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Multiple Choice Questions: 1 Following is true about surfactant except a) Secreted by type II cells b) Surfactant decreased in smoking c) Decreases compliance of the lung d) Decreases surface tension of the lung

2 One of the following is not function of lung a) Gaseous exchange a) Humidification b) Release of surfactant c) Release of Renin

3 Surfactant causes a) Decreases surface tension of alveoli b) Increases diameter of the alveoli c) Pulmonary edema d) Decrease compliance of the lung

4 Surfactant is decreased with a) Smoking b) Cortisol c) Thyroid hormones d) All of the above

5 One of the following is false regarding vital capacity a) VC in males > females b) VC decreases with advancing age c) VC decreases in pregnancy d) VC is greater in sitting as compared to standing position

6 Spirometry can measure all except a) Residual volume b) Tidal volume c) Vital capacity d) Inspiration reserve volume

7 VC in males is a) 4.8 L b) 4.2 L c) 5.2 L d) 5.8 L

8 VC is decreased in a) Bronchial asthma b) Emphysema c) Kyphoscoliosis d) All of the above

9 In obstructive lung disease which of the following statement is true a) VC is decreased b) FEV1 increases c) TLC is normal d) TLC is decreased

10 Amount of air ventilating the alveoli per minute is called a) Alveolar ventilation b) Anatomical dead space c) Physiological dead space d) Diffusion capacity

11 Diffusion capacity of lung decreases in all except a) Blockage of pulmonary blood flow b) Airway blockage c) Pulmonary edema

d) Exercise

12 One of following is false of oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve a) Sigmoid in shape b) Acidosis shifts the curve to right c) Anemia shifts the curve to left d) Exercise shifts the curve to right

13 Decreased O2 affinity of Hb with decrease in blood pH is called a) Bohr's effect b) Haldane effect c) O2Hb dissociation curve d) None of the above

14 O2Hb dissociation curve is shifted to left by all except a) Increased pH b) Decreased CO2 c) Decreased temperature d) Increased 2,3-DPG

15 2,3-DPG is increased by all except a) Anemia b) Exercise c) Increased temperature d) Acidosis

16 Most potent respiratory stimulant is a) CO2 b) O2 c) H+ d) HCO3

17 Most common cause of hypoxia is

a) b) c) d)

Hypoxic hypoxia Anemic hypoxia Stagnant hypoxia Histotoxic hypoxia

18 Hypoxic hypoxia is characterized by a) Low arterial pO2 b) Rate of blood flow is decreased c) Hb is decreased d) Hb increases

19 Blood flow to tissues is low leading to decreased O2 delivery to tissues in a) Hypoxic hypoxia b) Anaemic hypoxia c) Stagnant hypoxia d) Histotoxic hypoxia

20 Apneustic center is located in a) Lower pons b) Upper pons c) Medulla d) Cerebellum

21 Role of pneumotaxic center is a) Inhibits the neurons in lower pons b) Activates the Inspiratory neurons c) Activates the I neurons in lower pons d) All of the above

22 Chemoreceptors are located in a) Carotid bodies b) Carotid sinus c) Aortic arch d) All of the above

23 Peripheral chemoreceptor is stimulated by all except a) Hypoxia b) Decreased blood flow c) Asphyxia d) Stimulated by high blood pressure

24 Central chemoreceptor is stimulated by all except a) Hypoxia b) Acidosis c) Hypercapnia d) None

25 One of the following is false of chloride shift a) Blood passing through capillaries contains more HCO3 content in RBC than plasma b) HCO3 enters plasma from RBC down the concentration gradient. c) Electrochemical equilibrium is maintained by shift of chloride from plasma into cells d) Cl content of venous content is lesser than arterial blood.

26 a) b) c) d)

During expiration one of following statements is false Pneumotaxic centre in upper pons sends inhibitory impulses to apneustic centre. Pulmonary stretch receptors on stimulation during inspiration send inhibitory impulses to apneustic centre Pneumotaxic centre send impulses to expiratory centre None of the above

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