . I've bought the tickets and packedmy suitcases.I Antalya tonight. F. Mark the best choice. We usually_(


to Spainon holiday,but next year we _(2)_

to Florida.

're flying 2. a) 've flown b) 'd c) like d) like flying

1. a) havebeen b) go c) are going d) havegone

Galatasarayis 3-2 ahead,and there is only five minutes left. Milan -(3)game.In that case,they _(1)_ 3.

a) loses b) going to lose c) lost d) will probablylose


attendthe UEFA championship. 4.

a) b) c) d)

won't be ableto don't haveto mustn't ought not to 19

The new tunnel will -(5)-

by a Japanesefirm. In 5 years'time, they _(6)_

thousandsof drivers-(1)-

it during the rush hours.

5. a) b) c) d)

construct be constructing have constructed be constructed


a) b) c) d)

are finished will be finished will have finished are going to finish


a) b) c) d)

it and

will beusing will be used are used will haveused

with excellentskills and qualifications.She's definitely going to Pat is a salesrepresentative the salesmanager. get a promotion. You'll see,in about three months' time she -(8)And this time next year,she-(9)B. a) b) c) dt

our firm in Paris. 9.

becomes has become will have become will be becoming

a) b) c) d)

will berepresenting will represent will have represented will be represented

We are writing to confirm your travel arrangementsfrom London to Ankara. The plane the Heathrow airport at 10 a.m. so you have to check in at 9 a.m. When you get to _(10)_ change planes becausethere is no direct flight to Ankara. Your istanbul, you _(11)_ no delay.We journey to Ankara is on flight OA 512 at 4 p.m. local time if there -(12)exDectvou

( 13)

One of your guides _(

in Ankara at about5 o'clock. 14)_

for you when you get there.It is a good idea to confirm your

return flight before you leave the airport becauseby the time you get to the city centre,the travelagency_(15)-. 10. a) b) c) d)

will be left leaves going to leave will have been leaving

| 1. a) b) c) d)

won't be ableto will haveto won't have to will be able to

12. a) b) c) d)

will be isn't hasn'tbeen is

13. a) b) c) d)

will arrive can arrive must arrive are arriving

14. a) b) c) d)

will wait is waiting will be waiting will have waited

15. a) b) c) d)

is closed will be closing will close will haveclosed

16. I'll havefinisheduniversity a ) s i n c e1 9 9 4 b) 3 yearsago


c) in 1996 d) by nextJune

on the 22nd.

17. I've found a job in Italy. I've alreadyrented a flat there. I 've moved c) going to move a) d) was moving b) am moving 18. A B A

: Janetand I are going to study at the library this afternoon. : Is it all right if I come at 5 o'clock? our studiesby then. : Five is fine. We -c) will be finished finished have a) d) will have finished b) are finishing

G. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.


(probably/go) to universityafter shefinisheshigh Alice school.She wants to get marriedand becomea housewife.


Don't tell dad about my bad gradesor I next weekend.


A: I told you not to stayout after midnight without my permission. (do) it again. B: I know, and I promiseI


If we keep to our schedule,we tomorrow.

If nothing goes wrong, we (5) and the tourist coaches(6) the village any longer. 1.

A: I didn't know that you were t*itJlo

B : W e l l , I a m .I


(lend) you my car

(rest) in our hotel at this time

(construct)this bridge by the end of May (have to / use) the rocky road into

lessons! (learn)judo for a year by next June.

He's going into surgeryat I :30 this afternoon.I expecthe tired after the operation,so let's wait until tomorrow to visit him.

(have) a press

At this time tomorrow, Mr. Higgins (9) so you (10) conference,


(be able to / see)him then. However, he

will be free after the conference.

Haveyou got any ideawhat You(11)




: Who knows? However, I know that I (12)

(do) this time next year? (move) to New York

by next month. 21

: Really?I didn'tknow that you wereplanningto move.

(1 3 ;


(you / able to / support)yourselfin New York? It is difficult ro find a good position over rhere. I cloubt if you (t4) (find) a job as good as the one you have now.


I don't worry aboutfinding a job. We talkedthis over with my uncle.Fred. He is the owuer of a softwarecompanythere.I ( I 5) ( w o r k )i n h i s c o m p a n y .


That soundsgreat.So you haveplannedeverything.


Oh, yes.However, I (16) much.

(miss / probably) my friends very

1 7 .W e've waited long enough.Pay us our wagesor we 1 8 .A

(go) on a strike!

What are you doing? I'm preparingthe guestroom. I expectRoger and Helen tired after the long journey. They may wanr to rest right away.

1 9 "A B


Do you think you can get away with what you have done? I'm sorry. I promise, I principal.


that I

shouldn't have cheated during the exatn. I (do / never)it again.Please,don't sendme to rhe

It's 8 o'clock in the morning.Joe is phoning nO


O""r neighbourBill.


Good morning,Bill. I know it's earlybut my car broke down and I havean imporranr meetingthis morning (20) (can/ borrow) your car?


Yes.of courseyou can.


Oh, great!Is it OK with you if I come and get the car keys?



Joe :


Don't come now. I have to take the childrento schoolbut it won't take lons. Whv don't you come round at about8:30?I (21) (drive)the childrenro schoolby then. B:30! But that's too late. The meeting startsat 8:30. If I don't get there on time. I (look for) anotherjob pretty soon. \221

A : I don't know London very well. I might ger lost. B : Don't worry! I arrives.


(wait) for you at the station when your trarn

24. Please, hurryup. By thetime you finishgerringready,we thetrain.

( m l s s)

My husbanclis an ambulanceman. I wish * r.r""', I want him to be fit and well when (retire) but he (26) he (25) (probably / be) so, becausethe pressureof doing such a stressfuljob may ruin his health.

21. A B

I have lost the car key. I (help) you look for it.

28.A B

Why are you carryingthat ladder? (change)a broken bulb downstairs. I


Why have you spentso much money on that strangedress,Sally?










(intend)to (30)

party in my flat. I (31)



(give) a fancy dress (wear) this dressat the party.

people reading his new book. (publish)it by the end of this month.


I'm looking they


It looks like everyoneis againstus. I doubt if we (give) anotherchanceto completethe project.





34. I

(watch) my favourite TV programmefrom nine to ten tomorrow evening,so pleasecall rne beforethat. ktr*

A :

Mr. Preston(35) tomorrow.

B :

Who'sMr. Preston?

A :

He's the presidentof the company.In fact, he (36)

(probably/ get) the most votes in the elecrion

( r u n) t h i s

c o m p a n ye v e r s i n c eh e t 3 7 ;

(elect)presidentin 1987,and he's such a successfuladministratorthat the staff (38) (certainly/vote)

for the other candidate,who they know almostnothing about.

H. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. Sharoncallsher fiiend Judy. Sharon: Judy,I havesomethingimportantto tell you. Can we meet at 12:30in your office?


24. Please,hurry up. By the time you finish getting ready,we the train.


My husbandis an ambulanceman. I wish he weren't.I want him to be fit and well when he (25) (retire)but he (26) (probably / be) so, becausethe pressureof doing such a stressfuljob may ruin his health. x**

27. A B

I have lost the car kev. (help) you look for it.

28.A B

Why are you carryingthat ladder? (change)a brokenbulb downstairs. I


Why have you spentso much money on that strangedress,Sally?










(intend)to (30)

partyin my flat. I (31)



(give) a fancy dress (wear) this dressat the party.

people reading his new book. (publish)it by the end of this month.


I'm looking they


It looks like everyoneis againstus. I doubt if we (give) anotherchanceto completethe project.





34. I

(watch) my favourite TV programmefrom nine ro ten tomorrow evening,so pleasecall me befbrethat. >lt<*

A :

Mr. Preston(35) tomorrow.

B :

Who'sMr. Preston?

A :

He's the presidentof the company.In fact, he (36)

(probably/ get) the most votes in the elecrion

(run) this

companyever sincehe (37)

(elect)presidentin 1987,and he's such a successfuladministratorthat the staff (38) (certainly/vote) for the other candidate,who they know almostnothing about.

H. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. Sharoncallsher fiiend Judy. Sharon: Judy,I havesomethingimportantto tell you. Can we meet at 12:30in your office? 23



Sharon :

(have) lunch with a group of businessmenfrom Well, I Turkey then, but I don't have anythingelse to do after 2 o'clock. Is it all right if we meet some time after 2 o'clock? Sure.I'll come to your office around2:30.

2. I

(repair)that chair for you, if you like. ( b e )5 6 n e x tM o n d a y .


I'm gettingold. I


Jenny : John hasn'tphonedme yet. Mary :

(call) soon.

Don't worry. I'm surehe

(still / love) me when I'm 64.


I wonderif he


A: Is it all right if I come and seeyou at 5 tomorrow? (cook) the dinner then but you can sit in the kitchen, together. we can eat with me and then chat

B: Sure.I


Sam and Linda are at Mr. Brown, J;:" company. Sam : Linda,




talking about the yearly budget of the

Brown. He (faint).



pale. I



Linda: Well, I guessyou are right. Sorry,Mr. Brown, are you feeling OK?


Helga is talking to her son'sEnglish teacher,Ms. Gold. Helga

: Do you think my son will be readyto take the TOEFL exam this spring?

Ms. Gold :


Sure.The testis in June.By that time, he the exam for more than six months.


Bill is talking to his father,Frank. Frank : How did your job interviewgo today?


(get) the job. I guess they are looking for someonewith more job experiencethan I have. but knowing Spanishmight be an advantage.

: Well. I doubtif I

10. Bob is talking to his girlfriend,Liz, on the phone. Bob: I've made a reservationat a nice Italian Restaurantfor 7 o'clock tonight. (have)an importantmeetingwith the Liz : That'ssreatbut I sales representativesof the company at the time. Can you change the reservationto 9 o'clock?I'll be free then. Bob: Sure.


I. Rewrite the following. I.

The plane takesoff in forty minutes and it'll take us an hour to set to the airnort. By the time we get to the airport,


I will finish the decorationbeforeyou come home. By the time


We moved to this flat on December1't this year. By December1" next year.


Would you like me to help you with your homework? I'lI


This report will take me threehoursto type. In threehours'time.I

for exactly a year.


A. Use the list and write down what you have done or what you haven't done so far today. Have a shower Eat breakfast Drink tea or coffee Readnewspaper Watch TV Make a phonecall

Do homework Comb hair Brush teeth Have a pop quiz Make bed Wash the dishes

eg. I hove eoten breokfost. I hoven't hod o shower.


B. You have come across an old school friend. Read the information given in the 'present perfect simple' tense. bubbles and tell her the latest news by using the

I/gotothe Far East.

E9. My sister hos got morried. l.

2. 4. 5. 6. C. Tom is a doctor in Los Angeles. His life was different 2 years ago. Study the table and write about the changesin his life.

2 vearsa I lived in New York. I was a rnedicalstudent. My eyesightwas good. I was single. I was very thin. I usedto play video games I didn't havea beard.

Eg.He hos movedto Los Angeles. I )


Now I live in Los Angeles. I am a doctor. My eyesightis poor. I am engaged. I am a bit overweight I don't have any fr". ti,o.. I have a beard.

3. 4.

5. 6. D. Complete these conversations. eg.

A: ever/go tolcircus?

Hove you eve? been to o circus?

B: yes.

Yes, I hove. When did you go there? I went there when I wos llyeors old.

A: when? B: 11 years old. A: ever/eat/sushi? B: yes. A: where? B: Tokyo. A: ever/do/rockclimbing? B: yes. A: what/be/like? B: exciting.

3 . A: ever/write/story? B: yes. A: when? B: 2 yearsago. 1.

A: ever/plant/tree? B: yes. A: when? B: lastspring.

B. There will be a party at Mary's flat at the weekend. Today is Friday and she is at home. She is making the preparations. Look at her list and make sentences using jusf, yet and,already.

Decoratethe flat-yet Make sandwiches-already Buy drinks-just lnvite the suest-alread

CIeanthe flaralready Tidy up the living room-yet Blow the balloons-just Lav the table-


Eg. She hosn't decoroted the flot yet. 1

2. J.

1. 5. 6. 1. F.

Fill in the gaps using gone or been.


Tom isn't at homenow. He's


Oh, hello Jim! I was looking for you. Where have you _?


I'm sorryI'm late.I've _


There isn't anybodyat home.I think they've

to school.

to the hairdresser's. away for the meeting.

5.PeterknowsalotaboutLosAngeles.He'S-theremanytimes. 6.

'Have you


There is a very good caf6 in Elm street.Have you


to Miami?' 'No, never.'

B. Alice is on holidaynow. She's


to Madrid.

G. Read the dialogue and complete the sentencesusing the given information and the clues. Usejrsf, yet or already. Jim has invrtedhis girlfriend to meet his parents.They are going to have dinner at Jim's house. Jim

Where are my trousers,Mum?


I took them to the dry cleaner'stwo days ago. I called him today and he said, "You can -qetyour trousers.They are ready."But I didn't have enoughtirne to go and get them.


O h . w e l l . I h a r e l . ow e a rm y j e a n s .


I ironed them this morning.I put them on your bed.




Can you make the salad,Jim?


Of course,I czrn.I'll makeit in a few minutes.Don't worry. Where'sDad? He is late.


I think he is still at work. Oh, wait! Listenl I think that is your father'scar.


Yes. I think that'shim.



Jim'sparents (meet )


The dry cleaner's (clean)

3. Jim'smum (iron) 4. Jim (make) 5.

Jim's father (arrive)

H. Rewrite/Complete the sentencesbelow using the clues where given. l.


He died two yearsago. He

two years.

This will be our third holiday abroad. two tlmes.

We (be / already)

3. This is my fourthjob thisyear. this year^ (change) 4.

They are still looking for the burglar. yet. (find)


Tom is going to Englandfor the first time. (never.)


This is Alex, my husband. married for only a week.

We (be)

1. Samis hungry dinner yet.

Sam 8.

Amy bought a car two months ago. (for) I paintedmy first picturefour yearsago.I've just finishedmy l00thone.

[00 picturessincethen. 10. We settleddown in Chicagothreeyearsago. We (live)

three yezrrs.


I l. He has stoppedplaying cards any more. 12. She hasn'tfound a flat yet. She

a flat.

(lookfor / still) 13. She'sstill in her office. her otfice yet.

14. He'sstillworkingfor Mrs.Robbins. J.


(get the sack) 15.A:

the report yet, have you? (wnte)

B : Y ou're right. I haven't.But don't worry, I'm going to write it this afternoon. 1 6 . M o l l ys' kitchen is still very dirty. Molly (yet) 17. Jack last watcheda play at the Royal Theatrelast year. (slnce) 18. He becamefamous after he oublishedhis book on scandals. h i s b o o ko n s c a n d a l s (ever since) 19. Shehasn'thad a check-upfbr a long time. It's

a check-up

for ages. 20. They haven'tvisited their grandparents It's t:*,<

2l . The last time I rode a horsewas fifteen yearsago It's

a horse.

22. The last time we saw them was at university. We

at university. (since)

23. The last time I went to the theatrewas yearsago. It's


24. She hasn'tridden a bike sinceshewas at high school. The lasttime 25. He hasn'tseenan operasincehe was 25. The lasttime l.

Complete the conversational exchangesusing the given words.


A: Is Peterstill lookinefor a iob? B: Yes. Unfortunatelv


to drink? 2. A: Wouldyou like something (ust / have / sometea).

B: No. thanks. 3.

A: What's the matterwith Joanne? (break/ leg).

B: 4.


A : I ' m waiting for Ann. B: Oh,

(leave/ already).

A: Can you lend me f 10? (not/be /bank/today)

B: Sorry, 6.

A: Why don't you askPaulto help you? (already/ ask) but he's busy.

B: 1.

(paint/ door /1ust). A: Be carefuM you in? I came when me tell Why didn't B: Oh dear.


A: Would you like a pieceof cake? B: No. thanks.


A: Don't forget to Postthe letter

B: 10. A: Is Janestill writing the report? B: Yes J.


(already/ post).

(finish / yet).

Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (complete)two English courses.

l . I n t h el a s ts i x m o n t h s , I


2. Work on the new buildine

(serve)in Northern Ireland and in Cyprus.

3. Fred


4. Flisht707from Amsterdam 5. How long

6. I 1. TheBrowns

(you / know) him? (knock)five times.I don't think anybodyis in. (find) a flat yet. They

(still / look for) one 3l

K. Completethe sentences with the 'presentperfect'or 'simplepast'. L

More than ten students

(send)abroad by our university

over the last two years.

2. I

(have)trouble sleepingall last week (be) unemployed ever since he


He university.


I feel sorry for Jane.She




The children


(have)trouble all her life. (not/learn)much in that course (feel) ill before the New Year, but they (be) bettersincethen.






In thosedayswe

(not / work) hard when she

(be) at high school

(want) to be a pilot until she

(often / visit) our grandparents.

10. ElvisPresley

(be) a famous rock slnger. (be) popular sincehis death.

His albums

1 1 .W e

(live) in Lisbon for two yearsbefore we sot married. (you / typet today'/

12. How many letters

(play) a lot of basketballthis rnonth

13. Joe and I

1 4 .I

(neveri try) cooking Chinesefood before.

15. How many times

r 6 .I

(be) fifteen

(you / be) in love? (never/ enjoy) a Christmasas much as this one.

17. A : Canyou ice-skate? B : I usedto whenI wasa child.but I'm not sureif I can now. It's agessinceI last (skate).


L. Read the situation and ask a question. I.

Mary bought a winter housein the Alps in 1981. Jack asksHelen about it. ..)



H e l e n : S i n c e1 9 8 1 . 2.


Jack is in a Frenchrestaurant.He is not surewhetherto order snailsor not; he doesn't know how they taste.You ask Eric aboutJack.




: No. never.

You are at a cafd with your friend. He wantsto go to Spain and he asksyou about it.


Tom : Yes. I have.I was therelast summer.

You 1.

Nicky and Victor are talking about their old classmateJohn. Nicky asks Victor trbout John. Nicky :

Victor : Yes,I have.I phonedhim yesterday.

A. Completethe conversationsusing the cluesin brackets. l.



look tired.' ' (paint the ceiling)


2. A



: 'Are you hungry?'










.' (eatall day)

'Why is the room so untidy?'

.' (Ann/ study) 'Mary

seemsexhausted.' .' (wash/ clothes)

B: 5.




:' :

6.A B

'Why are her eyesred?'

.'(cry) 'You look hot.' ' (play / tennis)



B. Rewrite or complete the following using the clues if given. 1. He startedstudying3 hours ago.He is still studying. He (for) 2.

I startedwatchingTV at 9 o'clock and I am still watching. (since)


A :

Is Tommy still in front of the computer?

B :

I'm afraid he is. He

(play)thatsilly computergamefor

hours. A : I thinkhe shouldturnit off andso to bednow. 4. Tom : It's 5 o'clock.Why isn'tJanegoinghome?Shelookstired. Bill



Yes, I think she is very tired. the boss'letterssince9 o'clock this mornins.

5. A:



(watch) t for very long. Jack and T turnedit on only 10 minutesago.

6. A: B : 7.

on that report? (work) Since9 this morning,and I haven'tfinishedyet.

I startedreadingthis book two hours ago. I'm still readingit. two hours.


A :

You look exhausted. (go) to bed late recently.

B:I 9.

Alex seesTom waitine in the rain in front of the cinema. Alex : Tom,











(wait) here in the rain'J Tom : For half an hour. Janetis late.I hope she comessoon. 10. The studentsat the D.B.E. startedlearningEnglish two months ago. two months.



Write what these people have been doing using since.


The workers got a pay rise a month ago.




Stevehad a car accidentlast month.


Grahamcameout of prison a year ago.


The Baileyswon a large amountof money on the football pools six months ago.


Tony had a nervousbreakdownsometime ago.

D. Write two sentencesfor each situation using the 'present perfect simple' and 'continuous'. eg.

The secretarystartedtyping an hour ago. Five lettersare ready now. 5he's been typing for an hour. 5he's typed five letters

so far.


He cameinto the studioat ten this morningand is Bill is a fashionphotographer. rollsof film. with six used leavinsin a minute


Hay Campbell, the famous heart- surgeon,becamea doctor 40 years ago. A lot of natientsrememberhim with his successfuloperations.


Andy smokesa lot when he is working. He openeda packet of cigarettesand lit the first one a few hours ago and now there is an empty packet in front of him.



The room was in a terrible mess when Bill started cleaning an hour ago. He hasn't finishedyet but now at leastthe floor is cleanand the bookcaseis tidv.

E. Ask and answer questions using the given words. eg. learn English / September start English classes/ several months

How long have you been learning English? Since Sepfember.

Several months ago. l.

move to this house/ lastyear live in this house/ lastyear


know your friend Bill / ten years meet your friend Bill I ten years


John,break,leg / October Walk on crutches/ severalweeks



be ill / a long time becomeill / a long time


buy this car / last August have this car / last Ausust


Ask two questions for each situation, in the 'present perfect' and 'simple past' and give short answers as in the example.


Dan Riley was born in India and lived there until he was twenty. Then he went to England. He k thirty now and is still living there.

How long did he live in India?

For twenty years.

How long has he been living in England?

For ten years.

1. It startedraining early this morning and hasn't stoppedyet. It also rained yesterday. but only for half an hour.



Mary got a job as a translator5 yearsago. She left the job only last week and started teachingin a school.



John Graine travelledall over the world as a pilot for 40 years.He retired two yearsago and bought a housein the country.Now he enjoys living there.

III. REVIEW OF THE PRESENTPERFECTSIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS A. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Nancy

Hi, Kathy.It's Nancy.


Oh, hi, Nancyl Where are you? I (1)

(phone) you or.) (be) at

Tuesday,Wednesdayand last night, but you (2) home.

(be) at home. I'm not in London. I'm (call) vou from Istanbulnow.


You'reright.I (3) in Turkey!I (4)


Istanbul?Oh, my god! What (5)


Visiting somefriends with my brother,Tom. We're here on holiday.


That'sgreat.How long (6)


For 5 days.We (7)



(you / do) there?

(vou / be) in Istanbul'l (arrive)on Tuesday. (you / visit) the Topkapr Palaceand the Blue Mosque

yet? Nancy

We (9)

(already/ be) to the Blue Mosque. but we



(l l)




there tomorrow. Two



daiys a-qo we

(you/ ever/ eat)kebabs?


No, what are they like?





(go) on a city tour by bus. Istanbulis a wonderful

city.( 13)













(1 s )


Yes.very much. I had two cups!




Oh, yes.Tom, come here! Nancy wantsto talk to you.

(you/ like) it?

(Tom / be) with you now? I'd like to talk to him. too.


CharlesringsPeterat J a . m . Charles : r ( l )

(go) fishing now, Peter.Would you like

to come with me? Peter

But it's so early. I (2)

(have) breakfastyet.

Whv didn't vou tell me last nisht? (call) you severaltimes but

C h a r l e s : A c t u a l l y ,I ( 3 )

you (4)

(be) home Anyway, we can go

tosethernext week then.

C. In spiteof the forty years she has spent on stage,the 58-year-oldactressRaga Woods (lt

(affect) bv time so far. Althoush she is in her fifties. she


(look) about 35. "Oh yes," she says. "Some people


(think) it is genetic,but it may be the vegetarianism.I


(eat) any red meat since I had a heart attack." Right now


(appear)in a new play by Samuel Dawson.

S h e( 6 )

(expect)this play to continuefor a long time

D. Mike and Anna (l) (2) armchairs but

(get) married next month. They (already / buy) a fridge. a sofa, a bed and some

they (3)

(find) a

f l a r y e t . They


(look) at the newspaper a d v e r t i s e m e n tnso w . Mike


(ust / read) about a flat in Elm Street.It s in a busy

street,but they don't mind (6)

(live) in the city center.


E. Dear Peter, Hello from Hotel Talya in Antalyal What is the weatherlike in London? It is hot and sunnyhere.Our hotel (1)

(be) near the beach, but it has gor a big

swimming pool. There are also three tennis courts. We (2) (play/usually)tennisin the morning. There are a lot of interestingplaces to see. We (3) (see/already)Manavgat and Side. The food here is excellent. Last nieht. we (4)

(eat) fish at a beautiful restaurant.









(drive) there tomorrow. My parents want to go to the

disco tonight but I want to stay at the hotel. You know, I (7) (hateidance). Seeyou soon. Love Jud F. My parents( 1)

(have) a beautiful house in the country. They


(buy) it when I was 8. It (3)

l r ooms and a living room, but my parentslike it. They (4)

20 years. My father ( 5 ) (6)

(be) very big-only ( l i v e ) t h e r ef o r

(spend)all his time in the garden and my mother

(go) for long walks in the beautifulcountryside.I always tell them to

come to London and live with me, but they say rhey (7)

(want) to leave

their quiet home. G.

M r s . S i m m s1 l )

(do) her shopping with her husband. Mr.Simms, on

Saturdaymornings. They go to the bazaar.Mr. Simms never enjoys these visits, but Mrs. Simms comes to the bazaarto buy fresh fruit and vegetables.The fruit and vegetablesin the bazaar are very fresh becausethey (2) Last Saturdaythe bazaar(3)


(grow) by the farmers in the area. (be) very crowdedso Mr. Simms said."I don't

(wait) for you

(come) with you. I (5)

want (4)

(leave) Mr. Simms in front of the bazaar.Two

here." Mrs. S i m m s ( 6 )

(wait I still) for his wife when a man

hours later,M r . S i m m s ( 7 )

(come)up to him. He said, "Excuseme. Is your name Simms?Your


(finish / just) shopping,but her bags are very heavy. She is

wife (9)

"I asking you to carry them home for her." Mr. Simms was very angry. He said. (stand)herefor two hours and I am very tired. She can carry the (l 0 ) bagsalone.I am going home!"

H. Andrew Pollard

successful 3O-year-old journalist


(arrive) in New York





a year ago and since then he

(2 )

(work) for the New York Times. In addition to this. he

(3 )

(study) graphic design part time at Hunter College, but he


(pass)his final exams yet. His boss at the newspaperis very (ust/give) a promotion. He

happy wrth his work and Andrew (5)

will startworking as an editor soon.However,Andrew still finds time to do other things.He (go) out to bars quite ofien

likes the night life in New York and (6)


recently.He also travelsat weekendswith his new friends.He (7)

several different cities, including Los Angeles, Boston and Denver. Last summer' he (spend)a weekend in San Franciscoand he wants to go there

(8) againas soon as possible.

1 . 5PAST PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS A . Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. I. SandyStewartis an American.She was fifteen when this happened: ''I (l) (go) to the supermarketwith my mother one day, and over the

car radio came (2) (3) (4)


Your Hand. They were the Beatles and I (hear/not) them before. I went, Wowl What a strange soundl I tune (affect) deeply by the tune of the song. No Want To Hold

much until (find) that a lot of girls at school (6) (impress) me



(hear/also)it and

(look)ugly in their

friendsand discussingthem. We all saidthey (8)


moment. Later.

(remember)walking down the street with two of my

felt the same.I (7) photographs, especially




collars on

(be) great,we (10)





l t h i n k l . b u t t h e yd i d l o o k

ugly." *** ,11

II. l.

W h e nw e


Before boardingthe plane, I wanted to buy a magazineto read during the flight. I didn't want to carry my heavy luggageinto the store, so I left it outside.When I came out, it wasn'tthereany more. Someone_ (steal)it. _


She the salt and pepper


The strikersweregettingrestlessbecausethey.._.-=_thecompanydirector's officefor five hours,waitingfor a response.

(enter) the hotel lobby, we realized that the curtains (change)to match the furniture.

(lay) the table long before the guestsarrived but she forgot

(stand)in front of


Thirty yearsago, Suzy Szabowas the greatestfilm star in the world. She usedto live in a big housein Hollywood where she (5)

(have)twelve servants.When we asked

people about her, many thought that she (6) becauseMs Szabo (7)

(already I dte). Thar's

(give) any interviewsto the press since 1972.

Where is she now? Ms Szabo(8)

(still/be)a very rich woman but she (9)

(live) in Hollywood any more. Twenty years ago, she moved to a small villase in the south of France, where the sun ( l0) (always/shine). These days, she (l l) (have) a wonderful time with her husbandon a cruise in the Greek Islands. Last month one of our reportersaskedpermissionto publish Ms Szabo's memories.At the m o m e n ts h e ( 1 2 ) (think) about whether it's a good idea to have her biographypublishedor not. She is a little worried about having her recent picturesraken and p r i n t e di n l h e n e w s p a p e rass s h et l 3 ) (believe)that she has chanseda lor.

There was nobody at home when I came back from work. Jrm's wardrobe was empty. h i s clothes were gone. However, he (14) (leave) me a note on the kitchen table. After reading it, I realizedt h a t h e ( 1 5 ) (want) to see me any more. *x* A motorist saw two m e n w h o 1 1 6 ) lonely country road. Earlier that day he (17) 42

(carry) heavy h a q s along a (read) rn the

newspaperabouttwo thieveswho (18)

(stop) a train and stolen

mail-bagscontaininga lot of money,so he (19)

(infonn) the police

immediately.The police soon arrived on the scene.They questionedthe men but neither of them was able to speakEnglish.The men tried hard to resist the arrest.When they arrived at the police station,the bags(20)


(open)at once.A terrible mistake

(make)! The men were French onion-sellersand their bass were

full of onionsl

The first man to jump out of an aeroplanewhen travelling at a speedgreaterthan sound was

Arthur Ray Hawk. Up to that time, jumps of this sort (22) (regard)as impossiblebut this outstandingUnited StatesNavy pilot proved the world that



During an air show over Mississippiin 1954,Hawk (24) entirely new, type of


(fly) an

plane when, at 40,000 feet, the

nose of

the plane

(dip) sharply.As Hawk (26)

(try) to

pull the plane out of the dive, he noticedthe speedometer(27) up very fast. A


minutes later it

reached a

(go) speed faster than





(be able / press) the button that would put the plane on

in his seat, and hanging upside-down, the pilor

aulomaticpilot. Near him. however,there was anotherbutton which was to be used only in timesof greatdanger.Hawk pressedit, the glassshell abovehis head openedup and he was thrown













(try) to pull the ribbon which would open his parachute.He

failed in his attempt.He was fortunate becauseif his parachutehad opened, at that rate of

s p e e di ,t ( 3 1 )

(tear) to piecesby such a strong wind. At about

29,000 feet, Hawk managedto open his parachute.Soon afterwards,he landed safely in a field of cotton.

Last week I (32)


(have) the strangest experience when I (take) my poodle, Suzettefor a walk on the 5th Avenue. We




(notice) a man a few houses behind me. He

(3 6 )

(walk) with his large Doberman pinscher. so I quickly


(move) to the other side of the street to let them






she (40)




(have) a fight and

another dog






(want) her to get into trouble. I (42)


(start)walking really fast in order to keep far aheadof them. Suddenly,the man called out and askedme to stop. He said that his dog really (43)

(like) poodles.

He also added that he was hopine our doss could meet! I (44)

told him that I

(allow/never)my dog to make friends with strangerstill that

time and that I (45)

(be) glad if he left us alone. Without savins

anything,the man walkedaway with his dog. *** Yesterdayduring the final exam, Lata (46)

(daydream)at her desk

in the examination r o o m w h i l e t h e o t h e r s t u d e n t s ( 4 7 ) - - ( a n s w e r ) t h e (attend)all the lecturesthroughoutthe year. and on the

questions.Lata (48)

day of the final exam, she was really determinedto do well. However. she couldn't help thinking about the boy she (49)

(start) going out the week before the

finals. When the invigilator announcedthe time left, Lata (50)


she (5| )_


(answer) even


single question and

(begin) to answer the questions.L e a v i n gt h e e x a m i n a t i o nr t r o m .


Lata was upset as she was sure she (53)

(do) badly in the exam but

when she saw her boyfriend who (54)

(wait) for her for two hours

outside,she stoppedworrying aboutthe exam.





happened today




(be) the end of

(s6) (s7)

(sefYe) customers for

the day




about 7.00 pm.




It We



(think) of going home and taking a nice hot shower when I

noticedJulie, one of the cashiers,(58) dollarnotesin her purse.She(59) 44


(put) a bundle of hundred(take) the bills from the open till

(always/be)nice to me before,I

in front of her. As the girl (60)

(know) what to do - report her to the manageror ignore

( 6 1) -

(leave)the store.I

the whole thing. By that time, almosteveryone(62)

(talk) among themselves.

could hear the cleaning women (63)

(walk) up to me and said she

S u d d e n l y J. u l i e ( 6 4 )

(have) financial difficulties for the past three months.

(6s) Surprisedby this confession,I The





(throw) everythingon the floor. ***

(67) After









(take) his

(realise)that he (70)



passportwith him.

(be) any apples in the fridge. My

There 01) (125


(eat)them all. ***

I once had a part - time job in a big departmentstorein Liverpool.I'll alwaysremember (reach)the store half an hour

the first day of the sales.I (73)

before the opening time and saw that hundredsof people (14) (wait) outside the doors. The crowd was quite impatient to get in. I could see why our (plan) the sale like a military operationthe previous

boss(75) day. At five to nine the crowd... Yesterdayevening

r (76)

(run) into Mr. Page, who was mY

physics teacher at high school. I (77)

(look) at the new

publicationswhen he entereclthe bookstore. I immediately recognised him as he (change)much. He looked almostthe sameexceptthat he (78)


(wear)glassesat school.You know, at thosetimes contact

lenseswere not so common. Anyway, we talked about the good old days for sometime and then I invited him to have a cup of tea at my place. He kindly turned down my i n v i t a t i o nb, u t s a i dt h a th e ( 8 0 )

(visit)me soon.

A: Yesterdaymorning was a nightmare.



A: Well, I overslepIbecause I 182.;

(forget) to set the alarm clock the

nightbefore.Not surprisingly, I waslate for the mid-term.When I got to the classroom,the teacher (83)

(let) me in as she (84)

(start)readingthe listeningsection.I waited until ... ***

I (85) (86)

(feel) terribly embarrassed when I realized that I (leave)my wallet at home. It was the first tirne Debraand I wcre

goingout and I (87)

(haveto/ask)her to pay the bill.

Yesterday while my two brothers and I ( 8 8 )


(paint) my room, my sister

(open) the door suddenly Nobody(90)

( t e l lt

her that we would be there. So insteadof painting the wall, we spentall morning cleanin-{the paint on the carpet. *t
Studentsin Terror Ride The driver of a school bus was questioned by policeyesterday afterparentscomplained thathe


(take)twentyof theirchildrenon a highspeedrerrorrideandlefi

them thirty miles away from home. When the students(92)


of the bus, they telephonedtheir parents.The studentsexplainedthat some of them were not rn their seatsand when the driver noticedthem (93) (run) up and down the









angry and accelerated. Anxious parenrs (telephone)the bus company and the school as their children (return/still).Mrs. Ann Stalker,whose children were on the bus.

said "Anything (96)

(can/happen).It was quite wrong to drop them thirty miles away from home. Most of the children (97) (have) no money. I

am extremely angry." A


spokesman for

the bus company said thev

(look) into the matterand that there were some other complaints

aboutthis driver as he (99)

(drive) very fast for some time.

Join the following sentencesusing when, He worked for 10 yearsat the bank.He becamethe manager.


He gainedsomeexperience.He receiveda promotion.



The police suppliedevidence.The man was convicted.


They moved to a differenttown. He died.


He kissedthe children.He left the house.


They becamemembersof the club. They changedall the rules


They consulteda lawyer.They bought the house.


He drove through the red light. He got a fine.


She did all the shopping.He camein and offered to help.

C. Put the verbs in brackets into their 'simple past' or 'past perfect simple / continuous'forms. l.

(neverfind) where he


2. As my sister



(hide) the knife.

(forget) to tell people about the party, it (be) a completefailure.

Most of the guestswe to give a speech

(invite) came,but the one who was supposed


I arrived at the bus stop and I suddenly (leave)the electriccooker on.

lrealise; that I

(feel) too tired as we

5. We

(work) in the garden for

so long. 6.

Most of the houses heavily all day long.


Sincehe (break)down.


After I and


She smoking.

10. When

(be) under water as it

( rarn.;

(have)his car servicedfor a lons time. it

(do) exercisefor about an hour. I (decide)to have somethingto drink.


furniture so we


(look) a lot healthierbecauseshe

(finish) painting (realised) that the colour (decide)to changeit.




room, we (go) with the


1.6REVIEW OF TENSES Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. A. and




(I )





(already/buy)a fridge, a sofa, a bed and some armchairsbut they


(look) at the

(find) a flat yet. They (4)


now. Mike (5) newspaperadvertisements

(ust/read) about a f-latin Elm

Street.It's in a busy street.but they don'tmind living in the city center. B. (work) in the Los AngelesZoo.I'n

I'm BernardLesling. I ( 1 )

the managerthere. It's one of the largestzoos in the world. There are all kinds of animals: kangaroos, crocodiles, tigers, penguins and


chameleons. Last



(receive) a letter from the zoo in Peking, China. The letter was


about a female baby panda called Ling Ling. My assistant,Mrs. Parker, and I immediately (fly) to Peking to seeit.


We're in Peking now. We (4)

(stay)at a hotel near the Peking Zoo. (sleep)on her mother's

I can't forget the moment I saw Ling Ling. It (5)

s t o m a c h . L i n g L i n g i s very healthy, and we're very happy about that. Pandas (eat) bamboo, but Ling Ling is too young to eat it. She



(probably/ start)eatingbamboonext month.

conference.We (9)

(organize) a press busy today. She (8) (have) the conf'erencetomorrow. I expect there



Mrs. Parker is very








(already/arrive). There is one taking photosin front of Ling Ling's

(ll) cageright now.

C. TonightI ( l )

(go) to a Beethoven concert. I want to tell you about

Beethoven He is a famous composer. He was born l n B o n n , i n (work) as a pianist there. In 1792, he ( 3 ) (2)

(go) to (die) in

(study) with Haydn. He (5)

Vienna.He (a)

1110. He

Vienna,in 1827. D. I r hought everythingwas ready for the party and steppedinto the gardento have a final look. Just then I (1) garden, (l )_



,quests. I (prepare) them myself and put them on the tables in the sandwiches left

realized that there were no they









our mad


neighbour's and

(ring) their door to complain aboutthe situation 48




"Mrs. Meyer," I shouted angrily, "You'd better start preparing some sandwiches before this place (4)

(get) crowded becauseI believe your dogs

havefinished all of them, leavingnot even one to our guests."Mrs. Meyer respondedvery calmly. "If I were you, I would ask your children and their friends before accusingmy dogs. becauseI (5 )

(see) them running away with the

" sandwiches.



Mav I talk to Bobv?


I'm afraid he (1)

(sleep)at the moment. Jane also wanted to talk to (see) him sleepingon

him but I didn't want to wake him up when I (2)-

the couch. He must have been very tired when he came in from school.I'll tell him that you've called as soon as he ( 3 ) A:

(wake) up.

Thanks,Mrs. Meadows.

F. Last Saturdayan old friend from abroad. whom I was expectrngto stay wltn me, (arrive).I was still from the airportto tell m e t h a lh e ( l ) telephoned (make) arrangementsfor his

at the office at the time, but I (2)

(explain) where my flat was, I told him that the

arrival. After I (3) key was under the door-mat.

Trvo hours later, my friend phoned me from the flat. He said that at that moment he (listen) to some of mv records.When I asked him i1' he had \4) reachedthe flat without difficulty, he answeredthat he hadn't been able to find the key under the door-mat,but luckily the living-room window just by the apple tree had been (enter) the left open and he had climbed in. I realizedthat he (5) (be) away for

wrong flat. He was lucky becausemy neighbours(6) the weekend.If they had beenat home,they would have calledthe police.

G. have


(1) ()\


England. His (know)










(never/meet)him. We often write to each other. Ken i s

in 1992.He (3) a writer. His first book was published popularwriter sincethen.


(be) a very

H. CarlosSantoya(l)

(come) to the United Stares fiom Mexico six (live) with his aunt and uncle in Burbank.

months ago. He (2) Californiasincethen.When he (3)


(be) in High Schoolin Mexico City,

(study)English and computerscienceso after his arrival in

California,he (5)

(get) a job as an office assistantfor a small companv that sellsbusinessmachines.Then one day, while he (6) (chat)with his friendsfrom work, Carlos(7) (hear)about GlendaleCommunitv Collese. which has a good data processingprogram to train studentsfor future employment.Althoush Carlosenjoys working as an office assistant,h e ( 8 ) (plan) to apply for the program to improve his computer skills because he believes that he will have better employmentopportunitiesif he successfullycompletesthe dataprocessingprogram at Glenclale Community College. I. Dear Julie, As you know. I (1)

(arrive) in Paris a week ago but there was a problem with mv suitcases.Unfortunatelv. thev had been sent to Madrid instead of Paris. Yesterday,they (2) (call) me from the airport in the afternoon to go there and pick them up. That's why I (3) (4) (phone). At the time, I (5)

(be) at home when you (tryt to find my suitcuscs

amongthosewhich had arrived at HeathrowAirport frorn Madrid. You know what? It took me the whole afternoonto do that. Well, I'm sure you are curious about what's going on here in

Paris. The family who I (6)

(stay) with now are very nice. Thev treat rne

exactly Iike one of the family. They (7)

(introduce/already) me to all their fiiends. I share a room with Penny, the dauehter of the family. who is my age. It is amazing...Every morning her mother (8) (wake) us up with a cup of teal Mr. Phillips, Penny'sfather. is also very nice. He (9) (let) Penny and me do everythingwe want. He even allows us to borrow his car if we needto go somewherefar. Tomorrow will be my first day at the languageschool and I'm really looking forward to They told me to be there at 9 o'clock. I (10) the morning.I expectthey (11)


(take) a placementtest i n (announce)the results by the end of

the day. As soon as I learn which level I'm a r ,I ( 1 2 )

(give) you a call. Well. that'sall from me now. Pleasewrite soon.I really would like to know what's goin_e on there. Love, Claire


J. The day after the big marathon,I was still in bed, trying to relieve the pains in my legs." What a close race," I thought to myself and turned to have a look at my beautiful trophy sparklingon the top shelf of my bookcase.My family and I ( I ) (put) it there hoping that others would follow it. The pride and joy that I felt each trme I (spend)too looked at it was indescribable.Realizing that I (2) much time resting, I decided to get some exercisebecauseI knew that a short workout (shine), so I thoughtit would do my legs good. The sun (3) would be a good idea to ride my bike aroundthe block for a while. | (4) t c y c l e )d o w n t h e h i l l w h e nI ( 5 )

( s e e )a c a r

travelling towards me at top speed.I hoped it would slow down, but it didn't. I didn't have (crash)right into me, knocking enoughtime to escapeand it (6) me off rny bike. There was no sign of the driver after the accident. The police are still (look) for him everywhere since the searching. They (1) (can/find) him yet. The

accident. Unfortunately, they (8) doctorstold me that I (9)

(never/ableto/run) again.And. I guess

this trophy will be the only one I'll ever have on my shelf. K. The first man to jump out of an aeroplanewhen travelling at a speedgreaterthan sound was Arthur Ray Hawk. Up to that time, jumps of this sort had beenregardedas impossiblebut this outstanding United

States Navy








During an air show over Mississippiin 1954,Hawk (2) entirely new




plane when, at

(fly) an

40,000 feet, the

(dip) sharply.As Hawk (4)

such jumps

nose of



(try) to pull

going up very fast. A few minutes later the plane out of the dive, he noticedthe speedometer it reacheda speedfasterthan sound.Trapped in his seat,and hangingupside-down,the pilot


(be able / press) the button that would put the plane on

automaticpilot. Near him, however,there was anotherbutton which was to be used only in times of greardanger.Hawk pressedit, the glassshell above his head openedup and he was thrown up into the air. Then he went down with great speed,trying to pull the ribbon which would open his parachute.However,he (6)

(fail) in his attempt.He was

fortunatebecauseif his parachutehad opened,at that rate of speed,it would have beentorn to piecesby such a strong wind. At about 29,000 feet, Hawk managedto open his parachute. Soon afterwards,he landedsafelyin a field of cotton.


L. JunkoTabei,a Japanese frornHokkaido,wasthefirst womanto climb Mount Everest.In 1975.a Tokyo newspaper-televisioncompany (i7

(choose) fifteen women

from mountaineeringclubs to go to Nepal. The group (2)


Mount Everest for severaldays. Then there was an avalanche.B ecauseof the heavy ice and snow, ten of the women (3)

(want) to continue the climb. Arnong the

otherfive, only Mrs. Tabei was able to climb the last 70 meters. Today, 24 years after her worldwide success. Mrs. Tabei still (4) and



(go) mountain climbing every year. Her husband




mountains, too



(have)enoughtime to go with her all the rime.

Mrs. Tabei is very busy these days. She (7)_

(work) on her rhird book.

which includes her experiencesof her latest adventures.She expects that her third book




l f i n i s h , th e r b o o k , s h e ( 1 0 )










(travel) around the

United Statesto give lecturesat severaluniversities. M. Matt is talking to Mary, a memberof the police force. Matt

Hi. I'm Matt Rotell.a friend of Alice's.


O h , y e s .A l i c e ( 1 ) You (2)


Well, that'sgood,I meansI don't have to disguisemyself in order not to be recognized.


Tell me, when (3)

(mention) you the other day. Gee! (look) like a detective.

(decide / you) to become an

undercoverpolice? Matt

Well, my interestin detectivesand their storiesbeganwhen I was ten yearsold. one day, I (4) (wander) around the bookstore lookins for somethinginterestingto read. An old man holding an Agatha Christie book in his hand (5) (approach)me. He advised that I should buy one of Agatha Christie'sdetectivestories.Taking his advice into consideration,I bought my first Agatha Christiebook that day.


Mary :

I see. Well. as far as I know, you (6) schoolthesedays.

Matt :

R i g h t .I ( 7 )

(attend) law

(mind) being on the police force when I (be) single but ever sinceI got married to Nicole,


r (e)

(consider)doing somethinglessdangerous.

Mary :

I understand.By the way, have you had any luck yet with thosecounterf-eiters'l

Matt :

W e l l .I i l 0 r

(fbllow) them for the last threemonthsbut so (succeed)in catchingthem in act.


I (r2)

(think) that, by the time they are caught. I'll have my

law degree. Mary :

In that case,yolr might defendtheml

N. of the most popular twentieth-centuryfictional heroes.has a long past"He first (l)

(save) Gotham City from evil, in a comic book in 1939 and


(fight) crime with his partner,Robin, for the past fifty-eight years.










(appear)in a few movies recently,too. With criminals like the


Penguin,CatwomanandtheJokeraddedto thestoryeachtime,he (5) (probably/ live) on in fictionin thefuture. 1.7TI]VIEEXPRESSIONS A. Mark the bestchoice. l.

all the customershad left the shop.He then The shopkeeperwaited put up a'closed'sign and startedcleaningup the shop. a)



as soonas



by the time





sheheardaboutthe accident

2. Mrs. Riggsrushedto thehospital a)





as soon as

, we can take a look at her wedding

She'll be ready in ten minutes. photos. a) While







rny brother.loinedthe army',he had neverbeen abroad.

4. a)








August 1995 was the hottestAugust -(5)Britain has ever had. Some unusualthings happenedin London -(6)this extremely hot period. Twenty cars fell off window ledges they were sleepingin the sun. -(8)-(1)this, two rhinos at the London Zoo haclto havesun creamon their backsto stop their skin from burning. 5.

a) b)

of which when




a) while b) before c) after d) and


This is the fourth quiz we've had a) for b) i n

10. It wasn't


a) b) c) d)

until during for on


a) b) c) d)

Apart from Despite Becauseof In spiteof

two weeks. c) during

d) at

she left college that she realized how much she had enjoyed her time

there. a) as soonas




d) when

I I . It really wasn'tsuch a revolutionaryidea as it had seemed a) at first b) firstly c) afterwards

d) lastly

12. The teacherwill not begin the lesson a) until b) when

d) after

ail the studenrsare qulet.

c) by

B. I.

Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. use them onlv ONCE.


going on a holiday,you shouldreservea room at a hotel

2 . He was onlv 19 vearsold

he graduatedfrom university.


using the electricdrill, he injured his finger. He immediatelystoppedthe machineand went to the hospital.


Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Use them onlv ONCE.

Emma was having a shower ( l ) The telephonerang again (2)

the telephonerang, so she didn't hear it. she was getting out of the shower.This time

Emma heardit. She quickly put on her bathrobe13)

she ran to the living room to answerthe phone.It was her friend,Sally.This is their telephoneconversation :



Let's go to the cinema(4)


I can't.I have to so to the librarv to do mv sciencehomework.


You can go to the library (5)


That'sa good idea.I'll do that.


OK. Seeyou later.




the lunch break.

Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. You can use the words more than ONCE.


X until

during so

when on

the such

at for


I can't forget ( I )

we had at Jack's

house. The food and the drinks were (3)

good and we had

a good time that we didn't leave (5)


dawn. The sun was about to rise (6)

we sot into our cars and drove

off to our homes. It was (7)

three o'clock in the afternoon

I woke up and had (9)


breakfast.I had

to drink four cups of coffee before I was able to really wake up and get ready to catch four o'clock bus to Oxford, where I had promisedto meet a

(1 0 ) friend. IV.

Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Use them only ONCE.

during afterwards firstl

meanwhile as soon as at last

previously until as

while at first b

since lastly for

I finish typing this letter.


We can leave


, make sure Usine this machineis not as difficult as it seems. that all the green buttons are lit. You can do this by pushing this knob. Next. adjust the volumeby ....


The students silently watched the documentaryand discussionaboutit.


I'm afraid you can't seeMr. Brian on Monday. He's on a businesstrip and won't be Wednesday back


I'm sorry for making you wait. It won't take long. I'll be ready in ten minutes , you can make yourself a cup of coffee or watch TV.

had a


I r a n i n t o J a c k i n r pub the other day. We hadn't seen each other for twelve yeiirs. , I didn't recognizehim. He had grown a beardand lost most of his hair. What made me rememberhim, however,was the look in his eyes.It hadn'tchangedat all. You can reachme in the morning and in the afternoon.Don't call me my lunch break becauseI'm not in my office then.


V. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Use them only ONCE.



so that

as soon as





in order to

after that

Scrabbleis a very popular game all around the world. You need a Scrabbleboard.a set of tileswith lettersof the alphabeton them.a pencil and somepaper(l)




each person takes one tile from the bag and the person with the

hi-qhest numberon his tile will startthe game.(3)

each person takes S I X

more lettersfiom the bag becauseeveryonein the gamemust have sevenletters. The first player startsby making a word which covers the star in the centre of the board (4)

the next player makes another word by either creating a new word

w h i c h crosses the original word or by adding more letters to the original word.


players make a word, they must take more letters from the ba-l


they always have sevenletters.All the playerscontinue making words

in this way (7)

thereare no more lettersin the bas and one Dersonhas used

a l l h i st i l e s .


playing, players try to cover the coloured squaresbecausethese

increase the numberof pointson the tile. (9)

the personkeepsthc

scoreby adding up all the numbersin each word played.(10)

, when the

gameis over. eachplayer addsup the numberof pointson his remainin-g tiles and subtractsit from the total. It should be rememberedthat Scrabblecan take a long time if the players are really keen and.of course.playersget betterwith practice. VI. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Use them only ONCE. immediately later

afterwards then as soon as

M i n a C a h i l l a r r i v e dh o m eq u i t el a t e .( l )

previously after meanwhile

finally first

she saw her fiont door open.

sherealizedthat someonehad brokeninto her house.When shesaw the man in her lir,'ingroom. sheknew at once that he was a dangerouscriminal who had escapedfrom prison a f-ewdays ago


sgen him on TV. The man wils busy goin-e

becauses h e h a d ( 2 ) through the dra'uvers so h e d i d (3)


nol into

n o l i c e Mina^ Trying the



be quiet,



she policc"


the man had left the living room. He was walking througtr the


hallwaytowardsthe kitchen.At (5)

Mina did not know what to do

she decidedto hide behind the kitchen door. A few minutes

but (6)

the rnan enteredthe kitchen.(8)



the light o n , h e went straightto the refrigeratorand helped himself to somefood. Mina was relievedrvhen she heard the sound of police sirens.They had (9) arrived.( 1 0 ) _

Mina learntthat the man was sentto Brixton Prison to

servea lif'e sentence. VU. t'ill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Use them only ONCE. from time to time at one time l.

on time at the same time

after a time

at the time for a time

I alwaysfind it difiicult to do two things . thcn left.

2 . He chattedto us 3 . Don't panic! This is the kind of problemthat we have Thereforc.I know what we shoulddo. 4.

I was a studentin the 1950's,and thingswere very different The meetingstartsat l0 Be here Otherwrse.the bosswill go crazy!


At the party, I f-elt verv restlc'ssat first. However. startedenjoyingmyself.


Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Use them only ONCE,.

at the same time for a time in time

from time to time at the time

after a time on time some time

at one time


peoplebelievedthat the eirrthu,asflat. 2.

in the lrftcrnoon.

I can't give you an exacttime, but I'll call you exactly We didn't have to wait for our flight-the platte'uvas


I didn't hearyou call me. I was listenitlgto mttsic


I f'eelhome sick to living in a loreigncountry.

but on the ivhole I can sav I anr used

C. Rewrite the sentencesusing the clues given. 1. Paul broke his arm while he was playing football Paul (during) 2.

The orchestrahad played for severalhours. The embassyprovided the musicians with refreshments. (after)


You visit Washington.Where do you stay there? (when)


It was only when we startedworking on the sameproject that I realisedhow ambitiousshe was. (until)

D. Put in during, while or before. l.

The teacherdidn't speak


I was asleeo.I fell out of bed.

3. Mary boughtnicepresents _ 4.

the exam.

The studentsenjoyedthemselvesa lot


Christmas. their visit to the nruseum.

leavingfor Rome, he had his car serviced


He doesn'tusuallysmoke

he goesto bed.


Your parentscalledyou up

you were away.


the day she is full of energybut at night shefeels terribly tired.


you buy a new food product,you must checkthe additivesrn it.


2. PRONOUNS 2.1PERSONALPRONOUNS A. Usethe table to fill in the blanks.You can usethem more than once. ours it him whose

he's there me who's

my her one his

they're they it's

these this theirs

we our mine hers

M v brother gave me and my sister, Felicia, two very nice Chinese blouses. made

(l )



and have got





blouse is more colorful than Felicia'sblouse. I think the best and


alsothe cheapestsilk blousesare made in China.

Mrs. Palmer,the talking to her studentsin the classroom. umbrellasare (4)




I think the blue (5)


No, it's not (6)


Yes.Mrs. Palmer.Jenny'sright.The red umbrellais (7) yesterday. Thankyou.I left it in theclassroom


And whatabouttheblueumbrella?


Ir'sBilly's,but (8)

is Susan'sumbrella. . The red one is Susan's.

not in the classroomtoday. I can take

the umbrellaand give it to neighbours.


this afternoon^We're


Jackand Mary are leaving the party at Laura's flat Laura : Are theseyour jackets? Mary

: No,



aren't. (10) is blue and Jack'sis black.


It was (12)

(l 3 ) (l5) (l6)

birthday yesterday.I'm twenty-five! Some friends took to a restaurantlast night. (14)

all had przzas.

were very good. At the end of the dinner, Janet opened bag and took out a small package. *>k*


Our son. Tom, broke ( 17)

(1 B )

arrn last night. My rvife and I took to the hospital right away. All the doctors \ /ere very busy when

(l 9 ;

gor (20)

( 2 1)

. Fortunately,a beautiful young nurse saw us

was very helpful and took


us to

the emergency roolr.t.

was quite a largeroom with cupboardsfull of medicine.

B. Substitute pronouns for the italicized words. Eg. George and John like comedyfihns. They Iike them. I.

Mr.Sntith eatsspoghetti every week.


Tomrrtyund I playfootbull very often.


This c:oJfeeis for Mary ancl her -frientls.


Mr. tutclMrs.Brttu.,nsell eggs.


Teuclrersask questionsto students.


Edvt,ttrtl knows the ansytter


My brother and I havea bis hluse


Mt, morhercooks theJood.

C. Conrplete the sentenceswith somebody,anybody,everybody,or nobody. l.

This problemis too dilficult


lt's verv easvto cook omelette

can solveit. can do it.

is knocking tlie door, can yoll hear it? 4.



There is

to help us. at home. This is the third time I'm answers.




curr.ythi\ suilcuscl'orme.) was tired alter the picnic as r.vedid a lot of things


phoning and


I d i d n ' ts e e


Why isn't

there. phoning me? but we don't know who.

10. Helen gave the packetto

2.2 REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS Fill in the blanks with the suitable reflexive pronouns myself, yourself, himself, yourselves. ourselves, herself, itself,themselves, 1. Tom did the housework 2.

The studentstalked among


The stewardess


If you want it to be well done,do it


We looked at


He went to Eneland


The dog openedthe door


Alice startedsingingto

signedthe letter.

in the mirror.

9. You andyour sistermustfinishthereport for 10 months.

10. I lookedafterthebaby-2.3 FORMS OF OTHER

Fill in eachblank with one of the words in the box. other

the other



one another


There are many kinds of insects in the world. Ant is one kind. The wasp is


There are two books on the table One is a novel.


He had a really seriousaccident.He is alright but his car is badly damaged.He needs car. to get


I have two sisters.One is namedMarv.


There are many kinds of trees in the world. The oak is one kind. Some are pine trees,willows, sycamores.


There are many kinds of treesin the world. The oak is one kind. Some kinds are willows. svcamores.

is a coursebook.

is namedSylvia.



It snoweda lot this morning, and from the looks of thosedark clouds,there is going to be snowstorm.


Of the four girls, one of them is blonde.

are quite dark.

9 . There are four girls. One of them is blonde

girls arequitedark.

1 0 . There are many tourists from different countries. Many of them are from Japan are from Germany.Enelandand the U.S.A.

1 1 . Mr. And Mrs. Miller are a happily married couple. They love



12. One commonillnessamongchildrenis chickenpox. mumps. are yellow fever, measles.

common one ls

13. One of the two countriesI would like to visit is Tibet. is India. Of course,besidesthesetwo , thereare mysticalplacesI would like to see. 14. Some studentsare hardworking; to everything.

are lazy. Still

are indiff'erent

15. They have four children.One is married is a graduateof universityand hasa nicejob two are hish school students.


3. NOUNS 3.1 SUBJECT.VERB AGREEMENT Choose the correct answers in parentheses. 1. There (isn't, aren't) any lettersin the mail for you today. 2.

There (isn't, aren't) any mail for you today.


There(is, are)a lot of problemsin the world.


There (is. are) an insectin this room. Where is the insecticide?


There (is, are) over 600,000kinds of insectsin the world.


How many kinds of birds (is. are) therein the world?


Why (isn't. aren't) therea hospitalcloseto thosevillages?


There (is, are) a greenpen on Tim's desk.


There (is, are) a blue pen and a yellow notebookon Sue's desk

10. There (is, are) somepens and notebookson Jack's desk. 1l. Someof the furniture in my house(needs,need)painting. 12. Someof my books(was.were)stolen. 13. Physics(is, are) the most difficult coursefor me. 14. The police always(comes.come) late in Turkish fihns. 15. Two thousandmiles (is, are)too much to go by train. 16. Japanese(is, are) one of the most difficult languagesto learn. 17. One of the languagesI want to learn (is, are) German. 18. Every child (needs,need)love and affection. 19. A million dollars (is, are) enoughfor him. 20. Most of the students(lives,live) in the dormitories. 21. The blind always(needs.need)help. 22. Most of the food in the fridge (is, are) delicious. 23. Someof that information(is, are) wrong. 24. Eachof the students(is, are) readyfor the examination. 25. Five hours of sleep(is, are) not enoughfor a child.

26. Half of my money (was, were) stolen. 27. Everybody(like, likes) chocolate. 28. The peoplein my country (is, are)friendly. 29. Everyone(has,have)his own ideas. 30. A coupleof people(is, are) demonstratingin front of the parliament. 31. Mary and Tim were on time for the meeting,but the rest of us (was, were) late. 32. (Is , Are) baconand eggswhat you want to eat? 33. If everybody(want, wants)to come to the convention,they have to registerfirst. 34. Not only her family but also her relatives(was,were) at the conferenceto listen to her. 35. A group of us (have,has)decidedto stay at the hotel. 36. The youth of today (don't, doesn't)know manners. 37. What (is , are) the percentageof nitrogenin the air? 38. 50Vaof oxygen in the air ( is, are) wastedin theprocess. 39. 507cof students(is, are) likely to fail. 40. There (seem,seems)to be a few minor points of disagreementyet to be settled. 41. NeitherMark nor Kate (love, loves)pets. 42. NertherMark nor his sisters(love, loves)pets. 43. Not only Mark but also Kate (attend,attends)classesregularly. 44. Not only Mark but also his sisters(study,studies)regularly. 45. Both Mark and Kate (was. were) in the class. 46. Both Mark and his sisters(was, were) at the party. 3.2 THERE+BE AND HAVE GOT Rewrite / Complete the sentencesusing there is/are or has/have (got). l.

city and it Denveris an interesting


The classroomshave eot white boards.

lots of theatresand art salleries.

in the classrooms 3.

There'sa rack at the top of the car. The car



A: Excuseme, (4)

B : Y e s ,( 5 )

a chemist in the town? one in Elm Street,oppositethe bank.

Sam and Mark are talking aboutthe hotel they are planningto stay at during their holiday. Sam



Yes. thereare two. Rememberit's a five-starhotel.


TV OK. What about the rooms? (7) sets?There'sa very importantmatch on Sundayand I don't want to miss tt.


swimming pool at the hotel?

Of course,they have.Don't worry. The hotel has all kinds of facilities.

Jack doesn'tknow much about Wilmington becausehe hasjust moved there.He has a lot of questionsaboutthe town. He is talking to his neighbour,Peter. Jack :

I like reading very much. (8)

a library near

here? Peter

Yes, the Lincoln Library is in Olden Street.It's a very big library with many books and also a nice selectionof magazines.


What aboutpubs?When I was in London, my friends and I went to a pub every any good onesin Wilmington? weekend.(9)


Sure.Wilmington is famousfor its pubs.The music in thesepubs is excellent.


That'sgreat.We can go to one tonight.


Fine, but I'm very hungry right now. Let's eat something.


What about Chinesefood?


I'm afraid (10) Wilmington.


I saw a small restaurantacrossthe street.Let's go there.


but it (11) That's a nice steak-house, vegetarianfood.


I'm not a vegetarian.


But I am.


Chinese restaurant in

got any



We live in a small,old housein Guilford. Ir (12)

two bedrooms.a living

room. a dining room. a kitchen and a bathroom, of course. In the livins rooln.

(1 3 )

two blue armchairsand a red sofa.We also ( l4)

television,a video and a radio.In the evenings,we sit in the living room and watchtelevision or listen to music. ln the dining room, (15)

a table and four chairs. The

kitchenis new.We havebreakfast in the kitchen,but we havelunchanddinnerin the tlinine room. 3.3ARTICLES Put a, an, the or X in exercises A, B, C, D and E. A. We were so tired when we arrived in New York that we wanted to go straislrt to (l)

bed.We rook (2)


taxi-driverwho took us to our hotel told us that (zl)

taxi from the airport to the celttre of town. streetso{'

Manhattanwere not crowded becausemost people do not go to work on (5)______ Saturdays.

B. L


2 . D i a n ai s

most interestingpersonI know very nlceperson.

3 . Last night we went out for 4.


Toni-ghtwe are probablygoing to eat in bed early.I hatestayingin hotelsbut it's part of thejob.

hotel restaurantand then set tc)

-5. I can't rememberif I saw that fllm on televisionor lt


6 . I'm sureit won't be long beforepeopleare living and working in ___ 1 . Have you alreadyhad



8 . I spoketo severalpeopleat the cocktailparty. Was John

one with the red


9 . I'd like to invite him to i 0 . Could you close l l . We have got new offices near 1 2 . Have your new olficesgot I.J.

dinnernext week.if that'sOK with you? door.please?It's reallycold. centerof the city. canteen?

For lunch I had a sandwich I can't rememberwhat fillins was m sandwich.


red one and

14. When you come out of the lift, you'll see two doors, red one. blue one.My door is


15. We needto do more for


16. The greatestinventionof the 20'hcenturyis newjob.

1 7 . I ' m l o o k i n gf o r

man going into the office. I don't know who

18. I saw man was.

19. When you are ready,I'll takeyou to



United Nationsis an internationalorganization.

C. pollceman comlng.


Watchoutl Therets


Phil wantedto see


Many peoplebelievethat policy.


[t's known thilt




It is verv important to have unhealthyfood


Her flitt is on


It's gettinglate.The childrenmust go to


What would be

10. A :

photoswhich Janetook on holiday. best

honestyis Japaneseare very hard-working furniture for her ner,vflat.

varied diet and not to eat

first floor. bed.

bestway to get to the nearestbank? lunch

I'm starving.I haven'thad anythingto eat since they servedus on the plane.

B :

I know an Italranrestaurantdown the street.Let's go there.

Anne: Jack. you're here! I wasn't


you until


dinnertime. Jack :

I managedto find a ticketand cameon (12)



13. As he missed

7.30 train to New York, Mark couldn't attendthe

party that was organizedto celebratehis exceptionalprogressat work.

If you are pl anning to get therebefore (14) e a r l yi n ( 1 5 )


sunset,you haveto sel otf

tea Sam brewed from different herbs for (17)


breakfastwas extremelydelicious.

D. Many common objects are named after (l) inventedthem. One of (2)

famous people who used or most famous examplesof these are


'Wellington' got its name from (4)

boots. (3) Wellington,w h o w a s ( 5 )

Duke ol

famous British general.Among other things, he was

responsiblefor defeating (6)

Napoleon at (7)_

(8) n Waterloo in 1 8 1 5W . e l l i n s t owanted

specialpair of boots made for him.

bootmakerto make (10)

He asked(9)

Battle of

boots from rubber so

they would be both comfortable as well as waterproof. Wellington was very pleased with (t l)

boots and wore them constantlywhile he was campaigning.As he was


famous military figure, a lot of (13)

u s e( l 4 )

people startedto

samekind of boots, which soon becamevery popular. It is also true

that this type of boot is perf-ectfor (15) for much of the time. Today ( 16)

B r i t i s h c l i m a t ew . h i c h i s c o l d a n dr . r c t British still use Wellington boots, or


RogerSpentthreemonthsin(17)-Himalayas.Hetriedclimbing(lB)MountEverest,butwithnoluck.Hewascaughtin(19)-SnowStormandhadto return. Now, he is in

Brazil discovering the secrets of (20)-

Amazon river. I


E. 8.30 train every evening.If I miss it, I either have to 1. I come home on wait for two hours or take a taxi. which costsa fortune. 2.

Linda prefers to go out for office.


lunch becauseshe doesn'tlike eatins in the

Lasr Sundaymy friends and I decidedto go to Kartalkaya.We set off at (3) morning and spendthe whole sunriseso that we could get thereearly in (4) day skiing but becauseof the bad weather,we were not able to reach the mountain until


noon. t<>k*

Sally met Linda at a party. earringslWhere did you get them from?

Sally :

What lovely (6)

Linda :

girl I introducedyou at John'swedding? Do you remember(7) She gave them to me as a birthdaypresent.


As Bob Golden was sentencedto life-long imprisonmentfor killing his wife and her pnson. lover, he is going to spendthe rest of his life in *>F>*

nice hotel near (10)

We spentour holiday at (9)


hotel was not as good as we had expected,we

Thames.Although (l l) still had a lot of fun.

car we bought last month.

12. We camehere by -


13. I haven'tbeento -open-air


14. Let's have a holiday in --


15. We need-16. Can you pass 17.



18. Sallv spentsix weeksout of --

19. Whereare 20.

North Sea.

ThamesRiver flows into -

scissorsyou borrowedlast week? dinner we had with my sister'sfriends was very nice. We really enjoyedit.

21. To startour journey we had to get up at 22. I alwaystake


7.45busto school.


3.4 PREPOSITIONS A. Mark the best choice. l.

Janethas decidedto study hard becauseshe has a very important exam the end of December. a) in b) on d) since n\





My sisteris 7 monthspregnant.She is going to have a baby -_-a) at b) on c) next I'm sorry for breakingyour favouritevase.Itjust happened a) on b) for c) by

2 months d) in accident. d) in

cecilia is my bestfriend from school.she is Peruvian.cecilia is a tall eirl in her twenties dark greeneyes.She is a hard-workingstudent.She gets very high gradesin all her examsbut becauseshe is modest,she neverboasts.That'swhy I like her verv much. a) has


b) and

c) with


I received a letter of congragulationfrorn mv teachers universityin the top five list. a) on bt with


my finishin-e d) of

L,, rlt


It's 7:00 now. The train leavesat 8:00. We must hurry or we will never set to the station time to catchthe train. a) at b) in c) by d) on


Sheis gettingmarried a) next

two weeks. b) in

c) about

B. Sheis still young.Sheis a) in b)on

her early twenties. c) about


There is an index a) in the end

of this book. b) at the end

10. Sheneverknows what to do a) out of b) in



in the final

difficulty c) at

d) this

d) at

d) at last

d) on

B. I. Look at the map and fill in the blanks using the words in the box. in front of behind

next to



at the front


convenient reliable I live in North Street. Mv f-lat is



Caf6 Bank


very (l ) for the shops. I can walk to the bank, to the cinema or to the library. When I have a lot of



shoppingto do, I take my car to

5Bus pstop

the supermarket.I can park my

-----+ Cinema


car very easily there,becausethe

Museum My


Pub Shop

car parkis just (2) the supermarket.My school ts outsidethe city.

I go thereby bus every day. The bus stop is (3) When I needmoney, I go to the bank. It's (4)


the museum. lny house.

Look at the map below and fill in the blanks.

Bcclcsfcr cldo- duld-en

Vichr.,:srette; ardCD;

Kid Tales is a bookshop. It is (1) the first The shop is floor of a big building. 9 in the n (2) morning to B in the evening.It rs also open (3) When you go the weekend. (4)_ the shop, plcture books there (5) the left. (6) thesebooks, there are shelves of videos and There are also some CDs cassettes. (7) theseshelves.


the videos. cassettesand CDs there are books for older the opposite corner. There are children.There are puzzles(9) ( The is (l 1) puzzles here. counter l 0 ) lots the sits(12) the puzzlesand the shopwindow. The shopassistant counter.



Study the pictures and fill in eachblank with ONE WORD ONLY to complete the texts.


tffi= + |]--1



I live in a small town called Saxborrow.It's a quiet little town. There ( I ) big cinemas,restaurantsor crowded pubs there.I live in a flat (2) office. There is a news-standin (3)


any the post

of the post office. I always buy my

newspapersand magazinesthere.

My living room is not very large but it's very nice. It's got two big armchairsand a sofa. There's also a television set (4\

the room. lt's the two armchairs sofa is (6) the televisionset. lt's very comfortable and I usually lie on (7) and relax affer work. My grandfatherdied 5 yearsago and the I put his picture(8) wall (9) the television

set. There isn't ( 10) table in my living room but there's (11) in the kitchen. I have my meals there and I don't mind it, becauseit's a big kitchen.



Martin is giving a party at his housethis evening.He gavehis friends a map to help them find his house more easily. Look at the map and complete the following directionsto Martin's house.Fill in eachblank with ONE word only.




,' i:rl- 'rnjI-l' r---JH------ldL-J




ilffi ffit w







carlton -tsrl

S T R.




You are here

.G rO out of the Lake College dormitory. W a l k ( l )

you get to the florist's, then turn

C ar i rlton Bridge. Carry on walking (2) t1


White Street. Walk (5)


Citv Park.You will see my house (6) street,(7)

Main Street and so under

your right. It is at the end of the

the supermarket.'


V. Study the picture and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.


above behind l.

next to between

There is a caf6

z . The shopis 3 . The running track is + . There is a toilet





in front of below

the gym and the swimmingpool.

the gym.

the swimmingpool.

the caf6.

vI. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with a suitable word/phrase from the box. Use each only once. Be careful! There are more words than you need.

Mr. Smith's Flat


below on in front of

above comfortable at the end of reliable

convenient behind next to ite

crowded dangerous between

Mr. Smith has got aflat in Main Street.He lives (l) the pub and the

the pub. There is a suPermarket(2) newsagent.


(3) (4)


bought for




because Main

lt Steet


rs is


street.There are always a lot of people and cars. Look

at the picture.Can you seeMr. Smith? He is carrying a briefcase.He is talking to a man


the pub. And can you seehis car?He hasparkedit


Mr. Smithworks andthe supermarket. the newsagent

i n a t o y s h o p .I t i s ( 7 )

the caf6.


C. Fill in the blanks using the words in the boxes. I.

past through

until along

out of into

from on

Jamesis in the train station.He is talkins to the man at the information desk. James

: Excuseme, can you tell me the way to the public library?

Theman : Yes, of course. Go (1) Main (4)

(s) (6)

the station and turn left

Main Street.Walk (3)


Street. Turn left again at the end of the street. Carry on you get to the town square. Go the town squareand you'll see the public library your right.

II. by for

with at

to between

She'sstill going out married.


on in

the sameboy. I think they are going to get

2 . I'd like to invite you

the concertat the exhibition center.


Preo School studentsset to class


I usuallyhave salad

8:40 everyday. lunch.

5 . In Turkey planes never leave or arrive


III. by for

with at

to in

on from

between off


As soon as I get


Chicken d la Basque is a kind of casserole.It's made tomatoesand sarlic.


If you catchthe 8 o'clock bus you can get


Nowadays a lot of people have toast and tea or coffee breakfast.

5. The train to istanbulleaves betterhurrvun or we'llmissit


the car. I fastenmv seatbelt

school on time

9:30 from olatform4. We'd

IV. in









into at


the company manager (2)

The workers didn't agree(l)

the rate of increaseto their wages.The manageraccusedthe workers (3) asking for an unreasonableamount of increase,which made them even more furious. Workers claim that the manager'srude attitude discouragethem (4)working efficiently. They also add that they came up againstsimilar problems with the previousmanager.who wasjust as uncompromising. *** Two days ago, we went to the Italian restaurantthat my wife and I had been to several times previously. We were planning to spend a pleasantevening and at the same time celebrateour tenth wedding anniversarybut thingsdid not go as we had expected.You just cannot










servingus most unsatisfactorily.When we arrived,we discovered

that our table overlookingthe gardenhad beenallocatedto someother customers.The new table we eventually received was by the door. I


complained to

the waiter

the table we had got. In responseto my complaint,he just laughed. what he was doing. That may be the reason

He seemedto be fed up (8)

why he servedthe food so casuallyand at the end collectedthe plates in a most messy fashion.In addition to the low quality of the service,the food was not good, either. It did not live (9)

to our expectationsat all. On the menu it was statedthat

coffee was free (10)

charge.However, when I receivedthe bill, I saw

that they had charged us $10 for the coffee we had had after dinner. I immediatelycalled the waiter over and tried to explain it to him but he didn't seem to catch

(11) a n n o y e d( 1 2 )

so I gave up and paid $10 for the coffee. As I was extremely what had happenedat the restaurant,I wrote a letter of

complaintto the managerthe next day.


D. Fill in the blanks with suitableprepositionswhere necessary. I. 1. My husbandis veryupset.He'shada fight with his boss.He camehomeat l l:30 a.m.erncl startedto drink


2. Felicia'sbirthdayis 3.

November30th. I'm going to buy her a blouse

Mr. Sanderswill be at a meetins

4. Brightonis

10 a.m.till lunch time.

the southcoast

5 . T h eb o yw h os i t s

my rightis

6. Harvardis not far



The train was passing

a tunnel.


Simon is taking Janet

a party


The student's composition was quite good except mistakes.

10. Contrary attack.

England. Spain.

tomorrow night. a few spelling

all advice, he didn't quit smoking and had another heart

The train to oxford leaves(11)_London

at 9 pm. It arrives(12)-_-at I I p.m.. I prefer trains, becausethey are never late. They're always (13)-_--

oxford time.

But buses are not very reliable. Last month I travelled from Brighton to Lexington. We reached(14)-Lexington at 2 in the morning. All the passengerswere very tired when the bus got to the station. **>k

1 5 .A : Where did he spendhis holiday last year? B: Italy. 16.A: B

Where did they go? Miami.

1 1 .A B

Where are Jack and Susan? Berlin.

1 8 .A B

When are your parentscoming back? June6th.

1 9 .A B

How longdid Alice staythere? two weeks.

20. A B

When'sthe bossgoing to leave? two weeks.


2 1 .A B

When did they get married? January,1976.

2 2 .A B

When were they in Hawaii? July. -

Roger Monroe

visited Banskok

last summer.


Thailand. Roger travelled (24)


London to Banskok and he arrived there (26),

lzth. He stayed there (27)







plane. He flew


three weeks. He got back to London


TI. We've got a cafe near Lake Bismark. It's open from May to October, but it's closed (l)

the winter. It's (2)


a park and has got a wonderful view (4)

a lovelv oosition.It looks out the

forest. It's a family business.We opened it three years ago, (5) (6)


Last Tuesday, a group of Japanesetourists came. They sat in the

garden,ate cheesecake and took hundredsof photographs.

1 . I don't think Sue will get thatjob. She has no experience


8.Wi1liamcanhelpyourepairyourcar.Hehasagoodknowledge-car engines.

Simon is a studentat Oxford University. He lives in an attic room (9)


third floor of an old house. His room has got a sloping ceiling because it's j u s t

(l 0 ) (l l)








There's a


thecorner.(12)-tothebed,there'sanarmchair. ***

1 3 . My parentsgot married

l2th August

1 9 6 8T. h i s

year,they gave a gardenparty to celebratetheir 30th anniversary.

14. Mike usuallyplaystennis

the weekendsbut weekendhe stayedat home becausehe had flu.


15. I startedwriting my thesisthreemonths ago and I hope I will finish it four months.Otherwise.I will be dismissed. yesterdaymorning. When they called, l t 16. Her parentscalled Sally was 7 o'clockand Sally was asleepso she didn't hear the phone. 1c)


Is it too late for the 8.45 train? Oh. ves. its 8.50 now and the train left 5 minutes

18. I'll seeyou

lunch time.

19. I wasborn



Saturdays,I usually work last SaturdayI didn't work.


I am planningto go and seemy grandparents


Shecameto seeme


We are going to Spain


I prefer going to the cinema

this afternoon.

25thMay. March. the weekend.

25. Are you interested


26. Shewassurprised

how cheapthe watercolourwas.

27. Is he aware

how lons we have been waitine for the tour to start?

28. Pisais famous 29.

the morning but

its LeaningTower. history.

When I was at school.I was reallv bad

the guided tour.

30. We wereextremelyimpressed 31. Thisfestivalis similar 32.

the one in Rio. damagingthe statue.

The flood was responsible

33. I'm reallytired-

lookingat monuments. the tour.


She was terribly disappointed


This oortrait of her is completelvdifferent


We're not keen

37. I'm sorry 38. Sorry


that one.

visitinstheruins. being so late.I had to go back

my camera.

the delay.We should still get to the museumbefore it closes.

III. 1.

illegal gun possession.


2.Hewasfined$5,000-hiscrime,andhewaSSentenced-six monthsin jail. attemptedmurder.


He was acquitted


In bad weather,we can't rely


Bus driversin New York are sometimesrude


Smoking is prohibitedon public transportationbecauseit's harmful healthof the passengers.


We need to allocatemore money


the problems in the subway. New Yorkers often complain them. Straphangers'Campaignis trying to do something


In some subway stations there are always beggars asking money.

public transportation. passengers. the


speeding,he always wants to look 10. When a policemanstopssomeone the driver's licenseand the car registration.

I l.

If you run

gas on the highway, you may have to walk to the nearest

gas station. 12.

the state university, where he is now.

Robert wants to transfer a smallcollege.

13. What are his reasons

wanting to transfer?

14. He says that the professors at a small college really care individuals.


15. If you want a good grade,nevershout

16. There is a book written by children called Cry for Our Beautiful World, the aim which is to bring adults' attention to the state of the world which we live today. 11. They hatedthe food the Spanish.

Spain.Nonetheless,they enjoyedthe weatherand

18. Here is the list of videoswe can select ,)

19. Which was the newspaperyou saw the advert 20.

Motivation is essential are doing.


She has to give up the habit


Water is vital

being successfulin whatever you drinking too much coffee. all living things.

23. If you wantto go on workinghere,you haveto learntheart cooperatlon. 24.

We have decided to cut down Ioot.


Thev won't let vou

on transportationexpensesso I go to school

therestaurant unlessyou havea tie. 8l


The governmentis trying hard to cope


He'snot conscious do not undersrand him at all.


She is verv easygoingso shegets


The town councildecidedto turn the old school


They usu:illygo out stayin.

31. What

the high ratesof inflation.

his bad mannersand keepscomplainingthatpeople well rvithpeoplc-. a musellm.

Saturdayevenin-qs, but tonight thev rvill








Shedoesn'tf"eelwell. Sheis lvins


As soonas he gets


Her husbandisn't


S h ei s l i s t e n i n g


Her youngestsisteris engaged


The rich businessmanhad just got out off his car when sol1eone walked him and shothirn right the eyes.

bed the car,he switches

the radio.

work today,he is at home. the news

TV. an engrneer

3.5EXPRESSIONSOF QUANTITY AND NIJNIBER A. Fill in the blankswith quantity expressions. Bob

Jack!Waitl I'r'egot somerhingto tell you!


Is it irnportant?I haven't_sot(1) My classstartsat 3 o'clock.


It won't takelong.


O.K" Go ahead.What is it that you wanr to tell me?

time-only ierrntinutcs

>k':* Pctcr

Do you like your new flat?




Why not.l


It's on a busy street.It's very noisy'.Therc is (2) traffic.


Oh. I'rn sorry to hear that.


T h a t ' sn o t a l l . T h e r ei s n ' t ( 3 )


That'sten'ible.What do you do with the dishes?


h o t w a t e r !C a n y o r -br e l i e r ei t l

Prrulrr : I heatthe water fbr the washin-eup. Peter :

It's a furnishedflat, isn'tit'l

Ptrula :

Y r ' s .t h c r c i s t 4 ) _ f'urniturein it. Only a bed. a wardrobe.a bookshell-. and a table.When rny lriendscomc io visit me. somehave to sit olt my bed.There arent (,5) chairs- only two


Peter '. Why don't you mLrveto anotherf'lat? Paula '. I can't afford a betterflat. Dear Mom and Dad, This is my secondweek at school.I like my schoolbut I don't like the city. There is noise from traffic. I have classesfrom 8:30 a.m. to

too (6)

3:30 p.m. I go to schoolon foot" It takesabout l5 minutesto get to school.Last Friday I got up lateand got to classat 8:29.iust in time beforethe bell" Mv







the .first

f-loor. It

hasn't got

furniture so it is not cluttered.I put someof my books on the bookshelvesbut some of them are still on the floor because there aren't bookshelves.My room looks out on a beautiftrlpark. My desk is by this letter at my desk and I can see tl'repark. Therc ate some "vriting studentssittingon the grass.

the window. I am

I have got a room mate.She rs Spanish.I don't know her rvell b u t I t h i n k w c ' l l b c fiiends here - -just good friends.You know, I haven'tgot (9) one or two peoplefrom my class. I don't go out very often, onlv on Saturdays.I have to study a lot. This is all ior now. I'll write againsoon. Love. Sarah B. Chooseone expressionfrom Column A and one from B and fill in the blanks. COLUMN N

COLUMN A wasn't weren't isn't aren't was are is were

anv ennrroh

much many quite a lot

I went to Country Restauranton Thursday evening. There ( I a) three-butstill the waiterswere ver)' slor.vto serve customers-only (1 b ) me I looked at lhe menu and wanted some tomato soutl The waiter said: "I'm afiaid. there (lb) tomato soup". so I askcd for thcir (2a) mushroom







t( hr o r L' ol L

i i,. r \-,q,

salt in it, so I arddedsomemore.

Next, I orderedthe home-cookedcheesepie. It was terrible.i.t was calledir cheesepie but it was more like a potatopie. There (4a) potatoesin it. I didn't enjoy,'itat all and I don't think I'il evergo thereagain. 8l


Rewrite the following without changing the meaning.


Janeworks in a bank, and so doesher sister. Both


Mary and I have not beento France. Neither


Both Martin and Frank are sinsle. Neither


We can eat before or after the show. (either...or)


I feel miserableand tired.

(notonly...but also) D.

Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. You can use them more than once. many some


I'dlike 11.1 How (2)



quite not





wouldyou like? t<**


Is there (3)


Yes, there is (4)

petrol in the car?

, but (5)

much. I have

to fill it up at the nearestpetrol station. *x*



want to buy this book but I


can't pay for it

because I

haven't got

money.I've got only f30


How (7)


f20. The book costsf50.


Here you are.


Oh, thanksa lot.


How was the party last night?


Not very good. There were too (8)

do you need?

people. You know. I hate

crowdedparties.You can'tdanceor find a place to sit. (9) of peopledidn't even have anythingto eat becausethe food finished so soon.


a lot

E. Mark the best choice. money by working in two jobs. He wants to change

My brother has saved_(1)-

money to buy a brand new one so he'slooking for a

his car but he hasn'tgot _(2)_ second-handAudi. 2.

any a lot some many

a) b) c) d)

enough too much lots very much


a) b) c) d)


My grandmotherhasn'tgot

relationsso we try to visit her every

weekend. a) any

c) many


b) much

the phoneswas working so she

She had to phone home but couldn't. a) none of

b) not all

d) more

d) a few of

c) not enough

5,Thereare-newfilmsshowingatthenewmovietheatre,but appealsto me. a) several... none 6.


b) many ... all

Neither her sistersnor Jane b) like a) don't like

c) few ... neither skiing. c) doesn'tlike

d) a lot of ... either

d) likes

Fill in the blanks using the words given in the boxes below. You can use them more than once.

I. neither none

no either

little each

both enou of them is worth

1. There are two films on at the Capitol but seeing,so let'sgo somewhereelse. 2.

We've had hundredsof guestsbut

of them has ever complained

about the food. 3.

I askedmy neighbourfor somemilk as I found out therewas the fridge.


painting was individually wrapped and deliveredto the

4. exhibitionhall. 5.

had come to watch of his classmates He was very sad to seethat his performance.He would have beenhuppy if only one or two had come.


6 . Jennydoesn'twant to inviteTom or Billy. Shelikes 1 . They have

of them.

money problems at all. Their parentsare wealthv and

willing to help them

II. very few ever

none each

neither hardlv an

plenty of too much

both either

1. He spends money on his clothes.He has been wearing his blue suit, for example,for at leastsevenyears. 2.

I tried on two beautifulswimsuits.Unfortunatelv. going on vacationnext week and I'm still without a swimsuit.

3 . He needs

fitted me. We're

experiencebeforehe can be acceptedto our firm.

4 . At the police station,they made me look at the picturesof severalcriminals.I examined very carefullyand finally recognizedthe man that had robbedrne.

5 . We spent hours interviewinghundredsof applicants,but

of them

was suitablefor thejob.


TV set comeswith a five-yearguarantee.

G. Fill in the blanksusingthe words givenin the box. Useeachonly ONCE. all either

none neither

both each


One day, my father finally declared,"I have decidedthat you are matureenoughto have your own car." Oh, what joy! Though we actuallyhave two family cars, (1)

fi ts

within mv modest studentbudeet in terms of running costs.So I immediatelv sat down to call the car dealersin town and carefullv iotted down (2)

the information

they had to offer. My father and I then went over (3)

detail and. after

long discussions,agreedon a make that was (4)

sporty ano lnexpenslve.

The next stepwas to visit the dealerclosestto our house.As soon as we arrived,I noticedthe two carsin the window, one bright red, the other British racing green.(5)----would have been all right with me. My father, who is not easily impressedby attractive colors,startedaskingendlessquestions.While he got a patientand thorough answerfrom the dealer to (6)

one, my father looked as if (7)

of the

answerssatisfiedhim. After half an hour, I was really getting anxious,thinking we were not going to buy the car today. How was I to know that my father was just enjoying the occasion?I am now the proud owner of a beautifulsportscar.


H. Fill in the blanks with quantity expressions. 1. The shopkeeperaskedhim how 2.

He is going to the shopsto get


I take my dog out for a walk after I come back home.

4.. The dealershowedus two cars,

sugarhe wanted. cheese. a day -

before I leave for work. and

of which were too expensive.


4. QUESTTONS 4.1 YES/NO,'\ryH-" SUBJECT/OBJECTAND INFORMATION QUESTIONS A. Ask questionsto completethe dialogues.(Usethe cluesif given) Tom







office Tuesday

so runntns


1. No. he isn't. He's a doctor.


2. On Tuesdays.

in an office'?


Yes, she does.




My husband?At the restaurantnext to his office. in this city?

5. A B 6.

No. They live in Cambridge. after dinner ?


Well. we usually watch TV. And when the weatheris good, we go out for a walk. ***

Mr. Carterl s a bank manager. He is talking to the new secretary,Pamela Sanders Mr. Carter

Hell llo, Pamela.Sit down, please. (7)_



Mr. Carter



It' s 7 46-6613.

Mr. Carter



My house?It's in GreenStreet.

Mr. Carter



Yes, I can.

Mr. Carter

And what about...


a computer?

Jasminis a waitress.She works in a night club. She startswork at 6 p.m. and finishesat 2 a.m. She goesto work by bus, but shedoesn'tlike it. She wants to buy a car. Jasmin usually gets up at about 1 p.m. The night club is closed on Sundays, so she

usuallygoesout with herboyfriend,George. You




Jasmin : At aboutone o'clock in the afternoon.

: (12)


Jasmin : No, I haven't. I go to work by bus.




No, I don't. The club is closed. **x

David is a reporter. He is writing an article about sparetime activities.Now, he is talking to Mary. David



Listeningto rock music.In fact, I was at the Rolling Stonesconcertin New York last month.


we've got a new Engtish,"""n;:;"r


ls she a good teacher?


Yes, very good.


(1 5 )


She'squite tall and slim.


(1 6 )


They're blue.She'sgot big blue eyes.




I think she'sin her twenties.


You cango to Birminghamby bus.




About two hours.


(1 e )


A ticket?f 24.

in your sparetime, Mary?

name'sMrs. Higgins.

like? eyes? :^o t:!



20. A B


21.A B

the cinema? It is between the post office and the police station. 89

22. A B

: :

23. Mary Paul 24. Jerry David Jerry David Jerry

How therein Selton? Restaurants? Three.One in Main Streetand two in Elm Street. (take)the bus to

You've got a car, Paul. schoolevery morning? Becausemy schoolhasn't got a car park Is that Mr. Miller over there? Yes.

(talk) to Janet? No. that's not Janet.That's his wife. Really?She looks like Janet,doesn'tshe?

25. Billy seesJanetwith a book in her hand. Billy : Janet? good Janet : A novel. It's a very one. Billy : I'd like to read it too after you've finished it. 26. Bill and Janeown a restaurant.Before they go shopping,they always check the food and the drinks in the kitchen. Bilt : there? Jane : Oil? Not much. Bill : What aboutpotatoes? Jane : It's O.K. We havea lot. >F**

Sallyis in a shop.Shewantsto buy a sweater. Shop assistant :



Yes, please.I'd like a sweater.

Shop assistant




Shop assistant

Here are somesweaters,size40.


Oh, the red sweateris very nice. (29) (cost)?




Fine.I'll haveit.

you? (take)?

A tourist is in London. He is talking to a policeman,askingfor information.


: Excuseme.(30)


I have to make a phonecall.

Policeman Yes. thereis one in Elm Street. Tourist

( 3 1)

the nearestexchangeoffice?

Policeman In Queen Street. Tourist

And (32)


By bus.


the city centre?

Tourist : (33) David

: Less than 15 minutes.


: Thank you. ***

Fred Gateshasjust won the marathon.Now a reporteris talking to him. Reporter



I a m very happy.of course.


fi5 r


Tired? Yes, a little.

Mr. Gates?

Jack and Paul were at a party last night. They are talking about it. (see)Maria at the


(36) party last night?


No. Who's Maria?


She'sPatrick'snew girlfriend. She's not English.








Yes.She'sa studentat Patrick'sschool.




Patrick and Maria? Three weeksaso.




Oh. ves. She lovesLondon.

she? (live)in London'l (meet)?

(be) happy in England?

Mr. And Mrs. Wilson have been married for 30 years.Mr. Wilson met his wife when they were studentsat university.They live in a house in Oxford. They have got three sons and one daughter.They are all married. Mrs. Wilson is a housewife. She likes reading in her sparetime. She has got more than five hundred books. Mr. Wilson is a professorat Oxford University. He is going to retire next month. The Wilsons want to move to a warmer country -

Italy or Spain -

becausethey do not like the weather in

England,but they haven't decidedyet. 41.

30 yearsago hrswife?

42. At university.


43. More than five hundred


whenMr. Wilsonretires?

44. They'll probablylive abroad.

45. A B

I boughtit tenyearsago. One.It's an old Volkswagen.

46. A B

About one hour.

41. A B


48. A B

Blue would so well with it.

49. A B

Twice a day.

thereby car? (get)

(shoes/wear) shirt should I wear with this iacket?

the dog out? (you / take) ***

Sally and Linda are going home from school. Our English teacherMrs. Brown gave us our first pop-quiz this morning.




: Reallyl (50)


: No, it wasn't. Actually, it was quite easy.

Linda : t5l)

each semester?

Normally, she gives about 20 but this year she said she is planning to give more



x** Mike is talkingto his friendBob on thephone. You weren't thereand Mr. Greengot very : Bob, we had a meetingyesterday.



to the meeting?


: BecauseI had a terriblebackacheand I had to leaveearly. I left a messagefor Mr. Greenbut I guesshe didn't get my message.






I'm feeling much better,thank you, becauseI restedall night.

today ?

*** 54.

Martin is talking to his girlfriend abouthis plans for the future.

His girlfriend :

afier you complete

yourmaster's? My fatherand : Well, I'm not sure.MaybeI'll work in my father'sbusiness. Martin I discussedit last nisht and he offered me a position in the Sales Department. girlfriend : That'sa goodidea. His



My brotherhas hurt his back. He's in hospitalnow.


oh! (ss)


Sincelast month.


That's a long time. Do you visit him every day?


Yes, I do.




tomorrow? At 2 p.m.


I'd like to go with you.

57. David Helen David Helen

58.A: B'.

(be) in hospital?




I went to Mrs. Tiger's office at 5 o'clock yesterday,but sherefusedto talk to me. Her secretarysaid." Mrs. Tiger's busy at the moment." yoga ? Yes, she was. How did you guess? Well, she alwaysdoesyoga for half an hour, startingat 5 p.m. every day. She doesn'tanswerthe phonesor meet anybodyin those30 minutes. (pay)for this encyclopaedia? By credit card.I didn't have cashwith me.

(go) to the hairdresser,

59.Anne: Susie? Susie: Oncea week- usuallyon Saturdays.




: I saw you in the park last night.(60) thereat 1 I p.m. ?

Just walking around. I couldn't sleep last night. I wanted to get some fresh air (drive) home when you saw me'? (61) A


Yes. You know, I finish work at 10:45p.m. (stop) your car and walk with me? 162)


Well, becauseAlice was waiting for me at home. She gets very angry when I'm Iate.


I understand.


Richardis in hospital.




He has broken his leg.




Duringhis trip to theAIps.

(happen)to him?





My parents?For a week. They left yesterday.

(stay)with you?



(66) home in Florida.too?


(visit) them in their new

Nancy : Of course.Next summer.

67. Jenny

: I'd likerosee,nur."ollss. Size40,please.

Shop assistant : Here you are. Jenny : Hmmm. It looks beautiful. S h o p a s s i s t a n :t f 4 5 . 68. Helen is talking to Maria. Maria is Spanish and she is studying Science at London

University. Helen : Maria:

a studentat London University?


Mike and Jennyare friendsfrom school.


: (69)

at eight last

night? I phonedyour house,but nobody answered. Jenny

I was at Mum's PizzaPlace in the new shoppingcentre.


oh! (70)

dinner there

with your boyfriend,Larry? Mike

No, I wasn't. You know. I don't seeLarry any more. I work at Mum's pi:,:.ctpltLc'e Really?Do you like it?


Yes, I do. I work for only threehours in the eveningsand the pay is goocl.






: Well, I have to cleanthe tablesand help with the washingup.

Betty and Thelma are two secretaries. They work for the samecompany.Theirmanager.Mr. Hutwill, retireda few days ago.The new managerstartedwork yesterday.


: (72)


(73) Betty


: No, sheisn't.Sheis quiteyoung.

Thelma :



She is tall and slim with short curlv hair.


the new manager'/

No, I haven't.I wantedto talk to her yesterday,but she was busy


The burglars broke into an old woman's flat while she was watching TV in her bedroom.A policemanasksa neighbouraboutthe old woman.

Policeman :


Neighbour :

She was watchingTV in her bedroomthen.

Leila is looking at a jug in a shop and she wants to know about its exact capacity.

16. Leila


Shopkeeper: 94

Excuseme. How much liquid 2liters,madam.

77. Alex


(invitations/ send)so far?






Carlos :

About sixty. I'm going to sendthe rest this afternoon. (try / ever) doing hang-gliding? Yes. once.It was absolutelywonderful.I enjoyedit v ery much.

A reporteris interviewing the famousfootball player Maradona. Reporter



the championship?


I am not sure.My team might win. We are a good team,but the other teams are also good.



in this team?

Maradona : For abouttwo years.

Reporter : (81) Maradona :


Yes, I do. I must train for at least3 hours eachday.

Reporter : (82)

a football player'7


Like! I love it.


And what aboutmoney?(83)


About 500 a year.


500 dollars!

Maradona :

No! 500 thousanddollars. ***



: :



: How


: Only l0 kilometers.

86. A B

What Chocolate.

: How :

ice-creamdo you like most?

is the hotel from the airport?

doesit take you to cycle home?

Not more than 20 minutes.

Bill is at his friend Tom's house.They are in the garagenow. Bill



It is my father's.


It's a beautifulcar. (88)


In Japan.




I'm not surebut I thinkhe paidapproximately $4500.


Not too much for a Japanesecar. What (90)


It has a lot of featuressuch as central locking system,power steeringand sun roof.


It's Mary's mother's birthday tomorrow and she wants to give her a nice birthday present. She wants her friend Janeto help her. Jane

( 9t ;


music. Sheusuallylistensto classical


Why (92) Concerto?


That's a good idea.






doesyour mother listen to?

flisht to New York? Wonderful. It took eight hours, but we were not bored at all. We watched a very nice movie on the plane.

94. A





Every day.


her a CD of Beethoven's 9th

do you go to the sports center? ***


at the concert?


More than 30,000. I was lucky. My brother lives in New York and he got the tickets.




At 8:30p.m.,andit finishedafter11p.m.



(SUBJECT+OBJECTQUESTIONS) B. Ask questionsto obtain the underlinedinformation. a few minutesago. 1. Bill shoutedat someone


Something has happenedto her arm


Someonegaveher a lot of money last month.


She went out with someonelast weekend.


Somethins fell off the table


He knows something.



Somethinghappenedlast month.


She sentplenty of lettersto someone.


Someonewon the lottery.

10. Somethingis wrong. ,| C. Complete the questions. l.

The farmers of Northwick village have come to the market place for a competition. Mr. Brick, a memberof the jury, is tastingsomeof the tomatoes. (grow) : Hmm... thesetomatoesare delicious. Mr. Brick them? M r s . M e a d o w s: I d i d .

Mr. Brick

thefirst prize. : Well, I thinktheydeserve


to your foot?


I slippedon the wet floor and broke it. the washing?

3,A B

Everv two davs.I have five children and I have a lot of dirty clothesto wash.


person. My brother?He is a verysociable


that beautiful sweater vou





My friend, Alicia, did. It was a birthdaypresent.

D. Choosethe questionto get the answerfor the missinginformation in the blank. up. 1. My motherbrought 3 a) Who did my motherbringup? b) Who did I bringup? 2. Shewaswritins



c) Who broughtup my mother? d) Who broughtme up?

to Susan.

a) What was she writing to Susan? b) Who was she writing to?

c) d)

When was she writing to Susan? What was she doing?

live in igloos. I a) Who live in igloos? b) Wheredo theylive?

c) d)

Who lives in igloos? Do they live in igloos?

*** 91

Last night (4) (5)

calledMary and said that he wantedto seeher. Together,they wenr ro



at 5 o'clock. It was a very lovely place and not very crowded. They had a wonderful meal there. After dinner, he gave her a (6) I . She opened it and saw a pretty ring in it. 4. a) b) c) d)


Who calledher? What did he call? Who calledhim? Who did shecall?

5. a) b) c) d)

What did they do? Who did they go with? Who did they go to? Where did they go?

6. a) b) c) d)

Which did shegive him? What did he give her? What did he do? Who did he eive it to?

1 dog is out in thegarden? It'sruiningtheflowers. a) Whose is that out in thegarden? c) Who is thatdog? b) Which dog is that out in thegarden? d) Whosedog is that?

E. There is somemissinginformation in the following texts. Ask questionsto find the missinginformation. I. Mrs. Craig'sson,Bill, livesin

(example). Mrs. Craigvisitshim every_(

I )_.


week she was in Oxford again to see her son. She went there by _tz)_. met her at the station.Mrs. Craigwas very happyto seehim. Bill gavehis -(3)mother_(4)_. He hadto find a porrerbecause _(5)_. eg. Where does Bill / AArs. Croig's son live? l,





il. SisterWendy was


yearsold when she becamea nun (a religious woman).

She lives in a caravanin the grounds of a monasteryin Norfolk but she leavesher caravan -(


a year to travel round Europe.She visits the world's most famous art treasures

and presents an arts programme for BBC.


like her clear and plain

explanationsof art. That's why her programmesare very popular all around the world. Last year Sister Wendy made _(3)_

programmesand she earned_(4)_

for the

first series of her programme. The money was used to provide shower rooms for the monastery.Now, she wants to -(5)caravanworking on it. 98

so she is spending most of her time in her

eg: How old wos Sister Wendy when she becomeo nun? ? ,|



a J.





III. a Mike is a tourist guide. He works during the summer and goes on tours -(1)week. Last week, he took a group of British tourists to Urgiip during the first World Air pilots from different countries taking part in the Games. There were _(2)_ He told Mlke that he had competitions. On the last day of the tour, he met -(3)-. becomea hot-air balloon pilot after leavingschooland offered to give the group a ride in his balloon. That was very kind of him. The group enjoyedevery minute of that exciting ride. wine becausehe took them to a pub. Mike drank only -(5)Then, -(4)was still on duty. A few hours later,.....


2. a J.




5. IV. Nasuh Mahruki was


yearsold when he first startedmountain climbing.

He is the first Turkish and Muslim climberin the world to climb Mt. Everestin May 1995. 'Seven Summits'project of climbing the highest peaks of each He also participatedin the 'Seven climbers completed the of the continents in 1996. Although -(l)Summits'project, Nasuh was the youngestto achievethis. Nasuh Mahruki is not only a climber but also a writer, a photographerand a documentaryproducer.He lives in Istanbul but he goesabroad_(2)_ayear.

On thesetrips, he collectsdata for his books and

documentaries.Nasuh Mahruki is also the founder of AKUT, which was set up in in Istanbul.AKUT has a lot membersfrom different professionssuch as _(3)_ alsojoin AKUT to learn searchand rescue doctors,teachers,engineersand _(4)_ in the coming years.In this way he is techniques.Nasuh Mahruki wants to _(5) planningto improve the effectiveness of AKUT in Turkey.



J. A +.


v. Laura is talking about her careeras a model. I am



old now and modelling has always been a part of my life. introducedme to modelling when I was six months old, for a baby-clothes

catalogue.It's quite an excitingjob. I fly to Jamaica_(2)_ clothesand last year I made -(3)-

a yearto model summer television advertisements- more than I'd ever

done before. Now I want to -(4)-, so I'm doing a drama course at college at the moment. of course,my appearanceis important. I'm very lucky there. I eat _(5)_ junk food but I never get fat.

eg. How old is Louro now? l.

2. a J.



vI. JaneWebb is a widow and is


old. She lives alone in a small bungalow in a

very quiet street. She doesn'tlike going out much. _(l)_

she goes to the cinemato

watch a horror film. In the eveningsshe_(2)_. At ll:00 p.m. on January7,1999, -(3)suicide.When the police arrived,shewas -(4)inspectorsto -_(5) nearthe desk.


calledthe Toronto police and reporteda at the door. Mrs. Webb rook rhe two

There, in the study, they saw a man's dead body on the floor

eg : How old is Mrs. Webb? .)


') a J.




4.2TAG QUESTIONS A. Add the missingquestiontags. 1. Sheis a very clevergirl, 2.

There are many absentstudentstoday,


Mr.Smith left for Los Angeleslast week,


Your dog doesn'tbite,


Shehasn'thad dinneryet,


6. I paidyou, 7.

You haven't ever beento Europe,


Mary can help us,


You have studiedEnglish for many years,


10. You will be in classtomorrow, I l . H e l e nd o e s n ' tk n o w h o w t o s w i m , 12. That car isn't verYslow. 13. The bus wasn'tgoing fast at the tirne, 14. His wife didn't comewith him, person, 15. Sheisn't a very dependable 16. Ann wasn'thurt badly in the accident, 17. You won't give the secretaway, 18. It was a good film, 19. lt was snowingat the time,

20. The busstopson thiscorner,


B. Mark the best choice. l.

You are goin-eto come to the party,--? a) do you


d) won't you


b) don't

c) didn't

d) hadn't

b) is it

c) amI

d ) i s n ' ti t

I'rn going to miss my train, a) aren'tI


c) will you

You'd betterapologizeto him, a) wouldn't


b) aren'tyou


Nobody has to stay late this evening, a) has she

b) do they

c) isn'tit

d) don't they

C. Add the missing question tags. ,|


At first we were reallysurprised,


Everythingwill soonbe all right,


Shecan knit very well,


They've beenworking on that project recently,


Shewon't win the same.


He had actedlike a clown.




There is no food.


Everybodymakesa mistake,

10. Somebody'sturnedoff the lights, I 1. We aregoing swimmingthis afternoon.You are comingwith us. 12. Nothingcould rnakeyou changevour mind, 1 3 . T o m a n dB e n l i k e i a z z , 14. A : It was the dog that ruined Mum's rose garden. but don't tell anyone , 15. B : A :

Don't worry. Nobody saw the dog, No. I don'tthink so.

B : Mum will go crazy if she finds out. Keep her busy in the kitchen until I've finished replantingthe flowers. OK? 1 6 . G i v em e a h a n d . 1 7 . L e t ' sg o o n a p i c n i c , 18. Don't shout, 102



19" Passme the sugar, 20. I

suspect although he is married, he has a relation with

his secretary.

? 21. I




intentionally needling me




? 22. I think your father has beenunder greatstress,


23. I hope therewon't be anothereconomicrecession,


5. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS 5.1ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS Fill in the tllanks with the correct forms of the words given in brackets. l.

He alwaysdoeshis homework


He is a very




You shoulddrive more


Helen is a very learns

lcareful). (careful)student. (quick). We needyour help.


Mr. Gonzaleshas a country


This is an

(slow) along this road. (slow) student.Her brother. on the other hand.

(rapid). (permanent)visa. He hopesto remain in this (permanent). (easy) exercise.I can answer all these questions

(easy). 8 . Helenworks very O

( h a r d li n h e r n e wj o b .

You walk very


t 0 . They are both

(serious)studentsand they both study English


lserious 1.

i l . I agreewith you

(complete)in that matter.

12. This pillow is very 1a lJ.

(soft). (soft) to her children.

She speaks

1 4 . Helen is a

(beautiful) girl and she also plays the violin (beautiful).

As the plane circled over the airport, was moving (15)

that somethingwas wrong. The plane """.r":::"nsed (unsteady) through the air, and although rhe

passengershad fastened their seat belts, they were (16)


thrown forward. At that moment the air-hostessappeared.She looked pale but her voice was quite (17)

(calm). She informed everyonethat the pilot had fainted

and askedif anyonecould help. A man got up (18) followed

(1e) (20)


hostess into

the pilot's cabin. All



(imrnediate)arrd the passengers were getting plane



(dangerous)close to the ground. The worst moment of the flieht

came when they had to land. When the plane touchedthe ground, however, they only fclt a



(slight)bump. It was a narrow escape.

22. I can'tput up with the chequebookjournalism. in which even criminals are paid ( terrible) stories.

lots of money to tell their

(high )specializedon that subject.

23. This companvis

(hard) find any tickets for the

24. This is Saturdaynight so we can show.

5.2ADJECTIVES ENDING IN -ING AND.ED Fill in the blankswith the suitableforms of the verbsin brackets. (steal)TV set.

1. It is illegalto buy a

(surprise)when he heardthe news.


Bill looked


The children couldn't get to sleepafter they watchedthe film becauseit was very (frighten).


The little girl was


I enjoy talking to Mrs. Jennings.She ts an

(excite)aboutgoing to the circus. (interest)person.


John went to the doctor becausehe had a pain in his chest.The doctor'scommentswere


(reassure) to






(frighten) before the doctor told him that the pain was just

(7) heartburn.

I didn't understandthe (8) the government.I was so (9)

(confbse)income-taxforms thitt I got frorn (worry) about them that I asked my (mislead)

neighbourto help me. However, he gave me a lot of (10)

information so I went to a tax consultant.Hearing his explanationson how to fill in the forms.I realizedthat it was not that (11) '5.3

(frustrate)at all.


A. Fill the gaps with correct prepositions. l.

Wheneverwe went to the seaside.I used to spend my days on the beach collectrng thingssuch as shclls.rock piecesand pebbles.I was very fond doing that. Back home, I used to put the shellsand little stonesin a jar filled with water and keep them in my room.



They lefi fbr the zoo withouttakingme. I'll nevertalk to them again.


Come on. Cheer up. There is nothing to be upset

t h i s .I

promiseI'll takeyou therethis weekend.


I'rn fed up


his complaints.I'm goingto resignright awav.

Don't rush into things He doesn'treally mean it. He just wants us to do a betterjob. That'sall.

We were all surprised

the news that he had eottenmarried.

Janeis very excited


her trip to the United States.

She is an extremely efficient secretary and her employers are vcrv happt her work. I


never use earlic when I it.

cook because my

Carla is very keen

children al'e not yery keen

keepingfit. As a rule. she gets up very earlv

and goesjogging. She also goes swimming at the Sports Centre every three days. and plays tenniswith her friend, Suzy,regularly.

Jennyand Fred met when they were at university.They f-ell

love with

each other and got married two years later. The couple had great financial dilficr-rlties during the first yezrrsof their marriage.However,today Fred earnsmnch rnorethan he clrd ten yearsago and they lead a comfortableand luxurious lif'e in their villa.

Jack used to be my best friend - at least I thought he was. He had always been lbncl


gambling,so he borrowed a considerablesum of rnoneyfrom

me. (ll) painting of

return for his debt, he promised to help me with the the house, but he didn't


keep his promise. I

this, but I decidedto forget it all. Then he borrowed mv new

Tirnex watch and somehow managed to 1l3r (l4) girlfriend away from


was rather an-qry



break it. the

Fortunately. it shop


was it

srill fl-ee

charge. However. the worst thing he did was stealin-emy me. I was really upset ( 15) hint doing sucha thing.With friendslike that,who needsenemies?



Circle the correct choice.

I was attracted_(1)_

the sight of the chocolate cake and

ordered it. did not taste_(2)_. l.

a) at b) with c) by d) for

2. a) b) c) d)


I always have difficulty

well good better much choosing original birthday presents. My

imagination never seems to get beyond ties, handkerchiefs,or pairs of socks. However. strangelyenough, it did not take me long to decide on Tom's birthday present.For the first time in my life, I had a good idea; I would buy hirn a bottle of champagne. a) at 1.

b) of

c) by

d) in

Last night my wife, Emma, and I decidedto try the new Italian Restaurantin Main Street.The dinner we had in the restaurantwas good, but we were uot very pleased the wine. It tastedhorrible and it was alsovery expensive. a)


b) of

c) in

d) at

C. Fill in the blankswith the prepositionsgivenin the box. UseeachONCE. There are more than you need. for about throu

of under b


as on

1. Most people are keen dangerous.

to with

scubadiving thesedays,which I find really

2. She was so delighted a big farewell party for her friends.

her final examresultsthat shedecidedto givc

3. The mother wzrsfurious with her children was sayingto them.

not listeningto what she


Sue's -grandmotheris always described person.

a cheerful and pleasant


Nowadiiyslots of peopleare fond or yoga.


doing exercisessuchas stretchin_g

return for her help, Sheila's neighbours bou_ehthcr a very nice present.


The employeeswere surprised director.


If your fridge rs still charge.


I am delighted

the last minute notice sent bv the guarantee,you can get it repaired fiee of seethat you'reout of hospital. l()1

5.4 NUMBERS USED AS ADJECTIVES Rewrite the following without changing their meanings. 1. This is a holidaywhich laststwo weeks. This is a two 2.

I have to attenda meetinswhich will last for 3 hours. I have to attend


3. The examwill probablylastfour hours. It will probablybe 4.

The flat has four roolns. flert.

It is 5.

This bottleholdsone litre of liquid. This is



She is a student.She is eighteenyearsold.

S h ei s 8.


The planewas six hourslate. There was



The hotel has five stars.

It is 1.


delay on our f1i-eht

You have to walk ten minutesto reachthe house.

It is

walk to the house

10. I gaveher twentypounds. I gave her

5.5ADJECTIVE ORDER A. Write the adjectivesin bracketsin the correctorder. eg.Cups(green,old) someold qreencups table(blue,plastic)a blueplastictable l.

c a r( o l d ,A m e r i c a n )


p l a t e s( n e w .b l u e )


( curtain-s


cooker(old, gas)


chairs(brown, comfortable)


f u r n i t u r e( I t a l i a nr. n o d e r n )




painting(oil, old)


bag (large,sports)



10. students(French,young) B.

Complete the sentences.


Thomas servedthe meal on a colourful plate which he had bought from China. It was madeof porcelain. plate. Thomasservedthe meal on a


I was given a small music box for my birthday.It is madeof wood and it is black in colour. musicbox I receiveda

for my birthda


3. Theircarpetis Turkish. It's big and colourful. Theyhavegot 4.

My brotherwas given a pair of new riding bootsfor his birthday.They are made of leatherand they are black in colour' My brothergot a pair of riding boots for his birthdaY.


Rewrite the following.


Trains are saferthan buses.

Buses 2.

New York is bigger than WashingtonD.C WashingtonD.C

is worsethanmine' 3. His handwriting My handwriting 4.

He writes more nezrtlythan MarY. He hasa


A Volvo is more expensivethan a Fiat. A Fiat


Gold is more valuablethan silver. Silver


My English is not as fluent as my sister's.

My sister

I do.




Sheusedto eat morethanshedoesnow. She


It's easyto park a car. However,parking a truck is not so easy. A truck can be narked



10. Shedoesn'tplay tennisas oftenas shedoesyoga.

I l. I feel confidentwhen I speakon the phonebut not in public.

I speak B. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. The geographyteacher,Mrs. Swanson,is askingBill questions. Mrs. Swanson :

Bill, as you know, the Nile and the Amazon are the two best-knownr.ivcr-s in the world. (1) (long1. the Nile or the Amazon'l



The Nile. It is 6670 km long but the Amazonis 6440 krn.

Mrs. Swanson : Verv good. >k*x


The exam was

(difficultt the srudents

expected.Most of thernfailed it.

it's six monthssinceI moved to my own flat. At tlrst, it wasn't (3) (easy) for me to live alone, but in time I got used to it and now I flncl it (4)

(difficult;. Of course,there are times when I rnissthe comfort I

had at my parents'place.I used to have (5)

(few) responsibilities than I

do now as I had almost everythingdone for me. Now, however, I have a lot to do. I clon't mind cookingas I've alwaysbeen(6)

(good)at it. but cleaningthe flat is

very time-consuming.There are good things about living on my own. though. I arn nor














One day the children in a kindergartenwere standing around in the playground and talking about thelr fathers. One little girl started a game and said :




(handsome)your daddy'. A (11)




'My daddy can run ( 12) then shouted,




daddy is



(loud) voice

(fast) your daddy'. The game

continuedfor a few minutes,and each child tried to think of somethingthelttheir daddy (good) other dads. There was one little girl who was very

c o u l dd o ( 1 3 )

(thoughtful) the

(quiet). She was much (15)


others. She was obviously trying to think of somethinggood, but she was having some trouble. The other childrencontinuedwith the game. Suddenlythe little girl's face lit up. She shouted

(excited): 'Well anyway, my daddy is far


(fat) any of your daddies'. The rest of the group were very

(17) surprised










(quick) as they could.

(l 8 )

C. Ask questionsfor the givenanswers. l. The Krzrlrrmak. It is longerthan The Sakarya,

2. Mauna Kena is. It is 1,000metreshigher than Everest. 1

The Italian Parliament.It has 615 memberswhereasthere are 550 members in the Turkish Parliarnent. D. Complete the sentenceswith a suitable adjective from the box below.Use each adjective only ONCE. There are more than you need. Do not forget to make the necessarychanges. quiet convenient comfortable


big tall expensive bad

Lake Superior in North America is

beautiful boring heavY

Lake Victonzi in

Africa. 2. Tokyo is Tokyo.

Londonl for example,rents are very high tn


3. The pollutiorrin Istanbulis

the pollution in Ankara. There

isn't too much pollution in Ankara. 4.

The houses in the city centre are

the housesin the

suburbs. Whenyou live in thesuburbs, it takeshalf an hourto getto the nearest shop. 5.

My dishwashermakes too much noise.I am going to buy a one.


Complete / Rewrite the following without changing the meaning and use the words in brackets, where given.


My brotherplays tennisbetterthan I do. I don't


He drives fasterthan I do. I am a fast driver but not

3. Dorothyis a singer.Melody is a bettersinger. Dorothyis not 4.


: Are you happy with your new secretary? : Yes. She works the old one did.


Their houseis much bigger than mine. My house


London is much more interestinsthan Newcastle. Newcastleisn't

1. Thereare8 students in my class,and l6 in yours. Thereare

in your classas in mine.


Germancars are far betterthan American cars. Americancars


Chris practiseshis skatingroutine 27 hours a week whereasAndre practisesonly 14.

Chris 10. Comparedwith my new computer,my old computerwas very slow. Mv old comDuter my new one. I l. Andrew is slightlyolderthanJohn. John 12. Mike speaksEnglish a bit more fluently than Juliet. Juliet 13. Motorbikes are more difficult to ride than bicvcles. Bicycles t12


14. Travellingby bus is not travellingby car. Besides.the busesare very slow. 15. Sheilaworks much betterthanAngela. Angela 16. I'm quite easy-goingthesedays,but I usedto be bad-tempered. I 17. Gina smokesI 3 cigarettesa day whereasMaria smokesonly 6. Maria smokes 18. Henry doesmorejudo than he doesweightlifting.


Circle the correct choice.

1. The blue dress is f40 and the red one is f.42. I think I'll buy the red dress. It isn't as cheapas the blue one, but it is prettier d) a bit c) quite b) nearly a) slightly 2.PeoplesaythatIcansingaS-asBarbaraStreisand. c) beautifully a) beautiful d) more beautifully beautiful b) more 3.

It costs nearly twice as much to join a private sports club join the universitysportscentre. c) as a) than d) rather b) for


A : B : a) b)



it does tcr

I'm afraid I've run out of eggs. Don't worry. I've got plenty.I can give you as (10) you like. c) quite much d) nearlY many

A : This food is delicious. as you like. B : Eat as c) a) much d) b) many

quite nearlY

Complete these sentences.

Eg. It is a very cheaprestaurant.Itis the cheapestrestaurant in the town. l. It was a very happyday.It was

of my life.

2. He is a very good player.He is

of the team.



It is a very old is

in Britain.


It was very hot yesterday.It was

of the year.


Sheis very intelligent.She is

studentin her class.


You cook badly. You are


Pele is a very farnousfootballer.He is

in the world. in the world.

B. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words in the box. Add any word if necessary.Use each only ONCE. There are more than you need. quiet convenient comfortable bad


big tall expensive efficient

beautiful boring heavy

building in London is the Canary Wharf Tower at 213 metres.

2 . The world's

man is Tommv Benville.He rvei-ehs 230 kilos

3 . India's

sightis the Taj Mahal.

4 . I alwayssit in the big armchair;it's

chair in the house.

5 . My uncle always wants to talk about himself. He neverlistensto other peopleand talks about the same thing again and again. He is family. 6.

person in the

No one in the world works as efficiently as you do! You are

personI hirveever seen

C. Fill the gaps using the correct forms of the words in brackets. S a o P a u l oi s ( 1 ) t r i c h ) a r e ai n S o u t hA m e r i c r . ( l )


growing and the pride of all Brazilians.The city has (3) (popular; (4) (comfortable) theatres and some of restaurantsin Latin America. t5r

(good) schools.E dificio Italia, (6)

SouthAmerica,is locatedat (7)

is(8) In


(1 0 )

(high) point in Sao Paulo. IbirapueraPerrk

(big) and (9) park's

Pavillion Pereira, the

( t a l l ) b L r i l d i n gi n

(impressive)of its kind in the world world

famous Bienal



(great) show of contemporaryart in Latin America ar.eheld. Porto (modern) cities of Sao Paulo. (12)__ Alegre is one of ( 1 I ) (-eood) Brazilianwine is producedin this area.


How is your biochemistrycourse?


It is really hard.In fact, it is one of (13) ever taken.




Yes, even someof (14) trouble.


Men cannotcook.


That is not true. (15) restaurantsin the world are men.

(difficult) coursesI have

(clever)studentsin the classare havine

( g o o d )c o o k si n t l 6 t

t f i n ei

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Do not forget to make the necessarychanges. I alwaystravel by train becauseI think it is ( I )

(good)way to

travel.I do not like travellinebv bus becausethere are (2) accidents on


roads than on railwavs. For this reason. I


(dangerous) the



think bus travel is





(cheap)kind of transportation;for example.a train ticket costs

$12, but a bus ticket costs$25 and a plane ticket costs$1001There is only one problem when you travel by train. It is (5)

(slow) the other kinds of'

transoortation. It takestoo much time to get from one place to another.

In Belgium,you can see(6) and it

t\ '.h- i. bo \/

carries 3 5 people. It

bike in the world. It's 20 meterslonq

isn't very (1)

lfast) bccluse it's


(heavy) a normal bike. It weighs about one ron. Is it


(good) normal bikes? Maybe not. but


(interesting)one in the world.


think ir's



Whereareyou goingto stayin Bristol?


At the Paramount Oh.that's(ll) the PrincessHotel?It's (12)

is (13) v e r y( l 4 )

(expensive)hotel in the town. Why don't yoll sravar (cheap)the Paramount.Its restaurant (good) the other hotel restaurantsand its rooms are (clean).


Yes, but I want a quiet hotel, and the Paramountis (15) other hotels.

B :



T h e M e r i d i a ni s 1 1 6 )

(expensive) hotel in the town. A room at this

hotel is $200 a night; at the Windsor it's only $70. However, the Windsor Hotel is


(beautiful) the Meridian becauseit's got an excellent garden.

There are flowers everywhereand touristssay that they love the sight of the lovely swimming pool



(1 8 )








(good) hotels,so you can stay in whicheveryou want

Peteris in a hardwarestore.He wants to buy ll drill, but he doesn'tknow rnuch about "f.ctric this tool. He's talking to a salesmanin the store. Salesman

: May I help you. sir?



I'd like to buy an electricdrill, but there are so many of them. and the'y'reall so expensive.Could you help me chooseone?



Of course.I understandyou don't want to spendtoo much on a drill. Look rt this (expensive)one that we model- the TRX. It's (19) have in the store, but that doesn't mean it is (20) (bad) the rest. You see,the price does not always reflect quality. Actually. the (reliabie)modelson the market.You TRX is oneof (21) can alwaysdependon it. There is nothing (22) tool that doesn'twork (23)

( a n n o y r n ga) (.proper)wnen vou want t()

use it. Here.take it and look atiL Q4) Peter


Salesman :

(close) (light)

Hm, it's quite (25)

Yes. Weightis an importantaspectwhen you considerbuying a drill. Holding a

heavydrill is (26)

(terrible) difficult, especiallywhen you

are trying to make a hole in the ceiling. : Thank you. You've beenvery helpful. I'll take the TRX.


Bill and Janeare going to Oxford next week. Uii, ;*,, with him. Here is the dialosuebetweenBill and Jane. Jane

: Bill, I don't want to travel by car. Why don't we travel by train instead'lWe can sit

\27) Bill

to travel by car, but Jane doesn'ta-eree

: 116

(comfortable)and enjoy the scenery.

You might be right,but the train isn'tnearly(28)

(fast) the car.

Listen to me. There are a lot of traffic accidentsevery day. And you drive very


(careless).If we travel by car, I will drive.


I know you are a good driver, Jane, but I'm a good driver too. I drive



(good) you do. Don't worry, I will drive very

( 3 1) (32)

(careful). Let's go by car because it (easy)way to get around.

Yes, but I think travelling by train is far (33)



travellingby car.It is alsoa bit (34)


is also


: OK Janeletsso bv train.

Shoppingis my favouritepastime.I am (35)


the world when I go shopping becauseit really makes me feel relaxed. I always do rny shopping at North Carolina's (36)

(famous) store, called K-

Mart. K-Mart provides its customerswith a very (37)


All theproductsat K-Mart are(38) varietyof products.


thosein most stores.The salesclerks there are also (39)


the onesin other shops.

Tommy wantsto buy a motorcyclebut his mother doesn'tagreeto it. Mother :

I still cannotunderstandwhy you want to buy a motorcycleinsteadof a car. A car is


much ( 4 1 )

(convenient)a motorcycle and it's (practical)too!

Tommy : I know. but it isn't nearly (42)


motorcvcle.I can set 50 miles to a sallon with a motorcvcle! Mother : Listen to me, Tommyl We live in one of (43)


cities in the world and there are a lot of crazy people out there on the streets. As most of these people do not drive (44) (careful),the risk of accidentstoday is a lot (45.1 (great)it usedto be.


Tommy :

I agreemom, but I can ride the motorcycle(46)


of the other motorcyclistsand I promise that when I buy a motorcycle,I will be


(slow) motorcyclistin New York. I will never

exceedthe speedlimit. Believeit or not mom, but (48) (high) speedI will makewill be 50 milesper hour, not rrore. Besides.I can find a ( e a s y )I c a n

parking place for it in the city far (49) for a car.

Mother : Tommy, I know all these and I do trust you, but still there is no wzty you can convinceme. I still insistthatyou shouldbuy a car insteadof a motorcycle. **r<

United States'(50)

(interesting)city is Las Vegas. There are rnany

big hotelsin this city. Thesehotelsare (51)

(attractive)thosein New

York. Washingtonor San Francisco.I think Las Vegasis (52)


placeto spendyour holiday. * >k >i:

Dear Mom. Hi. How are you'?We're in New York. It's 42'C heretoday.According to weatherreports

i t ' s( 5 3 )

(hot) day this year. On our first night we stavedat a hotcl called'The Central'.lt cost $150 a nisht so we found a much (54) (cheap)hotel yesterday. New York is far (55)

(crowded)San Francisco.During

rush hours.vou can seehundredsof cars on Fifih Avenue. One thing I like aboutthe drivers in New York is that they drive (56)

(careful) the ones we have

in San Francisco"They all seemto obey the traffic rules. Yesterdaywe went shopping with my friends. I think the shops on Fifth Avenue iire


(expensive)the shops in San Francisco,but they are great to

look at! In the eveningour friendstook us to a pub in Soho.The music was great.but the peopleat the pub were speakingvery (58)

( l o u d ) .w h i c h r n a d e

it quite difficult to enjoy the music. Tomorrow, we are planning to visit the Museum of Modern Arts. I'm really lookin-e forward to seeing the beautiful works of (59)


paintersin the world like Van Gogh. Monet and Renoir. Well, that'sall for now. I'm really enjoying rny tour around the States.As you knor.vour next stop is Orlando.I'll sendyou a postcardfrom there,too. Marian


(dreadful) thing that could

60. In your opinion, what happento a student?

(profitable)nowadays;buying a houseor buying

6 1 . Which is a carl

(annoying)having your salarystolen"

62. There is nothing

6 3 . When you think of the meansof communicationsuch as e-mail, letter.fax, telegram (rapidly).

etc.. il letteris alwavsreceived

Mark and Lisa are talking aboutthe conferencethat hasjust finished. Mark : Thank God. the conferenceis over. I thought he would never stop talking.You (boring)

know what Lisa, that was (64) conferenceI've ever attended.

Lisa : Come on Mark. it would be very unfair to say that the conferencewas a


(complete)failure. I have attendedconferences

that were(66) in

(bad) this one. I was really interested

the subject and I

think rhe presenter had dealt with



(close).I guessthe problem was his heavy lrish


accent.I personallyfound it (68)


to follow. *>k*

Mrs. Greenis talking to one of her students.

Mrs.Green : Fred, your work is (69) else's in




don't think


you have been studying enough

(late). The quiz I gave yesterdaywas quite

easybut you still got (71)


(low) gradein class

Well. Mrs. Green,I'm doingmy best but as you know, I have a part-time job at a restaurant (straight) to work and I go (12) after school.That'swhv I (73)

(hard) find tin-reto do

my homework or study for my lessons. Mrs. Green : I seebut you haveto find a solutionto this as soonas possrble


B. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. Do not forget to make the necessarychanges. Use each word ONCE. There are more than you need.

intelligent boring friendly

hot far long cultured

high cold important scru


t.,rt."* r-*"rft *,*,|T::jJIiH::J"1:H:"ilffiJilfii::ffii "n friends. 2.

m o u n t a i ni s B e n N e v i s( 1 3 4 3 m ) .


3. A: Whichis

in December.Bostonor Miarni?

B: Miami, of course.You can go swimmingthereon Christmasday! 4.

I'd love to go to the cinemawith you, but I'm afraid I've got things to do. I haveto preparea reportfor the meetingtomorrow.


Rewrite the following sentenceswithout changing their meanings. if you studyregularly,you will get good grades. The more


As childrenget older, they becomemore rebellious. The older


If you walk slowly, it takeslongerto get there. The more


If you write carefully,you will not makeso many mistakes. The more


The rally team went far into the desert.They had little hope of finding warer. The


If you talk slowly. the studentscan understandbetter. The more

B. Mark the best choice. 1. The around. a) f'ewer


furnitureyou put in a room. the more spaceyou'll have to walk b) less

c) little

d) few

2. The ferry companieshave built bigger ferries.They think that the will be. the happiertheir passengers a) b) c) d)

biggestferries are more comfortable the ferries are bigger are the ferries more comfortably made ferries


Choose two words (one from each box) to complete the sentences.Use each only ONCE.


surprisingly slightly seriously reasonably

terribly badly immensely absolutely

cheap delicious cold






It has been snowing a lot for a couple of days. It's outside.

2 . After the accidentthe car was only -1.

We thought that the questionsin the exam would be quite difficult. However, they were

4 . The food we had in that Chineserestaurantwas amons his friends at schoolso I envy him a lot"

5 . Alex is

6 . When her boss turned down her request for a higher salary, she was when he fell off the tall tree in his sarden and was

7 . He got takento hospitalimmediately.

8 . The doctors have been keeping Bill in hospital for a month. He must be 9 . Why don't you buy that car? It's not to have seen you at the party last Sunday becausehe was planningto proposeto you.

1 0 . He was

Choose two words (one from each box) to complete the sentences. Use each only ONCE. really completely extremely incredibly rett I l-

fast well slowly correctly


She has a good memory so she can remember the telephone numbers l2l

2 " The




names of the students , which surprisedeverybody.



-). There is no doubt that they will a

figure out how to operate the machine becauseit is quite complicated.

4. I had fo warn him twice on the way to Istanbul because he was driving 5 . The studentwas able to spell the words he hadn't heardthem before.



6. MODALS 6.1ABILITY * PRESENT can I be ableto '/.


A. Susanis 2 yearsold. Write down what shecan or cannotdo usingthe cluesgiven. walk / ride a three-wheelbike / sing a song / write / play computer games/ swim / have a bath by herself/ comb her hair / read stories

eg.She con wolk. 7. J.

4. 5. 6. 1. 8.


B . Filf in the blanks using the correct forms of be able lo and the given clues' l.

The strike in the factory has been going on for two weeks. The workers (make)their voice heardYet


I am not sure but Tom the meetinsfinishes.


My father he was young.


If the sailorshad beenmore careful,they boat.


(might / leave) the office after

(usedto / swim) acrossthe Bosphorus when


(you I arrive)home before the match startstonight?



C. Jack is a prisoner. He has been in prison for two years. Write down what he coulcl clo two years ago using the given clues. go wherever he liked / watch TV anytime he wantecl/ go on holiday in the summer/ wearjeans / drink alcohol / meet fr.ienos

eg. He could go whereve?he liked two yeors ogo. 1. 2.

4. 5.

D. In 1999an earthquakedestroyedmuch of Kocaeliand Adapazarr.Readthe given situationsand completethe sentences using the correct forms of be able /o and the expressions in the box. UseeachONCE. I sendfood and tentsin time rescuesome During the earthquake

leavetheir houses savetheir children

somepeople(1) someparents(2) a child (3)

After the earthquake

the membersof Akut (4) internationalcharities(5)


.jumpfrom the balcony

6.2 PERMISSION may/could/can

Mrs. Andrews is a 7S-year-old widower. She needs help with the housework and she is tired of living alone but she doesn't want to live with her children. She has decided to move to an elderly people's rest home, which provides any kind of care for elderly people. Before she applies, she has to find answers to her questions. Now she is talking with the manager. Complete their dialogue. Use may, could or can' at least once.


Who can stay here?


Anyone over 65 and who doesnot wish to live alone at home.


(l )


Yes. of course.




You would usually move into an unfurnishedroom, althoughit may have

a singleroom?


a carpet and curtains.This means you can bring your own choice of furniture and furnishingsto your room.


What about a telephoneand television?


There is usually a payphonein each house but if you wish to install a privatephone,you can. You can also use your own TV in your room.




It is not alwayspossiblefor our gueststo bring their pet with them. Small or caged animals such as budgies or goldfish can usually be but a dog or cat may be more difficult. accommodated,

Mrs. Andrews



Smokingis usuallypermitted,althoughyou may be requestedto smoke only in smokingareas.

Mrs. Andrews

Cooking is really difficult for me and I need a special diet.




a pet?

in my own room?

in the restaurant?

There is a housekeeperwho is responsiblefor providing two meals each day. You can have them in your room or in the dining room with the other guests.Residentsare usually responsiblefor the preparationof their own breakfasts.This meansyou can get up and eat breakfastwhen you wish. Thank you for the informationyou have given. I'll make up my mind and let you know.


6.3 REQUESTS would / will /could / can


You are travelling on a train. It is a long journey and you are travelling alone. There is a stranger in the compartment. Make polite r.q.r"it, using would ir will and the given clues.

eg : open the window

Would / Will you open the window.pleose? l.

turn down the music

2. lendme yournewspaper 3.

keep an eye on my bagswhile I'm in the toilers


draw the curtains


help me to take my suitcasefrom the rack


B. Angel broke her leg while she was climbing the stairs. Now she is at home and she can't walk. Her mother has just arrived. Use the given clues ancl could or can to make requests. eg: call my teacher and learn about my homework assignments

Angel: Could/con you coll my teacher ond leorn obout my homework ossignments, please? l.

fetch my schoolbagso that I can do my homework


bring me a pain killer and a glassof water


make an appointmentto seethe doctor becausethe casthurts my leg


put a stool under my leg


stay with me 'l




Yes of course. Don't worry I won't leave vou.

6.4SUGGESTIONS Completethe dialoguesusingthe clueswheregiven.


How are you gettingon with your English classes? Fine, but I have difficulty in understandingthe meaningsof some words you get yourselfa good dictionary? whv

l" A B A

2.4 B

I'm bored. So am I. (we / play) cards?


Don't you have a more interestingsuggestion?

3.A B

My car is makingstrangenoises. (you/not) have it checkedat the gas station down the street?The mechanicsthereare very professional.

4.4 B A

I'm very hungry.

5.A B A

I'm fed up with typing my report. (always/play)scrabble.

6.A B A B

What are you doing at the weekend? I don't have any plans. (abouVgo) to the football match?

7. A

The library is closedtoday.

(us/go)to the canteenand have a sandwich.


That's a good idea.I can continuewith it later.


I hatefootball. Don't you have a betteridea?

not come to my house?We could study togetherin my room. That'sa sood idea.

and add punctuation marks. B. Read the situations,write suggestions l.

on TV tonisht. Thereis nothineinterestins


I feel lonely. My parentshave gone to Istanbul.


I'm stayingat the dormitory this term and I find it very difficult to wash my clothes without a washins machine.



My parentsare going out tonight.


I don't feel like going out tonight.


What nice weather!


The busesare very crowdedafter school.

8. We haveguestsfor supper.


Our maths teacheris going to give a quiz tomorrow but I have difficulty in solving the problems.

10. We haven't got anythingin the fridge.

6.5OFFERS A. Make offers usingshall L.. accordingto the given situations. l.

You are stayingat a friend's house.You are both very tired and are going to your bedrooms. You seethata light is still on in theliving room.Whatdo you say? ,


The teacheris trying to talk but a lot of noise is coming from the street and the window is open.You are next to it. What do you say? t


You and your friend are on the motorway.Your friend is driving. He has been driving for a long time so he is tired. What do you say?


The train is about to leave.Jack is going to get himself a magazine.He seeshis girlfiiend has nothing to read.What doeshe say?

5. You seean old ladyat theairport.Sheis carryinga heavysuitcase but you canseeit is too heavyfor her.Whatdo you sayto her? ,) 6.

Two men are trying to push a car. Mike seesthat they are finding it very difficult. What doeshe say to them?



Your old grandmotherhas a pain in her feet. You think she should rest her feet on a stool.What do you say? ,)

B. Make offers using I'll ... according to the given situations. l.

Little Tony's mother is busy cooking.He seesthat their dog'Simba' is thirsty.What doeshe say?


Sally and her friend Carol are in a restaurant.They have askedfor the bill. Sally knows her friend doesn'thave much money with her. What doesshe say?


Jonathanand his wife have had dinner at home. He seesthere are lots of dishesto be washedand his wife is exhausted.What doeshe say?

C. Make offers using would you like ... according to the given situations. l.

Your friend has popped up to see you. It is lunch time and you think your friend is hungry.What do you say?


You are driving along a road. You seeone of your colleagueswaiting for the bus at the bus stop.What do you say?


Sam has beenjogging for some time so he's out of breath and thirsty. What does his wife say?

D. Answer the questionsbelow. 1. "Your favouritesongis beingplayed- ShallI turnup theradio?"Janetaskedher sister. Whatdid sheoffer?


"Since you're busy, I'll feed the cat", Alice said to her mother.What did she offer?


"You needn'tget up, Sally. I'll answerthe phone."What did Georgeoffer?


"If you like I can do someshoppingfor you mom", Terry said.What did he offer?


6.6OBLIGATION AND NECESSITY 8 PRESENT Must/should/hadbetterArave(got) tolneedtolought tolbe supposedto A. Fill in the blanks usingrzzsl and suitableverbs from the box. Use eachonly ONCE. wash




Ifyou want to get a good grade,you


In the dormitory you



keep your homework properly

your own clothes. now. It is getting dark. Otherwiseyou will miss the last


bus. 4. You cantell Tom whatI saidbut he 5.

it a secret.

In the Preparatory School all of the students who don't sit the proficiency exam the placement.

B. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of have to and the verbs given in the box. Use each only ONCE. wear



Every Turkish man he is a student.


His father




his military servicewhen he is 18 unless the research project before the company starts the

campalgn. 3.

a uniform.

My sister is a nurse that is why she

80Voof the classesto be able to take the proficiency.

4. DBE students

5. Whenyou borrowa bookfrom thelibraryyou

it in 2 weeks.

C. Fill in the blanks using should/ought to and,the correct verbs from the box. Use each only ONCE. wear l.


A teacher



patientand understanding.

2. Mary is in hospital.We 3. Drivers 4.

her. the traffic rules.

You were rude to your father last night. You

5. A motorcyclist


a helmet.


D. Fill in the blanks using had better and the correct verbs from the box. Use each only ONCE.





your raincoat.It is going to rain.

1. You

a doctorimmediately.


You look awful. You


There are a lot of shopliftersnowadays.You your bag while doing shopping.

an eye on

4. You

the electrical equipment before you go out

5. You

medicineout of reachof children.

E. Filt in the blanks using needto and the verbs from the box. Use eachonly ONCE. draw l.




in a form to apply for the job.


the dishesbefore the suestsarrive.

2. She

out somemoney becauseI haven't got any with me.

3. I

the roof beforethe rains start.

4. He

(I) any money while getting the form?


F. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of be supposedto and the verbs given in the box. Useeachonlv ONCE. answer


finish l.

Pleasehurry up. The show





attend at 8.00 o'clock.

conference at








writing this essaybefore the break.

3. We 4.

Little children


The secretary

to bed at 8.00 o'clock. the phones.

G. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of be to and the verbs given in the box. Useeachonly ONCE. leave

1. A prisoner





a uniform. 131


Our teachers



threeinstructor'squizzesthis term. the rules strictly in the army.

4. People

additional taxes for their cars and housesbefore the end of

this month. 5.

your cameraif vou want to enter the museum.


* PAST H. Write sentencesusing the given clues and had to. 1. yesterday/ run over a cat I take to the vet


stop at the garage/ buy some petrol

3. you/ writea report/ lastterm? 4.

I / drink 2 litres of water / before an ultrasound scan/ last week


Sorry / I /late / take the childrenfrom school


Fill in the blanks using mustn't / can't and the correct verbs from the box. Use each only ONCE. rk 1. Students 2. Passengers 3. You 4.



Teenagersbelow 18





their cars in front of A Buildins. on planes. this sweaterin the washins machine. a dictionaryduring the exams. this disco.



A. Fill in the blanks using don't - doesn'thaveto / needn't/ don't - doesn'tneedto and the correct verbs from the trox. Use each verb only ONCE. Practise alternativeforms for each.







vitamin pills if you eat enough fresh fruit and

You vegetables. restaurant we


to go a table.




My daughter they can wear whateverthey like.

tonight is



popular so


her uniform becauseit is Wednesdaytoday and


1. Drivers

mushroomson your pizzaif you don't like.

5. You 8 PAST

didn't have to / didn't need to / needn't have B. Fill in the blanks using didn't have to / didn't need to and the verbs from the box. Use each only ONCE.



get up

early in the morning.

1. Yesterdaywas Sundayso I

2. She theirfriends.


last night as they were going to go out for dinner with

musicconcert.Therewas a freecarpark behind 3. Lastweekendwe wentto a classical for our car.

the concerthall so we

a dictionary while doing their homework

4. The students becausetheir teacherhelped them.

5. He

the car becauseit startedraining.

C. Complete the sentencesaccording to the given situations and use needn't have in your answers. 1. I had to walk home becauseI thought that I didn't have enough money with me but when I arrivedhome I realisedthat I had somemoney in my pocket. SoI


2. Before going on holiday I first wateredthe flowers becauseI didn't know that my husbandhad already watered them.

SoI J.

The studentshad had the lessonnotesphotocopiedbeforethe classstartedbut durrns the lessorr the teacherdistributedthe notes. So the students

4 . I had preparedsome sandwichesbefore going on the excursionbut during the trip they made a stopoverfor lunch. SoI 5.

He went to the beachwith his umbrellabut when he got therehe saw the umbrellasaround. So he

6.9ADVISABILITY should,ought to, had better SHOULD / OUGHT TO / HAD BETTER Match the sentences.Chooseone sentencefrom the 'situation' box and one from the ,advice' box. Make sentencesusingshould (x4), ought to (x4) and,had better(x4). Situation

A dvino

Janehas lost her credit card.

Eat salty food

Paul has left school.

Have a shave

There has beenan accidenton the main road.

Book a table at the restaurant

My fatherhas got a terriblepain in his chest.

Apply for a job

She has washedher clothes.

Call the lost property office

He has a job interview.

Have a warm shower

I can't get to sleep. His blood pressureis very high.

Hire a maid to help with the housework Put the children to bed

He wantsto go abroad.

Call the police

She is very busy. She doesn'thave any free time.

Iron them

I haveforgottenmy jacket on the plane.


It is 9.00 o'clock.

Seea doctor

Tomorrow is Tessa'sbirthda

Call the bank immediatel

eg.Janehaslosther creditcard. She should / ought to / had better call fhe bonk immediotely. l^



1 J.


5. 6. 1. 8. 9. t0. 11. 12.

6.10EXPECTATIONS SHOULD Match the situationsin the first box with the expectationsin the secondone and write sentencesusing sh ould._ He has sentyou a parcel. \\ ------\ chocolate. eaten 5 bars ol She has ----l' We have been drivin gfor 4hours. They have been working on that project for months. Her last novel was a bestseller. There are many fast food restaurantsin the shoooinsmall.

finish i soon new one / popular receivetomorrow not difficult to find something to eat reachistanbul in half an hour be sick

eg:You should?eceiveit tomorrow.

2. J.

4. 5.


6.1I CRITICISM AND REGRET SHOULD HAVE / OUGHT TO HAVE Look at the picture and then write down sentencesusingshouldhave V3 or ought to have V3. eg. She shouldn't have/ought not to have eaten so much fatty food. I


2. a J.




6.12DEGREESOF CERTAINTY * PRESENT must / may /might / could A. Completethe sentences as in the example. eg: You have beencleaningthe houseall day.

Youmustbe exhousted. l -

Sheis the most beautifulgirl in school. She


Tom spendsunlimited amountof money.He hasjust bought a Rolls Royce. He


Sam is in love with Sue but he can't tell it to her. Sue has invited him for a drink tonisht. He



Look out of the window. The weatheris terrible.It is snowine. It


She nevercaresabout otherpeople.She only thinks of her advantage. She



MAY/MIGHT/COULD B . Readthe situationsand completethe sentencesgiving weak probabilities. 1

Sally has an exam tomorrow. I'm not surebut she

2 . My brotheris coughing.I'm not certainbut he J.

Your mother looks unhappy.It is not certainbut she


The doorbell is ringing. I'm not surebut it

5 . Ann isn't in the classroom.I'm not surebut she 8


can't / couldn't / may not / might not

C. Match the sentenceson the left with the ones on the right and then write sentences using can't / couldn't and one of the suitable adjectivesbelow. hungry/ short of money/ dirty / pleased/ thirsty / popular

Her stomachis growling.

It is alwaysempty.

There are stainson the plate.

They go abroad every summer.

Tom studiedhard.

Tina hasjust changedits water

There is a caf6 at the end of the street.

She hasjust had 2 sandwiches.

They alwaysspenda lot of money.

He sot 50 in the exam.


is barkin

I have iust washedit.

eg :Her stomoch is growling. She hos just hod 2 sondwichesso she con't be hungry. I

2. a J.







D. Readthe givendialoguesand completethem expressingnegativeweakpossibility'. I.

A: Is Jackat his office? B : I t i s 5 . 0 0o ' c l o c k .H e


ilr the officr'

A: Is your brotherstudying? B: Thereis a matchon TV. He

3 . A : Do vou think thev rvill win the elections? B : Not many peoplesupportthern.They

successfu l.

FlasTom got the blood testresults'/


B : Y e s ,h e h a sh u t h e

his wit-ethe truth

tonight.Will you comewith me? 5 . A : I'rn meetingrny old classmates

B : I haven't decided yet becauseI have an irnportantmecting early in the rrorning so I with you.



must/may/might/could r


E. Complete the sentences.Draw logical conclusionsabout the past using the correct fbrms of the verbs in the box. :i



My sister'sengagelnent ring is enormous.It


A planewas hijackedlastlveek.The passengers


On Februaryl,2003. the SpaceShuttleColombiawas lost during its re-entrvinto Earth's




The l-amiliesof the crerv atmosphere.

have a fortune. tcrrified.

a shock.

1-. When we lvclke uD in the morning evervrvhere was covered u,ith suo\\,. it hard all night. 5.

The letterI sent to lny pen l'riendhas come back. He

lllto il new

house. / F.

MA\'/ MIGHT HAVE Your teacher was late fbr class yesterday and when she arrived slre said 'lVhat a horrible dav I had!' Speculateabout the past.

eg:Her cor moy / might hove broken down on the woy to school.


3. T.

5. .. COULD HAVE expressingpossibilityin the past. G. Completethe sentences eg: Why did you carry all the furniture alone? You could hove hurt your bock. l.

Why did you go outrvithoutyourcoat?It rsverycoldoutside. You


Did the childreniump out of the windor.vwhile they wereplaying? I don't believeit! They


Did your fathergo swimmingaftera heavylunch? He


qualifications. Didn't you applyfor thejob'l You havethe necessary

You 5.

Did your brotherleirvehome late?He had an exam He



// CAN'T / COULDN'T HAVE H. Complete the sentencesfor each of thesesituations. eg: Yesterday, I gave your pocket noney. Why do you want money norv? You

con't/ couldn't hove spent oll vour money. 1. At the beginningo1'theterm, she bought all her textbooksbut now she hasn't got . It is impossiblc.

thern.She prisoner ran









last rveek. The




rnistakes in



barred so




becausethey didn't takethe exam in tlresameclass












postcard of




becausehe didn't have that much monev with him 5.


to the library becausethey were still on the

table when I arrivedhome.


Rewrite the following sentencesusing may / might not have.

eg. Perhaps they didn't notice the window was broken.


PerhapsArthur didn't meanwhat he said.

2. Jim possiblyhasn'tarrivedyet.


Maybe Mary didn't meanto leavethe door unlocked.


PerhapsJanedidn't find a place to park her car nearby.


Perhapsthe managerdidn't noticeme coming to work late.

* FUTURE should/ ought to / may / might / could J.

Completethe sentencesexpressingfuture possibility. Choose a suitable verb from the box. receive beat


bu l.






be dance

wtn arrrve

preparing hard






England. I have decoratedthe living room, preparedsome sandwiches,made a cake and bou-ehtthe drinks. All of our friends are invited.We ourselves. 3.

I have sentyou a birthdaypresent.You


it tomorrow


He is really interestedin football and there is a match on TV at 8 o'clock tonight. He home before8 o'clock.


My mother has preparedand put the chicken in the oven. It has been cooking tor 25


readyin 5 minutes,so try to be patient.

K. Read the given situations and answer the questions using may, might or could.Use each at least once. 1. My sisteris going to get marriedto an Indian doctor next weekendand they are going to move to New Delhi. I am worried about my sister becauseshe has never been abroadbefore.What kind of problemscan be expected? a) b) c) 2.

Kevin has entereduniversitythis year.He has startedliving in the dormitory and has to sharehis room with other students.What kind of problemscan he be faced with? a)

b) c)

6.13PREFERENCE A. Rewrite the sentencesor answerthe questionsusing wouldrather. L

I do not wantto go theretonight.

2. I'd like to so for a walk.


Your brother wants to invite his friends tonight, but you are studyingfor an important exam.What do you say to him?


I'd prefer you to take off your shoesbefore you enter the house.



Your friend wants to smoke in the kitchen. You think she shouldn'tdo that. What do you say to her?


I don't want you to tell anyoneaboutthe accident.


Please,don't drive fast


Pleasedon't tell mv mother aboutthis.


I don't want you to eat fast food so often.

10. I do not want to play tennisthis afternoon

B. Rewrite thesesentencesusing would rather ... than. 1. Tom prefersreadingto talking.


I'd like to havewine. not beer.

3. I want to pay by cheque,not in cash.


I'd pref'erto have a coffee,not gin


It's a good idea to travel by train. It's saferthan car.


6.14PROGRESSIVEFORMS OF MODALS Fill in the blanks using an appropriate modal (in the progressiveform) and a suitableverb from the box. sleep see

be take

talk cook

use watch

eg: A: Where was Jack YesterdaY? B: I'm not sure but he may / mt?ht / could have been seeinghis friends' l.

When I arrived home. my mother didn't answerthe door. I knew that she was hotne, a shower' she TV but they'

2. It is l0 o'clock.In rnyopinionchildren


I'm trying to talk to Mary but the line has been engagedfor more than an hour. She the internet.It is her favouritepastime


A: Can you smell somethingdelicious? becauseshe is sleeping.It must be

B: My mother from the neighbours. 5.

A: Is Mr. Black working? on the phone becausethe line ts

B: No. He engaged.

6.15REVIEW OF MODALS A. ABILITY Fill in the blanks with can, could or be ableto' speak English very well because his nanny was from


Ali Britain.


Yesterday, the students sold their second hand books in the garden but I buy any becauseI didn't haveany moneywith me.


A : Did they manageto rescuethe parachutistwhoseparachuteropeshad got tangled by the electricwires? B:Yes.afireman

4, I


Tim. I understand


understandhim in my life. 5.

When Arnold Schwarzanagerwas at school, he everybodyat arm wrestling.


come to the meetingnext TuesdaY? I43


A : Did the thief escape? B : Yes. The police officer chasedthe thief but he

8. Sorry,I

run away.

come to your birthday party but I had a terrible

headache. 9.

Mary spokein such a low voice that I


10. AlthoughI didn't know anythingabouttraininga dog,I puppywhenwe boughtit.

train our

1l. A : Wouldyou like a lift? B : I'd loveto but whosecaris it? A : My father's. B : R e a l l y !H o w

convincehim to lend his car?

12. Sallv is a very efficient secretarv.She

do everything.

13. Today's planes are longer, wider and heavier than they were in the past and they also carry more passengers. 14. A: Did she manageto finish the project beforethe deadline? B : Yes. She

15. I am allergicto fur so I

complete it. have a pet at home.

B. PERMISSIONAND REQUESTS Ask for permission/ make requestsaccordingto the following situations. l.

You areat the receptionof a hotel.You havejust arrivedandthereceptionist wantsyou to fill in a form andsisnit. Whatdoeshe sav? t


You are at home and having dinner with your family. You want your brother to passyou the salt.What do vou sav?


You are in the classroombut you don't feel well so you want to go out. What do you say to your teacher?

4. You arein the cinemabut you arelateandthe film hasjust started.You cannotfind your seatbecause it is dark.Whatdo you sayto theusher?



You are very hungry but you haven't got anything to eat. This is your first day at you don't know where the canteenis. What do you say to your classmate? ?


You are at the doctor's office and you are going to have a minor operationtomorrow. You want to learn if you can have breakfastin the morning. What do you say to your doctor?


You havejust found a cat in the gardenand you want to bring it home. What do you say to your mother? ')


You have called your dentist.You are talking to his secretaryand you want to make an appointmentto seehim at 3.30 on Monday. What do you say to her?


You are invited to a party but you haven'tgot anything nice to wear. You know that your older sisterhasjust bought a dress.What do you say to her? ')

10. You are in the library to do your homework. You need to take photocopiesbecause you cannottake some of the books out. There is an elderly lady at the receptiondesk and thereis also a photocopymachine.What do you say to her? ?


Complete/ rewrite the sentencesusing the structures of obligation, prohibition and lack of necessityand the cluesif given in their correct forms.

Mrs. Riggsis talkingto Betty,thebaby-sitter. Mrs.Riggs

Come Betty. I'd like to introduceyou to my children. This is Bob, and that'sLucy.


Hi, children.I'm Betty. We'll spenda few hours togethertonight.

Bob &Lucy

Hi, Bettyl

Mrs. Riggs

Listen, Betty. There are some things that I'd like you to remember.We don't smokein the house.


Mrs. Riggs.I (1) I understand,

Mrs. Riggs

Please,give the children their dinner at 8 o'clock. Don't forget, Bob (2) drink his milk beforehe goesto bed.

Betty Mrs. Riggs

(3) wash the dishes,Mrs. Riggs? No, you don't. Our maid is going to do that tomorrow morning.


*** 145


You can return the book later. the book now. lneed to)


Don't give this informationto anybodyelse. this informationto anybodvelse.

You 6.

You can come home latel it's all right You don't


It isn't necessaryfor you to finish the report this afternoon. this afternoon.

You 8.

It isn't necessaryto wear a tuxedoto the wedding. You



Students: dictionariesevery day? They are very heavy. Teacher :



I'm afraid you do. You must alwayshave them with you.

10. A : The grassin the gardenis overgrown. We haven'tcut it for ages. B :

to be cut.

Yes, it really

I L You can enterthat restaurantwithout wearinga tie. to enterthat restaurant.

You don't

12. It isn't necessaryfor you to come to the office on Saturday. You

13. You arenot allowedto enterthebuildingwithouta visitor'spass. to enterthe buildins. (get)

t4. A B

Can I borrow the car this evenine?

Yes,but you

drive too fast. You rememberbeins fined for

speedinglast week, don't you?

1 5 .A B


Where have you been? I've beenwaiting out in the cold for almost an hour. Sorrv. but I had a f-lattvre on the wav so I


to book a room. 16. It is not necessary There is 17. It is necessaryfor you to bring the report on time. the report on time.


18. You worried so much aboutyour gradesbut it wasn'tnecessary.


II. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words in the box. Use them only ONCE.



had better



supposedto wear his eve-slasses.

He can't seethe blackboard.He

not climb any hisher. It can be dangerous

2. We 3.

A restaurant


You gardener.


The doctors are the morning.

to be clean and neat. look after the garden because we have hired a

start work in the Health Centre at 9.00 in

III. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the modals in the box and the verbs in brackets. Use them only ONCE.


have to



(go) to the bookstoreas a friend of mine offered to buy


me the readingbook, so insteadI went back to the classroom. 2.

(exceed)the speedlimit

That traffic sign meansdrivers while driving in town.


We therewas an accident.

(stop) for sometime on the way to istanbul because

IV. Complete the sentencesbelow by using the correct forms of the modals in the box and the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets. You can use a modal more than once.

must l.

He furnishedflat.

have to



(buy) any furniture because he rented a

(argue)with the policemanwhen he gave you a fine for speeding.Now, he is taking you to court.

2. You


3 . Although A T.




yesterday, I got up (take)my mother to the airport .




Hospitals have put new signs on their walls. According to these signs you (use)mobile phoneswhen you arein a hospital.

(come) to my houseyesterdayafternoonto bring 5 . You thetestresults.Anita hadalreadysentthemby e-mail.


Rewrite the sentencesusingshould,ought to or had betterin their correct forms.


I regretnot tellingmy fatherabouttheparty.


If I were you, I would inform him aboutthe problems.


It is wrong of you to leavea room without sayinggood bye.


It was wrons of her to crossthe streetwithout lookins at the traffic lishts.


It will be betterif vou don't mentionthe matterwhen Tom is aroundbecausehe reallv eets angry.

II. Criticise Tom for the things he has experiencedrecently. TOM

Ycsterday my roomwasin a mess. Everything was lying around. When my mother came in, she trippedandtell over.

I got a terrible gradeon rny maths cxam and daddy is reallyupset.


YOU Wcll. you

Last weekend,I went to a disco without telling mum and I met a friend of aunt Sally's there. Now. I'm worried and I have nightmares.

III. Read the letter which was sentto Doctor Sun's health column in the paper and his response.Then write down what the patient should/ ought (not) to do.

Your illness is called gittgivitis and often the build-up tartar on the teeth causesthis. Your dentist can remove tartar when you have a check-up. I1' you want to have healthY gums. dental care is essential. Blushing your teeth 3 times a day for at least 2 minutes is very important. Don't forget untreated gingivitis can lead to loss of all the teeth.

Dear Doctor Sun, I have an awful problem. My gums have been sore and rcd. You can't imagine how ditllcult it is to eat something. Whetr I touch my gurns, they bleed. I am terrified at the thought of seeing a dentist. That's why I haven't been to a dentist for more than l0 years.


Eg: You should /

ought to see

dentist. I

3. A a.


Readeachsituation and write a sentencewith had better. shoesto school.You think sheshouldn'tdo wantsto wearherhigh-heeled 1. Your daughter that.Whatdo you sayto her?


Your friend wants to invite Tom to a party. You think he shouldn'tdo that. What do you sayto him?



Your uncle has beenill for such a long time. You think he should seea doctor right away. What do vou sav to him?


You are going to drive to London. You think you shouldbuy somepetrol beforeyou go. What do you say to yourself?


Mary wants to play the guitar late at night. You know that the neighboursnexr cloorwill be annoyed.What do you say to Mary?

V. What advice might you give to a friend who l.

seemsvery unhappy?


eatstoo much?


is planningto live in Japan?


hasn't beenable to sleepwell for a long time?


spendsa lot of money?

6. hasiustmissedthebus?


hasn't beento the dentistfor nearly a year?


often forgets to take his driving licence before he drives to work?

9. feelsterriblyill?

10. is planningto go to a restaurantwhich is usuallycrowded?


E. MISCELLANEOUS Mark the bestchoice.


1. A: Why areyou homeso early? this afternoon. B: I a) b)

needn'thave worked shouldn'thave worked

c) didn't have to work d) ought not to work


The sky is grey and there are lots of clouds.It's going to rain tonight. In that case.we have the party in the garden. c) ought not a) can't d) don't have to mustn't b)


The person you saw having dinner with Mary last night Jack. c) must be a) can't havebeen d) can be b) can't be


her twin sister Sally at the I'm sure Sue was at home last night. You concert.They look very alike. c) may see a) must have seen d) couldn't see b) shouldhave seen


Mmm ..., this cakeis delicious.Susan shecan'tbake at all. a) must have bought b) may buy

it from a pastry shop. I know c) d)

couldn'thave bought must buy


Ir was a big mistaketo leavethe children alonein the playground.Thank God they're hurt themselves. fine, but they c) might a) can'thave d) mustn'thave b) could have


Last week in the final exam, our teachersaid she trustedus and left the classroom. easily,but we didn't as we are honeststudents. We c) were cheating cheat a) could d) could have cheated b) cheated


I a) b)


must ought

have had my hair cut weeksago but I just didn't have time. c) can d) should in the living roorn, or perhaps

I have no idea where Charlesis. He he'sin the kitchen. a) might sit b) might be sitting

c) d)

might have sat might have been sitting

10. The televisionwe have just bought isn't working. It production. c) should have beendamaged a) can be damaged d) must be damaged b) must have beendamaged




Paul and Mary have heardsomenoise and they are looking out of the window. Paul

: Look! There are somemen in uniform in front of our buildine.


T h e y( 11 ) clearly.

be firemen or policemen.I ( 12)



policemen.There is a fire engineby the corner.


And I smellsmoke.There(14) building.


The smoke is coming from the third floor. The fire (15)

C o m eo n , w e ( 1 6 ) quickly. I l. a) would 12. b) will c) may d) have to

be a fire somewherein the


14. a) b) c) d)


can must might may



lose any more time. Let's get out of here a) b) c) d)

can't mustn't shouldn't needn't

13. a) can'tbe b ) m u s t n ' tb e c) must have been d) can have been

15. a) shouldn'tstart b) might not have started c) could start d) must have started

16. a) rnightnot b) mustn't c) tnay not d ) d o n ' t h a v et o

Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the modals in the box. You can use then.r more than once. should


have to

Before you go to a Mediterranean country in the summer, you (1) reservea room weeks before you go becausethousandsof people visit thesecountriesduring the summermonths and it is very difficult to find a room in a short time. It is also a sood idea tcr

reserve plane tickets. You (2)

have a

passport because you


enter a foreign country without one. When you arrive at a hotel. vor-r


fill in a form. It is a rule. A hotel has many other rules; for exampre.

you (5)

take your cat or dog with you to the hotel room so leave your pet

at home. Usually,you (6)

pay for children under 5 and for children

between5 and 12 you pay half price. At the hotel'srestaurantyou (7) pay after eachmeal. If you like, you (8) you are Ieaving.


pay for your mealslater,when


Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the modals in the box. Use each onlv ONCE. can

have to

ought to


The following are someflight safetyrules.Each passengeris askedto obey them before the take hand luggagewith you on the plane. But

planetakesoff. You (1)

pleasedon't take more than one piece, becausethere is very little spacein the cabin for extra baggage.There are cupboardsabove the seatsfor your hand luggage.However. ),ou

put it there.You maypreferto usethespaceunderyour seats.


Pleaseremember:You (3)

smokeon the plane.Not even in the toilets

Always returnto your seatswhen the "fastenyour seatbelt" sign is on. dutittc thc We also have one piece of advice.As you know, we servealcoholic bevera-ees l i m i t the

flight. It is better if you don't drink too much. So, you (4)

number of your drinks. This wa.v you will be able to act more quickly in case of itn emergency. IV. Complete/Rewrite the sentencesusing the modals in the box oNCE.


I couldn't leavemy room in a messwhen I was a child. my room when I was a child.


ls it all right if I borrow your Pen? your pen?


I am not busy at the moment,so you don't haveto go. I am not busy at the moment;you A:

as long as yor.rlike.

I phonedyou at nine yesterdaymorning and got no answer.

B: I

in the gardenbecauseI plantedsomeflowers all

mornlng. 5.

Today there isn't a cloud in the sky. I think it is going to be a beautiful day so you your umbrella when you are going out.


lt was a mistaketo arguewith him in front of so many people. You

with him in front of so many people

1 . j5

V. Complete/Rewrite these sentencesusing modals. l.

You and your friends went to a popular restaurantand couldn't find a table as it was very crowdedinside.Now you regretthe fact that you didn't reservea table.What do you say? We

a tablebeforecomin-qhere.

2. Theyhad time to warn us aboutthe storm but thev didn't. They 3.


: Dad, can you lend me f20? I bought a new dressyesterday,a n d n o w I h a v e n ' t g o t any money left.

Father : You all your rnoney on a dress.I'm sureyour mum will get angry with you when she finds out. 4.

A: Did you hearme comein Iastnight? B: No. I


asleep.I was tired and I went to bed early.

It was a stupid thing to cheatin the exam. You

6. He had enoughtime to have anotherdrink, but he went home instead. He 7.

anotherdrink, but he went home instead.

I regretnot telling him the truth aboutthe accident. I


Fredahad a lot of money to buy a largehousebut she decidedto buy a small flat instead Freda


A : Where are the keys to the attic? B : On the shelf in the kitchen. A : No, they'renot. B : But I rememberputting them there. A : Well, they'renot on the shelf.Where can they be?

B : They Why don'tyou askhim?

by Jack becausethere was nobody else at home.

10. Whenwe wereat primarvschoolwe

a bottleof milk

and a sandwichat 10.00o'clock everymorning. I 1. Tina is not in her office. Perhapsshe is in the cafeteria. Tina


in the cafeteriabecauseshe isn't in her officc.

| 2. Las't month, we went to Egypt. On the morning of our ilght when we woke up we saw that everywherewas coveredwith snow. We couldn't take out our car so we had to take a taxi to the airport not to miss the plane.It cost a fortune.When we arrived at the airport we learnedthat our flight was cancelled.

We 1 3 .A B

a taxl.

I had my umbrella when I cameout but I haven't got it now. it at work or on the

I'm not surebut you bus.

1 4 .A

I saw a snakenearthe river vesterday. a snake.There aren't any snakesin



this part of the country.

1 5 .A

I left my bicycle here and now it's gone.

B 1 6 .A B 1 7 .A

Don't worry. I saw it while coming home and put it in the garagebut it . Be careful. Perhaps he drove back.

That carpetwas madeentirelyby hand. a long time to weave.

B :It 1 8 .A

that.He doesn't have a car.

No, he

I saw Ann in the library yesterday her. She's still abroad.

B : You

the cat

19. I wonder who broke the wineglass?It for she was out all day.

20. Bill neededsomemoney so he had to sell his car. A few dayslater he won a lot of his car. money from the lottery.He (I) a seatbelt?

zt. A B 22. A B 23.A B 24. A B

Yes, I'm afraid so. It's the law and anywayit will protectyou in an accident. Did you drive to California? Well, we had enoughmoney to fly so we there. Mum,

the salt to me?

Sure. Here you are. Is your knee any better? I'm afraid not. Dr. Williams says I football for anothertwo weeksunlessI receiveheattreatment


25. Secretary: Manager : 26. A :

early today? I money from my bank account.


I'm sorry.but that isn't possible.

Are you ready?

B : No. I am gettingdressed. A :


You'd better hurry. If

we don't leave the house in five a taxi to the theatre.

minutes, we

7. THE PASSIVE 7.1SIMPLE PRESENTAND CONTINUOUS Change the following into passive.(Use the given clues or different verbs where necessary) l.

Theysellfurniturein thisstore. in this store.


The living room is going to be beautiful.They are redecoratingit. at the moment.

The living room 3.

in Britaineveryday. They publish the nationalnewspapers The nationalnewspapers

4. Everyyearhundreds of people die in traffic accidents. Everyyearhundredsof people

in traffic accidents.

5. Theypublishthisjournal monthly. This journal 6.

Somebodycollectsthe bottlesat the weekend. The bottles

(BMWs / produce)in

7. Anne : Germany? Jane 8.

: Yes. That'swhy they are cheapertherethan in the U.S'

They are pulling down the old church in the square. The old church


In this part of the country , frequent storms damagemany buildings every year. every year. (get)

10. There are two men following us. two men. 11. They announcethe time of the weekly meetingson Mondays. The time of



Change the following into passive.


They didn't invite me. but I havecomeanyway. I


but I have come anywaty.

They interviewedthe applicantsyesterday. The applicants


Someonebroke the mirror last nisht. The mirror


Someonecleanedthe windows at the weekend. The windows


They repairedthe f-encefalling apart. The fence


I felt as if someonewas watchingme. I felt as if I

B. Fill the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs. A


How is your sister.Tim?



Sheis in hospitalat the moment.


: What's the marterwith her?



While she was walking down the srreet.she ( I )

(run over) b1,

a car.

The game of croquet (2)

(invent)in Francein the l3th century.Toclay

however,it (3)

(play) everywhere,from the United Statesto India and


Every day hundredsofpeople (4)

(kill) in car accidents.but Leslie

and her daughtersare among thosewho (5)

Leslie(6) when she suddenly (7)

( b ct I u c k l t o b e r r l i cr .

(drive)on a winding mountainroad yesterdayafternoon

(t t)

(lose) the control of the cur. The eur (run) off the road falling into a river. Leslie anclher two daushters


(wear)their searbeltsso thev ( 10)



verv seriouslyby the fall. They wanted to leave the car but they couldn't becausethe water outsidewas too cold and too fast for safe swimming. Another driver who saw the accident informed










(call) to pull the car out . It took two hours to pull Leslie

and her daughtersout of the water. Then, they (12)

(fake) to

hospitalfor a check-up. Leslie and her daughtersare at home now. They (13)

(try) to

overcomethe shock of the accident. Two days ago a robbery took place in

robbery(14) who(15)

* ,n" largestbranchesof a famous bank. The """ (deal) with successfullydue to the bank manager

(push) the alarm button under his desk calmly, while he

let one of the threerobbers(16)

(open) the safe opposite him. At the

time, the other robbers( l7)

(point) their guns at the customersthzrl

were extremelyfrightened.They didn't know that the police were on their way to the bank and would arrivesoon.The robbers(18)

(l 9 ) (20)

(leave) the bank. In this w a y , all the money which they ( s t e a l () 2 1 )

(save).The bravebank manager


r)1 t


(arrest;as soon as thcy



insurance company


(lose) so many millions. Now many banks are planning to

organizecourseswhere their managerscan learn what to do in caseof emergenoy *** Every day. a lot of road accidents(24)

(happen)due to r,arious

reasons.Most of theseaccidents(25) bad

(26) (21)

weather conditions. Two

(cause)by carelessdriving or

days ago. a





accident on







(send)to the sceneof the accidentimmediately.Accordins to rhe

people who witnessedthe accident,the driver of one of the cars (28) (go) much faster than the speedlimit when it (29)

( c r a s h i)n t o

anothercar coming frorn the other direction. Luckily, the drivers of the two cars (30)


(kill). However,


(injure) badly. Today, two days after the accident.the two

drivers are still in hospitalunder medical observationand with the help of the doctors.they


(try) to recoverfrom the shock of the accident.














(drop) on earthat a speedof thousandsof kilornetersper hour.

Millions of tons of dust rose into the sky. The temperatureof the earth increasedabout 5 or 6 degreesCelsius.Becauseof the changein temperature,nearly seventypercentof life on E,arth



35. This town has suffered a great tragedy.Ten people explosionyesterdaymorning.

(kill) in a huge


Change the following into passive.

1. They have redecoratedthe town library. The town library 2.

Has anyoneansweredyour questions?


Thev'vecleaned the garden completely. The garden


Peoplehave producedmore and more advancedcomputerssincethen. More and more advancedcomputers


They have reducedthe price of cars. The price of cars


Have the membersof the football federation announcedthe exact time of the match? by the membersof the footbali federation?


This room doesn'tneedcleaning;somebodycleanedit a short time ago. This room (already)


I have typed the lettersbut not the report. I havetyped the lettersbut the report (yet)


Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

'Good evening ladiesand gentlemen.This is the 7 o'clock news: S w e d i s hp o l i c e( l )

(ust / announce)that five paintingsby Picasso (steal)fiom Stockholm'sModern Museum. The paintingswere


valued 160













(take) early on Saturday evening. but for some reason the

(work) at the time and the thefi

museum's burglar alarm (4)



(investigate) the

(6) (7)











(find) any cluesyet.'

The face of the earth (8)

(shape)by man as well as the nature.In the (build) on the world's rivers and

last 50 years,many greatdams (9) many




(11) (12)




The and


Kariba Volta





(finish) in 1966, are two of the biggest in Africa. Thanks to these (make) fertile and

dams, thousandsof squaremiles of dry land (13)

(generate) for new industriesand millions of

enough electricity(14) homes.

'Good eveningladiesand gentlemen.Here is the six o'clock news: In the lastfew days,uncontrollablefires ( l s )

(burn) thousands of

square miles of trees in the South of France and the beautiful forests in the area (destroy)


(1 7 )

completely. Last




(reach) the most popular holiday resort of South France.

The touristswho (18)

(sleep) in their rooms at the time (rescue)by the membersof the rescueteam.'


using the passivevoice. A. Rewrite thesesentences 1. Theytold us thatthepolicehadcaughtthemurderer.


When we returnedhome.we found that someonehad broken into our flat.


By the time Sue got here,we had sold all of the second-handbocks.



Before the GreenPeacemembersarrived,peoplehad cut down the pine trces.


When Martha's mother camein, she noticedthat somebodyhad cookeclthc clilner-, cleaned the kitchen and laid the rable.


The burglaropenedthe door and walkeclin silently as somebodyhad left rhe fronr door unlocked.


By the time I got to class,the teacherhad alreadygiven the writing sectionof the mid-terrn.


By the time she was 20, her parentshad given her every possibleadvanrage


she went to the post office afier her father had written the letter.

10. After thejanitor had photocopiedsomeexercises.the teacherwent to the classroom.

ts. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets.

r (1)

(have) an amazing experiencelast week. I was very concerned when I

received a telephone call from the police station. When I went there, I was told that they


(recover)my bike which (3)

(stole)l0 yearsbefore.I was a

universitystudentthenand I had to work for my living. Having worked for a long time in a cat6as Ir part time waiter.I t4)


(finally/save)enoughmoney to buy the bicyclewhich I

(look)forwardto buying.Afrer I (6)

pleasureto ride it to school.To cut a long story short,I (7) of days,trying ro be as carefulas I could when it (g)

(btrv)it. il wir: lr sl'elt

(ride) it for a couple (steal).Gettingour of the

restauranr where I worked, I couldn't find my bike. I seem to rememberhaving locked it but looking back, I really don't know. I mav have forgotten to lock it. As soon as I


(realize)it wasn'twhereit (10)

(leave),I went to the nearest

police station to report the theft. The police officer who dealt with me was very kincl and he


wrote a report and told rxe they would contact me if they ( I l)

(have) any

news. No need to say. my bike was never found. At first I was in a completeshock but as the time passed.naturally I forgot all about this incident. After a lO-year interval, when thev


(phone) from the police station,imagine what a surpriseit was to hear

t h a t m y b i c y c l e( 1 3 )

(14) (l6)

(find). I went to the police station as soon as I cor-rld.I (tell) that the thief ( I 5)


arrest) and he

(take) the police to the garagewhere he kept the stolen goods. Arnong

those was my bicycle. There was a srnall piece of paper on each item with the name and the addressof the owner so the oolice were able to contactme. 7.5 FUTURE A. Change the following into passive. l^

The managerwill probably give the speech. The speech


They will tell you in advance. You


They will hire a woman. A woman


The hospitalwill sendhis wife the bill next week. The bill

His wife 5.

Someonewill show you whereto stay. You


They will have flnishedthe roof by Monday. The roof


S h ew o n 't have finishedthe storv until Fridav. The story

8. Theirinsurance company is goingto pay7}Voof thebill. l}Vc of thebill 9.

Who are you going to invite? Who


B. Mark the best choice. 1. A : Is thereany news aboutthe taxes?Is the governmentgoing to abolishthem? B : No. Unfortunately,taxes . On the contrary,the Prime Minister says they will increasethem. a) ivill be abolished c) will abolish b) won't be abolished d) will have abolished 2.

They havepromotedJohn but he _ a) will be paid b) will pay


The decoratorssay the downstairsrooms by Friday. a) will be painted c) will have beenpainted b) will paint d) won't be painted


If vou interruDl" asain.vou a) will punish b) will be punished

more. c) won't be paid d) won't pay

c) will have beenpunished d) will havepunished

5.He-intojailunlessheproveshisinnocenSeSoon. c) will havebeenput a) will be put d) will be putting b) will put 7.6 MODALS A. Fill the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs. Planners(l )

(decide)tomorrow whether the office (2)

( s h o u l d/ b u i l d ) .

3. We wouldlike thereport

(revise). (must / take) rvith water.


Don't chew thesepills. They


A : The grassin the gardenis overgrown. We haven'tcut it for ages. B :


Yes, it really

A new road yearsago.

B. Change the following into passive. 1. No one can use that typewriter.


They couldn'tseethe ship.


(need/ cut). (have to / build) to solve the traffic problem 2


Peoplemustn't park their cars here.

Jim. 4. Thevshouldn'tdismiss


They had to answerall the questions.


Somebodymust have eatenall the food.


Somebodymight have stolenyour car.


You can't take thesebooks out of the library.


You ought to repair that TV set.

10. Somebodyhas to take thesearticlesto the publisher.

I 1. You needn'thavecalledthe doctor.

12. Thev should have checkedthe results.

13. We might invite a few reportersto the party.

14. You could have finishedthe reportby now.

15. He may havelost the paperson the way to school.

7.7 REVIEW OF ACTIVE AND PASSIVEVOICE Completethe conversationsbelowusing the given clues. A. A

eeulythismorning. : Haveyou heardabouttheaccident?Two carscrashed



O h , r e a l l y ?( l ) (it / happen) r65

On the corner of Kings Road and Elm Street.



(anybody/ injure) A

Yes. one of the drivershit a ten-year-oldgirl who was crossingthe street


Oh, poor little girl! (3) (she/ take) To the Royal Hospital. Luckily, her conditionis not very serious. Oh, good. (4) to leavethe hospital? (she/ allow;


In a f-ewdays.



to the police yet?

(accident/ report) Yes, a patrol car arrivedat the sceneof the accidentimmediately.

B. 'Good












(break into) by some vandals.The incident happenecllate last

night. In the studiotoday we have Miss Wayne,the headof the library.' Presenter



(anything/ steal), Miss Wayne?

Miss Wayne :

No , but they damagedsomeof our most valuablebooks.




the police?

Miss Wayne : My secretarydid. When she came early this morning, she saw that the vandals (4\

(throw)all the booksout of their shelves.

Everythingwas on the floor.

C. villages (l) Several in Scotland

(cut) off for threediivs due to a snowstonl.



(start)on Saturdayat 4 p.m. Since then. three people (lind)









(run) out quickly. It is predicted that they can only last a couple of

days.Fortunately.some food (5)


(drop) by a helicopterlarertoday. People

(already/warn)by the police to avoid the area.


8. CONDITIONAL SENTENCESAND WISHES 8.1TYPE O Fill in the blankswith the correctforms of the verbsin brackets. I.

Don't trv to oDenthe cover if the machrne


You know that she gets upsetif you child. So why do you keepdoing this?

( w o r k) . (treat)her like a


3. A: I'm collectingpicturesof Ricky Martin. If you one in the magazineyou're reading, please for me. B: Okay. 4.

If you needfurther information,please


The museum attendantsnever (have)a ticket


Don't interrupthim if he

(call)4,1425 25. tlett peoplein if' tlrcl

(work). ( s t a f t) .

(press)this button,the machine

7. Ifyou 8.

( c u t )l t o u t

Newspaperis a good insultrtor.[f you food in newspaper,it

(wrap) a hot pan ot (keep)heatin and cold out. (have) a

(take) a pain killer if you

9. sore w11st.

10. If you

they (peel)the vegetablesand put them in the refri-eerator. (lose)their vitamins.

8.2TYPE 1 A. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. l.

S h ew i l l c a l l y o u i f s h e


He can only come if the meeting


If you don't passthe exam,


Let's keep to the main road. We (not). we


He will only get therein time if he


If the company director resign.


If I see Peter this afternoon,I good news.

(need)any advice. (take) place on a Friday (take)it again'/ (lose)our way if

(leave)right now. (increase)our salary.we'li

t t e l l t h i m a b o u tt h c



During the exam, don't spend too much time on a single question. Go on to the next (be) sureof the answer questionif you


I'm studying for the proficiency exam. It's on Monday. If I (pass)it, I (take) my friends out for a drink


(go) to the beachif it

(be) warnt urid

sunnytomorrow. I l. I hope the museumis open.If it is closed,we


nothing. 12. A: Why are you leavinghome so early?

B: Because if I work.

(leave)home early, I

13. If the guestsdon'tcome,we

( b e ) l a t el o r

(cook) all this food for nothing.

B. Complete the sentences. eg. I am late. If I can find a raxi, I will ltef

to work on time.


I am tired. If I go home eariy tonight,


I am excited.If I can buy ticketsfor the concert,


I am angry.If I seehirr again,


I am happy.If he visits me today,

C. Rewrite the sentenceswithout changingtheir meanings. l.

Thereis a chancethatI will seehim today.In that caseI will tell him to call you. If fl

(happen) 2.

There is a chancethat he will come here tomorrow; then I will give him your message. '{h.rPPtt


Thereis a chancethat shewill leaveschoolearly,then shewili go shoppingwith her mother.



8.3 CONDITIONALS WITH UNLESS Rewrite the follorving using unlesswithout changingtheir meanings. 1. If you don'tlosepoints,you'll win.

Unless 2.

lf you ieaveat once,I won't call the police. Linless


The bomb will explodeif they don't destroyit.

Unless 4.

If shegetsa visa, she'llbe allowed to enterthe country. unless


I can read the subtitlesonly if I wear my glasses' unless


She cannotborrow a book if shedoesn'thave a library ticket'

Unless 7.

If you don't go home early, your mother will get angry.

Unless 8.

If Mark apologizes,I will forgive hirn.

Unless 9.

I don'tthink I'll be able to solvethis problem without your help. you Unlc-ss

this problem.

10. If Bob doesn'tpractiseregularly,he won't passthe driving test.

unless I l. We can catchthe schoolbus only if we leavenow.



12. You can return this productonly if you bring the receipt.



8.4 POSSIBILITY WITH IN CASE A. Fill the gapsusing if or in case. with me 1. I'm takingsomesandwiches 2. Peopleinsurethcirhouses 3. You'll be caught 4.

The alarm clock will eo off


I've boushtsomefood

I get hungry. they catch fire.

you break into that house.

you setit properly. vour friends stavr,vithus for lunch. r69


Sheis packingsomeaspirins


I'll swim


He's playingtennisthis afternoon


Go and seethe doctor

the sun gives her a headache

I can find a swimsuit. the weatherisn't snowy. you don't feel well.

10. Finish the report today

you don't havetime tomorrow.

I l. I'll give you my mobile-phonenumber

you needto get in touch with me

during the race. 12. Buy two extra bottlesof wine 13. You'd betterleaveten minutesearly _--

more guestsarnve. thereis a lot of traffic.

B. Rewrite the following using in case.Do not change the meaning. l.

Don't move him. His les mav be broken.


Buy somecandlesbecausetheremight be an electricitycut.


Take somecashwith you becausesomeshopsmight not acceptcredit cards


I am going to insurethe video camera.It might get stolen.


I remindedhim aboutthe invitationbecauseit was possiblethat he would forset to senclit.


Drive carefullvbecausethe road might be icy


Don't forget to lock all the doors and windows as there rnay be burglars in the neighbourhood.

B. Perhapswe will get thirsty so I will preparesomelemonade.


You may needto contactme, so I'll give you my phone number.


10. Arrange health insurancebefore you start working abroad. You might need medical treatment.

1L Susanshouldtype the letter now becauseshemight not have enoughtime later on.

12. You shouldhave a sparetyre becauseyou might have a puncture.

13. My alarm clock may not go off so I havephonedthe wake-up service.

8.5 CONDITIONALS WITH PROVIDED AND AS LONG AS Rewrite the following without changingtheir meanings.Usethe given clues. I . You can'ttakeout thisbookif you don'tfill out a fonn. (provided) 2.

She will have to repeatthe courseif shedoesnot study regularly. (aslong as)


I won't be able to get thereon time if you don't give me a lift. (provided)


Inflation rate won't decreaseif the governmentdoesn'ttake appropriatemeasures.

(provided) f or whatyou havedone 5. Your parentswon'tforgiveyou unlessyou apologize (providing) 6.

You won't be allowed in if you are not registered. (as long as)


I will lend you my lap top but you shouldpromiseto use it carefully. You can (provided)


They won't take thejumper back unlessyou show them the receipt. (aslong as)



You cannotimprove your techniqueas a violinist unlessyou attenda master'sclass. (provided)

10. You can't take thesepills if you drink alcohol .

(providing) 8.6TYPE 2 A. Rewrite the sentenceswithout changingtheir meanings. L

Because it is raining,we cannothavethepartyin thegarden. If


Travel agentsreceivefree air tickets.Unfortunately,I'm not working at a travei agenrs. If


He is not here at the moment so he cannothelp us. If


I don't have his phone I can'tcall him. If


I won't invite Sally to dinner becauseI don't know her well enough. If


He takesa short holiday as he doesn'tearnenoughmoney for a longer one. If


Sheisn't in our classso I don't know her name. If


I can't go out with you becauseI must cleanmy roorn. If


I won't invitehim to my party becauseI don't like him. If

10. They won't interview you for thejob becauseyou don't speakEnglish. If I I. I can'tgo on the excursionas I have to work at the weekend. If


B. Write a pieceof adviceusing y'. 1. My advice to you is not to open the door to strangers. the door to strangers.


2. My adviceto you is to askhim for a promotion. IfI 3.

Mv adviceto vou is to book a room.

IfI 4.

My advice to you is to take notes during the lectures.

IfI 5.

My advice to you is to keep the milk in the refrigerator.

IfI 6.

My advice to you is to attendthe classesregularly. TfI


My advice to you is not to go out with such a rude man.

IfI C. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. I. 1. I have crossedthe Atlantic Oceanseveraltimes,however,alwaysby plane.Being a (be) so businessman,I am always on a tight schedule.If I (book) cruise ship. liner or a voyageon a transatlantic busy,I

But I'm afraidthis will alwaysremaina dream. 2. A: I hatemy job! B: Well, why don't you changeit? If you really

(hate) it,

(look for) anotherone.

3. A: Canyou help me with this report? (help)you if I

B: Sorry,I am busy.I


(have) more (start) taking tennis lessonsat the sports club. Bul

4. I haveto work about80 hoursa week.If I time, I

I'm too busy. unfortunately 5. Why don't you askBill aboutthejob? I am surehe if he





I am going away to the seasidefor a few days. Would you like to join me?


(have)so much work I (la) fioin)youif I (lb) to do, but I haveto finish it. You know, thereare lots of burglariesthesedays. You should be careful. Are you friendly with the people next door? If I (2a) (be) you, I (2b) (ask) them to keep an eye on my housewhile I'm away.


Thanksfor remindingme. I 'll do that beforeI (3)


When will you be back?


I'm hoping to (4a)

get the

I (s)



o'clock train



lmiss)it. I (4b)

Sunday morning. but (give) you a ring.


(be) at the stationto meet you.

8.7 TYPE 3 A. Tick (rz) the sentenceswhich are true. l.

If Johnhadstudied.he wouldn'thavefailedhis exams. n

lonn studied.


u" failed his exams.


lonn didn'tsrudy.


u" didn'rfail hisexams.

we wouldhavecaughtthetrain. 2. If thecarhadn'thada puncture, !

fn" car had a puncrure.


W" caughtthe train.


fn" cardidn't havea puncture.


W. missedthetrain.

3. If thatdresshadn'tbeenso cheap,Janewouldn'thaveboughtit.



n rne dresswascheap.

n Jan"boughtit.

n rn. dresswasn'tcheap.

n Janedidn'tbuyit.

I would have tidied the living room if I had known you were coming. n

I knew you were coming.


I uoieo the living room.


f OlAn'tknow you were coming.


I didn't tidy the living room.

If Rosehadn't had a hole in her tooth, she wouldn't have seenthe dentist. !

Rosedidn't seethe dentist.


Sfrehad a hole in her tooth.


Rose saw the dentist.


Sft" didn't have a hole in her tooth



without changingtheir meanings. B. Rewrite the sentences he didn'twakeup on time. 1. He missedhis planebecause his plane.

If 2.

We were late to the meeting.Therefore,the chairman got angry with us. If


They gave you the job becauseyou got the highestscorein the exam.

If 4.

I was very nervousbecauseI lost the car keys.

If 5. John didn't seethe red lieht so he crashedinto a car. John 6.

He worked too fast so he made a lot of mistakes. He


Petercamehome very late last night. Thereforehis wife got angry with htm. If


Carol tripped over a stonebecauseshe wasn'tcareful. If

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Here is the story of a disaster.A ship sank in the Caribbeanbecauseof a storm 1. If








(sink). (survive; if there

2. More people


more life boats.

3. If some passengers

(be able to) swim. they (drown). (be) such a bad storm. fewer people

4. If there (die).


8.8 MIXED CONDITIONALS Rewrite these sentenceswithout changing their meanings. L

The studentsattendedall the classesand worked very hard so their English is much better now. If


He can go to school by car since he was given a car by his parentslast month. If


Atattirk fought against the enemies and founded the Turkish Republic. Therefore we are able to live in a democraticcountry. If


He drank too much at the party and drove home. He is in hospital now becauseof a car accident. If


The villagers didn't use any fertilizers to enrich the soil. Now harvest. If

they don't have a sood

6. JackaskedJessieto marryhim 20 yearsagobut sherefused.Now sheis still single. If 7. He lost the opportunityof doinghis Master'sdegreeabroad.Todayhe hasdifficulty in findinga goodjob. If 8.

I am not happy sinceI didn't choosethe professionI wanted. If

9. Sheis havinga hardtime thesedaysbecausesheneglectedto studyregularly. If 10. You didn't set the alarm clock last night. That is why I am late to school. If

8.9WISHES A. Completethe sentencesusing the given clues. * PRESENT l.

It is a pity I can'tgo to thediscotonight. I wish


I want to seehim more often but I can't. I wish

3. I live in a suburbof AnkaraandI don'tlike this. i wish 116

4. It is a pity Mary is not here. I wish 5.

My husbanddoesn'tknow how to dance.

I wish 6.

My parentsaren't here. I wish


You can't come to our 25th anniversary.

I wish 8. I amnot listeningto thenews. I wish 9.

She has got a lot of freckles on her face. She wishes

10. John makesa lot of mistakes. He wishes

* PAST morning. I l. You didn't wait for me yesterday I wish 12. My brother didn't take me to the cinema at the weekend.

I wish 13. Shedidn'ttell me thetruth. I wish 14. I couldn't wake up early todaY.

I wish 15. My fathersoldhis car. I wish 16. My upstairsneighboursaremakinga lot of noise.I wantthemto stop. I wish

17. My brotherwhistlesall the time.I hatethis. I wish 18. I smokea lot. I know this is bad for my health.

I wish


19. The telephoneis ringing. I am really exhausted.I want someoneto answerit. I wish

20. My elderbrotheris very untidy. I wish B. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. l.

Where'sJanet?I wish she

(arrive) soon,becauseI don't want

to missthe beginningof the movie.

2. I wishyou 3.

(smoke)so much.

Your friends have saved some money to go on holiday. You regret the fact that you have spentall your savingson an expensivecomputer.What do you say?

I wishI 4.

(buy)thisexpensive computer

I had a fight with my girlfriend Ann last week. I was wrong, but I didn't apologize.Ann doesn'twant to seeme any more. I'm very sorry now.

I wish I 5.


(apologize)to Ann.

Sam is talking to his brotherWilliam on the phone.


: We wishyou


: I know, but I have to work not only on the day of the New Year buf also the day after that because there may be problems with the computer system of the company.

(come) to New York for the New Year'sEve. The rest of the family will all be here.

Teacher : I wish you homework.I don't know which is which.

7. A : IwishI

(wnte) your names on your

(be) in Hollywood. Then I could meer all the

film stars. B : And I wish you

(daydream). Get on with your work

Otherwise, we will neverfinishthisproject. 8. I wish you

(pay) more attentionto what you are doing.

You nearlv hit mv finser with the hammer. 9.

I wish my roommate concentration.


(talk) so much. He spoils my

C. Mark the best choice. l.

A : Haveyou everbeento Hawaii? B : No, but I wish I a) had b) did


I wish I a) could fly b) flew

it is too expensive.I can never afford rt. c) d)

were would

like a bird. It must be great fun. c) had flown d) were flying

3.Mygradesareusuallyverypoor.IwishI-bettergrades. a) would get c) could get b) can get d) get 4.

The conferenceroom is usually hot and humid; I wish the meeting cooler room but the secretarvsavsit is the onlv availablenlace. a) will be held c) would be held b) could hold d) was holding


UnfortunatelyI have got to leaveearly. I wish I a) left c) didn't have to leave b) had to leave d) couldn'thaveleft



8.10REVIEW OF CONDITIONALS A. Complete/Rewritethe following without changingtheir meanings. l.

Unlessit is cheap,I won'tbuy it. If


The one thing I've alwayswantedis a red sportscar. I wish


I do not know many peoplehere. I wish


Unlessyou finish your homework,I won't take you to the cinema. If


If you don't clear the table away,I won't let you go out. Unless

6. Her numberis not in thephonebook,so I can'tphoneher. If 7.

Brendaisn't in classbecauseshemissedthe bus. If Brenda

ll ()


She'supsetwith you becauseyou didn't phone her last night. If


I am angry with you becauseyou didn't tell me the truth yesterday. If

10. What wo uld you do if you win the lotterv on the New Year's eve? Suppose 11. If by any chanceyou find my keys,could you let me know?

If you happen 12. From her voice, I'd say sheis angry. It sounds 13. The room is cold becauseyou left the window open. If 14. I am not tired today becauseI didn't go to bed late last night. If 15. Tom feels sick becausehe ate too much last nisht. If

16. I regretbreakinghis heartlast night. If only 17. The kidnapperswon't kill the hostageif you pay the ransom without informing the police. Providedthat

B. I.

Fill in each blank with an expressionfrom the box. Use each only ONCE. There are more expressionsthan you need. so as to in spiteof


provided in case

unless otherwise

Precautionswere taken


the demonstrationsot out of control.

2. The witnessobjectsto appearingin court

he is given proper

protectionby the police. 3.

The sick cattle were kept separatefrom the herd from spreading.

4. Hurryup.


you might miss the plane

preventthe disease


A : Don't wastetime looking for that map we lose our way, do you know how much time we will

B: wastethen? il.

Filt in each blank with an expression from the box. You need to use them more than once. provided that

in case

unless don't


ar.rticipate any difficulty in arriving the ferries run to the schedule.




I will stay here during the holiday go somewherein Europe.


You'd bettercarry a first-aid kit









I saveenoughmonev to

any unexpectedeventsoccur.

to drop legal proceedings against the editor publishesa formal apology.



it was possiblefor you to travel anywherein the world. where

5. would you go?

the hotel is full at the


I decidedto book a room in advance weekend.


I don't mind your going out with Martin in the evenings come home before midnisht.


III. Fill in each blank with an expressionfrom the box. You need to use them more than once. unless

as lonq as

Gemmais phoning Martha to seeif she wantsto go campingwith her. Gemma :

Hi, Martha. I'm going campingthis weekend.Would you like to come'l

Martha :

Jerry's invited me to a party on Saturday night, so I

(1) Gemma :

To Fistral beach.We'll have a great time, (2) course.I can pick you up at about 8.30 on Saturdaymorning

Martha : That soundslovely! I'd love to come (3) to drive too fast. Gemma :

can't come

I sayno to Jerry.Whereareyou going? it rains of

you promlse not

I promise.But what aboutJerry?

Marrha : oh. I thinkit'llbe oK (4)

I can think of a good excuse


C. Mark the best choice. I live with somerelativesof mine. I can't say that we get on very well. They don't let me invite my friends over, and don't really care aboutmy problems.SometimesI wish I _( with them. If I _(2)_

an apartmentof my own, I guessI _(3)_



much happier.But

unfortunately,I can't afford one. 1. a) b) c) d)

won't don't didn't couldn't


a) b) c) d)

have would have had willhave


a) b) c) d)

would be will be am going to be won't


4, IfI

about his intentions last week, I would have acted differenilv.

a) know

b) had known

c) would have known

I didn't have time to study Chapter Two in ijn,rro., doesn'task questionsfrom that chapter._(6)_, 5.

a) b) c) d)

hope wish expect want


Do what I say a) in case



ihe p,ofessor

I'll get a low grade.

Otherwise However Therefore Moreover

you want to get the sack. b) if

c) as long as

d) unless

we hurryup.

We'll miss the bus a) otherwise

a) b) c) d)

book. I -(5)-

d) kneu,

b) if

c) unless

d) if only

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

It'sstormyoutsideandI'm alonein thehouse.I wishmy parents(1)

r (2)

(be) here.

(be) so frightened then. xxx

3. Joe

: Whattimeis it?

Mary : It is 8.30. Joe

: 8:30!But that'stoo late.The meetingstartsat 8:30.If I don'tgetthereon time,I (look for) anotherjob pretty soon.



Don't you live in Tokyo any more?


No, I don't. I've come back to settledown in my hometown.It's been two months already.


I thoughtyou had a successfulbusinessthere.That'swhat Mike said.


No. that's not true. If I (4a) Japan,I (4b)


(have) a good businessin (be) hereright now.

Small shopsmay disappearunlessthe proposal

(put) into effect.


9. NOUN CLAUSES 9.I REPORTED SPEECH A. Change thesesentencesinto reported speech. l.

Policeofficer: "Mr.'ll havero pay a fine of i50, " The police officer told f50.



Secretary: "Mrs. N,{eadorvs liiisn'tlefi the o{fice yet." -l'he secretarysaid_ yet.

David : "We are having our houseredecorated." David said


Susanto Frank : "You will haveto get a visafor your daughter." Susantold


Mr. Kite to his secretary: " I haven'tchangedmy mind." Mr. Kite toid


Bill to his mother: "I don't want to help vou with the housework." Bill told


"I didn't have enoughtirne to take the book back to the library", said Robert. Robert said


thc office

Anne to her mother: "We had to takea taxi home." Anne told home.


a finc tit

"I'll post the lettersfor Vou.John,"shesaid. Shetold

10. "Don't makethe samemistakeagain!"he saidto me. He told | 1. "Why don'twe havedinnertogether'J" he saidto nie He invited 12. "If I were you, i would tell them the rruth."he saidto me. Fle advised 13. "I left my umbrellaherethis morning."saidMary. Marv toid the shoo assistantthat



said the interviewer 14. "We don't want a recentgraduzrte," The interviewertold me that 15. "I'r,edrunk all my milk," saidthe little boy. The little boi'said that 16. Johnto his wife : "You never rememberto take a map when we set off on a journey." Johncomplained

on aJourney.

17. "l w,illcall you as soonas I arrivehome," he saidto her. He told 18. Charles: "I r.von'tfbrsive you, Marv-." Charlestold 19. Secretary: "I will finish typingthe lettersin l0 minutes.Mr. Johnson." The secretarytold NIr. Johnson 20. Boss : "Don't use the office phonefor your personalcalls,Jack." The bosswarned 21. "Don't forgetto buy somebread,Paul."saidhis mother. His motherreminded 22. "If I were vou. Linda, I wouldn'ttakethejob," saidMary. IvlaryadvisedLinda 23. "Don't leavethe lightson." She warnedthem 24. "I won't fc rget the meeting." I prornised

25. "Wouldyou like to cometo my birthdayparty?" He invitedher 26. "Don't be stupici!" She told me 27. "You shouldstopsmoking." The doctor advisedmy father 2 8 . " I ' 1 1p h o n et h ep o l i c e l " N4ysisterthreatened 29. "Can rve cook the rneal?" We offered ll35

B. Completethe sentences using the words in the boxes. I. explained admitted l.

advised romised

suggested warned



"All right, it is true. I set the houseon fire," said Martin. Martin


"Why don't we go to the new Italian restaurant?"said Vanessa. Vanessa


"I'll definitely help you with the housework,mom," said Mary.

Mary 4.

"You've finally passedyour driving test,Frank. Well done!" said Claire. Claire

II. discouraged tulated l.

apologized confused

provided ished

Kate realizedshe shouldhave returnedthe book earlierand said "sorry". the book earlier.


Paul advisedme not to apply for thejob at the supermarket. Paul


the job

at the

supermarket. 3. My friendsweredelightedthatI hadwon the tennismatchandphonedme to expresstheir feelings. My friendsphonedme and

winnins the tennismatch


threatened admitted 1.

reminded denied

advised comolained

invited romised

" Linda, would you like to have dinner with me?" said Mike. Mike


" All right, it is true, I was nervousbeforethe performance,"the leadingactor said. The leadinsactor


" Do not forget to bring the doctor'sreport tomorrow, Mary," said the teacher. The teacher


"I will take you to the park on Saturday,children," said Tom. Tom 186

w. forbade

denied asked

Persuaded accused

The museumdirectorto the reporters:"You can'ttake picturesof the paintings'" The museumdirector

2 . The secretaryto Mr. Dove: "Could you dictatea bit more slowly, please?" The secretary Tommy toLiz "You were the one who broke the vase!"


Tommy 4. Rogerto his parents:"Why don'tyou buy your ticketsin advance?" Roger Fill in the blanks with the re suggested asked advised told

verbs in the box. explained warned reminded

Mrs. Welch was at the doctor'soffice yesterday.She (1) she hadn't been feeling well recently.The doctor (2) up her sleeveand took her blood pressure.He (3) beenfeeling well becauseof her high blood pressure'He (4)

him that her to roll that she hadn't her

that she should so on a diet. He

to cut down on salt. He (5)

her that she might make herself seriously ill. He also her that she was not a young woman any more.

(6) (7)

VI. Choosefrom the verbs in the box and report using he or she.Use eachverb only ONCE. admit accept refuse

introduce suggest explain ask

complain greet offer


"Actually, I don't have enoughto pay the bill."


"Let's meet in my flat tomorrow."


"Have you ever beento Britain?"


"The trouble is that our son neverdoeshis homework."

apologise interrupt tell



"MissBrown,thisis MissWhite."


"Read the questionstwice. and don't write in the margin."


"I'm sorryI didn't bring the book with me."


"Trust me. I'll pay you back next week."


"No. thanks,I don't like ice-creamat all."

10. "Would you like to have lunch with me today?"

I 1. "My difficulty is I can't understandwhat this sentencemeans."

12. "Good morningMary, nice to seeyou."

13. "All right,I'll takethe present."

14. "But listenGeorge....Could I just say a few words on this subject?,'

C. Change the following questions into reported speech. 1. Jack : "Does she know how to type?" Jack askedme 2.

"How long is Janetgoingto staywith you?" Paul wantedto know

3. Mary to Tim : "Doesyourbrotherknow me?" Mary askedTim

4. "Did you finishyourterm-paper on time?" My mother wantedto know


class?" 5. Susan: "Paul,is yoursisterin my brother's SusanaskedPaul


6. Tom : "Which airlinecompanyareyou goingto fly with?" Tom askedus 7.

Paula to Jane : "Has he been brought to hospital by ambulance?" Paula askedJane ambulance.



to hospitalby

Mary to Billy : "How often does your sister take you to the cinema?" Mary wantedto know


"Has Janebought a presentfor the childrenyet?" David asked

10. Mary to Bill : "WherecanI buy theconcerttickets?" Mary asked Bill tickets.

the concerl

I l. "How old are you?" Mr. Fraser askedMartin

12. "Do you reallyspeakArabic andJapanese?" Mr. FraseraskedMartin 13. "Do you gojogging at the weekends?"she asked. She askedme

14. "Will you be at home this weekend?"he askedMary. He askedMary 15. Jill : "Are you going to wear your white dressto the party, Barbara?"

16. Interviewer: "How longdid you work for IBM, Mrs. Jackson?"

17. "Are you leavingfor Paristomorrow,Janet?"

Alex asked 18. David : "How much do I have to pay?" David wonders


D. Put the following indirect sentencesinto the direct sentenceform. l.

Janediscovered thatherbrotherwashidinga dog in thebasement. Jane to her friends : "

a dog in the

basement." 2.

Richard said he had alreadyhad lunch. Richard : "


Martin wonderedwhen he would find a job. ?" Martin thought.


Robert said he was going to visit his friends in Italy in the summer. ." said Robert. Jerry told Mrs Atwood that he had

On"nedthe managerand they were waiting for "*"0, the driver , then they would leave the office. She said that before the driver had left. he had reportedenginetrouble,so he might be late.

The Dialosue: Jerry

: (5)

the managerand (6)

driver. then (7)

for the

the office.


Mrs.Atwood : Well, before(8)


so he mieht be late. *** 10. The teachertold us not to be discouragedand promisedto help us with our studies. The teacherto us: "

I 1. Davidsaidhe was leavingfor istanbulthatafternoon. " saidDavid. 12. Samanthasaid that shewouldn't be home at five o'clock ," saidSamantha. 13. Mr. Wilson said that he and his wife had neverbeen abroad. Mr. Wilson said "

9.2 TNDTRECTQUESTIONS A. complete or rewrite the following. use the clueswhere given. 1. "Havetheyhaddinneryet? I'm not sure 2.A: B


dinner yet. Jack lives?

: No, I don't. But we can find his addressin the phone book.

Have you seenmy keys?

3.A B


I have no idea What are you looking for?

4.A B

(put) them.

I can'tremember My eyeglasses.

I can get to the zoo?

Excuse me. could vou tell me


B : By underground.Take the yellow line to GreensGarden. (be able to see)again.He's had five surgeries

6. I doubtif he on his eyes,but with no luck. 7.

Does this bus go to Manhattan? Could you tell me


I am not sure.He may not come back home I doubt


A :

Did Martha have the car repaired?

B : Idon'tknow to me aboutthat.

it reoaired.She hasn'ttalked

10. Will it be snowytoday? I wonder

B. Circle the correct answer. 1. A : I've called Peter five times already.He seemsto be out. I wonder where B : Maybe he'sat his parents'house.Have you tried calling them? c) he is a) he has been d) is he going b) has he gone him to come early' c) I had told d) had I told


I can'trememberif a) I told b) did I tell


? I have to call him urgently. Do you know what c) his telephonenumber is a) is his telephonenumber d) his telephonenumber was b) was his telephonenumber


He treatedme badly throughoutthe holiday.I wonder why c) he had done a) did he do d) had he done b) he did


5.AlexhasgotlotSofthingstodo.Idoubtif-theworkintime. c) he finishes a) will he finish d) he can finish b) can he finish


9.3 NOUN CLAUSES BEGINNING WITH QUESTION WORDS A. Rewrite the followingusingwhat. eg. I needa good sleep. Ll/hat f need is a good sleep. 1. Thechildrenlovebuildinesnowmen.


The mosquitosbotherme.

3. His strangeattitudesulprisesme.


I have to make a plan.


I like spaghetti.

B. Changethe following questionsinto noun clauses. l.

Where did Sally go? Do you know

2. Whenareyour parentsarrivingat the airport? Pleasetell me 3. Which train did theytakero New York? I can'tremember 4.

Whose sharesare these? I don't know


What do they say? I can't hear

6. Who is theownerof thehouse? Can you tell me


7. How manypeoplewerethereat the meeting? She wants to know

8. How old do the studentsstartschoolin your country? Do vou know 9. How far is it from Edirneto Kars? Can you tell me

10. Why do peopleneedto tell lies? Do you know 9.4 NOUN CLAUSES BEGINNING WITH THAT to introduce noun clauses. A. Rewrite the sentences l.

Therewas very little petrolin the car. I was not awareof that,so on the way to Kansas the car suddenly stopped. I wasn't


Bill told a lie.That made me angry. The fact that

qualifications. Due to that shewasn't acceptedfor thejob. 3. Shelackedthe necessary Due to 4.

He made the samemistake twice. That is unforgivable. The fact that

5. They accusedus of committinga crime.That surprisedus. The fact that 6.

It is obvious that he doesn'tknow manners.

That 7. It is a fact thatwaterboils at 100'C. That 8.

Mary hasn't been able to make reliable friends. That's apparent.

It thequalityof our lives.Thatis a facthardto deny. 9. Pollutiondiminishes That


10. Many people living in Antalya speakGermanquite well. When I first visited Antalya, I was surprised by that. When I I 1. She lied abqut it. That's what botherseverybody. The fact that 12. Tim tore my grandmother'santiquetable cloth. That isn't very important. The fact that 13. That automobile has the best brake system of any car manufacturedthis year. I am impressedby that and would definitelyrecommendthat every body buy that make. Iam 14. Janelost our tickets to the cinema.There is nothing we can do about it. There is nothing 15. It rarely rains in Antalya. He seemssurprisedto discoverthis. He 1 6 . S h eh a d n ' tcalled on her family. Her family laterunderstoodwhy. Her family 17. She didn't even apologisefor her late arrival.This mademe really angry. a) The fact b) What This was the judge's view. 1 8 .T h echild shouldbe sentto live with her grandparents.

a) It b) Thejudge'sview in every respect.I just don't understand 19. He managesto broadenhis students'horizons how he doesit. a)I

b) How 20. Childrennowadaysspenda lot of money on junk food. This is my opinion. a) It

b) My opinion 2 I . The studentwas destinedfor a brilliant career.This was obvious to her teachersa) It was b) That


22. Old- agepensionsarequite low. The opposingpartiesdeploreit at every occasion. The opposingparties 23. She knows how to deal with such difficult situations.It indicates that she is quite experienced. The fact that 24.


fact that he didn't even apologisefor his rude behaviour really angeredthe teacher.

What 25. The child should be sent to a private school to get a good education.This was the parents'point of view. a) It was b) The parents' 26. The politician says one thing in public. He does anotherthing in private. They never coincidewith eachother. What the politician

B. Rewrite the sentencessubstituting a noun clause for the phrases in italics. 1.

I am surprised at your thinking my brother is a dull person to get married to.


Your havins acceotedhis proposal means your having to settle down in a foreign country.


I refusedto believe his havine told me the dateof his arrival.


The fact o.fhis having learned Enslish at the place where it was actually spoken doesn't imply his beine able to speak the languageperfectly.


Before buying that dress,you shouldmake sureo-fits beins the rieht siz.e.


Beins iqnorant of the rules is not an acceptableexcuse.


9.5 USING _EVER WORDS Rewrite the following sentencesusing whoever, whatever, however, whenever, wherever or whichever l.

I don't know who directedthis film, but he is not good.


He is l8 now so he can go any placehe likes.


The thing in that box is making a very funny noise.


People always want more. It doesn't matter how rich they are.


It doesn'tmatterhow you travel,it'll take vou at leastthreehours.

6. There are2 differentcomputerprogrammesand you can useeitherof them you want to write your report.

7. It doesn'tmatterwhatproblemsyou have,you canalwayscometo me for advice.


The personwho phonedjust now was very polite.

9. Any timeI seeyou,I feelnervous.

10. It doesn'tmatterwhat you do, I'll love you.

9.6 USING THE SUBJUNCTIVE IN NOUN CLAUSES Give the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. Someof the verbs are passive. 1. It is importantthat no one else 2.

Her advisor recommendedthat she


He insistedthat the new babv

(know) the operation. (take) someother courses. (name)after his grandmother.

4.ThesfudentsrequestedthattheteSt-(postpone),buttheinstructordecided againsta postponement.


5. It

(control) and

is essential that pollution


(eliminate). 6.

(be) sureto lock the door behind us.

She askedthat we


thathis father 7. It is imperative 8.

I requestedthat I

(permit) to changemy class.

9.MyfrienddemandedthatI-(allow;totakepartinthenegotiations. 10. ProfessorMiller suggestedthat Mary

(study)harderfor the final exam.


10.ADJECTIVE CLAUSBS 10.1 NON-DEFINING A. Rewrite / Join the following sentencesusing relative clausesand without changing the meaning. l.

I live on Main Street.It is the noisieststreetin this neiehbourhood.


The Edinburgh Zoo has Scotland'sbiggest collection of animals.It is 5 km wesr of the citv centre.


Alice is the owner of a food company.She is the most successful businesswoman in town.


Bob rankedfirst in the race.His father is also an athlete. Bob


I bought this watch for Pauline.She is my best friend. Pauline


Doctor Jonesworks for the city hospital.He prescribedmedicinefor my sore throat. Doctor Jones


This is Tom. I've beensharinga flat with him for two years. This is Tom


My first model plane crashedinto a tree during its first flight. I hacl spent hundredsoldollarson it. My first model plane


San Franciscois much saferthan New York. New York's crime rate is climbing ftrst San Francisco

10. Bodrumis a holidayresort.Thousands of touristsspendtheirvacations in Bocirunr ezrch summer. Bodrum I l. His grandfathercan rememberhis youth. There were no televisionsor computersthen.

12. We like going to the mountainsin winter.Thereis a lot of snow then.

13. My parentscelebratetheir wedding anniversaryin June.They got married then


14. Marilyn Monroe's deathis still a mystery.She has never lost her popularity. Marilyn Monroe

there. 15. Touristslike Turkey.There'splentyof sunshine

I 6. You will enjoy yourselfin London. There are lots of interestingplacesthere.

17. Dorothy Parker used to be my high school friend. Her novels are sold all over the world. Dorothy Parker 18. The party on Saturdaywill be at the studentcentre. There is a swimming pool in it. The party on SaturdaY B. Write a paragraph about Pablo Picasso by joining the following facts together using relative clauses where necessary. Do not forget to mark the clauses with commas. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

Pablo Picassowas a greatSpanishartist. He was born in Barcelonain 1881. In the beginning,his work was influencedby other artists. Then he developedhis own style of painting. His style consistedof picturesof the poor in variousshadesof blue. In the following years,Picassowas influencedby the ideasof C6zanne. C6zanne'stechniquewas considerablydifferentfrom his' After World War II, he moved to the southof France. He createdmany paintingsand sculpturesin the southof Franceuntil his deathin 1973.

Write your paragraPh here.


C . Below is a story in which all the relative clauses have been taken out. Fill the gaps with suitable relative clauses using the sentencesgiven underneath the paragraph. Last year, during our Februaryholiday, we went to Rio de Janeirowith Martin and his v,,if'e. (r, . We stayed at 'Hotel Rio',


We arrived at the hotel during

the Rio Carnival,(3)

. On our arrival we had a

lot of problems.As there was a confusionabout our reservations,they had to put us in two small rooms. (4)_ That night rve had dinneratthehotel.Thefood'(5)--.upSetoutstomachsso we spent the next day in our rooms without doing anything. Our vacation becamemuch more pleasanton the third day. We moved to anotherhotel with larger rooms and bettermeals.We alsojoined the carnivalparadeand had a lot of fun. * There were no bathroomsin the rooms. * We have known the couplesincewe first met on an excursionin Paris. x It was really distasteful. * There were a lot of tourists in the city then. * It was quite closeto the city centre. 10.2 DEFINING A. Mark the choice which best answers the given question: l

A B a) b) c,| d)

2.A B a) b) c) d)


Who cheatedyou? The boy sold rne the fruit which cheatedme. The fiuit which the boy sold cheatedme. The boy who cheatedme sold me the fruit. The boy who sold me the fruit cheatedme. What are the passengerswaiting for? The passengers who are waiting for the train are arriving in 10 minutes. The passengers are waiting for the train which is arriving in 10 minutes. The train is waiting for the passengers who are arriving in 10 minutes. The train which is arriving in 10 minutesis waiting for the passengers. Which boys did the teachercall?

B a) b) c) d)


The teacherwho didn't studyenoughcalledthe boys. The boys calledthe teacherwho didn't study enough. The teachercalledthe boys who didn't study enough. The boys who didn't studyenoughcalledthe teacher.

Who was the directorangry with?

4.A B

The directorwho spoketo the woman on the phonewas angry with her. b ) The directorwas angry with the woman who spoketo him on the phone. c ) The woman who spoketo the directoron the phone was angry with him. d) The wonranwho was angry with the directorspoketo him on the phone. a\

Which book did the teacherlose?

5.A B

a) The teacherlost the book which sheborrowedfrom the students. b ) The teacherwho borrowed a book from the studentslost it. The studentslost the book which they borrowed from the teacher d) The studentswho borroweda book from the teacherlost it.


Which scarf did the little girl wear?

6.A B a) bt c) d)

The scarf which the little girl wore was her mother's. The little girl's mother wore the scarf which shetook from her daughter. The scarf which the little girl's mother wore was her daughter's. The little girl wore the scarf which shetook fiom her mother.

1 . A : Who did the writer eet his ideasfrom? B a) b) c) d)

The writer who worked with an old man yearsago got his ideasfrom him. The old man who worked with the writer yearsago got his ideasfrom hirn. The writer got his ideasfrom an old man who he worked with yearsago. The old man got his ideasfrom the writer who he worked with years ago.

B. Match the information relative clauses.

given and define people and things using

CharlesDickens was an author.

He first reachedAntarctica.

AlexanderBell was a man.

He inventedthe telephone.

Marilyn Monroe was an actress.

She becameIndia's first woman prime minister.

Roald Amundsenwas an explorer.

He wrote

Yuri Gagarinwas an astronaut.

He discoveredpenicillin.

lndira Gandhi was a politician.

He made the first space-flight.

AlexanderFleniing was a man.

She starredin





thermostat thermometer microscope telescope speedometer radiator compass camera calendar

takespictures heatsrooms showswhere North is measurestemperature showswhat the daters controlstemperature measuresspeed helpsyou seedistantobjectsnearer makessnrallthings look big

Example : CharlesDickens ChorlesDickenswos the outhor who wrote 'Oliver Twist'. Example

: thermostat

A thermostot is somethingthal / which controls temperoture. I.

2. -t.


1. u 9.

r0. 11. 12. t -).

14. C. Rewrite / Join the following sentencesusing relative clauses and without changing the meaning. 1. Jim has chosena topic. I wantedthe sametopic for my researchpaper.


can you recommenda car'lIt would be useful in this mountainousarea.


The report causeda greatdeal of discussion.She gave the report at the meeting.



we stoppedour car at a place.we could seethe coming cars well there.


Fruit juice is dangerousfor children.It has artificial colour and sweetener.


Did you enjoy the movie? I had recommendedit'


Over thereis the woman. You met her husbandyesterday'


Do you know the man?The jury gave the first prize to him'


The tie was a horrible colour. I bought it last week'

10. The peoplewere very nice.We went to their house'

11. The book is missingfrom the library. I found that questionin it.

12. I did not have any knowledge of computers until I took the new course. The departmentoffered the coursethis term.

13. The woman is my teacher.You met her son

14" Coachesalwayslook for players.They shouldbe strongand fast.

15. Do you know the girl? I gave my books to her earlier'

16. The gradepleasedrne.I receivedit in my report.

17. The town was really beautiful.we spentour honeymoonthere.

18. This is a well-builttruck.The truck will saveyou money'


19. Theprofessor giveshardtests.I'm takinghis course.

20. The agencyhasgonebankrupt.We boughtour ticketsfrom it.

21. That man is the manager.I complainedto him aboutthe food.

22. I helpedthe people.Their car had broken down.

23. Thereis a shopnearby.You canbuy postcards there

24. She took me to the shop.She buys her clothesthere.

25. Bill met his fiancd in the pub. Studentsoften go there.

26. We have a neighbour.His dog barksall day.

21. The man was on holiday.My fatherwanredto buv his car.

28. Do you know a good disco?We can go thereduring the weekend.

29. They'll meet us at a restaurant.It's acrossthe streetfrom the librarv.

30. I wantto introduceyou to a famouswriter.His lastbookwasa bestseller.

D. Write definitions of the following words using the information given. The first one is done for you. l.


studycharacteristics+composition of substances


a consumer

buy or useanyserviceor product


a hospital

ill peoplelookedafterby nurses+doctors


a paring knife



a hammer

fix nails


Write your definitionshere. l.

of substonces. 2. a



5. E. Read the text and answer the questions using relative clauses. was extremely thin' her Debra Levy is a student at Oxford Polytechnic. A year ago she gave her pills but each face was spotty and her stomachwas always upset. Her doctor new kind only worked for a short time. she was allergicto After shetalked to a friend with the sameproblems,shebeganto think and found out that she foods and chemicals.She went to see a specialist.He testedher was allergic to things that she ate, breathedand touched' like cigarettesmoke Now Debra is better.She takesmedicineand she avoidsmany things sharesher housewith and chemicalsin food, becausethey make her ill. Fortunately.she some friends. They understandher problem and try to help her. job and live in London' There are a Debra is finishing her studiessoon.She wants to get a may have problems lot of jobs in London and some of them interesther a lot. But she there becauseof the Polluted air. 1. What only worked for a short time?

Thepilts who madeDebrathinkshewasallergicto foodsandchemicals? A friend 3.

' Who found out that she rvasallergicto things that she ate,breathedand touched


What does she avoid?


Who doesshe shareher housewith?



Why doesshe want to live in London? Becausethejobs

10.3OMISSION Rewrite/.Iointhe following sentences leaving out the relative pronouns if possible.Do not changetheir meanings. l.

Thesoupwastoo salty.I hadit for lunch.


The waitresswas friendly"Sheservedus clinner.


I havea class.It besinsat 8 a.m.


I don't know the man.He is talkineto Marv.


My daughteraskedme a question.I couldn'tanswerit.


The peoplelive on Elm Street.Ann is visitingthem now


All of the peoplecan cometo my party.I askedthem.

B. The studentsrrissedthe quiz.They cameto classlate.


I know a man.He doesn'thnveto work for a livins.

10. I didn't know any of the people.Johninvitedthem to his party.

I l. A lion is an animal.It lives in Africa.

12. The markethasfrcsh vegetables. I usuallygo there.

I3. Wherecan I catchthe bus?It goesdownrown.


14. I had a good time on the trip. I took it to GlacierNational Park.

15. The noteshelpedme a lot. I borrowedthem from you.

16. The personshould help you with your problem.He is sitting at that desk.

17. The planeleavesat 7 p.m. I'm taking it to Denver.

18. Shelost the pen.Sheborrowedit from me.

19. Here's the brochure.It gives inforrnationaboutholiday resorts.

20. The police arrestedthe girl yesterday.I usedto work in the sameoffice with her.

10.4 REDUCTION Rewrite/Join the following sentences using reduced relative clauses. Use the given clues. l.

Doctor Morton is the head of the ophthalmologydepartment.He operatedon my mother'seye. Doctor Morton


METU is one of the most importantuniversitiesin Turkey. It was founded in l9-56.


The members of Green Peace are standing on the bridge. It cotrnectsthe two continents. The mernbersof GreenPeace


The subwayconstructionmav causetraffic ialns.It is carriedout on EskiSehirRoad. The subwayconstruction


The car has beenfound. It was usedin the bank robbery. The car


A largegardensurroundsthe palace.It is full of tropical trees. The large garden



The paintingshave beenexhibitedin the Louvre. They really attractedrhe attentionof the


Thepaintings 8.

My languageteacherlives in a flat. It looks out on a square. My languageteacher


A man is driving the lorry. He hasjusr passedhis driving test. The man

10. The capital city of Turkey has always been the centre of Anatolian has

beenknownfor centuries for its history. The capital I l. Plasticis an artificial substance. It is mouldedinto shapewhen heated. Plastic 12. Turkish rugs are valued throughoutthe world. They are made by hand over a long period of time.

Turkishrugs 13. The studentsare all boys.They are being punished. The students 14. I am not fond of people.They boastall the time. I am not 15. Many desertshave some geographicalformations.They range from soft hills tojag-eed cliffs. Many deserts

10.susrNc ExpREssroNS oF QUANTTTY Rewrite/Join the pairs of sentencesbelow using relative clauses.Do not change the meaning. 1. He boughthis daughter somebooks.Most of themwereaboutgardening. He 2. A lot of peopletake our languagecourse.Most of them are successful. Most

3. A lot of peopleappliedfor thejob. Not all of themwerequalified. Not all of 4.

There are many grammaticalcontrastsbetweenEnglish and Arabic. The most noticeable of thesedifferencesis in word order. There are many


CharlesDickens wrote a lot of books. Two of them are Oliver Twist and the Tale of Two Cities. CharlesDickens

6. Mrs.Wand'sstudentsare very energetic.Many of them play basketball. Mrs.Wand's 7.

Tom has two pairs of jeans.Both of them needcleaning. Tom

8. A lot of peopleprotestedthe war. Some of them were students. A lot of people 9. Mary hasjust inheriteda lot of money.A little of it will go to the orphanage Mary 10. Last summerwe went to the village to visit my friend's family. All of the membersof the family welcomed us. Last summer

10.6NOUN+OF WHICH below using relative clauses.Do not changethe meaning. Join the pairs of sentences Theflashof it is portable. 1. I haveboughta camera. 2.

In the bedroom,thereis a wardrobe.The doors of it slide.


He has a bicycle.The wheelsof the bicycle are colorful.


The instructorhas assignedstudentsa paper.The aim of it is to see the levels of the students.

in the 5. She is smokinga cigarette.The smokeof it disturbsthe other passengers compartment.

10.7PRONOUNSUSED AS THE OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITIONS using relative pronouns. Rewrite the following sentences I. egi

Sheis the teacher.I have beenwaiting for her.

She is the teocher for whomI hove been woiting. t.

The restaurantwas spacious.We went to it yesterday. The restaurant



I will neverforget the day. You proposedto me then.


This is the safe.They keep theirjewellery there.

I met the man. I receiveda letterfrom him the other day.

il. (You can alsodo the exercises in Part A: 5,7, 8, 10, 1 5 ,1 6 ,1 8P a r t F : 8 , 1 1 ,1 5 ,1 7 , 20,21,23,,24,25,28 in the sameway.)


Read the text and complete the sentencesusing who, whose, which, where. Use each only once.

The marathonis the most famous race in the Olympic Games.Its name comes from a small village in Greece.There was a war betweenthe Greeksand the Persiansthere in the ye:rr490 B.C. When the Greeks won the battle, a soldier ran all the way from Marathon to Arhens ro tell the good news. When the modern Olympic Games startedin 1896, the or-qanisers knew this story. In the Olympic Games today, the finest amateursin the world come togetherand complcte. An amateuris a sportsman.He doesn'tearn any money from sports.Amateurs,however.have to spend a lot of time preparingfor the games.That's why their governrnenrspay fbr their preparation,travel and pocket money.Theseusually cost a lot. The marathonis a famousrace. Marathonwas a small villaee. 3.

An amateuris a soortsman


The governments pay for the athletes' preparation, travel and pocket money.

B. Read the sentencesbelow, underline the relative clause and put commas lvhere necessary.If possibleomit the relative pronouns. l.

Star Trek which is a popularTV serialmade in the 1960's is about the adventuresol'a spaceship and its crew.



The University of California conducteda study that tested22 smellslike vanillin and vinesaron volunteersfrom different countries.


Every summer,hundredsof studentstry to find job opportunitiesmost of which are in seasonalwork usuallvconnectedwith tourism and agriculture.


My eldestsisterwhose ability to play the piano is unbelievablewill be performing at the presidentialpalacenext Saturday.


The hotel where we wantedto stay was fully booked.


The biggestrestaurantin the town which we often go to is near the seaside.


'Four Nigel Kennedyis one of the few classicalmusicianswho interpretVivaldi's Seasons'which hassold more then250.000copiessuccessfully.


Alexandria which is the second largest city in Egypt was built by Alexander the Great on the site of an old fishing village which had a small harbour that was shelteredby the islandof Pharos.


The classroomwhich we hold our lessonsin is verv cold and dark.

10. Ricewhichwe usuallyservewith meatis an importantfood in my country

I l. Johntravelledtwentvmilesto visit his sisterwhich was thoushtfulof him.

I 2. The studentswho the administrationhave chosenfor the quiz show are excusedfrorr classestoday.

C. Rewrite/Join the following using relative clausesand the clues if given. Put commaswherenecessary. If possibleyou can omit the relativepronounsor use the reducedform . Do not changethe meaning. I.

I meta womanat thepartylastnight. Shewasa journalist. The woman




The man was takento hospital.His househad been vandalised. The man


We had to write a report.It was completedin threehours.

The report 4.

I lent you a book. It was written by a friend of mine. The book


You can wash someplasticbowls in the dishwasher.I want one.

I wanta plasticbowl 6. During his lifetime.Picassocreateda lot of paintings. Art critics highly value rhose paintingstoday. During his lifetime,

7. The secretary cantype70 wordsperminute.Mr. Baileyhiredheryesterday. The secretary 8.

Most of the studentsread the book. Their teacherhad recommendedit. Most of the students

9. I spentfive yearsin a school.Thereusedto be only girlsthere. I spent 10. There are paintingson exhibition at the Louvre Museum. Some of them are worth millionsof dollars. There are I 1. The governmentconstructedhousesfor the refugees.The refugeeswere thankful. The refugees 12. The oceansare full of plankton.Most of the plankton are consumedby fish. The oceans 13. The articleis really interesting.It dealswith different typesof friendship. The article 14. A woman gave me piano lessons.The woman'ssisterworked in the bakery. The woman 15. Many peoplecameto the interview.None of them got thejob. None of 16. I gave her a gold chest.The top of it is coveredwith diamonds. I gave 212

D. Fill in each blank with an item from the box below. Do not use all item more than ONCE. whose which that l.

why where whom

who when

on their fourth wedding anniversary,Rod gave a diamond ring to his wife, Beth. madeher very happy.

2 . Mr. Brown is thinking of firing two of the accountantsin the sales department. keep making lots of errorsin the calculations' ['ll neverforget the day This islandis a place


I first had a date. you will like very much.

5 . Jackieinheritecla fortunefrom her elder uncle

wife she hadn'tseenfor

years. 6.

The two men were about to rob the National Bank when the police found out abottt they were hiding. their plans and caughtthem in the cottage


"Mary. I want you to meet Mr. Simpson.He is the man on operatedyesterday.Mr. Simpson,this is my daughter,Mary'

your father

you shouldn'tgo out for a dinnerwith your boy

8. Thereis no reason friend. E.

Write ONE suitable relative pronoun in each blank'

don't like city lif'e.She left London Martha Toclclersis one of the people(l)--_to come back last Vearsago. complaining about the crowd and noise. However, she had she had left years ago becauseher house in the she lived for all thoseyears,completelyburnt down in a fire.

week to live in the flat (2)country,(3)_

insuredher house On her returnto London,shevisitedthe company(4)-had in order to reclaim her loss due to the fire. They have agreedto meet her claim in full- ln addition,if shebuys any new furniture in London, they will transport it free of charge. is suittrble Martha is planning ro srayin her flat in London, somepartsof (5)--for use ns an art studio,so she'sgoing to redecoratethesepartsfor rent as a studio with the help of an old friencl.Martha is keen on art so this will help her feel betteruntil her housein the coulltly is rebuilt.


F. Mark the best choice. l.

She got a letter from the man a) who b) whose


The contract a)b) who


SamuelClemens Sawyer". a) that b) whom


househer parentsvisited last week. c) whom d) that the secretarytyped yesterdayhasjust been signed c) whom d) where was a famousAmerican author.wrote "Tom c) who d)-

He has startedwaking up in the middle of the night, a) this c) that b)ir d) which

5. Theeggs a) which had b) I had

ls very strange.

for breakfastat the cafeteriawere cold. c) who I had d) that had


My sistergoesout with a man a) works b) who he works


I'm going to call about the advertisement paper. a) which saw c) I saw b) saw d) that is seen


Do you rememberthe film a) I told b) which is told

you about? c) told d) that told


I couldn't understandthe woman a) that shegave b) shegave

the conference. c) who gave d) gave

10. I enjoyedthe music a) that listened b) which we listenedto it 1 1 . The people a) who they l i v e b) they live

in last n i g h t ' s

after dinner. c) that we listened d) which we listenedto next door are very friendly. c) live d) who live

with darkglasses 12. Somebody a) who is waiting b) is waiting


in a bank. c) who works d) he works

for you outside. c) that he is waiting d) he is waiting

13. Do you know the woman a) who is marriedto b) that marriedto

c) John is marriedto d) she is married to John

14. This is Tom Jenkins.His parents a) who live b) they live

in Switzerland. c) that they live d) live is an inhospitableand violent piece of land

15. BrabantIsland, nearAntarctica.

a) which the researchteam spentthe winter b) that was the winter spentby the researchteam c) where the researchteam spentthe winter d) who the researchteam spent the winter with 'Hamlet', 16. William Shakespearewas a very famous British playwright. You can see is one of his bestplays,at the Adoelphi Theatreuntil next June. c) which a) that d) whose b) who many people move to urban areas is better

17. One of the reasons educationalfacilities. a) which b) where

c) when d) why makes their times

18. Her husbandhas a wonderful senseof humour, togetherrelaxing and enjoyable. c) which a) that d)b) who of the countries 19. The representatives gatheredto discusstheir governmentpolicies. c) their a) which d) these b) whose

Mark Twain is a writer (20)

unemploymentrates are high

popular all over the world. His

real name was SamuelClemens.Later when he becamea writer. he used the name Mark a term used by river boatmentravelling along the

T w a i n ,( 2 1 ) River.Mark Twain(22) Mississippi Mississippi. In

(2 3 )




in a small town besidethe wrote


. Oneof his stories(24)

an ordinary American boy, Tom Sawyer, (25) trouble all the time. Tom Sawyer's adventures(26)



experiences about gettlng lnto in a small

(27) townbesidetheMississippi,


20. a) b) c) d)

who are books and stories where he has books and stories whosebooks and storiesare which has books and stories

21. a') b) c) d)

that it was which was who he was it was

22. a) b) c) d)

who grew up he grew up where he grew up grew up

23. a) b) c) d)

he never forgot which never forgor who he never forgot that never forgot

25. a) b) c) d)

he kept kept that he who kept

27. a) b) c) d)

whosechildhood Mark Twain spent who spenrhis childhoocrthere whereMark Twain spenthis chilclhoocl which he spenthis childhood rhcre

24. a) it is b) they are c) is d) that are 26. a) b) c) d)


which take place they take place takeplace that they take place

ll.PARTICIPLES A. I. Fill in the blanks with the participlesin the box. UseeachONCE. frightening tired broken

disappointed excited frightened

tiring surprising

surprised confusing annoyin


days of the week. That's why I prefer Mondays at work are the most to go home right after work on Mondays and spend the evening in front of the televisiondoins nothine.


He was


My father'sexplanationsare


I feel very

to seehis teacherin front of him as he wasn't expectingher , they are not very clear.

after giving parties.

5. When Sam learnedthat he could not win a scholarshipto Harvard University, you can he was. He had been working to get it for years. irnaginehow 6.

to see her at the market yesterday.I thought he had tnoved to It was Australialong time ago. aboutthe birth sheis going to give next month.

7. My sisteris very 8.

O u r n e i g h b o u r 'ns o i s ei s v e r y



When she told the children a didn't want to go to sleep.

story, they all got

10. We savethe




chair away.

Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.

newly engaged well-timed colourfullv illustrated

poorly illustrated freshly made recentlYpublished


Nothing can be more deliciousthan




He hasn'tgot any financialproblemsbecausehe has a


lt was a

recently married well-paid


couple are on honeymoonat the Caribbeanislands


book; therewere very few picturesin it.


III. Usethe words in the box to form presentor past participles. behave lieht

frighten last l.

break sight

Most kitchen containersare made of solid rubber becauseit is a long- material.

z.HowdoyoueXpectmetowalkthatfarwiththis-Ieg? 3.

I like December very much because the streets are colourfully- Christmas.


4.Icouldn'tgettosleepforalongtimeafterwatchingthat-film. IV.

Match the words in columns A and B and fill in the blanks with the correct participles. Use each ONCE. A freshly widely recently terribly welltimed


T h i si s a

2. It's a

B done drawn known opened

map. It's impossibleto find our way with it" fact that television has some harmful eff'ects on

children. 3.

This is the most like.

4. Thisprojectis

pub in town. Let's get in and seewhat it is

. Congratulations!

B. I. Mark the best choice. 1.

involved,we decidedto cut acrosstheforest. awareof thedangers c) In spiteof a) Having been d) Althoughwe b) Not being


the curtains,I was shockedto see that my front yard was a mess.A car had into the garbagebins and therewas trasheverywhere. crashed c) Having to open a) Being opened d) By opening b) Opening


YesterdayI went to the school cafeteriawith my friends.There were other studentstherc 'Bridge'. a) play b) were playing


c) played d) playing

[I. Rewrite the following using the correct participle forms. l.

As I didn'tknow his roomnumber,I askedthereceptionist.


He felt sick becausehe had drunk too much.


She finished all the houseworkand then went to her neighbourfor a cup of coffee.


We didn't know what to do so we decidedto ask for someadvice.


He tripped and broke his leg as he was going down the stairs.

6. We had booked our seatsfor the concert,so we didn't have to standin a queuefor hours. ,we didn't haveto standin a queuefor hours. 7. His lawyer warned Jim about the high taxes, which changed his mind about buying anothervilla. , Jim changedhis mind aboutbuying another villa. 8. We did somewindow-shoppingand then decidedwhat to buy.

9. As I didn'tknow what to say.I iust smiled.

10. He didn't have a chanceof winning the tennis tournamentbecausehe wasn't a good player.

11. I cleanedthe living room. Then I startedtidying up the kitchen.

12. I was not interestedto seewhat would happen so I left the meetingearly.

13. As he had witnessedthe crime. he was expectedto give evidencein court.


14. Tourists who intend to spend their holiday in Malta are advised to make earl\ reservations.

III. Changethe words in bracketsinto participle forms. Thebook

l .

(write) by a friend of mine is in the lisr of besrsellers.


(reserve)a table a week in advance,we were seatedimmediately by the headwaiter.


(see)the old man crossingthe street,the driver braked hard


Martin has startedto work for a company.However, _ (have) his own business for many years, he now finds it hard to accept orders frclm another authority.

5 . Romeo,

(believe)that Juliet was dead,decidedto kill himself.

6 . Bob, who got extremelyangry at his boss,went out


door. The president entered the room, guards.

(accompany)by his body *>k*

Last Friday, our teacher took us to the Natural History Museum. First. we toureci the (8) (fascinate)displaysof prehistoricanimals.Then, wc-wenr into











plants. As

fossils we



the on,

earliest ir


(amaze)to seethe displaysof Homo Sapiens.Althou-ehmy

friendsand I were extremely(l l)

(exhaust)at the end of the dav,

we all appreciatedthe knowledgewe had gained. IV. Change the words in the box into participles. hide take

perform tie

park do


I was walking home when I saw a group of people (1) nuclearexperiments(2)_

in the Pacific Ocean.The spokesmanfor

the group was a young man with his hair (3)

standingon a bus (4)

in a pony tail. He was in the middle of the road. As he was

passionatelytalking about the damage (5) otherswere showingphotographs(6) was very showeda sealion (7) Then the police arrivedto dispersethe crowd as they 220


by the experiments. in the test areas.One of them behind arrock in terror.

12.GERUNDSAND INFINITIVES I2.I ALLOW - MAKE - LET Complete or rewrite the sentencesusing the words given in the box in their correct forms. make L



His parentsdidn't let him go out on weekdays. on weekdays.


His parentsdidn't mind if he camehome after midnight. after midnight.

He 3.

When I was in the army, I had to go for a run every morning. every

When I was in the army, they morning. 4.

Brian and Robert are talking abouttheir mothers. wear Brian : I really get angry when my mother work. I from friends father's with my a suit when we are going out for dinner think I'm old enoughto decidewhat to wear on formal occasions. Robert: I definitely agreewith you.


I c o u l d n ' vt i s i t J o h ni n P r i s o n . John in prison.


Tom can only go out to play with his friends after he doeshis homework. His mother always play with hi s friends.


The childrenhad to stay in the room for two hours. The children


leavethe room for two hours.

I'm not allowed to grow my hair long.

My parents 9.

before he goes out to

my hair long.

We have to stay in the office until6 p.m. The

in the office until 6 p.m.

10. We couldn't listento rock music at school' rock musicat school. I 1. Can we take photographsin the museum?

in themuseum?


12. when I was a teenager,my parentsdidn't let me stay out after midnight. When I was a teenager,my parents beforemidnisht. 13. On the plane you can walk aroundafter take-off. On the plane you 14.

after take-off.

We have to speakEnglish in class. Our teacher

15. You can't work abroadif you don't have a work permit.


abroad if you don't have a work

permit. 16.

We had to write our term-paperson the computer. Our teachernever

our term-papersln pen.

17. I'm not allowed to keep petsin my flat. My landlord

18. Secretary Mr. Brown

petsin my flat.

: May I takethedayoff, Sir? : Yes,sure.

Mr. Brown 19. Police officer Driver

the day off. :

You have exceededthe speedlimit. you must pay a fine


Okav. I am verv sorrv

The police officer

12.2ENOUGHAND rOO G. TO) A. Fill in the blanks with ONE word only. My sister'swedding was a disaster.First of all, she decidedto get married very suddenlyso therewas linle time to plan it properly,but still aboutfifty of her friends came to the receprion in her studio. We had severalproblems with the people who organized the reception.For instance,there was ( 1) much coke but there wasn't (2) champagnebecausethey had forgottenmost of the champagnebottles at rhe back of the car My father had to go to the nearestsupermarketto buy some.


There were too questronsrn the exam so most of the studentscouldn't finish answeringthem all on time.



A : Why did they cancelthe board meeting? peopleto hold the meeting. B : There weren't


Tigers are


She is not fast


Complete the sentenceswith the given clues.

dangerousto keep as pets. to win the race.

Mr. and Mrs. Hensonwant to move to a new house. Mr. Henson

What do you think of the housein GreenStreet?

Mrs. Henson

Well, it's a detachedhouseand the gardenis lovely, but it's on a main road. cars.This can be dangerous (l) (too) nolse. for the children.And also (2) (too)

Mr. Henson :

You areright dear.What aboutthe rooms? . It hasgot only

Mrs.Henson : Oh,(3) (enough) two small bedrooms.I don't want to live in a small houseany more.

C. Rewrite the following using the given clues. Do not change the meaning. L

She is too young to travel alone. (enough)

2. The box was too heavyfor me to carry. The box wasn't (enough) 3.

't The problem wasn easyenoughfor me to solve. The problem was (too)


The milk wasn'tcold enough. The baby couldn'tdrink it. The milk was (too)


My car is not very old. It is not considereda classic. (enough)


The text is extremelydifficult. The new studentscannotunderstandit. (too)


7 . Jeremyeatstoo muchjunk food. Jeremy

healthyfood (enough)


This bed isn't very comfortable. I can't sleepin it. This bed (enough)

9 . The exercisewas very difficult The children couldn't do it. The exercise (too)

1 0 .He is quite clever.He can understandwell. (enough) I l . Theseclothesare very old. I can't wear them. (too)

12. He is afraid.He cannottell her the truth. (too)

r 3 . The man is stupid.He believesyou. (enough) IA

| .+.

The story is short.We can read it in one lesson. (enough)

1 5 .That man is very tall. Shecan't dancewith him. (too)

1 6 .The film is frightening.Children shouldn't watch it. (too)

1 7 . The teacherspokefast.We couldn't understandhim. (too)

1 8 .The wind is strong.It will blow the roof off. (enough) 224

19. He hasn'tsot much courage. He can'tbe a mountaineer. He isn't (enough) 20. She is rathershort so shecan'tbecomea model. She (enough) 21. The mountainpath was verv steep. The old farmer couldn'tclimb it. The mountainpath (too) 22. It's very cold so we can't havedinner on the balcony. (enough) 23. She couldn'tcatchup with them becauseshewalked too slowly. (enough) 24. We can walk on the ice-it is thick. (enough) D. Mark the best choice. light.


I can't seeyou very well becauseit's dark and thereis c) more a) not enough d) enough b) too much


to school.he pretendsto be a Although 3-year-oldTom is too young student.Every morning he prepareshis schoolbag and goesto his grandmother,who looks after hirn while his parentsare at work. c) to go a) gorng d) is going b) who goes

3. It is a) b)

too hot hotter

to dig the garden today. c) very hot d) hot

4.Whenwe|efttheparty'wewerestillhungrybecausethere-food. c) wasn'tenough a) wasn'tnearly as much d) was a bit b) was too bad 5.

He was dismissedas he had arguedwith the bossabout the working conditionswhich to put up with, even for a strongand healthyperson. he thoughtwere c) too heavy a) very heavily d) heavyenough b) so heavy


12.3 FORMS OF USED TO A. The Black family have moved from Canada to Switzerland. How are their different? Use used to or didn't use to.


Switzerland They lived in a town. They lived in a small house. They had a dog. Mr.Black was a farmer. They ate healthy food. Their son Andy was very lazy at school. Mr.Black didn't smoKe. Mrs.Blackwasn'tfat. They enjoyedlife. Andy didn't like school. Mrs.Blackwas a housewife.

They live in a city. They live in a big flat. They don't havea dog. He's a salesman. They eat unhealthyfood. He is hardworkingnow. He smokesa lot" She is very fat. They don't enjoy life much. He likes it now. She is a typist.

e9 . The Block fomily used to live in o town, but now they live in o city" 1 z. 1

-). A


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

B . Rewrite the sentences using usedto, get usedto, be usedto. l.

Therewasn'tmuchair pollution15yearsago. much air pollution 15 yearsago.


I eat only vegetablesand fruit. I am accustomedto it. I


I dislikedwearinga uniform when I firstjoined the army,but I don't mind it any more

I 226

a uniform

4. My sisterstarteddying her hair after she graduatedfrom university. when she was at university.

My sister 5.

Cycling to school is somethingthat I find strange. I


Speakingin public is somethingI alwaysdo. in public.

I 7.

They have built an art gallery nearmy flat.


They havepulled down the cinemaon the Main street.


Home computersare not expenslveany more. in the past.

Home comPuters 10. There were a few shoppingcentersin Ankara l0 yearsago'

l0 yearsago.

in a meaningfulway using the correct forms of usedto, get C. Completethe sentences usedto and be usedto. but it's very


Our new neighboursare very noisy. I expect we annoylngnow.


Fred isn't married and he doesn'thave many friends but he doesn't mind it because he alone.


My husbandstartedto travel a lot after he got a new job. At first I found this quite away. difficult but now I


Shelooks sleepy.She

5. There now.

so early in the morning. a languagelaboratoryin that school' but there is one


When I was 8. I


I don't feel well after a big meal.I

8. Tim g.

swimminsbut now I don't. so much. so much coffee.He can't sleepnow.

We f'elt very sad when our teacher changed at primary school, but soon we the new one.

10. At first Janedidn't like schoolbut then



12.4CAUSATIVE VERBS A. complete or rewrite the following sentences(usethe cluesif given). l.

Theycleanmy coatat thedry cleaner's. at the dry cleaner's.

2. How often 3.

you / your teeth/ check)?

Winter is around the corner, but Tom (yet / the centralhearing/ insrall).

4. A

: I've spilledred wine on my new dress.

B : Don'tworry.You can that getsout even the most stubbornstains. 5.

(clean). I know a _{oodplace

Has anyoneever testedyour eyes? Have you ever


Mary is visiting her friend Melanie. Mary

: Your houselooks wonderful.

Melanie : Yes, I have. I paid a lot of money to the decoratorsbut I guessit's worth it. I really like the new look. 7.

I am going to a doctor. He is going to take my blood pressure. I am going to


The doctor wantedthe X-ray of my stomachon Saturday. I

on Saturday

9. Your houseneedspainting. You should 10. I never wash my car myself. I

(always) 1 1 .M a r yw i l l

(herhair / do) beforeshegoesto the party.

12. Itake my car to the garageto be servicedevery six months.

13. Someworkersarerepairingtheleakin our roof now We 14. In mosthypermarkets, theyentertain yourchildrenwhile you'reshopping. In most hypermarkets,you can

shopping. 228

while you're

15. Ourteacher'dbetterexplainthecausativesagain.Someofuscouldn'tunderstandit. We should

B. Completethe sentencesusing the words in the box. UseeachONCE. have l.

Can you wash the car? I'll give you f 1 to do it. Father : Oh, all right. : Tom Tom's father

2. Sue and Jim's wedding photographswere taken at a photographicstudio. Sue and Jim

12.5VERBS OF PERCEPTION Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. l.

My grandfatheris sleepingin his bedroom.I can hearhim


When we walked past his housewe heardhim

3. I sawher

( snore) (practice)the tlute. lleave)

(steal)the golden necklaceand

the shop immediately. 4.

It was a great pleasureto seemy uncle year.

(win) the tennis match last


I was frightenedwhen I heardthe door

(open) at rnidnight.


While I was walking down the street,I suddenlyheardsomeone 'Help!'


As I was running pastthe tenniscourt, I noticedsomechildren tennis.

(trickle) down my back

I feel the drops of sweat

1 0 . I s a wS u e


(fall) into the lake.

8. Theysawher 9.

( shout)

(read)mv lettersin my bedroom.

I l. Bird watchers observe wild birds


in their natural

surroundings. 12. I felt something 13. We watched a caterpillar (fall) down.

(move) on my neck and screamed. (crawl) up the leg of a chair and


14. N{y cat 'Pussy'enjoyslisteningto me asleep.

(sing) a song bcfore it titlls

15. When I got home lateat night,I found my youngersister the sofa.

( s l e e p) o l l

)F ,< t<

Lasi Mondav I


sitting on


balcony and watching sorne chilclren (play; hopscotcli in the garden when I noticed a car ( 1 1) (come)down the road and flB) (stop) on thc.other side. just opposite my house. There were three men in the car. I hearcl one ol' theln (1 e ) (yell) for help.Then I saw anotherone (20)___ (ser our) o1 the car and (2 I ) ( e n t e r )o u r b u i l d i n g . S u d d e n l l , I h e a r d r n v c l o o r b e l l (22) (ring) and smelr something(23) ( b u r r r ) .I g o t i n t o (l6)

panic ancl thought that I

shouldn't open the door. But then I (knock)on the window and (2-5)


heard ' nrnci-, t h l c u k) i t

That'sall I canremember. when I openedmy eyesI wasin hospital. 12.6REVIEW OF GERUNDSAND INFINITIVES A. Mark the bestchoice. l.

Joanneforbadeher youngerbrother a.)entering b) thathe wouldn'tenter

her room c) not to enter d) to enter

2. Many parentsdon't approveof their children a) to comlng c) coming b) come d) to come 3. The salesman showedus a) for using b) how to use 4.

A razor is somethingthat you use for a) shave b) shaving

5. A : What would you like B : White wine.please. a) drinking b) to drink 6-

the washingrnachine. c) the working of d) to work

c.)to shave d,tshavingit ? c) a drink d) drink

Jamesis very proud of his father,who was the first person his farnily. a) -qraduating c) to -qraduate b) that havegraduated cl) havin-eto graduate


home aftermidnighr.

frorn a universityin


to her

Alrhough he had a fight with Michelle earlier,Joshis still hoping barbecueparty. c) for beinginvited a) he is invited d) to be invited b) to havethe invitation

B. Fill in the blanks using either the gerund or the (to) + infinitive fbrms. I. (change).


I don'trnindmy office


I forgot


You know me. However,I don'tremember


I'll never forget wonderful.


Call me wheneveryou think the grassneeds


I called Mum on our way to Michigan, when we stopped someoetrol.


I have neverregretted


If you calt't concentrateon your work anymore, try help. shower.That rni-eht



(take)the books back to the library today. (rneet)you

(watch) the sunset over Lake Victoria. It rvas

(cut). (get)

(tell) the truth. (take) a

(buy) the ticketsbeforethey are sold ot-tt.

10. My instructoradvisedme items every day.

(make) a list of the new vocabularl

I l. I had to finrshnry drink in the hall as they don'tallow peoplethe cinemawtth beverages.



stopped i2. We decidedto sell the piano as my daughtc'r' lessolts vcilrs ilgo.

TI. I.

(buy) becauseit was

I was told that the car wasn't wortlt verv old.

2. Thereis no point rn You shouldn'thavedrivenwhile you were drunk'

(cry) over the accidentnow.

-1. Don't throw away thosegift wraps. You can use them for books. -1. A : Arnold doesn'twzrntto come rvith us. He doesn'tfeel like out today. B : That'sokal'.He canjoin us anothertime.

( c o V e)r v ( ) u r

( g t t)


We'veboushta new house.It's in very good condition exceptfor the garage,which needs (paint).


6. A: B:

How did you manageto get here so fast? we skipped lunch and drove past alr the restaurants. we (fill) the tank at a gas station.

only stopped

*** Dear Aunt Mary. Finally,I've managed(7)

(find) someonewho is genuinelyinterestedin the

research that I'm doing. The biology professors at my university are all too busy


(help) me. They are only concernedabout (9)

(publish) their own material.ProfessorGreenberg,from Boston College. however, took m1 researchvery seriously.He even offered (10)

(let) me use rhe facultv lab fbr

my experiments.You know, that'sactuallyagainstthe rules.They do not permit studentsf1om other universities to (l l)


experiments in


labs. I


appreciate him

(be) so involved in my project. He supportsme in whateverI do ancl

has encouragedme ( l2)

(write) about the results in next month's issueof


Many people must have dreamedof (13)

(own) a small house in a foreisn

country. Others, with even bigger ideas and a lot more money, may even have consiclered

(t4 ) (l 5 )





case, it


absolutely essential

(know) a great deal about the value of property-otherwise the buyer

may be at the mercy of dishonestagents. Some tourists, however, are so foolish that nothing can prevent them fiom

(16) (l7)

(be) cheated. About 3 years ago a Japanese tourist attempted (buy) the Collosseumin Rome. His agentstold him rhar the buildine

was in need of repair but it was well worth (18)

(spend)money on a

buildinglike that.Theyrooka depositof 200,000liret andtold him that they would complete thearrangements thatevening.ThepoorJapanese touristagreed(19) themat a certainhotelthateveningbut,of coursetheynevercame. ***



Maria and Sally are talking on the phone. Maria

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Janet'ssuddenlygot married.


Oh, nol Not to that dreadfulman she was going out withl His nameis Peter,isn't it'l


Yes, that'sthe one, I'm afraid.


That's awful. What a huge mistake she's made! It's simply impossible for me (understand)what made her (21) (decide) to (20) (be) do a crazy thing like that.Can you imaginehow terrible (22) marriedto him would be?




begin to imagine it. Actually, I did my best (stop) her. I told her months ago to stop (see) him, stubbornly refused but she (take)my advice.You know how head-strongshe is.


(23) ()4\

(2s) Sally

I certainly do. You are not the only one who tried to save her from disaster.I (put off) myself urged her severaltimes to considerat least(26) (get) married until they knew each other better. Now (21) it has turned out that I wasted my time. When Janet makes up her mind. it isn't (try) to changeit. worth even (28)


Well, shechose(29)

(rush)into this ridiculousmarriase

insteadof listeningto us. Now she'lljust have to live with the consequences. **>k

Jack bought this lovely new housein the woods. Since he has refused(30)


down any trees,there are no paved roads going to his house.Therefore,visiting him means


(hike) at leasttwo hours in the rugged country from the station.However.

I like Jack,so I finally made up my mind (32)

(33) was no use (35) attempted(36)

(walk) so far but I dreaded(34)

(pay) him a visit. I didn't mind (find/not) him at home. It

(call) him becausehe never answers the phone. I

(reach)him by (37)

(leave) messageson his

answeringmachine.Did he acknowledgethem? No! At any rate, one day I decidedto take a (ring) the bell all out of breathand the

chance.To this day, I still remember(38)

relief I felt when I saw Jack with a glassof cold beer in his hand. Jack, as cheeky as ever,

said,"Hey buddy,I hopeyou didn't forget(39)




Dear Maria, I know you hate (40)


(tell) what to do but I just can't help

(give) you a few words of advice before you leave for

England. I think the first thing for you to do when you get there is to find a nice family


(stay)with. When I was in England,I realizedthat while some

families allow their guests (43)

(do) more or less what they want,

othersmay insist on their (44)

to (45)

(do) all sortsof houseworkin addition

(look) after the kids. As the program of rhe English course

that you'regoing to attendwill probablybe very loaded,you won't be able to spenda lot of time 146)

(help) the family with the housework.

This is why I want you to consider (47)

(stay) with the Wimbledon. Mrs. Jacksonis a wonderful person. If you can get a room there,you needn't(48)

(worry) about anything!During my stav wrth

them. I really had a good time. Mrs. Jacksonwill help you a lot with your homework. and I'm sureyou'll get a lot of chance(49)

(practise) yourEnglish.

Well, that'sall I want to tell you for the time being. I hopeyou will makethebest of your stay in England.Hope to hearfrom you soon. Roberto


Why do you look so miserable? I've beenon a diet for a week and I haven'tbeen able to lose any weight so farl


Why don'tyou try (50) a park so it's a good idea(51)


(take) some exercise? Your house is close to (go) jogging thereevery morning.

My doctor has suggestedthe same thing but I loathe (52) early in the morning!

Well,if I wereyou,I'd (53)



( g e t )u p

(take)my doctor'sadvicemoreseriouslv!

C. Complete the sentencesusing the clues if given. A : What is this stranseinstrument? B : I guessit's somethingused(1) 2.

(make) holes in paper.

Alice is unhappywith the room serviceat the hotel. She wants to complain about it to the porter.You know that this won't solve the problem.What do you say to her? to the porter.

It's no 3.

You draw straiehtlines with a ruler.

A ruleris used 4.

Barry is at a stationery. Barry

: I want to buy somethingwhose name I do not remember.It is a white liquid in a small plasticbonle. We

mistakes. The stationer : I see.I guessyou wantTipp-ex.Hereyou are.It is $3. 5.

Simonwisheshe hadn'tsoldhis car. Simon regrets


I like playing tennismore than swimming. I'd rather


It's no use applyingfor thisjob unlessyou have all the necessaryqualifications. There is no


I'm grateful to him becausehe took me to the airport. I appreciate


William can do betterwork. William is capable

10. 'We shouldtake the train'. said Sue. Sue suggested 11. Despitethe new law, peoplewent on taking the drug. The new law didn't prevent

12. I'm sureI'll pass,but I'm still worriedaboutmy examresults. I can'thelp I 3. Don't take a showerbeforeyou go jogging; it is pointless! There

before you go jogging


14. He starteddrinking after he got the sack. beforehe sot the sack. (usedto) 15. My father cannotcook well.

My father (good at) 16. I don't have enoughmoney,so I cannotbuy thisjacket. (afford) 17. Mary doesn'tput her books away. Mary leaves (1ie) 1 8 . I d o n ' tk n o w h o w to write computerprogramswell. I'm not very good 19. Peopleinterruptme while I am working. I hateit. I

(can'tstand) 20. " Don'tforgetto lock thedoor, will you ?" Alice saidto Robert. Alice (remind) 21. It took her threehours to cleanthe house. She

(spend) D. Fill in the blanks using the words in the box. Don't forget to make the necessary changes. be







Her boss.Mr. Rodgers,accusedMary (1)

money fiom the safe.

However, when the real thief was caught, he felt sorry (2) in





colleagues. No


so rude, Mr.




at her many




Rodgers could not prevent Mary













till 7 p.m. during the week, arrangingmeetings.writing

reports and dealing with customers. SometimesI even go to the office at weekends Nowadays,I'm so exhaustedthat I do not feel (6)

I have always dreamt (7)


mv summer holidav in Hawaii.

Yesterday when my husband came home with two plane tickets to Hawaii, I couldn't believeit. To tell the truth, it was the best surpriseI had ever had. You just cannot imagine how much I'm looking forward (8)

there.I'm happy that finally

my dreamwill come true.


13.CONNECTIVES 13.1EXPRESSINGCAUSEAND EFFECT USING SO / SUCH ... THAT Rewrite the following without changingthe meaning.Use the clueswhere given. l.

I wasworriedaboutmy exams.I decidedto stayat homeandstudy. (so/that)


His excusewas silly . I didn'tacceptit. He madesuch


The book was very interesting.I finishedit in one day. It (such/that)


He is very hardworking,so he neverfails his examinations. He is such


The performancewas very successfuland the audienceapplaudedfor fifteen minutes.

t,. 6.

He was a very successfulstudent.He graduatedin only threeyears. (so/that)


Hearingthe bad news,Martha startedcrying. It

Martha startedcrying. (such/that)


The cake was very delicious.She ate threepieces. The cake was (so/that)


There was a very densefog. The driverscouldn'tseeanything. It was (such/that)

10. The party was very dull so the guestsleft early. It (such/that) I l. He was driving too fast. He couldn'tstop at the red light. He (so/that)


13.2EXPRESSINGPURPOSEUSING SO THAT,IN ORDERTO AND BECAUSE A. Usebecauseor so that and match the letters with the numbers. eg.

We had to use candles becauseK.


Johnis going to Paris


The army is changingsomerules


The parliamentpasseda new law


Mary got a new job


Richardhasbousht a dishwasher

6. '7.

Susanhas sot contactlenses We have to learn English


I am trying to savemoney


Sally went shoppingyesterday

10. We plantedsomerosesin the garden

A. Women can becomesoldiers. B. We can get a betterjob. C. Shewasn'thappywith her old one. D. He wantsto practicehis French. E. She wanted to buy a new dressfor the party. F.

Governmentoffices won't wastemoney.

G. My mother loves them. H. I can buy a new car next year. L

Shecan't useglassesin the lab.


His wife won't have to spendso much time in the kitchen.

K. The electricity went off. B.

Complete/ Rewrite the following without changing the meaning. Use the clues where given.


As they do not want to leavefingerprints,most thieveswear gloves. Most thieveswear gloves so that

2. Eat something.Otherwiseyou might feel hungryduringthe exam. Eat somethins so that 3.

You should handle the saucepancarefully becauseotherwise your hand might get burnt. You


(sothat) 239


Mrs. Williams had a nervousbreakdownbecauseher husbanddied suddenlv. Becauseof


Peopledo bungeejumping as a way of bringing someexcitementinto their lives.

jumpingso asto Peopledo bungee 6.

I didn't tell him the rest of the story.I didn't want to causeanv trouble. (so as to)


Strict measuresshould be taken so that rare speciesare not overhunted

(soasto) C. Rewrite these sentencesusing so that. l.

Be quiet!I wantto hearwhatSharonis saying.


Last week Mary and Jane hired a baby-sitter.They wanted to be able to go to a dinner party.


YesterdayI put the meat in the oven at 5:00. I wantedit to be ready by 6:30.


She casheda chequeyesterday.She wanted to make sure that she had enougli monev to go shopping.


They hurried.They didn't want to be late for the meeting.


We locked the door. We wanted to be safe.


I speededup. I wanted to overtakethe car in front of me.


Standup. I cannotseeyou.


Pleaseturn up the radio. I want to listen to the news,too.


10. The governmentwantedto build new blocks of flats. Therefore,they pulled down the old ones.

11. Anne tied a string around her finger becauseshe didn't want to forget to take the books shehad borrowedback to the library.

12, All motor vehiclesshoulduse unleadedpetrol so as to reduceair pollution.

thebabyis sleeping. 13. Turn downthemusicbecause

D. Completethe sentences. 1. Theyarrivedearlyin orderto in order not to catchgermsfrom their patients.

2. 3.

We decidedto build a bridge so that


We had to book ticketsfor the performancebecause


We've installedclean air equipmentso as not to


I'll get to the point straight-awaybecause

E. Give reasonsusing in order to, so that and because eg.Jane sold her car and bought a bicycle in order to savemonev. so that she wouldn't set stuck in traffic iams. becausepetrolbecamevem exoensive. 1. Peterbought a housein the country


Mary decidedto join a dramaclub


Bill decidedto retire earlY





Vince wants to buy a comDuter


14.EMPHATIC STRUCTURES 14.1CLEFT SENTENCES A. Rewrite eachremark as a cleft sentence.Usethe words given. 1. The "Sunflowers"waspaintedby Van Gogh,not by Gaugin. , not Gaugin

It 2.

David neverapologizesfor his mistakes.I can'tstandthat about him. What


I got to the bookstoreand then I realizedthat I didn't have any money. It

(until) 4.

's aboutglobalissues,andI like that. raiseawareness Bennetton advertisements The thing

5. "Exodus" was sungby Bob Marley, not by Geldof.

It 6.

, not Bob Geldof.

Computersrarely work properly,which I hate. The thing

B. Rewrite the following statements by changing the focus of information in each so that the focus is on the underlined section. 1. He wants to -qetmarried. What 2.

(41e wore her bestdressto the party last night It


Kate wore her bestdressto the party last night. II

4. Kate wore her bestdressto the party last night. It 5.

Kate wore her bestdressto the party last night.

It 6.

The closecontactwith the customersmakesthejob interesting. What


I only want l0 minutes'rest. All 243


I saw somethingvery appealing. What

9. His inconsistency stopped us. What 10. I don't understand whv he boasts. What I l. Dorothyisn't the manager;Mary is. It

12. I didn'tlosemy purse;I lostmy creditcards. It

my credit cards.

I 3. I haven't beento Europe;I have beento India. It 14. He isn't studyingengineering; he's studyingeconomics It t5. I am not crazytyou are! It 16. You don't needencouragement; you need determination. It 17. Shedoesn'tlove ysu; shelovesBill. It I 8. I needa pen. What

19. I like theway shetreatspeople. What 20. I hatehis attitude. What

21. Joggingkeepsmefir What 22. Chtldren usually suffer the most after a war. It


; i t ' sy o u

23. I first saw the film which won two Oscarsin London. It 24. Talking to Smith really inspiredme to startwriting a new book. What 25. Bill brokethe newsto me. It

l4.2INVERSIONS A. Agreewith the following. 'Nor/Neifher 'I wasn'f amazed-' eg:

was Harcy.' thewine.



Z. 'Marvlookstired.'

you. the motorbike.


The bike has sot two wheels.and


Penguinscan't fly, and




Jenniferwon't be hereon time. and

her friends.


My mother doesn'tlike coffee,and

my father.

8. 9.


don't like going to discos.'



my sisterand Jane.'

The president will fly to America and oresident.

10. Nobody smokes in our family and Roger'sfamily.

the I ice-

the mernbersof

B. Disagree with the following.

eg: We didn't speak Turkish in class. Didn't you? f did. 1. We usedto eat in the cafeteria.


Tom's mother makeshirn drink milk beforehe soesto bed.


I havepaid the bill.



The childrenwill eo to bed early.


We had to sweepthe leavesout of the garden.


Rita and Roger had forgottento lock the front door


We are eatingpizza tonight.


I can't go out tonight.

9^ John wasn't taking a photograph.

C. Mark the best choice. a proper sentencebefore he is two yearsold. 1. Rarely c) doesa child make a) makesa child d) a child makes b) a child speaks 7. a) b) 3.

b) d)

The ceilinghung Hung the ceiling

The police said that the man was extremelydangerousand that on no account c) he shouldn't be approached a) he shouldbe approached d) should he be approached b) he be approached


a) b) 5.

dustpansand brushes. Hung on the ceiling On the ceiling hung

that everyoneleft the auditorium. c) Monotonouslydid he speak He spokemonotonouslyso d) Did he speakso monotottously So monotonouslydid he speak

, that part of the city wouldn't have beenflooded. c) If precautionswere taken a) Were precautionstaken d) Had precautionsbeen taken b) If precautionshad taken

I would never again need to worry .0"", ;.;ture! from friends on any account,and still less_(7)contrary,under no circumstances _(8)_ my luck was soon to change.



need to borrow rnoney

on the favours of rich relatives!On the

on any person.But _(9)_

at the time that

--(10)_ Exchange.--(

come into the money when the sharesfell drastically on the Stock I 1)---_ to enjoy my wealth than I was againreducedto my former state

of poverty. I waited in vain for the shares to regain their former value' but never that money alone does not that feeling of suddenfortune. -_(13)_(12)_ lead to happinessand success,and thinking back over this episodein my life, I rarely wish that I were a miln of fortune. 6.

a) Would I not b) Would I c) I would not d) I would


a) b) c) d)

I would feel financiallydependent financiallydependentwould I feel dependentwould I feel financially would I feel financiallydependent

10. a) Had I scarcelY b) ScarcelyI had c) I had scarcelY d) Had scarcelYI 12. a) b) c) d)

againwas I to exPerience was I to exPerienceagain I was to exPerienceagain againI was to exPerience

would I be dependent I would be dePendent dependentwould I be dependentI would be


a) b) c) d)


a) little did I know b) did I know little c) little I did know d) I did know little

I l. a) I no soonerhad begun b) No soonerhad I tregun c) No soonerdid I begin d) I no soonerbegan 13. a) b) c) d)

Did I realiseonly aftervearsof hard work I did realiseonly after yearsof hard work Only after yearsof hard work I did realise Only after yearsof hard work did I realise

D. Rewrite these sentenceswithout changing the meaning' eg.

I have never heard a weaker excuse! Never have I heard a weaker excuse,

1. If they were to enactthat law, therewould be a chaos'


If the policehad found out, you would reallyhavegot into trouble.


If you shouldbecomeawareof anything,let me know'


If he has stolenanything,he will have to be fired'


If I had known the truth, I would haverejecteddoing it'


If Bill had not droppedhis keys,he would have managedto enterthe house


E. Answer the following in the sentences. l.

questions emphatically,


the necessary changes

Is it true that the police sometimesdoubtedhis innocenceof the murder'l Not for one moment

2. Is it possible that you will investall your money in that companyagain? Neveragain 3.

Do you believewe should constructmore factoriesin this district? On no account


Is it true that environmentalpollution has takenplace beforethis decade? Not until this decade


Is it likely that such quantitiesof snow have often fallen here during winter months'J Rarely


Do you think there were more rabiescasesin this part of the country than in that industrial city? Nowhere


Is it your opinion that we can save the factory by other means than rnaking rvolkers redundant?

Onlyby 8.

Would you say you have in any way encouragedpeopleto exhibit offensivebehaviour'l In no rvay

9" Is it true that the colonel helpedto plan the curfew and did not supportedthe idea of coLrp d'etat? Not only 10. Do you think the prime ministerwill gain popularityby enactingnew laws and fieezing

prices? Neitherby ll. They had hardly finished their work when rhe visitorsarrived. Hardly 12. They scarcelytell us what is going on. Scarcely 13. She had no soonerenteredthe room than she was told aboutthe bad news. No sooner


14. I realisedhis absenceonly after I was told aboutit. Only after t5. The boy was watchingme behindhis mother. Behind 16. I realisedonly then that I had forgottenmy briefcaseat home. Only then I 7. I have seldombeensubiectto suchan indecentassault. Seldom 18. I had no soonerswitchedon the TV than the liehts went out. No sooner 19. Mary was not onlv late.but shehad also left all the documentsat home Not only 20. I've neverheardsuch a faulty statement. Never 2 1. I understoodthe hiddenmessagein the fihn only after readingthe critics. Only after 22. It matterslittle to me what peoplethink of my attitude. Little 23. You should not invite him againunder any circumstances. Under no circumstances 24. The studentnot once did his homework. Not once

25. An individualrarelyseizesan opportunitylike theonethatTom has. Rarely


15.GENERAL REVISION I5.I CLOZE TESTS Fill in eachblank with oNE word. contractionsare consideredas one word.

I Bill: (1)

you at the meetingyesterday?


No, I (2)


why not?


Well, two policemen(3) took me to the police sration.


The police station?Why?


I don't know. They asked me a lot of questionsabout my neighbour Mr. West (4)--flats are on the samefloor. (5) flat is opposite my flat.


What kind of questionsdid the policemenask?


"Do you know Mr. West?" "Has he got (6) sistersor brothersin thts town?" "(7) visits him at the weekend?"You know. questionslike that.


That'sstrange.Very strange.

go there.

to my houseyesterdayafternoonand they

z A

Can you tell us aboutyour hobbies,Mr. Holmes?


Well, I spendmost of my free time (l) the music of Mozart very relaxing.


What about sports?




to classicalmusic.I find

Oh, I'm quite lazy. so I don't do much sports.I sometimesgo (Z) swim, but that'sall. I'm more interestedin socialwork. however.In fact. I'm an adviser for a self-help group. We meet (3) two weeks with the foreign studentson our campusto discusstheir daily problems And what about...


What do you ( l )


I enjoy(2)

in your sparetime?

a lot, so I usually go for a walk in the forest when I'm free.Also, I (3) a lot of reading,especiallydetectivestories.I think they are very interestingand help me to relax when I'm on the bus returnins honte iiom work. 250


: Do you PlaYa musical(4)




: D o y o ul i k et 7 )

piano' Actually' I'm quite good Yes, I do. I can play (5)-----_.-.---(6)-playirrgit.We'vegotapianoinour|ivingroomandlpractise wheneverI can. for example,things like sweatersand cardigans

for your children? for them" No. I don't, becauseI don't know how to do that. I alwaysbuy sweaters




the sun, I

protect myself (2)



lons-sleevedshirts ever since I read an afticle about the big hole in seriousthe situationrs. the ozone layer. The article made me realize (4)


L Teresa : Mario, how do you get to work every morning? Mario

train becausefirst of all. trains : Well, I Prefertravelling ( l) And also, I can afford are always on time ro th.y are (2)-. It (3)-' very the fare because trains aren't only about$2 on weekdaYs. (4)

Teresa : Mario

they are : Yes, they do indeed. That's why they cannot speed up and so (5) . The journey (6)--------.----------_- about l'5 hours l a t w o r k a t 9 : 0 0 . B u t t h c y s c c n rt L ) ..r*,rr. z:o r*itrr \1) have almostno accidentsso they are (8)

Teresa : Mario

But trains stop at every singlestation,don't they?


It must be difficult to find a seatduring the rush hour. . but I think the train is the cheapest. Yes, theY are a bit (9) travelling' way of safestand most comfortable

9. He n e e d s( l ) (3)

pen and (2) books.

4. My room 5.

paper,but he doesn'tneed

She'sgot too meansshecan't studYat all

west,so it's sunnYall afternoon. friends so she spendsall her time with them, which


7 Adventuretravel is travelyou can experiencewith all your senses.The adventuretravelleris a p e r s o n( l ) him/her


independentmodes of transport that enable go

where and when s/he pleases. The

\2) (3)

travelling to



be very


adventure traveller often you




independent and self-sufl'icient. If


with another person, make sure you choose your l,r-iencl

carefully. In remote places you (5)

probably be the focus of

interest. so make sure you are always patient with the local people.


a guide will



lead you inro a new excitin-g worlcl

you might misson your own.

If you cycle,you (8)


have to carry a heavypack on your back. you

put yourthingsin the pannierof the bicycle. You can go grearer

distancesthan (10)

foot, but at a speedthat enablesyou to seeirncl


g Dear Kate. I finally have the information we need about our trip to Montreal. N o w w e h a v e t o decideif we should take the train or the bus. The bus ( t ) morning and it (2)


at 8 : 3 0i n t h e

in Montreal at 5:35 p.m. every day. The rrain

to Montrealat 9 p.m.. A return ticket on the busis (4)


than a train ticket. The bus ticket

$ 105 and the train $ 120



expect the



be more comfortable.And also the food service on the trarn is


thanit is on the bus. We also have to decide where to stay in Montreal. There (8)

severalkinds of placesto stay in. We can stay at a bed and breakfast or at a hotel suchas the Centre International.The Centre International(9) and 5 different restaurants.In fact, it is Montreal's (10) many rooms. Pleasecall or write soon to let me know what you think. Your friend. Carla.


got 200 roorns hotel with so

9 The Red Pepper The Red Pepperis a very good restaurant.You find delicious food there and the there with a friend of mine last week.

I (l) pricesarereasonable.

lamb with fresh vegetablesand a salad. The lamb

We (2)

very good but there wasn't (4)


oil and

vinegar on the salad,so I askedthe waiter to bring some more oil and vinegar.For dessert we

had a wonderful piece of

chocolate cake. There were too

customersbut becauseit is a large restaurantwe found a table


open so you can go there at any time of

by the window. It is (6)

the day. Also it's very convenient as it is near the city centre. You can go there only a few minutes.

foot. It (8)-_


l0 Newarkis a small collegetown of about 26 residents.The university campus is in the center of







residents are

students. Newark

a lot of facilities for the students.(2)


are many c6fes; studentscan go to thesec6fes in the evenings.The most popular otle is Main


Street. It's

called CSfe Brew




Pizza Grotto and The Buttery Restaurant.In the center of the


is a large departmentstore and some small shops lbr

town, (5) general

merchandise. such








near the sea coast so studentshave to take a bus to go to the

beach. The journey takes about 2 hours. Actually students(7) often go to the beachfor swimming as there'sa very big swimming pool on the campus


Martin is my mother's elder brother. He's my favourite

among my mother's family. Martin is rnarried(9) andLinda (10) (l l)

Linda. Martin

have any children. I often visit thern becausethey

in a housequitenearours.I reallyenjoybeingwith thern

1 2 . My sisterdoes not like wearing a skirt. She

wears it on special

occassionssuch as weddingsor formal meetings.


l1 My


brother lives in a detached house (l) westand hasa (3)

Before you buy a dressit is betterto (4) in thatcaseit will not (5)

the country. His house of a lovely park.

it on. The sizemay not be right and


l2 Peoplespendtheirfreetime doingcertainactivities. Theseactivitieschangedepending on the interestsof people.My brother,for example.enjoys (1)


spendsmost of his tirne in front of the computer trying to (2)

the highest

points.I can'tunderstand what is so interestingaboutcomputergames.I personallythink they are very (3) (4)

. I prefer doing other things in my spare time. For instance.I a lot of reading.I also like (5)

for a walk. especiallyat

theweekends. l3 My brotherrs a waiterin a MexicanRestaurant. He (1) Althoughhe doesn't(2) hewill be(3)

with customers. much money,he likes his job very much.He erpects to headwaiter. t<**

I'm a mechanic.I can (4) all kinds of cars.I (5) monthsago and I haven'tfound a new one yet. I have applied(6) andif I'm luckyI'll (7) one of them.

m y . j o bt w o severaljobs

l4 Mary Goldman startedworking as an administrativesecretaryat the White House. Due to her positionat work, she cannotdress(l)

she likes. She has to be nrim and

proper and wear smart skirts,jackets or dresseseveryday.Last week. Mary went shoppingand


new clothes.When she got home. she realizedthat one of

the skirts she had bought had a stain on it. Mary took the skirt back to the shop the next clay Sheaskedfor a (3)

refusedto give her moneyback , but the shopassistant

becauseMary had lost her (4)

. Mary did not say anythingas she knew it

was her fault, not the shop assistant's. >r**

Sting,who was (5)

holidaylastAugust,cameto Istanbulwith his familr

and the membersof his band.They wantedto seethe beautifulsightsof the city so theyjoined an

(6) a
round Istanbul, which


specially organised f or

them.They also had a chanceto tastethe delicious(7)


as gigkebaband mantr.Sting and someof the peoplein the group bought carpets.rugs or lucky charmsas (8)

to help them rememberthe days they spent in


15 MiddleEastTechnicalUniversityhasgot oneof the largestlibrariesin Ankara.Unlessyou becomea member. you are not allowed to ( 1)

books from the librtrry.

They let you keep a book for two weeks.If you don't (2) are madeto (3)

it after two

a fine.

If you want to make a call from a public phone box, all you need is a phone card or coins.

First you pick up the (4) (5)

and insert your card or coins. Therr

the number and wait for the Dersonto answer.Sometimesthe line

may be (6)

becausethe person is talking to somebodyelse. In that will have to try again.

t6 Tonight Linda and Tom are going to celebratetheir third anniversary.Linda wants to cook somethingspecial.Her friend has given her a recipef or Lusagneul.fonto . At the mornent. she is in the kitchen putting the ingredientstogether.She has flour, mushroorns,ground meat and onions.Linda needsthreeeggsbut therearen't (l)

eggs ln

the fridge so she has to go to the market.Lasagneal Jbrno is (2) hot. That's why she'll prepareit an hour before Tom comes home Linda hooesit will be deliciousand Tom will like it. This morning therewas too (3)

traffic on Main Streetso it took Bob

one hour to (4)

to work. When he enteredhis office, Bob saw that

his bosswas angry rel="nofollow">kt<*








popular restaurants in



hzive to

a table before you go there; otherwise,you may have difficulty

finding a place.Last night we went thereto celebrateour friend'sbirthday.

We (6)

French salad and steak.The steak was delicious but there


saucefor the salad so we asked the waiter to bringus

some more. Everythingwas greatuntil we askedfor the (8)

. It was

too high. I don't think we'Il go there again. It was much (9) expensivethan we had expected.


t7 I don't want to rememberthe days I spentat the boarding school.Every morning the teachers (1) us get up at six and run five kilometres. Afterwards. all the pupils


to take a shower. Although the teachersencouragedus to cliscussour

problemswith them (3)

we wanted, we were never (4)


complainabout anything. A couple of yearsago, we were tlying to the Hawaiian Islandswhen we had a narrowescape-" r5r our flight, we hit a storm and the plane was shaketr fbr aboLit fivc minutes.Everybody.(6)

for me, was so lrightenedthut thel were sclcr.rrrrirrg.

The pilot said that the engine had stopped and the plane was out of control. Luckilv, thc enginestartedand the pilot managedto land the plane safelvat the airnort.

18 CatStevens wasborn(l)

(2 )

Iuly 21, London. He was verv good music and in his adolescence he becamemore and more attractedto

the rock and roll music. He beganto work in nightclubsin London as a singer.One day he caughtthe attentionof a professionalmanager(3) worked for a very wellknown record company called 'Decca'. After a short time, Stevens sicned


recording contractwith the company.Decca saw Stevensas a pop

artistand (5)

him that he would be more popular if he recordedson-esfor

teenagers. His first album.MatthewrLndSon,was releasedin 1967.(6) becamevery popular and sold very well. (7)

this was fbllowed bv more

successes.Stevens began to feel unhappy with his work. He wanted to record songs for grown-ups,but his company wanted him to continuerecording songsfor teenagers"In 1968. Stevenshad to stay in hospital(8) he was healthy(9)

of tuberculosis.He stayedthereuntil to leave.When he got out of hospital,he decidedto

stop performing as a musician,but two yearslater he reappeared.This time he had a diff'erent style. His

1970 album, Tea for


the Tillerman, became his first golden album.

includedthe classicsWild World andFather and Son. Critics wrore

t h a th e w a s ( 1 1 )

excellentsinger.A live radio concert in Los Angeles


popularity in the United Srares. In the mid-1970's

Stevens'spersonal life startedto c h a n g e .( 1 3 ) n e a r l yd r o w n e d .( 1 4 )

h e w a s s w i m m i n g ,h e

this event, Steven.sdecided to serve God. His

older brother(15)

him a copy of the Koran to read. ln l97l , Stevens

choseIslam as his religiona n dh e ( 1 6 ) Today


Stevens is



a Muslim. Yusuf Islam.

four children.He lives in London, (19)

ownsa Muslim school.There he composesreligious (20) poemsfor thepupils. 256


married he

and writes

L9 Melinda and Linda are perfect examplesfor middle-agedwomen who think it is too late to start their own business. Melinda Mercury used to be a housewife but now she owns one of the (l )


businesses in





20 yearsof her life on routine houseworkwhen she decidedto set


her own business.She did not want to (4)

houseworkfor the rest of her life. She had an interest(5),so

she decidedto open a restaurant.However, she neededa partnerbecauseshe did not have

enoughmoneyto do thisby (6)

. She askedher friend Linda. who had

just retired,to work with her. At first Linda did not want to risk her pension monev. but Melinda managedto (7)

her friend to get into businesswith her. They

fbund a nice little place in the city centre and openedtheir restaurant.In the begrnning Melinda did the cookins and Linda servedthe customers,but (8)


news about the quality of the food servedin the restaurantgot round, the place became filled with customers. Their restaurantwas a (9)

-known place,and

they hired a waiter and a cook but after a (10)

they needed more

peopleto work for them. Their little restaurantturned (11)

to be a quite

profitable one, so they opened anotherrestaurantin the suburbs.Now their restaurants headthe list of the most popular restaurantsin London. Melinda and Linda are very rich. Both of them have bought expensivehousesand cars with their (12) from the restaurant.(13)

the enormous amount of monev they have

made,Melinda and Linda still continueto work in their first restaurant."We have many peoplewho work for us, so we do not really(14)

I am away on holiday.I ( l6)

hereeveryday (15)

here. ( I 7) (l8)

to work here.but I come

established my



business. I



fun," says Melinda. Linda comes to the restaurantfor a different

reason.She says."I am afraid fhat everythingwill get (19) don't come here every day. This place is (20)

of control if I valuable to me that I

cannotlet anythinghappento it."

20 L a s tm o n t hI ( 1 )

a journey to Cyprus.I got on the boat from Mersin. I had

brought a good book with me and was looking forward to reading it (2) the journey. Everythingwent fine (3)

a woman and 6 childrencameand


sat next to me. The children were very noisy. I



all the noise,but after a (6)

my best to put Ltp the children beganto fi-sht.I

looked at their mother and said "Could you pleasetell your children to stop making so much (7) noise?I cannotconcentrate my book". The woman lookedat me anclsaid.

" I amnotresponsible (8)

their actionsbecausethey are uot mv childrenl'

2l DearCarol. Sorry for not writing earlier,but I was very busy at work. As you know, the company I work with (l) a lot of businessin (2) Arab Ernirates. so I travel a lot. I like my new job because I spend most of rny time out of


. You know, as I was brought (4)

on a tarm. I

don't like sitting in an office all day. Not (5)-

found a flat yet, I cannot give you a regular address.but mv phonenumberat work is 8428190.You might have difficulty in reachingme becausethe line is usually (6)_.

I'll write againsoon. Love, Mike

22 Tropical rain forests are located around the equator,(1)


are around 35"C all year round. The largestrain forestsare in Brazil. Zaire, and Indonesia. Although it

(2 )



one of

the largest. the rain

forest in

Sarawack is


one in the world. Accordins to what the botanistsestimated.

this rain forest is 10 million vearsold Rain forests make a lot of things possible for mankind. They help us control the world's climate. In the rain forests, it rains a (3) always(4)

and the temperaturesare

. Becauseof the heat,the rainwaterevaDoftites into the air-

this meansthe rainwateris recycled.Rain forestsalso provide shelterfor many tribal people who have called the rain forests their home (5) hundredsand thousandsof years.Furthermore.rain forests (6)

a much wider variety of

plants and animalsthan anywhereelse in the world. There are even plants and animalstn the rain foreststhat have not been discovered(7) Many of the plantsin the rain forestsare used for makins medicine(8)

t h e t r i b a lp e o p l ei n t h e l a i n

forestsand the scientiststhroushoutthe world. The tribal people living in rain foresrsknow (e) to find and use wild plantsto make medicine.(10) they have valuableknowledgeof the plantsin the rain forests,the tribal peoplehave taughtus 258

about many of t h e m e d i c i n e s( 1 1 )

use today. Most of the medicines

are given to patientsto fight heartdiseaseand treatcancerare obtained


from rain tbrest plants.Aspirin originally came from the rain forests.A certaintype of flower. 'rosy periwinkle'. (1 3 ) helps treat children with Leukemia, a kind of the cancer.Rain forests also provide people (14) otherproducts.For ( 15)

materialsfor hundredsof

, the glue on an envelopeand in shoescomesfiom

tropicalplantsin rain forests. In the past,rain forests( I 6)

to cover 147oof the Earth'sland but 6 o/o.Most of the rain forests have been

now they cover less (17)

destroyedin the last 50 years.In fact, rain forestsare disappearingat a frightening speed: I 50 acresper minute.There will be no rain forestsin the future ( 18)


take precautionsto save them. If all the rain forests (19)


many tribal people will have to move into cities.They will also be made to live in apartments or flats, which are totally different from their own naturalenvironmentin the rain forests.As it will

probably be very difficult for


these people to

survive in

cities, filost of

mav die and if thev die. their valuablerain forest culture will be

lost forever.

23 About a year ago. I had a bad quarrelwith my father,and we have hardly spokento each other


then. It all began becausehe did not approve (2)

goin-eout with Martin, who he thought was not suitable(3)

my me at all. I told

madehim even him that he had no right to interferewith my personallife, (4) the quarrel, I discoveredthat Martin was more furious. A few months (5) seeinghis ex-girl friend. As I was heartbrokenat not having been told about this, I decidedto put an end to our relationship.No matter(6)

hard he tried. Martin was unable

carry on seeingeach other. I (B)

to persuademe (7)


my father about the break up even though I phonedhim recentlyto wish hirn a happy birthday. I was planning to apologize(9)

him for what I had said as I now realizethat

my relation with Martin was not worth breakine mv father'sheart. However. he soundedso cool on the phone (10)

I didn't feel like continuins the conversationauv

longer. We had a lovely time touring the United Stateslast year. We landed at Kennedy Airport and went first to Manhattan.(1 I )


we stayedin the Hilton Hotel on Sixth Avenue.

our stay, we visited the MetropolitanMuseum. One day we took a boat

along the Hudson River and cruisedaroundthe ManhattanIsland.After we stavedin New York

i l3) (l 4 )

a week, we flew to Denver to see the Rocky Mountains. wildernessfascinatedme. 259

24 Henry Adams is probably the luckiestpersonI know. I normally envy very few of my friends job becauseI'm happy (l) what I do, but Henry Adams is one of those rare


job I would like to have myself. Henry had always been inreresred


animals.That's why he studiedto be a vet. when he finished university. he went to London, (4) he looked after domestic animals such


cats and dogs. As the job did nor (6)

up to his

expectations,he gave it up and found a better one in a game reserve in America (7) the help of one of his professorsat university.Now he is responsibleIbr the protectionof speciesthat are in dangerof extinction. When Linda Brown's new Polo Classic broke down on D-10 Highway last week. she immediatelycalled the car company. Since her car was (8) guarantee.she was expectingto have it repairedfree (9) charge.The person on the other side of the line couldn't understandwhat she was trying to say. Thinking that the breakdown was partly due to Mrs. Brown's fault, the company representativerefuseclto nreet her clailn

(1 0 1

full and hung up without botheringto listen to further expranation.Mrs.

Brown was so furious (l l)

the way she was treatedthat she wrote a letter to

the Polo Companyand complained(12)

the representativeshe had talked to

on the phone.

)< Euthanasia,the practiceof killing someonepainlesslyin order to relieve their suff' actually one of the most difficult problems facing societiestoday. The worcl 'euthanersia'. (l) comesfrom Greek,literally means'good death'. Today a lot of people are in comas (2) diseases.(3)

to accidentsor incurable

most of these patients have no chance ro recover

completely, doctors and nurses are trying to keep them alive because laws do pot (4) doctorsto end the lives of such patients.However. the supportersof euthanasiaclaim that patients(5)

incurable diseasesshould have the

right to die for the fbllowing reasons: The first and (6) recovery.In other words, (7)

importantreasonis that the patientshave no hope of can never lead normal lives. The second

reasonfor euthanasiais that patientsare in unbearablepain and euthanasiaseemsto be the


end their pain. In additionto this, the fact that the families

of the patients suffer from sadnessshould also be kept in mind. Thesefamilies try to do their (e) to keep the patients alive but unfortunately (10)-..------------.-_-_-


can be done to help them recover from a fatal illness. Apart from these. the of medical treatment of terminally ill patients is extremely high (ll) to continue to pay for such a treatment

and most familiescannot(12) fbr long.

The caseof Karen Ann Quinland in 1975 in the United Statesdrew the attentionof the somedrugs This 2l-year-oldyoung woman (13) whole world to euthanasia. never recover trom with alcohol and slipped into a coma which she (14) to light nor to sound. She was beirig kept alive Karen responded(15) the help of a breathingmachine.Karen'sparentsvisited her every to see or speak to them. It was verY day even though s h ew a s ( 1 7 ) difficult for the Quinlands to see their beloved daughter in a coma. Three months

(1 6 )

. Karen'sfather askedthe doctorsto turn off the machine.However. rhe doctors refusedto do this, saying that such an act would be a kind of murder. The father their daughterdie. After a long struggle,the then askedthe court to (19) ( 18 )

court gave permlsslon to turn off the breathingmachine.Karen did not die immediately.She her deathin JulY 1985. remainedin a coma (20)

26 in the middleof a field. appeared Therewasgreatpublicinterestwhen a big holemysteriously Army mechanics,geologistsand engineerswere called to explain (1) it had got there. They offered various explanationsbut (2)

of thern

was was sure about the real cause.The field was an old battle field so oneof the possibilities (3 that the hole might have been causedby the explosionof a bomb )-----had been buried under the ground for many years. However, it was not possibleto prove (4)


'simple' but


improbable explanation was







to work for NASA. He had retired a few years eatrlierand he 'flying saucers'- strange objects claimed to be well-informed (6) fiom outer space. he saw the specialmarks on the soil near the hole' he said that a

(7) flying

saucer had visited the Earth. He

(8) were (9)


claimed to

have seen similar marks

. He addedthat he had also seenholes causedby bombs but they smaller. A

bomb, he said, couldn't hltve opened

a big hole in the ground. In addition to this. the leaveson some

bushesnearbyhad turned yellow because(1 1) had come from the saucer.Even (12)

a strangehot gas rvhich small tree some wav off

appearedto have burnt slightly. The small piece of metal found tn the hole provided the man



proof that a strangeobject had beenthere.According to the man. it was quite clearthat creaturesfrom outer spacehad been circling the Earth when (14) went wrong. They had been forced to land in a field (15)

that they could repair the damage.Therefbre.


the hole and the strangemarks had been causedby the f-lvinc saucer.The hole had been causedwhen the saucerstruck the earth, while the stran.qemarks nearbyweremadewhen it took (17) best explanation( 18)

(1 e ) (20)

again.This, saidthe man.was the a betterone was found. The rnan'sexplanirtion

sound nonsense to

you. However, there are a great

peoplewho believethat flying saucersvisit our planetregularly.

27 Last Friday I was supposed(l)

go to a wedding,but I spentthe whole eveningtrappedin rny car instead.I started preparingfor the wecldingvery early that day. As my only dressfor such an occasionhad worn (2)

, I went shopping.I spent


lot of money to buy a new dress.Then I went to the hairclresser's when I arrived home, I put my new dresson and I lefi the house early (4) the wedding was at a church in a nearbytown. I was walking (5) the directionof my car when I saw a dog runningin the street. It looked very threarening.It first knocked (6) s o r n eg a r b a g ec a n s a n d then headedtowards me. Not knowing what to do, I stood there for a I'ew seconds.Thcn I startedrunning to my car. I was aware(7) the I ctLrickll got into the car and locked the doors. The dog was outsicle, looking ar me (B)--. I waved at the angry dog and it backed away a few I thought I was ready to set (9)severaltimes, I wasn't(10)

on my long drive. but unfortunately,althoueh l rriecl t o s t a r tt h e c a r . ( 1 1 ; Ieft rnv

phonebook at home,I didn'thavethe mechanic's phonenumberwith rne.( l2) I was trying to startthe car, the dog cameback. It was standingright next to rny door. so lt was impossiblefor me to get back home to pick up my phonebook. (13) the dog hadn'tbeenso near,I would have takenthe risk. There wasn'ta singleperson(14)

sight,and I sat in the car helplesslvfbr some time. Then I rememberedthat I had my mobile phone with me. I imrnediatelycallecl Chris.a good friend, and told him that my car had (15) down and that I had been taken hostageby an angry dog. My frienclpromised to come and help rne. I waited and waited for what seemedto be hours. When my fiiend (16) ltrnved, the


was still there. It started running towards rny friend as soon as he opeled his cloor (t7) severalunsuccessfulatterxpts,he gave up. He called me and saicl.',1 don't want to let you (18) , but I cannothelp you (19) that dog is taken away. You will (20) to wait until I find someonewho is briive enoughto do this!"


28 Janesharesa housewith anothergirl. The housethey live in is (l) hilltop,so it hasan excellentview of the city. Janeand her friend get on (2) each other very well. The houseworkis sharedequally (3)

the two girls.

ln trylng new reclpes,so she does the cooking. Her fl'iend

Janeis very (4)

has to do the cleaning.She doesn't(5)

sweepingand dusting the house

becauseshethinksthis is mucheasierthancooking."(6)


cook," saysJane'sfriend. YesterdayJane had to go to (7)

hospital to visit her grandmother,so dinner. When her friend arrived home. she wiis

she never got round to (8)

find anything to eat. (10)

disappointednot (9)


hunger,she waited for Jane

29 Well,as(2) happiness?

I s w e a l t he s s e n t i a( l ) concerned,the answerts definitely

'No'. (3)

as I'm

I suffer frorn a fatirl diseasc.

Of coursenot. ln my opinion happinessdepends In that case,will moneybring me happiness? health rather than wealth. When you are healthy. there ts ncr

m a i n l y( 4 )

get(5) why you shouldn't reason

the difficulties in lif-e.

After she broke (6)


with her boyfriend, my daughterLiz got in the habit srnoking cigarettes.In the beginning, I thought it was her way of


sadnessbut when I realized that she had become a chain

smoker.I decidednot to let her smokewhen she was with me. However, I knew that as soon as I was out of (9)

she would light a cigarette.No matter how hard I tried. I

couldn't persuadeher to cut (10)

on smoking. Now. Liz is seein-9n

who I hopewill help her give up this bad habit. psychologist

30 A new breed of women, called "supermoms",is becoming abundant.A supermom may be (1)

as a woman who works while raising tamilies. The typical

supermom is mainly (2) (.3)_ (4)

with she makes day-care and

managing her



preschool arrangements as

as organizingafter-schoolevents(5)____

as the

cinema,football school and birthdayparties.She keepsthe house clean and well stockedwith food. 263

The typical supermomalso has a position of responsibilityat her place of work. She is often requiredto spendlong hours and make importantdecisions.In (6) theseresponsibilities.she managesto sparetime for some activities.These activitiescan be


by playing tennis,taking coursesat the local communitycollege

and seeingher friends occasionally.(8)

the work load she takesseents

almostimpossibleto deal with, the typical supermomhandlesit well.

3t In the opinion of many Americansand Europeans,we only began to really explore our world in the sixteenthcentury.According (l)


these people. the sailors of

ancientworld did not explore distant parts of the ( 3 ) - - - _ _ ,

they did not have the necessary knowledge (4)_


skills for lon-usea

. However. the people who have this opinion (6)

forgettingtwo importantfactsof history.


sometimesearly scientistshad an idea (8)

correct. but scientists in


later centuries (9)

not believe it

a b o u2t 7 0B . C . ,a G r e e ks c i e n t i s( 1t 1 )

(12) w e a l lb e l i e v e

was For

an idea which

: The earthmoves aroundthe sun. ( 13)

for the following 1.600yearsscientists did not believethis. In (14) the sun clearly moved aroundthe earth.They ( I 5)_

oplnron. the truth again only in the

fifteenthcentury! The secondfact of (16) t h i s :A n c i e n td o e s1 1 8 ) knew a lot of

that many people forget ( 17)_-mean primitive. To illustrate.the ancient Egyptians

things (19)


find their way across(21)

t1) I

a Greek scientistwho (23)

distancearound the earth.The results(24)

real(25) knowledge.


the stars; they used this knowledee oceans.Two thousandveals in Egypt calculatedthe his calculationswere closeto the

which we know today! So the ancientshad a greatdeal of scientific

15.2MULTIPLE CHOICE TESTS Mark the bestchoice.

I than the small letters.At school they

Children can write the capital lettersmuch -(l)-

pencils until they

to use pens; i.e., their teachersmake them -(3)--


becomereallygood at writing. I.

a) b) c) d)

2. a) b) c) d)

easier more easily easily easy

3. a) b) c) d)

don't have ought not don'tneed aren'tallowed

use to use using to using

I have time to do other things on

I always go to the supennarketon Fridays -_(4)_-

Saturdaysand Sundays.Another reasonwhy I avoid going to the market at the weekendis that it's usually very crowded-(5)-. in case so that otherwise therefore

weekends too then also


a) b) c) d)

c) d)

When do you wear ties Were you wearing a tie at worK


a) b) c) d)




Only while I'm at the office.


a) How often do you wear a tie b) When did you last wear a tie

A: B: A:

I bought a tarantulayesterday. Their'repoisonous.aren'tthey? Not all of them. Most speciesare not dangerousto humans.Their poison is -(7)to kill anyone.


a) too strong b) nearly strongenough


c) d)

not strongenough as strongas

I joined a bird-watchingclub six months ago. We organisetrips to different parts of the country-(8)-

in order to study birds in the wilderness.

a) in two weeks'time b) every two weeks

c) d)

sincethe secondweek two weekslater for our neighboursupstairs.They

When I was a teenager,I spentmost weekends-(9)

I liked with this money.

paid me $10 eachrime and I could buy _(10)_ 9.

a) b) c) d)

babysitting to babysit on babysitting babysit


a) b) c) d)

whatever however wherever whenever 265


The most dangerousanimalsof the animal kingdom are mosquitoes.


You meanthosesmall insects?


Yes, -(11)_becauseof _(

that causemalarial2)_

I l . a) insect b) the ones c) insectswhich d) the one

a terribleillness.About a rnillion peopledie

every year. 12.

a) b) c) d)

they are ill this illness illness they becorneill

Dear Alex. I'm sorry that I won't be able to meet you at the airport on Tuesday I _( I 3 )___ ml, car servicedthat day. I won't be at home either. as I have an importantrneetinsin the afternoon.But it isn't difficult to reachmy housefrom the airport._(14)_

vou havc

too much can take the underground.It's cheap,fast and reliable. But if you have a lot of luggage, take a taxi. By the way, I haven't got a spare key. so I'll leave I 5)_ under the doormatfor you. _( Seeyou soon, Robert 13. a) b) c) d)

havebeenhaving will havebeen am going to have will haveto

14. a) b) c) d)

Although Because In spiteof Unless

Sometimespeople make a decision _(16)_

15. a) b) c) d)

completely_(17)___ their lives. a journalistfor fourteenyearsbut at the age o1'36

NicholasRose,for example,-(18)_ he gave up his job at The Sunday Telegraph to write fiction-(19)-

some that mlne the other

stories and novels. After

almostall his savingsin the bank,he realizedthat he neededrnoneyto pay rhe

bills. so he starteda fish shop downtown. Now. however,this shop takesall his time and cnergy and his novelsremainunwritten. Nicholas says:" I rememberthe days -(20)_

worked at The Stmduy Telegraph.I was

up at 8:00 a.m., wore cleanclothesand smelledof aftershave,not of fish. What's more, I always had the chanceto write a few lines -(21)-

the coffee or lunch break. Now all that

I don't have any sparetime any longer. | _(23) up at six ro prepure the fish for saleby 7:30. When I finish work at 8:00 p.m., I'm usually_(24)__ ro wrire


anything.I've done everythingI can to make the businessworkl but even now I'm earnin-eless than half my salary as a journalist. Obviously, my decision to leave my job at The Sundut, Telegraphwas a bad one."



r 6 . a)

that bt . which d) which it

19. a) b) c) d)

spending he spends spent to spending

22. a) was changed b ) have beenchanging has beenchanged d ) haschanged

a) b) c) d)

upset is upset upsets will haveupset

20. a) that have


a) b) c) d)

have been will be was must be

was hasbeen is will be

2 1 . a) while b) during c) when d) between

b) where I c) which d) when I 1.J.

a) b) c) d)


a) as tired as b) very tired c) too tired d) tired enou-eh

The Yanomami Indians are a group of people living in the tropical rainforestsin northern Brazil. They live in farnily groups in srnall cottages.They depend on zigriculturefor therr They also catch

survival.They use poisonousarrows,which are tools usedfor -(25)-_. fish in the rivers. The Yanomami Indians -(26)-

in theserainforestsfor over 10.000

vears.However,today they are in dangerof losing their land and culture. Dr. JosePereirais a doctor with the Brazilian Indian agency.He is the only doctor in the area who is trying to help the 35,000 Yanomami.He is speakingto a newspaperreporterabout what is happeningto theseIndiansat the moment. healthy people, happy and always smiling. before stransers came to their land to look for gold. Today, there are people for gold everywhere and these people are poisoning the -ittl-

Dr. Pereira : They -(27)-

Indians' rivers with Mercury (Hg). They are cutting down the trees in thc malarial swiilllprarnforests.Thus, more and more land is becomingdan-gerous more often than land. Illnessessuch as malariaand tuberculosis-(29)-ever before.Their childrenare dying and this is not their fault. Reporter


Dr. Pereira :

As a doctor,what kind of difficulties are you dealingwith? quinine Our medical supplies are very limited. -(30)medicineto cure malaria -

we have no other medicine. The lack of proper


a) b) c) d)

deaths. injectionsand pills causesmany unnecessary 27. 26. a) will be living hunting living b) are hunters c) lived to hunt d) have been living to hunting


a) b) c) d)

to look looking for looking they look

29. a) b) c) d)

rr specirl

is seen have seen will haveseen are seen


a) b) c) d)

l-tavebeen used to be are would be

a) Exceptthat bt Apart ft'orn c) Besides dl In rdditiorr 261



You work under very difficult conditions. Wouldn't you like to leave this place and work in a clean,well-equippedhospitalinstead?

Dr. Pereira : No. I'd rather-(31)-

here.Thesepeopleneedprof'essionalhelp. you

see, I'm the only doctor here. I only wish the agency _(32)--_


doctorsto this area. Reporter


Dr. Pereira :

Is thereany crime amongthe Yanomami Indians? Cases of violent crime were uncomtnon in this neighbourhoodbefore the arrival of the gold-hunters.However, in nine months this year there have alreadybeen 363 violent deaths.I -(33)-to increasein the nearfuture.


this number will continue

: What do you think will happento the Yanomami Indians in the near future?

Dr. Pereira :

Most Indians don't know what to do. Many have stoppedgrowing crops. so food has become6carce.If there is no food, there is no reasonto stay here.of course.Some are leaving their villages.It's sad to see that happening,but I believe most families -(34)-

their villages by the encl of next year. Those who chooseto stay will suffer. If a solution _(35a)_ ro rhis problem,the remaining Indians_(35b)_ very soon." 3 l.

a) b) c) d)

stay to stay staying would stay

32. a) b) c) d)

send will send would send were sent


a) b) c) d)

will leave will have left will be left are leaving

35. a) b) c) d)

won'tbe found.......disappear wasfound.......wouldn't disappear isn'tfound.......will disappear wouldbe found.......aren't disappeanng

33. a) b) c) d)

expect hope d o n ' tw a n t thought

) The holes in Swiss cheese-(l)_(2)_ l.

by bacteria.These are not the kind of bacreria

make you sick but they are safe_(3)_.

a) havemade b) were made c) make d) are made

2. a) b) c) d)

that and when so

3. a) b) c) d)

the one one ones the ones

In the town where I live, it is very hot in the summerand in the eveningsnobody wants to stay at home. We have a specialsummer cinema and we -(4)_ go there. Sometimesthe film is not very good but we do not _(5)



a) b) c) d)

might must never often

5. a) b) c) d)

mind watch enjoy hate

Mina Trenton ran away from home when she was about 16 because her parents did not her to go out in the evenings.Mina is 18 yearsold now. After _(7)_ _(6)_ two years away from her parents, she thinks there is no place like home. She wishes she _(8)_

there, but her parents are still angry with her. If they forgave her. she


back home.


a) b) c) d)

make allow need let

7. a) b) c) d)

spent has spent spending has been spending


a) b) c) d)

were is can be has been

9. a) b) c) d)

went will go would go wantsto go

Mrs. Mills spends too much money _(10)_ new clothes but she _(12)_


clothes. She does not really them. Yesterdayshe saw a beautiful

coat in a shop window. She went in and _(13)_. very expensive.Mrs. Mills did not have_(14)_ 10. a) b) c) d)

in for with on

11. a) b) c) d)

need want wear have

13. a) b) c) d)

changedinto put on tried it on wore it

14. a) b) c) d)

some enough too much little

The great new year dinners that we -(15)-

It was just the right size but it was money with her. 12. a) b) c) d)

hasbought loves buying enjoys shopping affords

have are one of


memories of my childhood. My mother started cooking early in the morning. All our relativesjoined us that night. My sisterand I loved those family dinners becausewe could so to bed 15. a) b) c) d)


usedto used haveused were usedto

we liked. 16.

a) b) c) d)

happierthan happier happy the happiest

17. a) b) c) d)

laterthan any way whenever as long as


There are -(18)-

cars in Britain today than there were a few years ago. The total

number of cars in Britain is about 11,000,000.The traffic goes on increasingall the time and the roads of most big cities _(19)_ by a slow moving procession of cars the rush hours.

_(20)_ 18. a) bigger b) few c) less d) more

19. a) b) c) d)

is blocked have blocked are blocked have beenblocking

20. a) b) c) d)

while when until during

Since their introduction to economy as a means of exchange,credit cards _(21)___ money becausethey are very convenientfor both the buyer and the seller. __(22)__. creditcardsare not real money: they are quite valuelessin themselves. 21. a) b) c) d)

replaced havereplaced have beenreplaced were replaced

22. a) b) c) d)

Therefore However Fortunately Although

Joe Fortunate had a terrible day yesterday. He _(23)_ on the way. He called a mechanicto _(25) _(24)_

for work early but hrs car He _(26)__


wait for the mechanicfor 4 hours and he was late for work. In the evening,when he arrivecl home, he couldn't find his keys so he decided to enter the house from the window. He into the house when a policeman saw him. He _(28)__ -(27)Joe fbr breakinginto his own house. 23. a) b) c) d)

set off settleddown carriedon took up


a) b) c) d)

crashedinto broke down speededup sloweddown

25. a') repair b) have it repaired c) repairingit d) has repairedit

26. a) b) c) d)

ought oughtnot had did not have


a) b) c) d)

was getting has been getting got has got

28. a) b) c) d)

was arresting was arrested arrested has been arrested

Scientistspredict that therewill be big changesin the world's climatein the future. By the year 2030, all the ice at the poles -(29)and the sealevel will be fifty centimetershigher. For this reason,city planners are planning to build walls around the cities _(30)_ there are floods. 29. a) b) c) d)


will have melted is going to melt will melt will be melting

30. a) b) c) d)

because unless so that in case





My grandmother.She is very old and shecan'tgo out.

31. a) b) c) d)

Who visitedyou Where were you Where did you go Who did you visit




In Switzerland.

32. a) b) c) d)

Where were watchesmade Where do they make the world's best watches Which country makesthe best watches Who makesthe world's bestwatches


How many letters-(33)-


Only two.

33. a) b) c) d)

sinceyou left home ?

have you written havebeenwriting do you write were written

l Julia is an 8-year-oldgirl with beautiful long straighthair, but she doesn'tlike her hair curly hair". becauseit is not curly. Shesays,"I wish I -(1)1. a) b) c) d)

have would have will have had

In the UK young people -(2)-

to work part time, but they -(3)-


permissionfrom their parents. 2.

a) b) c) d)

allow are not allowed are allowed do not allow

3. a) b) c) d)

don't have to don't needto ought must

Bob and I live in the sameblock of flats. My flat is on the sixth floor and Bob's is on the secondfloor. Our flats are very convenient,but they are a bit noisy becausethey are on a a pub becauseit is just -(5)main street.Bob's flat is worse than -(4)-where thereis alwaysloud music.



a) b) c) d)

mine me I my

5. a) above b) between c) across d) along

There are two kinds of sleep; deep sleep and light sleep. People reach the state of deep sleep very -(6)-. the period of deep sleep,people do not dream. They dream -(7)when they are in the period of light sleep.

6. a) b) c) d)

easier moreeasily quickly quicker

7. a) b) c) d)

While During After that Then

Jane woke up with a terrible cold yesterdaymorning. Her doctor examined her and prescribed some medicine. He told her to stay in bed for three days. Unfortunately, she has an important meeting with her boss this afternoon.If she _(8a)_

a cold, she _(8b)_ the meeting.She is going to call her boss and ask him to have the meeting next week. She hopes thatshe_(9)_ 8.

a) b) c) d)

by then.

wouldn't have ... attended had ... wouldn't attend didn't have ... would attend would have ... didn't attend


a) b) c) d)

will be recovering is going to recover will have recovered is recovering

The effects of stress on man _(10)_ for many years. The result of the studies 1)_ that our bodiesreactwhen stressfulsituationsoccur _(12)_ _(l 10. a) b) c) d)

has beenstudied have been studied have been studying was studied

The town's -(13)-


a) b) c) d)

show are showing to show shows

12. a) b) c) d)

often any longer always already

sportsclub closeddown last week. Six months ago, the owners of

the building wanted to increasethe rent. -(14)_

the managementof the club tried to

cover this increaseby putting up entrancefees, this was not successful,_(15)-specialmeeting last Friday they decided to close the club.

13.a) b) c) d)

big biggest bigger big enough


a) Except that b) However c) In spite of d) Although

15. a) b) c) d)

at a

as but so because

After retiring from the film industry, Howard Hughes, the American film producer, completelyon his own. He _(17)_ _(16)_ all day in bed _(19)-films. He didn't leavehis house_(19)_ 272

his deathin 196l .

16. a; b) c) d)

lived lives has lived has beenliving

17. a) b) c) d)

was spending used to spend spend had to spend

18. a) b) c) d)

watching watched watch was watching

19. a) b) c) d)

from until since where

yesterday morning. She called a mechanic to a big problem with The mechanic said, "Unless there -(22a)_(Z9_. ready tomorrow." This morning the mechaniccalled Monica your car, it _(Zzb)_ you like." and said,"Your car is ready.You can pick it up -(23)Monica's car broke _(20)-

20. a) b) c) d)

out up off down

21. a) b) c) d)

have repaired it have it repaired be repairing repair

22. a) b) c) d)

will isn't...will be is...will be will be ...isn't

23. a) b) c) d)

wherever any time as long as whatever

people must have certainqualitiesto go on jungle expeditions,-(24)-

tiring and

dangerous. First, they should be strong and healthy. Next, they should be good at in thejungle' Finally, becausethey cannotcarry -(26)-food _(zs)-food they should know -(27)-

in a team.

24. a) b) c) d)

are which theYare whichare they are

25. a) b) c) d)

finding find to find found

26. a) b) c) d)

lots many much some

27. a) b) c) d)

working work to work how to work

t I t.


A group of peopleare visiting an art exhibition. Some people cannot see some of the able to see pictureson display. If they had hung the pictures lower, people themproperly. d) are c) would have been b) willbe a) wouldbe ?

He has to work hard even at weekends, a) hasn'the

b) doesn'the


has he

d) isn'the



A woman who is overweightis visiting her doctor: Woman :

" Can I losefive kilos in one week?,' Doctor : "In fact,I reallydon'tknow _ losethat much in one week.,' a) whethercan you c) whetheryou can b) that you can d) how much can you I didn't listen to the lecturercarefully last week. Now I have to preparea proJect on the same subject and I don't have -(4)notes because they are incomplete. I wish I more attentionto the lecturer. -(5)_4.

a) b) c) d)

any enough much a lot


a) paid b) was paid c) had paid d) was paying


an exciting film. It raisesinterestingquestionsabout a scandalin _(6)--_ politics. The film shows a seventeen-year-old showgirl. Christine Keeler. She begins her relationshipwith the governmentminister,John Profumo. It is a(n) terriflc film _-_(7)-and you _(8)-irl 6.

a) b) c) d)

shock shocking shocked shockingly


a) b) c) d)

very quite slightly absolutely

B. a) shouldn'tmiss b) shouldn'thavemissed c) missed d) aren'm t issing

The driver swervedto avoid the car that pulled out of a side road, but he was too late. If he quicker to swerve, he -(10)-(9)straight into the back of rhe orher car. I )-, he _-(1 2)-(l his seatbelt and nothing happenedto him. 9.

a) b) c) d)

was hadn'tbeen had been is

I l. a) Surprisingly b) On the contrary c) On the other hand d) Fortunately


a) b) c) d)

wouldn't crash wouldn't have crashed would crash would have crashed


a) b) c) d)

is wearing had worn was wearing worn

Lady shoppersat a large shoppingmall in Florida openedtheir handbagsfor a fun survey and someof the things inside were really strange. Inside Shirley Amendola'sbag there was one of her baby teeth. "I had plannedto put the tooth in my safe-depositbox at the bank" said the 30year old medical assistant."I didn't go to the bank that day and I the tooth in my _(13)--purse over the Iast few months. Inside Phyllis Moloney's handbag there was an electronic 274

Spanishlanguageinterpreter."I got it for Christmaslast year. I just think it's handy to have it somebody says something in

there _(14)_

Spanish to me." Sue Moore had three

differentpursesinside her handbag."Al1 I really need is inside_(15)_

purse. The two

otherpursesare much smallerand can hold only money." 13. a) b) c) d)

had carried have beencarrying am carrying had been carried

14. a) b) c) d)

15. a) b) c) d)

in case so that otherwise because

bigger as big as too big the biggest

Errolis on duty at the police station.A man arrivesin a hurry. Man

I've lost my laptop computer. Has one beenhandedin ?


No, sir, it hasn't._(16)-


Just after I left home in ChesterStreetthis mornins.




It was a Macintosh.

16. a) b) c) d)

How How How How


did you loseit?

laptop was it?

far long ago long often

17. a) What rnakeof b) How expensive c) Whose d) What kind

'My name is Jim Shelleyand I am an addict.' With thesewords I beganto solve the problem. the problem of my telephoneaddiction. I think I startedsocially - a few calls each day. I _(18)_,

make calls, ring people up - talk, talk and talk. And it began to affect my

work. I was spendingall of my lunch time phoning. During the day I would disappearfor a quick call. One night I found it impossibleto sleep,thinking I could hear the phone ringing downstairs. I jumped out of bed and then discoveredit _( bad I often rang people and asked_(20)_ _(21)_.


at all. Things were so

to ring me. I had a businessand a private line

And one day I hit my supervisorwith the phone. Of course,I lost rny job.

Finally. the police caughtme destroyinga phone box _(22)_

my last f.l coin and I was

orderedto seea psychiatrist.It's severaldays sinceI used a telephone. I also try not to watch TV becausethereare alwayspeopleon it -(23)-


18. a) b) c) d)

am usedto phoning am phoning usedto phone havephoned

19. a) b) c) d)

didn'tring hadn'trung had rung was ringing

20. a) b) c) d)

them if they had tried had they tried if they have beentrying them they were trying

21. a) b) c) d)

installing was installed installed was installing 215


a) b) c) d)

which take where it was taken that had taken that was taking

23. a) making b) made c) make d) was making

5 Good studentsusually have good study habits and know _(l)_

their time efficiently.

Some find it helpful to draw up a five or six-day programme each week. Of course, one cannot always keep to such a plan; unexpectedthings often happen but still, such a plan makes_(2)_ l.

a) b) c) d)

aboutwhat we ought to do during the week.

organizing how to organize to organize how organized

2. a) b) c) d)

us think think to think us to think

Although Maria has been attendingan English coursefor six months, she still has problems expressing her opinions in the target language. She knows the grammar rules very but she cannot speak -(4)-


the other studentsin class.That's why her

teacheradvisedher to attenda conversationclub, which will enableher to practicespeaking. 3.

a) b) c) d)

good enough well good well enough


a) b) c) d)

fluently as fluently as more fluently than the most fluently

Next week I'm planning to go to the village where I _(5)_ up. I _(6)-my good-old friends since I graduated from high school, so I wonder whether they will recognizeme or not. I'm really looking forward to meetingthem again. a) b) c) d)


usedto grow had been grown grew was grown


a) b) c) d)

haven'tvisited hadn'tvisited haven'tbeenvisiting didn't visit

Have you ever tried askingpeoplefor directions?I had to go to London on businessrecently, and I soon realizedthat I -(7)-

a streetmap. -(8)_

I followed the directions of

passers-by,I got lost. Then, I decidedto take a taxi. After all, London taxi drivers have to pass a test on their knowledge of its streets.But I couldn't find one. They had all simply vanished.In the end, I went up to the first tourist I saw and asked_(9)_

their tourist

map. 1.

a) b) c) d) 216

mustbuy shouldhave bought needto buy could buy

8. a) b) c) d)

Whenever However Wherever Whatever

9. a) b) c) d)

whetherI can look at them to look at if I could look at where I could look at

joined Mrs. Winnifred Weaver has been involved in politics ever sinceshe was a student.She at the Labour Party when she was at school.If she hadn'tmet Harold Wilson at a conference Hull University 25 yearsago, she -(10)-

a successfulmember of the parliamentnow'

Despiteher busy life, Mrs. Weaver-(11)-

severalinfluential books about the political

systemin Britain. These days she -(12)-

on her latestbook, which is a collection of

her memories. i 1. a) b) c) d)

wouldn't have been isn't can'tbe wouldn't be

10. a) b) c) d)

writes has written will have written has been writing

12. a) b) c) d)

is working works has been working has worked

Sally is working on her term paper and Lisa entersthe room' Lisa


Hi Sallyl What are You doing?

Sally : Well, I'm still working on my term paperwhich is due for tomorrow. Lisa

I see.That meansyou don't have time to help me with my homework, l3)-? _(


Not at the moment. WhY?


Actually, I have a few questionsto ask you about my own term paper but slnce you are busy working on yours,I can ask someoneelse'


Is it urgent?


Not really.


hour later?I will -(15)14)_an Why _( working on yours. evening the of rest the spend


That'sa good idea.SeeYou then.

13. a) b) c) d)

haveyou don'tyou haven'tYou do you

14. a) won't you come b) can't you come c) aren'tyou coming d) don't you come

mine by then, so we can

15. a) finish b) be finished c) have finished d) be finishing

battle Last spring we rented an old manor house that had been built on the site of an ancient ground where thousandsof men are supposedto have died. We didn't believethe ghost stories which the housekeepertold us' on the Monday of the secondweek' I _-(16)-

in the

middle of the night by the terrible screamsand moans coming from the basement.We went downstairs where the screamswere even louder. Terrified, we ran all the way to the village _(17)_

at a hotel. The next day the housekeepertold us that the screamswhich we

heardwere the ghostsof the soldierswho died fighting. We didn't sleepin the houseagain.It was certainly-(


experienceI had ever had' 211

16. a) b) c) d)

had woken up woken up was woken up had been woken up

18. a) b) c) d)

the most frightened a frightening the most frightening more frightened than any


a) b) c) d)

that the night was spent which we spentthe night we spentthe night where we spentthe night

Sam and Linda are talking aboutthe receptionthat they have to attend. Linda

I really don't feel like going to the reception.



I wish I -(20)-

Mr. Brown aboutour plansfor this evening

earlier,but it is too late now. Linda

It's OK. Do you know how long _(21)_?


Not more than two hours.Why?


I thought maybe we could still go to Mark's party after the reception.


That'sa good idea,but I think it will be tiring to go from one place to another,and I have to get up early tomorrow morning. I'd rather_(zz)_back home after the reception.

19. a) b) c) d)

I don't Neither do I Ido SodoI

20. a) b) c) d)

could tell told would tell had rold


the receptionwill last has the receptionlasted the receptionhas lasted will the receptionlast

22. a) b) c) d)

to go went going go

a) b) c) d)

Somehow I always have problems when I go away on holiday. This year I got food poisoning the day I arrived.It must have been the fish I ate at the hotel that evening. It took me most of the first week to recover. By the time I felt better, the weather -(23)-,

but I was determined to go sight-seeingand do some swimming.


none of the museumswere open, as there was a stnke, and it was far


to go for a swim. I'm sure r _(26)_myself

more if I had stayedar

home. 23.

a) b) c) d)


had changed was changed didn'tchange wasn'tchanging

24. a) b) c) d)

Luckily Eventually Recently Unfortunarely

a) b) c) d)



colder too cold very cold cold enough

a) b) c) d)

enjoyed could enjoy had enjoyed would have enjoyed


Luna is talking to her daughterEmma. Luna

You heardme call you, -(1)--,


No, mom. Sorry,just let me finish this chessgame.


How long_(2)


For about an hour, mom. That'sall.


to beat the computer at Emma, you are spendingtoo much time -(3)chess!I think you shouldbe awareof the fact that you have other responsibilities both at home and at school.


a) b) c) d)

don'tyou had you didn't you were you

2. a) b) c) d)


did you play areyou playing haveyouplayed haveyou beenplaying

3. a) b) c) d)

trying to try for trying try

Growing older makespeoplemore consciousabout their health.This is certainlytrue for me. When I was young, I used to smoke three packs of cigarettes a day. I would start every morning lighting a cigaretteand coughing.-(4)

I walked up a flight of stairs.I

would have to stop halfway up to take a rest. After I got married, my wife insisted that I should give up smoking. She told me that I _(5)-

long enough to see rny children even a single

grow up so I quit smoking. That was twenty years ago and I -(6)cisarettesincethen. 4.

a) b) c) d)

However Whenever Whatever Wherever


a) b) c) d)

wouldn't live hadn'tlived didn'tlive w a s n ' lti v i n g


a) b) c) d)

haven'tbeensmoking hadn'tsmoked wasn'tsmoking haven'tsmoked

I have beenbusy with my examsover the last two weeks.They are over now, thank goodness, and I can relax for a while and write lettersto all my friends.I -(7)-

the resultsby

the time my parentscome back from Paris so I'm keepingmy fingers crossed.On their return I want to give them the good news. I should get at least65 on all my finals -(8)-


will not have to attendthe summerschoolthat lastsabout two months.Actually, everythingis my fault. If I -(9a)-

a bit harder during the first semester,I --(9b)

anythingto worry about now. 219



a) b) c) d)

will have learned will be learning am learning will have been learned

a) b) c) d)

studied... wouldn't have had studied... wouldn't have had had studied... wouldn't have studied... do not have to have


a) b) c) d)

otherwise except that unless so that

Mary, w ho has just returned from her holiday in Greece, is talking to her friend Sally on the phone. Sally

When did you come back from Greece?I called you severaltimes the other day but there was no answer.


Well, I cameback yesterdaymorning.


I see,so how was it?


To tell the truth it was a disaster.I wish I _(10) your advice. You suggestedthat I shouldgo somewhereelsebut I insistedon going there.


Why? Was it that bad?


Actually it couldn't be worse. The hotel _(11)_

at was horrible. The

rooms were extremely small and there was no hot water so I had to take a shower with cold water every single day. To make things worse, one of my suitcases _(12)_

on my first day at the hotel.


Oh really?


Actually, I _(13)_ the hotel as soon as things startedgoing wrong but as I all the money in advance,I didn't want it to go ro wasre. _(14)_


Well, I'm really sorry that your holiday was so bad. Anyway, althoughit was a bad one,just put it down to experience.

10. a) b) c) d)

took could take had taken would take

13. a) b) c) d)

must change shouldhave changed had to change neededto change


I 1. a) I stayed


b) c) d)

thereI staved where I stayed was that I stayed

a) b) c) d)

was paying was paid havebeenpaying had paid


a) stole b) had stolen c) was stolen d) had been stolen

Helen is talkingto her roommateCarol. Helen :

I havean importantexamtomorrow.

Carol :

but I reallydon'tfeel like studying.Why -_(16)--(15)-, to havea sandwich? thecanteen

Helen :

-(17) Are you kidding?Do you know how manychapters

Carol :

Well, it is thesamewith me,but we'lljust sit therefor half an houror so.

Helen :

the room evenfor half Carol,thereis no way you canmakeme -(18)here.I wantto startstudyingright away' an hour. I -(19)-


OK. That meansI'm goingby myselfthen'If anyone-(20)--' you pleasetell themthatI'll be backin half an hour?

15. a) b) c) d)

Ido SodoI Neither have I I have

1 8 . a ) to leave b ) left c) leaving d) leave




16. a) b) c) d)

aren'twe going can't we go don't we go shouldn'twe go

17. a) b) c) d)

do I have to I have to shouldI I can

19. a) b) c) d)

'll be stayinghere 'm allowed to stay 'd rather stay can stay

20. a) b) c) d)

is calling will call calls needsto call

When I first met Nguyen, it was probably nine or ten weeks after his arrival in Los Angeles. very lonely at the time. We immediately became friends but it was and he _(21)-to have a long and difficult ro communicatewith him as his English wasn't-(22)stimulatingconversation.In the following months,Nguyen'sEnglish improved and he learnt with all rhe difficulties of living in a large city like Los Angeles. Actually, at my age I don't make friends easily but I consider Nguyen one of my close that I've ever met. I'm quite -(25)friends. I think he is -(24)-person

how _(23)_

he likes spending such a lot of time with an old lady like me. Nguyen is kind and he comes from a culture that is so alien to ours, we can considerate._(26)_ understandeach other very well. And I love having a young person around; the excitement and optimism is really heartening. 21. a) b) c) d)

used to feel was feeling has beenfeeling had felt

22. a) b) c) d)

goodenough asgoodas too good good

23.a) b) c) d)

is to cope can he cope to cope he coped

24. a) b) c) d)

the most honest very honest more honestthan the honest

25. a) b) c) d)

surprising surprisingly surprise surprised

26.a) b) c) d)

Although Despite Apart from Becauseof


7 The best holiday of my life was a holidayI (1)

in Turkey when I was twenty

Three of my friends from university (2)

to Turkey and (3)

me to

accompanythem. I had very little money so, beforeuniversityfinished for the summerbreak,I

I could earn (5)

worked every evening in a pub (4)

on the

holiday. l.

a) b) c) d)

had had was having had have had


a) b) c) d)

were going went had beengoing had gone


a) b) c) d)

so as so that in order to because


a) b) c) d)

money enoughto go too much money to go enoughmoney to go so much money for going

3. a) b) c) d)

explained told offered invited

Yesterdaymorning Sue parked her car on a road that didn't have any parking meterson it. To

her surprise, by thetime she (6) Someone (7)


to her car, there was a parking meter next to it.

a parking ticket on the windscreen and the wheels of her car ! Then she saw a policeman(9)

and askedif the car (10)


7 . a) was placed

had returned had been returned was returned

8 . a) had beenclamped b) c) d)

to her. When she repliedthat it did, he told her rharshe

her car therefor so long and that she had to pay the ticket...

6 . a) returned b) c) d)

the street. He came un to her

b) c) d)

9 . a) crossed

clamped had beenclamping were clamping

1 0 .a) had belonged b) belonged c) was belonging d) shouldn'thave left

placed had beenplaced had placed

b) c) d) I l . a) b) d) c)

was crossing crossing who crossed shouldn'tleave s h o u l d n 'bt e l e a v i n g belonging should have left

It was a Friday night. Megan caught the nine o'clock train from Oxford to London. She sat

oppositea man (12)

in gray. Since the man (i3)_

her, she was

able to see his face very clearly. The next morning Megan bought a newspaperand saw the photographof the sameman on the front page. He was reported(14) on a train after stealingher money andjewellery!


a wofftan

13. a) b) c) d)

1 2 . a) was dressing b) dressing c) dressed d) was dressed

14. a) b) c) d)

was facing was faced faced facing

h a v i n gk i l l e d to havekilled to kill killing

: Why did Mr. Higginsshoutat Juliea few minutesago? all the smoking ban in the office, she (16) morning. He warned her a few times but she didn't listen. What's more, although she should know that she mustn't use the office phone for her private calls, she called her a little bit more attentionto husbandfour times this morningl If she (17)

: B e c a u s e( 1 5 )

at her and she (19)

theofficerules,Mr. Higgins(18)


now. so ashamed 15. a) b) c) d)

regardlessof despiteof though despitethe fact that

1 6 . a) kept smoking

18. a) b) c) d)

wouldn'tshout hadn'tshouted wouldn't have shouted didn't shout

1 9 . a) wouldn't

b) c) d)

b) c) d)

keepssmoking is alwayssmoking always smoked

17. a) b) c) d)

had beenpaid had paid would havepaid would pay

doesn't didn't couldn't

Everyyearthereare changesin climatein differentpartsof the world. Some of thesechanges bv air natural causes. However, some others (2 1) occur(20) pollution. To illustrate, burning oil and coal in transport and

factories often

air pollution, increasingthe level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. An increasein the proportionof carbondioxide in the atmospheremight in turn bring about a rise in atmospheric temperature, and the ice at the north and south poles


. the sealevel (25)

melt. If this (24)


floods in many parts of the Earth.

, causlng

Therefore, it is necessary that urgent steps

in industrialized countries to avoid the disastrous effects of global

(26)_ warming.

20. a) even though


b) c) d)

as a resultof in spiteof in order to

a) b) c) d)

happens happened will happen would happen

2 t . a) caused b) c) d)

are causing are caused causing

2 5 . a) rose b) c) d)

have risen will rise would be rising

a) b) c) d)

lead to resultsfrom result in leadsto

23. a) b) c) d)

could should must usedto

26. a) be taken b) c) d)

taken will be taken must be taken



I read an article about mountaineering the other day.

(27) B:

popularsportor that(28)

I'd no idea that it was people were involved in it.

Yes. but on the other hand it requires a lot of strength and courage. Moreover. it's


for many people to take up as a hobby.

: Well, I don't think I'm (30) ( 3 1)

to climb mountains myself, but I wish I

27. a) b) c) d)

so sucha so much such

28. a) such a lot

30. a) b) c) d)

courageousenough very courageous too courageous enough courageous

31. a) b) c) d)

b) c) d)

so a lot such many so many

29. a) b) c) d)

too dangerously so dangerous too dangerous so dangerously

could would were did

g I'm not an irresponsiblegrandmother,but I want my grandchildrento have a good time with me. We enjoy breaking the rules when we are together.For example, they _(

I )_

up as long as they wish when they are in my houseand they find it great._(2)_ is anyonewho wouldn't do suchfavoursto kids to seethem happy. l.

a) b) c) d)

don't have to let are allowed can

I should admit -(3)-


a) b) c) d)

sray there

I wonder if I want to ask I have no idea if I'd like to know

most jealous of is that my sisterdoesn'tput on weight no matter

how much she eats.I, on the other hand, gain a kilo if I even smile at a bar of chocolate.I losing weight in many ways, but all in vain. I wish I _(5)_ -(4)somerhingto speedup my slow metabolism. 3.

a) b) c) d)

that who I am being that I am that what I am


a) b) c) d)

looked forward to considered tried thoughtof

Yesterdaya 60-year-old woman was reported-(6)_ were -(7)-


a) b) c) d)

would havedone could do had done did

arrestedfor shoplifting. There

stolen items in the elderly woman'splace that the police couldn't open the

door for half an hour. once they were inside,they found f3,000 worth of goods _(g)_ over the past l0 years.The police _(9)_ stolen property.


six hours _(9)_

three vans with the

a) b) c) d)

7 . a) hardly any

to be that she had been to have been that she was

b) c) d)

9 . a) took ... for filling

8 . a) was stolen b) c) d)

very few nearly all so many

b) c) d)

the woman has stolen the woman had stolen the woman stole

needed... filling had ... to fill spent... filling

by cometsor asteroids The greatextinctionsof the past, some scientistsclaim, -(10)it missed the into Earth. In 1996, an asteroidpassedby and -(12)_(11)_ earth by only a million kilometersthat astronomerswere able to detect it. Scientistssay we that lucky next time. According to an Austrailan astronomer,that particular _(13)_ (14)-, the resulting asteroidcould have arrived six hours earlier and he says if that powerful as the one that all of the U.S. nuclear explosion would have been -(15)weaponscould produce. 10.

a) b) c) d)

13. a) b) c) d)

must be caused might have beencaused should be causing could have caused

I l. a) b) c) d)

had crashed that crashed which were crashed crashed

12. a) b) c) d)

by the time as soon as it was only when until

may not be aren't unlikely to be probablywon't

14. a) b) c) d)

happened has happened happens had happened

15. a) b) c) d)

much more quite less twice as

after their death,in a new Tricia and Andrew are the first peopleto sign up to -(16)back to life in 2100 as they believe the sciencecalled'cryonics'. They want --(17)way of life -(18)-

to be around

completelyby then. Andrew sayshe'd -(19)-

in the 2100s so that he -(20)-

through space.

16. a) b) c) d)

get their frozen bodies have been frozen make their bodies freeze have their bodies frozen

17. a) b) c) d)

to be brought that they bring to bring that they are brought

18. a) b) c) d)

will bechanging will have changed will be changed will have beenchanging

19. a) b) c) d)

rather better like bother

I hate the popular press _(21)-

20. a) b) c) d)

can travel would travel travelled had travelled

people's privacy. In the last two weeks there

to a pop stnger a lot of publicity about the huge compensation-(23)after he proved that a newspaperhad made untrue claims about his personallife. The singer is _(22)_


one of thoselucky peoplewho has-(24)to be done.Otherwise,he -(25)The singersaid he --(26)-

money to take the necessarystepsfor justice

the f30.000 neededto take the newspaperto colrrt. to get on well with the pressover the past f'ew years.bur rhe

news that appearedin the paper was the last straw. "I hope. from now on. press mernbers people'sprivatelives," he added. _{27)_ 21. a) beinginvaded b) to invade c) invading d) that it invades

22. a) b) c) d)

was hasbeen usedto be had been

24. a) b) c) d)

enough so much too much sucha lot of

25. a) b) c) d)

shouldn'thave afforded didn't afford wouldn't afford couldn'thave afforded

26. a) b) c) d)

had beentrying tried has beentrying was trying

21. a) b) c) d)

respect will be respected are respecting respected

2 3 . a ) t h a tg a v e b) r.vasgiven c ) w h i c h w a sg i v i n - { d) given

2 SandymeetsPauline.a friend fiom school,at a cinema : sandy


Hi, Pauline.what are you doing here? I thoughtyou (1)__

ar rhrsrirne

of the day. Pauline :

Yes, but I've takenthe day off just to relax a bit. Actually, Im planningro tluii soon.

Sandy :

Really? Why?

Pauline :

Well, I've beenhavinga difficult time at work recently. Last month they hired a new secretary, who is a real nuisance.To beginwith, she wasn,t(2)_ togetthejob.(3)-this,they-eaveherthejobsinceshe'sthenieceo1. Mr. Johnson.the owner of the company. To make things worse. the director-s. Mr. Trent and Mr. Swan,who are expectingto be promotedsoon,-qavetny of'fice to her!

They're (1)---_-.---

inconsiderate people that they off-erecl

(5)-uSethedarklittleofficeattheendofthecorridor| Sandy


Pauline :

How awfull You must hatethe new secretary. well, she'sa bore. She'salways(6)___-.-_

about herself. what's more. she speaksandlaughs(7)-feelyoureardrumswil1burst!idon'tthinkI'1l

be able to put up with all this any longer; (8)----_

I'm thinking about

quitting. I wish I (9)-_-_--I (10)-( l2)-=-a g a i n I, ( l 4 ) 286

the job advertisementin the pirperlast vcar! Il' collegero work in thisjob, I (11)-=--_ my degreeanclI

working in a much betrerjob now. If I ( I 3)______ the samernistakes!


shouldhave worked shouldn'twork shouldwork shouldbe working

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

that I could me to let to let me lettingme

6 . a ) talks

a) b) c) d)

as a resultof yet because that'swhy

9 . a) didn't see

I 1. a) b) c) d)

would get would have gotten had gotten have already gotten

12. a) arr not

14. a) b) c) d)

would nevermake didn'tmake won't make hadn'tmade

8. so loudly that you much too loudly to loudly enoughto such a loud voice that you

b) c) d)

hadn'tleft didn't leave had leti

13. a) had been b) were c) am d) will be Llst Friday, Julia (15)--that she 61)_


Regardless In spiteof Becauseof With a view of

enoughqualifications much too qualified nearlyqualified enough

b) so c) too d) so many

1 0 . a) left

a) b) c) d)

b) c) d)

.t. a) such

a) b) c) d)

a -l-

2 . a) qualified

b) c) d)

b) c) d)

b) c) d)

keepstalking talking keeptalking

wouldn'thaveseen hadn'tseen couldn't see

would be wouldn'tbe were

at the shop windows to buy a new coat when she all the money she had so she decidedto get some

rnoney frorn her bank account. When she got to the bank. there r.vereabout ten people for their turn. All ol a suddetr,three men (18)--in a queue, (19)_-with shotgunsrushedinto the bank. Their faces (21)----


with black

masks.Therewas completesilencein the bank for a second.Then ... 15. a) b) c) d)

looked looking was looking haslooked

16. a) b) c) d)

realizing realized was realizing hasrealized

11. a) $) c) d)

h a ds p e n t I B. rvasspending spent had been spent

19. a) b) c) d)

were waitittg had waited waiting waited

20. a) b) c) d)

armed were armed armlng had armed

21. a) b) c) d)

were covered covered were covenng had covered

a) b) c) d)

had stood stood w e r es t l n di ns standing

Two junior studentsat collegeare talking at the cafeteria: A :

Guesswhat happenedin the chemistryclassthis morning.

B :

Jackwas late againl


A :

Correct!Halfway throughthe class,therewas a loud knock on the door of the auditorium. Prof. Brown, who had beenlecturingon cell division enthusiastically, said "Come in". The dooropenedandJackasked(22)-himin.Prof.BrowngotVeryangryandtold (23)-outsidetilltheclassfinished.However,Jackinsistentlytriedtoexplain thathiscar(24)-downonthewaytothecampuSandapologized (25)-solate.Surprisingly,asympatheticsmileappearedonProf.Brown'sface and sheurged (26)_


22. a) the professorfor letting b) c) d)

the professorif shewould let to let that the professorwould let

2 5 . a) the professorfor he was b) c) d)

for being to be that he had been

z ) . a)

b) c) d)

that he must wait 24. a') him that he had waited b) him to wait c) to him that he should wait d)

broke hasbroken was breakin-e had broken

26. a) to him coming b) c) d)

if he came that he would come him to come

Forests,which are among the Earth'srichest naturalresources,are essentialfor a variety of life forms. Unfortunately, they are shrinking fast. Various factors like man's efforts to make fields areknown(27)-theprocesscalleddesertificationquitealongtimeago'Certain meaSureShavealreadybeentaken(28)-Stoporslowdownthisprocess.A|lthe same, unless stricter regulations are introduced by governments, the Earth's forests (29)-completelybytheendofthenextcentury.Therefore'it'sundeniablethatthis vital issue(30)_


27. a) b) c) d)

to be starting starting that they started to have started

28. a) with the aim of

29. a) b) c) d)

likely to be cleared might be cleared willprobably clear could be clearing

30. a) be considered

b) c) d)

b) c) d)

in order to for the purpose of in order that

to be considered beingconsidered to consider

10 I don't mind -(1)1.

a) b) c) d) 288

askingher her asking asking being asked

to wait, but I hope shehas time to seeme after her meeting.

cheapThere is no doubt that supermarkets are very convenient. To begin with. they are in big supermarkets.Shoppers Productsin local grocery shopscan be twice -(z)-those to several different shops in

also like supermarketsbecausesupermarketssave -(3)-

pick up order to buy different products. It's very quick and easy to drive to the supermarketand everything you need. It's not surprising,then, that some shoppersbelieve it is -(4)is making the effort any more to walk round the busy city centrewhen the nearestsupennarket only a short drive away. 2.

a) b) c) d)

more expensivethan as expensive the price of the value of


a) b) c) d)

them from going from them going them to go them go

a) b) c) d)


wasteof time no point in not worth not a good idea

It's true that money doesn't always bring happiness. My friend Jonathan -(5)whatever he wanted from his parents. He was lucky becausehe had a rich father and on his a car. He became-(7)-

eighteenthbirthday he -(6)-

excited with his new

presentthat he decidedto go out and celebratein a bar. He got drunk and was on his way home in his new car when the police stoppedhirn. Jonathanwas testedfor alcohol and he had -(8)-.

That was two years -_(9)--

and now he is still waiting to get his

licenceback. 5.

a) usedto getting b) usedto get c) was used for getting d) was usedto get


a) b) c) d)

was given gave was given to him gaveto him


a) taken awaYhis licence b) to take awaYhis licence c) his licencetaken awaY d) taken his licenceawaY


a) b) c) d)

already before after ago


a) b) c) d)

quite so such too

jobs are less It can be difficult to choosethe right career,especiallybecausesome popular young people dream about a attractivethan they first appear. For example,-(10)careerin modelling. However, they rarely understand-(ll)-

to be a professional

model. Exotic images of models in newspapersand magazinesencourage_-(12)photographsro modelling agenciesin the hope of becomingthe next Cindy Crawford. Only a few are able to find work and they are often surprised by the nature of the work. early in the morning day after day in all kinds of weatheris especiallytiring. _(13)_ get on with their colleagues. Job satisfactionis not guaranteed. It depends-(14)The rnodelling world is full of ambitious and selfish people. In an environment where life can be tough. The money is usually good. but it cannot peopledon't help _-(15)-,


go on forever. Unless a model has earnedenoughto retire -_(16)-_ I 7)-


time she is thirty. she

discoverthat she has financial worries. Some modelsfind that rhey _-(

I B)___ a differentjob for all thoseyearswith useful qualificationsand experienceat the end of it. 10. a) most of b) a lot c) many c) hardly any

1 1 . a) that they like b) c) d)

they would like what it is like what to like

a) b) c) d)

Getting up By getting up When they get up Ifthey get up

12. a) b) c) d)

their sending them ro send that they send them for sending

14. a) b) c) d)

that they can their ability to whetherthey can how can they

1 5 a) by themselves

16. a) b) c) d)

for a by the after a at the

t 7 . a) might


b) c) d)

b) c) d)

by eachother themselves eachother

must can't would

I 8. a) shoulddo b) could havedone c) needn'thave done d) may be doing The governmentis reported-(19)permissionfor an extensionto London's Gatwick Airport. This is good news for internationaltravellersand people_(20)_ there sinceit will protectjobs. However, it is -(21)to be popular with residentsin the surroundin-q area- the governmentplans also include permissionfor additionalnight flights. A group o1, residents called the 'Keep Gatwick Quiet' organisation has accused the government the promises-(23)-(22)while it was trying to win support for its election campaign. A spokesmanfor the residentsassociationsaid, "I am --(24)_furious that the governmenthas lied to us. We can't trust the politicians after this." Gatwick was chosen instead of Stansted.London's third airport. -(25a)_ disadvantageof buildin-s rhe extensionat Stanstedis -(25b)poor transportconnectionsto the centre of London. Work will begin this year and the extensionis expectedto _(26a)_ over three years The constructionprogramme will -(27)-(26b)-. delays in some evening flights in the first half of next year.


19. a) b) c) d)

to give that it gave to have given that it had given

20. a) b) c) d)

theYwork that worked working worked

21. a) b) c) d)

unlikely uncertain probablynot bound

22. a) b) c) d)

not keePing to keep for keeping of not keePing

23. a) b) c) d)

to be made it made that have been made who made them

24. a) b) c) d)

absolutely fairly very far

26. a) b) c) d)

take ... to build need ... building spend... building have ... to build

25. a) The ... having b) The ... that it has c) Another ... having d) Another ... that it has 27. a) b) c) d)

originatein be due to lead to be causedby

ll There _(l)_

many road accidentssince yesterday'sheavy snow. Early last night two

motorists _(2)_

serious injuries in an accident involving three vehicles. Mr. Ray the van

along Pyke Road at 90 kph when he -(4)-

Amberly from Newden -(3)-

behind his car driven by Mr. Joseph Brown, moving out to overtake him. Mr. Amberly braked slightly in order to -(5)-

but instead of

the driver of the van -(6)

slowing down, his car skiddedon the slippery surfaceand crashedinto the van. -(7)-, the van was knocked into a third vehicle, coming from the other direction, driven by Mr. Luke in the collision and the drivers-(9)-

Porter. All three vehicles_(8)_

be taken to

if the drivers -(11)-

hospital. The police believe that the crash might -(10)more careful. 1.

a) b) c) d)

are were have been had been


a) b) c) d)

were suffering had suffered were suffered suffered


a) b) c) d)

travelled was travelling has travelled had travelled


a) b) c) d)

had noticed has noticed was noticing noticed


a) b) c) d)

make get let have


a) b) c) d)

pass passed passing to pass



a) b) c) d)

10. a) b) c) d)

As a result However Although On the contrary


have happened not have happened not happen happen

I l. a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

had damaged have damaged were damaged damaged


a) b) c) d)

could might had to should

were would be have been had been

A large British fishing boat, the Red Herring, sank yesterdaymorning after hitting rocks off the southcoastof England. Six of the boat'screw members_( help. The authoritieshad a lifeboat team -(13)-


swim ashoreanclget

out to searchfor the rest of the crew.

When the lifeboat crew returned to shore after rescuing five survivors, they _(14)_

the authoritiesthat there were still three missing crew members. The survivors of the shipwreck


to hospitalin Southampton,where they -(16)-

from the accidenr.Air and

searescueteamsare continuingto searchfor the missingcrew members. 12. a) b) c) d)

needed could were able to would have to

13. a) sending b) send c) was sent d) sent

15. a) b) c) d)

have taken had beentaken had taken have been taken

16. a.) b) c) d)

14. a) b) c) d)

asked rold advised said

are being recovered recovered are recovering were recovered

The seasall over the world are in danger. They -(17)-

with poison:industrial and

nuclearwaste,chemicalfertilisersand pesticides.The Mediterraneanis alreadynearly dead; the North Sea is following. _(19)_

If nothing _(18)_

about it, one day soon norhing

live in the seas.

17. a) fill b) are filled c) filled d) are filling

18. a) had beendone b) is done c) were done d) will be done

Peteraskedhis grandmother-(20)-.

19. a) b) c) d)

would be ableto was able ro would have been able ro will be able to

She answeredthat she felt very dizzy becauseshe

had forgotten to take her pills that morning. She askedhim _(21)_ kitchen. Moreover, shepersuadedhim _(22)_ his parentsabout it. ?0. a) b) c) d)


how was she how she was how had shebeen how she had been

21. a) b) c) d)

to ger ger getting got

22. a) b) c) d)

the pills from rhe

rell ro tell not to tell not tell

A judge ordered a 65-year-old woman _(23)_

f4,000 damagesto a burglar who

to break into her house. As soon as Mrs. Lewis heard the noises,picking up


her gun, she went downstairswhere she_(25)_

Michael Phillips in the hall with a bag

full of electricalequipmentand shot him. Fortunately,Phillips sufferedonly minor wounds to his legs. If he had been seriouslywounded,he _(26)_

in hospitalnow. In the trial,

the judge explained that although Mrs. Lewis was defending her own property, she _(21)_ a) b) c) d)


Phillips. aA

pay that she had to pay paying to pay

26. a) wouldn'tbe

a) b) c) d)

has tried has beentrying had tried would try


a) b) c) d)

found had found was found had been found

2 7 . a) shouldn'tshoot

b) would have been c) wouldn't have been d) would be

b) shouldn'thave shot c) shouldn'tbe shot d) shouldn'thave been shot

t2 Ben Johnson,the Canadiansprinter,won and lost the 100 metresfinal in 1988 Olympics in Seoul in 24 hours. _(l)_

the tests done after the race showed that he had taken a

prohibited drug before the race. This _(2)_ _(3)_

in his losing his title and the gold medal.

people believe that athletesshouldn't take drugs becausethese drugs improve

performanceunfairly. Some people said that Johnson_(4)_ he was an excellent athlete anyway and _(5)_

have taken drugs because

the race without them. Johnson was

bannedfrom competingfor three years. People who thought that he was _(6)_ drugs also thought that this ban was -(7)-

to take

and that it would be better if theseathletes

were bannedfrom competing for life. 1. a) b) c) d)

Most None of Very few All


a) b) c) d)

originated was one result resulted led

3. a) b) c) d)

Hardly any Many Almost no Most of


a) b) c) d)

was bound to might wasn'texpectedto needn't


a) b) c) d)

shouldn'thave won could have won s h o u l db e w i n n i n g must have won

6. a) b) c) d)

wrong no right his own fault not to blame for


a) b) c) d)

short enough too short shorterthan not as short as

I like dogs very much, but I lead -(8)a busy life that I don't think I could sparethe time to look after one, so I have a cat. Cats are _(9)_ to keep becausethey don't demand


constantattention. If I -(10a)_(ll)_

a dog, I -(10b)_

worried becauseI couldn't get home

to take it out for a walk. Dogs are believed_(12)_

good companions,but I

sort of companionyou want, one that keepsyou on the

think that it all dependson _(13)_

go all the time or one that helps you to relax. Some doctorsclaim that it is _(14)_ a cat if you suffer from stressbecauseit enables_(15)_

to keep

rid of all your tension.

a) b) c) d)

so quite such extremely


a) b) c) d)

much easier easiest easierthan more easily

10. a) b) c) d)

had had...wouldhavebeen d i d n ' th a v e . . . w o u l d nb' et had...wouldbe d o n ' t . . . w i lbl e

11. a) b) c) d)

on time at the time for a time in time

12. a) b) c) d)

to have been they are to be being

13. a) b) c) d)

what whether

14. a) b) c) d)

worth no point in a good idea wasteof time

15. a) b) c) d)

you to get to get you you from getting getting you



Kilroy's secondday in the army was not much better than his first. Once again, the officers made the recruits stand in the sun for severalhours. They had no idea _(16)_ were allowed neither to talk _(17)_

nor to sit down. Next, they were forced to run six

miles in the hot sun, which was twice _(18)_

the distancethey had run the previousday.

This, of course,was hard work for the recruits who _(19)_ Moreover,_(20)_

it. They

to doing physical exercise.

who couldn'trun fast were requiredto run an extra mile as punrshment.

Then, they were ordered to go to the medical building, where they had _(21)_

In the

afternoon,they were told to do lots of other trivial and tiring things. When, at last. they were allowed to return to their barracks,Kilroy, who hated_(22)_ to join the army. he _(23)_

what to do, was sorry that

16. a) b) c) d)

why they had to do why did they do how long do they have to do how long they have been doing

11. a) b) c) d)

one other by themselves themselves to each other

19. a) b) c) d)

weren'tused were used didn't use usedto

20. a) b) c) d)

ones the one someof the ones

21. a) b) c) d)

measuredtheir blood pressure rememberedmeasuringtheir blood pressure their blood pressuremeasured their blood pressureshouldbe measured


18. a) b) c) d)

more than as much as longer than length of

22. a) b) c) d)

23. a) b) c) d)

being told telling tellinghim his telling

was persuaded persuaded had beenpersuaded had persuaded

13 they are

It is very difficult to understandthe directionsfor use on medicines-(1)explainedby doctors. unless as long as

c) d)

1. a) in case b) provided

Parentsshould set limits on the amount of time their children spend watching television because-(2)-. 2.

a) b)

the more violencethey will probably see. the televisionis watchedmore watchingtelevisionmore often

c) d)

if they watch more television the more televisionthey watch

The rock band Avalon are giving a concert in London this Saturday.There is usually a to get into one of their long queue for concert tickets and although I -(3a)concertsfor years,I _(3b)_

successfulso far. I hope I will be able to get a ticket

this time. 3.

a) b)

c) d)

havebeen trying...haven'tbeen am not

The local bank manager now regrets -(4)-

was trying...have never been havetried ....wasn't to produce his play Bttsinessm

Business.As the first public performanceis not far off, he -(5)-

nervous.He is

afraid he will have a difficult time becausethere are no professionalactors in the town's theatregroup. 4.

a) b) c) d)

offering to be offered being offered to offer


a) b) c1 d)

will be getting gets is getting will have got

It was very hot in the classroomand everybodywas feeling -(6)-. off to lunch.

morning,the studentswere anxious-(7)_6.

a) b) c) d)

asleep sleep sleepily sleepy


After a tiring

a) b) c) d)

getting by getting to get that theY get

The fact that everybodyenjoys a good mysteryexplainswhy magiciansare -(8)'magic' to popular entertainers.We all know that a magician does not really depend on perform his tricks,-(9)-

on his ability to act at greatspeed. 295


a) b) c) d)

so such the these

9" a) b) c) d)

These days we are _(l0a)_

or and also but

accustomedto e-mail messages_(l0b)_

hard for us to imagine the excitement-(1

I )_

it is

in the nineteenthcentury when the

first telegraphcableswere laid. 10. a) b) c) d)

more ...than so...that not only ... but also

I 1. a) b) c) d)

felt had beenfelt which it felt that felt

Most working women have the sameproblem; they have to work at their offices and also at home. As they get-(12)-

any help from their children or husbands,they often think

that they are treatedas if they _(13)_


12. a) b) c) d)

13. a) b) c) d)

hardly ever almost considerably

In general,doctors'waitingrooms _(14)_. ( I 5) who have to wait and wait for hours 14. a) b) c) d)

look depressed are looking depressing look depressing are looking depressed

Hunting -(16)-

were being have been were had been They are usually packed with patients be examined.

15. a) b) c) d)

so as to for they so that becausethey

a matter of life and death since it was one of the main ways for our

ancestorsto provide -(17)-

with food. However, in today'sworld of tinned, canned

and frozen foods, hunting has become _(l8a)_

a social acriviry _(l8b)_

anythingelse. 16. a) b) c) d)

got usedto being was used as usedto be was usedto being

17. a) b) c) d)

their themselves theirs them

18. a) b) c) d)

either... or both ... and n e i t h e r. . . n o r a s m u c h. . . u s

A group of scientistsled by CaptainMonroe startedliving under the sea 79 daysago. These scientists want to prove that underwater farms are possible. Now they are trying -(19)-

up permanent stations under the sea. If they succeed, in the future we

fresh fruit and vegetablesgrown under the sea. According to researchers,one thousandhectaresof land can be cultivated_(21)_ year, so if we can start cultivating


the sea bed in the next 3 years,thousandsof hectaresof sea bed will _(22)_ end of this century. 296

by the

1 9 . a) b) c) d)

2 1 .a) b) c) d)

to set to setting and setting setting

20. a) would be eating

all whole same each

22. a) cultivate

b) are eating c) will have been eating d) will be eating

b) have to be cultivated c) be cultivating d) have been cultivated to go to the Himalayasto do some climbing. It is not even necessaryto

You _(23)_

have a mountain: an old university building can also provide -(24)-


more difficult, and for this reason it

However, climbing a building is _(25)-

by peoplewho are not speciallytrained.

-(26)23. a) b) c) d)

don't have ought not are not able needn't


a) b) c) d)

too much plenty of a little a great deal

25. a) b) c) d)

about quite far over


a) b) c) d)

needsdoing can'tbe done needn'tbe done can'thave been done

A populationis a group of organisms of the samespecies-(27)-

a defined area.The

populationfigure is regulatedby many factors,the most important -(28)-


be the food supply. malnutrition and starvation for the members of a

A limited food supply often _(29)_

population.Humans are the only animalsthat can choosevoluntarily to decreasethe birth rate-(30)-

suffer a populationdeclinethrough starvationand disease.

21. a) b) c) d)

and inhabit which are inhabited inhabiting w h i c hi n h a b i t i n g


a) b) c) d)

one that where it of which among them

29. a) b) c) d)

leadsto resultsfrom is causedby is the resultof


a) b) c) d)

insteadof rather than in spiteof had better

Bob was out for lunch when he saw his girlfriend with anotherman. He watched them _(31)_

away together in a car. The next day Bob asked his girlfriend the day before. She said, "I was working in the office."


at noon


her with anotherman, Bob knew she was lying. When she realizedthis,


his girlfriend was very embarrassedand apologisedto him but -(34)-she tried. she couldn't change Bob's mind and they broke up. Now she feels sorry and wishes she him the truth.


31. a) b) c) d)

driving to drive drove drive


34. a) b) c) d)

no matterhow howeverhard the harder whatever

3 5 . a) told

a) b) c) d)

b) c) d)

where she had been where had she been w h a ts h ew a s d o i n g what had shebeendoing

33. a) b) c) d)

Seeing That he saw Had seen Having seen

would tell should have told had rold

Last July Art Fidler left washington in his private jet to fly to Bermuda. ___(36)____. everythingseemedunder control. He had the plane _(37)_ just before the llighr lnd the weatherconditionswere favourable.However,he _(38)_

over the shinin-ewarersof

the Atlantic Ocean for about ten minutes when suddenlythe plane began to lose altrtude.It was obvious that there was somethingwrong. Fortunately,he noticed an island nearby and managedto land the plane there. "How lucky I am," he thought. "If I _(39a)__ this island,I -(39b)dead."He looked at the plane and found somefeathersstuck in one ot the engines.It _(40)


a bird that causedall the trouble.

36. a) b) c) d)

Meanwhile Afterwards At first Firstly

39. a') b) c) d)

didn'tsee....would havebeen hadn'tseen....would havebeen didn'tsee....would be hadn'tseen...would be

a) b) c) d)

being serviced for servicing to be serviced serviced 40. a) b) c) d)

38. a) b) c) d)

was flying had beenflying flew had beenflown

could be must havebeen shouldhavebeen might be

14 As it is his daughter's birthdaytomorrow,my bosswill take_(la)_ can choosesomethingfor _( I b)_. l. a) his...hers b) her...herself

c) d)

she...her him...herself

I think it's beentwo weekssincewe last visitedour parents,_(2)_? 2 . a ) i s n ' ti t b) don'tI


c) d)

didn'twe hasn'tit

shoppingso that she

recentlythat doctorsdiscoveredthat the reasonfor the epileptic-likeselzure

It _(3)_

in somechildren was viewing Pokemon,a cartoonseriesbasedon a computergame series calledPocketMonsters. 3.

a) b)

was not until is still

c) d)

was not only is so

restoringhis old American car, Sarah'sfather had grear difficulty in finding _(4)_ manufacturedby Ford. someof thepartsastheyare_(5)_ 4. a) b) c) d)

During While Since After


a) b) c) d)

anyway any more no longer by far is as dangerousas the ScottishCairngorm

Of all the placesto visit in Britain, _(6)_

mountains.In a very short time, the weather can change from bright sunshineto bitter cold and snow. Climbers usually check the weather before they set off, but there are warning they have had.

alwaysthosewho do not do so -(7)6.

a) b) c) d)


any neither none each

a) b) c) d)

regardlessof the number of no matterhow much accordingto the amountof howevermany

Over the past two decades,the Seychellians_(8)_

their peacefulisland. which was

consideredthe tropical paradiseon Earth by many, -(9)-

into terrorism.corruptiort

and economicdecline. 8.

a) b) c) d)

saw had seen were to see have seen


a) b) c) d)

sink which sank to sink was sinking

Susanis a 21-year-oldemployeein the ticket office of an airplanecompany.She has been told that _(10)_

she agreesto work on the night shift, she won't be able to get a pay

rise."I'd rather_(11)_ 10. a) b) c) d)

in case as long as unless even though

lessthan work at night,"saysSusan. 1l.

a) b) c) d)

to be paid they paid they pay be paid

Ronnie is one of the thousandsof boys and girls who have been arrestedfor senous. violent crimes in recent years.He was arrestedlast week for attacking_(12)_ with a knife. So now, he is appearingin court_(13)_playing


with his friendsin the




a) b) c) d)

another the other the that


a) b) c) d)

without insteadof exceptwhen apart from

Teenagersimitate people they look up to, chiefly film stars and pop performers. For example,when David Bowie put on eye shadow,so _(14)_ this only -(15a)-

if the pop star -(15b)-

many of his fans. However,

in tune with the way youth culture is

alreadygoing. 14. a) b) c) d)

are were do did


a) b) c) d)

succeeds ... is will succeed... isn't succeeds... will be will not succeed... is

When Janearrived at the restaurant,she couldn'tfind a place to park her car, so she gave her keys to the parking lot attendant_(16)_.

On leaving the restaurantsome time later, she

began to look for the attendant she had given her keys to. As she couldn't find him, Jane walked aroundthe parking lot, _(17)_ 16.

a) b) c) d)

for parking it to have it parked to be parked so as to park

at all the parked cars. 17.

a) b) c) d)

she looked having looked looking looked

In 1859. the English naturalistCharles Darwin wrote The Origin of Species.He said that humansand monkeys _(18)_

from common ancestors.Many people later thought that

Darwin's ideas about evolution went againstreligious teachings.They reactedvery angrily and tried _( 18. a) b) c) d)


schoolsto stop teachingthe scienceof evolution.

haveevolved had beenevolving had evolved were evolving


a) b) c) d)

to get getting to have gotten to be getting

When I saw David walking with a limp, I thought that he must _(20)_

a bad accident.

Later I discoveredthat he was doing it just to attract his mother's attention.I found that extremelyannoying.At the age of 24, one is expectedto be _(21)_ tricks. His mother,_(22)_just

yesterday,knew nothing about David's trick and sounded

worried abouther son'slimp. 20.

a) b) c) d)

be having have had have had


a) b) c) d)

whom I talked about I talked who I talked to whom I talked


to use such stupid


a) b) c) d)

so grown-up very grown-up grown-up enough too grown-up

Before going on holiday, I askedmy brother to take care of my cat. Upon my return, I saw fed it twice a day -(24b)My brother had -(24a)that my cat looked _(23)-. taken it to a veterinarian,who recommendedsome vitamins.I thankedmy brother and said. "I _(25)_ have left the cat with you a long time ago. It has never been so healthy." 23. a) b) c) d)

healthierthan much healthier the healthiest nearly as healthy

24. a) b) c) d)

not ... but either ... or not only ... but also neither... nor

25. a) b) c) d)

needn't couldn't must should

Rose Joneshas spent20 of her 76 yearsin jail. Just a short while ago, she was caught again practisingher trade in Harrods- a favourite hunting ground for the pickpocket.Her fingers aren't as quick as they -(26)-

and she was spotted by a sharp-eyedstore detective. Rose

blamesher life of crime on her childhood and harsh upbringing. She feels that if her mother different life today. As it was, her she was a little child, she-(27b)-a _(27a)_when father remarried and her stepmotherwas cruel to her. When she was only 15, she was offered a job as a waitress at a nearby restaurant,but she turned it down. Now, she wishes she that opportunity,which shebelieveswould have changedher life completely.

_(28)_ 26. a) b) c) d)

usedto be were usedto being have been would be

28. a) b) c) d)

had taken took could have taken take


a) b) c) d)

hadn'tdied ... would be leading didn't die ... would lead didn't die ... was leading hadn'tdied ... would haveled

last The main obstacleto women'sprogressin business,accordingto a study -(29)week by the Instituteof Management,is men. Roger Young, director of the institute,said that the idea of a'traditionalmanagementcareer'-(30)women managers_(31)_ them -(32)-

to change.He suggestedthat

allowed to work at home. He felt that this would enable

work with other responsibilities.

29. a) b; c) d)

thatpublished published waspublished beingpublished

30. a) b) c) d)

had hadbetter supposed wasable

3 1. a) b) c) d)

are shouldbe being to be

32. a) b) c) d)

combining beingcombined to combine from combining


extremely generousof the people of France to give the American people the Statue of Liberty, especiallyas the money was raised by donations from the public who



in common. After all, -(35)nationshaclfought revolutionsto securetheir nationhood.The gift was returned with interest with the foundation of Eurcr Disney near Paris. Nevertheless, many Frenchpeopleare unhappywith this 'present',which they_(36)_ a kind of 'culturalcolonialism'. 33.

a) That they were b) It was c) Most of the d) There were


a) b) c) d)

countriesthat had what did the countrieshave countrieswhich have what the countrieshad


a) b) c) d)

plentyof all both hardly any


a) b) c) d)

feel symbolises felt it symbolises f e e ls y m b o l i s i n g felt to symbolise

The number of seriouscrimes -(31)-

in the last few years.These crimes are usually

committed for economic and social reasons.-(38)_ afraid of -(39)-.

strict sentences.criminals are nor

They know that prisonsare overcrowdedand thar they will ___('10)_*_

for good behaviourin just a few years'time.

3 7 . a) has beenincreased


b) c) d)

have beenincreased have increased has beenincreasing

a) b) c) d)

punishing havingto punish being punished to be punishing

3 8 . a) Although they are b) Despitethe fact that c) In spiteof d) Becausethereare

40. a) have released b) release c) be releasing d) be released

15 Temperatureson earth have never remained the same. There have been times when temperatures as high as 58" C and as low as -89" C were recorded.Luckily. life on earth isn't affected very much by such temperatureextremes.Most organisms __( la)_ at such extremesif they -(1b)have the ability to keepconditionsinsicletheir bodiesrhe same. What enables a living organism to maintain a constant bocly temperature _(2)___ conditionsin its environmentchangeis calledhomeostasis. l.

a ) w i l l q u i c k l yd i e . . . d o n ' t b) will havequickly died...didn't c) would quickly die...didn't d) quickly die...dont



a) b) c) d)

even though otherwise despite so that

When Europeansfirst arrived,forestscovereda vast areain the easternUnited States. Almost all the original forest was clearedto make room for farms and towns and to forests, namely the tropical rain forests.

harvest timber. Today. Earth's _(3)_

for the samereasons.Scientistsfear that tropical forests-(5)-


by the

end of this century. When the forest trees are cut, not only are the trees lost. but thousandsof animalsthat live on or amongthe treesalso vanish.There'stoo much idle action is taken. It's time that we -(1)-

talk about the matter and -(6)-

seriouslyinvolved in the protectionof our environment. 3.

a) bl c) d)

the largest the most lafgely largest largely


a) b) c) d)

have beendestroyed are destroying destroy are being destroyed

a) b) c) d)

very few hardlyany none less


a) b) c) d)

had to get will get got would get

It's known that most cosmeticcompanieshave_(B)_


a) b) c) d)

will be disappearing will havedisappeared would have disappeared would disappear

on animalsbefore they put therr

on the market for sale. Every day researchersare accusedby animal rights activistso1' mistreatinganimals in their labs. Defendersof animal experimentation,however. find it ridiculous that some people disapprove_(9)-

rabbits, cats and dogs for testing

purposes.They arguethat the welfare of an animal is much lessimportant than the life o1' even one human. 8.

a) b) c) d)

testedtheir products beentestingtheir products had their products'tests their productstested


a) b) c) d)

that scientistsuse to use of scientistsusing of having used

To prove that it is necessaryto carry out researchon animals first, Dr. JosephWa-ener showed some slides on a recentTV programme.One slide was of a cl-rildwho was born damagedby a drug his mother_(10)_ the drug _(11)_

while she was carryingthe baby. Obviously.

testedmore thoroughly.In fact, some animal rights activistsare not

againstthe use of lab animals.They'd rather_(12)_ contpletelv-

experimentsthat are

quite unnecessary.Peter Singer is one of those activists u'ho wish that animals subjectedto pain for unimportantreasons."The differencebetweenhuman


and animal intelligence,"he points out, "does not mean that animals feel less pirin than people". 10. a) b) c) d)

hastaken has beentaking had beentaken had taken

I l. a) b) c) d)

must have been could be shouldhave been needto be 303

12. a) b) c) d)

not conduct scientistsdidn't conduct not conducted thev don't conduct

13. a) b) c) d)

weren't won't aren't wouldn't

I get -(14)-

of lettersat this time of year from people _(15)_ that they have a cold which won't go away. There are -(16)many different stories about how to preventor cure a cold that it's often difficult to know what to do. Of course,you can buy medicineswhich will help to make your cold less unpleasant,but you must remember that -(17)-

can actually cure a cold or make it _(ls)_ away faster. Another thing is that somemedicinesare dangerousif you are alreadytaking drugs for some other illness.We adviseyou to check with your chemistor doctor first. Are they really all right for you? And rememberthey can make you sleepy-please don't try to drive if they dol -(19)-,

as regardsavoidingcolds,-(20)_

you may be told abourmagic foods

or drinks, the best answer is to keep strong and healthv -

you'll have less chance of

catchinsa cold then. 14. a) b) c) d)

plenty a large amount the most twice as much

15. a) to complain b) whosecomplaints c) complaining d) with the complaint of

17. a) b) c) d)

everything something nothing anything

18. a) b) c) d)

to go go going gone

19. a) b) c) d)

At last Lastly Eventually In the end

20. a) b) c) d)

whatever whoever however whichever

1 6 .a ) b) c) d)

such too very so

Life can be unjust sometimes.I guessmy father and I have had our share of trouble, too. Grandpa's sudden death put great responsibilitieson my father'sshouldersat a very early age. When he was only 14, he -(21)going to school in order to take over grandpa's grocery shop. -(22)-

the eldestson, he becamethe family's only provider. His dreams

of becominga pilot were shatteredand he was made to spendhis life amongstboxes of rice and detergents,in a small grocery shop. I remember -(23)-

us about the importance of education. He wanted his children to becomecollegegraduatesand get 'decent'jobs. My brother and I graduatedwith honors. At the time, _(24)_ of us was aware thlr getting a job -(25)very difficult. I can't forget the day when I had my first job


interview. How proud and self-confidentI was with my diploma in my briefcase-I soon discoveredthat a diploma alone was not enough to get a good position. At the interview' in my field of study. The job involved they asked me how much experience-(26)speakingat leastthreeforeign languagesand, of course,using a computer. up looking for a'decent' job. If you drop by at our in my father'schair at the cashier'sdesk. I grocery store, you can see me -(28)to take over dad's shop, but that'swhat's happenedafter all. Dad and I wasn't_(29)_ becamegrocers-butfor differentreasons. It's eight months since I -(21)-

21. a) b) c) d)

hadbeenstopped was stopped had to stop has had to stop

24. a) either b) both c) neither d) each 27. a) b) c) d)

have given had given have beengiving gave

22. a) b) c) d)

Whilebeing Being Having been To be


a) b) c) d)

telling him to tell that telling him telling

25. a) b) c) d)

would have been will be was going to be will have to be


a) b) c) d)

I had have I had did I have I have had

28. a') b) c) d)

as sitting to sit sitting sit


a) b) c) d)

suppose suPPosing supposedly suPPosed



1. VERB TENSES 1.1 SIMPLE PRESENT AND CONTINUOUS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. '7. B. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6" 7. 8. g.

likes/ loves has washes/ does goes does lose plays

are aren't have is has isn't doesn'tgo are lives 10.hasn'tgot I 1. goes 12. watches 13.want 14.don't understand 16.lives 17.alwaysgetsup 18.eats making 20. flying 21. is watching 22. am writing 2 3 .s e e m s 24. aretaking 25. arelosing 27. is changing 28. arebuilding

8. 9. 10. 1112. 13. 14.

looks has goes watches listens plays reads

29. belongs 30. don't understand 31. don't do / aren'tdoing thinking 33. am aPPearing 34. gets 35. am working 36. find 37. areyou doing 38. am having 39. do you think 40. usuallyteach 41. don't go 42. seem 43. leaves 44. doesn'tstop 45. is playing 46. guess 47. is constantlycomplaining 48. understands 49. belongs 50. are exPecting 5 l ' a r e . . .w e a r i n g 52. want 53. Do ... remember 54. arehaving 55. Is ... bathing 56. baths

57. is Bill trying 58. gives 59. is working 60. Is / Isn't "" conting 61. earns 62. doesn'tseem 63. is ringing 64. am writing 65. finish 66. usuallyhave 67' often visit 68. are going 69. don't often stay 70' have 71. am sitting 72. selling 7 3. is wearing 74. like 75. nevergo 76. is visiting 77. ate takin-e

C. 1. Does the Nelsons'/ their daughtergo to school Does Sue go to school 2. Whereis the Nelsons'/their house 3. How many bedroomsare there I in the (Nelsons')house] How many bedroomsdoesthe househave 4. Is there a garage 5. What do you do What'syour iob 301

6. Do you work 7. Whereis / Where's 8. Who is / Who's 9. How old are 10. Wheredoesyourhusband / he have I 1. How manycarshaveyou got/ do you have? 12. Do theylive 13. Whatdo youdo 14. Whatis your nationality Whatnationalityareyou 15. Wheredo youwork 16. Haveyou (ever)had/ eaten/ tried/ tasted 17. Who cooks 18. Whereareyou from 19. Who is that 20. Is sheyour 21. How old is sheI LisaI yoursister 22. Areyou a student 23. Wheredo herparents(hermotherandfather)live? 24. DoesLinda/ shego 25. Why doesLinda/ shewant 26. WhenlWhattimedoesthelibrary/ it close? D. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

smells is studying am serving think don'tlike holds amhaving arrives holds stops

I 1. arethinking 12. see 13. areyou cleaning 14. am seeing 15. looks 16. areyou still thinking 17. goes 18. is thinking 19. doesn't come 20. feel


B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

They sold Werq you watching How long ago / When did he buy was not wearing When did he/Richardbreak his les lived


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

is meeting have aredoing am typing floats aregiving amthinking boils finishes is smelling

3I " 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

do theyhord areholding doesit conrain hear rhink arealwaysfinding is writing feels am having

What were you doing Did Bruno and his farnily haveenoughmoney to rent a house Did Bruno and his family rent a house 9. How much (money)doesBruno's fatherearn a month 10. Why didn't you cotneNVhydidn't you go I 1. weremaking 12. sought 13. swore 1rl. wasjust beginning hadjust begun i. 8.

C. I. l. were you doing 2. heard 3. watching 4. did you do 5. ran 6. running 1. was holding 8. was sitting 9. got 10. drove 1 1. was driving 12. wrote 13. flew 14. started 15. were'"vaiting 16. continued II. 1" were waiting 2. were getting 3. were expecting 4. finally arrived 5. were sitting 6. r.verestanding 7. took B. carried 9. opened 10. witnessed 1 1 . w a sl i v i n g 12. came 13. were rnaking 14. decided 15. were fighting 16. were having 17. dropped

17. 18. 19. 20. 2l . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

took moved am staying are attending rains is shining enjoying takes visited was weretalking were singing playing waspouring went dropped

18. walked 19. flew 20. saw 21. decided 22. was called 23. arrived 24. was waiting 25. am not 26. don't like 1. sat 28. was getting 29. invited 3 0 . d i d n ' th a v e 3 1 . w a st o l d 32. is published 33. arebecoming

33. broke 34. was trying 35. cut 36. were walking 37. came 38^ didn'tpay 39. went 40. were surfing 41. appeared 42. were 43. looked 44. knew 45. blew 46. were trying 47. was 48. phoned

34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 18" 49.

are workin-e felt shaking w a sl y i n g reading got sat w a sg i v i n g received was driving heard were looking arrivccl was given got f-elt


D. 1. They got divorced 2. While I was making a salad,my mother arrived My mother arrived while I was making a salad 3. It took him two hours to do / finish 4. When she saw the mouseunder the table,our teacherscreamed When our teachersaw the mouse under the table. she screamed Our teacherscreamedwhen she saw the mouseunder the table 5. (I was) going to school,I found a purse

1.3FUTURE A. Suggestedanswers l. am going to seea dentist. 2. is going to wash them 3. are going to play in the garden 4. am going to look it up in a dictionary 5. is going to have somecoke 6. are going to swim 7. am going to sleep 8. is going to stay at home f . is going to repair it 10. am going to buy someeggs B. Suggestedanswers L won't be 2. will be 3. won't win 4. will get 5. will disappear

C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

is going to have will lend is going to drop is going to faint will come

D. playing tennis and at l1:00 I'm meetingDavid. I'm having lunch at l3:15 with Sally and going to a party at 15:00.I'm meetingmy husbandin his office at 19:30. E. l. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7.

are going to fall is going to rain starts... finishes aregoing to miss are eating takesoff ... arrives am leaving

F. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

b a d a d c


1. a 8. c 9. a 10.b l1.b lZ.d

13.a 14.c 15.d 16.d 17.b 18.d

G. 1. 2. 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. H. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

will will will will will

I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

the plane will have takenoff you come home, I'11have finishedthe decorating will have been living in this flat help you with your homework,(if you like) will have typed this report/ will have finished typing this report

be having repair be call still love

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

Can / Could I May I (possibly)borrow will havedriven will be looking for will be waiting will have missed retires probably won't be 'll help am going to change 'm intendins give 'm going to wear will havepublished will be given will be watching willprobably get hasbeenrunning was elected certainlywon't vote

probablywon't go won't lend won't do will be resting will have constructed won't have to use will have been learning will be will be having won't be ableto see will be doing will have moved Will you be ableto support...? will find am going to work will work will probablymiss will go will be will neverdo

will be cooking is going to faint will have been studying will get will be havine

1.4 PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS A. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10.


have (haven't)drunk tealcoffee have (haven't)read the newspaper have (haven't)watchedTV have (haven't)made a phone call have (haven't)done my homework have (haven't)combedmy hair have (haven't)brushedmy teeth have (haven't)had a pop quiz have (haven't)mademy bed have (haven't)washedthe dishes


B. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Your ex-boyfriendhashad an operation I've startedgoing I've beento the Far East Janehashad twins We've bought a new house My dog has died out with Tom

D. l. Have you evereatensushi Yes. I have Where did you eat it I ate it when I was in Tokyo 2. Have you ever done rock clinibing Yes, I have What was it like It was exciting



l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

He hasbecomea doctor He has startedr.vearing glasses He has got engaged He hasgainedsomeweight He has stoppedplayingvideogames He has grown a beard

Have you ever written ii story Yes, I have When did you write ir I wrote it two yearsago Have you ever planteda tree Yes, I have When did you plant it I plantedit lastspring

E. I

l -

She's alreadymade some/ the sandwiches

2 . She'sjust boughtsome/thedrinks 4. 5. 6. 1.

She'salreadyinvited the guests She's alreadycleanedthe flat Shehasn'ttidiedup the living room yet She'sjust blown the balloons Shehasn'tlaid the tableyet

F. 1. 2. 3. 4.

gone been beeu gone


5. 6" 1" 8.

been been been gone

G. l.

haven't mef his girlfriend yet

2 . has alreadycleanedJim's trousers has alreadyironed his jeans 4 . hasn'tmadethe saladyet 5 . has iust arrived J.

has beendeadfor have alreadybeenabroad I have changedmy job threetimes They haven't found tlie burglar Tom has neverbeento England have been h a s n ' th a d Amy has had/owneda carl the samecar for two months 312

9" I have painted 10. have lived /have beenliving in Chicagofor 11. He doesn'tplay cards 12. is still lookingfor a flat 13. Shehasn'tleft 14. He hasn'tgot the sack 15. You haven'twritten 16. hasn'tcleanedthe kitchenyet 17. Jack hasn't watcheda play (at the Royal Theatre)sincelast year 18. He has beenfamousever sincehe published 19. a long time sinceshe(last)had 20. agessincethey (last)visitedtheir grandparents 2 l. fifteen yearssinceI (last)rode 22. haven't seenthem since we were / studied 23. yearssinceI (last) went to the theatre 24. sherode a bike was when shewas at high school. 25. he saw an opera was when he was 25 I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

he hasn'tfound one yet I've just had sometea She'sbrokenher leg she'salreadyleft Ihaven'tbeentothebanktoday

6. I've alreadyasked 7 . havejust paintedthe door 8. I'vejust had one 9. I've alreadypostedit 10. Shehasn'tfinished(it)yet

l. 2. 3. 4.

have completed has begun has served has landed

5. have you known 6. have knocked 7. haven'tfound...arestill looking for

K. L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. '/ . 8. 9.

havebeensent had hasbeen ... finished hashad haven'tlearned felt ... havebeen didn't work . . . was w a n t e d . . .w a s often visited

10.was...havebeen 11 . l i v e d 12. haveyou typed I 3. haveplayed 14.havenevertried 15.haveyou been I 6. have neverenjoyed 1 7 .s k a t e d


L. 1. How long has Mary had her winter house 2. Has Jack ever eatensnails 3. Have you ever beento Spain 4. Have you phonedJohn (recently/lately)

3 l-1

A. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I've beenpaintingthe ceiling I've beeneatingall day Ann has been studying She'sbeen washingclothes She'sbeencrying I ' v e b e e np l a y i n gt e n n i s

B. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. '7 . 8. 9. 10.

has been studyingfor 3 hours I have beenwatchingTV since9 o'clock hasbeenplaying Shehasbeentyping How long have you beenwatching How long have you beenworking I've beenreadingthis book for have beengoing How long have you beenwaiting The studentsat the DBE have beenlearningEnglish for

C. Suggestedanswers 1. She'sbeenstudyinghardersince

shestarteduniversity (relevantmonth)


He has been stayingin hospitalsincel he had the car accident last month


He has beenlooking for a job since


They have been spendinga lot of money since

he cameout ol nrison (relevantyear) then (relevantmonth)


He has beenhaving a treatmentsincehe had a nervousbreakdown

D. 1. He's beentaking photographssince 10 He has taken six rolls of film so far 2. He has beenworking as a doctor for 40 years He hasperformeda lot of successfuloperationsso far 3. He has been smokingfor a few hours He has smoked a packet of cigarettesso far 4. He has beencleaningthe room for an hour He has cleanedthe floor and tidied the bookcaseso far


E. l . How long have you lived/beenliving in this house How 2 . How How a J. How How *A . How How 5 . How How

long ago did you move to this house long have you known your friend Bill long ago did you meet your friend Bill long has he been walking on crutches long ago did John break his leg long has he beenill long ago did he becomeill long have you had this car long ago did you buy this car

F. l . How long did it rain yesterday How 2 . How How a -). How How

long has it beenraining long did she work as a translator long has she beenteachingin a school long did he travel all over the world long has he been living in the country

Since last year .....a yearago For 10 years l0 yearsago For severalweeks .....monthsago For a long time A long time ago SincelastAugust .....monthsago

For half an hour Sinceearly this morning For five years For a week For 40 years For two years


phoned weren't wasn't am calling are you doing have you been arrived Have you visited

B. 1. 2. 3. 4.

am going haven'thad called weren't

D. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

aregettingI aregoingto get havealreadybought haven'tfound 'reI arelooking hasjust read living

9. havealreadybeen 10. haven'tseen I l. aregoing 12.went 13. Haveyou evereaten 14. drank 15. Did youlike 16. Is Tom C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

hasnot beenaffected looks think havenot eaten is appearing expects

E. f. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.

isn't usuallyplay havealreadyseen ate haven'tbeen aregoingto drive / aredriving hatedancing/ hateto dance


F. I" 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

have bought isn't have lived / have been living spends goes don'twant

H. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

arrived has beenworking hasbeenstudying hasn'tpassed hasjust beengiven has beengoing has visited spent

G. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

does are grown was to come will wait am going to wait am waiting

6. 7. 8. 9. I 0.

lefi was still waiting came hasjust finished havebeenstanding


I. was going hadn'theard was affected had impressed

5. 6. 7.

found had also heard remember

il. (not) beenchanged 1. entered...had 2. had stolen 3. had laid 4. had been standing 5. had 6. had alreadydied 7. hasn'tgiven 8. is still 9. doesn'tlive 10. alwaysshines I l. is having 12" is thinking 13. believes 14. had left 1 5 . d i d n ' tw a n t 16. were carrying 17. had read 18. had stopped 19. informed 20. were opened


B. looked 9. was 10. thought

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 21. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 31. 38. 39. 40.

h a db e e nm a d e had beenregarded were was flying dipped was trying / tried going/ was going Trapped/ Being trapped couldn't/ was not ableto press trying w o u l d h a v eb e e nt o r n had took hadjust got / werejust gerting noticed was walking moved pass had had had beenbitten

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 61. 68. 69.

d i d n ' tw a n t started liked / likes had never allowed would be was daydreaming were answering had attended had started realised hadn'tanswered began had done had beenwaiting was had served/ had beenserving was thinking put had taken had alwaysbeen d i d n ' tk n o w had left talking walked had had / had beenhaving was had thrown left/had left realised

70. 7l. 72. 73. 74. 15. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87" 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

hadn't taken weren't had eaten reached were waiting had planned ran w a sl o o k i n g h a d n ' tc h a n g e d had beenwearing would visit happened had forgotten didn't let had started felt had left had to ask were painting opened had told had taken got running telephoned still hadn'treturned could havehaPPened had were looking / were going to look / would look had beendriving

He had beenworking for 10 yearsat the bank when he becamethe manager When he receiveda promotion,he had gainedsomeexperience The police had suppliedevidencewhen the man was convicted They had moved to a different town when he died He had kissedthe childrenwhen he left the house They had become membersof the club when they changedall the rules They had consulteda lawyer when they bought the house He had driven through the red light when he got a fine She had done all the shopping when he came in and offered to help C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

neverfound...hadhidden had forgotten...was had invited...didn'tappear left realised...had felt...hadbeen working

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

were...hadbeenraining hadn'thad...broke had done/ did...stopped...decided looked...hadgiven uP go...decided had finished...realised...didn't


1.6 REVIEW OF TENSES A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

c. ,| 'l


B. are getting/ going to get have alreadybought haven'tfound are looking hasjust read

am going (to go) worked went studied died

F. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

had arrived had made explained/ had explained was listening had entered were

I. L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

arrived called wasn't phoned was trying am staying

J. l" 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

(had)put had spent was shining was cycling saw crashed have beenlooking haven'tbeen able to find would neverbe able to run




2 . received 3 . flew 4 . are staying 5 . was sleeping 6. eat

D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

had prepared had eaten rang gets saw

G. 1. know 2. have nevermet 3. has been

7. will probablystart 8. is organizing 9. are having/ going ro have 10. will be 11. have alreadyarrived

E. f . is sleeping 2. saw 3. wakesup / haswoken

H. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6" 7. 8.

came has beenIiving/haslived was studied got was chatting heard is planning

7. havealreadyintroduced 8. wakes 9. lets 10. will take/ am taking/ am goingro rake I 1. will haveannounced 12. will give

K. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

were wasflying dipped wastrying/ tried couldn'tpress failed

L. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

M. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

chose climbed didn't want goes like don't have is working will be finishes is going to travel

N. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

mentioned don't look did you decide was wandering approached are attending didn'tmind was have beenconsidering have beenfollowing haven'tsucceeded think

saved has beenfighting have made has appeared will probablylive

1.7 TIME EXPRESSIONS A. 1. c 2.d8.a 3.b 4. d 5. c 6. b

B.I. 1. 2. 3.

Before when While

IV. L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

assoonas Firstly afterwards until Meanwhile At first during



9.b l0.c 11. a 12.a

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

when while before after during

III. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

the X so such until

6. when 7. X 8. when 9. X 10. the

V. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

in orderto Firstly Then/After that After that/Then As soonas

6. so that 7. until 8. While 9. During 10. Lastly


VI. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

vII. As soonas previously immediately Meanwhile first

6. 1. 8. 9. 10.

VIII. l. At one time 2. sometime 3. on time 4. at the time 5. from time to time

D. 1 . during 2 . while a J.


then later After finally Afterwards

1. at the sametime 2. for a time 3. from time to time 4. at the time 5. on time 6. after a time

C. 1. broke his arm during the/afootball match 2. After the orchestra(had) played for severalhours. the embassy providedthe musicianswith refreshments 3^ Where do you stay when you visit Washington 4. It wasn't until we startedworking togetheron the sameproject that I realisedhow ambitiousshe was

4 . during 5 . Before 6 . before

7 . while 8 . During 9 . Before

2. PRONOUNS 2.1 PERSONALPRONOUNS They're My Whose these one hers mine he's

9. him 10. Ours 11 . M i n e 12. my 1 3 .m e 14. We 15. They

He eatsit every week. We play it very often. It is for them. They sell them.

1 7 .h i s 1 8 .h i m 1 9 .w e 20. there 21. She 22. It

5. 6. 7. 8.

They ask questionsto them. He knows it. We have it. Shecooksit.

c. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nobody Everybody/ Anybody Somebody anybody nobody...nobody


6. somebody 7. Everybody 8. anybody 9. anybody 10.somebody

2.2 REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS 6. himself l. himself 7. itself 2. themselves 8. herself 3. herself 9. Yourselves 4. yourself 10. mYself 5. ourselves

2.3 FORMS OF OTHER 1. another 2. The other 3. another 4. The other 5. others 6. other '1. another 8. The others

9. The other 10. Others 11. one another 12. Another i Others 13. The other / other 14. others/ others 15. Another / The other

3. NOUNS 3.1SUBJECT-VERBAGREEMENT 1. aren't 2. isn't 3. are 4" is 5. are 6. are '1. isn't 8. is f. is 10.are I 1 .n e e d s 12.were 1 3 .i s 1 4 .c o m e 1 5 .i s 1 6 .i s

1 7 .i s 18.needs 1 9 .i s 2 1 .n e e d 2 3 .i s 2 5 .i s 26.was 27.likes 28. are 29. has 30.are 3 1 .w e r e 32.Is

3.2 THERE + BE AND HAVE GOT 1. has (got) 2. There are white boards 3. has (got) a rack at the 4. is there 5. thereis 6. Is therea 1. Have they/therooms got 8. Is there

33.wants 34. were 35.have 3 6 .d o n ' t 3 7 .i s 3 8 .i s 39"are 40. seem 41. loves 43. attends 44. study 45. were 46. were

Are there 9. 10. thereisn't 1 l. hasn't got 12. has (got 13. there are 14. have (got) 15' thereis


3.3ARTICLES A. 1.X 2.a 3. The 4. the 5.X

C. 1. 2. 3. 4.

B. l. the 2.a 3.a 4. althe 5. the 6.X 1. X 8. the 9.X 1 0 t. h e

a the X...the the

5.X 6.


D. 1. the 2. the

3,X 4. rhe

1l . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

the a the a...a...the the the a a...the the The

7. the 8.X 9. the 10. the 1 1 .X 12. the

13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

the X the The X

9. 10. 11. 12.

17.the 1 8 .X 1 9 .a 20. the 21. an

t h el a the the a

13. x

5.a 6.X 1. the 8.a

14. the 15. the 16. the

E. 1. the 2.X 3.X 4. the 5,X 6.X 7. the 8.X

9.a 10. I 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

3.4 PREPOSITIONS A. l. c 2.d 3.c 4.c 5.a


6.b 1. b 8.a 9. b 10. b

17. The...the the the the an the a the

1 8 .x 19. the 20. The 21.X 22. the


B.I. 1. convenient 2. behind 3^ in front of 4. opposite

III. 1. 2. 3. 4" 5. 6. IV. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. on 8. Next to 10. of 1l. between 12. behind/ at

7. it 8. on 9. above/ behind 10. a 1l . o n e

aren't above front in between opposite

v. up / along/down until / till left into past on opposite

c. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

on from atlon into / in on Near

outof into along until past/ through on


1. 2. 3. 4.

between opposite next to in

II. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

with to at for on

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

above between convenient crowded in front of opposite below

III. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

in from to for at

Iv. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

with about/ on of from with for

D. I. 1. at 2. on 3. from 4. on...of 5. on...from 6. from 7. through 8. to...X 9. for 10. to

7. 8.

about with

9. up 10.of 1 1 .o n 12. about 11. X 12. in 13. on

14. x 15. 16. 17. 18. 19"

In To In On For

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

In In In in by from on for in 323

II. f. in 2. in 3. on 4. of 5. in 6.X 7. in 8. of 9. on 10. under/ below 12.Next 1 3 .o n . . . i n III. 1. of 2. 3. of 4. on 5. to 6. to 1. to 8. about...about 9. for ILoutof 1 3 .f o r

1 4 .a t ( o n ). . .X 1 5 .i n 1 6 .u p . .X . 17.ago 1 8 .a t 1 9 .i n 2 0 .O n . . . i n .X. . 21.X 22.on 2 3 .i n I on 2 5 .t n

27.of 28.for 29. at 3 1 .t o 32.for 3 3 .o f 34.with (at) 35.from 36.on 37.for...for 38.for / about

14.for / about 1 5 .a t 1 6 .o f . . . i n 18. from 1 9 .i n 20. for 2 1 .o f 22.for 2 3 .o f 24.on 2 5 .i n

26. with 27.of 28.on 29. into 30.on 3l . 3 2 .i n 3 3 .i n t o . . . o n 34"at 3 5 .t o . . . o n 3 7 .t o w a r d s . . . b e t w e c l


much too / so any some many lenough

B. l. 2. 3. 4.

weren'tmany i s n ' ta n y wasn'tenough were quite a lot

D. l. some 2. many 3. any 4. some 5. not 324

6. 1. 8. 9.

much much enough/ many many

C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Janeand her sisterwork in a bank Mary nor I have been to France Martin nor Frank is married We can eat either before or after the show I feel not only miserablebut also tired

6. 1. 8. 9.

enough much many Quite

E. l. c 2.a5'a 3. c F.I. 1. neither 2. none 3. none/ little 4. Each 5. none 6. neither 7. no

II. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.





hardly any neither plentyof each none each

G. 1. 2' 3' 4. 5. 6. 7.


neither all every both either each none


| '

A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 21. 28. 29.


H. I. 2' 3' 4.

much some twice both


Is Tom a secretary/ teacher/ etc. When doesSusango running Does Susan/ she work Where doesYour husband/ he have Do theYlive What do you do How old are You What'sYour telePhonenumber Where is Your house Can Youuse What time/Whendo you (usually)get up Have You got a car on Sunday(s) Do you 1 go to work work go to the night club What do you like/enjoYdoing What doesMrs. Higgins/ shelook What colour are her How old do Youthink she How long doesit / thejourney take How much doesit / a ticket cost Whose are these/ thosei the Where'sAVhereis many restaurantsare Why do you take Is he talking What are you reading How much oil is Can I help What size (sweater)do You take How much doesit cost Is therea I publicphone (near) post office phonebox 325

31. 32. 33. 34. 35" 36. 31. 38. 39. 40. 41.

Whereis How canI get / go ro How longdoesit take How do you feel Are you tired/ Do you feel tired Did yousee Whatnationality is DoesMaria/ shelive When/ How longagodid PatrickandMaria/ theymeet Is Maria/ she when / How longago I did Mr. andMrs. wilson / rheygetmarried I did Mr. Wilson/ he marry 42. Wheredid Mr. Wilson/ he meet 43. How manybooks I hasMrs. Wilson/ shegol 44.

45. 46. 41. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. tu. 71. 72.

doesMrs. Wilson / shehave What are they going to do What will they do Where are they going to live Where will they live What do they want to do How many cars haveyou got / do you have How long doesit take (you) ro get What size shoesdo you wear What colour How often do you take Was it / the quiz difficult How many pop-quizzesdoesMrs. Brown/she/yourEnglish teachergive Why didn't you come / go How are you feeling How are you What are you going to do What are you planningto do What will you do How long has he been What time / When are you going (to go) Was shedoing How did you pay How often do you go What were you doing Were you driving Why didn't you stop What has happened When did he break How long did your parentsstay Are you going to visit How much I is it I doesit cost How long have you been Where were you Were you having What do you do / What do you have to do Have you met / talked to / seen 326

73. 74. 15. 16. 77. 78. 79.


81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.

Is shein her What doesshe look like was the old woman/shedoing when the burglarsbroke into her flat doesthis/thatjug hold How many invitationshaveyou sent Have you ever tried Will your team lyou win Is your teamgoing to win Are you going to win Which team lWho (do you think) is going to / will win How long have you beenplaying (football) How long have you played (football) How long have you been (a player) Do you have to train Do you train Do you like being How much (money)do you earn (a year) flavour / flavor far long Whose is this / that (car) Whosecar is this / that Where is I was it made Where are thesecars made Where do they make thesecars

8 9 . How muchdid I he pay for it 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.

lt cost featuresdoesit have What kind/sortof music don't you geVbuy How was your / the often How many peoplewere (there) What time did the concert start begin ir When

B. 1. Who did Bill shoutat a few minutesago 2. What has happenedto her arm 3. Who gave her a lot of money last month 4. Who did shego out with last weekend 5. What fell off the table 6. What doeshe know 1. What happenedlast month 8. Who did she sendplenty of lettersto 9. Who won the lottery 10.What is wrons


C. l. Who grew 2. Whathappened Whatdid you do 3. How oftendo you do 4. Whatkind/sortof (a)personis yourbrother 5. Who bought/ gaveyou/ knitted D. l.a 2.a 3. c 4.a E. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

5.d 6.b 7. d

I. How oftendoesMrs. Craiglshe visitBill / her son/ him How did Mrs. Craig/ shego there/ to Oxford Who mether at thestation Whatdid Bill / he givehis mother/ Mrs. Craiglher Why did Bill / he haveto find a porter

n. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How often/ How many times a year doesSisterWendy / she leaveher caravan Who likes her clear and plain explanationsof art How many programmesdid SisterWendy/ shemake last year How much (money)did SisterWendy/ sheearn for the first seriesof her programme What doesSisterWendy/ shewant to do (nor',,

III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How often doesMike / he go on tours How many pilots were there Who did Mike / he meet (on the last day of the tour) Who took the group / them to a pub How much wine did Mike/he drink

IV. 'Seven Summits'project 1. How many climberscompletedthe 2. How often does Nasuh Mahruki go abroad How many times a year doesNasuhMahruki go abroad 3. When was AKUT set up (in Istanbul) 4. Who (also)joins AKUT to learn searchand rescuetechniques 5. What doesNasuh Mahruki / he want to do in the coming vears V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Who introducedLaura / her to modelling How often / How many times a year does she fly to Jamaica How many televisionadvertisements did shemake la:;t, What doesshe want to do (now) How muchjunk food doessheeat


VI. 1. How oftendoes Mrs. Webb I go to the cinema (to watch a horror film)

2. 3. 4.

JaneWebb she What doesshe do in the evenings Who calledthe Toronto police (and reporteda suicide)(at I 1:00 p.m. on January7 , 1999) What was she doing (at the door) when the police arrived

5. Wheredid I Mrs. Webb I take she

I thetwo inspectors


4.2 "tAG QUESTIONS A. f . isn't she 2. aren'tthere 3 . d i d n ' th e 4. doesit 5. hasshe 6. didn't I 7. haveyou 8 . c a n ' ts h e 9 . h a v e n ' ty o u 10. won't you

11. doesshe 12. is it 1 3 . w a si t 14. did she 15. is she 16. was she 17. will you 1 8 . w a s n ' ti t 1 9 . w a s n ' ti t 20. doesn'tit

B. l. b 2.d -).



c. l. weren'twe 2. won't it 3. can't she 4. haven'tthey 5. will she 6. hadn'the 7. did she 8. is there

9. don't they 10. haven'tthey I 1. aren'tyou 12. could it 1 3 . d o n ' tt h e y 14. will you 15. did they 16. will you i would you

17. shallwe 18. will you 19. will / would you 20. doesn'the 2 1 . i s n ' th e 22. hasn'the 23. will there

5. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS 5.1 ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS 1. carefully 2. careful 3. quickly 4. slowly 5. slow...rapidly 6. permanent...permanently 7. easy...easily 8. hard 9. fast 10. serious...seriously 11. completely 12. soft

13. softly 14. beautiful...beautifully 15. unsteadily 16. suddenly 17. calm 18. immediately 19. tense 20. dangerously 21. slight 22. terrrble 23. highly 24. hardly 329

5.2 ADJECTIVES ENDING 1. stolen 2. surprised 3. frightening 4. excited 5. interesting 6. reassuring

IN ./NG AND -ED 7. frightened 8. confusing 9. worried 10. misleading 11. frustrating

5.3ADJECTIVES AND PREPOSITIONS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. l. 2. 3. 4.

of about with atlby about with

c b d a

7. on 8. on f. in 10.of 11.In

12.about 13. under 14. of 15.with 16.for

C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

on with/by for as of

5.4NUMBERS USED AS ADJECTIVES 1. -weekholiday 2. a three-hour 3. a four-hour 4. a four-room 5. a one-litre

In by under to

6. a five-star 7. an eighteen-year-old 8. a six-hour 9. a ten-minute 10. a twenty-pound

5.5ADJECTIVE ORDER A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

an old Americancar somenewblueplates somebeautifulred curtains an old gascooker brownchairs somecomfortable

B. 1. 2. 3. 4.

colourfulChineseporcelain smallblackwooden a big colourfulTurkish carpet/abig andcolourfulTurkishcarpet newblackleather


6. somemodernItalianfurniture 1. an old oil painting 8. a largesportsbag 9. a smallroundstone 10. someyoungFrenchstudents

5.6 COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES A. l. are more dangerousthan trains 2. is smaller than New York 3. is betterthan his (handwriting) 4. neaterhandwriting than MarY 5. is lessexpensivethan a Volvo 6. is lessvaluablethan gold 7. speaksEnglish more fluently than 8. eatslessthan 9. lesseasilythan 10. She doesyoga more often than sheplays tennis 11. more confidentlyon the phonethan (I do) in public B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Which (river/one)is longer more difficult than easy lessdifficult fewer good as shy as more self-confident tallerthan

10. more handsomethan 1l. loud / louder 12. fasterthan 13. betterthan 14. quiet 15. more thoughtful than 16. excitedlY 17. fatter than 18. quicklY

C. 1. Which is longer,the Ktztltrmak or the Sakarya 2. Which is higher,Mount Everestor Mauna Kena 3. Which has more members,the Turkish Parliamentor the Italian Parliament

D. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

bigger than more expensivethan worse than more convenientthan quieteri quiet

A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

play tennisas well as my brother(does) as fast as he is as good a singeras Melody as well /efficiently / hard i carefully as isn't nearly as big as theirs isn't nearly as interestingas London twice as many students are not nearly as good as German cars


practiseshis skatingroutine nearly/almosUabout twice as much/asmany hours (a week; as (does) Andre 10. wasn't/isn'tas fast as I l. is not quite as old as Andrew (is) 12. doesn'tspeakEnglish quite as fluently as Mike (does) 13. are not as difficult to ride as motorbikes 14. as comfortable as 15. doesnot work nearly as well as Sheila 16. am not as bad-tempered(now) as I usedto be 17. aboutI nearlyhalf as many cigarettesas Gina (does) 18. Henry doesn'tdo as much weightlifting as (he does)judo judo as much as (he does)weightlifting


B. l. c 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.a

A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

the happiestday the bestplayer the oldestcastle the hottest day the most intelligent the worst cook the most famousfootballer

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The tallest heaviest most beautiful the most comfortable the most boring the most efficient

c. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

the richest the fastest the most popular the most comfortable the best the tallest the highest the biggest


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

the most impressive the greatest the most modern The best the most difficult the cleverest The best the finest


A. 1. the best 2. mofe 3. more dangerousthan 4. the cheapest 5. slower than 6. the biggest 7. fast 8. heavierthan 9. betterthan 10. the most interesting I l. the most expensive 12. cheaperthan I 3. betterthan 14. clean 15. more peacefulthan 16. the mostexpensive 17. more beautifulthan 18. good 19. the leastexpensive 20. worse than 21. themostreliable 22. more annoyingthan 23. properly 24. (more) closely 25. light B. 1. 2. 3 4.

26. tertibly 27. comfortably 28. as fast as 29. carelessly 30. as well as 31. carefully 32. the easiest 33. more interestingthan 34. cheaper 35. the happiest 36. (most)famous 37. large 38. cheaperthan 39. more helpful than 40. more convenientthan 41. morepractical 42. as economicalas 43. the largest 44. carefully 45. greaterthan 46. betterthan 47. the slowest 48. the highest 49. more easilythan

50. most interesting 51. more attractivethan 52. the best 53. the hottest 54. cheaper 55. more crowded than 56. more carefully than 57. more expensivethan 58. loud(ly) 59. the most famous 60. the most dreadful 61. more profitable 62. more annoyingthan 63. the leastrapidly / lessrapidly 64. the most boring 65. complete 66. worse than 67. closely 68. extremely 69. less satisfyingthan 70. lately 71. the lowest 72. straight 73. hardly

The most borins highest hotter more important

5.7 DOUBLE COMPARATIVES A. 1. regularlyyou study,the bettergradesyou'll get regularly you study, the better your gradeswill be 2. childrenget, the more rebelliousthey become 3. slowly you walk, the longer it takesto get there 4. carefullyyou write, the fewer mistakesyou will make 5. farther/further the rally team went into the desert,the less hope of finding water they had/theless hope they had of finding water 6. slowly you talk, the betterthe studentscan understand B. 1. b 2.b


5.8 ADVERBS MODIFYING ADJECTIVES AND OTHER ADVERBS Suggestedanswers 1. extremelycold 2. slightlydamaged 3. surprisingly easy 4. absolutely delicious popular 5. immensely

6. bitterlydisappointed 7. badlyinjured 8. seriouslyill 9. reasonably cheap 10. terriblysorry

Suggestedanswers 1. prettywell 2. incrediblyquickly 3. reallyslowly 4. extremelyfast 5. completelycorrectly

6. MODALS 6.l ABILITY A. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. C. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

She can ride a three-wheelbike She can sing a song She can't write She can't play computergames She can't swim She can't have a bath by herself She can comb her hair Shecan't readstories

He could watch TV anytimehe wanted He could go on holiday in the summer He could wearjeans He could drink alcohol He could meet his friends

6.2 PERMISSION Suggestedanswers 1. May I Can / Could I 2. May lCan / Could I 3. May lCan / Could I 4. May /Can / Could I 5. May lCan / Could I

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

haven't been able to make might be able to leave used to be able to swim would have been able to see Will vou be able to arrive

D. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

were able to leavetheir houses, were able to savetheir children was able to jump from the balcony were able to rescuesomepeople were able to sendfood and tentsin time

have bring keep smoke eat

6.3 REQUESTS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Would / Would / Would / Would / Would / 334

Will Will Will Will Will

you turn down the music,please you lend me your newspaper,please you keep an eye on my bagswhile I'm in the toilet, please you draw the curtains,please you help me to take my suitcasefrom the rack, please

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

so thatI cando my homework Could/ Canyou fetchmy schoolbag pain killer anda glassof water,please you me a bring Could/ Can to seethedoctor,please Could/ Canyou makean appointment Could/ Canyou put a stoolundermy leg,please Could/ Canyou staywith me,please

6.4 SUGGESTIONS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

don't Shallwe play/lVhydon't we play Why don'tyou Let's/Letus go We couldalwaysplay How/lVhataboutgoing Why

B. Suggestedanswers l. Let'splaycards. 2. Why don't we go out together? 3. Whataboutgoingto thelaundry? 4. Shallwe havea party? 5. We could(always)stayat home. 6. How aboutgoingto thebeach? 1. Shallwe takea taxi? 8. Let'scooksomechickenandrice. 9. Why don't we studytogether? 10.How aboutgoingshopping? 6.5 OFFERS B. Suggestedanswers 1. I'll give it somewater. 2 . I ' l l p a y ( t h eb i l l ) . 3 . I ' l l d o t h ed i s h e s .

A. Suggestedanswers light l. ShallI I turn I off the s w i t c h I I 2. ShallI blosethewindow 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Shall I Shall I Shall I Shall I Shall I

drive get you somethingto read carry it for you help you (pushthe car) fetch you a stool to rest your feet on

C. Suggestedanswers l.

Would you like somethingto eat?

2. Wouldyou like a lift? 3.

Would you like somewater'/

D. l. Sheofferedto turnup theradio. 2. 3. 4.

She offered to feed the cat. He offered to answer the phone. He offered to do someshoppingfor his mother.



mustdo must wash must leave must keep must take

B. l 2. 3. 4. 5.

has to do has to complete has to wear have to attend have to return

C. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

should/ s h o u l di should/ should/ should/

D. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

had bettertake had bettersee had better keep had bettercheck had betterput

E. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

needto fill needsto wash needto draw needsto repair Do I needto / Need I pay

F. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

i s s u p p o s e tdo b e g i n are supposedto attend are supposedto finish are supposedto go is supposedto answer

G. f. 2. 3. 4. 5.

is to wear are to give are to obey are to pay are to leave

H. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Yesterday,I ran over a cat so I had to take it to the vet We had to stop at the garageto buy some petrol Did you have to write a report last term I had to drink 2 litres of water before an urtrasoundscanlast week Sorry, I'm late but I had to take the children from school

6.7 PROHIBITION l. mustn't/ can't park 2. mustn't I can't smoke 3. mustn'twash 4. mustn't/ can't use 5. mustn't/ can't enter

B. 1. 2. { +. 5.

didn't have to / didn't have to / didn't have to / didn't have to / didn't haveto /

didn't needto get up didn't needto cook didn't needto pay didn't needto use didn't needto wash

6.8 LACK OF NECESSITY A. Suggestedanswers 1. don't haveto take 2. needn't reserve 3. doesn'tneedto wear 4. don't haveto wear 5. don't needto put C. 1. z. 3. 4. 5.

needn'thave walked home needn't have wateredthe flowers needn'thave had the lessonnotesphotocopied needn't havepreparedany / some .sandwiches needn'thavegone to the beachwith his umbrella / carriedhis umbrella to the beach

6.9 ADVISABILITY Suggestedanswers 1. He should apply for a job 2" We shouldcall the police 3. He shouldseea doctor 4. She shouldiron them 5. He ought to have a shave 6. You ought to have a warm shower 7. He ought not to eat salty food 8. He ought to savesomemoney 9. She'd betterhire a maid to help with the housework 336

oughtto be o u g h tr o v i s i t ought to obey ought ro apologise ought to wear

10. You'd bettercall the lost propertyoffice I l. We'd betterput the childrento bed 12. We'd betterbook a table at the restaurant 6.10 EXPECTATIONS 1. She shouldbe sick 2. We shouldreachistanbulin half an hour 3. They shouldfinish it soon 4. Her new one shouldbe popular 5. It shouldn't be difficult to find somethingto eat 6.11 CRITICISM AND REGRET Suggestedanswers L She shouldn't have/ ought not to have eatentoo many sweets 2. She should have lought to havebeenmore careful abouther diet 3. She should have/ ought to have countedher daily calories 4. She shouldn't have/ ought not to haveeatenanythingafter 6.00 p.m. 5. She should have I ought to have drunk 2 litres of water everyday 6.12 DEGREES OF CERTAINTY A" Suggestedanswers 1. must have a lot of boyfriends 2. must be very rich 3. must be very happy and excited 4. must be cold 5. must be very selfish

B. Suggestedanswers I . may i might / could feel anxious 2. may / might / could becomeill 3. may / might / could have a headache 4. may / might / could be my father 5. may / might / could be in the canteen

C. 1. There are stainson the plate.I havejust washedit so it can't lcouldn't be dirty 2. Tom studiedhard. He got 50 in the exam so he can't / couldn't be pleased 3. There is a caf6 at the end of the street.It is always empty so it can't / couldn't be popular 4. They always spend a lot of money. They go abroad every summer so they can't / couldn't be short of money 5. The dog is barking.Tina hasjust changedits water so it can't / couldn't be thirsty D. Suggestedanswers 1. may / might not be 2. may / might not be 3. may i might not be successful 4. may / might not tell 5. may / might not come

E. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

must havecost must have been must have had must have snowed must have moved

F. Suggestedanswers 1. She may / might have forgottento set the alarm clock 2. There may I might have beena traffic jam 3. She may / might havehad a traffic accident 4. She may / might havemissedthe schoolbus 5. She may / might have overslept


G. Suggestedanswers 1. could havecaughtcold 2. could have broken their legs 3. could have had a heartattack 4. could have got thejob 5. could havemissedthe exam I. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

H. Suggestedanswers 1. can't / couldn'thavelost all her books 2. can't lcouldn't have escapedfrom the window 3. can't I couldn't have cheated 4. can't I couldn't have stayedthere 5. can'I lcouldn't havetakenthe booksback

Arthur may i might not have meantwhat he said Jim may / might not have arrivedyet Mary may I might not have meantto leavethe door unlocked Janemay / might not have found a place to park her car nearby The managermay lmight not have noticedme coming into work late

J. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

should/ should/ should/ should/ should/

ought to beat ought to enjoy oughtto receive oughtto arrive ought to be

K. Suggestedanswers 1. a) She may / might / could have difficulty in finding friends b) She may / might / could not get usedto living there c) She may / might / could find it difficult to learn their language 2. a) He may / might / could miss his hometown b) He may / might / could have a hard time adaptingto living in the dormitory c) He may / might not becomeaccustomedto eatingat the cafeteria 6.13 PREFERENCE (WOULD RATHER) A. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I'd I'd I'd I'd I'd I'd I'd I'd I'd I'd

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tom would ratherreadthan talk I'd ratherhave wine than beer I'd ratherpay by chequethan (in) cash I'd ratherhave a coffee than gin I'd rathertravel bv train than bv car

rathernot go theretonight rathergo for a walk ratheryou didn't invite your friendstonight ratheryou took off your shoesbeforeyou enterthe house ratheryou didn't smoke in the kitchen ratheryou didn't tell anyoneaboutthe accident ratheryou didn't drive fast ratheryou didn't tell my mother aboutthis ratheryou didn't eat fast food so often rathernot play tennisthis afternoon


6.14 PROGRESSIVE FORMS OF MODALS 1. must have been taking 2. shouldn'tbe watching ... shouldbe sleeping 3. mustbe using 4 . c a n ' tb e c o o k i n g 5. must be talking 6.15 REVIEW OF MODALS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

ABILITY can/ could couldn't was able to can't ... have ... beenable to could Will ... be ableto was ableto couldn't

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

couldn't was ableto were you able to can (is able to) can was ableto can't

B. PERMISSION AND REQUESTS 1. Would I Will you fill in this form and sign it, please 2. Can / Could you passme the salt,please 3. May / Could I go out, please 4. Can you show me my seat,please 5. Can / Could you tell me where the canteenis 6. Can / Could I have breakfastin the morning 7. Can / Could I bring the cat home 8. May I make an appointmentto seethe dentistat 3.30 on Monday 9. Can i May I borrow your new dress 10. Could / May I use the photocopymachine Can / Could you take photocopiesof thesepages C. OBLIGATION AND NECESSITY / PROHIBITION / LACK OF NECESSITY I. l . m u s t n ' t/ c a n ' t 2. has to / must 3. Do I have to / needto 4. You don't needto return 5. mustn't/ shouldn'tgive 6. haveto / needto come home early 7 . don't have to / don't needto / needn'tfinish the report 8. don't have to / don't needto / needn'twear a tuxedo to the wedding 9. Do we have/ need 10. needs I l. need/ haveto wear a tie 12. needn't/ don't needto / don't have to come to the office on Saturday 13. You must/ haveto get a visitor'spass 14. mustn't 15. had to 16. no needto book a room 17. shouldbring 18. needn'thave worried so much aboutyour grades 339

II. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

il. 1. 2. 3.

should had better ought needn't supposedto ADVISABILITY

ilI. l. didn't needto go 2. mustn't exceed 3. had to stop


IV. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

didn'thaveto / needto buy shouldn'thave argued had to take / neededto take mustn,tuse needn'thave come


I should/ ought to have told my father aboutthe party You should/ ought to / had betterinform him aboutthe problems You shouldn't/ ought not to i had betternot leavea room without sayinggoodbye She shouldn't/ ought not to have crossedthe streetwithout looking at the traffic lights You shouldn't/ ought not to i had betternot mention the matterwhen Tom is around becausehe really gets angry

shouldn't/ ought not to have left your room in a mess.You should/ ought to have put everythingaway shouldn't/ ought to have studiedharder shouldn't/ ought not to have gone to a disco without telling mum

III. Suggestedanswers 1. You should/ ought to have the tartarremoved 2. You should/ ought to care aboutdentalhygiene 3. You should / ought to brush your teeth 3 times a day for at least 2 minutes 4. You shouldn't/ ought not to brushyour teethfrom right to left 5. You should/ ought to move the toothbrushup and down IV. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

You'd betternot wear high-heeledshoesto school You'd betternot invite Tom to the party You'd betterseea doctor right away I'd betterbuy somepetrol You'd betternot play the guitar now

v. Suggestedanswers. 1. You'd bettertalk to a friend 2. You'd bettereat less 3. You'd betterlearn someJapanese 4. You'd bettertake somesleepingpills 5. You'd betterspendlessrnoney 6. You'd bettertakea taxi 1. You'd bettergo to a dentist 8. You'd betternot forget (to take) your driving licencebeforeyou drive to work 9. You'd bettertake somemedicine/ go to a doctor 10. You'd betterbook a table/ make a reservationbeforeyou go to the restaurant


E. MISCELLANEOUS I. 7. d 1. c 8. d 2. a 9.b 3.a lO.b 4. a 11. c 5. a 6.b II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8.

12. a 1 3 .a 1 4 .b 1 5 .d 1 6 .b

IIr. should have to can't have to can't don't haveto don't haveto can

1. can 2. don't have to

3. mustn't 4. oughtto

IV. 1. hadto tidy up 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

MaY I borrow can stay must have been don't need to take shouldn't have argued

v. Suggestedanswers 1. shouldhave reserved 2. could have warnedus aboutthe storm 3. shouldn'thave spent 4. must havebeen 5. ought not to have cheatedin the exam hau" had anotherdrink 6. 7. "ould shouldhave told him the truth aboutthe accident could have bought a largehouse 9. must have beentaken 10. had to have 1 1. might be 12. needn'thave taken 13. might have left g.

14. can't have seen 15. could have been stolen 16' can't have done 17. must have taken 18. can't have seen 19. can't have been 20. needn'thave sold 2l . Do I have to wear 22. didn't have to drive 23. canyou pass 24. won't be able to play 25" MayAvlightI leave '.. have to draw 26. wlll have to take

7. THE PASSIVE 7.1 SIMPLE PRESENT AND CONTINUOUS 1. Furnitureis sold 2. is being redecorated 3. are publishedin Britain every day 4. are killed 5. is publishedmonthlY 6. arecollected at the weekend L Are BMWs produced 8. in the squareis being pulled down 9. In this part of the country,many buildingsget damagedby frequentstorms 10.We'rebeingfollowedbY l l.the weekly meetingsis announcedon Mondays



w a s n ' ti n v i t e d were interviewedyesterday was broken last nisht

B. l . was run over 2 . was invented a -1.

is played

4 . arekilled -). 6 . was driving 1 . lost 8 . ran 9 . were wearing l 0 weren'tinjured 1 1 . were called 1 2 . were taken

were cleanedat the weekend (which 5. was) falling apartwas repaired 6 . was being watched A T.

13. aretrying 14. was dealt 15. pushed 16. open 17. werepointing 18. were arrested 19. left 20. stole 2 1 . w a ss a v e d 22. was rewarded 23. didn'tlose 24. happen

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

are caused was reported was sent was going crashed weren'tkilled were injured aretrying dropped was dcstroyed were killed


has beenredecorated 2 . Have your questionsbeenanswered 3 . has beencleanedcompletely 4 . have beenproducedsincethen

B. l . havejust announced 2 . havebeenstolen a

were taken 4 . wasn'tworking 5 . wasn'tdiscovered 6 . havebeeninvestigating 1 . haven'tfound 8 . has beenshaped 9 . havebeenbuilt 1 0 . have been formed -1.

5. 6. 1. B.

has beenreduced Has the exacttime of the match been announced has alreadybeencleaned hasn't been typed yet

I 1. was completed 12. was finished 13. havebeenmade 14. has beengenerated 15. haveburnt I 6. have beendestroyed 17. reached 18. were sleeping 19. wererescued

7.4 PAST PERFECT SIMPLE A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

They told us that the murdererhad beencaught when we returnedhome,we found that our flat had beenbroken into By the time Sue gor here,all of the second-handbooks had been sold Before the GreenPeacemembersarrived.the pine treeshad been cut down When Martha's mother camein, she noticedthat the dinner had been cookecl.the kitchen had beencleanedand the table had beenlaid 6 . The burglaropenedthe door and walked in silently as the front door had beenlefi unlockecl 1 . By the time I got to class.the writing sectionof the mid-term had alreadybeen given bv the teacher )+z

8. By the time she was 20, she had beengiven every possibleadvantageby her parents 9. She went to the post office after the letter had been written (by her father) 10. After some exerciseshad been photocopied(by the janitor), the teacherwent to the classroom B. l. 2. 3" -+. 5. 6. 7. 8.

had had recovered had been stolen had finally saved had beenlooking (had) bought had ridden / had beenriding was stolen

9. realized 10. had been left I l. had 12. phoned 13. had beenfound 14. was told 15. had iust been arrested 16. had taken

7.5 FUTURE A. I. 2. 3. 4.

will probablybe given by the manager will be told in advance will be hired will be sentto his wife by the hospitalnext week will be sentthe bill by the hospitalnext week 5. will be shown where to stay 6. will havebeenfinishedby Monday -1. won't havebeenfinisheduntil Friday 8. is going to be paid by the insurancecompany f . is going to be invited

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

b c c b a

7.6 MODALS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

will / aregoing to decide shouldbe built to be revised must be taken needsto be cut / needscutting had to be built

B. 1. That typewritercan't be used 2. The ship couldn'tbe seen 3. Carsmustn'tbe parkedhere 4. Jim shouldn'tbe dismissed 5. All the questionshad to be answered 6. All the food must have beeneaten 1. Your car might have been stolen 8. Thesebooks can't be takenout of the library 9. That TV set ought to be repaired 10. Thesearticleshave to be takento the publisher I l. The doctor needn'thave beencalled 12. The resultsshouldhave beenchecked 343

13. A few reportersmight be invited to the party 14. The report could have beenfinishedby now 15. The papersmay have beenlost on the way to school 7.7 REVIEW OF ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE A. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where did it happen Was anybodyinjured Which hospitalwas shetaken (to) When will she be allowed Has the accidentbeenreported

B. l. has beenbroken into 2. Was anythingstolen/ Did they stealanything 3. Who called/ phoned/ informed 4. had thrown

C. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

have been cut started have been found are running / have been rulning will be dropped have alreadybeen warned

8. CONDITIONAL SENTENCESAND WISHES 8.1 TYPE O l. is working 2. treat 3. see...cut 4. call 5. let...don'thave

6. is working 7. press...starts 8. wrap...keeps 9. Take...have 10. peel...lose

8.2 TYPE 1 A. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

needs takes/ doesn'ttake will you take will (can)lose/don't leaves doesn'tincrease will tell / am going to tell

8. aren't 9. pass...willtake 10. will I l. will havecome 12. don'tleave...willbe 13. will havecooked

B. Suggestedanswers l. I'll go to bed early. 2. I'll be able to seePavarotti. 3. I'll talk ro him. 4. I'll take him out for a drink. C. 1. I happento seehim today,I will tell him to call you 2. he happensto come heretomorrow, I will give him your message 3. shehappensto leaveschoolearly,she will go shoppingwith her mother 344

8.3 CONDITIONALS WITH UNLESS 1. you losepoints,you will win you leaveat once,I will call the police 2 3. they destroythe bomb, it will explode 4. She won't be allowed to enterthe country...shegets a visa 5. I can'tread the subtitles...Iwear my glasses 6. shehas a library ticket, shecannotborrow a book 1. you go home early, your mother will get angry/yougo home late, your mother won't get angry 8. Mark apologizes,I won't forgive him 9. help (me),I won't be able to/cannotsolve 10. Bob won't passthe driving test...hepractisesregularly I 1. can't / won't be ableto catchthe schoolbus...weleavenow 72. can'treturnthis product...youbring the receipt 8.4 POSSIBILITY WITH IN CASE A. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

in case in case if if in case in case if

8. if f . if 10. in case 11. in case 12. in case 13. in case

B. l. Don't move him in casehis leg is broken Don't move him in casehe has a broken leg 2. Buy somecandlesin casethereis an electricitycut 3. Take somecashwith you in casesomeshopsdo not acceptcredit cards 4. I am going to insurethe video camerain caseit gets stolen 5. I remindedhim aboutthe invitation in casehe forgot to sendit 6. Drive carefullyin casethe rpad is icy i. Don't forget to I lock all the doors and windows in casethere are You should (rememberto) | burglarsin the neighbourhood You shouldn't forget to I 8. I will preparesomelemonadein casewe get thirsty 9. I'll give you my phonenumberin caseyou needto contactme 10. Arrange health insurancebefore you start working abroadin caseyou need medical treatment 1 l. Susanshouldtype the letter now in caseshedoesn'thave enoughtime later on 12. You shouldhave a sparetyre in caseyou have apuncture 13. I havephonedthe wake-upservicein casemy alarm clock doesn'tgo off 8.5 CONDITIONALS WITH PROVIDED AND AS LONG AS 1. You can take out this book provided(that) you fill out a form 2. She won't have to repeatthe courseas long as she studiesregularly 3. I will be able to get thereon time provided (that)you give me a lift 4. Inflation rate will decrease provided (thaQ the government takes appropriate measures 5. Your parentswill forgive you providing (that)you apologizefor what you have done 345

6. You will be allowedin aslongasyou areregistered 1. borrowmy lap top aslongasyou (promiseto) useit carefully 8. Theywill takethejumperbackasrongasyou showthemthereceipt 9" You can(only)improveyourtechnique asa violinistprovided (thai)you attenda master,s class 10. You cantakethesepills providing(that)you don't drink alcohol 8.6TYPE 2 A. it,wasn't/ yeren'training,we could/ wouldbe ableto havethepartyin thegarden I 2 . I l w e r eI a r r a v eal g e n r I lcould I workingat a travelagent's t )"ot I lwould receivefreeair tickets 3. he I were I here(at themoment),he couldhelpus


4. I had his phone number,I would be able to / could call him 5. I knew Sally well enough,I would invite her to dinner 6. he earnedmore/enoughmoney,he would take a longer holiday 1. she were / was in our class,I would know her name 8. I didn't have to cleanmy room, I could go out with you 9. I liked him, I would invite him to my party 10. you spokeEnglish,they would interviewyou for thejob 11. I didn't have to work at the weekend,I could / would be able to go on the excursion

B. 1

were you, I wouldn't open were you, I'd ask him for a promotion were you, I'd book a room A were you, I'd take notesduring the lectures were you, I'd keep the milk in the refrigerator 6 . were you. I'd attendthe classesregularly 1 were you, I wouldn't go out with such a rude man a L.


C. I. t.

2. 3. 4. 5.

was not / were not...wouldbook hated...would look for would / could help...weren't / wasn't had...would/ could starr would accept...was / were offered

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

w o u l dj o i n . . . d i d n ' th a v e were ... would ask leave miss ... will give 'll be

8.7 TYPE 3 A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Johndidn't study./Hefailedhis exams. The car had a puncture./We missedthe train. The dresswas cheap./Jane bought it. I didn't know you were coming./Ididn't tidy the living room. Rose saw the dentist./Shehad a hole in her tooth.


B. 1. he hadn'twoken up late,he wouldn'thavemissed he had woken up on time, he wouldn't have missed 2. we hadn't been late to the meeting/wehad come to the meetingearly/ontime, the chairman wouldn't have goVgottenangry with us 3. you hadn'tgot(ten)the highestscorein the exam, they wouldn't have given you thejob 4. I hadn't lost the car keys,I wouldn't have been so nervous 5. wouldn't have crashedinto a car if he had seenthe red lights 6. wouldn't have made a lot of / so many mistakesif he hadn't worked too fast 1. Peterhadn't come home late,his wife wouldn't have got (ten) angry with him 8. If Carol had beencareful.she wouldn't have tripped over a stone

C. l" 2. 3. 4.

havesunk had been...wouldn't wouldlcould have survived...hadbeen had beenableto...wouldn'thavedrowned havedied hadn'tbeen...would

8.8 MIXED CONDITIONALS l. the studentshadn't attendedall the classesand worked hard. their Enelish wouldn't be good now 2. he hadn'tbeengiven a car by his parentslastmonth,he couldn't/ wouldn't be ableto go to schoolby car 3. Atatiirk hadn't fought againstthe enemiesand foundedthe Turkish Republic wouldn't be ableto I live in a democraticcountry couldn't 4. he hadn't drunk too much at the party and driven home, he wouldn't be in hospital now 5. the villagers had used some fertilizers to enrich the soil, they would have a good harvest 6" Jessiehadn't refusedJack'spropasal,she wouldn't be singlenow 7. he hadn't lost the opportunityof doing his Master's degreeabroad,he wouldn't have difficulty in finding a goodjob 8. I had chosenthe professionI wanted,I would be happy 9. she hadn't neglectedto study regularly, she wouldn't be having a hard time these days 10. If you had set the alarm clock last night, I wouldn't be late to school. 8.9 WISHES A. t. I could go to the disco tonight 2. I could seehim more often 3. I didn't live in a suburbof Ankara / I lived in the centreof Ankara 4. Mary/she was/werehere 5. my husband/heknew how to dance 6. my parents/theywere here 7 . you could come to our 25tl'anniversary 8. I waslwerelisteningto the news 9. shedidn't have any freckleson her face 10. he didn't make so many mistakes I l. you had waited for me yesterdaymorning 317

12. my brother/hehad taken me to the cinema at the weekend 13. she had told me the rruth 14. I had woken up early today 15. my father/hehadn't sold his car 16. my upstairsneighbours/they would stop making noise/ they weren't making noise 17. my brother/hewouldn't whistle all the time 18. I could stop smoking 19. somebodywould answerthe phone 20. my elder brother/heweren't/wasn'tso untidy



l. would arrive 2. wouldn't smoke 3. hadn'tbought 4. had apologized 5. couldlwould come 6. had written 7. were...weren'tdaydreaming 8. paid 9. wouldn't talk

l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a a c c c

8.10 REVIEW OF CONDITIONALS A. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

it isn't cheap,I won't buy it I had a red sports car./I could afford/buy a red sports car I knew many/more/alot of people here you don't finish your homework,I won't take you to the cinema you clear the table away,I won't let you go out her numberwas / were in the phonebook, I could / would be able to phone her hadn'tmissedthe bus,shewould be in class you had phonedher last night, she wouldn't be upsetwith you you had told me the truth (yesterday),I wouldn't be angry with you you won the lottery on the New Year's Eve, what would you do to find my keys, could you let me know as if / as though she is angry you hadn't left the window open,the room wouldn't be cold I had gone to bed late last night, I would be tired today Tom hadn'teatentoo much last night, he wouldn't feel sick I hadn't broken his heartlast night you pay the ransomwithout informing the police, the kidnapperswon't kill the hostage


I. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

u. in case unless so as to Otherwise Suppose


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

ilI. providedthat unless in case unless Supposing in case providedthat

I . unless 2. unless 3. as long as 4. as lons as

C. l" 2. 3. 4.

c c a b

5. 6. 7. 8.

a a d c

D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

were wouldn't be will / may / might have to look for be had had...wouldn't is put

9. NOUN CLAUSES 9.1 REPORTED SPEECH A. 1. Mr. Barnaby (that) he would have to pay 2. (that)Mrs. Meadowshadn'tleft 3. her mother (that) they had had to take 4. (that) they were having their houseredecorated 5. Frank / him (that) he would have to get a visa for his daughter 6. his secretary(that) he hadn'tchangedhis mind 7. his mother (that) he didn't want to help her with the housework 8. (that) he hadn't had enough time to take the book back to the library 9. John (that) she would post the lettersfor him 10. me not to make the samemistakeagain I 1. me to have dinner (together) 12. me to tell them the truth 13. shehad left her umbrellatherethat morning 14. they didn't want a recentgraduate 15. he had drunk allhis milk 16. that she/hiswife never rememberedto take a map when they set off 17. her (that)he would call her as soon as he arrivedhome 18. Mary (that) he wouldn't forgive her 19. (that) she would finish typing the lettersin l0 minutes 20. Jack not to use the office phonefor his personalcalls 21. Paul/ him to buy somebread 22. not to take thejob. / that she (shouldn't)take thejob 23. not to leave the lights on 24. not to forget the meeting 25. to his birthdayparty 26. not to be stupid 27. to stop smoking I that he should stop smoking 28. to call the police 29. to cook the meal B.I. 1. admitted that he had set the house on fire admitted setting / having set the house on fire 2. suggested(our / us) going to the new Italian Restaurant suggestedthat we (should) go to the new Italian Restaurant suggestedthat we went to the new Italian Restaurant 3. promisedher (mother)that she would (definitely)help her with the housework promisedto help her mother with the housework promised her mother to help her with the housework promisedthat she would help her mother with the housework 4. congratulatedFrank on having passed/ passinghis driving test 349

il. 1. apologisedfor not returning/ having returned 2. discouragedme from applying 3. congratulatedme on III. f . invited Linda ro have dinner with him invited Linda to / for dinner 2. admitted that he had been nervousbefore the performance admined having beenI being nervous before the performance 3. remindedMary to bring the doctor'sreport the next day / the following clay/ tomorrow 4. promisedthe childrenthat he would take them to the park on Saturday promisedthat he would take the childrento the park on Saturday promisedto take the childrento the park on Saturday IV. 1. 2. 3. 4.

forbadethe reportersto takepicturesof the paintings askedMr. Dove to dictate(more) slowly accusedLiz of breakingthe vase suggestedthat his parents/ bought (should)buy rheir ticketsin advance

V. 1. 2. 3. 4.

told asked explained advised

5. suggested 6. warned 7. reminded

vI. 1. He admittedthat he didn't haveenough(money)to pay the bill 2. He suggestedmeeting I that they met / should meet in his flat tomorrow / the next (following) day 3. He askedif I had ever beento Britain 4. He complainedthat their son neverdid his HW 5. He introducedMiss Brown to Miss White 6. He told us/themto read the questionstwice and not to write in the margin 1. He apologisedfor not bringing the book with him 8. He promisedto pay me back the following week 9. He refusedthe ice-cream 10. He offered to have lunch with him that day 11. He explainedhis difficulty 12. He greetedMary 13. He acceptedthe present 14. He interruptedGeorge C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

if / whethersheknew how to type how long Janetwas going to staywith him. if / whetherhis brotherknew her (or not). if / whetherI had finishedmy rerm-paperon time (or not). if / whetherhis sisterwas in her brothers. which airline companywe were going to fly 350

7 . if / whetherhe had beenbrought 8. how often his sistertook him to the cinema. 9. (me, him, her, etc.) if / whetherJanehad bought a presentfor the children yet. 10. where shecould buy 1 1. how old he was 12. whether/ if he (really) spokeArabic and Japanese(or not) 13. if / whetherI went jogging at the weekends(or not) 14. if / whethershe would / was going to be at home this / that weekend 1 5 . J i l la s k e d B a r b a r a i f / w h e t h e r s h e w a s g o i n g t o w e a r h e r w h i t e d r e s s t o t h e p a r t y 16. The intervieweraskedMrs. Jacksonhow long she had worked for IBM. 17. Alex askedJanet if / whether she was leaving for Paris the next day/ the following day I tomorrow (or not) 18. how much he hasto pay D. 1. My brotheris hiding 2. I have alreadyhad lunch 3. When will I find a job 4. I am going to visit my friends in Italy in the summer 5. I have alreadyphoned 6. we are waiting 1. we will leave 8. the driver lefi 9. he reported 10. Don't be discouraged,I'11help you with your studies/I promiseto help you with your studies/I promise(that)I'll help you with your studies 11. I'm leavingfor lstanbulthis afternoon 12. I will notlwon't be home at five o'clock 13" I and my wife have neverbeen abroad g.2INDIRECT QUESTIONS A. l. iflwhether they havehad 2. Do you have any idea where/ Do you know where/ Do you rememberwhere 3. where they / your keys / the keys are 4. where I put / haveput 5. how 6. will be able to see 7 . whether/ if this bus goesto Manhattan 8 if / whetherhe'll come back home 9. whetherI if shehad 10. if it will be snowvtodaY B. 2.a 3. c 4.b 5.d


9.3 NOUN CLAUSES BEGINNING WITH QUESTION WORDS A. 1. What the children love is building snowmen 2. What bothersme is the mosquitos 3. What surprisesme is his strangeattitude 4. What I have to make is a plan 5. What worries me is his seriousdisease 6. What I like is spaghetti B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

where Sally went when your parentsare arriving at the airport which train they took to New York whose sharestheseare what they said who the owner of the houseis how many people there were at the meeting how old the studentsstartschoolin your country how far it is from Edirne to Kars why peopleneedto tell lies

9.4 NOUN CLAUSES WITH THAT A. 1. aware of the fact that there was very little petrol in the car, so on the way to Kansas the car suddenly stopped 2. Bill told a lie made me angry 3. the fact that she lackedthe necessaryqualifications,she wasn't acceptedfor the job. 4. he made the samemistaketwice is unforgivable 5. they accusedus of committing a crime surprisedus 6. he doesn'tknow mannersis obvious 7. water boils at 100'C is a fact 8. is apparentthat Mary hasn't beenable to make reliablefriends 9. pollution diminishesthe quality of our lives is a fact hard to deny 10. first visited Antalya, I was surprisedby the fact that many people living there speak German quite well I l. she lied about it is what botherseverybody 12. Tim tore my grandmother'santiquetable cloth isn't very important 13. impressed by the fact that that automobile has the best brake system of any car manufacturedthis year and would definitely recommendthat everybody buy that make 14. we can do about the fact that Janelost our tickets to the cinema 15. seemssurprisedto discoverthat it rarely rains in Antalya 16. laterunderstoodwhy shehadn't calledon them 17. a) that she didn't even apologize for her late arrival made me really angry b) mademe really angry was the fact that shedidn't even apologisefor her late arrival 18. a) was thejudge's view that the child should be sentto live with her grandparents b) was that the child shouldbe sentto live with her grandparents 19. a) just don't understandhow he managesto broaden his students' horizons in every respect b) he managesto broaden his student'shorizons in every respect is somethrngI don't understand 20. a) is my opinion that childrennowadaysspenda lot of money on junk food b) is that childrennowadaysspenda lot of money on junk food 352

21. a) obviousto her teachersthat the studentwas destinedfor a brilliant career b) the studentwas destinedfor a brilliant careerwas obviousto her teachers 22. deplorethe fact that old-age pensionsare quite low at every occasion 23. she knows how to deal with such difficult situations indicates that she is quite experienced 24. reilly angered the teacher was the fact that he didn't even apologise for his rude behaviour 25. a) the parents'point of view that the child should be sent to a private school to get a good education U; polnt of view was that the child should be sent to a private school to get a -qood education 26. saysin public doesn't coincidewith what he does B. l. I am surprisedthat you think my brotheris a dull personto get married to Z. The fact that you have acceptedhis proposalmeansthat you will have to settledown in a foreigncountry 3. I refusedto believe that he had told me the date of his arrival 4. She insisted that I (should) check again to see that the plane arrived at midnight despitethe fact that I had already assuredher that it did 5. Before buying that dress,you shouldmake surethat it is the right size 6. The fact that one is ignorantof the rules is not an acceptableexcuse 9.5 USING _EVER WORDS 1. Whoever directedthis film is not good 2. He is 18 now so he can go whereverhe likes 3. Whateveris in that box is making a very funny noise 4. Peoplealwayswant more, howeverrich they are 5. However you travel,it'll take you at leastthreehours 6. There are 2 different computerprogrammesand you can use whichever you want to write your report 7. Whateverproblemsyou have, you can alwayscome to me for advice 8. Whoeverphonedjust now was very polite 9. WheneverI seeyou, I feel nervous 10. Whateveryou do, I'll love You 9.6 USING THE SUBJUNCTIVE IN NOUN CLAUSES 5. be controlled... eliminated 1. know 6. be 2. take 7. return 3. be named 4. be postponed

8. be permitted 9' be allowed 10' studY

10.ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 10.1 NON-DEFINING A. 1. I live on Main Street,which is the noisieststreetin this neighbourhood. Z. The Edinburgh Zoo, which is 5 km west of the city centre, has Scotland's biggest collection on animals / The Edinburgh Zoo, which has Scotland's biggest collection of animals,is 5 km west of the city centre in town, is the owner of a food company 3. Alice, who is the most successfulbusinesswoman / Alice, who is the owner of a food company, is the most successfulbusinesswomanin town 3s3

4. 5. 6. 1. 8. f. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

, whose father is also an athlete,ranked first in the race , who I bought this watch for, is my bestfriend , who prescribedmedicinefor my sore throat,works for the city hospital/. who works for the city hospital,prescribedmedicinefor my sorethroat , who I have been sharinga flat with for two years , which I had spenthundredsof dollarson, crashedinto a tree during its first flight is much saferthan New York. whosecrime rate is climbing fast , where thousandsof touristsspendtheir vacationseach summer,is a holiday resort/ is a holiday resort,where thousandsof touristsspendtheir vacationseach summer His grandfathercan rememberhis youth, when therewere no televisionsor computers We like going to the mountainsin winter, when thereis a lot of snow My parentscelebratetheir wedding anniversaryin June,when they got married , whosedeathis still a mystery,has neverlost her popularity Touristslike Turke!, where thereis plenty of sunshine You'll enjoy yourselfin London, where thereare lots of interestingplaces , whose novelsare sold all over the world, usedto be my high schoolfriend will be at the studentcentre,where thereis a swimming pool

B. Suggestedparagraph PabloPicasso,who was born in Barcelonain 1881.was a greatSpanishartist./ Pablo Ptcasso was a greatSpanishartist,who was born in Barcelonain 1881.In the be-einning. his work was influencedby other artists.Then he developedhis own style of painting. which consistedof picturesof the poor in variousshadesof blue. In the following years,Picassowas influencedby the ideasof C6zanne,whose techniquewas considerablydifferent from his. After World War II, he moved to the south of France,where he createdmany paintings and sculpturesuntil hrs deathin 1973. C. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

who(m) we have known sincewe first met on an excursionin Paris which was quite closeto the city centre when therewere a lot of touristsin the city where/ in which therewere no bathrooms which was extremelydistasteful

10.2 DEFINING A. 1. d 2.b6.d 3. c 4.b B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.





AlexanderBell was the man who inventedthe telephone Marilyn Monroe was the actresswho starredin 'GentlemenPrefer Blondes' Roald Amudsenwas the explorerwho first reachedAntarctica Yuri Gagarin was the astronautwho made the first spaceflight Indira Gandhi was the politician who becameIndia's first woman prime minister AlexanderFleming was the man who discoveredpenicillin A thermometeris somethingthat / which measurestemperature A microscopeis somethingthat / which makessmall things look big A telescopeis something thatI which helpsyou seedistantobjectsnearer 354

10. A 1I . A 12. A I 3. A 14. A

is somethingthat / which measuresspeed speedometer radiator is something that I which heatsrooms compassis something thatI which showswhere North is camerais something that I which takespictures calenderis something that I which shows what the date is

C. 1. Z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. g. g.

Jim has chosenthe topic which / that I wantedfor my researchpaper Can you recommenda car which / that can be useful in this mountainousarea The ieport which / that shegave at the meetingcauseda greatdeal of discussion we stoppedour car at a placewhere we could seethe coming cars well Fruit juice which / that has artificial colour and sweeteneris dangerousfor children Did you enjoy the movie which I thatl had recommended Over thereis the woman whosehusbandyou met yesterday Do you know the man who i that the jury gave the first prize to The tie which / that I bought last week was a horrible colour 10. The peoplewhose housewe went to were very nice 11. The book where I found that questionis missingfiom the library 12. I didn't have any knowledgeof computersuntil I took the new coursewhich / that the departmentoffered this term 13. The woman whose son you met is my teacher 14. Coachesalwayslook for playerswho / that should be strongand fast 15. Do you know the girl who / that I gave my books to earlier 16. The gradewhich / that I receivedin my reportpleasedme 17. The town where we spentour honeymoonwas really beautiful 18. This is a well-built truck which / that will saveyou money 19. The professorwhose courseI'm taking gives hard tests 20. The agencywhere we bought our ticketshas gone bankrupt 2l . That man who / that I complainedto about the food is the manager/ That man is the managerwho / that I complainedto aboutthe food 22. Ihelped the people whose car had broken down 23" Thereis a shop nearbywhere you can buy postcards 24. She took me to the shop where shebuys her clothes 25. Bill met his fianc6 in the pub where studentsoften go 26. We have a neighbourwhose dog barks all day 21. The man whose car my father wanted to buy was on holiday 28. Do you know a good disco where we can go during the weekend 29. They'll meet us at the restaurantwhich / that is acrossthe streetfrom the library 30. I want to introduceyou to a famouswriter whose last book was a best seller

D. 2. 3. 4. 5.


consumeris a personwho / thatbuys or usesany serviceor product hospitalis a placewhere ill peopleare looked after by nursesand doctors paring knife is a tool which / that you peel vegetableswith hammeris a tool which / that you I use for fixing nails fix nails with

E. l . which / that the doctor gave her 2 . who / that was allergicto foods and chemicals she talked to had the sameproblems 355

345. 6.

The specialistwho / that she went to found out that she was allergic to things she ate. breathedand touched She avoids many things like cigarettesmoke and chemicalsin food which / thar make her ill She sharesher housewith somefriends who / that understandher problem and trv to helo her Becausethejobs which / that interesther a lot are in London

10.3 OMISSION 1. The soup I had for lunch was too salty 2. The waitresswho / that servedus dinner was friendly 3. I have a classwhich / that beginsat 8 a.m. 4. I don't know the man who / that is talking to Mary 5. My daughteraskedme a questionI couldn't answer 6. The peopleAnn is visiting now live on Elm Street 7 . All of the people I askedcan come to my party 8. The studentswho / that cameto classlate missedthe quiz 9. I know a man who / that doesn'thave to work for a living 10. I didn't know any of the peopleJohn invited to his party I 1. A lion is an animal which / that lives in Africa 12. The market I usually go to has fresh vegetables 13. Where can I catchthe bus which / that goesdowntown 14. I had a good time on the trip I took to GlacierNational park 15. The notesI borrowedfrom you helpedme a lot 16. The person who / that is sitting at that desk should help you with your problem / The personwho / that shouldhelp you with your problem is sitting at that desk 17. The planeI'm takingto Denverleavesat7 p.m. 18. She lost the pen sheborrowedfrom me 19. Here's the brochurewhich / that gives informationaboutholiday resorts 20. The police arrestedthe girl I used to work in the sameoffice with yesterday 10.4 REDUCTION 1. , the headof the ophthalmologydepartment,operatedon my mother's eye 2. , one of the most important universitiesin Turkey, was founded in 1956 / , foundeclin 1956,is one of the most importantuniversitiesin Turkey 3. are standingon the bridge connectingthe two continents 4. carriedout on EskiqehirRoad may causetraffic jams 5. usedin the bank robberyhasbeenfound 6. surroundingthe palaceis full of tropicaltrees/ full of tropical trees,surroundsthe palace 7 . exhibited in the Louvre really attractedthe attentionof the public 8. lives in a flat looking out on a square 9. driving the lorry hasjust passedhis driving test 10. city of Turkey, known for centuriesfor its history, has always been the centre of Anatolian civilizations 11. moulded into shape when heated, is an artificial substanceI , an artificial substance,is mouldedinto shapewhen heated 12. , valued throughoutthe world, are made by hand over a long period of time / , madeby hand over a long period of time, are valuedthroughoutthe world 13. beingpunishedare all boys 14. fond of peopleboastingall the time 15. have somegeographicalformationsrangingfrom soft hills to jagged cliffs J)f)

10.s USING EXPRESSIONS OF QUANTITY 1. He bought his daughtefsomebooks,most of which were about gardening 2. of the peoplewho take our languagecourseare successful 3. the peoplewho appliedfor thejob were qualified 4. grammaticalcontrastsbetweenEnglish and Arabic, the most noticeableof which is in word order 5. wrote a lot of books,two of which are Oliver Twist and the Tale of Two Cities 6. students,many of whom play basketball.are very energetic 1 . has two pairs of jeans,both of which needcleaning 8. , someof whom were students.protestedthe war 9 " hasjust inheriteda lot of money,a linle of which will go to the orphanage 10. we went to the village to visit my friend's family, all of whom welcomedus 10.6 NOUN+OF WHICH 1. I have bought a camera,the flash of which is portable 2. In the bedroom,thereis a wardrobe,the doors of which slide 3. He has a bicycle,the wheelsof which are colorful 4. The instructorhas assignedstudentsa paper. the aim of which is to see the levels of 5.

the students She is smoking a cigarette,the smoke of which disturbs the other passengersin the compartment

10.7 PRONOUNS USED AS THE OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITIONS I. 1. The restaurantto which we went yesterdaywas spacious 2. I'll neverforget the day on which you proposedto me 3. This is the safein which they keep theirjewellery 4. I met the man from whom I receiveda letterthe other day II. (Part A) 5. , for whom I boughtthis watch,is my bestfriend 7. , with whom I've been sharinga flat for two years 8. , on which I had spenthundredsof dollars,crashedinto a tree during its first flight 10. , in which thousandsof touristsspendtheir vacationsis a holiday resort/ is a holiday resort,in which thousandsof touristsspendtheir vacations 15. Touristslike Turkey, in which there'splenty of sunshine 16. You'llenjoyyourselfinLondoninwhichtherearelotsofinterestin-eplaces 18. will be at the which thereis a swimming pool (Part F) 8. Do you know the man to whom thejury gavethe first prize 1 l. The book in which I found that questionis missingfrom the library 15. Do you know the girl to whom I gave my books earlier 17. The town in which we spentour honeymoonwas really beautiful 20. The agencyfrom which we bought our ticketshas gone bankrupt 21. That man is the managerto whom I complainedaboutthe food 23. There is a shop nearbyfrom which you can buy postcards 24. She took me to the shop from which shebuys her clothes 25. Bill met his fianc6 in the pub to which studentsoften go 28. Do you know a good disco to which we can go during the weekend



whosenamecomesfrom a small village in Greece where there was a war betweenthe Greeks and the Persians who doesn'tearn any money from sports which usually cost a lot

B. 1. Star Trek, which is a popular TV serial made in the 1960's, is about the adventuresof a spaceship and its crew 2. The University of California conducteda study that tested 22 smells like vanillin and vinegaron volunteersfrom differentcountries 3. Every summer, hundredsof studentstry to find job opportunities,most of which are seasonalwork usuallyconnectedwith tourism and agriculture 4. My eldestsister,whose ability to play the piano is unbelievable,will be performing at the presidentialpalacenext Saturday 5. The hotel where we wantedto staywas fully booked 6. The biggestrestaurantin the town, which we often go to, is near the seaside 'Four 1. Nigel Kennedy is one of the few classicalmusicianswho interpretVivaldi's Seasons',which has sold more than 250.000copies,successfully 8. Alexandria, which is the secondlargestcit)' in Eg)'pt, was built by Alexander the Great on the site of an old fishing village, which had a small harbour that was shelteredby the islandof Pharos 9. The classroomwe hold our lessonsin is very cold and dark 10. Rice, which we usuall.vservewith meat,is an importantfood in my country 1l. John travelledtwenty miles to visit his sister,which was thoughtful of him 12. The studentsthe administrationhave chosenfor the quiz show are excusedfiom classes today C. l. I met at the party last night was a 2. whosehousehad beenvandalisedwas takento hospital 3. we had to write was completedin threehours 4. I lent you was written by a friend of mine 5. which / that can be washedin the dishwasher 6. Picassocreateda lot of paintings,which art critics highly value today 7. Mr. Bailey hired yesterdaycan type 70 words per minute 8. read the book their teacherhad recommended 9. five yearsin the schoolwhere thereusedto be only girls 10. paintingson exhibition at the Louvre Museum, someof which are worth millions of dollars 1 l. for whom the governmentconstructedhouseswere thankful 12. arefull of plankton,most of which are consumedby fish 13. dealingwith differenttypesof friendshipis really interesting 14. whose sisterworked in the bakerygave me piano lessons 15. the peoplewho cameto the interviewgot thejob 16. her a gold chestthe top of which is coveredwith diamonds D. 1. 2. 3. 4.

which who when that 358

5. 6. 7. 8.

whose where whom why

E. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

who / that which / that where which / that which

F. 1. b 2.a 3.c 4"d 5.b 6.c 7. c 8.a

19.b 20. c 21. b 22. d 23. a 24. c 25. d 26. c 27. c

1 0 .d ll. d 12. b 13.c 1 4 .d 1 5 .c 16.c 1 1 .d 18.c


11.PARTICIPLES A.I. tiring 1. surprised confusing tired disappointed

Z. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8. 9. 10.

excited annoying frightening/ frightened broken

rI. 1. freshlymade 2. recentlymarried 3. well-paid 4. poorly illustrated


IIr. 1. 2. 3. 4.


lasting broken lit / lighted frightening

1. 2. 3. 4.

terriblYdrawn widelY known recentlyoPened well done

B.I. 1. b 2.b 3. d II. 1. Not knowing his room number,I askedthe receptionist. 2. Having drunk too much, he felt sick. 3. Having finished all the housework,shewent to her neighbourfor a cup of coffee 4. Not knowing what to do, we decidedto ask for someadvice 5. Going down the stairs,he tripped and broke his leg He tripped and broke his leg going down the stairs. 6. Having booked our seatsfor the concert 1. Having beenwarned aboutthe high taxes 8. Having done somewindow-shopping,we decidedwhat to buy 9. Not knowing what to say,I just smiled. 10. Not being a good player,he didn't have a chanceof winning the tennistournament. I 1. Having cleanedthe living room, I startedtidying up the kitchen. 12. Not being interestedto seewhat would happen,I left the meetingearly. Not interestedto seewhat would happen,I left the meeting early. 13. Having witnessedthe crime, he was expectedto give evidencein court. 14. Tourists intending to spend their holiday in Malta are advised to make early reservations


III. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

written Having reserved Seeing having had believing slamming

7 . accompaniedi being accompanied 8. fascinating 9. known 10. amazing I 1. exhausted

1y. 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 1.

12. GERUNDSAND INFINITIVES I2.I ALLOW - MAKE - LET l. He wasn'tallowedto go out 2. was allowed to come home 3. made me go for a run / made me run 4. makesme 5. didn'tlet me visit / didn'tallow me to visit 6. makesTom do his homework 1. weren'tallowed to 8. don't let me grow 9. make us stay 10. They / The teachersdidn't let us listen to We weren't allowed to listento I l. Are we allowed to takephotographs 12. mademe come home. 13. are allowed to walk around 14. makesus speakEnglish in class 15. aren't allowed to work 16. let us write 17. doesn'tlet me keep 18. (has)let the secretarytake 19. (has)madethe driver pay a fine 12.2 ENOUGH AND TOO (... TO) A. 1. too 2. enough 3. many

4. 5. 6.

enough too enough

B. 1. There are too many Z. thereis too much 3. There aren't enoughrooms

C. 1. She isn't old enoughto travel alone 2. light enoughfor me to carry 3. too difficult for me to solve 4. too hot for the baby to drink 5. My car is not old enoughto be considereda classic 6. The text is too difficult for the new studentsto understand 1. doesnot eat enough 8. isn't comfortableenough (for me) to sleepin 9. was too difficult (for the children/ them) to do 10. He is cleverenoughto understandwell I l. Theseclothesare too old (for me) to wear 12. He is too afraid to tell her the truth 360

protesting performecl il"O parked done raken hiding

13. The man is stupidenoughto believeyou 14. The story is short enoughto readin one lesson I5. That man is too tall for her to dancewith 16. The film is too frighteningfor childrento watch 17. The teacherspoketoo fast for us to understand 18. The wind is strongenoughto blow the roof off 19. courageousenoughto be a mountaineer 20. is not tall enoughto becomea model 21. was too steepfor the old farmer to climb 22. lt's not warm enough(for us) to have dinner on the balcony We can't have dinner on the balconybecauseit's not warm enough 23. She didn't walk / wasn'twalking fast I quickly enoughto catch up with them / so she couldn'tcatchup with them She couldn't catch up with them becauseshe didn't walk / wasn't walking fast / quickly enough 24. The ice is thick enough(for us) to walk on D. La :




5.c 12.3 FORMS OF USED TO A. 1. They usedto live in a small house,but now they live in a big flat 2. They usedto have a dog, but now they don't 3. Mr. Black usedto be a farmer,but now he's a salesman 4. They used to eat healthy food, but now they eat unhealthy food 5. Their son Andy usedto be very lazy at school,but now he's hardworking 6. Mr. Black didn't use to smoke.but now he smokesa lot 7. Mrs. Black didn't use to be fat. but now sheis very fat 8. They usedto enjoy life, but now they don't 9. Andy didn't use to like school,but now he does 10. Mrs. Black usedto be a housewife,but now she is a typist B. 1. Theredidn'tuseto be 2. am used to eating only vegetablesand fruit 3. (have)got usedto wearing / usedto dislike wearing 1. didn't use to dye her hair 5. am not / haven't got usedto cycling to school 6. am usedto speaking 7. There didn't use to be an art gallery nearmy flat 8. There usedto be a cinemaon the Main street 9. didn't use to be cheap/ inexpensive/ usedto be expensive 10. There usedto be a few shoppingcentresin Ankara


C. l. will get usedto the noise 2. is usedto living 3. am usedto him/his being 4. isn't usedto gettingup 5. didn't useto be 6. usedto go 1. am not usedto eating 8. is not usedto drinkins 9. got usedto 10. shegot usedto 12.4 CAUSATIVE VERBS A. l. have/ get my coat cleaned 7. do you have/ get your teethchecked 3. hasn'thad / got the centralheatinginstalledyet 4. have/ get it cleaned 5. had / got your eyestested 6. Have you had / got it / your house(re) decorated 7. havelget my blood pressuretaken 8. had / got my stomachX-rayed 9. have / get your housepainted 10. alwayshave my car washed I 1. have her hair done 12. I haveI getmy car serviced(at the garage)every six months I take my car to the garageevery six months to have I get it serviced 13. are having/ gettingthe leak in our roof repairednow are having someworkersrepairthe leak in our roof now / are getting someworkers to repair the leak in our roof now 14. haveI get your childrenentertained 15. have our teacherexplainthe causativesagain/ get our teacherto explain the causatives again B. 1. 2.

(has)got Tom / him to wash the car had their wedding photographstakenat a photographicstudio

12.5 VERBS OF PERCEPTION 10. reading 1. snoring I l. flying 2. practicing 12. moving 3. steal...leave 13. crawl...fall 4. win 14. sing/singing open 5. 15. sleeping 6. shout 16. playing 1. playing 17. comins 8. fall 9. trickling


18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

stop yell getout enter ring burning knock break

12.6REVIEW OF GERUNDSAND INFINITIVES A. 1. d 2.c6.c 3.b 4.b B. I. l. beingchanged 2. to take 3. meeting 4. watching il. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

buying crying covering going painting to be painted 6. to fill 7. to find 8. to help 9. publishing 10. to let 11 . b e i n g 12. to write 13. owning 14. buying 15. to know 16. being 17. to buy 18. spending




5. 6. 7. 8.

cutting/ to be cut to get telling/ havingtold taking

19. to meet 20. to understand 21. decide 22. being 23. to stop 24. seeing 25. to take 26. puttingoff 27. getting 28. trying 29. to rush 30. to cut 31. hiking 32. to pay 33. walking 34. not finding 35. calling 36. to reach 37. leaving

9. to buy 10. to make 1l. to enter 12. taking

3 8 . nnglng 3 9 . to bring 40. beingtold / to be tolt4 1 . giving 42. to stay ^a

to do 44. doing 4 5 . looking 46. helping 47. staying 4 8 . worry 49. to practise 5 0 . taking 5 1 . to go 52. getting 5 3 . take


C. 1. for making / to make 2. use/ good cornplaining(aboutthe room service) 3. for drawing straightlines/todraw straightlines 4. use it for correcting/useit to correct 5. selling/having sold his car 6 . p l a y t e n n i st h a ns w i m 1 . point (in) applyingfor this job unlessyou have all the necessaryqualifications 8. his / him taking me to the airport 9. of doing betterwork 10. taking the train / that they (should)take/tookthe train I l. people(from) taking the drug 12. worrying about my exam results(althoughI'm sureI'll pass.) 13. is no point (in) takinga shower 14. He didn'tuseto drink / He usednot to drink 15. isn't good at cooking


16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

I can't afford (to buy) this jacket her books lying around at writing computerprograms can't standpeople/ people'sinterruptingme while I am working reminded Robert to lock the door spentthreehours cleaningthe house

D. l. 2. 3" 4.

of stealing for shouting for being (from) resigning

5. 6. 7. 8.

of working like doing of/ about spending to going

13.CONNECTIVES 13.1 EXPRESSING CAUSE AND EFFECT USING SO / SUCH ... THAT l. I was so worried aboutmy examsthat I decidedto stay at home and study 2. a silly excusethat I didn't acceptit 3. was such an interestingbook that I finished it in one day that he neverfails his examinations 4. a hardworkingstudent/person 5. was such a successfulperformancethat the audienceapplaudedfor fifteen minutes 6. He was so successfulthat he graduatedin only three years 1. was such bad news that 8. so deliciousthat she ate threepieces 9. such a densefog that the driverscouldn'tseeanything 10. was such a dull party that the guestsleft early 11. was driving so fast that he couldn'tstop at the red light 13.2 EXPRESSING PURPOSE USING SO THAT, IN ORDER TO AND BECAUSE A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

becauseD so that A so that F becauseC so thatJ

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

they do not / won't leavefingerprints you don't / won't feel hungry during the exam shouldhandlethe saucepancarefullyso that your hand doesnot / won't get her husband'ssuddendeathMrs. Williams had a nervousbreakdown bring excitementinto their lives I didn't tell him the rest of the story so as not to causeany trouble Strict measuresshouldbe taken so as to preventoverhunting

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

becauseI so that B so that H becauseE becauseG

c. 1. Be quiet so that I can hear what Sharonis saying 2. Last week Mary and Janehired a babysitterso that they could go to a dinner party 3. YesterdayI put the meat in the oven at 5:00 so that it could / would be ready I I could eat it by 6:30 4. She cashed a cheque yesterdayso that she would have I had enough money to go shopping 364

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

They hurried so that they wouldn'tbe I weren't late for the meeting We locked the door so that we could / would be safe I speededup so that I could overtakethe car in front of me Standup so that I can seeyou Pleaseturn up the radio so that I can listen to the news too The governmentpulled down the old blocks of flats so that they could build the new

ones 11. Anne tied a string around her finger so that she didn't / wouldn't forget to take the books she had borrowed back to the library 12. AII motor vehiclesshoulduse unleadedpetrol so that the air pollution can be reduced 13. Turn down the music so that the baby doesn't/ won't wake up D. Suggestedanswers 1. make somearrangements Z. Doctors/Dentistswear masks 3. it would be easierto reachthe other side

4. the group is very popular 5. breathcigarettesmoke 6. I don't have enoughtime

E. Suggestedanswers f . in order to live a quiet life when he retires so that he could escapefrom the city life becausehe likes being on his own 2. in order to become an actress so that she could be successfulin her career becauseshe likes acting 3" in order to starthis own business so that he could look after his grandchildren becausehe had had a heart attack 4. in order to be healthy so that shecould run faster becauseit was bad for her health 5. in order to learn how to use it so that he can surf the internet becausehe likes playing computer games

14.EMPHATIC STRUCTURES 14.1 CLEFT SENTENCES A. 1. was Van Gogh that paintedthe "Sunflowers" 2. I can't stand is (the fact) that David never apologizesfor his mistakes I can't stand about David is (the fact) that he never apologizesfor his mistakes 3 wasn't until I got to the bookstorethat I realizedthat I didn't have any money is that they raise awarenessabout global 4. that I like about Bennetton'sadvertisements 5. 6.

issues was Bob Marley who/thatsang"Exodus" that I hate about computersis that they rarely work properly


B. Instead of 'that' it is possible to use 'who' or 'which' in some cases but it is an informal usage so we prefer 'that'. l. he wants is to get married 2. was Kate that wore her bestdressto the party last night 3. was her bestdressthat Kate wore to the party last night 4. was to the party that Kate wore her best dress 5. was last night that Kate wore her bestdressto the party 6. makesthejob interestingis the closecontactwith the customers 7. I want is ten minutes' rest 8. I saw was somethingvery appealing 9. stoppedus was his inconsistency 10. I don't understand is why he boasts I f . is not Dorothy that is the manager;it's Mary 12. wasn'tmy pursethat I lost;it was my creditcards 13. isn't Europethat I havebeento; it is India 14. isn't engineering thathe is studying;it is economics 15. isn't I / me that is crazy;it's you (that) you need;it's determination 16. is not encouragement 17. is not you that sheloves;it's Bill 18. I needis a pen 19. I like is the way shetreatspeople 20. Ihate is his attitude 21. keepsme fit is jogging 22. is after a war that childrenusually suffer the most 23. was in London that I first saw the film which won two Oscars 24. really inspiredme to startwriting a new book was talking to Smith 25. was Bill that broke the news to me

14.2INVERSION A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

s ow a s So do s oh a s nor / neithercan Nor i Neitherhave

B. l . D i d y o u ?I d i d n ' t . 2. Doesshe?I don't. 3. Have you? I haven't. 4. Will they?I won't. 5. Did you? I didn't. 6. Had they?I hadn't. 1. Are you? I'm not. 8 . C a n ' ty o u ?I c a n . 9. Wasn't he?I was.

6. norI neitherwill '7 . nor / neitherdoes 8. Nor / Neitherdo 9 . s ow i l l 10.nor / neitherdo C. 1n


z. t) 3. d


4.b 5.d 6.c 7. c

1 0 .c 11.b 12.a 1 3 .d

D. 1. Were they to enactthat law , therewould be a chaos. 2. Were the police to have found out , you would really have gotten into trouble./ Had the police found out, you would really have gotteninto trouble. 366

3. 4. 5. 6.

Should you becomeawareof anything, let me know. Should he have stolenanything,he will have to be fired' Had I known the truth, I would have rejected doing it. Had Bill not droppedhis keys, he would have managedto enterthe house.

E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. '7.

did the policedoubthis innocence. will I investin that company. shouldwe constructmore factories. has (so much) environmentalpollution takenplace. has so much snow fallen here during winter months. were theremore rabiescasesthan in this industrialcity. making workers redundantcan we savethe factory. 8. have I encouragedpeopleto exhibit offensivebehaviour. g. did the colonel help to plan the curfew but he also supportedthe idea of Coup de'etat. 10. enactingnew laws nor by freezingpriceswill the prime ministergain popularity I 1. had they finished their work when the visitorsarrived 12. do they tell us what is going on 13. had sheenteredthe room than shewas told aboutthe bad news 14. I was told did Irealize his absence 15. his motherwas watchingme the boy 16. did I realizethat I had forgottenmy briefcaseat home 17. have I beensubjectto such an indecentassault 18. had I switchedon the TV than the lights went out 19. was Mary late, but she also had left all the documentsat home 20. have I heard such a faulty statement 21. readingthe critics did I understandthe hidden messagein the film 22. doesit matter to me what people think of my attitude 23. shouldyou invite him again 24. did the studentdo his homework 25. doesan individual seizean opportunitylike the one that Tom has


Iz l. 2. 3. 4.

Were didn't came Our

34. 1. 2. 3. 4.

do walking do instrument

5. His 6. any 7. Who

5. 6. 7.

the at knitting

l.listening 2.fot 3.everY

l. 2. 3. 4.

To from wearing how



1 by 2 . reliable a -lA


expensive costs/is slow

6. 7. 8. 9.


takes/lasts arrive/am safe crowded

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a some any faces many


who prefers / goes J. ought / have A a. travel 5 . will l.


6. 1. 8. 9. 10.

with which / that don't/ won't can on

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

will / to better are has biggest/ largest

g 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

leaves arrives gets cheaper costs/ is

2 l. 2. 3. 4.

went / was / ate had / orderedI ate was enough/ much

5. 6. 7. 8.

many always on takes

10 1 . has z . There a J.


4. between 5 . there 6 . isn't 11 l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

in faces view try fit

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

don't uncle to don't live / are only

t2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

playing score/get boring/dull do going

13 1 . deals 2 . earn

l4 1 . however/ as 2 . on

promoted 4 . repair / mend/ fix 5 . lost/ left 6 . for 7 . get

a J.



/1 T.

refund receipt

5. 6. 7. 8.

on excursion local souvenirs

15 l . borrow 2 . return pay J. /1 receiveJ 5 . dial busy 6 . engaged/

any served much get/go book/reserve ordered/had/ate enough/much bill more


17 l . made 2 . had 1 J. A a.

5. 6.

whenever allowed During except

19 1. most 2. spent 3. up 4. do 5. in 6. herself / convince 1. persuade 8. when/ once/ after 9. well 10. while

20 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

18 Lon 2. al 3. who 4.a 5. rold 6. It 7. Although 8. because 9. enough 10. which

ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

11. an 12. his 13. While / When 14. After 15. gaveI got I bought 16. became 17. called 18. with 19. where 20. songs/ music

out earnings/ profits/ income Despite have/ need unless like / enjoY/ Iove Having for out so

2l made during/ on until did with while on for

does L. the 3 . doors 1




5 . having 6 . busy/ engaged



11. we 12. that / which 13. called 14. with 15. example/ instance 16. used 17. than 18. unless 19. are 20. them

l- where 2 . oldest 3 . lot 4. high 5 . for 6 . have 7 . yet 8 . by 9 . how 1 0 .A s / S i n c e / B e c a u s e

23 l. 2. 3. 4.

since of for which

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. that I 1. where 12. During 13. for 14. whose

after how to still to

24 l.

2. 3. /1

with/ about whose in where

5 . AS 6 . live )< i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

which due/ owing Although/ Though allow/permit with / having most they

7. with 8. under 9. of 10. in I 1. about 12. about

8. to 9. best 10.nothing 11 . c o s t 12. afford 1 3 .t o o k 14.could

15.neither 16.with 17.unable 18.later 1 9 .l e t 20. until / till

26 l.


2 . none which / that

4. this / it 5 . used 6 . about 7 . When / After 8 . before / previously 9 . much / far 1 0 . such


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

of a with something so both off until/ till may/ might/ could many

27 1l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

l. to 2. out 3. awful 4. because/ as / since 5. in 6. over 7. of 8. angrily / threateninglY 9. off/out 10. able

28 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

situated/ located with between interested mind However the preparing/ cooking / making to Despite

31 1. to 2. the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

world/ earth or journeys/voyages/triPs are First which/that did

Having While If in broken finally / eventually After down unless have

29 1. for / to 2. far Supposing 3. Suppose/ 4. on / upon 5. (a) round 6. up 7. of 8. with 9. sight 10.down

10. example/instance 11 . h a d 12. today 13. However 14. their 15. discovered 16. history 18. not

30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

defined concerned example/ instance well such addition exemplified Although

19. about 20. to 21. the 22. ago 23. lived 24. of 25. distance


I l.

2. J. /1


b d a b

5. 6. 't. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

b a a b b

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

c d c a c a a d b d d c

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

a d b b d b a c a b c




r2. b

2.a 3.c 4.d 5.a 6.b 7. 8.a 9. 10. ll.

c d a

13. 14. 15. 16. 11. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

c b a d c d c d b b

1. d 2.c 3.d 4.a 5.a 6.c 7. b 8.c 9.c

11. 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. t7. 18. 19.

d a b d c a b a b

9. 10. 11. 12. i3. 14. 15. 16.

c b d c b a d b

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

a c b a c c a

10. 11. 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. t7. 18.

d b a d d c c d c

t9. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

b d a d a d b d



23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3r. 32. 33.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

a b b c a c a d d b a

d b c b c a c d

r0. b ! 1.

2.b 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.b -1.




b a b b a b a

d a b a d a d


1. 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.a 7. 8.a 9.c 10. ll.



b d


1. d 2.a 3.d

5.b 6.c 7. d 8.c 9.d


1. 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.c 7. 8.d 9. 10.


a c b

10. 11. 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. 17. 18.

c a c b d b c b d

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

c c b a c a d a

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

c a b a a b c a b c

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

d a a c a b d c a c

10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

b b c a d d d a b

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

c a c b d a d a a

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

b b b a c b a d c a

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

a b c d b d d b b a


10 l. 2.


a J.



5. 6. 1. 8. 9.

b a b d

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

c c b a c d b a b

c c a d b a b a c

11 1^ l.


al L.(-l

3.b 4.d 5.c 6.a a 1. 8.c 9. c

10. 11. 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. d

b d c d b d c b b

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

12 d l. 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.b 6.a 1. b 8.c 13 1. c 2.b ?q

4.a 5.c 6.d 8.b 9.d 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

b a a c c


9.a 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

c d c a c a a

15. 16. 11. 18. 19. 20. 2t. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

a c b d a d d d a b c b c

b a c d c a d b

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

d b a d c a



28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

c a b d a d b d c d b d b

t4 l" 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.c 1. 8.d 9.a 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

c d a b d

t5 l



15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


2r. d

a b c c a b

25. d 26. a 2',7. a

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

a b a b c b d c a d c c d

10. ll. t2. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

a c b d c c a d c d

22. d 23. b


3.c 4.d 5.b 6.b 7. c 8.d 9. c

d c b a a c d c b b


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