Poster Icvl

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  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3

ICVL New Technologies eLearning Models and Methodologies

News Technologies in Education and Research “2010 – Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society - 2030” Educational Technology


ICVL 2009

Technologies/Software Solutions

Scientific Support Prof. Dr. IOAN PÂNZARU, Rector, University of Bucharest Prof. Dr. ION GIURMA, Rector, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi Chairman and Coordinator Conf. Dr. MARIN VLADA, University of Bucharest, European INTUITION Consortium member, Co-Chairmans Prof. Dr. GRIGORE ALBEANU, “Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest, Research Center for Mathematics and Informatics, Conf. Dr. DORIN MIRCEA POPOVICI, “Ovidius” University of Constanta,

Web site: October 30 – November 1, Jassy, Romania THEME: Virtual Environments for Education and Training LOCATION: “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Organization University of Bucharest in cooperation with: •“Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi •SIVECO Romania •INTEL Company Sponsored by National Authority for Scientific Research – Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Intel Corporation and SIVECO Romania Objectives The implementation of the Information Society Technologies (IST) according to the European Union Framework-Programme (FP7):  The development of Research, projects, and software for E-Learning, Software and Educational Management fields  To promote and develop scientific research for eLearning, Educational Software and Virtual Reality The papers describing advances in the theory and practice of Virtual Environments for Education and Training (VEE&T), Virtual Reality (VR), Information and Knowledge Processing (I&KP), as well as practical results and original applications :  To assist the teaching staff and ICT professionals

European INTUITION Consortium member, Prof. RADU JUGUREANU, eContent Department Manager, SIVECO Romania SA, Bucharest, Prof. OLIMPIUS ISTRATE, Education Manager, INTEL Company, Bucharest, Scientific Committee

in the usage of the modern technologies for teaching both in the initial and adult education To improve the cooperation among students, teachers, pedagogues, psichologists and IT professionals in specification, design, coding, and testing of the educational software To promote and develop Information Technologies for the teaching, management and training activities

Thematic areas Models and Methodologies (e-Learning, e-Pedagogy, eTraining, e-Skills); Technologies (ADL, WBE, WBT, VR); Software Solutions (CG, Web, AI) • Extended versions of selected papers presented at ICVL will be offered for publishing in the International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC) – ISI Journal • The Organisation Committee will elaborate until the ICVL opening, the volume with the conference's papers and the CD (ISSN 1844-8933)

Dr. Adrian Adăscăliţei, Dr. Angelos Amditis, Dr. Pierre Chevaillier, Dr. Mirabelle D' Cruz, Dr. Steve Cunningham, Dr. Ioan Section Dziţac, Dr. Victor Felea, Dr. Horia Georgescu, Dr.  Models and Methodologies (M&M) Jean-Pierre Gerval, Dr.  Technologies (TECH) Radu Gramatovici, Dr.  Software Solutions (SOFT) Angela Ioniţă, Olimpius  ”Intel® Education” Innovation in education and Istrate, Prof. Radu research (IntelEdu) Jugureanu, Dr. Bogdan Logofătu, Dr. Daniel MelletImportant Dates d'Huart, Dr. Mihaela Oprea, Thomas •June 30, 2009 – Submission of abstracts Osburg, Dr. Harshada •July 15, 2009 – Submission of complete/full papers Patel, •August 30, 2009 – Notification of successful Dr. Dana Petcu, Dr. Ion proposals Roceanu, Dr. Maria •November 1, 2009 – Data Awarded – ICVL Roussou, Dr. Luca-Dan Şerbănaţi, Dr. Doru Talabă, Awards Dr. Leon Ţămbulea, Dr. Jacques Tisseau, Dr. Alexandru Ţugui Contact | Information Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, University of Bucharest, E-mail: vlada[at]

ICVL Project - © Project Coordinator: Ph.D. Marin Vlada, University of Bucharest, Romania Partners: Ph.D. Prof. Gr. Albeanu, Ph.D. M. D. Popovici, Prof. R. Jugureanu, Prof. O. Istrate Institutios: The Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Intel Company, SIVECO Romania

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