Practice Test 5

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Practice test 5 I .Vocabulary: choose the best word / phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow. Each word / phrase can be used ONCE ONLY.

taxes pension more doctors in equipment

relationships majority people many we

predict rainwater most of which school is becoming

used current population gradual growth university profits

1. One of the features of London is the number of big store, …………….are to be

found in or near the West End. 2. ……………within the family are different now. Parents treat their children as equals than they used to. 3. Our government gives financial help to the elderly in the form of ………… 4. The …………….of the city helps explain the fact that Ho Chi Minh does not have just one centre. 5. In every industrialized country in the world the vast ……………..of population go out to work to earn their living. 6. Public services are provided for the good of society as a whole, the money to finance them is collected by the government through………………. 7. Many countries need better health care, ………….., and more medicines. 8. Doctors and nurses work through the World Health Organization to prevent diseases, to teach medical people, and to provide medical supplies and …………. 9. Many people think ………… should be free and the state should pay the cost of students’ accommodation, food, books. 10.The Internet …………….more and more popular and many people now have access to it at home. 11. In the last 100 years, technology has completely changed the way we live. ……… ….have electricity, aeroplanes, television, and we have even been to the moon. 12.Scientists …………..that by 2025 the population might reach 10 billion. Feeding this number of people might prove to be difficult. 13.The world’s …………….is around six billion. 14.Eco-friendly houses can collect ……….for washing. 15. The computer has become part of life in the last ten or fifteen years. It is ………. in business, science, education, and entertainment. II. Grammar: 1. The store doesn’t have …… laundry detergent. A. much B. many

C. lots D. a number of 2. The doctor gave some more pills. I …….them 3 times a day. A. use B. take C. drinks D. get 3. During the work, he ………………a suit and a tie. A. had wear B. wear C. has to wear D. have to wear 4. If the sea …… warm, the ice at the North and the South Poles ……. A. got – melted B. get-will melt C. get-would melt D. gets-will melt 5. They refuse ……..out on trips if it’s too hot. A. to go B. goes C. going D. go 6. I enjoy ………. in the rain. A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walked 7. If I …, I ……. live in a big house. A. was-would B. am-would C. were-would D. was-will 8. I………….three letters today. A. am writing B. write C. have been writing. D. have written. 9. It ….. for days. A. has been raining B. is raining C. rains D. will rain 10. Dave ….. ski when he was younger, but not anymore. A. uses to B. gets used to C. used to D. is used to 11. He has a car, but yesterday he was……… bicycle. A. by B. by a C. with D. on a 12. There is a lot of ……. in the desert. A. water B. ice C. sand D. smoke 13. “And you didn’t notice anything unusual?” “……….not” A. Certainly B. Surely C. Doubtlessly D. Truly 14. Why don’t you do it instead ……..about it? A. to talk B. of talking C. talking D. of to talk 15. You cannot make……..if they don’t want to. A. people learn B. people to learn C. people learning D. that people learn 16. “Would you like chicken or fish?” “I….. fish to chicken.” A. like B. want

C. wish D. prefer 17. The office floor was so dirty as if it ……….for months. A. hadn’t been swept B. hadn’t swept C. would haven’t swept D. haven’t been swept 18. A wedding is so wonderful opportunity for …….off new clothes. A. wearing B. carrying C. showing D. putting 19. Up to the time of his death, he was one of the most notable …….in our town. A. characteristics B. features C. statements D. figure 20. …………….I can’t make the presentation myself, I’ll ask my assistant to do it for me. A. For B. In the event that C. Only if D. On the other hand

III. Reading: Read the following passages then do the task below. Passage 1: Many people from rural areas are leaving behind their traditional way of life and moving to the city. They believe that well-paying jobs are plentiful in the city. At home on the farm, life is always a struggle with nature. Typhoons, floods or droughts can easily destroy a harvest and leave the farmer with little or no money until the following year. Often farmers look for other work when they need more money for their family. The increase in population, however, has led to overcrowding in many cities. This puts a strain on schools and hospitals, as well as water and electricity supplies. Increased pollution is another unpleasant result. There is almost a human side to this tragedy. Families sometimes have to live apart. In these cases, children may live at home with relatives, while their parents go and live in an urban area. Governments all over the world are trying to provide facilities for these migrants, but it can be quite a problem. 1. Why are many people leaving their countryside for the city? A. To get jobs B. Because they like that C. To avoid their traditional way of life D. Because they believe in people in the city. 2. What is life in rural areas like? A. Very happy B. Very hard C. Very comfortable D. Very easy 3. What causes overcrowding in many cities? A. Floods B. Lots of people move to these cities C. Pollution D. Well-paying jobs 4. What does overcrowding cause?

A. Schools and hospitals B. The increase in population C. Lack of money D. Strain on schools and hospitals, lack of water and electricity supplies, and increased pollution 5. Where are the children whose parents leave rural areas to work in cities? A. They stay in their countryside. B. They live with their relatives in the city. C. They live in urban areas. D. They live at home with their parents Passage 2: Mr. Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday – ten pretty pound notes. So the day after her birthday, Mrs. Smith went shopping. She queued for a bus, got on, and sat down next to a lady. After a while, she noticed that the old lady’s handbag was open. She saw a wad of ten pound notes which was exactly the same as hers. So she quickly looked into her own bag, the notes had gone ! Mrs. Smith was sure that the old lady who was sitting next to her had stolen them. She thought she would have to call the police, but as she disliked making a fuss and getting people into trouble, she decided to take back the money from the old lady’s handbag and said nothing more about it. She looked around the bus to make sure nobody watching, and then she carefully put her hand into the old lady’s bag, took the notes and put them in her own bag. When she got home that evening , she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought. “ How did you pay for it?” he asked. “ With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course.” She replied “ Oh, what’s that, then?” he asked, as he pointed to a wad of pound notes on the table. 6.

When did Mrs. Smith go shopping ? A. After awhile B. On her birthday C. The day after her birthday D. Ten days ago 7. What did Mrs. Smith see in the old lady’s hand bag ? A. a pound note B. a wad of ten pound notes C. a wad of one pound notes D. ten pounds 8. What was Mrs. Smith sure the old lady had done ? A. stolen her money B. call the police C. given her money to her husband D. taken her bag 9. Why did Mrs. Smith look around the bus ? A. to call the police B. to make sure nobody was watching C. to make a fuss D . to look for her money 10. What did Mr. Smith point to ? A. Mrs. Smith’s beautiful hat B. Mrs. Smith’s handbag C. The table D. A wad of ten pound notes IV: Gap-filling:

All living things, plant or animal, (1) _______ vitamins for health, growth, and reproduction. Yet vitamins are not a source of calories and do not (2) ______ significantly to body mass. The plant or animal (3) _______ vitamins as tools in processes (4) ______ regulate chemical activities in the organism and that use basic food elements – carbohydrates, fats, and proteins – to form tissues (5) _______ to produce energy. Vitamins can be (6) ______ over and over, and only tiny amounts are needed to replace (7) ______ that are lost. (8)_______, most vitamins are essential in the diet because the body does not produce (9) ______ of them or, in many cases, does not produce them at all. Thirteen (10) _______ vitamins have been identified by nutritionists: A, eight Bcomplex vitamins, C, D, E, and K. (11) ______substances, such as carnitine and choline, behave like vitamins but are made in adequate (12) ______ in the human body. (13) ______ were originally placed in categories based on (14) ______ function in the body and were given letter names. Later, (15) ______ their chemical structures were revealed, they were also given chemicals names. Today, both naming conventions are used. 1. A. need 2. A. provide 3. A. destroy 4. A. that 5. A. but 6. A. used to 7. A. the 8. A. Unfortunately 9. A. any 10.A. different 11.A. Some 12.A. accounts 13. A. Vitamin 14.A. their 15.A. before

B. needed B. have B. uses B. whose B. nor B. got used to B. those B. Anyway B. enough B. another B. Any B. qualities B. A vitamin B. its B. as

C. ask for C. contribute C. damage C. what C. thus C. used C. the one C. Moreover C. most C. other C. a lot C. subjects C. Vitamins C. our C. because

D. needs D. make D. make use D. where D. and D. are used D. which D. Nevertheless D. almost D. similar D. None D. amounts D. People D. the vitamin’s D. although

V: Error identification: 1. All living creatures pass on inherited traits from one generation to other. A B C D 2. Many of the events that led up to the American revolution took placed in A B C D Massachusetts. 3. Mass production is the manufacture of machineries and other articles in standard




sizes and large numbers. D 4. Not much people realize that apples have been cultivated for over 3,000 years. A B C D 5. The destructive force of running water depends entirely almost on the velocity of its A B C flow. D 6. The eastern bluebird is considered the most attractive bird native of north America A B C by many bird-watchers. D 7. Much superstitions and symbols are connected with Halloween. A B C D 8. Luray Caverns in northern Virginia contain acres of colorful rock formations A B C illumination by electric lights. D 9. Furniture makers use glue to hold joints together and sometimes to reinforce it. A B C D 10. Anthracite contains a higher percent of carbon than bituminous coal. A B C D 11. Sheep have been domesticated for over 5,000 years ago. A B C D 12. The hard, out surface of the tooth is called enamel. A B C D 13. Aneroid barometers are smaller than mercury barometers and are more easy to A B C carry. D 14. Liquids take the shape of any container which in they are placed. A B C D 15. The earliest form of artificial lighting was fire, which also provided warm and A B C D protection. VI. Sentence transformation: 1. I am afraid I’m still having problems with understanding life in New York.

A. I am not used to living in New York. B. I am not used to live in New York. C. I did not use to living in New York. D. I did not use to live in New York. 2. I think we need to get a new car. A. we need to get a new car in my opinion. B. we need to get a new car on my opinion. C. we need to get a new car according to my opinion. D. we need to get a new car for my opinion. 3. I’d prefer it if you didn’t smoke in here. A. Would you mind not smoking in here? B. Would you mind not smoke in here? C. Would you mind not to smoke in here? D. Would you mind not to smoking in here? 4. Many people were delayed because of the traffic jam. A. Many people were delayed because the traffic jam. B. Many people were delayed of the traffic jam. C. A number of people was delayed by the traffic jam. D. A number of people were delayed by the traffic jam. 5. Can you describe him to me? A. What is he like? B. What does he like? C. What is he look like? D. Can you tell me what is he like? 6. It isn’t necessary to buy a first class ticket. A. You don’t have to buy a first class ticket. B. You shouldn’t buy a first class ticket. C. You can’t buy a first class ticket.

D. You may not buy a first class ticket. 7. I’m sure he was at home last night. A. He must have been at home last night. B. He may have been at home last night. C. He might have been at home last night. D. He could have been at home last night. 8. You must never take your helmet off while you are riding a motorcycle. A. Helmets must be worn at all times when riding a motorcycle. B. Helmets must have been worn at all times when riding a motorcycle. C. Your helmet must not have taken off while you are riding a motorcycle. D. Your helmet must not take off while you are riding a motorcycle. 9. They wanted to apologize for their behavior. That’s why they paid for dinner. A. They paid for dinner in order to apologize for their behavior. B. They paid for dinner because of apologize for their behavior. C. They wanted to apologize for their behavior so that they paid for dinner. D. They wanted to apologize for their behavior at dinner. 10. It isn’t necessary to bring skis as they are included in the package. A. You don’t have to bring skis because they are included in the package. B. You don’t have to bring skis while they are included in the package. C. You shouldn’t bring skis as they are included in the package. D. You can’t bring skis as they are included in the package. VII. Controlled writing Dear Patrick, 1. I wonder/ could / you / help me 2. colleague / mine / John / be moving / New York / be looking / job 3. this / be / her background 4. she / leave school / 1980 / train / clerk / ABC Pharmaceuticals

5. she / finish / her training / 1982 / work / this company / 4 years 6. 1988 / she / join / our company / senior clerk 7. 2 years later / become / assisstant manager / export department 8. evenings/ she / take computing / language courses 9. she now/ speak / fluent English / some Spanish 10.she / be / very good worker / I / recommend her If you need further information, I can ask her to complete CV Thank for your help. Best wishes, Harry The end !!!

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