Pr 1 Campaign - Celebrate Life Christian Church

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Celebrate Life Christian Church Campaign

Campaign Themes and Key Messages

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This campaign will emphasize the role Celebrate Life Christian Church will play in its new attendees’ lives, through the slogan “Growing and Giving Together.” The campaign will reflect the role that CLCC plays as a neighbor within its community, through community service projects and a children’s ministry to serve all children. This campaign will also emphasize CLCC’s contemporary flair, which will appeal to the 18-29-year-old demographic that they hope to tap into. By offering programs like the bus ministry to local colleges and universities, as well as programs such as casual dinners, sports leagues, and joining forces with campus ministries, CLCC will be able to generate interest in the church, and build relationships with those young people who are looking for guidance in spiritual growth.

Celebrate Life Christian Church Campaign

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Goal #1: To increase overall attendance at Celebrate Life Christian Church by 25% by October 31, 2009. Objective 1: To increase attendance at non-service church events by 4% per month. Message strategy A: Wall calendar (see sample A) Tactic 1: Design a prominently displayed calendar for each month. (Décor for the calendar can change monthly to match the season, holidays, etc.) Designate a person to update the calendar weekly. Tactic Evaluation: Measure attendance at each event. Message strategy B: Advertisements in local papers Tactic 1: Run an ad once monthly on Saturday in the Religion section of the Lancaster New Era/Intelligencer Journal, listing monthly activities. Have interested parties call/email the church office before attending events. Tactic Evaluation: Measure number of phone calls/emails received. Tactic 2: Run an ad each week in a different campus newspaper, listing weekly activities. Have interested parties call/email the church office before attending events. Tactic Evaluation: Measure number of phone calls/emails received. Objective 2: To increase visitors’ returns by 2% per month. Message strategy A: Growing Tree (see sample B) Tactic 1: Hand out a leaf to all visitors in the welcome kit – add a tally for each week of attendance (remove “dead” leaves after no attendance for three weeks). Youth maintain the tree. Tactic Evaluation: Monitor attendance weekly. Message strategy B: Community Service Tactic 1: When 10 visitors attend for four weeks successfully, they, along with existing church partners, will complete an act of community service. Tactic Evaluation: Monitor attendance at events. Message strategy C: Events for family and friends Tactic 1: Devotional Dinners and Bible Study Brunch - Once a month, the congregation will hold a potluck dinner in place of the Saturday night service. Each existing church partner will be encouraged to invite as many of their family and friends as possible. Pastor Steve will deliver a devotional – not a true sermon – and the atmosphere will be much more informal than an actual service. The main purpose of these events will be fellowship. The same will be done for one 10:30 AM service a month. Tactic Evaluation: Monitor attendance by month; compare to regular service attendance.

Celebrate Life Christian Church Campaign

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Goal #2: To increase community awareness and interest in Celebrate Life Community Church. Objective 1: To reach the greater Christian community through different media channels. Message strategy A: Radio broadcasts and Web casts Tactic 1: Have Pastor Steve host a guest spot on a local Christian radio station once every three months, such as WJTL. This should be done at either morning or evening rush hour, so he will have the peak listening times. In turn, the church will play WJTL before services. Tactic Evaluation: Monitor audience size – have visitors to the church offer feedback that indicates they heard about the church on the radio. Tactic 2: Film services and post to You Tube once a month. Offer link from CLCC’s current website, so that someone that may have missed a service can see the sermon, or a newcomer can see a sample sermon. Tactic Evaluation: Monitor hits on You Tube videos. Objective 2: To distribute outreach materials to the greater community. Message strategy A: Mailings Tactic 1: Send out postcards (see Sample C) to local neighborhoods on a bi-monthly basis. Include featured events, as well as information on service times and the website address. Tactic Evaluation: Have guests offer feedback that they heard about CLCC from postcards. Tactic 2: Send out a quarterly newsletter (see Sample D), with information about events that have taken place, events that will take place, and interesting articles. Tactic Evaluation: Have guests offer feedback that they heard about CLCC from the newsletter. Message strategy B: Outreach to kids Tactic 1: Hold a week-long day camp open to any child in the greater Lancaster community. Each parent or guardian will pay a fee, and church partners can sponsor a child, so it is possible for any child to attend. At the end of the week, invite all parents and guardians to attend a program put on by the children. Tactic Evaluation: Measure attendance of children, as well as parents’ attendance at the program. Encourage parents to keep coming back.

Celebrate Life Christian Church Campaign

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Goal #3: To increase and retain attendance in the 18-29 demographic. Objective 1: To work on outreach to this demographic. Message strategy A: Using social networking websites Tactic 1: Use Facebook to set up a group for Celebrate Life Community Church, as well as a page for people to become “fans” of the church. The group can be maintained by a designated person, with event invitations sent out at a regular interval, photos posted from events, and lively, meaningful discussions taking place on discussion boards. The pages should be updated daily. Tactic Evaluation: Measure the number of fans, group members, and discussion posts. Also, monitor event invitation responses. Message strategy B: Outreach materials on campus Tactic 1: Post fliers (see Sample E) about CLCC and its bus ministry at area universities (Millersville) and colleges (Franklin & Marshall and Elizabethtown) monthly. Tactic Evaluation: Monitor how many students take advantage of the bus ministry each week it is offered. Tactic 2: Send out the bi-monthly postcards for distribution on campus by like-minded college ministries. Tactic Evaluation: Monitor how many students take advantage of the bus ministry each week it is offered. Objective 2: To create programs that appeal to this demographic. Message strategy A: Bus ministry Tactic 1: Make the bus ministry available to one area college or university per week, for the 6 PM Saturday service, and the 10:30 AM Sunday service. Tactic Evaluation: Monitor the number of students using the bus ministry. Message strategy B: Praise band ministry Tactic 1: Hold a “Battle of the Christian Bands” at a local university or college – invite other local churches’ praise bands to compete. Each band chooses a charity to raise money for, and attendees vote for their favorite band by donating money to that band’s charity. Whichever band has the most money at the end wins. Tactic Evaluation: Measure attendance of event. Tactic 2: Have the praise band perform at local coffee shops twice a year. Tactic Evaluation: Measure attendance of event. Message strategy C: Sports ministry Tactic 1: Create an inter-church league – organize teams and host tournaments once during each summer month to raise money for charity. Tactic Evaluation: Monitor number of attendees for both the teams and spectators. Tactic 2: Use the bus to two sporting events in the summer (IE a Barnstormers’ game) Tactic Evaluation: Monitor number of event participants.

Celebrate Life Christian Church Campaign

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Campaign Timetable May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Tactics Wall Calendar x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x Advertising x x x x x x Tree x---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x Comm. Ser. X x x Dinner/Brunch x x x x x x Broadcast x x Web cast x x x x x x Postcards x x x Newsletters x x Kids’ Camp x Soc. Net. x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x Fliers x x x x Bus x x x x Bat. Bands x Coffee x x Sports Tourn. X x x Sports Event x x

Campaign Budget Table 1.1 Narrative Budget By Activities Program Costs

Administrative Costs

$20 x 6 $120 x 6 $30 x 6 $80 x 6 $3000 x 3 $15,000 x 2

$0 $500 $0 $0


Costs Plan Activity #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 $40,000 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11

$1000 $90 x 4 $300 x 4 $250 x 3 $500 x 2

$4000 $10,000 $0

$200 $0 $0 $0

$120 $1220 $180 $480 $13,000 $1000

$560 $1200 $750 $1000

Program Costs

Administrative Costs




Costs $59,510

Celebrate Life Christian Church Campaign

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7 Activity 8 Activity 9 Activity 10 Activity 11

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Wall Calendar – Supplies to maintain and decorate the calendar for the sixmonth campaign duration. Advertisements – Design an ad that can be slightly modified each month – run once monthly throughout campaign (six times total.) Growing Tree – Supplies to maintain and decorate the tree for the six-month campaign duration. Dinner/Brunch – Supplies to host either dinner/brunch – once each month for six months. Postcards – Content development, writing, editing – distributed three times throughout the campaign. Newsletters – Content development, writing, editing – distributed twice throughout the campaign. Kids’ Camp – Supplies for a week-long camp. Most cost will be paid by sponsors. Fliers – Draft, refine, and edit fliers detailing information about ministries available to campuses. Will be distributed four times throughout the campaign. Bus Ministry – Gas and maintenance for the bus. Tournament Team Money – Money for uniforms and equipment. (Most will be donated.) Sports Outing – Cost of tickets to a game.

Evaluation Methods/Conclusions Output Evaluation: Each output (tactical) evaluation is outlined with its corresponding tactic within the plan. Outcomes Evaluation: Recommendation 1: To evaluate the increase in overall attendance at Celebrate Life Christian Church, it is recommended that CLCC compare their attendance figures from the previous year to the attendance figures from this year. This comparison will indicate whether a 25% increase was met during the six months of the campaign. Recommendation 2: To evaluate the growth in community awareness and involvement at Celebrate Life Christian Church, it is recommended that that CLCC looks at the feedback it receives from visitors, to determine where they heard about CLCC. This will help to determine if the mailings, broadcasts, and children’s ministry are successful.

Recommendation 3: To evaluate the attendance in the age 18-29 demographic, it is recommended that Celebrate Life Community Church compare their attendance figures from the previous year to the attendance figures from this year. This comparison will indicate whether this demographic has expanded at CLCC.

Samples Celebrate Life Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample

Christian Church Campaign A – Wall Calendar Mock-Up B – Growing Tree Mock-Up C – “Come Grow With Us” postcard D – Currents newsletter E – Campus flier

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