Potato Cooperative

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  • Words: 622
  • Pages: 20
POTATO COOPERATIVE Aman Jyoti Nitesh Kumar Priyang Bhatt Suhail Pratap Singh Swati Nayak Joseph Kalassery

29004 29023 29024 29032 29035 F072

Features of potato • Fourth most important crop of India. • Total production -29188.60 thousand tons. • Productivity of Gujarat at 21 tons/ha. which is very high from the national average. • Sowing in October and harvesting in February- March. • The main varieties in this part are Kufri Badshah and Lauvkar.

Production Breakup

Production Issues • Seeds quality and price is a major issue. • Vulnerable to pests and diseases. • The Badshah quality especially is more sensitive to weather fluctuations and other contingencies. • Crisis of plenty (Year 2008).

Cost of Cultivation Seeds & seed treatment Irrigations Fertilizers DAP Potash Urea NPK Pesticides Mancozeb Tricyclazole Weedicides Sancor Hired Labour Machinery

Quantity requirement 100 5 times 50 50 50 50 150 120 50 2-3 times,10-12 labour-day 2-3 times

Cost per Bigha 1800 550 1351 450 222 250 429 450 250 200 100 100 1000 800 6051

Cost Breakup

Supply Chain & Margins At Each Stage

Why cooperative? • We can arrest the margins of wholesaler and commission agent. • We can reduce the input costs for farmers. • We can have a better bargaining power. • We can take advantage of price increase in later months by storing.

Why cooperative? (contd.) Inputs at low rate

Grading Process • Grading is an important factor in the marketing process of potato Criteria for grading• Size of the tuber • Conformity to the variety • Tolerance limit ( for under sized &over sized tubers) • Percentage of diseased and damaged tubers • Presence of dust & extraneous material

Grading Process (contd.) Method of grading• The grading will be done by mechanical grader for accuracy and efficiency. • The output capacity of the grader is 2 tons/hr. • The grading efficiency is 85 %.

Vadod Specific Factors • Number of farmers – 1022 • Area under potato cultivation – 548 hectares – As a percentage of total area cultivated in a year in the village is 42.6% – Out of this 50% area would contribute to our cooperative • Productivity of Badshah potato in the village – 6000 kg per acre • Volume of potato trading through cooperative – 6000 * 0.5 * 548 * 2.5 = 4110 tons – Patronage refund – Input Saving – Breakeven

Spread out of location


Nationa l Highwa y 15km

Functioning • Potato bought at existing market rates. Only 70% advance paid to share the risk. • Potato is then graded according to quality. Specifications for different variety. The farmer is paid more according to the quality at the time of procurement only. • Cost of working capital is divided according to the potato deposited.

Functioning (contd.) • Trading done on receipts if in middle of season. • To minimize the working capital, we should only hold those grades which fetch more later in the market. – Price trend

• Loans for working capital will be generated through pledge/ hypothecation schemes of Government.

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008













Price Trend












Raising Equity • The equity should be raised based on potential patronage. Large farmers should be encouraged to invest more. • The equity shares should be made tradable to make the dry members disinvest. • A part of the surplus should also be apportioned to total equity. • This type of arrangement would take care of free rider and horizon problem.

Diversification/Expansion Vadod Cooperative


Other villages

Product market


Banana/ Tobacco Credits

Institutiona l Supply/ Exports Retail Shop

Fertilizers/ Insecticides


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