Power Laser Scholarship
Amount The scholarship will be in the amount of $500.00
Availability The applicant must be a graduate of North Central High School.
Criteria 3. The applicant must have a 2.0 grade point average, or higher. 4. The applicant must be enrolled in an institution of higher learning (preferably a 2-year school) 5. The applicant should be pursuing a degree in one of the following: engineering, tool & die or manufacturing. 6. There is a possibility of a summer job opportunity at Power Laser for the scholarship recipient. It is the recipient’s responsibility to contact Power Laser for additional information.
Selection Committee 7. High School Principal 8. High School Guidance Counselor 9. Two appointed teachers
Power Laser Scholarship Application
Name Address Parents/Guardian Intended college Date of Entrance Proposed field of study Grade Point Average Have you applied for other scholarship?: Yes Do you anticipate receiving other scholarships?: Yes If yes to above, what is the amount of other scholarships?: $1500 List all extra-curricular activities (include offices held).
List all activities outside of high school (include work experiences).
Personal Statement Write an autobiography, including a projection of your ambitions and goals with regard to the educational training you are seeking. Why do you believe that you are deserving of this scholarship?
_______________________________ Student Signature