Proceedings Of Icvl 2007

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2010 –

Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society – 2030

ICVL – 2007 Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality

Proceedings of the 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL LEARNING October 26th – 28th , 2007, Constanta, ROMANIA


Bucharest University Press

FP6 / IST –


The ICVL 2007 is held under the auspices of the INTUITION Consortium-The Network of Excellence in Europe and National Authority for Scientific Research


National Authority for Scientific Research -


The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning VIRTUAL LEARNING – VIRTUAL REALITY


ICVL and CNIV Coordinator: Dr. MARIN VLADA

The printing of Proceedings was sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Research, National Authority for Scientific Research, ROMANIA

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning

October 26th- 28th, 2007


, 2007

ICVL and CNIV Partners: Dr. Grigore Albeanu, Dr. Mircea Popovici, Prof. Radu Jugureanu

© Bucharest University Press Şos. Panduri nr. 90-92, BUCUREŞTI- 050663; Tel.Fax: 410.23.84 E-mail: [email protected] Web:


973-737-218-2 978-973-737-380-9

MOTTOS „The informatics/computer science re-establishes not only the

unity between the pure and the applied mathematical sciences, the concrete technique and the concrete mathematics, but also that between the natural sciences, the human being and the society. It restores the concepts of the abstract and the formal and makes peace between arts and science not only in the scientist' conscience, but in their philosophy as well..”

Gr. C. Moisil (1906-1973) Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Member of the Romanian Academy, Computer Pioneer Award of IEEE, 1996

”Learning is evolution of knowledge over time”

Roger E. Bohn Professor of Management and expert on technology management, University of California, San Diego, USA, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies

Welcome to the ICVL 2007! The second edition of the International Conference on Virtual Learning – ICVL 2007 ( was organized by University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science) in association with European INTUITION Project (The INTUITION Network of Excellence in Europe – International Consortium) and in conjunction with the 5th National Conference on Virtual Learning – CNIV 2007. The ICVL was structured to provide a vision of European eLearning and e-Training policies, to take notice of the situation existing today in the international community and to work towards developing a forward looking approach in Virtual Learning from the viewpoint of modelling methods and methodological aspects (M&M), information technologies (TECH) and software solutions (SOFT). Participation is invited from researches, teachers, trainers, educational authorities, learners, practitioners, employers, trade unions, and private sector actors and IT industry. ICVL 2006 – First edition; Initially 72 abstracts were received and 55 of them were selected. Finally only 34 papers were accepted for presentation at the ICVL and publication in Proceedings of the ICVL 2006 - Bucharest University Press (ISBN 978-973-737-218-5). IJCCC (International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control), Vol. II (2007), No.1 containing 7 papers presented during ICVL 2006. Participants coming from Europe, Japan, Australia, U.S.A. and Canada have discussed various aspects concerning the future developments in the virtual learning field during the conference. Four invited papers talking about trends in professional learning, time series modelling, analysis and forecasting in e-Learning environments, AeL - the eLearning Universal Platform and, the teaching through projects methodology have been presented as plenary lectures. Ten papers proposed different software solutions, while twenty papers were dedicated to modelling methods and methodological aspects. ICVL 2007 – Second edition; Initially 62 abstracts were received and 45 of them were selected. Finally only 35 papers were accepted for presentation at the ICVL and publication in Proceedings of the ICVL 2007 - Bucharest University Press. The printing of Proceedings was sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Research, National Authority for Scientific Research, Romania –, Welcome to Constanta, Romania! Dr. Marin Vlada, University of Bucharest, Romania ICVL and CNIV Projects Coordinator


About ICVL 2007 ................................................................ 11 About VRRM 2007 ............................................................. 28 Invited papers, Projects - Professional Learning and Knowledge Society ........................................................ 33 Section M&M MODELS & METHODOLOGIES ................................................ 69

Contents of Section M&M ................................................... 251 Sections TECH and SOFT TECHNOLOGIES and SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS ......................................................... 253

Contents of Sections TECH and SOFT ................................. 329 News and Events ICVL 2007 Web site ............................................................ 331

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007



© Project Coordinator: Ph.D. Marin Vlada, University of Bucharest, Romania Partners: Ph.D. Prof. Grigore Albeanu, Ph.D. Mircea Dorin Popovici, Prof. Radu Jugureanu Sponsors: The Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, SIVECO Romania ICVL is held under the auspices of: - The European INTUITION Consortium - The Romanian Ministry of Education and Research - The National Authority for Scientific Research


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

Conference Organisation • • •

General Chair Dr. Marin Vlada, Professor of Computer Science, University of Bucharest (Romania) Technical Programme Chair Dr. Grigore Albeanu, Professor of Computer Science, University of Oradea (Romania), UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies Associate General Chair Dr. Dorin Mircea Popovici, Professor of Computer Science, Ovidius University of Constanta (Romania), CERVEuropean Center for Virtual Reality (France)

Scientific Committee/Technical Programme Committee / Executive reviewers

Dr. Grigore Albeanu

Professor of Computer Science, University of Oradea, UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies, Romania

Dr. Adrian Adascalitei

Professor of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Technical University "Gh. Asachi", Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Iasi, Romania

Dr. Angelos Amditis

Research Associate Professor (INTUITION Coordinator,, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, ICCS- NTUA Microwaves and Optics Lab, ATHENS, GREECE

Dr. Pierre Chevaillier

LISYC – Laboratoire d'Informatique des Systèmes Complexes, CERV – Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle (European Center for Virtual Reality), France, European INTUITION Consortium member Virtual Reality Applications Research Team (VIRART), School

Dr. Mirabelle of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (M3),University of Nottingham University, U.K., European D' Cruz INTUITION Consortium member

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Dr. Steve Cunningham

Noyce Visiting Professor of Computer Science, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa 50112, USA Department of Computer Science

Dr. Ioan Dzitac

Professor of Computer Science, Executive Editor of IJCCC, Agora University,Oradea, Romania

Dr. Victor Felea

Professor of Computer Science, “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Computer Science, Romania

Dr. Horia Georgescu

Professor of Computer Science University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Romania

Dr. Radu Gramatovici

Professor of Computer Science University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Romania

Dr. Angela Ionita

Romanian Academy, Institute for Artificial Intelligence (RACAI), Deputy Director, Romania

Dr. JeanPierre Gerval

ISEN Brest (école d'ingénieurs généralistes des hautes technologies), France, European INTUITION Consortium member AFPA Direction de l'Ingénierie Unité Veille sur la Réalité

Dr. Daniel Virtuelle MONTREUIL, European INTUITION Consortium Mellet-d'Huart member Dr. Mihaela Oprea

Professor in the Department of Informatics, University of Ploiesti, Romania Virtual Reality Applications Research Team (VIRART)/Human

Dr. Factors Group Innovative Technology Research Centre, School Harshada(Ash) of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, U.K., Patel European INTUITION Consortium member

Dr. Dana Petcu

Professor at Computer Science Department of Western University of Timisoara, Director at Institute e-Austria Timisoara, Romania

Dr. Dorin Mircea Popovici

Professor of Computer Science, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania / CERV- European Center for Virtual Reality (France, European INTUITION Consortium member)

Dr. Maria Roussou

Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics Lab., Department of Computer Science, University College London, U.K., European INTUITION Consortium member

Dr. Luca-Dan Serbanati

Professor of Computer Science, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania and Professor at the "La Sapienza" University, Italy, European INTUITION Consortium member


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

Dr. Doru Talaba

Professor, “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Product Design and Robotics Department, Romania, European INTUITION Consortium member

Dr. Leon Tambulea

Professor of Computer Science, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Dr. Jacques Tisseau

CERV – Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle (European Center for Virtual Reality), LISYC – Laboratoire d'Informatique des Systèmes Complexes, France, European INTUITION Consortium member

Dr. Alexandru Professor at “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, FEAA, “Al. I. Cuza” University Iasi, Romania Tugui Dr. Marin Vlada

Professor of Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Romania, European INTUITION Consortium member


2010 – Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society – 2030 Virtual Environments for Education and Training, Software and Management for Education October 26-28, 2007 Constanta, ROMANIA Host: University OVIDIUS Constanta, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, ROMANIA Organizers: University of Bucharest and University OVIDIUS Constanta in cooperation with SIVECO SA company, Bucharest, Romania Sponsor: National Authority for Scientific Research, SIVECO SA company, Bucharest, Romania Homepage: Email: [email protected] Deadline for abstracts: June 20, 2007 Description: At the Lisbon European Council in March 2000, Heads of State and

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Government set an ambitious target for Europe to become "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world" by 2010. They also placed education firmly at the top of the political agenda, calling for education and training systems to be adapted to meet this challenge. POST-CONFERENCE: The Organisation Committee will elaborate until the ICVL opening, the volume with the conference's papers and the CD (with ISBN). Extended versions of selected papers presented at ICVL will be offered for publishing in the International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control- AIMS: - The implementation of the Information Society Technologies (IST) according to the European Union Framework-Programme (FP6, FP7) - The development of Research, projects, and software for E-Learning, Software and Educational Management fields; - To promote and develop scientific research for e-Learning, Educational Software and Virtual Reality; SECTIONS: MODELS & METHODOLOGIES (M&M); TECHNOLOGIES (TECH); SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS (SOFT) Research papers – Major Topics The papers describing advances in the theory and practice of Virtual Environments for Education and Training (VEL&T), Virtual Reality (VR), Information and Knowledge Processing (I&KP), as well as practical results and original applications. The education category includes both the use of Web Technologies, Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Applications, New tools, methods, pedagogy and psychology, Case studies of Web Technologies and Streaming Multimedia Applications in Education, experience in preparation of courseware. Thank you very much for your attention and, please, circulate this call for papers. Thank you and best regards, Mail Address: Str. Academiei nr.14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucureşti, România Tel: (4-021) 314 3508, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, Submitted by: Dr. Marin Vlada Date received: March 08, 2007 Participate The Conference is structured such that it will: • • •

provide a vision of European e-Learning and e-Training policies; take stock of the situation existing today; work towards developing a forward looking approach.


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

The Conference will consider the perspectives and vision of the i-2010 programme and how this will stimulate the promotion, and development of e-Learning content, products and services and the contribution of these to lifelong learning. Participation is invited from researches, teachers, trainers, educational authorities, learners, practitioners, employers, trade unions, and private sector actors and IT industry. Research papers – Major Topics The papers describing advances in the theory and practice of Virtual Environments for Education and Training (VEL&T), Virtual Reality (VR), Information and Knowledge Processing (I&KP), as well as practical results and original applications. The education category includes both the use of Web Technologies, Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Applications, New tools, methods, pedagogy and psychology, Case studies of Web Technologies and Streaming Multimedia Applications in Education, experience in preparation of courseware. Thematic Areas / Sections • • •


General Chair Dr. Marin Vlada, Professor of Computer Science, University of Bucharest (Romania) / Technical Programme Chair Dr. Grigore Albeanu, Professor of Computer Science, University of Oradea (Romania), UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies / Associate General Chair Dr. Dorin Mircea Popovici, Professor of Computer Science, Ovidius University of Constanta (Romania)

ICVL 2007 – Announcements and call for papers • • • • • • • • – INTUITION Forum: Conferences, Workshops, Call for Papers (E-Learning , Higher Education) – Academic Conferences Worldwide - Database of academic conference announcements - The European gateway to science education - Powered by CSA / (CSA is a worldwide information company),,, – romanian sites

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Objectives 2010 - Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society - 2030 At the Lisbon European Council in March 2000, Heads of State and Government set an ambitious target for Europe to become "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world" by 2010. They also placed education firmly at the top of the political agenda, calling for education and training systems to be adapted to meet this challenge. Relevant topics include but are not restricted to: • • • • • • • • • •

National Policies and Strategies on Virtual Learning National Projects on Virtual Universities International Projects and International Collaboration on Web-based Education Dot-com Educational Institutions and their Impact on Traditional Universities Educational Portals for education and training Reusable Learning Objects for e-Learning and e-Training Testing and Assessment Issues of Web-based Education Academia/Industry Collaboration on Web-based Training Faculty Development on Web-based Education Funding Opportunities for Projects in Web-based Education

Learning and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (I&CT) will be examined from a number of complementary perspectives: • • • • • • • •

Education – supporting the development of key life skills and competences Research – emerging technologies and new paradigms for learning Social – improving social inclusion and addressing special learning needs Enterprise – for growth, employment and meeting the needs of industry Employment – lifelong learning and improving the quality of jobs Policy – the link between e-Learning and European / National policy imperatives Institutional – the reform of Europe’s education and training systems and how I&CT can act as catalyst for change Industry – the changing nature of the market for learning services and the new forms of partnership that are emerging General Objectives

The implementation of the Information Society Technologies (IST) according to the European Union Framework-Programme (FP6, FP7). • •

The implementation of the Bologna Conference (1999) directives for the romanian educational system. The development of a Romanian Framework supporting the professional and management initiatives of the educational community.


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta •

The organization of the activities concerning the cooperation between the educational system and the economical companies to find out an adequate distribution of the human resources over the job market. To promote and implement the modern ideas for both the initial and continuing education, to promote the team based working, to attract and integrate the young graduates in the Research and Development projects, to promote and implement IT&C for initial and adult education activities. Particular objectives

The development of Research, projects, and software for E-Learning, Software and Educational Management fields. • • • •

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To promote and develop scientific research for e-Learning, Educational Software and Virtual Reality To create a framework for a large scale introduction of the e-Learning approaches in teaching activity. To assist the teaching staff and IT&C professionals in the usage of the modern technologies for teaching both in the initial and adult education. To improve the cooperation among students, teachers, pedagogues, psychologists and IT professionals in specification, design, coding, and testing of the educational software. To increase the teachers' role and responsibility to design, develop and use of the traditional technologies and IT&C approaches in a complementary fashion, both for initial and adult education. To promote and develop information technologies for the teaching, management and training activities. To promote and use Educational Software Packages for the initial and adult education. Thematic Areas/Sections

Models & Methodologies (M&M): • Innovative Teaching and Learning Technologies • Web-based Methods and Tools in Traditional, Online Education and Training • Collaborative E-Learning, E-Pedagogy, • Design and Development of Online Courseware • Information and Knowledge Processing • Knowledge Representation and Ontologism • Cognitive Modelling and Intelligent systems • Algorithms and Programming for Modelling Technologies (TECH): • Innovative Web-based Teaching and Learning Technologies • Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) technologies • Web, Virtual Reality/AR and mixed technologies

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 • • • • • •


Web-based Education (WBE), Web-based Training (WBT) New technologies for e-Learning, e-Training and e-Skills Educational Technology, Web-Lecturing Technology Mobile E-Learning, Communication Technology Applications Computer Graphics and Computational Geometry Intelligent Virtual Environment

Software Solutions (SOFT): • New software environments for education & training • Software and management for education • Virtual Reality Applications in Web-based Education • Computer Graphics, Web, VR/AR and mixed-based applications for education & training, business, medicine, industry and other sciences • Multi-agent Technology Applications in WBE and WBT • Streaming Multimedia Applications in Learning • Scientific Web-based Laboratories and Virtual Labs • Software Computing in Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence • Avatars and Intelligent Agents Research papers - Major Topics The papers describing advances in the theory and practice of Virtual Environments for Education and Training (VEL&T), Virtual Reality (VR), Information and Knowledge Processing (I&KP), as well as practical results and original applications. The education category includes both the use of Web Technologies, Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Applications, New tools, methods, pedagogy and psychology, Case studies of Web Technologies and Streaming Multimedia Applications in Education, experience in preparation of courseware. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Virtual Environments for Learning (VEL): • New technologies for e-Learning, e-Training and e-Skills • New software environments for education & training • Web & Virtual Reality technologies • Educational Technology and Web-Lecturing Technology • Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) technologies • Innovative Web-based Teaching and Learning Technologies • Software and Management for Education • Intelligent Virtual Environment Virtual Reality (VR): • Computer Graphics and Computational Geometry • Algorithms and Programming for Modeling • Web & Virtual Reality-based applications • Graphics applications for education & training, business, medicine, industry and other sciences • Scientific Web-based Laboratories and Virtual Labs


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

• Software Computing in Virtual Reality Knowledge Processing (KP): • Information and Knowledge Processing • Knowledge Representation and Ontologism • Multi-agent Technology Applications in WBE and WBT • Streaming Multimedia Applications in Learning • Mobile E-Learning, Communication Technology Applications • Cognitive Modelling, Intelligent systems • New Software Technologies, Avatars and Intelligent Agents • Software Computing in Artificial Intelligence

Fundamentals | Educational Technology Educational Technology That Talks - The Best Virtual Reality Information on Internet - •

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History of Virtual Learning Environments - "Integrated Learning Systems" (ILS), "Computer Assisted Instruction" (CAI), "Computer Based Training" (CBT),"Computer Managed Instruction" (CMI), "Interactive Multimedia Instruction" (IMI), "Technology Enhanced Learning" (TEL), "Technology Based Learning" (TBL), and "Web Based Training" (WBT) (Reference: Information Society Technologies - The four waves of information technologies (Reference: Vlada, M., Tugui, Al., The First International Conference on Virtual Learning – ICVL 2006, october 27-29, pp. 69-82, Proceedings of ICVL 2006 and CNIV 2006, 2006.) The terminology used in the fields of Virtual Learning (Reference: Anohina A., Analysis of the terminology used in the field of virtual learning, Educational Technology & Society, 8 (3), 91-102,, 2005.) The Evolution of Technological Knowledge (Bohn, Roger E. (2005). "From Art to Science in Manufacturing: The Evolution of Technological Knowledge." Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management 1(2): 1-82.) Advanced Distributed Learning - ADL - Creating the knowledge environment of the future - (This is an official Web site of the U.S. Government) ADL Technologies: Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM); Content Object Repository Discovery and Registration Architecture (CORDRA); Simulations; Intelligent Tutoring SCORM Technologies - Sharable Content Object Reference Model ("SCORM is a collection of specifications adapted from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive suite of e-learning capabilities that enable interoperability, accessibility and reusability of Web-based learning content" -

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 •


AeL Educational, AeL Enterprise - Computer-assisted learning system (eLearning for schools and universities): Learning Management - AeL LMS (Learning Management System); eContent Management -AeL LCMS (Learning Content Management System); Interactive Multimedia Educational Content - AeL eContent, eContent demo. AeL Enterprise: AeL Enterprise is a modern learning and management instrument dedicated to supporting personnel training within the company frame: it is devised for the direct Computer Assisted Learning (CAL), as well as for the remote / non assisted training (Computer Based Training)

Resources • • • • • • • • • • •

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Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) - Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) - European Research Area (ERA) - Information Society Technologies (IST) - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Eupope's Information Society - Eupopean Institute for E-Learning (EifEL) - eEurope 2005 - eEurope+ - i2010 European Information Society in 2010 European e-Skills 2006 Conference - Towards a Long Term e-Skills Strategy:

Intuition Project-Network Of Excellence Focused on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments Applications for Future Workspaces - European Mathematical Society (EMS) - Integrating New Technologies intothe Methods of Education Xplora - European gateway to science education - European Schoolnet - Virtual Learning Systems - Eastern Europe eWork - VResources - The Best Virtual Reality Information on Internet: Applications; Events; Discussion forums; Library; VR News |

Advanced Distributed Learning - ADL - Creating the knowledge environment of the future - (This is an official Web site of the U.S. Government)

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University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta ADL Technologies: Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM); Content Object Repository Discovery and Registration Architecture (CORDRA); Simulations; Intelligent Tutoring SCORM Technologies - Sharable Content Object Reference Model ("SCORM is a collection of specifications adapted from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive suite of e-learning capabilities that enable interoperability, accessibility and reusability of Web-based learning content" - W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - | Tim BernersLee, inventor of the World Wide Web International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) | 15th International World Wide Web Conference, Edinburgh Scotland

Moodle Services - Moodle is a course management system designed to help educators who want to create quality online courses; "Moodle is a real gift to forward thinking educators" - Drupal - Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website; is the official website of Drupal, an open source content management platform - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) - XML Graphics for the Web; SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML (Mozilla SVG Project) - | | | AJAX - Ajax (also known as AJAX), shorthand for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML," is a development technique for creating interactive web applications (AJAX is a type of programming made popular in 2005 by Google) | FLEX - Adobe Flex is a framework that helps you build dynamic, interactive rich Internet applications ( - | KP (KnowledgePresenter) - Create fully interactive SCORM compliant e-learning lessons - SOFTAKE - Software, programs, downloads (Windows, Linux, Mac)

THE COMPUTER GRAPHICS SOCIETY ( C G S ) | International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents - CASA 2005 | CASA 2006 ACM SIGGRAPH - Computer Graphics and interactive techniques CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library -

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 •

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The Human Interface Technology Lab (HITLab, University of Washington) | Virtual Environments in Education and Training (Research Projects) - Dr. William D. Winn (What We Have Learned About VR and Learning and What We Still Need to Study. In Proceedings of Laval Virtual 2005) Online Educa Berlin - 12th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training: ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) - The conference will take place in Cyprus 1st-3rd of November 2006 (Cyprus2006) | The first VRST was held in Singapore in 1994 and since then it has been held in Japan, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Taiwan, England, Korea, Canada and the US.( How People Learn (the National Academy of Sciences, USA) Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO)

Romanian Academy, ROINTERA project - eLearning Conference, Towards a Learning Society e-Learning Centre UK - PROLEARN virtual competence centre - PCF5 -The Fifth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, 13–17 July 2008, University of London, UK | | WikiEducator - free eLearning content that anyone can edit and use | EdTechTalk - EdTechTalk is a webcasting network of educators dedicated to helping those involved in educational technology explore, discuss, and collaborate in its use | Commonwealth of Learning - COL is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning and distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. | Innovative Educators - Innovative Educators is dedicated to providing superior conferences and training sessions focused on the most critical and relevant issues facing educators today |

IIIS - the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics - | Conferences and Symposia being organized by IIIS | IADIS – International Association for Development of the Information Society

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University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta ESPIT- eHealth and eInclusion - Conference Mobile Learning 2005 - Winter School of Computer Graphics (WSCG) - IEEE, Computer Society - Springer-Verlag-London -, Kluwer Academic Publishers - Science Direct/Elsevier B.V. - Open Access Initiative - Open Access Journals | OAI is a new paradigm in scholarly publishing. It aims to promote models that ensure free and unrestricted access to scholarly & research journals | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds - InterScience, Journal published by JOHN WILEY The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation - InterScience, Journal published by JOHN WILEY International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL) Virtual Retrospect 2005 - IARIA - International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (Silicon Valley, USA)- IATED - The International Association for Technology, Education and Development - IJ-SoTL - New International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (Georgia Southern University, Georgia, USA)[read more] ICONS 2007 - 1st International Conference on Network Security and Workshop (Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, India)[read more] HCI2007 - 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: CISSE 2006 Online E-Conference - The Second International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering: Laval Virtual ReVolution 2007 - 9th Virtual Reality International Conference, April 18-22th 2007, Laval, France ( | Demonstrations | Awards 2007 | Student competitions | VRIC-Virtual Reality International Conference

ACI - ACADEMIC CONFERENCES INTERNATIONAL ( | Conferences | e-Journals | Publications | Training&Seminars ICEL 2007 - The International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL), Columbia University, New York, USA, 28-29 June 2007 ECEL 2007 - The European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL), 4-5 October 2007, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark Distance Teaching & Learning - The Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning (LEARN), August 8-10, 2007, Madison Wisconsin, USA

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 • • • •

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ICTL 2007 - International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL), November 15-16, 2007, Putrajaya , Malaysia IVA 07 - International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents(IVA), 17th - 19th September 2007, Paris, France Scalable Vector Graphics - International Conference on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGOPEN), September 4-7, 2007, Tokyo, Japan mLearn 2007 - International Conference on mobile Learning (mLearn), 16–19 October 2007, Melbourne, Australia

ICE 2007 - International Conference on Education (ICE), 21 may 2007, Uniuversity Brunei Darussalam, China KES 2007 - Artificial Intelligence Applications in Digital Content (KES), September 12-14 2007, Vietri sul Mare, Italy EC-TEL 2007 - European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL), 17-20 September 2007, Crete, Greece CGV 2007 - IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization (CGV), 6-8 July, 2007 Lisbon, Portugal CGI 2007 - Computer Graphics International (CGI), May 30th - June 2nd, 2007, Petropolis, Brazil SIGGRAPH 2007 - The 34th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH), 5-9 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA ACVIT 2007 - International Conference on Advances in Computer Vision and Information Technology (ACVIT), 28-30 November 2007, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India DC 2007 - International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications(DC), 27 to 31 August 2007, Singapore ICWL 2007 - The 6th International Conference on Web-based Learning, 15-17 August 2007, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ( Informatics Europe - The Research and Education Organization of Computer Science and IT Departments in Europe ( European Computer Science Summit - 3rd Annual Informatics Europe Meeting 2007 (, October 8-9 2007, Berlin

KCPR 2007 - The 2nd International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Peer Reviewing (, July 12-15, 2007 – Orlando, Florida, USA CITSA 2007 - The 4th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (, July 12-15, 2007 – Orlando, Florida, USA

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University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta CCCT 2007 - The 5th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (, July 12-15, 2007 – Orlando, Florida, USA WCECS 2007 - The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2007 | The WCECS 2007 is composed of the following 15 conferences (San Francisco, USA, 24-26 October, 2007) ICEIT 2007 - The International Conference on Education and Information Technology 2007 | International Association of Engineers (IAENG) (San Francisco, USA, 24-26 October, 2007) ICIMT 2007 - The International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Technologies 2007 (San Francisco, USA, 24-26 October, 2007) ICMLDA 2007 - The International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Analysis 2007 (San Francisco, USA, 24-26 October, 2007) VRST 2007 - ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Nov 5-7, University of Irvine, USA | ICMLA 2007 - The 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications | (Cincinnati, Ohio USA on Dec 13-15, 2007) | Association for Machine Learning and Applications (ALMA) |

ASTD - American Society for Training & Development ( | ASTD is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals | ASTD 2007, ASTD 2007 International Conference & Exposition June 3-6, 2007 mark steiner - | mark steiner, inc. is a learning consulting company specializing in technology-based learning, Chicago, USA LearnLab - The Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center's LearnLab ( i-math - What you need, when you need it ( | i-Math was incorporated in 2001 as an organization dedicated to delivering innovative high precision mathematical and control software solutions to the Educational, R&D, Engineering and Manufacturing industries in the ASEAN Region | ICCMSE 2007 - The International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2007, Corfu, Greece , 25-30 September 2007 (

The Wolfram Demonstrations Project - The Wolfram Demonstrations Project is an open-code resource that uses dynamic computation to illuminate concepts in science, technology, mathematics, art, finance, and a remarkable range of other fields ( Mathematica Technology (Wolfram Research Inc.) -

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 • • • • • • • • • •


MathDL - The Mathematical Sciences Digital Library - MAA - Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications MAA - Digital Classroom Resources - Mathematica in Education and Research - Maplesoft Canada - IBM-Academic Resource - Microsoft-Training, eLearning, Career, Events - Intel-Software Development - Sun Microsytems-Training - World Summit on the Information Society - Atlas Conferences - Atlas Conferences has a database of academic conference announcement - Academic Conference Worldwide - The Conference Community - Powered by CSA (CSA is a worldwide information company) AllConferences.Com - Directory of Conferences, conventions, exhibits, seminars, workshops, events, trade shows and business meetings. Includes calendar, dates, location, web site, contact and registration information. ICVL 2007 Web site:


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

About VRRM 2007

International Workshop VRRM 2007 VIRTUAL REALITY IN REHABILITATION MEDICINE University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest, Romania September 24-25 2007 WEB: VRRM - ADVANCE PROGRAM Media partners - ANNOUNCEMENTS: | | | | CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 2 Announcement (.pdf) | Poster (.doc) | Folder (.doc) [VRRM - Credits 12 |] Objectives This interdisciplinary Workshop objective is the exchange of research results as well as the presentation of practical systems using Virtual Reality in Medicine and Rehabilitation. VRRM 2007 will promote international collaboration in the fields of medicine, rehabilitation science, technology, engineering and computer science/IT&C. Topics Discussed • Virtual Reality Input/Output Interfaces • Virtual Reality Hardware and Modeling • Real-time Programming, Telerehabilitation • Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation – the new perspectives of Romanian medicine • VR Assets for Mental Health and Rehabilitation • Virtual Rehabilitation Post-Stroke, VR Neuropsychology • Virtual Rehabilitation for Phobias/Post Traumatic Stress Disorder • Treatment of addictions (drugs, alcohol, smoking) in VR • E-Learning platform and Learning Management Systems (LMS) • INTUITION - Network of Excellence (virtual environments workspace applications) Types of sessions • Tutorials sessions • Company demonstrations • Posters sessions Invited Speakers nd

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Prof. Grigore Burdea, Ph.D., Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, USA. Ass. Prof. Albert "Skip" Rizzo, Ph.D., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. Prof. Doru Talaba, Ph.D., European INTUITION Consortium member University Transilvania Brasov, Romania Ass. Prof. M. Popovici, Ph.D., European INTUITION Consortium member University Ovidius Constanta, Romania Prof. Radu Jugureanu, eContent Manager, Siveco Romania SA, Bucharest, Romania. Workshop Chair: Prof. A. Nica Sarah, Ph.D., University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest, Head of Rehabilitation Department, Romania e-mail: adisarahnica[at] Program Chairs: Ass. Prof. M. Vlada, Ph.D., European INTUITION Consortium member University of Bucharest, Romania. Prof. V. Mărăcine, Ph.D., Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania. Important dates • July 30, 2007 – Proposals for Company demos (exhibits) • September 20, 2007 – Registration deadline • September 24-25, 2007 – Workshop VRRM 2007 Registration (click on amount to register) • 75 Euros - Discounted registration (students, professors, medical residents, academic researchers) • 150 Euros - Full registration On site • 100 Euros - Discounted registration (students, professors, medical residents, academic researchers) • 200 Euros - Full registration Contact | More information Scientific: Prof. A. Nica Sarah, Ph.D., e-mail: adisarahnica[at] Ass. Prof. M. Vlada, Ph.D. e-mail: marinvlada[at] Travel Arrangements and Registration Georgia Fratila. e-mail: georgia.fratila[at] ONLINE REGISTRATION (Secure & GECAD) CALL FOR PARTICIPATION | Link (.pdf) | KEYNOTE (.pdf) INTUITION Forum: Conferences, Workshops, Call for Papers | LINK Upcoming Events: | Europe, ROMANIA, Bucharest -


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


VIRTUAL REALITY IN REHABILATION MEDICINE SEPTEMBER 24-25, 2007 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, ROMANIA 2-Day Course: DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF VIRTUAL REALITY ENVIRONMENTS AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE (7 hours first day, 7.5 hours second day)

ADVANCE PROGRAM MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2007 TIME 8:00-9:00 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00

TOPIC REGISTRATION Opening: Romanian organizers and official SESSION 1 Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation – the new perspectives of Romanian medicine

10:00 – 11:00

Virtual Reality Input/Output Interfaces

11:00 – 11:15 11:15-12:15

COFFEE BREAK Virtual Reality Hardware and Modeling

12:15 – 14:00 14:00 -15:00

LUNCH Real-time Programming

15:00 – 16:00

VR Assets for Mental Health and Rehabilitation


COFFEE BREAK SESSION 2 AeL e-learning platform, Academic platform



Virtual Reality environment for pre-operatory planning in Ortopaedics


Adriana Sarah Nica, RO Grigore Burdea, USA Grigore Burdea, USA Grigore Burdea, USA Albert “Skip” Rizzo, USA

Radu Jugureanu, SIVECO Romania Doru Talabă, RO


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2007


SESSION 3 Virtual Rehabilitation Post-Stroke


Virtual Rehabilitation for Phobias /PTSD/Addictions

11:00 – 11:30

COFFEE BREAK SESSION 4 INTUITION Project - Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments applications for future workspaces.



Simulation Models for VR Applications


Human-technology and human-computer interaction (HCI) in Systems Laboratory

13:30 – 14:30 14:30-15:30

LUNCH SESSION 5 Virtual Rehabilitation and game consoles

15:30 – 15:45 15:45-16:45

COFFEE BREAK Tele-rehabilitation


Panel discussion, Conclusions

Grigore Burdea, USA Albert “Skip” Rizzo, USA

Marin Vlada, Dorin Mircea Popovici, RO Grigore Albeanu, RO Dorin Mircea Popovici, AnaMaria Marhan, RO

Grigore Burdea, USA Grigore Burdea, USA Speakers, Romanian organizers and officials

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Professional Learning and Knowledge Society



University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta


Paper and Authors



E-Learning Technologies Achievements and Perspectives


Marin Vlada1, Radu Jugureanu2 (1) University of Bucharest, 14 Academiei Street, RO-010014, ROMANIA, E-mail: [email protected] (2) Siveco Romania, Bucharest, B-dul Averescu, nr.22 RO-050034, ROMANIA, E-mail: [email protected] 2.

E-Learning metrics


Grigore Albeanu

UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies at University of Oradea, University Street No. 1, 410087, ROMANIA, E-mail: [email protected] Web: 3

E-education versus e-training Life Long Learning perspective


Professor Ion Roceanu, PhD1 (1) Advanced Distributed Learning Department of the “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania, Bucharest, Panduri Street 68-72, ROMANIA

[email protected] 4

Using e-Learning to Optimize Human Resources Training on the Job in Simulated Enterprises Adrian AdăscăliŃei1, Dan Gâlea2 (1) Iaşi ”Gh. Asachi” Technical University 53, Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd. Iaşi, RO- 700050, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] (2) Iaşi ”Gh. Asachi” Technical University 53 A, Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd. Iaşi, RO- 700050, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected]


The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007



E-Learning Technologies Achievements and Perspectives Marin Vlada1, Radu Jugureanu2 (1) University of Bucharest, 14 Academiei Street, RO-010014, ROMANIA, E-mail: [email protected] (2) Siveco Romania, Bucharest, B-dul Averescu, nr.22 RO-050034, ROMANIA, E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Information Society has led to the use of IT&C as a reference point for systematic changes in educational systems, and challenges have been shaped, in the beginning, on three major directions, having as starting points the Lisbon and Feira Summits: equipping schools, training teachers and providing the necessary resources.

Keywords: e-Learning, Information Technologies, Knowledge Society 1

Premises and objectives

MOTTO: „The informatics/computer science re-establishes not only the unity between the pure and the applied mathematical sciences, the concrete technique and the concrete mathematics, but also that between the natural sciences, the human being and the society. It restores the concepts of the abstract and the formal and makes peace between arts and science not only in the scientist' conscience, but in their philosophy as well..” Grigore C. Moisil (1906-1973) - Computer Pioneer Award of IEEE (1996) Computer’s invention and utilization has revolutionized the development of contemporary society, therefore we are talking nowadays more and more about the concept of informational society. Moreover, even since 1997 N. Moore has pointed out, in his report presented at UNESCO, the four aspects that define the parameters of contemporary society (Drăgănescu 2001): • Information is a resource of organizations and private individual, becoming a source of wellness for the company and individual; • Information is the basis of new economical branches, in fast development; • Information can be used in commonly without consuming it;


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• IT&C development revolutionizes fundamental activities of human society: business, education, government, enterprise management. Though, mankind’s ideal is that of achieving the stadium of “global informational society” and for that it’s necessary, as O’Brian states, to go trough the four stages (waves) (Drăgănescu 2001, Vlada 2005): • The stage of information enterprise (1970 – 2010) – first wave; • The stage of interconnected knowing people (since 1980) – second wave; • The stage of global interconnected society (started since 1991) – third wave; • The stage of global information society (will start after 2010). This ideal is in fact man’s desire of knowing as much as possible. Because of that the fundamental terms which define the paradigm of contemporary society become, naturally, information, knowledge and computer communication. As a science, Informatics (Computer Sciences) is characterized by the most spectacular evolutions in its impact upon man’s activity. Computer has technologies man hasn’t even dreamed about. Although, through time, the use of computer has sometimes been seen reticently, today most people are convinced of the performances and utility of the computer in all areas of activity. Nowadays, even since primary school pupils find out about the impact of computer in their life. Out of these reasons, educational systems of countries are conceived to implement development strategies oriented towards computer utilization, not only for beginner, but also in its continuous usage. In the beginning of the 21st century can be stated that information and knowledge were the basis of scientific, technological, economical, social, cultural (and so on) process/events. The professor Roger E. Bohn shows that it is important now to understand technological knowledge, in specific, knowledge about the way of producing goods and services. Knowledge is addicted to the learning process. Also it is worth remembering Bohn’s formulation of the learning concept: “Learning is evolution of knowledge over time” (Bohn 1998). Today, by the appearance of different technologies, operating systems, programming languages, specialized programs etc, it is used the expression “Information technologies and communications” (IT&C) which includes a great variety of information processing and a great utility of this processing in all areas of activity. Still, at every level of human society development had always been substantiation on information. Information is a primary form of knowledge attainment. We mention the following moments from the significant examples: the ABACUS (3000 B.Ch.), the paper (50 B.Ch.); the newspaper (1700); the telegraph (1837); the photography (1839); the telephone (1876); the electricity (1882); the tabulator (1890); the film (1891); radio - television (1920-1936); the robot (1921); the transistor (1947); the graphic display (1953); the microprocessor (1971); Web technology and Internet (1991). All these moments have contributed at a better utilization of information in society and at increasing levels of knowledge and human wellness (Drăgănescu 2001, Vlada 2005). The explosive development of software and hardware technologies has made possible for informatics technologies and Internet services to be used in all areas of activity today: education, research, economy, health, commerce, tourism, business, defence etc. Applications for financial on-line transactions, on-line commerce,

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


multimedia on-line services, e-Learning, on-line magazines, electronic libraries, services of information search on the network etc have been developed. Today, the economical aspects of a company are related to the great potential of WEB technologies, and the educational system of a country cannot ignore the impact of these technologies towards the objectives followed by education. Web site represents more and more a determinant aspect of any activity/business. The WEB is one of the most important communication/knowledge tools that a company / firm / institution / organization has, demanding however a series of investments that cannot be done if only cheap solutions are considered.


Knowledge Society, e-Learning and Educational Software

MOTTO: „Learning is evolution of knowledge over time.” Roger E. Bohn Specialists from certain fields, are confronted nowadays with various and complex problems. Many of these require computer and software products utilization. The complexity of activities, competitions of all kind, efficiency and activity accomplishment, require the use of the most preferment hardware and software products. It is noticed the explosion of tools and methods given by Information technologies and communications (IT&C), by peripheral equipments with various functions. Research, development and innovation programs are in a larger number every day and results are seen right away. In the same time, continuous improvement, knowing and using new knowledge from the activity area must be major desires for every specialist. And under this aspect, Informatics and Information Technologies and Fig. 1 Communication, offer eLearning technologies and educational Software. In the new global context of competition based on scientific-technological innovation, the European Union Council elaborated the program “European Research Area”, launched in 2002. This program consists in forming the basis of a new free internal market for innovation. In the way of achieving this goal there is a series of barriers regarding free and efficient fulfillment of innovating transfer process. According to that, E.U. wants to eliminate the fact of remaining behind Japan and U.S.A. Although E.U. is a major research force, it isn’t doing so well in transferring the science results in economical innovation and performance. To eliminate the difference in the key area of innovation, E.U. has launched “The Lisbon Strategy 2000” which has as primary strategic goal that in the perspective of the year 2010, E.U. to become “the most competitive and dynamic economy based on knowledge in the


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world, capable of a lasting economical growth that offers more and better jobs, and a big social cohesion.” Building an informational society (that will represent the passing on to the society of knowledge) cannot be done without research and investment projects, in the IT&C area as well as in education. The final desideratum being competence, there is no technology, no theory, no approach that can eliminate or neglect the professorpupil/student relationship. All of those will be efficient and convenient tools both for professor and for pupil/student. Sometimes, these tools can be unique in regard to the traditional tools in education. "All what is correct thinking is either mathematics or feasible to be transposed in a mathematical model" (Grigore C. Moisil). There are some representations that can be reproduced or simulated only by the computer which offers methods and techniques regarding graphics, animation and sound. For instance, 3-D representations or the evolution of physical, chemical, biological phenomenon, which develop dynamically, can only be represented or studied using the computer (Fig. 1). Competence implies experience in solving problems in a certain area of activity. Competence and experience in solving problems can only be gained if it is always taken into account the interdependence physical reality-virtual reality, and if efforts are made to get new knowledge for an appropriate knowledge of all aspects regarding the physical model, respectively the virtual model, aspects determined by the characteristics of the problems that need to be solved in a particular area of activity. For instance, a programmer that creates programs for various problems to be solved has to have technical skills according to the scheme (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 If in the 70’s, the predominant expression was that of Information Society (the main pursuit being the realization of a national information system with ideas and trends that refer to an information society), gradually, the concept of information society gained ground and became a reality after 1990 as Internet technologies propagated. E-learning technologies that are spread today are the result of evolution, of pedagogical and psychological methods in education, as well as IT&C technologies (Web, multimedia and communication technologies). Thereby, using the Internet system, programs of Web products elaboration, audio/video recordings, CD recordings, integrating the results from the graphical area

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


on the computer, have made possible the elaboration of on-line courses, of educational software for various disciplines, of virtual libraries and campuses. In the future there will be platforms based on management architecture that use Web services architectures (XML-eXtensible Mark-up Language). The software and system components will describe themselves, meaning that through a standard protocol they will be able to be accessed and opened efficiently and conveniently. Lots of old applications will be improved in this way. The Internet technologies development in the last years, has determined the existence of new ways and possibilities of using the computer in all areas of human activity. In particular, in the education field the new technologies offer possibilities that have never been dreamed of 15 years ago. This is due to the development of Informatics and compute systems from the hardware and software point of view. One of the main targets of modern education is continuous improvement of teachinglearning processes and that is by using the new multimedia technologies. Multimedia technologies allow a close correlation between audio-video effects in making lessons, courses, complex presentations that can be easy to follow, suggestive and mostly to contribute in the assimilation of new knowledge. Unanimously, professors and psychologists consider that learning is a process that implies all aspects of human personality. Regardless of the learning content, from the simplest knowledge to the most complex ones, the entire chain of processes is realized in the purpose of understanding, processing, interpreting and valuing the learned entities. Virtual Learning (e-Learning and educational software) imposes itself as a very attractive, useful and efficient form of learning, forming and informing. This popularity is based on pupils’ / students’ free choice: what to learn, where to learn, when to learn, how much to learn, the learning order, the learning method etc. Certainly, the elaboration of software systems for e-Learning is not an easy activity. This kind of systems have to be done by competent persons that will correspond to the modern requirements in the educational area, that’s way the most preferment systems are those made by professors, psychologists, pedagogues, IT&C specialists. What to teach with e-Learning? How much to teach with computer? These are few of the questions that need an answer when educational software is conceived and elaborated for pupils, students or different users of these products. Next, we will analyze the e-Learning and educational software concepts to eliminate any confusion and determine the objectives of these modern technologies (Vlada 2005, 2004). Definition. E-Learning includes traditional or modern methods and techniques and by using the IT&C technologies (multimedia processing and asynchronous or synchronous communication), leads the subjects that uses it, to gaining experience in understanding of knowledge and skills in an area of activity. Basically, e-Learning offers the convenient and efficient access to the newest information and knowledge, new and efficient teaching, learning and evaluation knowledge’s methods, constant training and forming. In the same way, e-Learning is an alternative to constant education in nowadays’ or tomorrow’s informational society. The specific characteristics of e-Learning technologies bring new dimensions in education which can be complementary or alternative than traditional methods in


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education. These characteristics offer the possibility to organize on-line learning on subjects or themes, while traditional learning is organized on groups/ age classes. The teaching-learning-examination process gets new dimensions and characteristics through e-Learning technologies. The educational system in our country is involved directly and determinant in substantiating and building the informational society. An information society is born in an environment in which the majority of her members have access to IT&C technologies and use informational technologies frequently, for training and professional perfecting, as for personal activities regarding solving economical, social etc problems. Definition. Educational software stands for any software product in any format (executable or not) that can be used on any computer and represents a subject, a theme, an experiment, a lesson, a course etc, being an alternative or the only solution towards traditional educational methods (blackboard, chalk, etc). The verification and evaluation stages of knowledge and skills in gaining adequate competence to the didactic script can be or not implemented in educational software, this depends on the knowledge characteristics corresponding to a didactic discipline. For instance, is the case of Informatics’ and IT&C’ disciplines which have as base computer utilization in gaining skills. In this case gaining skills must be done after verification and evaluation of assimilated knowledge, as well of skills in correct and efficient computer utilization. All of these must be obtained by presenting the various projects directly on the computer, by the examined one, to prove the examiner professor the grade / level of competence. Nowadays, it is desired the transition from an informational society to a society of knowledge, and that is between the years 2010-2030. The European Programs (FP6, FP7) are conceived and elaborated to achieve this desideratum. If in the 1970s the predominant expression was that of Informational society, (the biggest concerned being the making of a national Informational system, with ideas and tendencies aiming for an informational society), on the way the concept of Informational society has spread more and more and became a reality after 1990 from the moment that Internet technologies have expanded. WWW technology (World Wide Web) is the most troubling transformation and expansion for the human society. Electronic mail (E-Mail), electronic/virtual book (EBook), and WWW Technology have determined a global self organization process which is still in full development today. People, organizations, institutions, countries, regions, continents etc also have to organize themselves.


Educational Technology

MOTTO: „The real environments of nature are governed by languages. The Languages exist not only for communication, but mainly for knowledge.” Marin Vlada The human society development is done through knowledge and learning. Roger’s Bohn formulation for the learning concept “Learning is evolution of knowledge over

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


time” is based on development and evolution of information and communication technologies. Technology-Based Instruction has a wide meaning, referring to forms of instruction using other places than the traditional class-room. These include computers, television, video devices, stereos (multimedia equipments). Instruction through computer have been having a great impact in the knowledge area. “We have to replace education and schools by hyper instruction, which represents not only a form of instruction, free of any constraint but also a world completely free of education constraints. Nations that choose instruction systems that use the newest technologies will be, economically, the most powerful in the 21st century. This new type of study will spread beyond school, beyond the static roles of professor and student and beyond school years. Intelligent ways of instruction, interactive hypermedia systems, intelligent and biomedical technologies, the infrastructure of communications that allow access to knowledge in any moment and place, represent the four key components of hyper instruction technology. The impact of HL revolution (Hyper Learning) will include access to instruction through education at distance, to intelligent ways of instruction that adapt learning characteristics to particular situations, access to instruction of people of all ages and levels.” (Lewis Perelman, 1996). A system for education management (LMS - Learning Management System) is a system of software applications that allow on-line organization of education (Lăculeanu 2006). This kind of applications allow tracking progresses of instruction, test results, exams in on-line training, and aim going through the entire educational course. Most LMS applications allow information transfer to other administration software of recordings of whole educational process. Universities have been and still are the leaders in adopting new technologies to increase access to education and tutoring. The professor James Taylor (Southern Queensland University, Austria) presents in his article “Fifth Generation Distance Education” the following stages: • •

1st generation – The Mail Model based on typing technology; 2nd generation – Multimedia Model based on typing, audio and video technologies; • 3rd generation – Tele-Learning Model based on telecommunications technologies to provide synchronic communications opportunities; • 4th generation – Flexible Instruction Model based on on-line teaching over the Internet; • 5th generation – Flexible Intelligent Learning Model. At (Anohina 2005) it is shown a classification of terms used in the Virtual Learning field. There are 8 basis groups for the most used terms: The C Group (Computer), The I Group (Internet), The T Group (Technology), The D Group (Distance), The O Group (Online), The W Group (Web), The E Group (Electronic), The R Group (Resources). The used education concepts are: instruction, learning, teaching, tutoring, and education. Integrating New Technologies into the Methods of Education (Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK), by researching in cognitive psychology’s standards and methods, it


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improves the teaching learning evaluation activities at all academicals levels, and all forms of curricular fields. “The learning quality becomes superior when true understanding of the learning subjects becomes main objective. In this way, professors have the possibility to see what students know and can truly understand.” (Oldfather & West, 1999). McCombs and Whistler (1997) have theorized 12 major learning principals that puts the pupil/student in main role and which refer to the following aspects: The nature of the learning process; The objectives of the learning process; Building your own knowledge system; Superior thinking; Motivational influences on learning; Intrinsically motivation in learning; Task’s characteristics that stimulate motivation; Limits on individual development and favorable moments; Social acceptance, selfesteem and learning; Individual differences in learning; Cognitive filters.


IES Project and AeL platform

MOTTO: "All what is correct thinking is either mathematics or feasible to be transposed in a mathematical model." Grigore C. Moisil The IES - Informational Educational System is a complex program initiated by Research and Education Ministry in 2001, with main objective supporting the teaching-learning process in academic levels with the newest technologies. The program supports the objectives of education Reform, it is according to the action plan e-Europe 2005 started by The European Union and with the European initiative of eLearning. The program is implemented by a public-private partnership. The main companies involved in the IES implementation are SIVECO Romania, HP and IBM (Siveco, 2001). IES was created as an integrated solution at national level made of local and regional network solutions. Each informatics lab in schools is an integrated solution by itself, ready to use by teachers and students. IT labs (local solutions) are integrated in a logic network that includes all the schools in a region. All regional systems are themselves integrated in a national network connected to Internet and controlled by the management IES unit which is at the Research and Education Ministry. Nowadays, the following have been done: High schools: 1510 informational platforms (25 computers, servers, printer etc) – 37150 latest generation computers; 1510 servers; 1510 installed and configured networks; over 3000 formed network administrators; over 23800 trained professors;

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Schools: 3228 informational platforms – 33000 latest generation computers; 3228 servers; 3229 installed and configured networks; over 35000 trained professors; CCD: 42 platforms for professors’ tutoring – 840 computers; 42 servers; 210 instructors; 25 credits out of 90 onto course levels (Istrate and Jugureanu, 2006, Jugureanu 2005). AEL is a complete solution for e-Learning, teaching/learning support. AEL has administrative and delivering capabilities of various types of educational content, such as multimedia interactive and tutorial materials, exercises, simulations, educational games and so on. AEL is an integrated teaching/learning and content management system; meant to support professors/tutors, students, content developers, and the other participants in education process. Although initially conceived for universities/education at distance, AEL is know used for the academicals level, being extremely suited for various language studies, regions, various study levels and types of organizations. The latest technologies are being used: Enterprise Java Beans, jdbc, Java servlets, jsp-s, Java applets, XML. The IES Project is considered to be the most reworded Romanian e-Project. Thereby, AeL – Learning and Content Management System – platform has been noticed and reworded in the European Competition e-Europe Awards for eGovernment ( Also, AEL Lessons, in a competition with 20000 projects from 168 countries, were considered the best educational content in the world. The competition was called World Summit Award ( and designated it’s winners in the WSIS, at Tunis in 2005. These results were possible through the consequent involvement of the SIVECO company in supporting various local, national or international events in the e-Learning field: “Siveco Coup – national contest of educational software” (organized by Siveco company), NCVL – National Conference on Virtual Learning and ICVL – International Conference on Virtual Learning (organized by Bucharest University), eLSE – Scientific communications session “e-Learning and educational software” (organized by “Carol I” National Defence University), NCES – National Conference on Educational Software (RAER Romanian Association of Educational Resources, Brasov), OnLine EDUCA Berlin (organized by ICWE GmbH-Berlin, ) etc. The AeL e-Learning platform is an integrated, complete platform of computer assisted training and content management. It offers the basis to teach and learn, to test and evaluate, to administrate the content, to monitor the learning and curricular concept process. Educational content (lessons – educational software) : 1700 multimedia lessons; 9500 interactive and individual moments; 7400 simulations of phenomenon studied in school; 1100 process emulations; 3 math, physics and chemistry editing programs; 7 interactive tutorials for PC utilization; courses for English language lessons, for study years 1-8 (Siveco 2006). Academic AEL platform is a learning platform assisted by computer through flexible excellence, with a friendly interface, specially created for educational and administrative needs of a university creating (Siveco 2006):


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• Filling the existing system with standardized educational content specific for technical faculties (process simulators, virtual experiments, chemical labs, dedicated diagrams and graphics); • The integration of applications with specialized informatics applications (IOLS, simulators, editors, video – conference, CAD software, dedicated platforms, virtual encyclopaedias and dictionaries, knowledge bases); • Improvement of present modules for management of didactic activities and of communication with different functions (forum, chat, video-conferences, time schedule, opinion polls, organization of packages for courses, planning, tracking and evaluating educational activities for creating and administrating educational content, multimedia materials, students’ testing and evaluating, monitoring the training process and evaluating its results).


What’s next ? Adaptive thinking ?

MOTTO: “The book of nature is written in the characters of geometry" Galileo The dynamic of informational flow in the last years creates an amazing vision on educational process, and mostly on school activities. In a perspective of only 10 – 15 years, we know today that our students, because of technological diversification to which they will be direct participants, will have to change 10 – 14 places of work by the age of 38. This is also because the 10 most wanted jobs that will be in 2010 didn’t exist in 2004. An educational system has to implement new valences considering that fact we are preparing pupils and students for: • Jobs that not exist and are not defined yet; • To use technologies that aren’t yet invented; • To solve problems about we don’t know-how to be solved. All these aspects have to be analyzed and implemented considering that today the following are already happening (Intel Education Services 2007): • Every month 2,7 billions of unique questions are enunciated on Google; • Every day over 6 billions of text files are surfing the INTERNET: • Over 3000 books are published every day and the informational volume of the year 2007 reaches 1.5 Exabytes (1.5 x 1018), meaning more than the information sum of the last 5000 years; the increase rate is doubled every 2 years. These challenges and changes in the society have to determine essential adaptations to these changes for all factors of the educational process: • Pupils, students and professors have to be prepared to face the fact that everything they learn in the first 2 years of study, in the 3rd year is already old; • The teaching-learning-examination methods have to quickly adapt to modern educational methods. The common element of every present educational system is the 3 “gained cognitive reflexes”: writing, reading, calculating. We will have to know to create this kind of reflex: computing thinking or statistic thinking. Beyond writing, reading, and calculating we will have to invent another thing: adaptive thinking! The presence of simulators, process emulators, and formative

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


interactivity in the true act of learning it cannot be at “fashion” level, but it must rise to “necessity”. The multimedia interactive educational content and integrated platforms for computer assisted education (CAE) can answer the question: “How do we form adaptive thinking?”

References [1] A. Anohina, Analysis of the terminology used in the field of virtual learning, [2]

[3] [4] [5]


[7] [8]


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The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


E-Learning metrics Grigore Albeanu UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies at University of Oradea, University Street No. 1, 410087, ROMANIA, E-mail: [email protected];

Abstract This paper presents some aspects on E-Learning metrics in order to improve the evaluation of the capability and maturity in E-Learning. Starting with quality assurance for E-Learning items, the article reviews the E-Learning Capability and Maturity models and proposes a fuzzy logic based method to estimate the level of capability and maturity.

Keywords: capability and maturity models, metrics, e-learning, fuzzy logic 1


Quality in the field of E-Learning is already an important issue both in theory and practice. This paper considers the E-Learning paradigm and presents some aspects related to quality evaluation in the framework of the e-Learning Capability Maturity Model. There are some level of capability & maturity depending on the entity involved: SEI CMMI – software development (adapted for E-Learning), OCDMM – for online course design, ECM2 – for global e-learning development (people, technology an processes), EMM – covering only E-Learning maturity, and E-CMM – a variant of SEI CMMI for quality improvement in higher education. Such approaches can be used during the implementation of the quality standard ISO/IEC 19796-1 for an E-learning organisation. The mentioned models were developed by (SEI, CMMI-2007) and (Albeanu & Popentiu-Vlădicescu, 2005), (Neuhauser, 2004), (Manford & McSporan, 2003), (Marshall & Mitchell, 2007), and (Baig et al, 2007) respectively. The second section addresses the basic terminology and the main capability and maturity models for E-Learning. The third section describes a method based on fuzzy logic to establish a capability and maturity model starting with a questionnaire established for e-Learning practices, based on a capability-maturity model. Finally, some conclusions are presented.


E-Learning Terms and Capability-Maturity Models

Considering the study of (Anohina, 2005) and the references to be mentioned, in the following, the basic terminology related to the “Virtual Learning” has to be well understood when dealing with the assessment of capability and maturity for E-Learning. “Computer based learning” can be used when the computer is not connected to a network, but materials are local according to (Admiraal, 2003) and (IoniŃă, 2006). Computer-based learning is not a subset of online learning, as we shall explain bellow.


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“Web-based learning” uses the HTTP protocol (Angelini et al, 2005), while “Internet-based learning” can use any IP-based protocol and is broader than webbased learning (Albeanu, 2007). The “Online learning” is based on networking (any kind of computer network). Internet-based learning is only a subset of online learning. The following technologies are addressed in online learning: text e-books, e-mail, forum, chat, interactive quiz tools, power-point slides, web-pages, audio and video materials, telephone (VoIP or classic), voice mail, instant messaging, video conference etc. More information and consideration can be found in (Gâf-Deac, 2001), (Pauls, 2003), (IoniŃă, 2006) and (Wright, 2006). “E-learning” is a synonym for electronic learning (not only network-based or non-network-based) requiring an improved “e-Competence” according to (Admiraal, 2003), (Angelini et al, 2005), (Attwel, 2003), (Carabaneanu et al, 2006), Mac Labhrainn et al, 2006) and (Ehlers, 2007). “Distance learning” covers both electronic and non-electronic based learning (for instance, the ordinary mail). More details can be found in (Gâf-Deac, 2001). The “Technology-based learning” is delivered via any technology, and contains also the distance learning (including TV, Radio etc), according also to (McBride & McMullen, 1996), (David & Lourdeaux, 1998), (GâfDeac, 2001) and (Admiraal, 2003). The “Resource-based learning” is a general form of learning, using all necessary resources suitable for active learners. This type of learning has to be based on knowledge society advancement and resource-competence, according to (Albeanu, 2007). The “Collaborative learning” is a groupware paradigm using the following tools: forum, textual chat, file sharing, audio communication, screen sharing, integrated e-mail, instant messages, polling, group calendar, video communication, whiteboard, workspace awareness, application sharing, floor sharing, version control, collaborative browsing, virtual hand raising, voice chat, collaborative viewing, synchronization of content etc., as (Albeanu, 2007) mentioned. The “Distributed learning” is the resource-based learning with distributed resources (hardware, software and databases), according to (Albeanu, 2007). The term “Virtual Learning Environment” describes an integrated set of online tools, databases and managed resources used in education, not necessary using Virtual Reality Resources. However, a common view on virtual learning environments refers to on-line domains allowing both synchronous (chat, conference, etc) and asynchronous (e-mail, forum, file transfer etc.) collaborative interaction among teachers and learners, according to (Dillenbourg, 2000), Barajas et al, 2002), (McKeller & Manarg, 2005) and (Andreatos, 2006). The “Immersive Learning Environments” are based on Virtual Reality Resources supporting immersion (virtual room, CAVE, virtual worlds, etc) as (Fuks & Assis, 2001), (Albeanu, 2007) and (LightFeather, 2007) considered. The “Virtual communities” are groups of real or virtual entities sharing the same interests, values, jargon, leaders, titles, ways of communicating and exchanging information and knowledge, according to Andreatos (2006). A special case of virtual community is based on Internet interaction. However, other virtual communities are active in real world or/and virtual worlds as (Allen et al, 2003) and (Andreatos, 2006) mentioned. The reciprocal events that require at least two entities and two activities (actions during interaction) are called “Interactions”. Interaction is completely different from interactivity, which address only the interaction between user and technology. As interactions, we mention the following: learner-instructor, learner-learner, learner-

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


content, learner-self instructions, and learner-interface. When deal with Person-Centred E-Learning the trainer should address: the learner’s intellect, his/her social skills, and personality, according to (Motschnig-Pitrik & Nykl, 2003). The above considerations shows why “Virtual learning” is a subset of technology-based learning using Virtual Reality Technologies or/and Virtual Environments, which is a consistent approach when referring to (Fuchs & Moreau, 2006): “Virtual Reality is a scientific and technical field using computer science and behaviour interfaces to simulate in a virtual world the real time behaviour of the 3D entities interacting among them and with users having been in a pseudo-natural immersion by specific communication channels”. Quality in the field of E-Learning is already an important issue both in theory and practice. The Quality Standard ISO/IEC 19796-1 is the basic framework for quality development in organizations in the field of learning, education, and training, consisting of a description model and a process model. The ‘Description Model’ describes quality approaches (such as guidelines, design guides, requirements) and documents all quality concepts, while the ‘Process Model’ is a guide through the different processes when developing learning scenarios, as (Strache, 2007) revealed. The ‘Process Model’ is divided in seven parts: NA – Needs Analysis, FA – Framework Analysis, CD – Conception/Design, DP – Development/Production, IM – Implementation, LP – Learning Process, and EO – Evaluation / Optimisation. Every part is detailed in subprocesses. When applying a quality assessment plan, the researcher can obtain valuable information concerning the student expectations, like: professional or career enhancement, flexibility, technology innovation, applicable content, active participation, responses-feedback, affective feedback, focused messaging. Also, when dealing with virtual learning, any organization, trainer (instructor) or learner has to consider the following items: Context Standards (learning communities, leadership and resources), Process Standards (planning online learning goals, professional evaluation, impact evaluation, design, learning, and collaboration), and Content Standards (equity and quality), as (Albeanu, 2007) mentioned. Maturity models were used long time ago as (Manford & McSporran, 2003) already stated. Recently, an important model for software organisations was developed and applied for rating and improving the capability and maturity of such companies. (Albeanu et al, 2005) considered the usage of CMM (SEI, 2007) in the framework of a Total Quality Management approach when deal with software. Such an approach can be easily extended for companies working for E-Learning platforms or E-content development, as some researchers already proved depending on the addressed target: (Manford & McSporran, 2003), (Neushauser, 2004), (Baig et al, 2006) and (Marshall & Mitchel, 2007). Other assessment models are already available: (Hutter et al, 2004), (Barchino et al, 2006) and (ARACIS, 2007). Maturity models, according to (Manford & McSporran, 2003), are based on the following aspects: • The metrics (measurement) – which metrics can be used and how long did this task take? How much is the cost of such a development? For e-Learning software development the metrics are reviewed by (Albeanu, 2002). For EContent provided by an E-Learning System, some metrics for text readability and understanding will be used, together with the requirement for interactivity.


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Other important attributes are: correctness, accuracy, precision, consistency and usability. An E-learning maturity index can be established based on the history of E-Learning items. • The maturity hierarchy – consisting in a number of levels or stages showing the performance in particular organisational processes and providing useful information for improving capability. For E-Content development there are also stages of maturity a capability, but this not an easy task, as (Neuhauser, 2004) stated. Considering a five-stage hierarchy, OCDMM-developed by (Neuhauser, 2004) consists of the following levels: Initial, Exploring, Awakening, Strategizing and Integrating Best Practices. For every level, there are five key process areas: components and appearance (KPA1), individualized and personal (KPA2), use of technology (KPA3), socialization and interactivity (KPA4), and assessment (KPA5). • Proceeding to the next level is important because the processes that are better defined can lead to better products/services. The e-Learning Capability Maturity Model (ECM2), developed by (Manford & McSporran, 2003), comprises five levels as the software CMM approach provided by SEI. For every level some key performance areas (KPAs) are identified. These KPAs fall into three categories: people, processes and technology. The first level – called initial – represents the immaturity. Success of such a company depends on the abilities, efforts and organization of individuals. It is an ‘ad hoc’ style for product development. The second level – called independent – claims about the existence of some system for the management of e-learning projects, but each project operates independent from others possible with a large bias. The main advantage is the possibility of data collection from projects to be used as a basis for estimation and planning of future projects. The third level – called shared – guarantees the sharing of expertise between areas. The processes are well defined. The main characteristic of the fourth level – called organised – is that systems and procedures (related to staff, learner, trainer, project management) are available as organisation-wide and the products will be of predictable high quality. The last level – called learning – claims that the organisation has the necessary data to analyse failures during product development and deployment and perform cost benefit analysis on new technologies and evaluate new methods. This will be a guarantee for the success of the new projects and the all processes are considered as ordinary business activities. Compared against the Software CMMI the naming convention is changed to reflect more the field under consideration. EMM can be used by organizations to “assess and compare their capability to develop, deploy and support e-learning”, according to (Marshall & Mitchell, 2007). The mentioned authors identify five dimensions of capability: delivery, planning, definition, management, and optimisation. Also five KPAs were proposed: learning, development, support, evaluation, and organisation. As we can see, this model is different from ECM2, but all these models are hierarchical (usually five levels or dimensions) and measure a number of KPAs based on a maturity and capability questionnaire. The maturity model for online course design, proposed by (Neuhauser, 2004), “may serve as a tool in planning and assessing” the courses provided by some organisation and improving their quality according to best practices and the state of the art in the field.

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The next section will present a model to establish the degree of membership to a capability/maturity level for an organisation involved in e-Learning.


A Method to Establish the Maturity Level

Based on our previous experience in the assessment of capability and maturity of a research team, we found that three approaches can be used to establish the maturity level. The first one is deterministic. An 80% fulfilment of the requirements of previously and current level is necessary. The second one deals with subjective probabilities, as described in (Albeanu et al, 2005). In the following we present the third approach based on fuzzy techniques: fuzzy logic/membership degrees. Firstly, one establishes for every item an indicator in the interval [0, 1]. This indicator can be interpreted as a partially truth (fuzzy logic) or a membership degree (MD – fuzzy set theory). Of course, when the degrees are binary values, the deterministic or probabilistic approaches can be used. The other approach uses appropriate linguistic variables to describe the degree of satisfiability of every request in maturity questionnaire. For example, the second item in assessing the L51 key process area, namely “Are learners engaged through multiple opportunities for input?” can be interpreted quantitatively: “How many learners are engaged through multiple opportunities for input?” with answers like: ALL (MD = 1), almost ALL (MD = 0.8), More than HALF (MD = 0.6), almost HALF (MD = 0.4), Few (MD = 0.1). When linguistic variables are used, a membership degree computing is necessary. The main idea, in a fuzzy inference process, is to use a T-norm (triangular norm) for computing the membership degree, step by step. A T-norm is any function T: [0,1] → [0, 1], that satisfies the following four conditions: a) Boundary conditions: T(0, 0) = 0, T(x, 1) = x; b) Commutativity: T(x, y) = T(y, x); c) Monotonicity: If x < u and y < v then T(x, y) < T(u, v) and d) Associativity: T(T(x, y), z) = T(x, T(y, z)). A T-norm may be used to define the fuzzy and of two fuzzy values, where (x and y) = T(x, y). The best approach is to compute the membership degree at KPA level, then use the KPA results to obtain membership degree considering only KPAs at some level. Let us denote the membership degree for the Lij key process area by Dij. The indicator Dij is obtained using the responses at corresponding items using a T–norm operator. In the next step, we compute the following indicators, for OCDMM: K2 = T(D21, D22, D23, D24, D25), K3 = T(D31, D32, D33, D34, D35),

K4 = T(D41, D42, D43, D44, D45) and K5 = T(D51, D52, D53, D54, D55). At this stage we can process hierarchically the indicators Ki (i = 2, 3, 4, and 5) in order to obtain the membership degrees corresponding to the capability and maturity levels: L2 = K2, L3 = T(L2, K3), L4 = T(L3, K4) and L5 = T(L4,K5). Of course, L1 = 1. A large variety of T-norms are available in literature. However, for our purpose we found that the min operator ((x, y) → min (x, y)) is more appropriate. Other


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operators like: the algebraic product ((x, y) → xy), the bounded product ((x, y) → max (0, x+y-1)), the Einstein product ((x, y) → xy/(2-x-y+xy)) and the Hamacher product ((x, y) → xy/(x+y-xy)) are more pessimistic. Considering our experience during Content development for e-Learning, and applying a questionnaire inspired from (Neuhauser, 2004), we found that our membership degree belonging to the second level is 0.7 and also the membership degree to the third level, is 0.6. These results confirm also the investigations based on deterministic and probabilistic approaches. The concluding remarks and the section of references will close the present investigation.


Concluding Remarks

During the previous sections we presented some aspects on E-Learning assessment models in order to improve the evaluation of the capability and maturity in E-Learning. Starting with quality assurance for E-Learning items, the article reviewed some of the E-Learning Capability and Maturity models and described a fuzzy logic based method to estimate the level of capability and maturity. The Questionnaire growth up step by step to cover a large variety of aspects, but the assessment method can be used without restrictions concerning the number of questions. We appreciate that further investigation will be necessary in future, at least when we refer to the assessment of capability and maturity of the Romanian entities providing Distance Learning educational programs.

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E-education versus e-training Life Long Learning perspective Professor Ion Roceanu, PhD1 (1) Advanced Distributed Learning Department of the “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania, Bucharest, Panduri Street 68-72, ROMANIA [email protected] Abstract This article makes a short comparative analysis between education and training from prospective of adult learning based on ICT, which called e-training and eeducation. It is true that speaking about those aspects is very difficult to define a boundary regarding the objective and aims of permanent learning, but is obviously that in terms of e-learning technology there are some differences. The differences occur when the system is set-up to deliver the knowledge and competencies, digital content is developed and how to provide the tutorial activity.

Keywords: e-content, e-education, e-training, adult learning 1. General aspects of e-learning, e-education and e-training E-learning is the general term which defines the new educational paradigm, based on information and communications technology. The boundaries of e-learning there are not clearly established. Most of the e-learning specialists consider that this concept comprises all educational aspects which can be fit into the information age. From this perspective, we could meet a large variety of e-learning solutions depending of the many variables and all are relating with specificities of institutional educational systems and their aims and objectives. No one of all those solutions is exhaustive and no one can be exported to other similar institutions. However, one thing is very certain: each of them is based on main principles, as follows: • Use of the information and communication technology in order to deliver knowledge and to improve the learner’s abilities. • The core of e-learning is represented by the digital content. Nevertheless, developing the digital content is not based on the general standards, and this aspect has a negative impact on the interoperability and content repository. • Student-centered system • More flexibility in learning time management. • Sharing courses by different types of networks, especially by Internet


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Let’s cast a glance on this picture (figure 1) which represents the most representative elements of the e-learning system.

Figure 1 – Generic e-learning framework The students there are in the center of the system, surrounded by the IT&C infrastructure, hardware, software and communications networks on which are laid the digital learning support. This framework is designed to conduct the learning processes to reach the learning objectives. But which are those? Are those objectives different from the traditional learning approach? The answer is definitely NOT. In this case the differences could be not others than tools and methods to teach, to deliver the knowledge. In spirit of this article, and of course, according with the others authors, we have to accept that e-learning is the generic term which gets a form only in the strict relation with the learning objectives of the institutions. The institutions could cover a very large area of interest, from primary education to universities or multinational corporations. The learning objectives are very close to the structure of the human resources, their expectations, their professional skills, area of interest etc. In this case, it is clear that each of those types of institutions looks for specific e-learning solutions. Thus, if we try to cut any component of the generic e-learning model, we will observe that the model could be ineffective. In conclusion, adapting or tailoring an appropriate e-learning system at the institutions requests should be made inside to the e-learning components. Consequently, if we want to speak about using IT&C in learning activities, we have to concentrate on this assembly without excluding the others.

2. E-education and e-training commonality and specificity The changing nature of the society and of the work means that increasingly, professional or vocational skills are not enough. At work, the complexity of work organization, the increase in the types of task that employees are called upon to carry out, the introduction of flexible work patterns and of team working methods, mean that the range of skills used in the work place is constantly widening.

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In figure no.2 is represented a simple scheme by means of which I try to explain the relations between the dimensions of individual preparation for life. The family, school and society generate the equal influence about person, but each of them covers other dimensions of the individual learning. At the base of this triangle school and society are situated, and those have within their major responsibility (but not exclusive) developing abilities, knowledge and aptitudes

Figure no.2 – Dimensions of Life Long Learning

Current ICT integration into education is focusing attention on the formal and non-formal contexts of learning, on their organization, on the time and space environment as well as on the heart of learning, knowledge itself. New support services are required in order to ease the use of ICT and to multiply the achievable pedagogical gains, from services that facilitate the use of technological equipment, to services that ensure Internet security; and to services that provide a better personalization of the learning process in guiding, coaching, and tutoring individual learners. Going from this point and making a short review of education and training with well known classical methods, the logical result is undoubted: if the training and education are different in the classical approach, thus they are different in the digital system. Another question arises now: which are the main differences between education and training in the classical framework and how those in the new e-learning approach are reflected? Dividing e-learning in at least two principal directions, e-education and etraining, is taking into consideration, besides the formative objectives, both the institutions in charge and tools and methods to reach the objectives. 2.1. E-education side The e-education is more specific for the formal and institutional educational framework, from primary schools to universities. Consequently, the target group for


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the e-education is represented by scholarships and students. They need to accumulate a large variety of knowledge, to learn how to think, to connect all school value with the life reality, to transform the theory into practice and so on. For this reasons, the econtent prepared to be delivered by IT&C infrastructure, designed for self learning or assisted by the teacher, has to be in full accordance with the didactical and pedagogical principles. It is not my intention to go any deeper into the content and e-learning object regarding the scholarship level; there are many other studies made by specialists, but it is clear that the content at this level is more descriptive in the text or more explicit by the multimedia objects. 2.2. E-training side The e-training term is more widely used in close association with the Life Long Learning in the adult learning area, professional skills development, and corporate training activities. In the area of training, work placements are valuable in enhancing employability and in offering an insight into the world of work. Links with employers are also important, for example, in providing trainers with a perspective on future skill needs. The usually area of interests for the e-training aspect could be: Vocational and Skills Training • Further and Higher Education • Corporate Induction and Training • Professional Development • Specialist Technical Training • Statutory and Compliance Training Due to my field of expertise, the military education field, I can state that this sector is more relevant in using IT&C, in order to enhance the abilities, capabilities, skills and so on. In the military field, part of term associated to e-training has been defined, as follows:  General Military Training. Training and/or education received after initial training and education, roughly during the first 2-4 years of service usually providing initial preparation and certification for a specific task, job, and/or career.  Professional Development. Training and/or education received after general military training and education, roughly after about 4 years of service. Professional development includes both technical skill training and career education.  Technical Skill Training. Training received any time after initial training, emphasizing preparation of individuals or teams for specific tasks, jobs, or duty assignments (e.g. operation of specific equipment, tactical language training for specific locations). According to the US military specialists in education and training sector, more than a quarter of the military people from all military services are enrolled into different forms of training. The costs for permanent training are very high, including

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both educational budget (teachers, facilities, laboratories, and exercises) and the cots allocated to accommodation, transportation and other personnel. Developing an integrated e-training system could bring many advantages, not only the costs, such as:  Accessibility – Anywhere/anytime training for individuals and teams  Agility – ability to tailor instruction to individual needs  Increased quality of initial training  Increased quality of language and/or cultural training

Conclusion The e-training and e-education there are members of the same family. The differences between then there are not more relevant than the similarities and consequently before the speaking of one of them we speak about e-learning.

References: [1]

[2] [3] [4] [5]

Detailed work programme on the follow-up of the objectives of Education and training systems in Europe, Official Journal of the European Communities, 14.6.2002 Implementation of “Education & Training 2010” work programme, EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture US Army’s Advanced Distributed Learning Vision, 2001, Department of Defense Library The International Relations and Security Network’s e-Learning Project, ISN eLearning Project Description / Zurich, 10/23/03 Figgis, J., Alderson, A., Blackwell, A., Butorac, A., Mitchell, K., & Zubrick, A. (2001). What convinces enterprises to value training and learning and what does not? A study in using case studies to develop cultures of training and learning. The Australian National Centre for Vocational Education Research ,


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Using e-Learning to Optimize Human Resources Training on the Job in Simulated Enterprises Adrian AdăscăliŃei1, Dan Gâlea2 (1) Iaşi ”Gh. Asachi” Technical University 53, Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd. Iaşi, RO- 700050, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] (2) Iaşi ”Gh. Asachi” Technical University 53 A, Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd. Iaşi, RO- 700050, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Basic educational challenge is to use educational innovation in the form of virtual learning organization development and implementation. The field of ebusiness is multidisciplinary and in this way it is needed to develop cross fields educational environment useful for every field of studies relevant for present business. The challenge is to develop such an environment to enhance all socioeconomic and technical aspects of teaching which will be supported by modern ICT solution. APPEL “Leonardo da Vinci” project elearning framework is an innovative approach to create a technology-based environment where students will have to react to the direct repercussions of decisions using appropriate tools in order to adapt to the continuously changing business environment. In the paper two cases as examples of innovative teaching methods for e-marketplaces and e-business are presented. This is followed by presentation of the initiative of APPEL project development for integration of research and practice for teaching of e-business and e-marketplaces.

Keywords: e-Learning, Simulated Enterprises, Optimization, Human Resources, Training


The Simulated Enterprise. Definitions

The Simulated Enterprise is a didactic model much presented in the field of the technical-commercial institutes. The Simulated Enterprise faithfully reproduces the structure and the functions of a real enterprise in all the aspects that regard the organization, the times of job, the relational atmospheres, documentation and aspects. The virtual company not only provides the business and IT skills that are necessary as a member of the work force, but also supports awareness of the importance of selfleaning and an understanding of international business and culture. Innovation in the formation and the learning


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In the simulated company the structure of an enterprise office in a determined field or branch of activity is reproduced. The students are in a productive truth in which they can learn and realize the various tasks. The objective of the Practice Firm The Practice Firm’s educational objectives are for students to acquire and enhance their skills and abilities to: -Perform tasks in the Practice Firm in a competent way; Make decisions and evaluate the consequences of their choices; Use modern office equipment and technologies; Work, cooperate and communicate with other employees; Engage in problem solving activities and understand the sequences and facts of commercial operations; Understand managerial aims and organizational structure so as to maximize contributions to the organization. To be responsible, to solve problems/conflicts, to take decisions, to actively engage in activities are the key qualifications in the learning process. The Practice Firm experience prepares students for their eventual entry into the real world of business.

2 Optimization of the mode of study in simulated enterprises (EEP1) by E-learning

Leonardo da Vinci project, APPEL2, RO / 05 / B / FR / PP175026, “Optimization of the mode of study in simulated enterprises (EEP) by E-learning” offers, from a synthesis of tasks to be carried out on the following workstations: computer science and computer service, secretariat – accountancy – management and marketing – sale – export, to link to every stage of the execution of a job by a student in EEP, tools evaluated and ordered by considering a pedagogic progress. These tools can be tools of study, evaluation of knowledge, tools offering a practical exercise, a simulation, a questionnaire, a pedagogic game, etc. 2.1 Project context The project is built around the concept of training on line. It makes the assumption that with a difficulty in the data processing sequence of the operations which are reserved for him, and in the absence of the director of the EEP or of other formative framing, the trainee can resort to a tool or a teaching resource on line meeting his needs. This recourse is carried out via a gate created for this purpose. The accessible resources are downloadable or consultable on line and student will have been sensitized beforehand with this working method. It is a question of optimizing the mode of training on line to make student autonomous in a difficult situation and to enable him to advance in the acquisition of knowledge. Let us recall that this project is in a context of reduction of the costs of operation of the EEP, therefore in optimization of the human and material means to provision of learning. This project has thus as an aim to introduce e-learning in EEP. It results from a cooperative work between European partners on the set of themes of the training in EEP via the ITC, of the exploration of the current practices in this field and a concerted 1

EEP, entreprise d’entraînement pédagogique Optimisation du mode d’APPrentissage en entreprise d’entraînement pédagogique par le E-Learning 2

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proposal holding account of specific cultural diversities to each participating country. Of course, from the beginning of the project, the concept of EEP is quite identical in each country partners, that is to say a support for a formation individualized in the field of the tertiary sector, reproducing the principal functions of the services of a company (except that of the production). In Romania, the EEP are generally established in university structures. 2.2 Methodology of collecting data on e-learning materials and portal structure The work completed during the first phase of the project is:  a panorama of tools used and listed in the three countries partners,  the methods of indexing of the tools listed on a basis of resources on line,  the reference frames created starting from the activities and tasks related to each three functions: • data processing and data-processing maintenance, • secretariat - accountancy - management and, • marketing - sale - export.

Project information Consortium and Structure

Links Forum




Database on e-EEP

romoter Organization: . Asachi" Technical Univesity of avenue, D. Mangeron, no 67, 70050, ROMANIA act Person: Dan Gâlea ++ 40 2 32 278 680/1327 il: [email protected]

Project Coordinator: Groupement d'Intérêt public formation, insertion professionnelle del'Académie de Grenoble, avenue Salvador Allende, no. 17, 38130, ECHIROLLES, FRANCE Contact Person: M. Jean Noël Pachoud Tel: 0476234234 e-mail: [email protected]

Database on e-EEP

Figure 1. APPEL Leonardo Project Portal This research work is addressed to any person having management, training, or administrative responsibilities within an EEP. Also, results of the project are devoted to people involved in various functions existing in an EEP. Efforts where to harmonize common references necessary to the mutual comprehension of the project by the whole of the European partners participating in the project. This framework of references results from a collective work on the comprehension of the context, the objectives and


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the expected results of the project. It constitutes a base of shared definitions, in conformity with the European references. Simulations of typical E-learning situations into the EEP are developed, the methods of access to the portal of resources are described (free access versus access prescribed), and the tools of assistance and of accompaniment of learning worked out by the trainers are presented. Methods of use of the portal (Figure 1.) at various levels (administrator of the data, trainers, and students), methods of possible research for the trainers and learning them, the actualization of the resources of the gate are developed.

3. Supported Self-Learning and Assisted Self – Learning Learning Methodologies Choosing which learning methodology to employ depends on the learning objectives, the specific characteristics and the needs of the learners and on other factors related to technology and time. However, it should be noted that the learning methodologies complement one the other and can be integrated to meet predefined learning objectives: • Virtual Classroom. The aim of this phase is to motivate the trainees for the subject. • Supported Self-learning. Trainees are supposed to acquire the basic concepts of the subject. • Collaborative Learning. Discussion and sharing of common tasks and learning assignments. Possible development of common projects. Whatever approach or combination of learning methodologies is adopted within an elearning context, the following values for student success should be considered: A. Learner-centred: learners are in control of their learning experience. They make informed decisions about what and how to learn based on their needs and learning styles. B. Engaging: learner commitment; immerse the learner in the experience. The learning environment should establish relevance, build learner confidence, and challenge learners with realistic problems and solutions that they can take back to the workplace. C. Interactive: learners experience the highest level of meaningful interaction D. Media support: learners’ needs should be considered and then the appropriate instructional methods should be determined. The most suitable media should be selected to effectively and efficiently support the methods and the learners. E. Content structure: content is organised and structured so that learners can efficiently remember and transfer what they have learned. Development scenarios in distance learning. The training can be developed – according to the needs of the learners and the training provider – taking into account the different relationships between the “actors” in the system and the different learning contexts they create. Online learning relations. There are four possible actors in a learning path: the one who learns (trainee-learner), the learning materials, the teacher /trainer, the group of peers. The learning can take place- starting from the learner’s needs or from choices made by the trainer – according to procedures foreseeing different relations between the “actors” and creating different learning contexts: Self-learning and Supported self-learning.

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Self learning. The learner relates only with the on-line didactic material. The didactic material should be self sufficient and complete so that the following functions can be undertaken: it should contain an interactive element; it should supply and maintain motivation; it should supply the necessary support; it should set up a control system. The technology, which is used, should allow the material to be implemented, provide support and feedback to the tutor. A user-friendly interface allows this objective to be achieved. The main advantage of this learning methodology is the lack of costs for the trainer/ teacher/ tutor. Nevertheless this tutor absence is also its main limiting factor. It is the on-line equivalent of individual studying with the aid of a book: for some users it is sufficient and it can be adapted for simple topics. However publishing a book is not training just as giving a book to a student is not studying. Therefore it is limited to publishing the contents and not on-line training. This scenario presupposes that the student has the capacity to self diagnose his/ her own learning needs, to plan a learning path, to select the most appropriate information from the material available in order to achieve the stated objectives. Also once the material has been selected the material must be able to autonomously manage it’s own learning and set out a realistic learning plan. The methodology of supported self-learning is learner-centred i.e. the learner is responsible for his/her progress and develops its own learning and problem-solving strategy. This methodology has a higher degree of flexibility as the learner decides on the time, the place and the pace of learning. On the other hand, the tutor models, mediates and explains, redirects focus and provides options. The tutor coaches learners and in general supports them through the learning process by providing feedback, selflearning material and an evaluation system. It should be noted that the materials used for self-learning should allow independent study and should be well prepared, motivating and properly structured in the following: objectives, content, tasks and selfassessment exercises, answer keys and motivating and facilitating learning elements. The main goals of the supported self-learning methodology are described below:  Encourage the learner to learn autonomously, according to one’s own interests, needs, pace, and time availability.  Individualise learning paths and pace, according to knowledge, skills and competences previously acquired by the individual learner.  Allow greater interaction between tutors and learners, as it is a learner-centred scenario.  Encourage confident and continuous personal use of ICT for flexible learning. Self-learning implies that learning is self-paced. Learners learn through an engaging and instructionally sound way, which involves high degree of interactivity. Self-paced courses include various activities such as labs, quizzes, concept builders, simulations etc. designed to keep the learner engaged in the learning process. In a self-learning activity each learner is an individual, which learns differently and acquires knowledge at different rates. The learner has a different background and specific knowledge and skills gap. As far as the learning content is concerned, a self-learning model provides multiple learning modalities, i.e. self-paced learning resources in modular structure, reference


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materials for additional knowledge, assessment tests that allow learner to implement self-assessment exercises. Self-learning. The learner is only in contact with online learning materials. Such materials must be “complete” and “self-sufficient” as they must perform various and different functions. They must: be interactive; provide and support motivation; provide all the necessary support; foresee monitoring and feedback activities. As a consequence, the technology chosen is required to provide materials performing all the functions listed above. Furthermore it must also offer a user-friendly interface since the learner is alone while using the materials. The main advantage of such an environment is a reduced requirement for trainers/teachers/tutors. But at the same time the lack this support is a limiting factor. This kind of online learning is the same as the traditional study of a book: for some learners it could be sufficient and may be suitable for simple topics. But in the same way as publishing a book or giving it to a student does not mean a student is being taught, so online learning can’t confine itself to editing contents. Assisted self learning. The learner can access available on-line didactic material and has individual tutor support. This can exist in several different situations: • the possibility of tutor access in problematic or unusual situations, • contact with the tutor at predefined times for example when defining the learning path and the final test, • personalised and constant communication with the tutor. If the tutor presence or the possibility of communication with the tutor is increased the necessity of complete and self-sufficient materials is reduced. Also the support and feedback functions can return to the tutor. The technology should allow for easy communication between the learner and the tutor for example: e-mail, chat rooms, web-conference, etc. It is the on-line equivalent of a one to one relationship with the learner/ learners. There are two limits: the costs are much higher even if the communication with the tutor is infrequent when comparing the results achieved in self – learning; the absence of a relationship with similar learners on the same learning path, which in reality is found in the classroom. It can be very beneficial for on-line adult learners who have a personal learning path and the intervention of the tutor is only requested when defining this path. This scenario shows the evolution of distance learning. The theories define which type of distance learning, where printers, audio-visual, cd-rom and computers should be used. The feed back processes are very similar to those of the “first generation” but include telephone conferencing and some individual classes with possible seminar scenarios. Supported Self-learning. The learner is provided with online materials and individual tutorial support. A wide range of tutorial situations exist: from contacting the tutor only when needed, to a systematic relationship with him/her, from a tutor that plays a guidance role only in the final evaluation phase, to a personal tutor that monitors and supports the learner throughout the whole learning path. The increased tutor presence in the learning path, reduces the need to develop complete and self-consistent learning materials, as they are not required to perform the functions performed by the tutor.

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The technology chosen must facilitate communication between the learner and the tutor by means of e-mail, chatting, web-conferencing, etc. The online technology is equivalent to a one-to-one relationship, that is a relationship between the teacher and the learner. There are two limitations: • high costs, unless the relationship with the tutor is occasional • the absence of any communication with the peer group namely those with whom the learner shares his/her learning path. Supported self-learning can be particularly suitable for online adult learning, where it is important to provide tailored paths and the tutor intervenes as a counsellor, above all, in the definition of the learning path.


Optimising the objectives of individual learning

Learning is an adaptive process; the interactive e-learning system has to support this process by being adaptive itself. In optimising this kind of support we start our considerations with widely accepted assumptions about mental processes and cognition. Supporting the student’s learning process by optimising the objectives of adaptivity means that: (1) the intended individual learning of the specific knowledge and skills according to the learning aims and goals has to be optimised and; (2) the control processes and general skills have to be optimised while; (3) other cognitive demands have to be minimised taking into account limited cognitive processing capacity and time constraints. 4.1 Optimising the learning of specific knowledge and skills Adapting to the student’s pre-knowledge. With knowledge domain structured by prerequisite relationships according to Knowledge Space Theory an adaptive assessment of the students pre-knowledge state can be performed by the system. It is widely accepted that taking the pre-knowledge into account enables the student to understand, to connect new information with existing knowledge, to use metaphors and analogies, to be and to feel neither overburdened nor under burdened. Optimising learning by adapting to the student’s/teacher’s learning aims and goals. For knowledge domain structured, the learning goal is defined by the knowledge state which has to be reached by the student. Optimising learning by adapting to the student’s actual knowledge. Depending on the actual knowledge, the learning objects made accessible to the student are determined applying meta data about the prerequisite relationships between the available learning objects and the knowledge which is necessary for comprehension. Thus the student is neither overburdened nor under burdened. Choosing the kind of knowledge level and optimising test and instructional events: choosing a difficulty level by recognition, recalling, transferring or problem solving demands; selecting different types of tasks like application, examples, investigation, theorising, or; defining the state only by performances or also by competencies and conceptual knowledge or even misconceptions. 4.2 Optimisation of the control processes, general skills and learning strategies On the other side it means to equip the e-learning system with adaptive tutorial elements enabling the student to improve his control strategies systematically.


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Optimising speed of learning and duration of retention. Guiding the student during the acquisition of new knowledge aiming not only at effective learning but also at long term retention. Optimising by refreshment. The models and results of memory psychology in the field of forgetting and retention are the basis for the system‘s individual guidance. Optimising learning by communication, co-operation and collaboration. The elearning system should support different types of co-operation and collaboration strategies for improving comprehension and learning. Student‘s cognitive and learning style. In it's simple form, only the student's most preferred way of presenting learning material, e.g. visual, textual, or additive, is taken into account. Meta cognition and learning strategies. Basic research on meta cognition found substantial effects on achievement and performance, and may be the foundation, the theoretical basis for the long lasting experiences with "learning how to learn"-effects. Curriculum development and instructional design. This can be the basis for developing a computer-based tool which allows to develop and to (re)structure knowledge assessments and curricula. 4.3

Optimising by minimising other cognitive demands Minimising demands by adapting to the student‘s cultural background. Adapting to the cultural background of a student seems to be a simple affair, at first sight. Minimising demands by adapting the human-computer interface to the user. In e-learning human-computer interfaces with a minimum of cognitive and physical demands are necessary. The current solution is, that the student adapts the system to him- or herself through option- or preferences-menus.



[1] Albert, D. & Mori, T. (2001), Contributions of cognitive psychology to the future of e-learning. Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, Part I (Learning and Curriculum Development), 50, 25-34. [2] SOLE Leonardo da Vinci Project, [3] APPEL Project, [4] Commission Européenne – Programme Leonardo da Vinci, [5] Commission Européenne – Programme et Initiatives – E-learning, [6] E-learning Europa Info, [7] Réseau français des EEPs, [8] Réseau mondial des EEPs –EUROPEN, [9] GIP – FIPAG,

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Section MODELS & METHODOLOGIES • Innovative Teaching and Learning Technologies • Web-based Methods and Tools in Traditional, Online Education and Training • Collaborative E-Learning, E-Pedagogy, • Design and Development of Online Courseware • Information and Knowledge Processing • Knowledge Representation and Ontologism • Cognitive Modelling and Intelligent systems • Algorithms and Programming for Modelling


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The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Web 3D & Virtual Reality - Based Applications for Simulation and e-Learning Felix G. HAMZA -LUP1, Veronica STEFAN2 (1) Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia, USA [email protected] (2) Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania [email protected] Abstract Knowledge is embedded in people and unlike information, knowledge creation occurs in a process of social interaction. As our service-based society is evolving into a knowledge-based society, there is an acute need for more effective collaboration and more effective knowledge sharing systems for use by geographically scattered people. This paper investigates the use of 3D components and standards such as Web 3D in combination with Virtual Reality paradigms for e-Learning. We are outlining the e-Learning concept in the European Union context. We are presenting a few case studies and investigating the application of Web 3D technologies to enhance e-Learning of economic concepts.

Keywords: Knowledge Transfer, e-Learning, Web 3D, X3D, Virtual Reality



Web-based knowledge transfer is becoming a field of research which deserves the entire attention of the research community, regardless of their domain of expertise, especially because of the potential of advanced technologies such as Web 3D, virtual reality modeling languages and simulation techniques [24]. In the context of globalized communication, these technologies are becoming more stimulating through the possibility of creating collaborative spaces for simulation and training [2]. Knowledge is embedded in people and unlike information, knowledge creation occurs in a process of social interaction. As our service-based society is evolving into a knowledge-based society, there is an acute need for more effective collaboration and more effective knowledge sharing systems for use by geographically scattered people. The starting point of this paper is the success story of the 3DRTT project (, a Web-based radiation therapy planning system used for simulation and training in the medical industry. We would like to transfer this type of solutions in other fields of training, such as the development of information technology systems in economics (for example in presenting a virtual space for the organization chart and the document workflow), and integration with other types of methods and technologies.


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The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we provide a brief explanation of the e-Learning concept in the European Union context. In Section 3 we analyze the components of Web 3D and the associated software components. Section 4 presents a few case studies and applications developed using Web 3D technologies. In Section 5 we are performing a preliminary investigation of the application of Web 3D technologies to enhance e-Learning in economics. We close the paper with a set of conclusions regarding the application of Web 3D in an e-Learning environment and future work regarding the application of 3D visualization in economics.


The e-Learning Concept

The e-Learning concept originated in the corporate literature of Computer Based Training Systems in the mid-1990 and is a general term used to refer to computerenhanced learning. In the specialized literature, e-Learning designates the transfer of knowledge and education through electronic means. E-Learning involves the use of IT&C (Information Technology and Computers) paradigms, usually a physical distance between the sender and the receiver as well as teaching materials available on Intranet/Internet or on electronic supports like CD-ROMs or DVDs. Romania as a European country has integrated IT&C in its educational system, being constrained to cope with challenges like the reform of education in a knowledgeoriented society. At the Lisbon European Council in March 2000, Heads of State and Government set an ambitious target for the European Union to become "the most

competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion" by 2010 [23]. They also placed education firmly at the top of the political agenda, calling for education and training systems to be adapted to meet this challenge with the following aims: • The implementation of the Information Society Technologies (IST) according to the European Union Framework-Program (FP6, FP7); • The development of research, projects, and software for e-Learning; • To promote and develop scientific research for e-Learning, educational software and Virtual Reality. Among the elements that need to be taken into account when designing eLearning systems are: the target group, the objective, the learning content, the didactic strategies, resources (budget, time, personnel) and most importantly the technology used to deliver the content. Nowadays, we notice a transition to a new Web, the “WWW space being seen more like a software platform, where the user controls and creates his own data and information, usually making them available for the others by means of collaborative instruments”[4]. Web 2.0 is an informal name for the new generation of web applications, oriented towards social needs, focused on the separation of the relevant information from the irrelevant one and on “usability tests”, as it is addressed to persons without much training in computer science, for whom the e-Learning interface should not be more complicated than the use of domestic appliances (phone, TV etc.). Web 2.0 integrates the solutions and the services of the old Web 1.5, to which it adds

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innovations such as: RSS, blogs, podcasts, wikis, collaborative bookmark systems, web API, web services, Ajax, Ruby-on-Rails etc [18]. As technology and knowledge evolves, more and more educational sites appear on the market [20], [21], [22], [26], and also conference supported from important companies [11]. Let’s take a brief look at the e-Learning context. According to [3] as illustrated in Figure 1, the concept of Internet-based learning is broader than Web-based learning. The Web is only one of the Internet services that uses a unified document format (HTML), browsers, hypertext, and unified resource locator (URL) and is based on the HTTP protocol. The Internet is the biggest network in the world that is composed of thousands of interconnected computer networks (national, regional, commercial, and organizational). It offers many services not only Web, but also e-mail, file transfer facilities, etc. Hence, learning could be organized not only on the Web basis, but also for example, as a correspondence via e-mail. Furthermore the Internet is based not only on the HTTP protocol, but on other proprietary protocols as well.

Figure 1. Subsets relationships among the group of terms [3] Distance learning is broader than e-Learning, as it covers both non-electronic (e.g. written correspondence) and technology-based delivering of learning. Technologybased learning is delivered via any technology, so it entails distance learning, too. Resource-based learning is the broadest term because any technology could be used as a resource in the learning process, where learners are active. 2.1 The e-Learning Program Through the initiative of e-Learning, the European Commission gained a considerable experience in encouraging cooperation, in forming networks and in exchanging students and workers among countries. Basically, e-Learning offers comfortable and efficient access to novel information and knowledge, new and efficient methods of teaching, and knowledge evaluation, as well as permanent education and formation. Another good example for promoting e-Learning is the national educational plan presented in front of the US Congress in 2005 by the Department of Education. Its aims are: computer management in schools, online evaluation and e-Learning. “The


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plan was necessary due to the fact that after a decade of technological investments in education, initiated in 1996, the indicators of scholar performance have remained unchanged until now”, underlined Susan Patrick, head of the Bureau for Educational Technology within the Department of State. 2.2 Standards for e-Learning The standards that lie at the core of e-Learning activities are based on specifications produced and developed by experts in the field of industry and education. The main benefits of standardization for the educational system are: • Accessibility; it allows usage of an e-Learning object situated in a place that is connected to the system, from any other external point without actually transferring that object. The system is based on the fundamental principle that an object created and validated becomes unique; • Reusability; an object or a content created in a certain place can be utilized anywhere else on the working platform; • Viability; the ability of an object to be used as many times in different contexts according to the training objectives; • Durability: the objects created on the basis of specific standards remain valid throughout time regardless of the technological changes. • Efficiency: the standards raise the final outcome of the training process without raising its costs along with it. Currently there are four groups that guide the development of e-Learning standards: 1. AICC/CMI – created a guide in constructing the content of teaching units (i.e. the objects of training), communicated along with a learning management system. These standards were founded in 1988 (; 2. ADL/SCORM – defined the way in which the contents of the teaching units can interact within other systems (; 3. IMS - developed a guide to help labeling, testing and packing the content of the meta-data (; 4. ARIADNE – was created by a group of universities within the European Community and Switzerland. ARIADNE is not exactly a training system, but an environment in which the development, the management and the usage of educational materials with various contents is facilitated (


Three-Dimensional (3D) Content Online: Web 3D

Real opportunities exist for the development of novel educational and training materials, particularly for science applications where 3D visualization is critical for understanding concepts. A 3D virtual space brings advantages such as increased motivation on behalf of the student and increased efficiency in explaining difficult concepts. There are fields, such as medicine, where the Web 3D-based applications have proved their utility already [6],[7],[8],[9].

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Developing applications based on the 3D paradigm in the e-Learning context implies using different types of software tools and frameworks that, considering their functionality, can be categorized as follows: • Traditional Web-based programming languages such as HTML, XML, JSP, ASP, PHP; • Specific Web 3D standards and programming languages: X3D [1]; • 3D content development tools [14],[15],[16] such as Maya, 3D Studio Max, SolidWorks; • Web 3D authoring tools and plug-ins such as X3D Edit; Flux Studio, Bit Management. In what follows we are taking a detail look into each of the above components. 3.1 Traditional Web-Based Programming Languages Probably not much to say here, just that the existing languages like HTML and the more robust XML (eXtended Markup Language) will continue to find uses in the implementation of 3D Web-based sites. Merging text, animation, sound and 3D content can be done using these standards. Java Server Pages (JSP), Active Server Pages (ASP) as well as PHP can be used to provide the necessary functionality on different architectures from client-server to n-tire. 3.2 Web 3D Standards and Programming Languages X3D is an ISO standard with an open architecture and a rich range of capabilities for real-time graphics processing that is employed in a wide array of domains and user applications. A successor to VRML, X3D is being developed by the Web 3D Consortium as a refined standard [10]. 3.3 Content Development Tools (3D) Maya™ is one of the world's leading innovators of 3D graphics modeling technology. In 2003, the company was awarded an Oscar for technical achievement from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for its development of Maya software, its professional 3D animation and effects package. The Maya software was employed in the making of movies like Spider-Man®, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones®, The Lord of the Rings™. Maya allows development of polygonal models, NURBS (NonUnifoRm B-Spline) modeling, as well as the creation of materials and lighting. Another framework SolidWorks™, allows development of 3D models and rapid prototyping of 3D shapes from 2D CAD drawings. The newest component 3D Instant Website (Figure 2) provides a step forward in 3D design communication via the web, allowing users to publish the designs instantly and to communicate with an entire work team – other designers, manufacturing staff, marketing management, purchasing agents, suppliers, and customers [16]. Users can view, rotate, zoom, and pan these models without having to buy CAD software or install special viewers.


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Figure 2. SolidWorks in conjunction with the Web 3.4 Web 3D Authoring Tools and Plug-ins The X3D based web pages need a special plug-in to be installed in the web browser. This plug-in is an X3D content player. Several companies offer X3D player implementations for free or on a license-basis The Bitmanagement Contact X3D Player [12] is one of the best implementations (based on the number of software “bugs”) that we have found so far on the market (screenshot in Figure 3). Another X3D player “Flux Player“ was developed by Media Machines [13]. The company develops also an X3D authoring tool called Flux Studio.

Figure 3. Flux Studio (left), Bitmanagement Software (right) X3D Players


Web 3D - Two Case Studies

In what follows we are presenting two uses of Web 3D to enhance understanding of concepts. We would like to mention that even though the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) becomes obsolete and is being replaced by X3D, some of the work on the cases below has started in VRML and was slowly transitioned to X3D. 4.1 Neural Network The case study of the application Pruning a neural network, author Finn Årup Nielsen [17], exemplifies the use of the Web 3D standard, X3D.Reducing a neural network's

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complexity improves the ability of the network to be applied to future examples. Like an over fitted regression function, neural networks may miss their target because of the excessive degrees of freedom stored up in unnecessary parameters. Over the past decade, the subject of pruning networks has produced non-statistical algorithms like Skeletonization, Optimal Brain Damage, and Optimal Brain Surgery as methods to remove connections with the least salience. The methods proposed in this model use neural network method to remove multiple parameters in the model when no significant difference exists.

Figure 4. View the model with Flux Player

Figure 5. Importing the VRML code in

The application includes the VRML code describing the 3D model of a neuronal network and allows viewing using an authoring tool. In order to compare features, Flux Player, Figure 4, as well as BS Contact Software Management, Figure 6, were used. While testing the application, we imported the VRML source code, obtained by using the author’s consent, into X3D using the X3D editor (see Figure 6 and 7).

Figure 6. Used cod X3D with BS Contact Player

Figure 7. X3D imported rules with success

4.2 Radiation Therapy Training in 3D The VRML has been employed to provide the visual web-based interface in the past. The European Institute of Telesurgery has proposed a 3D anatomical structure visualization and surgical planning system that allows manipulation and interaction on virtual organs extracted from CT-scan or MRI data [8].


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With the advent of the X3D standard and its extended functionality, the InternetBased systems for simulation gained momentum. The 3DRTT simulator implementation [25] takes advantage of two technologies, Java and X3D. Figure 8 illustrates a snapshot of the virtual room (denoted 3D Radiation Therapy Treatment 3DRTT) which models the real environment (treatment room).

Figure 8.A Snapshot of the Virtual Room The simulator provides an intuitive floating graphical user interface (GUI) for controlling the angles and locations of the machine’s parts. The user may rearrange the GUI components to avoid occlusions of important objects. Volumetric slides and scrolls keep controlling operations simple and naturally fit in the 3D scene. The Web-based simulator has the ability to precisely detect/predict a possible collision between all hardware components for a given patient eliminating the need for backup plans, and saving planning time. In addition, 3DRTT enables the planner to explore different and unconventional gantry-couch-collimator combinations for treatment that may give rise to better quality treatment plans. 5 Web 3D in Economics: 3D for Financial Markets and Forecasting The promise of computers has always been their ability to extend the capacity of the human mental processes. Nowhere is that promise more fully achieved than in neural networks and in no field are the implications of greater economic significance than finance and the application of neural networks in the financial world. Distinct methodologies solve different problems encountered in the financial world [5]. Asset and portfolio managers, market makers, stock traders, market advisers deal with an overwhelming amount of information on a hourly basis. The financial market analysts and traders need better tools for technical analysis. Real-time data of interest consists of 10's to 100's of symbols that should be followed in time and in relationship with other important market factors. Large quantities of numerical data are virtually impossible to understand quickly and accurately with existing tools. Until very recently the 3D was exclusively used by professionals in other fields (e.g. movie makers, web designers, etc.). It would be interesting for money traders or stock market advisers to use 3D graphics easily without spending much time learning the details of the application. A first step in this direction was taken by the 3DStock software (illustrated in Figure 9 and 10) [19].

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Figure 9. 3D rep. of Financial historical data


Figure 10. Financial historical market data

Each company is visualized in 3D as a tape stretching along the time coordinate. There are 2 surfaces available, one is the full data loaded and the second is the default selection of the 10 best performing symbols. The selection can be made with left side list of all symbols loaded. The height of the tape is proportional to the normalized performance of the symbol. For easy perception, the performance of the symbols is colored with a distinct color palette. The advantage of the 3D visualization is that you can immediately evaluate the performance of multiple symbols at a glance. In the example above there are 50 companies on the main surface and 10 companies in the selection surface. According to the palette, best performing tickers are colored as red, while medium as yellow, worst as dark blue. Conclusions 3D Virtual Reality, software tools and associated Web technologies are mature enough to be used in conjunction with advanced e-Learning systems. 3D based content can enhance communication of ideas and concepts and stimulate the interest of students. We have provided a brief review of the main software components required to develop a 3D e-Learning environment. We have explored two applications of the new X3D standard in neural networks and medical training. Then we focused our attention on the application of 3D technology in the economics domain. Our near future efforts are directed towards the development of a Web 3D platform for presenting core concepts and phenomena related to economics. References Books: [1] Don Brutzman, Leonard Daly: (2007): “X3D: Extensible 3D Graphics for Web Authors”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007 Conference Proceedings: [2] Vlada, M., Tugui, Al., (2006): “Information Society Technologies - The four waves of information technologies”, ICVL 2006, October 27-29, pp. 69-82


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[3] Anohina A.,(2005): “ Analysis of the terminology used in the field of virtual learning”, Educational Technology & Society [4] Stefan V., (2007):“La contribution des systemes informatique d’interface dans la création d’un espace collaboratif dans l’UE élargie “, EUCONF 2007 18-21 April, Rijeka, Croatia ( [5] Firescu V., Stefan V., (2007): “Instruments financiers et marchés financiers“,55ème Congrès AIELF 2007-Varsovie, 21-24 May [6] Hamza-Lup F.G., Sopin Ivan and Zeidan Omar: (2007): "Towards 3D Web-based Simulation and Training Systems for Radiation Oncology", ADVANCE Magazine for Imaging and Oncology Administrators, Vol.17 (7), July 2007. [7] Lau, R., Li, F., Kunii, T., Guo, B., Zhang, B., Magnenat-Thalmann, N., Kshirsagar, S., Thalman, D., Gutierrez, M., (2003): “Emerging Web Graphics Standards and Technologie” — Web Graphics Tutorial. In Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 23, pp. 2-11. [8] K. Chirstophe, S. Luc, M. Jacques, (2002): "PACS-based interface for 3D anatomical structure visualization and surgical planning," Proc. SPIE - Medical Imaging 2002 Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures and Display, vol. 4681, pp. 17-24 Internet Sources (last access date August 14, 2007): [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Technical Reports: [24] Hamza-Lup F.G., (2004): "A Less Intrusive System Monitoring Scheme for Distributed Virtual Environments", Computer Science, University of Central Florida. [25] 3DRTT Project: [26] HaptEK16 Project:

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n-D Virtual Environment in Construction Education Mohammed E. Haque1 (1) Department of Construction Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-3137, USA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract The 21st century’s information technology has proven an untapped resource for construction engineering and technology classrooms. As the modern-day student becomes more epitomized with a passion for the interactivity of the mouse and keyboard, it has become essential that the classroom offer an engaging method of learning. Construction industry in today’s world is becoming enormously complex as project sizes are increasing and project duration are decreasing. At the same time designers are conceptualizing ever-complex designs, which no longer can easily be comprehended by 2D drawings. Despite the excellence of enthused educators and various textbooks, the associated rigorous theories and rhetoric make it a tedious academic hurdle for numerous students. Traditional approaches of understanding construction processes through field trips have always been hindered by logistic difficulties. In addition to the risks involved with these field trips, designated sites may not be at the particular stage of construction during the academic semester to demonstrate the multiple facets within a short duration of the trips. However, using multidimensional (n-D) visualizations, animations, virtual reality and walkthrough of various structures in virtual environment students receive the understanding absent from the traditional approach. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate various design and construction visualization techniques in desktop virtual environments including image visualization, virtual reality, design animation, walk-through, time-space relationship visualization in 4D (3D+Schedule), and time-space-cost relationship visualization in 5D (3D+Schedule+Cost). The techniques demonstrated through virtual models can potentially be valuable tools not only in the classroom lectures, but also as effective learner-centred self-directed tools.

Keywords: Virtual reality, n-D Visualization, Construction management, design/construction education 1


Extraordinary growth in 3D graphics, web accessibility and networking presents new opportunity in education (Blais et al, 2001). Haque (2001) is of the view that traditional lecture format teaching methods sometimes fall short of conveying the complex analysis and design principles that need to be mastered in structural design. However when the theories are exemplified in a virtual environment with multimedia, animation,


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interaction, and manipulated image visualization techniques in a virtual reality environment, students' conceptual understanding are enhanced. Visualization has always been an important aspect in the construction industry and construction education has always laid stress on that aspect. Design professionals and educators used drawing as a practical tool for seeing, thinking and understanding their ideas, and for communicating them to others. In education, drawing was often woven tightly into curriculum and it was expected to play a major role in developing students’ visual abilities (Anderson, 2002). With the advance of technology 3D visualization has become very user friendly and objects that were restricted to drawings in paper can today be viewed in a 3D environment with ease. The Internet revolution has also changed the world of education with distance learning becoming a more convenient, accessible and lucrative. Haque and Saherwala (2004) point out that “As technology rapidly changes, the importance of educating and training diverse populations of civil/construction engineering/science students becomes more critical. With the advances in information technology (IT) over the last decade, the traditional teaching format of having an individual lecture to an audience has been supplemented, and in some cases, replaced by the rapid development and implementation of new distance learning methods.” Hence it is increasingly becoming important to develop a web based 3-D visualization and animation to explain the various environmental conscious concepts and elements. Bar charts and network diagrams are typical means to represent and communicate construction schedules. Individuals having different background and being unfamiliar with these techniques find it difficult to evaluate and communicate the schedules (McKinney and Fischer, 1998). Visual 4D planning and scheduling technique that combines 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) models with construction activities (time) has proven benefits over the traditional tools (Akbas,1998). In 4D models, project participants can effectively visualize and analyze problems regarding sequential, spatial, and temporal aspects of construction schedules. Therefore, more robust schedules can be generated and hence reduce reworks and improve productivity. The use of 4D models and their associated database on site results in an average of 5% savings in cost growth, 4% savings in schedule growth and 65% savings in rework. Use of these tools, by the project management personnel, pre project planning, design, procurement and material management, construction, start-up and commissioning phases of a project can result in unanticipated savings (Griffis and Sturts, 2003). Adjei-Kumi and Retik (1997) are of the view that it is the current planning and scheduling tools rely on intuition, experience and judgment of the construction planner. These tools fail when it comes to realistic visualization of construction schedules, therefore Virtual Reality (VR) technology would help practitioners to plan and visualize their plans in near-reality sense. “4D models are a useful alternative to project scheduling tools like CPM networks and bar charts. They enable more people to understand a schedule quickly and identify potential problems” (Koo and Fisher, 2000). In today’s IT world, computer stimulation has reached all facets production, construction is one of them. 4D modelling in construction helps resolve questions pertaining to efficiency, production time, costs and most importantly understand the processes clearly.

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Visual 4D planning and scheduling technique that combines static 3D CAD models with construction schedules has proven to be beneficial over traditional tools such as bar charts or network analyses. The concept and development of 4D CAD in the construction field can be traced back to mid 1980s, when 3D CAD models were combined with the project timeline to form 4D models, and systems linking 3D CAD models with schedules started to be developed (Cleveland Jr., A., 1989). However, representative and influential applications do not appear until late nineties. In the 1990s, high performance computer hardware, complex graphical software and objectoriented programming made it possible to develop impressive 4D applications (Atkins, 1988). Retik (1997) is of the opinion that integration of geometrical representations of the building together with scheduling data is the bases of 4D (3D + time) models in construction domain will prove beneficial for both students and subcontractors likewise. Classroom use of IT for teaching science, engineering and technology has increased dramatically in recent years and has proved to be very effective in various situations (Haque, 2001, 2004). The student centred distance-learning archetype should include dynamic demonstration of theoretical engineering models allowing students to manipulate, experiment, and translate theories into real world applications (2003). 1.1 Research Objectives The objectives of this research paper were to demonstrate various design and construction visualization techniques in desktop virtual environments including image visualization, virtual reality, design animation, walk-through, time-space relationship visualization in 4D (3D+Schedule), time-space-cost relationship visualization in 5D (3D+Schedule+Cost), and the concept of multi-dimensional (n-D) construction visualization. The techniques demonstrated through virtual construction sites can potentially be valuable tools not only in the classroom lectures, but also as effective learner-centred self-directed tools.


Research Methodology

The primary purpose of this study was to develop a framework to facilitate development of time-effective n-D models with the use of software prevalent in the industry. The following applications were used in the study: • • • • • • • • • •

AutoCAD 2007 Google SketchUp PRO – Version 6 dxftocsv.exe (non-proprietary application) Project 4D from Common Point Inc. 4D Suite by Domos; MS Project 2003 or higher MS Excel 2000 or higher 3DS Max Dreamweaver MX and Flash MX VRML Browsers – Cortona, Cosmo player, and others


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The P4D software application from Common Point Inc. classifies it as the most common software to create 4D models. It solves the primary purpose of the study to create 5D models for preliminary planning and bidding. Different 3D models were analyzed to find out the compatibility with P4D software. The framework for the n-D model discussed in the study is shown in Figure 1.

AutoCAD/SketchUp Create 2D &3D (Each activity)



Geometrical Information


Cost Estimations (Each activity)

Export files as .jpg MS Project

3D Max

Schedule (Each activity)

Render each activity

Flash MX Create animation with Schedule + Cost + render images Save Flash Movie Files Export files as .wrl to create VRML details

n-D Model Use Common Point/4D Builders/others Excel/Database Activity based information

Create n-D animation

User Interface 2D/3D CAD, Estimation, Schedule, other Database information, n-D Animation, Flash movies, VRML

Figure 1: n-D Visualization Model – Flow Diagram 2.1 3D Visualization The image visualization and animations are powerful tools for teaching design courses. If a student has a difficulty with an analysis and design problem, the animations of the structural response to loads and the 3-D animated free-body diagrams explicitly show the foundations of the design mechanics by showing the connectivity between cause and effect. Several animation clips for construction processes and VRML details for structures were developed. Figure 2 shows a 3D animation and walkthrough with VRML details for the construction of reinforced concrete structure. These animation/visualization techniques provide virtual experiential learning when combined with interactive design animation and virtual design navigation. These activities are self-directed, experiential, and personalized for the autonomous selfdirected distance learner.

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Slab Reinforcement

Animated Slab Formwork

VRML Details

VRML Details

Figure 2: 3D Animation and Virtual Walkthrough with VRML Details. 2.2 4D (3D+Time) Visualization The linking of schedule activity from MS Project and the relevant CAD component was quite cumbersome. So an innovative method was established to facilitate automatic linking of schedule activities with the relevant CAD components. It was found that the unique feature of the CAD components was their Handle IDs. So an application called “dxftocsv.exe” was used to extract the handle ID from the 3D model to incorporate the same to schedule activities. Once the schedule activities were imported to the n-D environment, they could be readily linked to schedule activity by using an automatic linking feature of P4D application. Figure 3 shows a typical 4D Construction Sequence visualization with necessary VRML details. 2.3 5D (3D + Time + Cost) Visualization The cost estimate was prepared using the spreadsheet application from Microsoft Excel. Cost estimate for preliminary planning and bidding purposes involves reference to RS means manuals for historical data. The 3D model in AutoCAD was converted into a .dxf file. With the help of the dxftocsv.exe application geometric information was extracted from the 3D model and was saved in a file .csv automatically. The application produced a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format file, which contained several geometrical information of the 3D model. This geometrical information was used to link the cost data automatically into the n-D environment.


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2.4 n-D Visualization Methodology as discussed above can be used to integrate different types of data and information, such as resources, craft-split analysis, craft requirement, lost-time accidents, cost of rework, weather report, delays and reasons etc. to prepare n-D models. These features can be incorporated by using Visual Basic application with database link to pull information and to prepare the project management model with capability of project monitoring. Construction Schedule Time line

3D Animation 4D Animation

Figure 3: 4D (3D+ Time) Animations with VRML Details


Evaluation of the Models

In order to determine the effectiveness of the model by using it as an instructional tool was conducted in a small sample (graduate students). Initial feedback of the evaluation of the model was very encouraging. Evaluation of the model using a large sample of population (undergraduate students) will be conducted in future.



This paper describes n-D models of virtual construction sites that can be used for educational purposes, for students in school and construction workers on site. The model shows the construction sequence of various construction activities including cost and other resources management information with time. Considering the interest of youths in computer games these days, the use of an n-D model will develop a lot of interest amongst them, and will motivate them to try to better understand and retain important concepts of construction. Construction models integrated with the schedule, cost and other construction resource management information can be used to improve

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the design and planning process, which can lead to a more efficient construction process. All the techniques that were used in this research employed a generic programming architecture, which was construction type independent, and could be adapted to other types of construction. These visualization techniques can be valuable aids not only in teaching in the classroom but also an effective self-directed tool for open learning via the web.

5 Acknowledgements This paper is based on graduate research projects of the author’s students, Rajmohan Mishra, Roop Chanda, Gaurav Shah, and Suketu Shah. The author sincerely thanks his graduate students for their contributions. 6 [1]


Adjei-Kumi, T. and Retik, A. (1997): A library-based 4D visualization of construction processes. Paper presented at IEEE Conference on Information Visualization, pp. 315-21 [2] Akbas, R. (1998): “4D Modeling and Product Model Transformations in Experience Music Project” Paper retrieved Nov 20, 2005, from group/4D/4D-home.html [3] Atkins, D. (1988): Animation/Simulation for Construction Planning, Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space. Proceedings of Space 88 pp. 670-678 [4] Anderson, E (2002): Enhancing Visual Literacy through Cognitive Activities. Paper presented at the 2002 ASEE/SEF/TUB Colloquium, American Society for Engineering Education. Retrieved on Jan. 23, 2004, from conferences/international/papers/anderson.pdf. [5] Blais, C., Burtzman, D., Horner, D., Nicklaus, S. (2001): Web based 3D technology for Scenario Authoring and Visualization: The Savage Project. Proceedings of Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2001. Paper retrieved on Jan 20, 2004, from [6] Savage/documents/WebBased3dTechnology-Savage-IITSEC2001.pdf. [7] Cleveland Jr., A. (1989): Real-time Animation of Construction Activities. Excellence in the Constructed Project, pp. 238-243. [8] Griffis, F.H. and Sturts, C.S. (2003): Fully integrated and automated project process (FIAPP) for the project manager and executive. 4D CAD and Visualization in construction: Developments and Applications, pg 55 – 73. [9] Haque, M.E. (2001): Web based visualization techniques for structural design education. Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. Paper retrieved Jan 20, 2004, from [10] Haque, M.E. (2003): Visualization Techniques for Structural Design Education. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2003 ASEE Annual Conference. [11] Haque, M. E., Saherwala, S. (2004) 3-D Animation and Walkthrough of Design and Construction Processes of Concrete Formworks. Paper presented at the 2004


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ASEE Annual Conference. Paper retrieved Aug 27, 2004 from [12] acPapers/2004-438_Final.pdf. [13] Koo, B. and Fischer, M. (2000): Feasibility Study of 4D CAD in Commercial Construction. J. Construction Engineering and Management, Volume 126, Issue 4, pp. 251-260. [14] McKinney, K., and Fischer, M. (1998): “Generating, Evaluating and Visualizing Construction Schedules with CAD tools.” Automation in Construction, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 433-447. [1] Retik, A. (1997): Planning and Monitoring of Construction Projects Using Virtual Reality Projects. Project Management Journal, Vol. 3, No. 97, 28–31.

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A Dynamic Programming Approach to Identify Shortest Path in Virtual learning Environment Hamed Fazlollahtabar Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Electronic learning (e-learning) has been widely adopted as a promising solution by many organizations to offer learning-on-demand opportunities to individual employees (learner) in order to reduce training time and cost. While information systems (IS) success models have received much attention among researchers, little research has been conducted to assess the success and/or effectiveness of e-learning systems in an organizational context. The development of information technologies has contributed to the growth in online training as an important educational method. The online training environment enables learners to undertake customized training at any time and any place. Moreover, information technology allows both the trainers and learners to be decoupled in terms of time, place, and space. In this paper dynamic programming is applied to find the shortest path in the learning environment for users and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy procedure) approach is used to turn the qualitative parameters to quantitative one.

Keywords: Virtual learning environment, Dynamic programming, Analytical hierarchy procedure, Shortest path



Internet has significantly impacted the establishment of Internet-based education, or elearning. Internet technology evolution and e-business has affected all industrial and commercial activity and accelerated e-learning industry growth. It has also fostered the collaboration of education and Internet technology by increasing the volume and speed of information transfer and simplifying knowledge management and exchange tasks. E-learning could become an alternative way to deliver on-the-job training for many companies, saving money, employee transportation time, and other expenditures. An elearning platform is an emerging tool to corporate training. Employees can acquire competences and problem solving abilities via Internet learning for benefits among business enterprises, employees, and societies while at work. Currently e-Learning is based on complex virtual collaborative environments where the learners can interact with other learners and with the tutors or the teacher. It is possible to give to the learner's different synchronous and asynchronous services. The former group includes virtual classrooms and individual sessions with the teacher or tutors. The latter group includes the classic didactic materials as well as Web-based


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seminars or simulations always online. These functions can be usually accessed by the means of software platforms called Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Among the other functions, the LMS manages learners, keeping track of their progress and performance across all types of training activities. It also manages and allocates learning resources such as registration, classroom and instructor availability, monitors instructional material fulfillment, and provides the online delivery of learning resources. User and student modeling is a fundamental mechanism to achieve individualized interaction between computer systems and humans. It is usually concerned with modeling several user related issues, such as goals, plans, preferences, attitudes, knowledge or beliefs. The most difficult task in this context is the process of interpreting the information gathered during interaction in order to generate hypotheses about users and students behavior, and involves managing a good deal of uncertainty. Interactive computer systems deal in general with more meager and haphazardly collected users’ data than it usually happens when humans are engaged in face-to-face interaction. Thus, the gap between the nature of the available evidence and the conclusions that are to be drawn is often much greater. Numerical techniques have been employed in several cases in order to manage uncertainty, (Conati, C., et al, 2002), and neural networks have been used in order to add learning and generalization abilities in user models and draw conclusions from existing user profiles (Chen, Q., et al, 2000); (Magoulas, G.D., et al, 2001); (Yasdi, R., 2000). In this paper dynamic programming approach is used to identify the shortest path in VLEs, and AHP method is applied to change the qualitative parameters to quantitative values.


Virtual Learning Environment

Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) are computer- based environments that are relatively open systems, enabling interactions and encounters with other people and providing access to a wide range of resources (Wooldridge, M., 1999). VLEs can supplement face-to-face teaching methods, or totally replace these teaching methods in the case of distance learning. VLEs offer a number of advantages over traditional teaching environments in terms of convenience and flexibility (Carrillo, C.I.P.d., 2004). There are no geographical boundary limitations for using VLEs. They are capable of reaching potential learners in remote areas around the world at very low cost. For these reasons, VLE is becoming one of the fastest growing areas in educational technology research and development. Many traditional colleges and universities, individually or in various forms of partnerships, are embracing information technologies to create new learning models that enhance the effectiveness and reach of their programs (Alavi, M., Leidner, D.E., 2001). Researchers and developers are making rapid improvements in the design and implementation of VLEs, resulting in continuous progress toward successful VLEs. However, online learning is not always effective and sometimes fails to meet learning objectives because of the following limitations: 1. Unstructured learning materials. Online learning materials are usually unstructured across different media, without any close associations with the eLearning processes (Zhang, D., Nunamaker, J.K., 2003). Learning material is

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distributed without consideration for learners’ capacities and prior learning, and therefore lacks contextual and adaptive support (Hiltz, S.R., Turoff, M, 2002); 2. Insufficient flexibility. In many current VLEs, the content materials and choices have been predefined, regardless of the learning process and learners’ differences. Online learners have little flexibility to adapt the learning content and process to meet their individual needs (Alavi, M., Leidner, D.E., 2001); (Hiltz S.R., Turoff, M, 2002). 3. Insufficient interactivity. Studying online, by its nature, requires online learners to be more actively engaged and interact with their VLEs (Hiltz, S.R., Turoff, M., 2002). However, some current VLEs are not very interactive. There is less opportunity for receiving instant responses and feedback from the instructor or VLEs when online learners need support. Nowadays there is a growing trend of web-based technology applied for distance education. Particularly Web-based Educational Systems have many advantages because they can adapt the course for each specific student. Different types of computer based educational system are proposed such as follows: Type 1- Stand-alone learning, in which the direct linking with the virtual educational system without the presence of teacher or any collaboration is done. Type 2- There is a remote teaching system in which everyone is conducted with the aid of individual connections between a teacher and multiple students that provides a method of teaching more students during a lecture. Type 3- Indicates a group learning session where multiple connections between participants are arranged, and thus a level of support for co-operative work is offered. The advantages of the stated systems for the students is to experience and to access education and training courses that otherwise wouldn't have taken, And besides to participate in a distributed learning environment which they feel is stronger than a traditional, and also getting the opportunity to discuss their own professional situations with other learners and with their colleagues. From the teacher view point it is important to experience teaching in virtual university in order to gain specialized understanding and to offer the possibility of learning to those learners who would not find it possible to participate in a traditional face to face experience (Nunez,G.E., Sheremetov, L., 2003). Architecture of a virtual learning environment is presented in Figure 1.


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e-Lab e-Library . .

Learning Management System







Figure 1. Virtual Learning Environment


The proposed model

In this paper a VLE system is proposed based on an individual student's profile. The aim is to choose the best path correspond to student's interests and qualitative attributes such as capability, attitude, knowledge level, motivation, and learning style. In this system a user is encountered with some service providers that support VLE. Each service provider submits courses and courses are being taught by some instructors. The layers are presented as a network in Figure 2.


Service provider Layer 0


Layer 1

Instructor Layer 2

Registration Layer 3

1 1 1 2 2 User

. . . .

. . . . . .

2 . . . L


Figure 2. The proposed network


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The selection of the user is based on the qualitative criteria on each path. To apply dynamic programming, we need a quantitative value for above paths. To achieve this, we have to transform the qualitative criteria to numerical values based on the preferences of the user. The path preferences are associated with their numerical values as given in Table 1: Table 1. Path preferences with their numerical values Preferences Extremely Preferred Very Strongly Preferred Strongly Preferred Moderately Preferred Equally Preferred Preferences among the above preferences

Numerical value 9 7 5 3 1 2,4,6,8

3.1 Dynamic programming for shortest path Dynamic approach is applied in the proposed network to identify the shortest path for the user. The dynamic model would be as follows: Subscriptions: i j j'

Number of layers (intercessor) i= 0,1,2,3 Start node number j=1,2, …, H; 1,2, … , K; 1,2, … L End node number j'=1,2, …, H; 1,2, … , K; 1,2, … L

Notations: Si(j) F j'j

The maximum value of moving from the start node to the end nod j in layer i Numerical value of a path between node j' to node j

Objective function: Shortest path


S i ( j ) = Max{S i −1 ( j ' ) + F j ' j } S .t.

[ 2]

j ≠ j'


S 0 ( 0) = 0

Where Fj'j is the path numerical value in each layer. Considering the qualitative criteria an approach should be applied to shift them to numerical values. That approach is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which will be illustrated in the next section.


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3.2 Determining weights by AHP approach The analytical hierarchy procedure (AHP) is proposed by Saaty (1980). The AHP method is expressed by a unidirectional hierarchical relationship among decision levels. The top element of the hierarchy is the overall goal for the decision model. The hierarchy decomposes to a more specific criterion on a level of manageable decision criteria is met (Meade & Presley, 2002). Under each criterion, sub-criteria elements relative to the criterion can be constructed. The AHP separates complex decision problems into elements within a simplified hierarchical system (Shee, D. Y., Tzeng, G. H., & Tang, T. I., 2003). The purpose of the AHP enquiry in this paper is to construct a hierarchical evaluation system based on the independent factors as capabilities, attitudes, knowledge level, motivation and learning style. The AHP method could gain factor weights and criteria, and then obtain the final effectiveness of each path. One major advantage of AHP is that it is applicable to the problem of group decision-making. In group decision setting, each participant is required to set up the preference of each alternative by following the AHP method and all the views of the participants are used to obtain an average weighting of each alternative. In this paper regarding to the stated criteria, the following hierarchy is proposed. The aim is to obtain the numerical value for each path to be used in the objective function of shortest path. The hierarchy is presented in Figure 3.

Numerical value of each path



Path 1

Knowledge level

Path 2


Learning style

Path H,K,L

Figure 3. The hierarchy of the proposed model

According to Figure 3 the following matrix is used to calculate the numerical value ratio of paths which are evaluated by capabilities, attitudes, knowledge level, motivation and learning style of a user based on the preference numbers (Abc) in Table 1:

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007

Matrix 1 Capability Path 1 Path 2 . . Path H,K,L

Path 1 1 1/A12 . . A1(H,K,L)=1/A(H,K,L)1

Path 2 A12 1 . . A2(H,K,L)=1/A(H,K,L)2


Path H,K,L A1(H,K,L) A2(H,K,L) . . 1

The same matrix is used for other criteria (attitudes, knowledge level, motivation and learning style). After calculating the above matrixes, a matrix that indicates the weights (Wbc) of the arc (path) for the mentioned criteria is formed as follows: Matrix 2 Path 1 Path 2 . . H,K,L Path

Capability W11 W21 . . W(H,K,L)1

Attitude W12 W22 . . W(H,K,L)2

Knowledge level W13 W23 . . W(H,K,L)3

Motivation W14 W24 . . W(H,K,L)4

Learning style W15 W25 . . W(H,K,L)5

After that the criteria dual comparison matrix is configured as follows: Matrix 3 Capability Attitude Knowledge level Motivation Learning style

Capability 1 1/A12 1/A13 1/A14 1/A15

Attitude A12 1 1/A23 1/A24 1/A25

Knowledge level A13 A23 1 1/A34 1/A35

Motivation A14 A24 A34 1 1/A45

Learning style A15 A25 A35 A45 1

Now we reached the weight of each criterion by the above matrix. Therefore, the weight for each path considering the criteria is achieved as follows:

Total weight for path1 = W11 × WC + W12 × W A + W13 × WK + W14 × WM + W15 × WL Total weight for path 2 = W21 × WC + W22 × W A + W23 × WK + W24 × WM + W25 × WL . . Total weight for path H , K , L = W( H , K , L )1 × WC + W( H , K , L ) 2 × W A + W( H , K , L ) 3 × WK + W( H , K , L ) 4 × WM + W( H , K , L )5 × WL


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Where WC= capability’s weight, WA= attitude’s weight, WK= knowledge level’s weight, WM= motivation’s weight, WL= learning style’s weight, that are obtained by matrix 3. In this way the weights are calculated to be used as the numerical value of arcs and the optimal path for user will be identified after solving the stated dynamic programming.



In the recent years by growing demand for information and capabilities of accessing virtual learning, there has been a great interest for E-learning in virtual environment. We have designed a VLE system that provides the educational requirements of a user. By such a system we are able to discuss the selection of optimal path for the user. Regarding to the network nature of the model, dynamic programming is applied to identify the optimal path. Considering the qualitative criteria of a user for selecting the paths, AHP approach is used to shift them to numerical values. For future work the multi user model could be included to find the shortest path with fuzzy inputs.

5 [1]


Alavi, M., D.E. Leidner, Research commentary: technologymediated learning — a call for greater depth and breadth of research, Information Systems Research 12 (1) (2001) 1–10. [2] Carrillo, C.I.P.d., Intelligent Agents to Improve Adaptivity in a Web-based Learning Environment, Doctoral, University of Girona, 2004. [3] Chen, Q., Norcio, A.F., Wang, J., Neural network based stereotyping for user profiles, Neural Computing and Applications 9 (2000) 259–265. [4] Conati, C., Gertner, A., Vanlehn, K., Using Bayesian networks to manage uncertainty in student modeling, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 12 (2002) 371–417. [5] Hiltz, S.R., M. Turoff, What makes learning networks effective, Communications of the ACM 45 (4) (2002) 56– 59. [6] Meade, L. M., & Presley, A. R&D project selection using the analytic network process. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49(1), 59–66. (2002). [7] Saaty, T. L. The analytical hierarchy process: Planning priority setting, resource allocation. New York: McGraw-Hill. (1980). [8] Shee, D. Y., Tzeng, G. H., & Tang, T. I., AHP, fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral approaches for the appraisal of information service providers in Taiwan. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 6(1), 8–30. (2003). [9] Wooldridge, M., Intelligent agents, in: G. Weiss (Ed.), Multiagent Systems, The MIT Press, London, England, 1999, pp. 25–77. [10] Yasdi, R., A literature survey on applications of neural networks for human– computer interaction, Neural Computing and Applications 9 (2000) 245–258. [11] Zhang D., J.K. Nunamaker, Powering E-learning in the new millennium: an overview of e-learning and enabling technology, Information Systems Frontiers 5 (2) (2003) 207– 218.

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A rules based on context methodology to build the pedagogical resources Gabriela Moise Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti 39, Bucuresti, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract The main feature of a learning content management system is the capability for the teachers to build pedagogical resources without higher IT knowledge. So the computer science offers a lot of software programs all-purpose. An open problem in this area is to create educational content automatically depending on the context of the instruction process. In this paper the author defines the context of the educational process and a set of rules based on the context which can be turned into a software program.

Keywords: Context for learning process, Rules based on context. Learning content management system.



The concept of learning content management system is derived from the concept of course management system. A course management system is an authoring tool which enables teachers to produce and manage the pedagogical resources. Example of LCMSs are the commercial products like WebCT, Blackboard, eCollege and the open sources like Moodle (at the address mentSystems, a list of open source management systems can be found). Also the concept of LCMS is hard linked with the concept of CMS (content management system). Boiko shows (Boiko, 2005) that the content management system is a system with three functions: collecting, management and publishing information in a unitary whole (like a magazine, newspaper). So, a CMS must be designed from three points of view: collecting system; management system; publishing system. The collecting process involves the building of the components, acquiring and converting them in standardized formats. Speaking from the point of view of building an electronic course, the components are pieces of information, like the modules of courses, which according to Adascalitei (Adascalitei, 2007) “must be updated, improved and adapted in accordance to the needs of the addressee”.


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The management function is conductress with the recording, updating of the components and editing the links between components. The publishing function is conductress with the automat linking between components and accomplishing a publication. The LCMS concept reports on CMS used in the instruction process that helps teacher to build, organize, publish online courses, track the student progress, offer communication tools, course statistics. The most important feature is that a LCMS offers a frame used by teachers to build good courses and used by the students to learn and to be evaluated. Short-speaking, a learning content management system is a combination of hardware and software that enables the users to collect, organize and publish pedagogical resources and enhances communication between teachers and students. Ullman C. and Rabinowitz M. (Ullman et al, 2004) show the benefits of using a CMS in the learning process: “By using the CMS for the course’s organization, then the purpose of class time would be almost exclusively devoted to discussion and student activities. Freed from having to repeat past activities, instructors could become more engaged in the process of sharing ideas. The students could become more active learners, taking more responsibility for what they learn and becoming more important in the dynamic of the classroom.”


The context of the learning process

The learning process is the process of converting information received by the human sensors into knowledge and skills. The information process involves building a cognitive structure about the learned material by the students. The students are actively involved in activities of processing, memorizing, retrieving information and teachers are involved in helping students to develop the skills of information process, which systematically applied leads to accomplishing the learning objectives.

In this way, a structure was developed that implies three layers: 1. sensorial input and record; 2. the short term memory (STM); 3. long term memory (LTM).


(through iteration, SENSORS ears, eyes

Processing (after 3-5 sec.)


LTM retrieval

information stay active 15-20 sec. without Figure 1. Information Process

Large capacity

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The context of the learning process is defined by a whole of factors that affect the learning. To define the context of the learning process, it is necessary to define all the conditions in which the instruction process unfolds. This is a complex concept noted by Cole and Griffin (Cole et al, 1987). The instruction context could be referred as social context, emotional context, mental context, school context, technological context, knowledge context. In this paper, we take in consideration some of all factors that affect the learning: motivation, goals, previous knowledge, interest, teaching styles, learning styles, classroom climate, parents, preoccupations, hobbies, etc.

Mental context

Classroom context Knowledge context

Social context Technological context

Emotional context


Learning process Figure 2. The Context Of Learning Process Mental context (MC) includes general abilities and knowledge, the intelligence of the student, mental structure and the capacity of the learner to learn, understand and practice the material. Social context (SC) includes the familiar context, familiar stress, friends view. Technological context (TC) refers on course structure, format, informational technology, technological equipment. Knowledge context (KC) refers on previous knowledge, past experience related on the topic presented in course. Emotional context (EC) refers on motivation, interest, goals of students.


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Classroom context (CC) includes teaching methods, the structure of students (age, gender, ethnical structure, etc.) Certainly, it’s an absurdity to affirm that a course is good for all students. So, it’s necessary to develop a based on context methodology to build e-courses and this methodology has to be included in the LCMS. Contextual factors (MC, SC, TC, KC, EC, CC)

Primarily materials (instructional contents)


Rules based on context methodology

Pedagogical resources Figure 3. LCMS And The Context Of Education


Rules based on context methodology The general form of a rule is [1]: [1] r = (c1 ∧ c 2 ∧ K ∧ c n ) → ( a1 ; a 2 ;K a k ) , where

ci , i = 1, n are conditions and a i , i = 1, k are actions.

In our case conditions are the contextual factors of the learning process and actions are pedagogical resources patterns that have to satisfy the pedagogical resources. So, a rule turns into [2]: [2]

r = (cf1 ∧ cf 2 ∧ K ∧ cf n ) → ( p1 ; p 2 ;K p k )

The contextual factors are pieces of information (facts): the student is male, the student is 40 years old, the student is working, the student has no previous knowledge. Pedagogical resources patterns are recipes of pedagogical resources. These patterns gather all the experience of teaching and learning in a specific domain taking into account the contextual factors. The problem of this methodology is that there aren’t enough patterns for all combinations of contextual factors. Let’s consider the rules [3].

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 [3]


r1 = (cf1 ∧ cf 2 ) → ( p1 ) r2 = (cf 3 ∧ cf 4 ) → ( p 2 ) r3 = (cf 5 ∧ cf 6 ) → ( p3 )

Let’s assume that the learning process is satisfying all the contextual factors from 1 to 6. If there is a rule of form [4]:

r = (cf ∧ cf ∧ cf ∧ cf ∧ cf ∧ cf ) → ( p )

j 1 2 3 4 5 6 l [4] the problem is solved, while we can select it and it can be build a pedagogical resource


using the description l . If there isn’t a rule of form [4], the problem is the order of applying the rules from 1 to 3, and how operates the stream of conversion of a primarily educational material (knowledge) in a pedagogical resource.


p1 knowledge

partial e-course

partial e-course

Pedagogical resource (e-course)

Figure 4. The Stream Of Building Pedagogical Resources One solution is to define a priority to each contextual factor, and the priority of the rule is the sum of the priorities of the contextual factors that composed the clause of the rule. So the rules will be selected according to the priority of the rule. A pattern (description) depends on the domain of knowledge that will be transferred from teacher to students and the contextual factors. The pattern is composed by a curriculum and learning objects. The pattern described in the schema 5 is adapted from Cisco. A Learning Object is built using a combination of a presentation, a resume, an evaluation and information objects. A learning object has only one object of instruction. Each Information Object is built starting from derived objectives from the objective of Learning Object.



Information Object Information Object …. Resume

Lecture notes


Exercises Simulations Projects Bibliography FAQ

Figure 5. A Pattern Of Pedagogical Resource


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If the learning process is satisfying the contextual factors no.3 and no.4, the stream of conversion of a primarily educational material (knowledge) in a pedagogical resource is represented in the schema 6.



Pedagogical resource (e-course)

Figure 6. The Model Of Applying A Rule Another issue is how apply automatically a pattern to a set of complex information to result a pedagogical resources. Doubtless the primarily information have to be structured and the teacher have to help the system to build good pedagogical resources. A set of rules

r1 :

past_experience=none → p ,



Presentation Information Object Resume Evaluation

Link to another course Reading Lecture notes

r2 : past_experience=all ∧ motivation=good ∧ capacity_to_learn=high → p , p =

Presentation Information Object Information Object ….

Reading Exercises Projects Bibliography


r3 :

motivation=enough ∧ capacity_to_learn=enough → p ,

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007

p =

Presentation Information Object Information Object


Reading Lecture notes Simulations Bibliography FAQ

Resume Evaluation

r4 :

IT=high ∧ capacity_to_learn=high → p , p =

Presentation Information Object Information Object

Lecture notes: video, films Simulations

…. Evaluation

r5 :

learning_style=visual ∧ teaching_method=project_method → p ,

p =

Presentation Information Object Information Object

…. Evaluation

Lecture notes: video, films Projects Bibliography FAQ




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The major challenge of the e-learning still remains the process of building pedagogical resources; while in this process have to contribute a lot of specialist from different areas like instructional design, domain teaching, web programmers and software developers. In this paper it was proposed to consider the context of unfolding the instructional process and a set of rules based on context, which have to be used.



Books: [1] AdăscăliŃei, A (2007) : Instruire Asistată de calculator. Polirom. [2] Boiko, B. (2005): Content Management. Bible, 2nd Edition, Wiley Publishing, Inc. Journal Articles: [3] Ullman, C., Rabinowitz M., (2004) Course Management Systems and the Reinvention of Instruction. T.H.E. Journal, Technical Reports: [4] Cole. M., Griffin, P. (1987): Contextual factors in education. Information analyses report. Prepared for Committee on Research in Mathematics Science, and Technology Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council. Wisconsin Center for Education Research, Madison. Internet Sources:

[5] [6] ourseManagementSystems

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Case Studies in the UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership Programme Professor Laurence Legg1, Dr. Philip Holifield1, Professor Mircea Galis2 (1) University of Central Lancashire, Department of Technology, Preston PR1 2HE, United Kingdom, [email protected] (2) Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Machine Tools and Industrial Robots, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, 103-105 Muncii Bd., Romania E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This paper introduces the UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) programme as a mechanism for technology transfer between academic institutions and commercial organisations in the UK. The paper outlines the aims, objectives and organisation of the programme, then explains its operation through two case studies, one of a small manufacturing company and the other being a medium sized manufacturing company. Each company had their own specific objectives and programme of work, which were aimed at significantly impacting on their future competitiveness. These are presented, with an explanation of how the KTP programmes were implemented and the results achieved.

Keywords: Instructions, Format, Submitting papers, Proceedings 1

Overview of UK KTP Programmes

Established in 1975 by the then Science Research Council and the Department of Industry as the Teaching Company Scheme (TCS) this programme of collaboration between business and higher education was renamed Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) in summer 2003. It is a Government scheme providing postgraduate training and development opportunities for high calibre graduates and enabling UK businesses of all types and sizes to take advantage of the wide range of expertise available in the UK’s knowledge base, i.e. higher education institutions and, since 1997, public and private sector research institutions and organisations. The stated mission of KTP is: “To strengthen the competitiveness, wealth creation and economic performance of the UK by the enhancement of knowledge and skills and the stimulation of innovation through collaborative projects between business and the knowledge base.” (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Annual Report 2004/5) The objectives of Knowledge Transfer Partnerships are to: Facilitate the transfer of knowledge and the spread of technical and business skills, through innovation projects undertaken by high caliber, recently qualified people under the joint supervision of personnel from business and the knowledge base provide


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company-based training for recently qualified people in order to enhance their business and specialist skills Stimulate and enhance business-relevant training and research undertaken by the knowledge base Increase the extent of interactions of businesses with the knowledge base and their awareness about the contribution that the knowledge base can make to business development and growth. The aim of each KTP program is to: Enhance the business relevance of the Knowledge Base Partner's work Improve the competitiveness of the Company Partner Enhance the career prospects of a graduate As can be seen from the programme aims, KTP is seen by the UK government management organisation which assesses and selects applications to be a 3 way partnership between an HE institution, a business, and a graduate. In submitting an application for a KTP grant, a justification of benefits to all 3 parties must be made. Benefits available for business have to be described in terms of a business plan that indicates the amount of investment from the company both in terms of their contribution to the grant and the time of staff, and any equipment purchases. This is weighed against the quantified potential return as a direct result of work done during the programme and for 3 years following completion of the programme. One of the essential aspects of a KTP is that it must address a strategic company development that could not be carried out without support from external sources. The partnership with a University brings the expertise of one or more academic staff to the company, and a graduate is employed for 1 to 3 years on company premises to undertake the project. KTP has been used by a company for such purposes as: • Diversification - By working with experts from the University, and with a skilled graduate on-site, additional knowledge can be embedded in the company and the resources of the KTP used to improve profitability. In this case the knowledge transfer from Higher Education (HE) to business compensates for a lack of knowledge or skills within the company to develop a new product or service demanded by the company’s customer base. • New products - For companies seeking new products, access to university expertise and facilities together with a graduate dedicated to a development programme has proved an excellent recipe for success. The HE knowledge transferred may include new technology, processes, or the introduction of design skills and capability. • Information System Design - KTP programmes in information systems can provide efficiency savings, a better service for clients, and quality information for managers. KTP programmes have developed ICT systems for companies in a wide range of industry sectors from food processing to manufacture. More recently there has been an interest in e-commerce KTP partnerships. • Design - For manufacturing or assembly companies, moving into design can be a crucial business decision. KTP has provided support in terms of expertise and resource to enable this to happen under the guidance of academic staff with design management experience.

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Manufacturing - KTP programmes in manufacture are often combined with engineering design or CAD to improve company efficiency, cut lead times, reduce costs, reduce stock levels, increase capacity, as will be shown in the following case studies. KTP for academic staff involves the supervision of a graduate for a 1 to 3 year industry-based project in a company. Time commitment for the academic is 4 hours per week, and an academic support budget is paid to the University department to release this time from teaching. Participation in a KTP programme can result in benefits to academic staff in a number of ways: • Professional Skills Development - Academics are able to maintain their professional skills and keep in contact with the latest ways in which these are applied in business. Many academics are limited in the time available to develop and enhance their technical skills in a business environment. KTP provides the opportunities to stay current and apply skills in a commercial context. • Academic Support Budget - In every KTP programme there is a budget for the provision of support to the academic member of staff involved in the programme. This money is used to release staff in order to do the required supervision on company premises, but may also be used by the academic to support their own research/teaching interests e.g. attending conferences, buying equipment. • Research Supervision and publication - The graduates employed on KTP projects often register on higher degrees and produce research papers in partnership with their academic supervisors. KTP is a means of enhancing the research profile of academic supervisors. • Consultancy - KTP may lead on to consultancy contracts with companies. Many former KTP partners continue to co-operate in research through the work of the associate (graduate), or through other grant-funded projects. • Case study material - The projects often provide material to support both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching through case studies, group design exercises, or individual projects. The following 2 case studies of manufacturing companies are an illustration of how KTP has been used to enable academic institutions and industrial companies to benefit from each other’s knowledge and skills. 2 Case Study 1 (Micro business, 10 employees, annual turnover £500,000, equipment manufacturer for the paper industry. 1 Associate for 2 years.) The core business is the manufacture to original designs of paper unwinding stands and their automated floor tracking systems for the paper and paper converting industry. This product range is worth about 40% of the business. The Company wanted to consolidate this aspect of their business, to reduce the design and manufacturing costs of the customised paper unwind stands, and to reduce the lead time of this product range. In achieving these aims there would also be additional spin-off benefits in other areas of the business and the ability to return to their previous position of 20% market share.


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Table 1: Programme Objectives and the Outcomes Programme Objectives Objective results 1. Assess the current design A full in-house design facility and procedures are process and existing design and now operational, with no reliance on external manufacturing facilities in the agencies, resulting in an annual saving of 4-5K. A Company. Research and select CAD system has been selected, but due to financial a CAD system which will lead constraints, this has not yet been fully implemented. to integrated CAD/CAM with This has meant that the full integration of the potential integration of costing, separated systems that have been developed has not schedule and other related yet been achieved. activities. 2. Install CAD system An archiving and design development system has supported by clearly defined been introduced which has enabled the company to design procedures. This will have a formal audit trail, hence reducing the risk of enable the Company to be less product liability on all jobs, and to rapidly create reliant on external design product information manuals. This archive system agencies and develop a design has also enabled more rapid product design, for capability in house, speed up example for a paper unwind (a standard product) the product development and design time has reduced from 1 week to one day. reduce costs. The company can more rapidly respond to enquiries with preliminary drawings, and a reduction in response time to customer enquiries from an average of two weeks to 2 days. 3. Rationalise components and The outcome relating to product rationalisation and sub-assemblies for variants of standardised product costing system has been fully the Company’s standard designs completed. Previously all paper unwinds and cost in terms of labour and manufactured were bespoke products, now all paper materials. This will result in the unwinds are a standard product with minor creation of a drawings database variations for customisation. With the archive and lead to improved accuracy system these variations are recorded for future for job estimation. Re-design reference when spares or repair work is required, existing products whilst hence reducing future maintenance costs by an maintaining quality to improve estimated minimum 10K per annum. penetration into markets. 4. Implement CAM system and As the project progressed it became clear that the required procedures. This will CAPP system had a higher priority than introducing reduce lead time and reduce CAM, so the emphasis in the programme was manufacturing costs, in changed to reflect this. particular those associated with The product costing system gave improved internal reworking. budgeting and cost control and better accounting information and cash flow forecasts. This system, plus the rapid production of preliminary sales drawings, enabled sales to have improved and timely costing information when negotiating with potential customers, and to respond more quickly.

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 5. Develop CAPP system to allow the Company to do formal capacity planning. Improve product flow and equipment layout to improve job scheduling.


Within the scope of the project this has been fully completed. MSProject was used to plan, control and monitor manufacturing for some standard products, and this will continue to eventually bring in all company products. Job scheduling and shop floor loading is now actively planned resulting in better production cost control; meeting all delivery dates with less overtime and progress chasing; capacity planning enabling multiple products to be manufactured within their planned lead times; reduced stock holding costs due to synchronised materials delivery and increased confidence in meeting production plans which has also resulted in increased floor space.

Prior to and during the time of this project the business environment in which the Company was operating was in recession. This resulted in 14 UK companies and 2 German companies producing similar products and services going out of business. Having survived this period, the Company are now in a strong position to capitalise on more tendering opportunities, and have the capability to undertake larger scale and higher value projects (from £350K to £1.5 Million projects) hence making the return to a 20% market share target more feasible. Table 2: Target Outcomes and Results Target Outcomes Actual results Reduced lead times and manufacturing Staff costs reduced by 20K times hence greater throughput of work. Overtime reduced by 70K per annum Turnover is expected to increase year on Rework costs reduced from 20% to 5% of turnover year by approximately 20%. Reduction of rework costs by a Customer enquiry response time reduced from typically 2 weeks to 2 days minimum of 50%. Reduced and reliable delivery times, as Design time reduction for standard a result of rationalising components and products of 80% sub-assemblies for variants of the Reduction in future maintenance/repair costs of approx. 10K per annum Company’s standard designs. Reduction in manufacturing costs Reduction in tooling costs by 75% to through more efficient use of people and approx. £200/month machinery. A 40% increase in efficiency Increased stock turnover, as stock holding has been reduced from approx. 2 is thought to be achievable. Reduction of labour costs (estimated at years to 3 months £5-10k p.a.) in associated activities Reduction in stock value from approx. which can be automated (stock control, 90K to approx. 30K The above two have resulted from estimating etc.). confidence in meeting Cutting out external agency costs increased (estimate of 4-5k p.a.) for design deliveries and working to planned schedules functions.


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Re-design existing products whilst maintaining quality to improve penetration into existing markets. The target is to return to a 20% market share over a five year period.

Increase in floor space by about 30%, which allows improvements in building and testing sub-assemblies and products External design contract work is no longer needed, saving 4-5K per annum

3 Case study 2 (Medium sized company with nearly 50 employees, annual turnover £2.5 million, regulator manufacturers. Two associates, each for 2 years.) The Company is a specialist manufacturer of primary and secondary stage regulators. Within the core business of scuba diving equipment, both commercial and leisure, they are world leaders. The Company had been in existence for 10 years and during this time doubled its turnover annually. They are the largest manufacturer of this type of equipment in the UK, and have secured the largest segment of the market in this country. The Company wants to maintain this position, and also to increase market penetration into the fire-fighting and medical regulator markets. The Company identified that it must develop an in-house product/ industrial design facility, in order to compete for effectively in the wider international arena, an area where it does not currently enjoy the success that it had developed in its home domestic market. The Company anticipated the potential for further doubling of sales volume, and a widening of product variety, as they intend to customise in both product specification and aesthetics to specific market segments. After a decade of growth, the Company have reached a stage where they need to completely re-consider their manufacturing strategy and systems, as they feel the current manufacturing systems will not be able to fully able to support these changes. New product design and development were undertaken by one individual within the company. The company recognises the contribution that a specialist product designer could make to new product development and also recognises this as a key area where its foreign competitors were beginning to gain a market advantage. Whilst exemplary engineering design had allowed the company to perform well in Home and European markets, more eclectic purchasing tastes, particularly in the Far East require the company to consider consolidating a sound engineering base with a stronger stylistic/ aesthetic approach to new product development. The anticipated doubling of sales volume leading to a very large increase in both parts and parts variety would put enormous pressures on the manufacturing system. The Company needed to develop a fully integrated manufacturing strategy which matched both the product development plans and the competitive priorities of the various product ranges and market segments. The manufacturing strategy plan would then need to be converted into actual changes in the manufacturing system such that the Company can keep control of production and production costs, whilst still meeting customer requirements for the different markets.

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Table 3: Programme Objectives Associate 1 Objectives Associate 2 Objectives The definition of an “in house” design A manufacturing strategy plan, which is in facility to run in conjunction with line with marketing business and product engineering design. development plans. Integration of computer modelling at Full implementation of computerised design/ development stage. production control system. Integration of product/ industrial design Implementation of a detailed redesign of process. the manufacturing system. Re-design of existing core products. A CIM development plan. Design of new products Reduction of total manufacturing costs. The most significant event which impacted the programme was the takeover of the Company during the programme by a Group. Manufacturing at the Company had to maintain and increase their own product lines, whilst also introducing the new work for the Group. This change affected both associates, but had a more significant impact on the scope and size of the tasks for associate 2. However, the direction of the main programme objectives did not need to change, though there were some changes to the project plans to accommodate the takeover and the greater increase in both parts and parts variety. As a result of the product design developments by associate 1, increases in knowledge and capabilities of the Company were: 3 new/re-designed products reached full production, 2 in pre-production and 1 in prototyping The acquisition of 3D CAD technology, improved design and development efficiency and increased design flexibility The introduction of 2.5 and 3 axis CAM machining technology to improve design flexibility whilst reducing prototyping and manufacturing development lead times and accelerating the tool-making process The introduction of product design management systems improved design communication with other departments by making all information available to all relevant personnel. For associate 2, all the milestones/deliverables for each of the objectives were successfully completed, in the context of both the Company and the Group products/parts. Production of a manufacturing strategy plan fitted to other company strategic plans. A re-design of the manufacturing system to support the expansion of the company and to match the competitive priorities for the product ranges. Implementation of computer aided production planning and control system. As a result of the changes in the manufacturing planning, scheduling and control systems introduced by this Programme, the Company now have the following integrated systems working: forecasting; capacity planning; master production scheduling; material requirements planning; stock control; production cost planning and control. The work of the programme resulted in the following: WIP reduced from £110,000 to £17,000. Reduction of lead-time from 7 weeks to less than 1 week.


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Shortage list of components and sub-assemblies reduced to zero. • Subcontracting no longer required. (From a level of 30% originally.) • Approximately 1850 hours of capacity saved hence potential for additional Company sales or Group savings. • A manufacturing system which is more responsive to market demand and design changes. • Manufacture of the initial introductory parts for the Group generated an extra £106,000 profit during the programme. • The integration of manufacture of parts for the Group showed the planning and control systems were robust enough to cope with a large increase in demand. Benefits to Government and Companies Latest information (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Annual Report 2004/5) shows that, on average, the business benefits that can be expected from a single KTP project are: • • •

An increase of over £290,000 in annual profits before tax Creation of eight genuine new jobs An increase in the skills of existing staff. Put another way, for every £1 million of Government investment in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, the benefits achieved by UK businesses amount to: • • •


£4.2 million increase in annual profits before tax The creation of 112 genuine new jobs 214 company staff trained.


[1] Knowledge Transfer Partnerships annual Report 2004/5, 2005, Department of Trade and Industry

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Education in Manufacturing Engineering by 3D Interactive Virtual Models Professor Mircea Galis1, Professor Laurence Legg2 (1) Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Machine Tools and Industrial Robots, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, 103-105 Muncii Bd., Romania (2) University of Central Lancashire, Department of Technology, Preston PR1 2HE, United Kingdom, [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This paper introduces the main topics related to the Simulation Based Learning. The paper outlines the advantages of this education technology, then explains its operation through some case studies achieved by the authors

Keywords: Simulation Based Learning, 3D interactive animated models, e-learning, Virtual Reality 1


In today manufacturing complexity, a comprehensive education in manufacturing engineering using real processes and equipment it is extremely expensive for any university and in real terms is alomost impossible. For this reason and many others the using of 3D interactive models for processes and equipment became a crucial necesity. There are in recent years many institutions of all levels that use the simulations and gaming in education, both for children and adults. These modern ways of eduaction also provide a safe environment for testing problem-solving techniques without the risks that we encounter in the 'real' world. Simulation Based Learning is a step beyond traditional e-learning. There are many deffinitions for Simulation Based Learning (SBL). Jeff Carpenter (e-Learning Director of InterKinetik) said: “The question of what truly defines simulation-based learning is often difficult to ask and even more difficult to understand. The definition of simulation and its benefits are often down played or molded to meet the needs of the programs being promoted. However, simulation is defined as the examination of a problem, often not subject to direct experimentation, by means of a simulating device. This simulating device allows a safe environment for students learning new skills and for the company that does not want to use its customer base or machinery as a test bed for practicing those newly acquired skills” [1]. In accordance with Colin Milligan (Heriot-Watt University, UK) a simulation is 'an interactive computer program that replicates (within limits) some real world object and/or process'. Any system, large or small, can be simulated, providing that its


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behaviour can be defined by a computer model (algorithm). Simulations allow the user to dynamically explore the modelled domain, and are open i.e. they do not prescribe the actions of the user. Within education, the interactive, dynamic and open nature of simulations puts the user in charge and creates a valuable learning experience”[2]. Or much more simple Daniel Hamburger (CEO of Indeliq Inc.) said: “Simulation based Learning is learning by doing” [3] In traditional asynchronous e-Learning, students tend to be restricted to a predetermined learning path through reading and observation. In simulations, learners select and pursue experiences assembled as they respond to questions and other stimuli. This is the essence of simulation and how it differs from traditional instructorled learning, from scenario-based learning, from game-based learning, and from other asynchronous e-Learning. In the coming years immersive and simulation-based learning will become increasingly important at any responsible education institution. Learning by simulation will be a critical bridge for students between theoretical knowledge and the actual practices. Traditional methods of teaching facts, concepts, and structure rely on “two dimensional” lectures and textbooks to convey material that is inherently threedimensional and dynamic, creating for many people gaps in understanding. Techniques of “virtual reality” and “immersive visualization” allow learners of any age or any stage of training to better understand important concepts from any area. Simulators are used in distance learning and traditional classroom alike. Animation based process observations and simulation based active explorations accompany textual hard-copy descriptions, graphical and animated illustrations, and acoustics to provide the learner with a comprehensive representation of the structure and the processes of the domain. 3D Interactive simulation models are being designed to support the process of learning in the phase between acquiring basic knowledge and the real practice and are aimed at preparing in-depth knowledge and practical skills by exploring the domain functionality. 2

The advantages of using of 3D interactive models Comparing with physical models, the virtual 3D interactive models have some important advantages such as: Virtual models are flexible. Because simulated labs are a digital recreation of the real world that they represent they can be configured in an infinite number of combinations. Virtual models are scalable. Real technology comes in the size that it comes in with all the features and functionality intact. Simulated labs can focus on just one feature set or one aspect of the technology Virtual simulators are portable. With the advent of the internet the ability to provide hands-on experience at a distance is now possible. Not too long ago, they only way to gain hands-on experience was to physically attend to laboratory activities. This has obviously limitations in both capacity and accessibility.The Virtual Models can be used for distance education, homework and those with disabilities. Virtual models are special designed for learning. Therefore they are designed to provide performance evaluation, feedback and even instruction. Learning scenarios can

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be reset and practiced over and over again. Technical processes can be artificially slowed down to demonstrate difficult concepts or time consuming processes can be sped up to not waste time waiting for the process to be completed. Virtual models are much more affordable. Virtual models can be updated any time with very low costs. 3

3D interactive models for education in manufacturing engineering Generally, three – dimensional (3D) animated models are being created to enable learners to overcome difficulties in understanding/interpreting complex structures, such as a manufacturing equipment/system. Simulation is a set of “techniques” to replace or amplify real experiences with planned experiences, often immersive in nature, that evoke or replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive fashion. From the various modalities of simulation the authors option was for Virtual Reality and Visualization. They used commercial sofware packages for 3D modelling of real processes and equipment in the area of manufacturing. Our option is for using of 3D Studio Max in combination with EON Studio, two well known sofwares. The first one have been used for modelling and achieving of part of animations and the second one served to complet the animations and setup the interactivity. Bellow are two samples from the area of machining. First one, figure 1, shows an interactive model for a Vertical Maching Centre. The second one, figure 2, combine more machining equipment and industrial robots to form a Flexible Manufacturing Cell.

Figure 1. 3D interactive Vertical Machining Centre


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Figure 2. 3D interactive Flexible Manufacturing Cell The users can interact with the models as follow: • Left mouse button – for rotation of entire model • Right mouse button – for zooming • Left + Right mouse button – for panning • By moving the mouse over the “CLOR CHANGER” or over the NC pannel buttons the user can change the color of the equipment, start the motion for X/Y/Z axis, rotation of Tool Magazine, Rotation of Main Shaft, start the motions of Tool Changer. • By clicking the Green button from NC pannel the user can start a machining cycle.



[1] [2] [3]

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Learning from Nature: Natural Computing Meets Virtual Learning Zhengxin Chen Department of Computer Science University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182-0500, USA [email protected] Abstract From an examination on where virtual learning stands in the overall learning spectrum, we point out the important impact of natural computing on virtual learning. We survey and analyze selected literature on important role of natural computing aspects, such as emergence (using swarm intelligence to achieve collective intelligence) and emotion, to virtual learning. We note that although scattered efforts have been made in incorporating various natural computing concepts into virtual learning, more systematic studies of promoting natural computing as a whole in virtual learning environment are needed. We address issues related to achieving natural computing-enriched virtual learning, including the need for investigating a virtual learning architecture (or framework).

Keywords: Emergence, emotion, natural computing, intelligence, collective intelligence, virtual learning architecture


1. Introduction: The learning spectrum As a software system, a virtual learning environment is intended to offer a virtual environment for learning where the learning process is based on information technology (IT). Virtual learning environment facilitates computerized learning or computer-enhanced learning (e-learning). Many projects in virtual learning have been designed to facilitate teachers in the management of educational courses for their students, especially by helping teachers and and learners with course administration. The system can often track the learners' progress, which can be monitored by both teachers and learners. With advanced learning technology (ALT) it supports, virtual learning makes learning as a life-long journey easier to achieve than anytime else in history, and the entire world now becomes an open university. Virtual learning is concerned with IT assisted human learning and much of research work in virtual learning addresses various technical issues to enhance human learning. However, when we talk about learning using contemporary IT techniques, we should also consider machine learning (, a subfield in AI mainly concerned with developing algorithms for enhanced performance of computers. Even virtual learning (for humans) and machine learning are two separate research areas, they are both concerned with learning with computers, and we would like to include


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them in the same big picture so we can have a better understanding about where virtual learning stands. This broad perspective raises an important issue: Virtual learning should not be simply viewed as just a set of IT tools (or techniques) to assist learning or education. It reminds us the importance of examining fundamental issues related to learning, such as nature of intelligence, various forms of intelligence, consciousness and thinking, as well as recent research progress related to brain and mind, and even about various forms of life – not just humans, but animals as well, so long as they demonstrate a kind of learning ability. These studies could shed meaningful insight for better virtual learning. As noted in [15], in recent years educators have explored links between classroom teaching and emerging theories about how people learn. Recommended educational approaches, consist primarily of trying to maintain a relaxed, focused atmosphere that offers options for learning in individually satisfying ways. One thing we must be kept in mind is that the brain is complex and while research has revealed some significant findings, there is no widespread agreement about their applicability to the general population or to education in particular. Nevertheless, brain research provides rich possibilities for education [15]. Articles in the new magazine Scientific American Minds ( also shed interesting lights on brain/mind research and education. This broad perspective also reminds us that in a virtual learning environment, many previously impossible things now may become possible because of new opportunities. In order to take full advantage of virtual learning environment, we would further ask the question: Is anything setting in between virtual learning and machine learning? Although this may be an open question subjecting to debate, here we offer a possible answer: learning from nature through natural computing, which is the computational version of the process of extracting ideas from nature to develop “artificial” (computational) systems (“artificial” means human-made). Since natural computing is aimed to model the nature or even compute with the nature, it looks for intellectual inspiration from all forms of life (not restricted to human beings) – such as ants. Since natural computing sets between the research of “full human” (i.e., virtual learning) and non-human (i.e., machine learning), it fits in the missing link in the learning spectrum. Amending the hierarchical diagram provided by [1], we have the learning hierarchy as shown below: Machine learning Learning from nature (Natural computing) Virtual learning (for humans) Resource-based learning Technology-based learning …

But why should we bother natural computing at all in the context of virtual learning? The answer is simple: It would benefit virtual learning so that virtual learning can better achieve its goal. In fact, natural computing is not new to virtual learning community: As we are going to see soon, projects using various natural computing techniques have been conducted for virtual learning. Yet we feel there is a need to take a more systematic look on the rich impact of natural computing in virtual learning. Virtual learning provides an excellent environment for human learning never existed before, and natural computing can make significant contributions here. Such kind of

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investigation will eventually benefit the study of natural computing as well, because the diverse applications in virtual learning extend the horizon of natural computing. This paper is intended to endorse systematical studies of incorporating natural computing to virtual learning. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we provide a very brief background on natural computing. Since natural computing is a big umbrella for many subfields, we have chosen two particular aspects to focus on, namely, emergence and emotion: In Sections 3 and 4 we review related work for virtual learning, and offer suggestions for needed research work in these areas. We conclude our paper in Section 5, where we propose an investigation of an architecture (or framework) for natural computing-enriched virtual learning. Even due to space limitation we are not able to present specifics of our ongoing work here, we believe this paper makes contribution to virtual learning by calling attention to this important issue.

2. Natural computing: A very brief review There are numerous resources available for natural computing. For beginners, [4] provides a comprehensive coverage on the major fields with natural computing. The brief review in this section is much based on that book. The philosophy of natural computing lies in that most of computational approaches natural computing deals with are based on highly simplified versions of the mechanisms and processes present in the corresponding natural phenomena. Research work in natural computing can be grouped into three major categories, namely, computing inspired by nature, simulation and emulation of natural phenomena in computers, and computing with natural materials. Since the last one does not have direct impact on virtual learning (at least for now), we will not address it here. The first category, computing inspired by nature, refers to making use of nature as inspiration for the development of problem solving techniques. The main idea is to develop computational tools (algorithms) by taking inspiration from nature for the solution of complex problems. The diverse areas (or approaches) under this category include evolutionary computing, neurocomputing, swarm intelligence, etc. Swarm intelligence refers to a property of systems of unintelligent agents of limited individual capabilities exhibiting collectively intelligent behavior, and has drawn attention from researchers to find useful applications in virtual learning (as to be briefly described later). The second category, simulation and emulation of natural phenomena in computers, refers to a synthetic process aimed at creating patterns, forms, behaviors, and organisms that (do not necessarily) resemble “life-as-we-know-it.” Its products can be used to mimic various natural phenomena, thus increasing our understanding of nature and insights about computer models. An interesting area under this line of research is artificial life, which is the study of man-made systems that exhibit behaviors characteristic of natural living systems. It has been hoped that by extending the empirical foundation upon which biology is based beyond the carbon-chain life that has evolved on Earth, artificial life can contribute to theoretical biology by locating life-as-we-know-it within the larger picture of life-as-it-could be. Regardless of computing inspired by nature or simulation and emulation of natural phenomena in computers, there are several general concepts underlying various


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approaches in natural computing, such as agent, parallelism and distributivity, interactivity, adaptation, feedback, self-organization, emergence, etc. In addition, emotion is demonstrated not just in human beings, but many species of animals as well. Emotion has also been studied in artificial life. Various natural computing concepts have already been used by authors working in virtual learning. Much effort has been put on researchers’ “traditional” favorite such as adaptation. Yet successful employment of natural computing in virtual learning goes far beyond adaptation. Below we examine selected literature involving two crucial elements of natural computing and provide comments on their relevance to virtual learning: Emergence and emotion.

3. Exploring emergence for virtual learning As a typical demonstration of computational approach for emergence, swarm intelligence is a property of systems of unintelligent agents of limited individual capabilities exhibiting collectively intelligent behavior. Swarm intelligence includes any attempt to design algorithms or distributed problem-solving devices inspired by the collective behavior of social insects and other animal societies. Swarm intelligence is an emergent property of the swarm system as a result of principles of the five principles: proximity, quality, diversity, stability and adaptability. Two main lines of research in swarm intelligence are either based on social insects, or based on the ability of human societies to process knowledge [4]. The ability of ants to find short routes between nests and food sources suggests an approach to cost-effective, flexible and implementable wayfinding support. Paths identified by ants are not pre-planned, but emerge, spontaneously, as a result of indirect communication between members of an ant colony – a form of indirect social navigation. Ants deposit a chemical substance called pheromone which can be sensed by other ants, thus achieving a kind of stigmergy, which refers to the process of indirect communication. This property can be very useful for virtual learning. In a virtual learning environment considered by [2], learners’ interactions with learning resources and activities are recorded automatically as they progress through a body of knowledge. The time stamping of these interactions allows learning sequences to be identified which can be processed and aggregated to derive a given “pheromone strength” favoring paths along which more learners have been successful. This information can be fed back to other learners, providing a new source of navigational guidance indicating “good” ways through the body of knowledge – a self-organizing, stigmergic approach to wayfinding support. In another experiment by [13], ant colony optimization (ACO) heuristics was applied to an e-learning problem: the pedagogic material of an online teaching Web site for high school students is modeled as a navigation graph where nodes are exercises or lessons and arcs are hypertext links. The arcs' valuation, representing the pedagogic structure and conditioning the Web site's presentation, is gradually modified through the release and evaporation of virtual pheromones that reflect the successes and failures of students roaming around the graph. A compromise is expected to emerge between the pedagogic structure as originally dictated by professors, the collective experience of the whole pool of students and the particularities of each individual.

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Collective behavior as demonstrated from ant colonies and simulated in computer programs exemplifies collective intelligence (or symbiotic intelligence), an intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and competition of many individuals - an intelligence that seemingly has a mind of its own. Yet emergence is not restricted in collective intelligence. In general, emergence refers to the way complex systems and patterns arise from a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions. Two influential monographs on emergence should find profound impact on virtual learning: through a series of narratives to show complex adaptive systems that display emergent behavior governed by small sets of local rules, the discussion in [7] may shed useful intuitive thoughts on infrastructural support to achieve emergence in virtual learning, while [5] provides more technical insights on modeling issues of emergence in a more general, abstract setting, where emergence is explained through a reductionist perspective. Summarizing discussion given above, we have the following observations and suggestions. Exploring emergent properties using swarm intelligence and other techniques should be continued and strengthened for research virtual learning. Yet, current research related to emergence in virtual learning is largely confined in specific tasks. More systematic studies of the role of emergence in virtual learning are needed, particularly those related to the overall infrastructure of virtual learning. In addition, in the context of learning/education (including virtual learning), there is a need to distinguish emergence as a process (such as emerging ideas) from emergence as a product (such as an emerging pattern) – a feature which has not attracted enough attention it deserves. Here is a partial list of issues to be studied about emergence related to virtual learning: • Nature of emergence (relevant to learning), such as: differences between emergence and discovery • What can be achieved through emergence? – emerging ideas o Specific creative task (such as construction of analogs through emergence for analogical problem solving) • What can be achieved through emergence? – emerging “products” • Global solution (such as optimization of student pedagogical path) • Solution for individuals (learning by taking advantage of emergence), such as how to come up with creativity thoughts in general In addition, there is a more general question: Is there a need to have a dedicated software component at system level to support emergence in a virtual learning environment? If yes, how to achieve this?

4. Exploring emotion in virtual learning Recently the importance of emotion in education has drawn attention from researchers. For example, according to [16], educators may find the most useful information in research that focuses less on the physical and biochemical structure of the brain and more on the mind-a complex mix of thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and reasoning. Studies that explore the effects of attitudes and emotions on learning indicate that stress and constant fear, at any age, can circumvent the brain's normal circuits. A person's physical and emotional well-being is closely linked to the ability to think and


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to learn effectively. Emotionally stressful home or school environments are counterproductive to students' attempts to learn. While schools cannot control all the influences that impinge on a young person's sense of safety and well-being, classrooms and schools that build an atmosphere of trust and intellectual safety will enhance learning. Letting students talk about their feelings can help them build skills in listening to their classmates' comments. Finding ways to vent emotions productively can help students deal with inevitable instances of anger, fear, hurt, and tension in daily life. In an experimental study, [11] interviewed eleven students studying online. These students identified emotions which were critical to their online learning. In order to better understand where emotion stands in learning and education, it would be beneficial to take a look at the two books on general aspects of emotions with quite different emphases. From a psychological perspective, the experimental research of [8] showed that emotion can occur without cognitive processing in the cortex. In particular, we can learn some general principles of emotions by studying fear. In evolutionary terms, “fearless” animals would have been less likely to survive. The author further demonstrates that fear can be related to learning and fear learning is implicit. Although by no means we should endorse any kind of “learning through fear,” this example does indicate emotion can have impact on education in a controlled manner, and with more secretes of emotion to be revealed in the future, some of the previously unknown principles involving emotions can be incorporated into virtual learning environment. Published one decade later, from a computational perspective, [9] aimed to establish a theory of how emotions get created. According to this theory, each emotional state is a different style of thinking. So there is no general theory of emotions, because the main idea is that each of the major emotions is quite different. For an adult person, the management is able to use these different ways of thinking very quickly as part of ordinary, common-sense thinking. What is the indication of this discussion to learning/education? The notion of emotion as a theory of thinking implies a potential opportunity to “mint” emotion into “mainstream” education theories, including those related to virtual learning. In a recent comprehensive volume directly address the issue of emotion in education [14], various theoretical perspectives on emotions in education have been examined, include the discussions on control-value theory of achievement emotions, self-regulation and social-constructivist learning, emotions as a main component of attributional theory, implications of goal-theory for achievement-related emotions, macro-cultural psychology, etc. The theoretical work is complemented with sets of studies on students’ emotions in educational context, as well as teachers’ emotions in educational contexts. Such kind of research sheds light for future work of dealing with the emotion factor in a virtual learning environment. As the literature surveyed above shows, so far the important issue of emotion for education is still largely discussed at the traditional classroom setting. Nevertheless researchers have started addressing this issue in the context related to virtual learning. For example, [3] presents an analysis of the issues pertaining to computational emergence and emotion in (cognitive) agent systems and describes how a developing computational theory of cognition can be used to monitor and manage interactions with and within complex systems; this would harness unwanted and emergent states and behaviors before the computational system becomes dysfunctional. In another work,

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[12] describes a modular hybrid neural network architecture, called SHAME, for emotion learning. In addition, computational experiments on emotion also exist. For example, [6] proposes the architecture of learning companion agent with facial expression of emotion. Based on ABC and ToK architecture, the emotion agent architecture contains five modules to realize the interaction in the world. A particular part of this research is the transition between emotion space in emotion module and facial expression space in facial expression module. Summarizing the above discussion, we note that current research status shows that emotion for virtual learning is a vast area yet to be systematically explored. Some basic issues include: From a learning perspective, how many types of emotions can be distinguished? Under which conditions certain type of emotions should be controlled and under which conditions educators can take advantage of it? What are basic operations of emotions (such as filter out, enlargement, etc.) and how to develop computational mechanisms to support them? Finally, just like the case of the discussion related to emergence, we may wonder whether there is a need to implement any forms of emotion at the system level in virtual learning.

5. Conclusion: Investigation of a virtual learning architecture with natural computing aspects The main theme of this paper is to call attention to the important role of natural computing in virtual learning, which should be supported at multiple levels in the infrastructure of virtual learning. In order to achieve natural computing-enriched virtual learning, in addition to the observations and suggestions we have already made, we would endorse the idea of investigating a virtual learning architecture (or at least, a framework) which incorporates natural computing aspects. At a high level, a kind of network architecture inspired by biology as proposed in [10] may be implemented. Criteria for development such an architecture or framework, as well as related research agenda should be developed. The “to do” list as provided in this paper is, of course, far from complete. Due to space limitation, no details of our ongoing work are described in this paper.

References [1] Anohina A. (2005): The terminology used in the fields of Virtual Learning, Analysis of the terminology used in the field of virtual learning, Educational Technology & Society, 8 (3), 91-102, [2] van den Berg, B., van Es, R., Tattersall, C.m Janssen, J., Manderveld, J. Brouns, F. Kurvers, H. and Koper, R. (2005): Swarm-based Sequencing Recommendations in E-learning, Proc. 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA'05), 488-493. [3] Davis, D. N. (1999): Computational emergence and computational emotion, Proc. SMC, [4] de Castro, L. N. (2006): Fundamentals of Natural Computing: Basic Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications, Chapman & Hall/CRC. [5] Holland, J. H. (1998): Emergence: From Chaos to Order, Oxford University Press.

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University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta Huang, C.-C., Kuo, R., Chang, M., and Heh, J.-S. (2004): Foundation analysis of emotion model for designing learning companion agent, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 326–330. Johnson, S. (2002): Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software, Penguin Books. LeDoux, J (1996): The Emotional Brain, Simon and Schuster. Minsky, M. (2006): The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind, Simon and Schuster. Nguyen, A., Nakano, T. and Suda, T. (2004): Learning from nature: Network architecture inspired by biology, ACM Crossroads, O’Regan, K. (2003): Emotion and e-learning, Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 7(3). Poel, M., op den Akker, R., Nijholt, A. And van Kesteren, A. J. (2002): Learning emotions in virtual environments. Proc. EMCSR. Shutz, P., Pekrun R. and Phye, G. D. (eds.) (2007): Emotion in Education, Academic Press. Semet, Y., Lutton, E. and Collet, P. (2003): Ant colony optimisation for Elearning: observing the emergence of pedagogic suggestions, Proc. IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS), 46 – 52. Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, How can research on the brain inform education? Classroom Campus, 3(2),

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The integration of the database with Microsoft. NET Framework Simona Marilena Ilie1 (1) Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) describes the executable code and runtime environment that form the core of the Microsoft.Net Framework. The specification defines an environment that allows multiple high-level languages to be used on different computer platforms without being rewritten for specific architectures. Microsoft.Net Framework contains Microsoft's commercial implementation of the CLI for desktop systems, but also encompasses a larger collection of resources, libraries, and tools. Microsoft provides several such languages, including C#, VisualBasic.Net, C++, etc. ADO.NET can be used as a powerful XML middleware. The DataSet objects in ADO.NET can load its data from variant sources: a database server, a local or remote XML file and any accessible system resources. Once the data is loaded, they can be either treated as a record table or a virtual XML document.

Keywords: VisualStudio. NET, VisualBasic. NET, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, XML. 1. Introduction The .NET Framework platform tries to offer a substantial framework of the object oriented programming, where the code can be locally executed, "at the distance” or with distribution on the internet. An important advantage consists in the automatic management of memory, meaning that destruction the creation of the objects and of the processes aren’t the programmer’s duty anymore but they are automatically done. Also, the .NET platform introduces a set of basis classes, as well as a set of basis types specific for every language from the .NET family, that lightens the passing from one programming language to the other or even the use of more languages in one application (the so called “cross-language integration”). In the dotNET languages family, Microsoft included VisualBasic. NET, Visual C++ and the new C# (which forms the new package VisualStudio. NET), and other 15 languages, like Java, Perl, Pascal or Cobol. The .NET platform has two main component parts: Common Language Runtime (CLR) and the library of classes. Common Language Runtime (CLR) is an universal execution engine. This allows writing in any language and automatically assures the memory management, the application installation, the creation and the destruction of objects and processes as well as the code security. The second component part is the library of classes, this time completely independent from language, having a XML infrastructure.


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Definitely and firefly, the advantages of the new NET Framework platform are presented in table no 1. The use of one specific programming language or of another depends on each programmer, the .NET platform being portable on almost any programming language, even talking about Pascal. NET or Cobol.NET. As far as the development of web applications is concerned the new platform brings a library of classes, server checking and a new technology of connecting to the database (ADO.NET). Another essential innovation is the disappearance of the interpreted programs, of the so called “scriptures” and the passing to real programming languages, through the use in ASP of the .NET VisualBasic or of C#. Table no 1 - The advantages of the new .NET Framework platform Advantages Common set of basis classes

Automatic memory management

The security of the code access

Common types system (CTS)

Significance The same classes and objects are available in any .NET programming language, thus being introduced a compatibility between all the languages from the .NET family. The memory management is made through CLR, this automatically creating and destroying the objects and the processes. The codes access distributed towards the system files or towards the other protected resources , can be prevented on security levels. A set of types is directly borne by CLR. Using this common set the so called “cross-language integration” becomes possible, the use of more languages in the same application.

Microsoft brings along with its new platform a new technology of access to the database – ADO.NET. The objects for the access to the database have been changed, passing to the “disconnected” model. ADO.NET. gives up to OLEDB and introduces a new technology of access to the database. Instead of the old technology, ADO.NET uses the so called "drivers" (or "managed providers"), which are connected directly to the data basis. ADO.NET can also read and write XML. Web Services allows the integration and interoperability between sites, no matter what technology or operating system are used. This concept will facilitate the portability or the programming distributed on the Internet and through the Internet. XML and SOAP are the main technologies that facilitate this thing. From an architectural point of view, .Net includes four fundamental class categories: ASP.NET is the following generation of the Active Server Pages technology, being destined to develop some applications for the Web. A key point of

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the new version of ASP is the possibility of exposition of the applications functions through the Web services. ADO.NET is the new version of the bookshops set ActiveX Data Object, offering the access to the sources of relational data or other database. The integration with Microsoft.NET Framework SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is substantiated on the basis of Microsoft .NET Framework. The common software frame (.NET Framework) offers the possibility to access the bookshops in a similar way, through any application written in a language compatible with this platform (VB.NET, C#, C++ etc.). Thus, the connections with the database from the achieved Web Parts, will be administered easier through the object collection ADO.NET (ActiveX Data Object). ADO.NET offers a higher flexibility in developing the applications for the Internet, using the XML standard for the data transfer. The Web services offer special possibilities of integration with different applications, the barriers concerning the platform being eliminated. Among the elements of the Web Part type, they can use the Web services and the support for XML, in this way, a higher level of interoperability being offered. Another important thing about the .NET applications is the high level of using the code again, this causing the reduction of the time necessary for the development of specialized components destined to the SharePoint portal.

2. ADO.NET and database ADO NET starts with a pattern in which the user opens a connection, executes the desired operations (data selection, data modification), then closes the connection. Strategies: -Stocking data in the memory, in a DataSet object (kept in the memory, an object one can work with, even after disconnecting from the data source). This strategy involves creating an object, such as DataAdapter, which helps to get the data from the source. In the end, the data can be written in the database, using also a DataAdapter object. Advantages: • •

the possibility to work with a lot of tables simultaneously; manipulating the data from a lot of data sources simultaneously (from different database, XML files, etc); • facilitating the data exchange with other applications (components) through XML; • easy binding to different controls (data-binding); • using the data without the reinterrogation of the database; • the possibility of engendering some classes which represent the structure of the DataSet. The objects defined in this way make the work with the data extremely easy. This strategy is more appropriate for the applications such as the desktop (in the client-server architectures), when people work repeatedly with the same data or when they work with the architecture "data-binding", which is conceived to work with DataSets.


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- Executing the operations directly in the database. For this, people use an object of the type Command. If the object Command returns data (SELECT ...), they can be stocked in an object of the type DataReader. Advantages: - the possibility of executing the commands SQL of the type DDL; - reduced overhead (the objects of the type DataSet use a lot of memory); - productivity at programming. This strategy is appropriate for web applications or in case the selected data is used only once (reports, etc.). Data Transformation Services (DTS). This component from SQL Server 2000 allows import, export and transforming the existing data into various database. With its help, people can establish the connection to any data source using the technologies ADO.NET, ADO, OLE DB or ODBC. People can access the relational database, the text files, Excel, Access, Fox Pro. DTS allows transforming the data and populating the data deposit.

3. The new technology web ASP.NET ASP gave up definitively at the "scripts" (interpreted programmes), once ASP.NET appeared, the transition to the concept of compiled pages was made. The code can be written using any of the programming languages from the family dotNET. The compilation of the page is made at its first rolling, the result of the compilation being stocked separately. A new compilation of the code takes place only when the respective page has been changed. Another news is that ASP.NET uses the .NET platform, which means the access to its class bookshop, that contains some objects very useful to the developers of web applications. Briefly, the main advantages of the new ASP.NET are presented in the following scheme (table no. 2): Through truly compiled active pages, the pseudo-languages are eliminated (the "scripts") and through the access to the real languages of communication and the engine CLR, the code will roll much faster. Thus, people can navigate visibly faster. Through some code files, the object code was separated from the graphic interface in distinct files. ASP.NET brings the new concepts of web forms and server controls. The web forms and server controls are in ASP.NET objects included in the .NET bookshop and they allow the programmers to write the code in a manner guided by the event, similar with the forms and Windows controls. On the ASP.NET forms they can attach server controls similar with the classic controls from Windows and then, using a chosen language, they write the programme using standard events such as OnClick, OnFocus etc. The new server controls from ASP.NET are not HTML tags anymore, but programmable objects, but, though, in the aspx file (on the server) they are really objects, in the navigator they are transformed into the old "input" tags. The real advantage that the new controls bring is the fact that they maintain the values between several successive connections. Thus, it is not necessary anymore to resend the values of the fields in a form the navigator to the server.

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Table no.2. The main advantages of ASP.NET ADVANTAGES ASP compiled

Code files

No cookies

Web forms and server controls


Web services

Significance Using the languages VisualBasic.NET and C# instead of the interpreted programmes (scripts) makes the code to roll much faster. Now, it is possible to separate the interface from the logical code in two different files, even allowing the code compilation. The variables stocked in the Session object can be transmitted now to the navigator, without using the controversial cookies. The programmers can write now the code in a manner guided by events, similar with the forms and Windows controls. The access objects to the database have been changed and the paradigm used now is, to a certain extent, that of the discontinuous pattern. Having XML native, ASP.NET allows now the fast creation of accessible components from the distance through HTTP, XML and SOAP.

Through truly compiled active pages, the pseudo-languages are eliminated (the "scripts") and through the access to the real languages of communication and the engine CLR, the code will roll much faster. Thus, people can navigate visibly faster. Through some code files, the object code was separated from the graphic interface in distinct files. ASP.NET brings the new concepts of web forms and server controls. The web forms and server controls are in ASP.NET objects included in the .NET bookshop and they allow the programmers to write the code in a manner guided by the event, similar with the forms and Windows controls. On the ASP.NET forms they can attach server controls similar with the classic controls from Windows and then, using a chosen language, they write the programme using standard events such as OnClick, OnFocus etc. The new server controls from ASP.NET are not HTML tags anymore, but programmable objects, but, though, in the aspx file (on the server) they are really objects, in the navigator they are transformed into the old "input" tags. The real advantage that the new controls bring is the fact that they maintain the values between several successive connections. Thus, it is not necessary anymore to resend the values of the fields in a form the navigator to the server.


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This is only a part of the news brought by Microsoft, but the main idea is that ASP.NET uses to the full the advantages of the new platform.NET Framework and the engine CLR (Common Language Runtime), as memory management and security. The logical code of the ASP pages is now separated from HTML, in a distinct file, and compiled in what Microsoft calls "assemblies", which offer a higher speed of execution and the power of the "true" languages of programming. ASP.NET offers the implementation of the Web Services concept, through the inclusion of some technologies such as XML or SOAP. They facilitate the transfer of the data on any platform, operating system or language. The code will be written in the same way, but the compiled result is distributed through the Internet, no matter if it uses a home PC, a laptop, a cell phone or PDA.

4. The use of XML for integration in the heterogeneous mediums XML(eXtended Markup Language) is the centre of several new technologies, representing the language of the new informational era. The scripting languages rolled on part of the server (ASP and its successor ASP.Net; PHP;JSP etc.), are already mature technologies, which offer the possibility to develop some complex applications destined to the Web. The creation of a universal language which can be understood by all this diverse equipment, has become an imperious necessity. XML is the answer to these solicitations, representing a new step in the evolution of the informational era and facilitating the data exchange between diverse equipments. XML or eXtended Markup Language is in fact the brother of HTML language (HyperText Markup Language), and there is a series of similarities, but also fundamental differences between the two languages. First of all, both of them have a common origin represented by SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), this one being a general language, which offers the users the possibility to organize their documents and data in an electronic format. Unlike HTML, XML language offers the user the possibility to build his own set of labels which is going to be used in formatting the respective document. Thus, a special flexibility is offered, this element being necessary to define the specialized electronic documents. SGML is very complex, being very difficult to use on a large scale and that is why they created a simplified system represented by XML. HTML defines the way of displaying the information, emphasizing their form and aspect. Unlike this one, XML deals with the way to define and stock the information, being destined particularly to organize the electronic data. HTML will be destined to build the Web pages, but XML is the technology which will facilitate the information exchange from the database. The particular way in which the information from the XML file will be displayed in the browser, can be done using the XSL style papers. The style papers have a similar role with the declarations of formatting from the CSS files (Cascading Style Sheet). In this way, they can establish a table like structure of displaying the data, the colours and fonts to format the information and also other elements of formatting the data from the XML file.

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Though, despite adopting XML on a large scale, the efficient development of the goods transaction is in danger because of the viruses and all the advantages derived from the simplicity and rapidity of this XML protocol can be annulled by its instability and bad security. The firewall XWall solution already offers protection against the attacks through XML, it is conformable to WS-I Profile, assures WSDL Access Control and XML Schema Restriction. 4.1 XML and the database: XML represents the easiest and also the most efficient way to transfer the data through the Internet. XML is a kind of container in which the information from the database is stocked and distributed through the Internet, assuring that the data stocked in these files will be accessible for any device and on any platform. XML in comparison with other means of transferring the data, has the advantage of simplicity, of efficient organization of information and also of transferring the information on any platform or device. The last versions of the administration systems of the well-known client-server database (Oracle, SQL Server or IBM DB2) have integrated the support for XML technology, thus the users having the opportunity to do these operations very easily with the help of some supplementary parameters to the SQL instructions. SQL server is a system of relational database client-server, having SQL language as support in database exploitation. Essentially, this architecture needs a central database on a server, which is accessed by many clients at the same time. These clients connect as users in the local network or as users of the Internet. The consultation and updating of the database through the Internet needs some applications which will be rolled in the Web browser and will be interconnected with the data basis through some ASP scriptures or XML technology. The access of the Internet users also implies the collaboration between the database server and the Web server (for instance, Microsoft Internet Information Server), the two components working in tandem to fulfill the demands of the Internet users. 4.2. The conversion of the documents The conversion of the documents represents one of the key activities of the eContent Solutions division. It is about the conversion of the documents on paper support or different customary electronic formats in the process of creating the documents (Word, PDF, Quark, FrameMaker, etc) towards "intelligent" organized formats (XML, SGML) or towards formats used for publishing on the Internet and for electronic books (HTML, lit, OeB, Adobe eBook Reader, etc.). Being organized, the content can be introduced in the systems of documents management or intelligent archives, always having the opportunity of securized distribution on multiple supports: Internet, CD-ROM, database, wireless devices.

5. Conclusions The new Microsoft technology facilitates the real "portability" of applications and languages for programming because since now, people can talk about distributed applications and cross-language applications.


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The platform also introduces a new technology of access to the database ADO.NET. The objects for the access to the database have been changed. ADO.NET gives up OLEDB and introduces a new technology of access to the database, passing to the pattern "disconnected" (no connexion). Instead of the old technology, ADO.NET uses the so called "drivers" (or "managed providers"), which are connected directly to the data basis. ADO.NET can also read and write XML. Web Services allows the integration and interoperability between sites, no matter what technology or operating system are used. XML is a central element of several mediums of development for the applications or administration systems of the database. It functions on any platform, it is well supported and it doesn't need a licence. It is modular, it allows defining a new document format combining and using other formats again. XML standard represents the ideal solution for archive and document management. It facilitates the use, exchange and efficient exploitation of the information (index, intelligent search), allows the term reduction and the publishing costs - a unique investment that does not require supplementary costs. The transaction solution supported by XML replaces successfully the expensive methods based on the proprietor code which assured the transaction connection between two or more companies. ASP.NET offers the implementation of the Web Services concept, through the inclusion of some technologies such as XML or SOAP. They facilitate the transfer of the data on any platform, operating system or language. The code will be written in the same way, but the compiled result is distributed through the Internet, no matter if it uses a home PC, a laptop, a cell phone or PDA.

References: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Developing Microsoft® ASP.NET Web Applications Using Visual Studio® .NET, Microsoft, U.S.A., 2002; Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoft® ASP.NET, Microsoft, U.S.A., 2002; Programming with Microsoft® ADO.NET, Microsoft, U.S.A., 2002;;;;;;

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Tools designed to ensure quality of educational programs at ODL Department of Bucharest University Michaela Logofătu1, Anişoara Dumitrache1, Mihaela Gheorghe1 (1) University of Bucharest, ODL Department Bvd. M. Kogălniceanu, no. 36-46, Building C, 1st Floor, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This paper wishes to be an analysis of distance learning post-graduates programs from the fundamental field of Computers and Information Technology. The analysis is made concerning generic norms, which have been grouped as it follows: programs’ justification, structure and content of study programs, teaching-learning environment, quality management, and assessment of instructors/teachers. The tools we have used are surveys made online or printed applied to learners during the entire period of study. The results we obtained have been used to improve quality and effectiveness of educational process.

Keywords: Education, Postgraduated Studies, Survey 1


To insure quality of training process is a complex problem. For us it may be easy to offer study support materials according to the requests of university education, access to all type of training of communication in order to get the best results. A definition of quality considers it as the degree in which a group of intrinsic features fulfill the requests. In order to support our students and to give them solution for their problems as well as to have a feedback from them, we’ve made a survey, which was given to postgraduates students (master, post-graduates specialty studies, professional conversion studies) from the first and second year of study. The questions are related to their usual activities, study process, quality of study materials, but also to the communication process with the course manager and professor. All answers were anonymous, by this we’ve assured the objectiveness of answers and a correct assessment. At the University of Bucharest ODL Department and Technologies Department carry on post graduates courses for 27 specialties, 7 of them in the field of Computers and Information Technology: master (Computer Networks, IMRI, SSI, Information and Communication Technology in Education) and post-graduate courses, Applied Informatics.



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Study programs’ justification

The programs have as objective the development of skilled personnel in the field of Computers and Information Technology and Computer Networks. The latest European study made by IDS and requested by CISCO Systems shows that by 2008 Europe will record a lack of almost 500.000 of technicians in the field of network advanced technologies. This study was conducted in 31 countries from Europe and the greatest shortage is recorded in Eastern countries, mainly non-EU members. These shortages will have a negative influence on the competition of EU countries on the world market. The target group consists mainly but not exclusively of graduates of sciencetechniques faculties. Compulsory requests refer to knowledge from information technology field and technique English. In order to fulfill requests of a large segment of adult learners who have an active professional life, distance education become the best answer for their training. By alternation between periods of individual study with face-to-face meetings with tutors/trainers for lab works, synthesis lessons or counseling, learners receive the possibility to learn in his/her rhythm in a personal environment, collaboration in his/her learning process as well as access to assisted study, where he/she gets counseling and guidance. Programs length is of 4 semesters (120 credits) and it ends with dissertation exam and graduates receive master or postgraduates diploma from the University of Bucharest. − The principles on which ground the courses are: − Coverage of a general area of problems − Assurance of specialty knowledge − Formation of practical skills and abilities to works with complex technological equipments (through lab works and specialty practice) − Flexibility because the contents can be modify accordingly to evolution and dynamics of products and IT Technologies − Personal development of the learner which refers to his/hers ability to learn, to continuous perfection and ability to study using e-learning technology materials. The study programs benefit by specials labs with modern equipment provided by CISCO Systems, a s well as e-learning format CISCO courses. Learners have access to the Department’s Virtual Campus, including all communication services of it (chat, forum, mail, study materials, calendar).


Tools designed to ensure quality

The “products” of university education are ability and knowledge, immaterial products which are given to society in different forms: − Training of specialists for certain fields, − Scientific research and applied, consultancy and expertise, − Involvement of scholars in society’s life. The final product can find its expression in the received abilities and knowledge, which allow to graduates successful access to professional life. The quality of the educational process requires defining a coherent profile of training for every faculty, to identify opportunities for study programs, to create

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appropriate study plans and analytical programs, identification and application of best practices, establishment of norms and procedures of assessment of quality, insert of feedback concerning the structure and quality of educational activity and its improvement as a result of these investigations. The client is defined as organization or person who receives a product. He can be buyer, user, beneficiary or consumer of this product. In the situation of high education financed by the state, the main partner of the university is the society. The university represents the interface of client-provider relation in which interfere central governmental institutions, companies, organizations etc. The clients of a higher education institution are: − Students, who have their own requests and expectations from the higher education institution, − The management and personnel − Pre-graduates institutions, which deliver candidates to university − Community and the international academic environment. The students are an element specific to the activity of the university. They have to receive inside an institutional framework the right to detailed counseling about the training process and the educational activity in general. Quality means among others training of students and their representative on the modalities of organization, the relation with the trainers and professors and the university, modality of expression of requests and expectations. Their real involvement in university’s life and development among young people of a new organizational culture are parts of the management of quality system. In order to assure quality in distance learning system of education we use surveys. These are applied periodically to students at the end of every semester/ year. Surveys can be online or printed and in both cases the answers are anonymous. Surveys are part of the internal evaluation process of our institution and they focus on the communication aspect, improvement of study materials, and activity of professors/trainers. The questions have been formulated by the commission of internal evaluation having the intention to reflect aspects related to distance education. To reckon results during the period of study ensure the quality of the educational process. The information received can lead to improvement of education in the next semester. The surveys include questions with different answers from which the students chose, estimation scales and free answers. Online surveys are posted after the students have been informed about them and they are active and can be accessed a specific period of time. Printed surveys are given at the end of the university year during an organizational meeting and the students have to fill them in that moment. This kind of survey is used to evaluate the professors/trainers.


The analysis of surveys

Communication is the key of success in the open distance learning system. So that all students don’t feel isolated by the learning community he is a part of, it is necessary that he be permanently implicated in learning and communicating activities In the following lines we’ll present the relevant questions for our subject.


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The question about communication with the specialty manager, regardless the modality in which this communication was done (mail, phone, Virtual Campus) has the following answers: 11% of the interviewed declare they were satisfied by their relation with the manager of specialty, 35% consider that the communication is well ensured, while 54% think it’s excellent. Like we’ve mentioned before, communication with the specialty manager is permanent during tutorial meetings and especially between them. In figure 1 we have the graphical representation of these answers. Appreciate the communication with manager 11%



Satisfied Good Excellent

Fig.1 Graphical representation of the communication with manager of specialty It’s known the fact that in distance learning it’s very important interpersonal contact. This is why tutorial meetings are important not only for practical activities, but also because they offer the possibility to have contact with the rest of the people (colleagues, professors). At the question about this aspect, 40% of students considered that during tutorial meetings the most important element is the contact with professors, 10% with colleagues, 30% appreciate the training aspect of tutorial meetings and 20% of them the motivational one. Face to face meetings are necessarily for: 20% 40%

30% 10%

need to interact with proffesors/tutors communication with colleagues training aspect motivational aspect

Fig, 2 Graphical representation of interpersonal contact Study materials. To make study material for distance learning is a laborious process. It can be used last hour technologies, but it’s very much needed to structure again the information. It’s necessary to include self evaluation themes, explanations and examples, because the student doesn’t have direct support from professor.

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The first question is general and it concerns students’ preferences about they way the courses are delivered. The answers are presented in the following graphic: Acces to courses 22% 35% On-line CD Printed


Fig. 3 Graphical representation of preferences in access to courses Subsequently, it is presented the results of a set of questions about the utility of the study program they’ve followed. At the question requiring a general appreciation of the master program considering information technologies, students were asked to give a mark from 1 to 4, where 1 stays for useless and 4 for necessary). Results are represented in the below figure.

Utility of the study program 1%

2% 22%

uselless Litlle Useful Essential


Fig. 3a General appreciation of the master program Another question is related to masters’ programs curricula which were created so that it allows students to accumulate knowledge to get except the master diploma, the internationally recognized certification from CISCO and Microsoft. This is why they were asked to give marks to the importance of study of international curricula (1- no importance, 4-very important), taking into consideration that study support materials for most of the subjects are official courses of CISCO and Microsoft.


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta Appreciate the importance of an international curriculum included in the study program 17%

3% Very important Important Little 80%

Fig. 4 Appreciation regarding the study program

The assessment of professors by students This subject has a major importance in the educational process being an effective tool for assurance of quality. Taking into consideration that in distance learning the main focus is on creation of study materials from the point of view of structure and modality of presentation, but the teaching process is different from the traditional system. The main difference between the two systems is given by the fact that in distance education the period of time in which direct contact student-professor is missing is quite long and the student has to learn by himself. Periodically, students receive from professor/tutor surveys of assessment, in which they judge professor’s activity, meaning: teaching methods which he/she uses, using of course time, style clearness, communication abilities, availability towards an open relation to students, organization of course etc. based on the received results by each professor, we can improve study materials, but also the methods professors use to approach students and courses. Professors’ feedback is very important for students’ activity and to make them keep the same rhythm of study. It’s well known the fact that distance learning focuses on students’ needs and on his/her own rhythm of study. In order to guide as good as possible the students in the periods of time between the tutorial meetings, at the beginning of each semester they receive the plan study, which conduct them in the learning process. Students benefit permanently by professors’ assistance through email and portal. The question about the quality of feedback received from professors, we got the subsequent answers: 27% declared they are discontented with the feedback, 62% are satisfied with it and only 11% said the feedback was good. (figure 5). Another question is linked with the importance of a personalized feedback from professors. 43% of interviewed think this would help them very much in the process of knowledge assimilation, 13% think that this would help much, 33% little, while only 11% think this would help them very little. (figure 5).

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 Ho w do yo u appreciatethe feedback fro m the tuto r/pro fesso r



Do you consider personalized feedback as being supportive to your learning effort and activities?




33% 62%


Very much M uch Litlle Unimportant

Unsatisfying Satisfying Good

Fig.5 Importance of a personalized feedback from professors At the question connected to the reasons which might determine students to abandon classes, most of them said that disagreement between courses’ program and their expectations is a good reason (56%), for 40% financial problems are the most important reason and 4% evoked personal reasons for such a decision. Graphical representation for this question can be seen in figure 4. Drop out reason 4% Financial problems 40% Differences between demands and study program Other


Fig. 6 Answers regarding drop out reasons



Educational programs allow graduates to get the abilities which the labor market seeks. Through implementation of university and post-graduates programs, graduates are absorbed rapidly by the labor market, in private or public institutions. Nevertheless, through implementation of CISCO Networking Academy (by partnership with CISCO Systems) and Microsoft IT Academy, we offer to our students the possibility to study and perfect themselves in the field of information technologies respecting international standards. The courses within international educational programs help to create abilities requested by a job in IT field, where, at the moment, is identified the need for more employees. All these programs have been adopted after a keen analysis of labor market and by taking into consideration its needs.



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Books: [1] Hurton W. (2000): Designing Web-based training, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [2] Logofătu B. and collab. (2003) Virtual University, CREDIS Printing house, Bucharest [3] Popescu S., Brătianu C. (coord.), Atanasiu G., Rusu C., Oprean C., Curaj A., Buzărnescu Şt. (2004): Quality’s Guide in Higher Education, Ghidul calităŃii în învăŃământul superior, CALISRO Project, Director Ioan Pânzaru, University of Bucharest Publishing House, Bucharest [4] Roland A. (1991): L’évaluation formative. Une analyse critique, De Boeck, Bruxelles Conference Proceedings: [5] Burdescu D. D., Mihăescu M. C. (2003), Internet applications for online testing and examination students, eLearning National Conference “Internet and Education”, ODL Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest [6] Dumitrache A., Mateiaş A., Gheorghe M. (2005), Virtual campus in continuous student’s evaluation, In Proceedings of E-learning and educational Software Conference, National Defence University, Bucharest [7] Ileana A. E., (2003) Some pedagogically aspects about using Internet into didactically process, eLearning National Conference “Internet and Education”, ODL Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest [8] Munteanu M., Munteanu A. M. (2003) User interface impact within Learning system students performance, eLearning National Conference “Internet and Education”, ODL Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest [2]

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


E-manager – A New Professional Profile in Tourism Landscape Andrei Dumitrescu1, Tom Savu1 (1) POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Department of Production Engineering, 313 Splaiul Independentei, RO-060042, Bucharest, Romania E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This paper presents the work performed up to this date by an European partnership in order to develop a new professional profile in the tourism sector and to design the associated curriculum. The new professional profile is the emanager - the professional who uses and manages ICT tools in order to monitor and control activities in a tourism organisation in a more effective way. It was decided from the very beginning that the method of learning will be online learning and it will be done using a new specialised portal. The work started with the establishment of the methodology for defining the profile and for designing the curriculum. Afterwards, an initial study was carried-out in each partner country. The study was focused on the state of the art of tourism and tourism learning (especially the online learning in tourism). The profile was finally defined. There were established national networks with stakeholders in tourism and learning in order to ensure that their interests are best served. The subsequent work was done involving the stakeholders. Finally, the curriculum for e-manager was designed.

Keywords: online learning, professional profile, tourism learning 1


Professionals from tourism and education discovered that ICT has a great impact on the tourism business. Electronic commerce and revenue management are heavily influenced by ICT. In this new environment, tourism professionals need skills to identify opportunities in the new tourism market. ICT enables direct communication with clients and improves efficiency and effectiveness of customer service, trading and product design related processes. At the same time, ICT makes competition harder and demands continuous investments. ICT provides new tools and enables new distribution channels. It supports tourism innovations and vice versa. ICT development has created a new business environment, e-tourism. These continuous developments require new skills. Tourism professionals need skills for successful navigation in tourism value net. Many of these skills develop with work experience, but tourism educational institutions should provide sufficient knowledge and practice to meet emerging skill requirements in the tourism labour market. ICT should be studied in the context of its application.


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In this context, professionals from different countries decided to join their forces and competencies in order to develop innovative digital contents for ICT skills in the tourism firms, especially SMEs, as a result of the common work of a multi-stakeholder network. The framework is the Leonardo da Vinci programme and the project received the name e-Talents. The European partnership includes: • BDF - Balear Development and Training (Spain); • RKW - Rationalization & Innovation Centres (Germany); • UETP Action Link/Action Synergy (Greece); • FETE-UGT - Federation Teaching Workers – General Trade Union (Spain); • Ármuli Comprehensive Secondary School (Iceland); • ISQ - Institute of Welding and Quality (Portugal); • POLITEHNCA University of Bucharest (Romania). The objectives of the project were decided to be: • Ensure that the tourism sector workforce acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for their job and personal development, which has a direct influence on European competitiveness and economic growth, and thus helps to create more and better jobs. • Contribute to the development of digital contents which is a fundamental element of the knowledge society. • Offer an integral virtual platform for learning, evaluation and accreditation of professional competencies in the tourism sector. • Involve the final users and other stakeholders into the process of e-learning contents development and delivery in order to reach transparent and portable ICT skills certification and employment. The partnership aimed to address the following target groups: • Employees and managers in SMEs in the tourism sector; • The unemployed with experience in the tourism sector; • Tourism companies and SMEs; • Tourism associations.

2 Establishment of methodology for definition of the new professional profile and for design of the associated curriculum The partnership analysed carefully the context of tourism in Europe and also the trends in online learning. It was decided that it will be used the following methodology for definition of the new professional profile and for design of associated curriculum: 1. Initial study; 2. Definition of professional profile; 3. Establishment of a network of stakeholders; 4. Establishment of the associated curriculum; 5. Development of online learning tools; 6. Piloting; 7. Evaluation and Quality Control (as a continuous activity).

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Initial Study

The initial study was carried-out mainly by three methods: • Desk research; • Focus groups; • Questionnaires. All the partners applied the above methods for the tourism field in their country. The Romanian partner (POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest) was responsible with the synthesis of all information gathered using the three methods. The report made by the Romanian partner was rather extensive. In this paper, only the tourism learning and especially the tourism online learning will be presented. 3.1 Desk Research The desk research revealed that in all partner countries, the tourism knowledge and skills can be acquired in high schools, vocational training institutions and universities. The most common tourism courses taught in high schools and similar vocational institutions are: tourism worker; tourist agency specialist; tourism and restaurants; culinary art; hotel/restaurant techniques; hotel technician; hotel maid; tourist guide; mountain guide. The most common tourism courses taught in universities are: tourism studies (diploma in tourism); tourism and services; geography of tourism; management of tourism companies; planning, management and policies in tourism; business administration - tourism management; business administration - travel and tourism; rural tourism. There are some differences in education and training systems between the countries of the e-Talents partnership. Differences regard types of education and training institutions, affiliation to different ministries and certification. Usually, the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour are in charge with tourism learning. Distance learning courses in tourism exists, but few of them are genuine e-learning courses. In all partner countries, tourism e-learning is in an embryonary stage. Often, e-learning courses are just an adaptation of face-to-face courses for online use. The e-books are the same with textbooks, curriculum is the same and examination methods are the same. Some elements of e-learning exist in the following types of education and training: distance learning with downloads and blended learning. These elements are: • E-mail communication between learner and tutor; • Virtual libraries with e-books; • Virtual classrooms. A common problem in e-learning nowadays is that learners have more and more knowledge and skills in ICT. The result is that the courses should be updated more often than before. Other problems detected regarding e-learning are: • Some courses are in foreign languages (English, Spanish). • There are courses with no proper accreditation. • The content of some courses is obsolete. In some countries, there are specific barriers to e-learning: • Computer illiteracy; • Low usage of Internet at home.


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3.2 Focus groups All the partners organised one or more focus groups in order to determine the need for ICT knowledge and skills in the tourism sector. The participants at focus groups were stakeholders in the e-Talents project. The type of organisations that were represented at workshops is displayed in Table 1. Table 1. Distribution of participants’ organisation (across partnership) Type of organisation Hotel School / University Travel Agency Training Centre/Agency Enterprises Associations Tourism Related Services Tourism Information Organisation VET Organisation Tourism Marketing Organisation Research Institute

No. participants 11 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1

The participants at workshops discussed about the introduction of ICT in the tourism sector and about professional knowledge and skills required by this new mean of work. ICT was introduced in tourism rather late, because ICT specialists adapted with difficulty to the needs of tourism industry. The application of ICT in the hotel industry has been fairly recent. Smaller hotels tend to be further behind, especially those that neither plan nor have a clear vision of future needs. ICT was considered not just a new tool, but another technique. There is a considerable difference between large and small hotels regarding the introduction of ICT: • Large hotels implemented ICT quick and in all departments. • Small hotels were reluctant to introduce ICT and when they did it, they used it only for reception and bookings. Owners of small hotels were reluctant to introduce ICT because they were not convinced of its benefits. Also, they were afraid of high costs for investment and maintenance. ICT was introduced in tourism agencies on a larger scale than in hotels. Personnel with high qualification (not particularly in ICT) and young personnel welcome the introduction of ICT. Older personnel and personnel with low qualification opposed training in ICT, even when they faced unemployment. 3.3 Questionnaires The Romanian partner designed a questionnaire aimed to identify and rank the organisations’ need for skills in ICT. The questionnaire was conceived following the general rules from the specialised literature (Aaker et. al., 1995; Dillon et. al., 1987). Later, the questionnaire was analysed by the partnership and some improvements were made.

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The questionnaire was composed by the following sections: • General information about the respondent’s organisation; • Personal data of the respondent; • General ICT competencies needed in a tourism company; • Department comparison from the point of view of ICT skills; • Specific ICT skills needed in specific departments. The “general ICT competencies” section consisted from a list of competencies (ability to use computer, ability to process elementary text and graphics etc.). Each competence from the list was evaluated by the respondent in terms of importance and availability on the labour market. Actually, the respondent had to assess the importance of competence by assigning a mark from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important). Also, the respondent was asked if he/she is able to find a person with the considered competence in the labour market (option A) or prefers to train the employee within the company (option B). There were evaluated using the questionnaire no less than 34 ICT competencies. The respondents were actually the participants at focus groups. The questionnaires from all partner countries were processed. Because of space constraint, the results are presented in a synthesised manner in Table 2. Table 2. Questionnaire results Competence Using a computerised system Using computer files Processing text and graphics Using a spreadsheet editor Using databases Communicating through internal networks Using Internet Designing web pages Using software tools for project management Presenting the information


Importance [1 - 5] 3.66 3.91 3.94 4.14 3.66

Option A [%] 79.52 74.07 80.39 83.33 53.42

Option B [%] 20.48 25.93 19.61 16.67 46.58




3.89 3.71

90 60

10 40







Definition of e-manager

From the results of the initial study emerged the need for a new professional profile. The new professional profile should have management and ICT competences. This new professional profile was foreseen in a certain degree from the start of the project. At that stage, it had received its name – e-manager. In a transnational meeting of project’s partnership held in Bucharest, the results of the initial study were analysed in-depth. After several discussions, the partnership agreed on the following definition of e-manager.


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The e-manager is the professional who uses and manages ICT tools in order to monitor and control activities in a tourism organisation in a more effective way. The competences of the e-manager are strongly related to the knowledge and skills associated to computer programmes used in different departments of the tourism company. Afterwards, national stakeholder networks were established and continuously consultated in order to ensure that the stakeholders interests are taken into consideration when the online course is designed.


Establishment of curriculum for e-manager

From the very beginning, it was decided that the modules for e-manager will be delivered only online and they will available on a learning portal. The e-learning contents will be uploaded at The e-learning contents will have 3 modules: Module 1. E-Administration • Customer Relationship Management • Booking • Customer movement • Human Resource Management • e-marketing • e-business Module 2. E-Quality • ISO 9001 • Environmental ISO 14001 • Stock control • Maintenance • Food and Beverage • House Keeping Module 3. E-Accounting • e-Finance • e-Banking



The partnership of an European project is in the process of designing an online course for a new professional profile in the tourism sector: the e-manager. The process followed the recommended path: identification of need on the market; study of market, definition of profile, design of curriculum and design of contents.

7 [1] [2] [3]

References Aaker, D.A. et. al. (1995), Marketing Research, John Wiley & Sons, New York; Dillon, W. et. al. (1987), Marketing Research in a Marketing Environment, St. Louis; D’Angelo, G. et. al. (2007), Dalla Didattica alla e-Didactics - Paradigmi, Modelli e Tecniche per l'"e-Learning", Liguori Editore, Napoli.

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Exploring the concept of identity and meaning-making in the space between virtual and real worlds Simon Paul Atkinson Director - Learning & Teaching Support Unit, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom [email protected]

Abstract With the emergence and popularity of online social networking technologies (Web 2.0) students are exploring new concepts of self, identity and community both in real and virtual spaces. New theories are necessary to develop social policy responses, including those of educational systems and institutions, to the consequences of these new conceptualisations. We present an original theoretical model, the 3V model, to assist in the interpretation of existing theory, illustrated through an exploration of higher education students’ concept of identity in the interface between the ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ worlds. We wish to explore whether the theoretical and methodological instruments available within the broader Social Sciences are adequate to examine emerging notions of identity. We adopt one well established anthropological instrument for identifying generalised value differences within contemporary cultural settings, the Kluckhohn - Strodbeck Value Orientation Preference Model, and apply it to both real-world and virtualworld personas within a single sample. Our emergent theoretical model outlines a set of complex assumptions concerning the concept of the "real-virtual" interface; it presents an internal structure to this realm and provides a framework for further empirical study.

Keywords: Social Networking, Web 2.0, Value Orientation, Culture Introduction We began our enquiry by exploring the apparently simple question as to whether internet use, specifically Online Social Networking Tools (OSNT), currently popularly termed Web 2.0, such as MySpace, BeBo, FaceBook or Flickr, changes the social practices, behaviours and socio-cultural expectations of their users. We ask this question as educators in an institution that embraces the concept of lifelong learning and provides tertiary level programmes for Early Years (Kindergarten) practitioners through to professional development programmes for mature practitioners in Higher Education. The concept of ‘digital literacy’ has become a frequent point of professional debate. We believe the lack of awareness across the educational sectors within a single national state’s education system of the impact on learners of varying levels of eliteracy suggests that the real impact of technology adoption on learner performance, expectations and behaviour is poorly understood. Universities seeking to provide


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flexible and effective access to digital support for learning must understand how patterns of user engagement are changing and what the consequences of this change might be. However, we have a wider philosophical concern which is that the internet, as a phenomenon, is not yet being regarded in a suitably holistic way, that it is as yet rare to see genuinely interdisciplinary teams undertaking a critical analysis of the phenomena of the internet. This is understandable, since the task would appear truly gargantuan. None the less there is, we believe, a need to reassess our approach and to provide colleagues from all social science disciplines with a conceptual framework that allows them to invest their specialist traditions, investigative models and theoretical approaches. We aim to present a model, the 3V model, to support this emerging conceptual framework. Our empirical study, throughout the Autumn of 2007, is situated in the context of extensive hands-on engagement with learners in digital media production and the background of theoretical constructs from a broad range of social sciences. The theoretical constructs that underlie our work are extremely diverse, from Political Science’s interest in power and representation, Elitism and Pluralism, through to Computer Science.s interest in Actor-Network Theory. We have considered and explored Georg Simmel’s notion of ‘stranger’ (Simmel 1949), and of Alfred Schütz’s exposition of ‘intersubjectivity’ in the field of phenomenology, the notion that shared cognition is essential in the formulation of ideas, notably in the process of meaningmaking (Schütz 1967). We have been particularly influenced by the tradition of Cultural Historical Activity Theory and more latterly the concept of "knotworking" developed in the work of the Scandanavian Activity Theory movement, specifically development of a hypothesis on co-configuration expansive learning (Engestrom, Engestrom et al. 1999). We have also drawn on the work of Communications and Media Studies from Innis’ space-time considerations (Innis 1951) to Michael Cole and Jan Derry’s assertion that we are the technology we apply (Cole and Derry 2005). In this short paper we lack the scope to review much of this theoretical context adequately however, we will identify current work with respect to ‘loose web’ theory which identifies the inter-related technologies that make up the internet and, whilst acknowledging the difficulties of conceptualising the web as a whole, suggests that the sum total of communication produced through these associated means can be identified and its internal and external impacts studied. Cultural Production Thesis seeks to explore the difference in scale of individual engagement with the means of cultural production between the twentieth century’s television and radio mass media participation, essentially a passive activity, and the mass cultural participation of the internet (Burnett and Marshall 2003). Early forms of the Cultural Production Thesis, which predate the onset of mass blogging and the majority of OSNT, still fail however to recognise the quantum leap from participation in mass internet communications to the mass cultural production of content. The expectation that the web can, and will, impact on society is part of the technological determinist approach. This approach has developed into the disciplines of computer science in both cybernetics and artificial intelligence and helps to define the internet as a living organism or an evolutionary system. Equally there is valuable insight in the fields of linguistics and discourse theory as well as an already significant

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body of research relating to the macro and micro-economics of the internet and to its associated politics, issues of copyright and censorship.

From Activity to e-Tivity There is undoubtedly a shift in the conceptualisation of space and time in communications, and in the individual as producer of communication, with the rise of social networking technology. Given the extremely diverse discipline framework in which we seek to place our enquiries we are extremely conscious of the need to acknowledge the degree to which terminology varies markedly between disciplines and languages. Both technology and intelligence are contested and divergently applied terms across the social sciences. Technology conjures up images of the range of C&IT technology, electronic and digital computers, ITC, communications, as well as cars, planes and physical constructions of all kinds. This view of technology is also that described by Neisser (Neisser 1976) and others as ‘academic intelligence’. Michael Cole argues this is an inadequate conceptualisation of technology and intelligence, arguing that not only are the two indivisible but that technology needs to be broadened to not only include the tools commonly defined as technology, but also the context of deployment in their social context (Cole and Derry 2005). This rich vein of research theory in the tradition of the Cultural-Historical Activity Theorists suggests that technology is then social milieu as well as ‘tools’. This is a step beyond the territory of the ‘Social construction of technology’ with its roots in the work of Bruno Latour, which posits that technology is not so much a determinate of human action, but that rather, human actions serve to shape technology. Cole suggests that technologies should therefore be envisaged as forms of ‘tool-mediated social practice’. This develops Piaget’s notion that intelligence is the process of adaptation to the conditions of life.

Concepts of Identity and Meaning Making We wish to explore whether existing theoretical and methodological instruments available within the broader Social Sciences are adequate to examine emerging notions of identity in the context of OSNT. The internet offers something potentially new for the study of cultural values, a space which is in one respect truly universal, not bound by time or geographic location. Whilst still dominated by the medium of English language (an opportunity for future research), this globally accessible space offers an exciting context in which to explore value change. We posit that actors in the virtual space of FaceBook or Second Life, adopt different cultural values from those they would assume in the real world, that the technology through which new generations (irrespective of age) are learning to mediate social practices is changing the underlying value constructs of their users. The proposed ‘3V’ model seeks to describe the set of complex assumptions concerning the concept of the ‘real-virtual’ interface; it presents an internal structure to this realm and provides a framework for further empirical study. The 3V model aims to identify the nature, position and impact trajectory of technology on social relations on three axis, the first V is Virtuality, the second V is Veracity and the third V is Values.


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Virtuality Georg Simmel (1858 – 1918) a pioneer of the ‘social structure’ suggested that there were significant differences between life patterns of urban and rural people, that the pedestrian pace and long-term physical association with place in rural contexts allowed the development of deeper connections than was possible in urban settings, but encouraged a narrow and conformist tendency in social thought which stifled originality and personal expression. Urban life, in contrast, was one of the indifferent stranger, oblivious to each other’s patterns of behaviour, allowing individual expression but encouraging a dispassionate attitude to the overwhelming amount of activity that surrounds one, sometimes leading to isolation. Whilst Simmel idealises the nature of Man’s sociability as the "the free-playing, interacting interdependence of individuals", his assertion that "all the forms of association by which a mere sum of separate individuals are made into a 'society,'" has particular relevance to our understanding of OSNT ability to create networks of peers (Simmel 1949). This has interesting relationships with the work of the political economist H.A. Innes on the Centre and Periphery in communications theory and the idea that space and time are directly related to the patterns of communications within specific traditions. Innes sought to develop a grand theory of history that sought to explore culture’s relationships to space and time. His thesis was that less technological, non broadcast means of communication, typified by oral cultures, placed their emphasis on the relationship with time, the preservation of knowledge and the perpetuation of close traditional relationships. More technologically sophisticated broadcast based forms encouraged an emphasis on spatial reach, and considerably less on time related concepts (Innis 1951). Taken together, Simmel and Innes, in different fields, languages and contexts, describe a pattern of cultural development in which stable physical, peripheral and ‘narrowband’ communication amongst the familiar, contrasts with the urbanised, technologically sophisticated ‘broader-casting’ to ‘strangers’. However, within the environment of social networking tools such as MySpace or Facebook, there is precisely a blend of these two domains. Innes’s question that the relative stability of a culture is dependent upon the balance and proportion of their media is one with obvious implications for the study of the Internet. The concept of space is one crucial element in our model which we describe in terms of Virtuality. Veracity Semiotic analysis drawing on textual and historical analysis has explored the formations of meaning from the web diverse sources. Whilst the printed text has established conventions, of peer-review, and authoritative publishing houses, the value of the world-wide web as a source of information remains highly contested, not least amongst academics. We are not directly concerned with the factual accuracy of individual elements of information placed on websites. Rather we are interested in the ability of the individual to suspend their externally imposed boundaries of space, time, gender, ethnicity, age and social status and to express themselves independently of the real-world. This area of our research model will build on the work of cyberculture theorists such as Nakamura in exploring individual’s sense of personal identity

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development (Nakamura 2002). The concept of identity is the second element in our model which we describe in terms of Veracity. Values There has been considerable interest in the development of instruments to measure cultural values, notably with a view to establishing commonalities across geographically dispersed peoples as well as sub-groups within single political states such as the Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck model described below. Most of these have been focussed on apriori cases of defined cultures, whereas we are interested in newly emerging cultures and are seeking to measure cultural value shift. The concept of Values, perhaps the most contested, is the third element in our model.

The 3V Model Models applied to the learning context directly, such as the 4-E model cited by Collins (Collins and Moonen 2001), provide an insight into how one may measure the effectiveness and likelihood of adoption of a technology. It does not however assist in the understanding of what impact the adoption of such technology might have on users in the immediate and longer term. Existing models acknowledge the importance of the broad range of environmental factors, but do not illustrate how the environment might be most directly affected. In the model illustrated below we have created a three dimensional space for theorising the impact of existing and emerging social networking tools. We propose that tools can usefully be evaluated in terms of these three dimensions, Virtuality, Veracity and Values along a continuum of ‘virtual-real’, ‘trustworthy-uncertain’, ‘stable-unformed’ respectively. We suggest that, like the Activity Theorists, the emergence of new forms of social mediation is the result of ‘rupture’ and we should therefore look to assess the degree to which a social networking tool defies, contradicts or alters existing patterns of interaction.

Figure 1 - 3V model


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In the model above we might suggest that the OSNT, represented by ‘A’, is an avatar engagement in Second Life, where the degree of Virtuality is nearly total, although less so arguably than text based fantasy, where the Veracity of representations cannot be guaranteed as there is little or no opportunity to verify the truthfulness of representations made, and where the Value systems are too new, given the recency of the technology, to be known. By contrast ‘B’ might be used to suggest the position of a face-to-face encounter in the classroom.

Exploring the Values dimension of the VOM-3V model We are adopting, and adapting, one well established anthropological instrument for identifying generalised value differences within contemporary cultural settings, the Kluckhohn - Strodtbeck Value Orientation Preference Model (Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck 1961), and are applying it to both real-world and virtual-world personas within a single sample. The origins of the Value Orientation Preference Model (VOM) are in the work of the Harvard Values Project in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s in which a team of anthropologists believed there was predictive potential in an instrument which could distinguish cultures based on their responses to five common human concerns. The five elements have been challenged and refined, however, the original model still has merit. The VOM suggested there were three possible responses to each of the five contexts presented and that the ranking of these fifteen elements could define the ‘character’ of a given culture. These responses were described as ‘value orientations’. A brief summary of these dimensions is detailed in the table below. For a clear exposition of the original VOM see Kohl (Kohls 1981) and Russo (Russo 2000). Table 1 - Five Common Human Concerns and Three Possible Responses Concerns/ orientations

Possible Responses

Human Nature




Man-Nature Relationship

Subordinate to Nature

Harmony with Nature

Dominant over Nature

Time Sense

Past Orientation

Present Focussed

Future Focussed




Achievement (“Doing”)

Social Relations




Whilst there is recognition that each culture will express all three possible responses at some time, a pattern of intra-cultural stability is theorised. Diversity within any given culture is acknowledged and acculturation is also anticipated. The VOM has been applied, and found to be useful in a wide range of disciplines where an interest in ‘value orientation’ persists, including in higher education with language students (Ortuno 1991) and those in dentistry (Marino and Stuart 2005).

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Kluckhohn - Strodtbeck themselves were clear that they did not see the model as complete and that further requirements were encouraged. We have sought to review the VOM in the light of the 3V model and intend applying the spatial dimension as suggested by Michael Hills (Hills 2002) and others. The concept of spatial responsibility as being an individual or collective endeavour has obvious application in considering values in OSNT. Table 2 - Space as an additional dimension Concerns/ orientations To whom does ‘space’ belong?

Possible Responses Individuals

Families or Groups


Hills suggests dimensions relating to work, gender and state-individual relationships and in subsequent iterations we will seek to clarify dimensions to explore value responses to Veracity and Virtuality. The essential methodological instrument of the VOM is a survey, consisting of approximately 16 situations based around the basic five dimensions, sometimes more, with associated questions. Originally designed in a story/response format to aid those with differing levels of written comprehension, the instrument can be read, or listened to, and has therefore proved effective with both non-literate and literate respondents. The tool can be applied to provide a research-focussed analysis of cultural differences, or as a developmental awareness-building tool to formulate social policy.

Conclusions In our current research we will apply a modified VOM to online groups and ask them to complete the survey instrument ‘within’ their virtual space. We will then develop real world control groups to explore whether individuals carry their value orientations with them from their immersive virtual world experiences into their real world experience, or whether they undertake a personal acculturation of the virtual world based on their real world core values. We expect the results of these enquiries to illustrate the complexities of examining the inter-section between the ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ experiences of today’s Higher Education students. We are anxious to see the results of these pilot studies in the Autumn of 2007 and recognise that their statistical value will be limited. It is our hope that other researchers will see value in applying their research models, and the VOM-3V model, to cohorts and assumed communities in a similar fashion. A significant number of parallel studies will reveal whether there are distinct cultural value traits, shifting patterns of behaviour and attitude, within the OSNT worlds.

References [1] [2]

Burnett, R. and P. D. Marshall (2003). Web Theory: an introduction. London, Routledge. Cole, M. and J. Derry (2005). We Have Met Technology and it is Us. Intelligence and technology: the impact of tools on the nature and development


[3] [4]


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University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta of human abilities. R. J. Sternberg and D. D. Preiss. Mahwah, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: xxiv+248. Collins, B. and J. Moonen (2001). Flexible Learning in a digital world. London, Kogan Page. Engestrom, Y. E., R. Engestrom, et al. (1999). When the Centre Does Not Hold: The Importance of Knotworking. Activity Theory and Social Practice. S. Chaiklin, M. Hedegaard and U. J. Jensen. Aarhus, Aarhus University Press. Hills, M. (2002). "Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's values orientation theory." Online Readings in Psychology and Culture Unit 6, Chapter 3. Retrieved 10 July, 2007, from Innis, H. A. (1951). The Bias of Communications. Toronto, University of Toronto Press. Kluckhohn, F. R. and F. L. Strodtbeck (1961). Variations in value orientations. Evanston, IL, Row, Peterson and Company. Kohls, L. R. (1981). Developing Intercultural Awareness. Washington, D.C, Sietar Press. Marino, R. and G. W. Stuart (2005). "The validity and reliability of the Tertiary Student Values Scale (TSVS)." Medical Education 39: 895-903. Nakamura, L. (2002). Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet. London, Routledge. Neisser, U. (1976). Cognition and Reality: Principles and Implications of Cognitive Psychology. San Francisco, W H Freeman & Co. Ortuno, M. M. (1991). "Cross-cultural awareness in the foreign language class: The Kluckhohn Model." The Modern Language Journal 75: 449-459. Russo, K. W., Ed. (2000). Finding the middle ground: Insights and applications of the Value Orientations method. Yarmouth, ME, Intercultural Press. Schütz, A. (1967). The Phenomenology of the Social World. Evanston, IL, Northwestern University Press. Simmel, G. (1949). "The Sociology of Sociability." American Journal of Sociology 55(3): 254-261.

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Attitude of VET Trainers towards Virtual Training in Turkey and Romania SAHĐN Mehmet Technical Science College, Selcuk University, Konya, TURKEY E-Mail: [email protected] MIHAI Aura Gh Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Leather and Textile Engineering, Romania Abstract Virtual learning and teaching has been a scope of trainers as well as trainees in vocational education and training field. Traditional ways are being replaced by computer-assisted approaches, the main tools of which are web-based virtual training environments, interactive CD-ROMs, etc. However, the use of these training tools is not so common as in other fields of teaching and learning. This paper aims to present the attitudes of trainers towards virtual training tools employed in VET organisations at university level in Turkey and Romania. The present status of virtual training from trainers’ perspective is determined based on focus group interview technique. The data is evaluated using qualitative research approach. The findings indicate that most of the trainers employed in VET organisations in both countries need more knowledge about virtual training environment itself and how to use it.

Key words: Virtual Training, VET Trainers, Attitude of Trainers Introduction There are numerous virtual learning environments and, in parallel with this, there are various approaches and tools for creating a virtual learning environment. When we talk about “virtual learning”, in fact, our stress is on two things: computer technology and education. Computer technology is made up of many sub-categories while education is made up of many sub-categories derived from educational models. The use of computer technology enables us to make up learning tools, online learning facilities, cooperative learning aids, web-based learning, etc. In general use, the tool created for this purpose is based on a server to provide learning. In this virtual environment, we can see many aspects of learning, such as material sharing, student assessment procedures, question and answer platforms, etc. (Milligan, 1999). However, this does not mean that virtual learning is limited to such an environment on a server. Computer technologies, like CD-ROMs and DVD-ROM are also considered in this category. Nevertheless, it is to be accepted that the virtual environment presented online is dynamic while the CD-ROMs and


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DVD-ROMs seem to be static, that is, they are fixed and cannot be changed in terms of new changes or conditions in the field that is to be learned through this virtual environment. However, nowadays, since computer technology has advanced, the facilities to provide both CD-ROMs and on-line environments (WebCTs) have come to be more sophisticated and dynamic. During the 60's and 70's, teaching and learning tools were nothing but a piece of chalk and a blackboard eraser, teachers and students who met each other face to face inside the classroom during class. In the 80's, videotape programs were used as teaching aids. In the 90's, one-way teaching by computer arrived. And finally today's advanced computer and information network technology has revolutionized our teaching and learning methods. In accord with the development, learning environment has also changed. Students can listen to their teacher or trainers in distant classrooms through PC's and get a simultaneous view of their teachers and texts as well. They can ask questions and record the "class" for repeated viewing. Training organizations can conduct professional training directly via the computer network. These learning environments are not so different from a teacher-guided class with discussions and tests as well. In the report “Studies in the context of the E-learning Initiative: Virtual Models of European Universities” (PLS Ramboll: 2004), a key concern was how virtual mobility is being supported in European universities through ICT integration and e-learning. The report found that the majority of universities face major challenges in promoting ICT integration. ICT strategy is very important and those universities that have an ICT strategy are significantly ahead in integration of ICT in administration and organisation and networking. Integration of ICT and e-learning is politically important in the EU in terms of internationalisation and globalisation of education, student demand and interest in increasing the quality of education through ICT. At the national level, integration of ICT should become a key priority with national and regional institutions making a commitment to ITC and the development of networks. There must be increased national flexibility with a commitment to support common standards of quality and assessment and to develop national and international metadata standards. Virtual learning can be defined as any kind of ICT-based learning arrangement where we can find any combination of distance and face-to-face interaction, and where some kind of virtual time and space is present. However, virtual learning, like learning in general, is to achieve certain pre-defined objectives. These educational objectives form a hierarchy as described in the 50s and 60s (Bloom, B. S., 1956) and his colleagues (Dave, R. H., 1969) in the three fields of personality development: cognitive, affective and psychomotory (taxonomy investigations). Considering this, we can say in order to obtain competent knowledge, virtual learning should be based on four levels of environment: (a) through the acquisition of knowledge (facts, concepts, relations, regularities, procedures, etc.) that is dynamic and integrated into a system - type; (b) the application and practice of knowledge (acquisition of expertise and abilities) through students' interaction - type 2; (c) processing the syllabus requires the cooperation of students (student-teacher communication system - virtual classroom) -

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type 3; and (d) processing the syllabus through group work, the combination of traditional classroom and electronic education - type 4. An extensive research (Waldheim: 1987) proved that most people learn most efficiently with one of the three perceptive modalities (visual, auditive, kinaesthetic) and tend to miss or ignore information presented in either of the other two. Accordingly, there are visual, auditive, and kinaesthetic learners. Visual learners remember best what they see: pictures, images, diagrams, flow charts, animations, and videos. If something is simply said to them, they will probably forget it. Auditory learners remember much of what they hear and more of what they hear and then say. They get a lot out of discussion, prefer verbal explanation to visual demonstration, and learn effectively by explaining things to others. Most learners are visual while most teaching is verbal, namely the information presented is predominantly auditory (lecturing) or a visual presentation of auditory information (words, symbols written in texts and handouts, on transparencies, on a chalkboard, or on a screen). In an electronic teaching-learning environment it would be very important that a learner could select the appropriate modality forms for him. Therefore the electronic teaching materials could content encoded information in different forms by which the learner can choose the adequate modality forms. The developer can attach any verbal and/or written interpretations to animation and can place any interactive elements in this media type by which the students can guide their own learning. Virtual Learning Environments are inevitably designed with a pedagogical model in mind, that is, not made explicit (Britain and Liber, 1999). It should be kept in mind that a virtual learning environment has pedagogical significance as well as encourages community and collaboration. Modern information technology provides new paradigms to explore and present information. Multimedia technology entails voice, audio, video and computer visualization in an integrated way. The combination of these technologies in a new type of multimedia environment provides for a new generation of computer-assisted learning. In this context, virtual environments allow to learn assembly tasks and repair routines without the presence of a physical model. However, SME-sized industrial companies and institutes of vocational education do not have the technology and pedagogical skills to develop such a new generation of multimedia learning systems for their needs. Changes in the educational paradigm will have to lead to essential changes in teachers’ training and train the trainer programs. These changes in the educational paradigm are: a) the use of new technologies to enhance learning and to implement new learning technologies; b) the major change of the role of teachers and trainers from disseminators of knowledge to managers of learning. Technical teacher training institutions may have a driving role in the expansion of these changes in higher education. In technical vocational training, the emphasis has always been on technical knowledge. The knowledge and skills for integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) adequately into the learning process is an aspect of the future professional practice of teachers and trainers. The importance of this aspect makes it necessary to anticipate on this development by including core specifications for the use of ICT in


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the formal job qualifications for teachers and trainers and thus in their education. At the same time, the development of future teacher training should be based upon the same principles as are foreseen for the future educational and training practices in general: monitoring, reflection and research of emergent practices of successfully incorporating technology, individual and flexible delivery of courses and other services. Furthermore, industry throughout Europe emphasizes the need of having a highly professional and well-trained workforce. Obtaining new knowledge and new skills in an attractive and modern way are of equal importance to vocational training.

The aim of this study This paper aims to present the attitudes of trainers towards virtual training tools employed in VET organisations at university level in Turkey and Romania. The present status of virtual training from trainers’ perspective is determined based on focus group interview technique to evaluate using qualitative research approach.

The limitations of this study The universe of this study consists of the trainers involved in technical and vocational training organizations at university level in Turkey and Romania. However, the samples are chosen from two technical and vocational faculties and on technical science college in Turkey and one technical faculty in Romania. In a complete study regarding the use of virtual training tools, both the trainers/teachers and the trainees/learners, as the final target group, should be involved. Yet, this study is only based on the interview done with the trainers. This again can be seen anther limitation.

Material and method The Focus Group Interview This study is based on a qualitative research technique: focus group interview. The meeting room was quiet, comfortable, and free from outside distractions. Participants all sat around a table so they could see each other. The chairs were comfortable. Light refreshments were served in such a way as not to distract from the discussion. The authors were the facilitators to the focus group discussion done in Turkey and Romania. The facilitators directed the discussion without being a part of it. The facilitators were able to create a relaxed, informal atmosphere where people felt free to express their opinions. The facilitators avoided expressing their own opinions or making judgments on the opinions of the participants. The facilitator asked a series of open-ended questions from general to specific in order to get the participants to express their opinions, experiences, and suggestions. The facilitator allowed the discussion to lead in new directions as long as the topics pertained to the subject of the focus group interview. All members of the group were encouraged to participate so that only one person should not be allowed to dominate the discussion. The sessions were tape recorded and transcribed after the meeting. A member from each group checked the texts.

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Four groups were formed of the trainers who were willing to participate in the interview. All of them had their PhDs in Technical Education or Sciences. In the Turkey part of the study, two groups were formed. In each group, two trainers were from the Technical Education Faculty, two trainers were from Technical Vocational Faculty and one trainer was from the Technical Science College. Two of the trainers were females and three were males in each group. In the Romanian part, the same number of groups of the same number of trainers was formed from the Shoe Design and Technology and From Clothing Technology departments of the Faculty of Leather and Textile, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University in Romania. Each group consisted of two males and three females. For the interview, the same procedures were applied in each party. The open-ended questions were arranged in such a way as to learn about the following: 1- Are the trainers for or against using ICT in classes? 2- Do they find themselves well prepared to manage virtual learning tools? 3-What types of virtual learning tools do they prefer? 4- Do they find virtual learning facilities sufficient in their training organization? The findings with less support than the half of the participants were ignored here. The Data Analysis The focus group interview generated a lot of information. This information was coded and summarized for analysis and discovery. The tape recording was transcribed, omitting the names of the speakers and using codes like T1, T2, … for the participants in Turkey and R1, R2, … for the participants in Romania. After the discussion was carefully typed, the authors read the transcript looking for key words and concepts that reoccur. Then the keywords were grouped and phrased into categories. After the key words and phases were grouped into categories, the interpretation step began and the central themes and issues emerged.

Findings With the analysis of the data collected through the focus group interview, the following were found: 1- All the trainers/participants are for the use of ICT and other virtual training tools in the classrooms: “For me, virtual training and learning is necessary and will be essential in the future”, “I am aware of the fact that using ICT is necessary in the classrooms”, “I feel it necessary while teaching in the classroom” are the common statements by the participants. 2- All the trainers think they need more training to use this approach in their classes: “I feel it necessary but I don’t know what to use and how to use”, “I want to use it but where and how? I must learn more”, “My organisation should provide me with more facilities and more training to apply such approaches in the classroom” are some of the common expressions by the participants.


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3- All the participants agree that their organisations lack sufficient infrastructure regarding virtual training: “I have a computer and can use it only to prepare lesson materials”, “personally I can not afford to buy such equipment for that purpose”, “My organisation has such facilities but they are outdated and cant be used for this purpose” are the statements commonly expressed by the participants. 4- Nearly all the participants/trainers complain that they are overloaded with the lessons and don’t have enough time to work with such tools: 16 of the participants (10 from Romania and 6 from Turkey) blame their organisations for overloading them with the lessons. “Still I can use ICT in my classes but I have so many lessons and students”, “My organisation should give me fewer lessons, more time and more money”, “I have too many classes and I can use my laptop only to prepare some documents for my classes” are their common expressions. 5- More than half of the participants feel that their organisation is not suitable for such training: 10 participants form Turkey and 6 participants from Romania express that their organisation is not physically fit for such training. “I want to use it but where and how?”, I have … so many students and cant use such approaches in narrow classes with too many students”, “Classes in my organisation do not have enough technical facilities to use these things” are their typical expressions.

Discussion The findings above indicate that virtual learning in Turkey and Romania is still in its formative period. However, virtual training appears to offer an option for the students in both countries. It can provide instructionally effective, highly interactive learning experiences that are flexible, equitable, and responsive to individual needs (Rogers, 1996). It will at the time lessen the expenditure spent on education as studies show that it is more cost-effective than traditional programs, especially with large student enrolments and a good support system for students (Daniel, 1996). Unit costs per student are below those of conventional programs (Daniel, 1996). All the trainers/participants are for the use of ICT and other virtual training tools in the classrooms. That means the trainers do not have resistance to enter in the technological era, unlike the ones detected by Franco A. J. (2004) in his article The Challenges Of Virtual Education. There are probably two big factors that influence this resistance: ignorance and lack of motivation, the last one due to certain unconscious resistance. From this point of view, it is possible to say that all the trainers in both countries are aware of this training tool and they have enough motivation. All the trainers think they need more training to use this approach in their classes. They are also aware that they have to be trained to change their pedagogical level in such a

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way as to be in accord with the pedagogy required by virtual training approach. It is a fact that to teach in a virtual classroom doesn't mean to film a traditional class and to put it in the internet so that the students attend virtually; neither it means to record it, to transcribe it in text and then to copy it in a web page. It means to transform the traditional pedagogy toward an electronic pedagogy in which the professor becomes a facilitator of the student's learning process and an active pedagogy supporter. This "new" pedagogy supposes that the teacher should be qualified in new pedagogic techniques. This can only be achieved through a well-designed training programme for the trainers. All the participants agree that their organisations lack sufficient infrastructure regarding virtual training. There is a lack of technical and didactical support to trainers/teachers for using ICT, in terms of using web-based platforms/ systems or digitisation of teaching materials. They rightly accuse of the training organisations, as they do not have essential infrastructure for virtual training. Here, the strategies will promote training in the new techniques, and the administrative staff should make the necessary to push trainers to participate in them, since we have verified that when this process depends in the trainers’ will, they resist changing. Nearly all the participants/trainers complain that they are overloaded with the lessons and don’t have enough time to learn themselves how to work with such tools. Many trainers allege that excessive workload is the one that doesn't leave time to do research or to enter these new fields of the virtual education. The board of the university can establish mechanisms to verify this and, in that sense, to make the appropriate modifications so that in each professor's workload there’s a space in this sense. More than half of the participants feel that their organisation is not suitable for such training. To implement technologies that allow virtual training, it’s necessary to have more WebCT equipment all over the learning environment. Both the trainers and the trainees can be provided with a computer with an internet connection. The technological equipment and the physically fitness of the classrooms for this purpose can be ensured if the overall approach of a training organisation is towards ICT use in learning environments.

Recommendations The following recommendations can be given to eradicate the challenges displayed above: a. It is clear from the findings that the trainers employed in VET need special training for virtual training. Teaching in virtual learning environments needs competence in technological (so-called hard skills) and organisational aspects as well as new skills in applying relevant didactical methods, moderating/facilitating, etc. (socalled soft skills). b. Technological tools should be provided by the training organisation so that the trainers can facilitate them easily. c. Learning environments, resources and materials must be specifically designed for virtual learning. d. The division of labour for trainers and other staff involved in virtual training should recognise the difference in virtual learning environments workloads.


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e. The use of virtual learning environments needs to be promoted through collaboration at the national and European level so that more innovative and standardised virtual training materials can be available. f. International virtual learning environment activities demonstrate physical and economic problems, and thus such challenges should also be addressed.

References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Bartlett, F. C. (1932 reprinted in 1977) Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Bloom, B. S. (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain, McKay, New York. Britain, S. and Liber, O. (1999) 'A Framework for Pedagogical Evaluation of Virtual Daniel J.S., (1996) Mega-universities and Knowledge Media: Technology Strategies for Higher Education. London: Kogan Page. Dave, R. H. (1969) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Achievement Testing. In: Developments in Educational Testing, University of London Press, London. Environments' JTAP Report 041. Bednar. Franco A. J, (2004), The Challenges Of Virtual Education, e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-Jist), Vol. 7. Milligan, C. (1999) The role of VLEs in on-line delivery of staff development. JTAP Report 573. Ramboll, PLS (2004), Studies in the context of the E-learning Initiative: Virtual Models of European Universities (Lot1). Draft Final Report to the European Commission, DG Education and Culture. Available at (03-03-2005).

[10] Rogers S.M., (1995). "Distance Education: The "Options Follow Mission," AAHE Bulletin, volume 48, number 4 (December), pp. 62-66. [11] Waldheim, G. P. (1987): Understanding How Students Understand. Engineering Education, Vol. 77, No. 5.

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WEB-BASED LEARNING IN MECHANICAL DESIGN Süleyman Yaldız1, Süleyman Neşeli1 (1) Technical Science College, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Nowadays virtual learning is regarded as one of the most important approaches in VET as well as in other educational fields. This paper is based on an experimental period in which a virtual training environment ( was used to train the students virtually in machine designing. After the training period, the successes rate of the previews year and this experimental period were compared. In addition, the students were interviewed regarding the advantages of virtual learning. The results obtained from both the tests and the interview show that students are much more interested in virtual learning and they mostly find it useful. However, it seems that both the trainees and the trainers should be encouraged and technically supported to make full use of virtual learning environment.

Keywords: Virtual learning, Web-Based learning, Machine designing.

1. Introduction One of the undeniable facts of our time is that the developments as to the information and technology, thus, information technology, has reached an un-preceded pace. This leads to two facts: one is that the knowledge is rapidly demoded, and the second is that knowledge is to be updated. The relation between these two fields demands that education or training should be sustainable. However, formal education is not expected to be life long. The solution of this challenge is again provided by technology. Information technology and especially web based asynchronic education as opened the second door: non-formal education. This web based education approach has revolutionised the traditional educational and training methods and at least, it has compelled the traditional method to revise themselves (ODTÜ, 2007). As the internet has developed rapidly, WWW (World Wide Web) has become an efficient, interactive and dynamic tool to transfer training. Many higher education organisations have stated to use web for educational purposes. Some of these organisations have enough potential to provide education through well-designed Webbased learning tools (Bay and Tüzün, 2002). Web-based learning seems to meet the needs in this field via the proper dialogue. When compared with the traditional tools, this learning tool more dynamic and thus it has been regarded as a very important tool in teaching and learning programmes. The learners can choose the right time, frequency and place for themselves while making


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use of this learning tool. With audio, video, graphics, 2D or 3D animations, with the other structures and materials to get instant response, this learning tool has been more dynamic and lasting learning environment (Demirli, 2002). This learning environment, which is a virtual learning environment, can provide easy communication with others, self-learning and management of their time. The learners who have access to related web pages, subscribe the virtual libraries, take place in e-mail groups, enter any information sharing environments (like virtual libraries, news services, etc.) can have many skills including material use in the related field. What is more, as the learners encounter new knowledge, there is the possibility to learn accidentally (Davenport ve Erarslan, 2001). Interactive web pages, e-mails, file transfer, discussion and news groups, chartrooms, etc. help the learners and trainers to have synchronized and/or asynchronised communication (Demirli, 2002). According to Wyld (1997), internet and web technologies can provide both communication among people on the large scale and entry into a large amount of knowledge. It can also meet many learning styles, support active learning and present actual life experience. It can focus on knowledge formation rather than knowledge transfer (Gürol ve Demirli: 2001).

2. The Aim of the Study Given the conditions in our modern age, it seems inevitable to make use of the internet technology in teaching and learning environments. At this point, with the use of the internet technology, the web based learning implementation comes to fore. Many public and non-public training organisations already use web-based training and, in addition, they assign much time and money for further research studies. This study, web based manufacturing training process is analysed based on an experimental period using a web based programme.

3. Method 3.1. Limitations The following can be regarded as the limitations of this study:  The experimental period is limited to one semester (2006-2007 autumn semester). and its links related to AutoCAD training were the training web pages.  2B design topics of AutoCAD 2004 package program was applied in the “Computer Aided Design” classes. 3.2. Research design In this study, the ideas of the trainees about web-based training were determined using Likert surveying model. 3.3. Universe and sampling The research was carried out at Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey. The samples were formed of 28 second grade students at the Technical Science College of Selcuk University. Only 26 of them were volunteers to answer the questionnaire.

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3.4. Data collection The data were obtained with a questionnaire of 1 section with 23 questions determined with the help of the experts. 3.5. Analysis of the data and interpretation The questionnaire filled by the students involved in the experimental implementation gave the students’ opinions about the implementation. Then, these answers were analysed based on their frequency and percentage and interpreted. This way, the order was formed and interpreted considering their percentage too.

4. Findings and Interpretation Table 1 shows how the students were motivated and to what extent their expectations were met with this implementation. Table 1. Findings Regarding Students’ Motivation and Expectations From Web-Based Training Period. Qn 1

Qn 2

Qn 3

Qn 4

Option I don’t want to take place in such an implementation again

Yes Partly No

f 1 4 21

% 3,8 15,4 80,8




Yes Partly No

f 23 3 -

% 88,5 11,5 -




Yes Partly No

f 8 15 3

% 30,8 57,7 11,5




Yes Partly No

f 1 25

% 3,8 96,2




Option I liked this implementation very much

Option I had answers to all questions in my mind in this period

Option My previous opinion has not changed positively towards web based learning

166 Qn 5

Qn 6

Qn 7

Qn 8

Qn 9

Qn 10

Qn 11

University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta Option I would like all my lessons Yes (except applied ones) to be done like this. Partly No

f 14 9 3

% 53,9 34,6 11,5




Yes Partly No

f 13 11 2

% 50,0 42,3 7,7




Yes Partly No

f 6 17 3

% 23,1 65,4 11,5




Yes Partly No

f 5 7 14

% 19,2 26,9 53,9




Yes Partly No

f 14 7 5

% 53,3 26,9 19,2




Yes Partly No

f 3 6 17

% 11,5 23,1 65,4




Yes Partly No

f 17 6 3

% 65,4 23,1 11,5




Option I took more pleasure from such a learning model.

Option I felt that I accomplished an important task.

Option I had no sufficient reply for my strong and week points.

Option I think it is more efficient than the traditional training models.

Option Time and place flexibility increased my performance

Option I had a chance to ask questions that I didn’t want to ask in classroom.

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 Qn 12

Qn 13

Qn 14

Qn 15

Qn 16

Qn 17

Qn 18

Option The discussions in it made me learn the topics better.

Yes Partly No

f 20 6 -

% 76,9 23,1 -




Yes Partly No

f 23 3 -

% 88,5 11,5 -




Yes Partly No

f 1 25

% 3,8 96,2




Yes Partly No

f 13 12 1

% 50,0 46,2 3,8




Yes Partly No

f 25 1 -

% 96,2 3,8 -




Yes Partly No

f 24 2 -

% 92,3 7,7 -




Yes Partly No

f 21 4 1

% 80,8 15,4 3,8




Option It helped me to set up the relation between the theory and practice as it gave priority to practice.

Option The time given for the tasks was not sufficient.

Option It helped me to make use of my practice performance very well.

Option The content of the classes was sufficient.

Option I got pleasure out of the tasks assigned to me.

Option The discussion activities carried out on e-mail, chatroom and news bulletin helped me to have new points of view.


168 Qn 19

Qn 20

Qn 21

Qn 22

University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta Option Yes Partly No

f 15 6 5

% 57,7 23,1 19,2




Yes Partly No

f 2 4 20

% 7,7 15,4 76,9




Option The period for implementation was enough. Yes Partly No

f 15 5 6

% 57,7 19,2 23,1




f 15,4 6 61,5



100 %

Partly No

f 88,5 3 -

11,5 -




It helped me to make up new products.

Option There was the same boredom I experienced in the traditional classroom environment.

The implementation period was longer compared with the traditional classroom environment.

Option Yes

4 Partly


16 Total

Qn 23

Implementation management of updating of the web pages, eradicating some shortcomings on the pages, replying the emails in a relatively short time was satisfactory.

Option Yes



When we think of the data in table 1, 80,8% of the students wanted to take place in such a learning activity. 88,5% of the students got much pleasure out of this implementation while 76,9% of them felt the boredom in the traditional classroom environment was not present in this model. This means the application got the support of the students. 96,2% of the students agreed that the web-based model changed their opinions regarding this kind of virtual training in a positive manner. This means that the application was able to help the students’ attitudes towards internet use to change positively. 61,5% of the students accepted that this way of learning could help them to use their time more efficiently compared with the traditional ways of learning. According

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to the students involved in the research, this learning tool is able to give them flexible time, place and pace flexibility. This in turn helps them to have higher performance (65,4%). 76,9% of the students expressed that the discussion facilities on the web page learning environment helped them to learn more efficiently while 65,’% of them expressed that they were able to ask questions more freely compared the limitations in the traditional learning environments. However, 57,7% of them said they could find answers to the questions in their minds only partly. This indicates that such asynchronic implementations can partly answer to the instant questions. Also, 53,9% of the students got satisfactory replies to their weak and strong points. However, only 53,3% of the students fully and 26,9% of them partly think that this implementation is more efficient than the traditional learning environments. The time assigned for the tasks to be carried out was found sufficient by 96,2% of them while 57,7% of them found the whole implementation period satisfactory. It is understood that the students want such more time to such learning periods.

5. Conclusion It is clear that the web based learning approach has been liked and adopted by the students. Such interactive implementations ensure the students to be actively involved in the learning process. Without time and space limitations, it can be regarded as one of the most significant learning environments of our modern age. This also can help to get higher performance. In the traditional learning environments (classrooms), the boredom arising from listening passively only to what is uttered can be eradicated by using such active and dynamic learning tools. It also helps a good communication between the teacher and the learner. The questions that can be avoided in the traditional classrooms can be expressed and replied easily in such a learning environment. However, there is some kind of trouble in answering instant questions, as such implementations are asynchronic. In the web pages with interface in such implementations, there should be an interactive and dynamic structure in addition to visual aids and educational pedagogy. This is important as the material designed for this purpose is one of the main factors that is likely to affect the student performance. The management of this implementation efficiently will have an impact of the outcome. In addition, although the students are active individually, there seems to be less cooperation between them (Demirli, 2002).

6. Refernces [1]

[2] [3]

Bay, Ö. F., Tüzün, H., (2002): Yüksek Öğretim Kurumlarında Ders Đçeriğinin Web Tabanlı Olarak Aktarılması-II. Journal of Polytechnic, Vol: 5 No: 1 pp. 23-33. Demirli, C., (2002): Web Tabanli Öğretim Uygulamarina ilişkin Öğrenci Görüşleri. Working Paper. Fırat Üniversitesi, Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi, Elazığ. Goldsmith, T. E., Johnson, P. S., Acton, W. H., (1991): Assessing Structural Knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 88-96.

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Gürol, M., Demirli, C., (2001): Uzaktan Eğitimde Oluşturmacı Tasarım ve Uygulanması. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum ve Fuarı Bildirileri, Sakarya. [5] [6] [7] [8] Đşman, A., (1998): Đnternet ve Eğitim, Uzaktan Eğitim-Distance Education. 1998 Yaz 1999 Kış, 86-91. [9] Onay, Z., Yalabık, N., (1998): Bir Üniversitede Internet Üzerinden Asenkron Öğrenme Đçin Yapılanma Modeli. Second International Distance Education Symposium, Ankara. [10] Wyld, S., Eklund, J., (1997): A Case Study of Comminication Techcnogly Within The Elemantary School. Austrialian Journal of Educational Technology, 13(2), 144-164. [11] Yiğit, Y., Özden, M. Y., (2006): Web Tabanlı Eğitim Materyali Đçerisinde Internet Üzerinden Görüntü Aktarımı. Working Paper, Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Bölümü, ODTÜ

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Improvements In The Learning Reached With The Use Of The New Methodologies And Technologies At Qualifications By E-Learning Fabricia Ferreira de Souza1, Lucia Regina H. R. Franco1

(1) Federal University of Itajubá Caixa Postal: 50, CEP: 37500-903, Rua: BPS, B.: Pinheirinho, Itajubá-MG, Brasil E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract The article mentions the research to it based on the data of the courses of Qualification in Virtual Environment for EaD, offered by EaD of the UNIFEI (Federal University of Itajubá) in the period of 2003 the 2007.



The used model in the (EaD) of the Federal University of Itajubá (Unifei) is the virtual classroom, that if characterizes for the geographic separation of the students and the teacher. Many resources can be used in this model in search of the best performances of learning (Nunes, 2002). This research shows the analysis of the methodological and technological improvement applied in the courses of qualification in virtual environment for EaD, it shows the main changes carried through in the tools of the virtual environment of Teleduc learning. The problems and solutions found during the execution of the courses in the period of 2003 the 2007, had contributed for the innovation in the methods and applied techniques in the courses given in six years. In the beginning EaD team of the Unifei found barriers and difficulties in evaluating and applying exercises in the courses, by this reason each inserted activity in the tools of the Teleduc had been renewed at the time that the doubts, solutions, appeared between students and tutorial professors/of the courses. The results are presented in graphs that show the evolution in the percentage of the abandon, accesses and approved in the courses. The performance of the learning of the students increased, and this result is important so that the strategies implanted for the EaD team continue to be argued and renewed to each course

2 Analysis of the evolution and perfectioning of the used strategies of learning in the tools of the Teleduc The first groups of the course of Qualification in Virtual Environment for EAD had initiated in 2003. Many barriers had been surpassed with the search of better solutions in the applications of activities and evaluations.


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The Teleduc is an environment that allows the creation, participation and management of virtual courses. It was developed by Nied (Nucleus of Computer science Applied to the Education) of the Unicamp. The first versions had errors that had been corrected at the time that the users interacted and communicated themselves through this environment (Amorim, Armentano, Miskulin and Rosana, 2005). Below it follows the analysis carried through in each tool of the Teleduc point out the update of the technological resources, the improvement of the activities, the interactivity and the performance of the participants. 2.1 Course Dynamic The dynamic of the course is a space where the tutorial/professor inserts the description of the course, with its objectives, methodologies, resources, etc (Ferreira, 2003). During the evolution of the course of qualification in virtual environment the team was worried in improving the applied activities and bringing up to date the technologies. The changes had occurred only in the type of technology, therefore with the addition of experiences, the team suggested to analyze other forms to produce the dynamics of the course. In the development beginning of the dynamic course was carried through the PowerPoint. At the time that executed the courses, perfected the use of the technologies exploring other tools for the production of the dynamics of the course, as example the Flash. 2.2 Agenda The agenda is a place where the author of the course inserts information, tips and suggestions on subject treated in the lesson of the day or the week (Ferreira, 2003). The described guidance in the courses offered in 2003 were carried through in the publisher of text of the proper Teleduc. The EaD team of the Unifei observed many suggestions of the participants sent by the mail tool, and through the analysis of critical and the suggestions, the changes had occurred in the structure of the descriptions of the agenda. Before the edition was simple, without space between lines and without prominence of words, this formatting makes it difficult the reading of the text and interpretation. The alterations had occurred when the team perceived that these details are important for understanding of the reading, and had started to produce the directions of the agenda in files HTML, with break of line, emphasis in the main words, arrows, animations, etc. 2.3 Activities In the tool activities the Course tutor organizes in folders the daily or weekly lessons and inserts the activities foreseen for each lesson or week (Tarouco, 2007). The lessons have instructions so that the students find the readings of the day and to make the considered exercises. The inserted directions in the executed courses of 2003 and 2004 so that the students elaborated the activities of the lesson, were described of simple form, but the structure and formatting of the course made it difficult the understanding of the text, had also little information to instruct the students to realyse the activities. The team prepared and applied evaluations on the level of satisfaction of the students in relation to the course, and with the results it looked for to improve the

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instructions of the lessons and activities. In the courses offered in 2005 and 2006, in the first lesson it is available directions and awareness as much the importance of the paper of the members in the courses in the distance. 2.4 Support Material The material tool of support is a place where the Course tutor fits the referring readings to the subject of the lesson (Tarouco, 2007). The content is available in the digital book, a system multimedia that have specific places for text, figures, statisticians, dynamic, quizess, glossaries, FAQs, indices and buttons (Frank, 2007). For the time being not yet it had changes in this tool and the digital book always is brought up to date, getting good resulted. 2.5 Readings In this space are complementary available readings on the subject of the lesson (Tarouco, 2007). The main function of the complementary texts is to awake the student to read and to complete its current knowledge with subjects or news. It did not have changes in this Tool. 2.6 Frequently Asked Questions The space for frequent questions is where the Course tutor inserts questions and answers that frequent are sent by the students (Tarouco, 2007). This tool was not much used in the courses of 2003 and 2004, and during this period the team received many doubts through the interaction and communication in debate (forum), mails and chats. In the current courses the support of this tool, comes collaborating for the explanation of brief doubts and assisting the participant in the interaction with the environment 2.7 Required Stop The obligator stop refers it the closing of one determined subject displaying the main ideas debated until the moment (Otsuka, Lachi and Vahl, 2003). In this place the Course tutor can request a reflection of everything what already he was seen until the moment, for then initiating a new stage of the course. The use of this tool had beginning in 2005, when the EaD team perceived the real utility of a stop to review and to reflect on the subjects of the courses. The obligator stop helps the participant to organize its knowledge and ideas for next stage. 2.8 Bulletin Board This space it is directed to whom want to leave messages, to put significant links, notice, news, etc. (Otsuka, Lachi and Vahl, 2003) The Wall always was used in courses of qualification and actually had been used, but with more frequency and news. The information, search results and researches, putted by students has been evaluated and reused as a offered information in a subsequent classes allowing a regular update of information. 2.9 Discussion Forums This asynchronies tool is often used in these virtual courses. The tutor presents a question or affirmation to motivate the reflection through the discussion and


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knowledge changes about some topic.(Oeiras and Rocha, 2006) This activity has been always requested in a qualification courses and the improvement was current in 2003 until 2007, with new topics of EaD updated. 2.10 Chat This tool makes the interaction of the participants in a real time, that is why named asynchronies tool (Lachi, Otsuka and Rocha, 2005). The brief dialogue among the students and tutors allows to elucidate doubts and debates that helps knowledge construction. The use of this tool as an activity that forces knowledge of a topic it had been seem in a previous activity makes this moment a tool to evaluate if the students did the activity correctly. If was well guided, the student will participate of this chat knowing that will collected by that, and this stimulates him to put their activities daily, improving the learning. At the other hand, the chat is useless to the medium and bigger amount of students. With the experience the evidence of this fact encouraged the team to stimulate different moments to each small group. Observing the register of participation in a period 2003 and 2006, notice that the students available time to participate in the chat it was limited, so fixed schedules to the meeting wasn’t good to all, so some could participated and others not, and in another moments they couldn’t meet with the same they had been meet in another time. This obstacle turns this tool more complicate to use in a effective form. Actually the Ead team analyses the ways to dominate this difficulty doing the research of participants access, alternative activities that makes easy in the certain moment the participating of all and in others activities of some groups with the same available time. 2.11 Mail The mail is a tool to change informations and elucidates doubts (Paixão, 2002) In these courses the tutors have 24 hours to answer the e-mail participant. The change of information by mail makes possible to the EaD team to improve the qualification courses in a virtual environment. Although this little time for the reply (in an actual course the student alone has it in the next meeting with the professor) was learned that the promptness in the reply was a determinative factor student to give continuity orderly (and many times to it, entering some times to the day) to complete its dependent activities of some reply. In this way the team improved their methodology determining that the students had to order the doubt for all the tutors and that any tutor would have to answer to it as soon as received, with copy for the other tutors. 2.12. Groups The tool Groups is a space to the participant realize collaborative and cooperative works (Oeiras and Rock, 2006). The students can determine a subject, form groups, argue and produce activities together. Who participates of the group always gets good resulted in the learning performance, and the EaD team is worried in perfecting the dynamic of groups, observing rightness and correcting errors.

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2.13 Portfolio The portfolio is used so that the participants makes available all the activities carried through during the course. The virtual dynamic are requested in the tool activity and all the production filed in the portfolio is evaluated by the tutor (Passion, 2002). The participation of the students depends on its effort and disposal in carrying through the activities, therefore the portfolio tool is evaluated to each activity or requested dynamics for the course tutor. The principle the students little made familiar to the environment, did not send the activities in the portfolio and observing this difficulty the EaD team started to emphasize this tool and to charge more the participation of the students in the portfolio. In the current courses the performance of the students increased becoming the portfolio a frequent used tool. The changes carried through in the enclosed activities in each tool of the Teleduc, were result of the comments and analyses carried through for the EaD team of the Unifei, through the difficulties, errors, critical corrections, suggestions and of the members. This experience was transformed into strategies that reach good performances of learning. Throughout the period of updates, the Teleduc acquired new tools and the EaD Team approved the new features applying in the qualification courses. It observes below the new tools: • Intermap: one of the first carried through and available important updates in the courses in 2003, its function is to register the interaction of that they have access the course and if they communicate through the mail, forum and chat. • Evaluations: update carried through in 2004 middle, this tool allows that the tutor inserts valuing activities with date of beginning, ending and maximum value of note. • Exercise: also it is a tool carried through in 2004, accept that the tutor creates, edits and manages exercises on the subjects of the lessons. All these options offered for the environment of Teleduc learning contribute for construction and intellectual development of the pupil who participates and has access the course. The tools have functions, however the pedagogical methodology strategically is elaborated by the EaD team of the Unifei.


Methodology and procedures of analysis

For the elaboration of the present article, it was adopted the following procedures with the authorization of the coordinator of the team Lucia Franco: - Analysis of all the courses of qualification in virtual environment offered by the EaD team enters 2003 the 2006. The access was carried through login and password, supplied for the coordination. - The number of accesses of the participants was observed, considering that the courses were executed in 25 days with daily lessons. The run away pupils had low participation, with in the maximum 10 accesses. This analysis was carried through in the Tool Accesses of the TelEduc. To get the percentage of run away students, the number of students with equal or lesser access was added that 10 that they had not gotten notes. One noticed that the students with this access, in one determined moment


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they had left to carry through the activities and to have access the course. - To get information on the increase in the participation of the courses, the equal accesses or above of 25 for the participants had been analyzed who had carried through the activities. - They had been analyzed and considered as approved the students with it average equal or superior the 7. - The graphs had been produced in the program excel


Analysis of the results after the innovation of the activities

The improvements effected in the methods and activities of the courses had resulted in the reduction of the evasion indices and in the increase of or the above equal number of accesses the 25. The average of 25 accesses for students was stipulated by considering that the courses are given in 25 days with daily lessons. Graph 1 below shows to the evasion percentage and graph 2 shows the number of accesses: Evasão

2007 2006

2,7% 2007


2006 2005



2004 2004





Gráfico 1: Porcentagem de evasão no decorrer dos anos

Acesso maior ou igual a 25










2007 2006 2005 2004 2003


Gráfico 2: Porcentagem de acessos maior ou igual a 25

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In the course of 2005 until 2007, had the increase of student approved in the 2007 courses, being that in 2005, 7 courses had been analyzed, 2006 had been analyzed 9 courses and in 2007 had been analyzed 2 courses, then comparing the number of courses with the number of student, it notices that it also had the increase in the participation of the qualification courses. Observes the graph below that it shows the percentage of the approved ones in last the three years: Numero de aprovados 92,0% 90,0% 88,0% 86,0% 84,0% 82,0% 80,0% 78,0% 76,0% 74,0% 72,0%

90,0% 2005 2006







Gráfico 3: Gráfico de alunos aprovados nos últimos três anos The technological and methodological advance in the courses of qualification in virtual environment of learning provided good results in the performance of learning of the participants and becoming more accessed and less abandon courses. The EaD team learns with the barriers and difficulties found for the student and innovates its methods and techniques to each experience acquired in the period execution of a course. The suggestions and critics of the students are analyzed and argued in group, thus all of the team renew its knowledge and place in practical their innovative ideas.



The initiative and struggle to the program of qualification in virtual environment for EaD, had been the excellent factors that had given beginning to the first courses given for the EaD team of the Unifei. It had been analyzed six years of experience of qualification in EaD. This research covered all the courses given up to 2007, showing the main changes in each tool of the Teleduc. The opinion of the students contributed for this innovative advance, and the addition of the experiences provided to more knowledge the EaD team. This analysis collaborated for the growth and adjustment in the methodologies that are applied currently, shows for the team how much it is important to continue approving the opinions of the students and to analyze each difficulty found in the activities and dynamic of the courses. The doubts of the students sent by the mails are another important factor that always it must be argued in group for the team, therefore the solution and reply for the found problems, generate innovative ideas that can be applied, getting good results.


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[2] [3]



[6] [7] [8] [9]

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University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

References Amorim, Joni A., Armentano, Vinícius A., Miskulin, Mauro S., Miskulin, Rosana G. S. (2005): Use of the Teleduc as a complementary resource in actual education, Revista Brasileira de Aprendizagem Aberta e a Distância, 12. Felder, R. M., (2002): Learning And Teaching Styles In Engineering Education, Engr. Education, June. Ferreira, T. B. (2003): Evaluation Manager: The Tool of Aid you the Formative Evaluation will be the Environment of Education in the distance TelEduc, State University of Campinas, Campinas - SP. Franco, L. R. H. R., Tool developed for support to the professor: Digital book. Federal university of Itajubá, Itajubá - MG. Had access in 15 of May of 2007. Lachi, R. L., Otsuka, J. L., Rocha, H. V. (2005): Use of Agents of Interface in the Support to the Analysis of Sessions of Chat, Institute of Computation - State University of Campinas, Campinas- SP, 2005. Nucleus of Computer science Applied to Education (NIED). Updates, State University of Campinas, Campinas - SP. It was access in 18 of May of 2007. Nunes, I. B. (2002):. Notion of Education in the distance, State University of Campinas. Oeiras, J. Y. Y., Rocha, H. V.(2006) Online learning: tools of communication for contribution, Institute of Computation - State University of Campinas, Campinas - SP. Otsuka, J L., Lachi, R. L., Vahl, R. (2003) Use of Agents of Interface in the TelEduc Environment, New Technologies in the Education, CINTED-UFRGS. Paixão, L E. S. (2002): The Interaction in the Education in the distance, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Program of Post-Graduation in Engineering of Production. Romani, L. A. S. (2000): InterMap: Tool for Visualization of the Interaction in Environments of Education in the distance in the Web, State University of Campinas, Campinas - SP. Tarouco, L. M. R. (2007): Tutorial basic at the TelEduc environment, Federal University of the Rio Grande Do Sul, Center Interdisciplinar de Novas Technologies in Education (CINTED).

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E-learning multimedia applications: Towards an engineering of content creation María Dolores Afonso Suárez1, Cayetano Guerra Artal1, Fco Mario Tejera Hernández1 (1) Instituto Universitario de Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (IUSIANI). University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Edif. Departamental de Informática y Matemáticas, Campus Universitario de Tafira. 35017. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract In the same manner that e-learning applications are becoming increasingly important at the university, there are still some critical questions that should be solved with the objective of making use of the potential offered by current Web Technologies. The creation of contents that are able of capturing the attention of interest of the students and their disposal in an appropriate way constitute the main purpose of this work. The teaching content engineering expounded shows the different stages that should form part of the process. A development team, composed of different professional profiles, will work together with the lecturers of the subject to which the contents are been created, i.e. multimedia videos and interactive applications. This process should be developed according to a methodology that assure the use of appropriate resources, all that tasks -suitable of being- should be modularized and factorized. This paper presents the acquired experience in the development and use of multimedia contents for e-learning applications, created for some of the subjects of the degree in computer science engineering. The deliveries of these contents make use of Internet and video streaming techniques. The result of the work shows the students satisfaction, including their comments.

Keywords: Teaching content engineering, Didactic objectives, Active learning, Passive learning. 1


During recent years University Education has experienced an important progress with respect to the resources used for lecturing. Techniques have changed from traditional blackboard methods to the use of projector transparencies (slices) and, later on, the use of video projector and PowerPoint to present the content of the lessons. Nowadays, the use of these technologies has become more common. As far as content availability for the student is concerned, it has passed from traditional notes taken in classrooms, books and photocopies to digital format of books or notes taken in classrooms, which are available in the subject’s web page. In fact, the


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universities use to place courses on the web focusing on information delivery rather than learning. The proposal of European Higher Education Area provides the framework to take an important step forward in techniques used in lectures and in the methodology used to create them. For this reason, new methodological approaches are introduced in order to value an active learning “(Barry, 2006)” as opposed to a traditional passive learning. To value the effort that students should make in order to assimilate knowledge and not only consider the number of hours of attendance to classes. The use of e-learning techniques makes this easier; its wide range of application allows increasing education quality and delivery of information.


E-learning in EHEA

The European Higher Education Area proposes the setting up of a convergence process of educational material in Europe. New methodological approaches are introduced in order to value an active learning as opposed to a traditional passive learning. To value the effort that students should make in order to assimilate knowledge and not only consider the number of hours of attendance to classes. All this is made easier by using an e-learning [2] approach, whose extensive work field, in all range of subjects, allows the quality of education and its availability to increase [1]. The creation of multimedia contents for e-learning could be developed together with other European Universities, and its use could be shared within the same knowledge areas. This allows a new common line of work to be opened. It will be possible to promote European cooperation to guarantee the quality of higher education using comparable methodologies and criteria.


Teaching content engineering

We understand for that concept the whole methodological corpus that allows inserting development e-learning technologies in the production of didactic solutions with appropriate invests in production time, resources and person/hour. In this manner, the creation of contents will be developed in a systematic way, planning the process and using adequate techniques. The integration of these techniques and the extent of the teaching material development project require a multidisciplinary team. This multidisciplinary team composed of a group of different professional profiles will carry out different tasks using a wide variety of technologies. These tasks will come together in order to create a production line to maximize results. The improvement of productivity and quality in teaching content creation will constitute the main objective of this engineering “(Shackelford, 2002)”. The proposed engineering of teaching content is carried out by means of a methodology, which divides the multimedia production process into phases and assigns tasks to each member of this professional development team. All these different phases include research on suitability of the content for e-learning, a previous analysis to select multimedia techniques to apply, the development of the contents based on the project design and, finally, the maintenance. With respect to the multidisciplinary team, it will be composed of a project manager, programmers, designers, and multimedia experts, as well as the lecturers of each subject.

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The obtaining of an optimum workflow “(Pedrosa and Petitz, 2007)” and the use of resources by the different production tasks is the main purpose of the proposed methodology. For that, we define different production phases. 4.1 Suitability of the content for e-learning. To create multimedia material for subjects using e-learning techniques means a considerable resource investment. Therefore, some factors, which help to make a decision about its profitability, should be taken into consideration. In this first phase a study on the suitability is made in accordance with the factors below: _

The content validity. The period of time in which teaching contents do not need to be updated.


The number of students who attend classroom training. This factor takes into consideration the number of resources used in their learning.


The modularity and reusability of independently operable units, which are part of the total structure for creating more contents.

4.2 Contents analysis The creation of multimedia contents is carried out through the division of teaching contents in didactic objectives. In this phase the modularization of content takes place. The extraction of the lecturers’ knowledge will be necessary for the selection and proposal of different multimedia didactic elements, which will constitute part of these multimedia didactic units. It is recommendable to follow a methodology belonging to knowledge engineering, where the knowledge is produced according to the lecturer’s subject specific knowledge, and contains the knowledge and analytical skills of one or more human experts. To achieve this aim, the tasks below are introduced: _

Meetings with the lecturers. In these meetings lecturers expound the teaching objectives of the subject, explain the lesson content and the current way to portray the contents to the students.


The selection of lessons for multimedia format. The project manager, together with the lecturers, carries out the selection of lessons for which multimedia teaching content will be created.


Proposal and techniques selection “(Horton and Horton, 2003)”. According to the techniques selected, and the modules repository, the project manager makes a proposal to the lecturers.

4.3 Development Starting from the analysis of the previous phase, a formal design is carried out, this formal design will identify the activities and work planning that will be done under the supervision of the project manager “(Dublin and Cross, 2002)”. Therefore, this phase is structured as shown below:


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Formal design includes all the multimedia didactic elements to be used. In accordance with this design, both human and material resources are managed. It is a process of problem solving and planning for reaching the objectives of the project.


Development of interactive applications will follow a development methodology belonging to software engineering.


Creation of videos, for which the work will be divided into: script writing, recordings, postproduction and codification “(Casteleira and Leão, 2007)”.


On-line disposition of multimedia contents, becoming, this way, accessible for the students. In the process the creativity of the development team is considered fundamental.

4.4 Maintenance. Once the project is finished, it is difficult to assure that it will work properly unless it is tested. In order to realize a high quality solution, testing throughout each phase of the process is proposed. The project team should be involved in the maintenance phase. They are expected to work on their known issues and prepare for a new release of the created material. In order to detect defects and deficiencies in the multimedia material, some tasks are introduced _

Interviews with lecturers and students, to know first hand how they feel about this new content to use, in various aspects: accessibility, manage, design.


Questionnaires for recover statistics results about all the aspects to be evaluated.


Comparison of academic results, where an evaluation report will be made, and academic results will be compared with those of other groups of students that have made use of traditional learning methodologies. All these tasks will help to obtain a constructive feedback and to enhance and optimize this multimedia material and its different aspects evaluated. A thorough study of time and staff required for project development will take us to a suitable planning and this to an appropriate economic investment. Therefore, cost and resources affect directly in the amortization of the investment made for the creation of contents.



Among the means that will be used to carry out this technology we find both human and material resources. The competences of the multidisciplinary team are defined by different profiles: Lecturers, whose main tasks include the structure of the subject program, script writing, and the proposal and collective agreement with the project manager on the multimedia didactic units. Project manager, who advises lecturers, coordinates efforts of the development team and assigns tasks according to the planning made.

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Designers, which will carry out tasks of graphic design, user interfaces development, and 2D - 3D elements creation. Analysts/programmers to analyze and develop software application and programs. Multimedia technicians, in charge of recording, editing, and postproduction. The material resources are comprised of: a recording studio, where recording of lessons are made. All these raw recordings are processed in an editing room. Finally, all the software and interactive applications are created in a development room.


Lecturing experiences

For the evaluation of e-learning techniques in lecture content, some subjects have been selected. Specifically, the subjects correspond to bachelor and graduate degrees on “Computer Science Engineering”, Multimedia and Automaton Theory and Formal Languages II. Specially, the subject of Multimedia has the particular feature of covering two fundamental aspects in the teaching of computer science knowledge. On the one hand, we find purely theoretical and mathematical content which supports audio compression, image and video technologies. On the other, we find content that makes reference to the use of multimedia tools and web programming languages. In particular, the subject of Multimedia has a teaching timetable of 30 theoretical hours (twice a week), using traditional classrooms, and other 30 hours of practical lessons in the laboratory. The prepared material embraces half the timetable in the classroom. The content generated for Automaton Theory and Formal Languages II corresponds to the practical exercises of the subject. As lecturers can now count on this new multimedia teaching material, the methodology, which has been followed till now in Multimedia, has changed substantially. Firstly, the students still have the same number of learning hours; however, they receive some lessons by means of video in a dedicated server. This means that they receive, weekly, one hour in the classroom and another one through video streaming. This new material allows traditional lessons to be divided into two groups. In this way the lesson in the classroom is repeated and the student attends the most convenient classes. Therefore, not only do they not miss the opportunity to ask the lecturer doubts, but also the number of students is reduced, allowing a more personalized treatment. With respect to Automaton Theory and Formal Languages II, the prepared material only provides support to the personal training of the student. The results of this experience have been very positive. Students have valuated unanimously this new teaching model as completely recommendable. Even, the students have taken part in the improvement of the material contributing with their own ideas, needs, and wishes, like including random questions in order to implement interactivity “(Rheeder, Diseko and Lautenbach, 2007)”. From the valuation questionnaire issues below are recovered: Multimedia videos are very appreciated. No comments were made about accessibility or reproduction difficulties or even misunderstanding. Although students think it is necessary: the inclusion of subject's content in a pdf format file and an index to facilitate access directly to each unit of the lesson. And just only one student pointed out that the teacher should propose more practical material in the classroom. The valuation questionnaire results are represented in Table 1.


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta Table 1. Results from bachelor and graduate degrees on “Computer Science Engineering”

1 2




6 7

Multimedia videos expound the subject suitably and clearly This way of teaching facilitates the subject's understanding Lessons in the classroom can be improved, since doubts are resolved and illustrated by real and practical examples, as well as debates are proposed I think this multimedia content is suitable for teaching the subject, I would like to study another one using this type of material I have had some kind of difficulty accessing videos With the use of this material I can make my lessons schedule compatible with other subjects and other activities My general assessment is good

Totally disagree



Above average









































26 41 72 Total number of answer: 500

As we can observe, percentage for the last one question is quite good. Figure 1. My general assessment is good 0%

Totally disagree




Average Above average Excellent 36% 57%

Totally disagree - Unacceptable Disagree - Less than what expected Marginal - Average Agree - Above average Totally agree - Excellent

Figure 1. Graphical representation for general assessment. Results from bachelor and graduate degrees on “Computer Science Engineering”

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With respect to the academic efficiency revealed in the assessments, we should say that the percentage of success in the exams remains constant if we compare with the results of past years where lessons were taught in a traditional way. However, a particular fact, which is known by all lecturers when the exams’ dates come close, should be commented. In the previous weeks to exam dates the students come more frequently, and in many cases only on those dates, to the tutorials. It is remarkable that during this teaching experience there have been practically no consultations in tutorials in all the academic year, not even on dates coming up to the exams.


Future research

The acquired experience in the development of multimedia contents for e-learning applications shows that this emergent task should be tackled through the use of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, manage and maintenance of this teaching content material. In the near future, we will test the process of development of a new project from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. This project involves the creation of multimedia material for subjects of three different areas: the technical area, the health care science area, and the human, society and legal area. The election of the subjects has been made according to the factors expounded in the phase of suitability of the subject. It has been preferential for the technical department to choose subjects of the first courses of various degrees with similar contents, what implies a considerable number of lessons in common. So that, there will be subjects with the 85 or 90 per cent of their content delivered with multimedia material, which is more profitable than having only one or two subjects with the 100 per cent of the content delivered with this new material. The subject is named mathematics in some degrees and calculus in other ones. Something similar has happened in the other two knowledge areas: in the health care science area anatomy has been chosen, this is a subject of the first course of “Medical Degree” with a huge number of students. For the human, society and legal area has been chosen constitutional law, which corresponds to two different degrees: “Law” and “Economics and Business Sciences”, degrees with a large number of students in the first courses too. In this way, we will delve into each phase of this new engineering focusing on improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the development of multimedia contents for e-learning in these subjects selected.



New information technologies and e-learning will be indispensable tools in lecturing in the near future. The increasing bandwidth available for Internet connection and multimedia capacities found in current computers allow them to be used as a completely valid way for teaching. However, the lack of multimedia content production is a very important cause that limits an e-learning widespread.


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The creation of large-scale teaching content for lecturing needs a production methodology to assure the optimization of resources and, therefore, a reduction in costs. This work intends to contribute with the methodological lines applied in the production of multimedia teaching content for lecturing. New teaching methodologies require new teaching aims; the role of lecturers in the new educational process should be restated in the whole educational process. Lecturers should reduce the time dedicated to teaching lessons using traditional blackboard methods. This activity could be mainly, replaced by e-learning techniques. Lecturers could dedicate time to activities that offer a better quality in teaching, transmitting motivation about the subject being studied and directing the students in their studies “(Fraser 2006)”. The future of teaching in the European society should see an improvement in the quality of education, its availability, and a lower cost for students as well as for educative organizations.

9 [1] [2]


Bill Shackelford. (2002). Project Managing e-learning. ASTD. EEUU. William Horton, Katherine Horton. (1st edition 2003). E-learning tools and technologies. Wiley. EEUU. [3] Lance Dublin, Jay Cross. (2002). Implementing E-learning. ASTD. EEUU. [4] [5] [6] Karen Fraser (2006) A Blended Learning Approach to Teaching “Introduction to Multimedia” - The E Bit!. AISHE Conference 2006. [7] Dr. Almar M. Barry (2006) Creating and Sustaining an Effective Learning Environment!. AISHE Conference 2006. [8] Raquel Pedrosa and Sara Petitz, (2007) Production of interactive contents for training in e-learning environments-procedures and methodologies. IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2007. [9] Joel Casteleira and Paulo Leão, (2007) Production and distribution of contents in digital video of quality for the distance learning. IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2007. [10] Riana Rheeder, Rabaitse Diseko and Geoffrey Lautenbach, (2007) The design of interactivity for a web-based learning environment at a higher education institution. IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2007.

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E-Learning Indicators: A Multidimensional Model for Evaluating and Planning E-Learning Solutions Bekim Fetaji1, Majlinda Fetaji2 (1,2) Communication Sciences and Technologies Faculty 305.21, Ilindenska bb, SEEU campus, 1200 Tetovo, Macedonia E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract As a number of recent studies suggests the big breakthrough of using networked computers in education has not been achieved yet. Literally, thousands of E-Learning projects have been carried out that greatly differ in their outcomes. Very often it is difficult to assess how successful or unsuccessful these projects are. The evaluations of E-Learning projects very often emphasize the positive aspects of the approaches that have been followed and do not discuss in details the drawbacks, disadvantages, or reasons for the failures. In addition, new technologies or new methodologies applied in such projects are used as buzzwords to highlight their success. Until now, however, there is no a standardized way of evaluating E-Learning projects, their outcomes, future potential or their advantages and disadvantages. The main purpose of this research was to investigate possible approaches for systematic evaluation of E-Learning solutions. The result of this work is a multidimensional model of so-called E-Learning indicators. A practical value of that approach was analyzed in a number of case studies which are presented.

Keywords: e-learning, indicators, enhanced learning, evaluation of e-learning solutions 1


One of the strongest arguments for promoting e-learning lies in its potential to improve and even revolutionize teaching as well as in aspects of learning to minimize the dimensional constrains of time and location. Recently there are a lot of studies show scepticism in thoughts about e-learning successfulness in general. The research question from which we started was: What makes a successful e-learning? In order to define and analyze this we have proposed, assessed, measured and evaluated e-learning factors that substantially influence learning. The purpose was to raise the awareness of the factors influencing e-learning in order to enhance learning and identify the nature of obstacles being faced by e-learners. We propose this methodology approach in developing any e-learning initiative. Because there are to many factors, personalization’s and specifics related to each situation and circumstances we consider that would be wrong offering one size solution for all.


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

Therefore we propose to asses and improve the overall e-learning quality and dissemination of knowledge for each e-learning initiative and particular situation by defining and measuring e-learning indicators for the specific circumstances, specifics and technology solutions. Then based on the results of the measured and evaluated e-learning indicators to develop sustainable e-learning initiative. We have proposed 18 e-learning indicators that were assessed, measured using Angel Learning Management System (LMS), and further evaluated. As a result of our analyses we have seen that e-learning content and attention in an e-learning process are the key factors referred to as e-learning indicators further in our study that influence and have a high impact on e-learning. Using this approach the objective was to determine the general issues, deficiencies and barriers in e-learning and propose a solution for them by undertaking different Case Studies and experiments.


E-learning Indicators

We have defined the e-learning indicators as the important concepts and factors that are used to communicate information about the level of e-learning and their impact on learning that could be measured and described then in simpler terms. We have defined as e-learning indicators: (1) learner education background; (2) computing skills level (3) type of learners they are, (4) their learning style and intelligence, (5) obstacles they face in e-learning (e-learning barriers), (6) attention, (7) e-content (suitability, format preferences), (8) instructional design, (9) organizational specifics, (10) preferences of e-learning logistics; (11) preferences of e-learning design; (12) technical capabilities available to respondents; (13) collaboration; (14) accessibility available to respondents; (15) motivation, (16) attitudes and interest; and (17) performance-self-efficacy (the learner sense their effectiveness in e-learning environment), (18) learning outcomes. We have used focus group and a web based survey of academic staff and students for the research of e-learning indicators following guidelines from Fetaji et al. (2007). The e-learning indicators are assessed then measured and evaluated for the virtual learning environment Angel Learning Management System-LMS. The analyses and specification of the e-learning indicators: (1) learner education background together with his cultural background is set as indicator since it is a direct factor that is associated and impacts e-learning. According to Gatling et al, (2005), students today come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and educational experiences outside of the traditional classroom. How do students construct meaning from prior knowledge and new experiences? Based on this facts and interviews with e-learning specialist we have set it as important indicator. (2) computing skills level of the learner is set as indicator since it directly influences the way e-learning because of the computing skills requirements. “As we move toward the 21st century, anyone who is not “computer literate” will find themselves at a disadvantage when competing in the job market.” (Johnson, Gatling, Hill, 1997). The indicator (3) type of learners they are depends primarily on the balance in the two dimensions of the Learning Style scale model formulated by Richard M. Felder and Linda K. Silverman according to Felder & Soloman (n.d). The importance of the type of learner and (4) their learning style is for the both sides: instructor and student. For instructors it is of importance since it reflects the preferences of Learning style in their teaching and delivery style to students. We advise to tend to use each learning style to teach also in a delivery type suited to other

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types of learners and truing to bring it closer and generalize to include all the types using visualization and verbal communications, as well as other communication tools. The indicator (5) obstacles they face in e-learning (e-learning barriers) is set as important based on interviews and speaking with e-learning specialists. Indicator (6) attention is set as very important, attention cues when the learners begin to feel some mental workload, Ueno, M. (2004). (7) content (suitability, format preferences), elearning content we consider as vehicle of the e-learning process and knowledge construction. The quality of the virtual learning environment is mainly depending on the quality of the presented e-learning content. Fetaji, B. (2006). Indicator (8) Instructional design has gained significant prominence in e-learning for a number of compelling reasons. One of them is the possibility for instructional design to systematically address the need for creating and evaluating students’ learning experience as well as learning outcome. The other is instructional design can help faculty to focus on using the appropriate format and tools for the appropriate learning objectives. Fetaji, B. (2006). (9) indicator organizational specifics - every organization has its specific business processes that influences and impacts e-learning, Galotta et. al. (2004) (10) preferences of e-learning logistics- targeted at learners of different experience levels and organizational background/hierarchy, based on the ELA modelthe European Logistics Association (ELA), Zsifkovits (2003); (11) indicator preferences of e-learning design; designing instruction that acknowledges that students differ in their learning preferences and abilities and that instruction needs to be flexible to address these differences, Kumar (2006). The next indicators (12) technical capabilities available to respondents (13) collaboration; (14) accessibility available to respondents, ares defined as important indicators in discussions with e-learning specialist and experts; (15) motivation, Motivation is essential to learning and performances, particularly in e-learning environments where learners must take an active role in their learning by being self directed (Lee, 2000). (16) attitudes and interest; A review of studies on attitudes toward learning and using information technology in education has revealed that most studies have shown that students’ attitudes toward technology are critical, Liu et. al. (2004); (17) performance: selfefficacy (the learner sense their effectiveness in e-learning environment); Self-efficacy refers to people beliefs about their capabilities to perform a task successfully at designated levels, Bandura (1997). (18) According to Jenkins, A. and Unwin, D., (1996) learning outcomes are defined as statements of what is expected that a student will be able to do as a result of a learning activity. It is set as important indicator in order to become effective in meeting students’ needs.


Evaluating e-learning effectiveness

Major challenge for e-learning researchers is to assess e-learning effectiveness. In order to do that we have proposed a methodology, called ELUAT (E-learning Usability Attributes Testing), which combines an inspection technique with usertesting based on 4 usability attributes we have set. The usability attributes we have set are: 1) Time to learn, 2) Performance speed; 3) Rate of errors; 4) Subjective satisfaction. The e-learning-methodology is necessary for presenting the e-learning in an efficient aspect. The theoretical basis are pedagogical conceptions defined from Klauser et all (2004):


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− Learning according to the constructivist perspective, − usability of the e-learning environment and − research about user opinions. We have based the measuring instrument on the use of predefined evaluation tasks (PET), which precisely describe the activities to be performed during inspection in the form of a predefined tasks, measuring previously assessed usability attributes. We have named it as PET inspection technique and using this technique we evaluated usability attributes using evaluation tasks for a particular scenario. Evaluation tasks in this technique are determined throw designing several user scenarios and choosing the scenarios that include the most of the options of the software. This kind of approach using this technique has shown very effective, straightforward and useful in determining the distance between learner activities and preconceived scenarios in several research project we conducted. Using the ELUAT methodology and PET inspection technique we have gathered information on interactions between human actors (intervention strategies and content). Scenario contains at least a collection of components and a method. The components are roles, activities or activity-structures, which role does what (which activity) and at which moment is determined by the method which is made up of one or many plays formed by a series of acts. In an elearning environment, information obtained from learner activity contain a certain pedagogical semantic. The observed route of a learner has been used to give feedback information on the level of learning and its effectiveness. We have considered the next learning modeling approaches: the content-oriented, the tool-oriented, and the taskoriented approach, and we have chosen the task oriented approach for which we developed the methodology to suite to our specifics. Fig. 1. PET inspection technique task based form Recover from errors

Help search

Task n#

Task completion

Time for:

Time to Learn:










The PET inspection technique uses the next measurements: M – Menu Error; R – Repeat task; F- Frustrations; S – Selection error; O – Uses online Help, E – Other errors, H - Help calls, *-Subjective Satisfaction (5-very high, 4-high, 3-average, 2-low, 1-very low).

This methodology and the inspection techniques have been used in several different research projects and it produced valuable information for the design of the subsequent studies and proved as viable methodology and technique. In order to evaluate the e-learning impact, the following main research questions were analyzed:

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What are the usage implications for the student population?

2. Does the teaching approach embodied in the program contribute to perceived learning gains? 3. What are the opinions, feelings on the learners regarding the system usability and effectiveness in regards to learning? We have tried to build our teaching and learning system based on two foundations: the needs of the intended students, and the learning outcomes of the course or program (i.e., the knowledge, skills, and attributes that students want). Our e-learning system was based on a plan that flow from a full understanding of these two fundamentals. An understanding of the technological background of the intended students is crucial, including their expectations, their financial and other resources, their access to the Web or other online networks, their bandwidth limitations, and any other pertinent information about their preparedness and ability to participate equally and fully in the learning experience. In reality, of course, such a complete picture is rarely available, and a judgment call must be made on how much the system employs technologies that we know the students are familiar with and have access to, versus those that are new and unfamiliar, but are expected to become widely available. A good example is the extent to which distance students have access to high-speed connectivity. Considerations of student demographics and other factors would, of course, affect the timing of such a decision. The clear identification of the learning outcomes is useful in many ways: in the design of a learning assessment system, in determining the degree of prior learning considered necessary, and in measuring the quality of the offering. The curriculum and associated teaching and learning system was devised and cross-referenced with those ends clearly in mind. The designed system project from its first design stage is set to comply with the Nielsen (2000) nine basic usability principles: 1. Use simple and natural language. 2. Speak the user’s language. 3. Minimize user memory load. 4. Be consistent. 5. Provide Feedbacks.

6. Provide clearly marked exits. 7. Provide shortcuts. 8. Provide good error messages. 9. Prevent errors

We have chosen Empirical evaluation method and contextual inquiry, interviewing and observing users in context, in which a prototype is constructed and tested by users in real-world environment iteratively. We defined two classes of users as shown below. CLASS 1 2

USER TYPE Course Administrator Learners

ACCESS Full Limited (Reading, uploading files)

Class 1 – Course Administrator Users / Full access Class 2 – Learners Users / Limited (Reading, Uploading files access)


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In addition, we conducted performance measurement test to quantify usability requirements such as time to complete a task, time to learn, rate of errors and subjective satisfaction. We also made observations by watching the users with different backgrounds in computing and took notes by watching them using the prototype in every stage of development. For the final prototype we conducted Usability testing on full product and made testing on several users, different then the ones we used in the prototyping stage. As indicated above in User classes, we have two user classes: Class-1 and Class-2. we have included the following usability attributes: • Time to learn • Speed of Performance • Rate of errors • Subjective satisfaction Since planning is the most critical part for a successful test we have observed and followed the guidelines from Dumas and Redish (1999): The general concerns of the test were: How well the help provided is? What is the learning and usage curve for the system? Obviously the user will be faced with a lot of decisions. The system is designed so that the user faces common and familiar interface and environment. The general goal therefore is: To improve the help options available to users so the novice user can without to much of a struggle find the information they need and start using the system. Specific concerns were: How well the interface design, menu navigation, shortcuts, tips and the overall system performance are. How well can the user understand the logic behind the system and perform efficiently. The specific goal therefore is: To improve the interface design, menu navigation, shortcuts, tips and the overall system performance. Ways to measure specific concerns we used were: • Number of wrong menu choices and selection errors as well as other errors • Time to complete tasks • Time to recover from errors • Time to learn • Rate of errors and • Subjective satisfaction. The overall testing strategy that the project had followed is divided into: One-on-one testing and a group testing using the Co-discovery technique (working together) and active intervention technique (the observer is actively participating and assisting). We had 10 participants who have tested the software. Five of them were course administrator users while five learners users. On-on-one testing had included five people from staff, most of them administrative users. The group testing has been performed on one group consisted of two participants, who were absolute novice learners users while active participation has been used for three other novice learners users. After the usability test we had collected a great deal of data from the 10 participants we had, were 5 of them were experts while the other 5 novices. In order to handle those data we have used the triangulation technique from Dumas and Redish (1999), were we look at all data at the same time to see how the different data supports each other.

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Figure 1. (Triangulation technique) Dumas and Redish (1999) p.310 We tabulated the data for the performance measurements using the next usability attributes: time to learn, speed of performance, rate of errors, Subjective satisfaction, and Frustration for the both classes of users Experts and novices.

Time to learn Speed of performance Rate of errors Subjective satisfaction

Task Scenario Task Scenario Task Scenario Task Scenario

Time to complete task Time to complete task Number of errors Satisfaction degree of users

* number. Subject satisfaction scale: very high 5

Best possible

Value to be measured

Planned target level

Measuring instrument

Worst acceptable

Usability Attribute

Current Level average

Table 1. Usability research for Class-1

18.8 s

30 s

20 s

10 s

63 s

120 s

90 s

45 s









high average 4 3

low 2

very low 1

Time to learn Speed of performance

Task Scenario Task Scenario

Time to complete task Time to complete task

Best possible

Value to be measured

Planned target level

Measuring instrument

Worst acceptable

Usability Attribute

Current Level average

Table 2. Usability research for Class-2

14.8 s

21 s

60 s


16 s

25 s

90 s

10 s


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

Rate of errors Subjective satisfaction

Task Scenario Task Scenario

Number of errors Satisfaction degree of users

* number. Subject satisfaction scale: very high 5









high 4

average 3

low very low 2 1

We organized and analyzed the problems appeared from the testing in two dimensions: Scope (how widespread is the problem) and Severity (how critical is the problem) Based on the problems identified we have changed the appearance of the interface and also provided more information on one page instead of several pages as previously. This will make it more usable according to the usability test and users comments. Generally the system is very much appreciated and well welcomed specially from the novice users. The option to submit different file types by uploading them is most appreciated together with the scrolling announcement section. Almost all the course administrator gave positive remarks and appreciations especially for the ease of use, simplicity-almost flat learning curve and logical interface as well as the speed of content management, adding, storing and changing content. Most of the users from this group have expressed the desire to use the system in the future, and referred to it as very logical and efficient and the entire project as a wonderful idea. Also from the learner users is appreciated the accessibility of content its logical appearance and simplicity. We also used the general principles and guidelines for HCI regarding the software design from Pressman (2005), and general principles and guidelines for document design and guidelines for online documentation Dumas and Redish (1999). All this guidelines were closely advised and reviewed when designing the Intranet Gateway system.



In order to answer the question what makes a successful e-learning we took the approach with e-learning indicators. We have proposed, assessed measured and evaluated the e-learning indicators that we think communicate the information about the level of e-learning and their impact on learning as such that could be measured and described then in simpler terms Using this kind of approach we have concluded that in order to have a successful elearning no longer the general criteria or the same guidelines for all learners can be applied but individual learning services are needed that support learners according to their subjective preference profile. The research study is following the e-learning trends needs and tries to address the issues and deficiencies from the findings realized in the secondary research. The research study makes several contributions. First, it proposes an E-learning indicators methodology approach when undertaking any e-learning initiative. In order to define and analyze what makes successful e-learning, e-learning factors that substantially influence learning must be assessed, measured and evaluated. The purpose of this is to raise the awareness of the factors influencing e-learning in order to enhance learning and identify the nature of obstacles that will be faced by e-learners. We propose this

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methodology approach in developing any e-learning initiative. Because there are to many factors, personalization’s and specifics related to each situation and circumstances we consider that would be wrong offering one size solution for all. Therefore we propose to asses and improve the overall e-learning quality and dissemination of knowledge for each e-learning initiative and particular situation by defining and measuring e-learning indicators for the specific circumstances, specifics and technology solutions. Then based on the results of the measured and evaluated elearning indicators to develop sustainable e-learning initiative. Secondly, the study proposes an e-learning indicators-(ELI) development model to be used for developing e-learning software solutions by concentrating on previously assessed e-learning indicators. The research is conveying the need for close correlation of software development and e-learning indicators. The research is proposing a new way of tackling the process of creation of e-learning solutions as interactive environments by integrating and undertaking the software engineering approach based on e-learning indicators. We recommend that technology should adapt to theories of learning and e-learning indicators we have assessed earlier. The proposed ELI process modelling based on e-learning indicators should be used as guidelines in development of e-learning software solutions. Thirdly, the study proposes an ELUAT (E-Learning Usability attributes Testing) methodology for assessing e-learning effectiveness through the PET (Predefined evaluation Tasks) inspection technique. Fourthly, the study proposes PTPMELUAT methodology approach when designing and evaluating e-content and attention indicators, in order to asses the correlation between the e-content and attention defined as the most influencing e-learning indicators. This methodology is combining different types of testing: Psychometric tests, Psycho physiological measuring, and ELUAT through PET testing.




Gatling, S., Stevens, G. & Quarless, D. (2005). A Case Study: E-Learning Strategies for Diverse Middle School Students. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005 (pp. 3553-3558). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Johnson, K., Gatling S., Hill, J. (1997). The Black College Guide. New York: Middle Passage Publications, Inc. Felder & Soloman: LEARNING STYLES AND STRATEGIES, (Richard M. Felder & Barbara A. Soloman) (online Accessed: 20 October 2006) Ueno, M. (2004). Animated agent to maintain learner’s attention in e-learning. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2004 (pp. 194-201). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Lee C.Y. (2000) Student motivation in the online learning environment. Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 37(4), 365-375 Fetaji, B. (2006). Issues and solutions in authoring e-learning content in South East European University. In P. Kommers & G. Richards (Eds.), Proceedings of

[2] [3]


[5] [6]


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World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2006 (pp. 254-259). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. [7] Galotta, C., Zanetti, D., Krejci, D., Oliveira, K. & Rocha, A. (2004). Organizational Learning Based on a Customizable Environment for Knowledge Management Using Intranet. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2004 (pp. 2626-2633). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. [8] Zsifkovits, H. (2003). E-Learning for E-Logistics: Planning and Implementing A Modular Training Program. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2003 (pp. 845-849). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. [9] Kumar, P. (2006). Using Universal Design Principles for e-learning. In T. Reeves & S. Yamashita (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006 (pp. 12741277). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. [10] Liu, L., Maddux, C. & Johnson, L. (2004). Computer Attitude and Achievement: Is Time an Intermediate Variable?. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 12 (4), pp. 593-607. Norfolk, VA: AACE. [11] Bandura, A. (1997), Self –efficacy: The exercise of control. New York. W.H. Freeman. [12] Jenkins, A. and Unwin, D., (1996) NCGIA GISCC Learning Outcomes (Web site )

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Measuring e-learning effectiveness through e-content and attention correlation Bekim Fetaji1, Nada Pop-Jordanova2, Jordan Pop-Jordanov2, Tatiana Zorcec2, Silvana Markovska2 (1) Communication Sciences and Technologies Faculty, South East European University 305.21, Ilindenska bb, SEE University campus, 1200 Tetovo, Macedonia (2) Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Krste Misirkov br.2, P.O.Box 428, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This paper is a result of practical research activities focused on testing e-learning indicators: e-content and attention as well as their interrelated correlation. In order to investigate further on the possibilities of improving and increasing accessibility to e-content and attention, both assessed from a previous study as most influencing e-learning indicators, we have realized empirical research analyses focused in testing this indicators and their correlation. We have combined neuroscientific testing approach combined with psychometric testing and software engineering usability testing as new methodology for assessing e-learning effectiveness. Combination of all this methodologies in assessing and measuring attention based on e-content we named as PTPMELUAT methodology. Such examination is critical considering the promises, organization and management, heavy investments, expectations, and exponential growth associated with e-learning effectiveness..

Keywords: e-learning, indicators, enhanced learning, evaluation of e-learning solutions



In order to investigate further on the possibilities of improving and increasing accessibility to e-content and attention, that from the previous study Fetaji, B., (2007) both were assessed as most influencing e-learning indicators, we have realized empirical research analyses focused in testing this 2 indicators and their correlation. We have defined e-learning indicators based on our previous study Fetaji, B., (2007) as: (1) learner education background; (2) computing skills level (3) type of learners they are, (4) their learning style and intelligence, (5) obstacles they face in e-learning (e-learning barriers), (6) attention, (7) e-content (suitability, format preferences), (8) instructional design, (9) organizational specifics, (10) preferences of e-learning logistics; (11) preferences of e-learning design; (12) technical capabilities available to


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respondents; (13) collaboration; (14) accessibility available to respondents; (15) motivation, (16) attitudes and interest; and (17) performance-self-efficacy (the learner sense their effectiveness in e-learning environment). The content developed for e-learning is very different from the classical one - the print based. Preparing quality e-content delivered digitally is probably the major aspect for long term success of any e-learning endeavor. It is the content, however, that learners care for and they judge it with how much they learn from it. However understanding and managing attention is considered as very important determinant of successful learning. In order for the e-learning content to be considered successful it has to be good in getting attention. Attention by its nature is intangible asset and it is difficult to document its presence and to asses it. Attention cues when the learners begin to feel some mental workload, Ueno, M. (2004). In order to define the exact correlation between e-content and attention we have tested them in order to find out the exact impact and correlation between these two factors in e-learning level and effectiveness.


Research methodology

The research method was exploratory research to determine the best research design and then followed by empirical research to describe accurately the interaction between the learners and the system being observed focusing on e-content and attention. We have defined e-learning indicators as important concepts and factors that are used to communicate information about the level of e-learning and their impact on learning that could be measured and described then in simpler terms. In order to asses the correlation between the e-content and attention we have chosen an approach of combining different methodologies: Psychometric tests, Psycho physiological measuring, and ELUAT (E-learning Usability Attributes Testing) methodology. For the needs of our research we have used the methodology called ELUAT (E-learning Usability Attributes Testing) and as measuring instrument the PET (predefined evaluation tasks) inspection technique from Fetaji, B (2007). Combination of all this methodologies in assessing and measuring attention based on econtent we named as PTPMELUAT methodology. This methodology approach was realized in order to asses the correlation between the e-content and attention approaches in combining different types of measurements which was realized using Task based learning.


The experiment

The experiment was based on the developed PTPMELUAT methodology consisted of 3 (three) types of testing and measurements: 1. Psychometric tests 2. Psycho physiological measuring - Biofeedback test 3. ELUAT (E-learning Usability Attributes Testing) The psychometric test was the first testing realized and it was independent from the other two. The objective of the first testing was to asses the visual conceptualization and the type of learner the students respondents were. The second and third testing and measurements were realized simultaneously and were conducted in parallel. The objective of the second testing was to measure the attention

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of the student respondents based on their task based learning process. The objective of the third task was to measure the e-learning effectiveness assessing the e-content. The student participants were given 5 tasks in using Angel ( information system: 1) TASK 1 - Read the lecture material 2) TASK 2 - Read the practical material 3) TASK 3 - Work on practical assignment announce its results 4) TASK 4 - Do a quiz that has questions based on the previous tasks 5) TASK 5 – Go to a discussion Forum and discuss their opinion Before each task each student was first tested using the second biofeedback test and then moved to doing the next task. While doing the tasks they were at the same being observed and measured using the ELUAT methodology and then went back to the second testing, and then back and forth until they have finished all their tasks 3.1 Psychometric test experiment The Trail Making Test (TMT) Schmidt, M., (2006) is measuring abilities of visual conceptualization and visual-motor tracking as well as attention and concentration. It has two forms - form A and form B. In form A, subjects are asked to complete number connection task (1, 2, 3…) while in form B, subjects are asked to complete a number letter connection task (1-A, 2-B, 3-C...), requiring them to switch between two sets of stimuli, hence adding the cognitive load of directing behavior according a complex plan. Developed by the U.S. Army around 1944, the test became part of the Army Individual Test of General Ability and was given the name Trail Making Test, and is now part of the Halstead-Reitan Test Battery and the test is considered to be within the public domain and thus may be reproduced without permission. The test was standardized by Partington and Leiter who found the test to be a good predictor of general mental ability Kay, Gary G. (1984). Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is one of the most common and useful methods of assessing memory functioning. Using the word list-learning paradigm, subjects are asked to remember as many words as they can in five repeated readings. According to Schmidt, M., (2006) the RAVLT is useful in evaluating verbal learning and memory, including proactive inhibition, retroactive inhibition, retention, encoding versus retrieval, and subjective organization. The Auditory Verbal Learning Test was developed by André Rey and first published in France in the 1960’s. The list learning format that it utilizes has become virtually the standard for verbal learning tests as can be readily seen when examining the California Verbal Learning Test, WMS-III Word Lists Test, and Hopkins Verbal Learning Test. 3.2 Psycho physiological experiment Is realized with Instruments constructed by Biofeedback Computer Systems Laboratory, Research Institute for Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia. We have realised this measurements having as subject 36 students from South East European University- Tetovo, Macedonia (


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta Pulse detector

Figure 1. Psycho physiological measuring with biofeedback The biofeedback test situation was to reveal impairment of performance abilities by immersing a person into psycho physiological model of stress situation (as stress we comprise the learning tasks). We have based the psycho physiological measuring with biofeedback on RALLY, which is a car race game. The speed of player’s car depends on his heart rate (HR).

Figure 2. RALLY car race game for measuring biofeedback The calmer the subject is, the faster the car moves. The monotonous condition is simulated by long flat road, and the task to reduce HR induces development of fatigue in the subjects.

Figure 3. Psycho physiological measuring with students - biofeedback on RALLY

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Time of reaction to the obstacles which appeared occasionally on the racer’s way measures the power of the distributed attention and correlates with the performance level. The game-based biofeedback technology in our study was used to achieve the following goals: − to model situation of ambiguity − to reveal individual stress response pattern − to train self-regulation techniques The experimental situation involved high level of ambiguity for subjects because: − Biofeedback method appeared to be new and unknown for a subject − Information incompleteness for a subject was based on the use of uncertain instructions − A subject was aware of the aim of the experiment but was not instructed how to achieve this aim In this test, attention concentration level was registered determined by the latent response time (RT) to obstacles (rocks appearing on the road). Successful performance during stress test depended on the subject’s skill of heart rate control. We calculated: reaction time (RT), omissions (inattention), commissions (impulsive reactions) and time of performance (PT) as indicators of attention and concentration and heart rate (HR) as indicator of stress-regulation ability. We had student participants out of which: 36 healthy students, 12 girls, 24 boys, mean age 20, 9 ± 2, 15 Example for RT of one student:

Figure 4. Reaction time for one subject The reaction time is diminished 60%, which is an excellent result.


Software Engineering Usability Experiment

Major challenge for e-learning researchers is to assess e-learning effectiveness. In order to do that we have proposed a methodology, called ELUAT (E-learning Usability Attributes Testing), which combines an inspection technique with usertesting based on 4 usability attributes we have set. The usability attributes we have set are: 1) Time to learn, 2) Performance speed; 3) Rate of errors; 4) Subjective satisfaction. The e-learning-methodology is necessary for presenting the e-learning in an efficient aspect.


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The theoretical bases are pedagogical conceptions defined from Klauser et all (2004): − Learning according to the constructivist perspective, − Usability of the e-learning environment and − Research about user opinions. We have based the measuring instrument on the use of predefined evaluation tasks (PET), which precisely describe the activities to be performed during inspection in the form of predefined tasks, measuring previously assessed usability attributes. We have named it as PET inspection technique and using this technique we evaluated usability attributes using evaluation tasks for a particular scenario. Evaluation tasks in this technique are determined throw designing several user scenarios and choosing the scenarios that include the most of the options of the software. This kind of approach using this technique has shown very effective, straightforward and useful in determining the distance between learner activities and preconceived scenarios in several research projects we conducted. Using the ELUAT methodology and PET inspection technique we have gathered information on interactions between human actors (intervention strategies and content). Scenario contains at least a collection of components and a method. The components are roles, activities or activity-structures, which role does what (which activity) and at which moment is determined by the method which is made up of one or many plays formed by a series of acts. In an e-learning environment, information obtained from learner activity contain a certain pedagogical semantic. The observed route of a learner has been used to give feedback information on the level of learning and its effectiveness. We have considered the next learning modeling approaches: the content-oriented, the tool-oriented, and the task-oriented approach, and we have chosen the task oriented approach for which we developed the methodology to suite to our specifics.

Recover from errors

Help search

Task n#

Task completion

Time for:

Time to Learn:










Table 1. PET inspection technique task based form

The PET inspection technique uses the next measurements: M – Menu Error; R – Repeat task; F- Frustrations; S – Selection error; O – Uses online Help, E – Other errors, H Help calls, *-Subjective Satisfaction (5-very high, 4-high, 3-average, 2-low, 1-very low). This methodology and the inspection techniques has been used in several different research projects and it produced valuable information for the design of the subsequent studies and proved as viable methodology and technique.

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We have chosen Empirical evaluation method and contextual inquiry, interviewing and observing users in context, in which a prototype is constructed and tested by users in real-world environment iteratively.


Results and analyses

Figure 5. Reaction time in male subjects

MALES T-test showed significant changes of the reaction time between RT 1 and RT 6, (p<0.009), RT 1 and RT 2 , (P<0.01) and RT 5 and RT 6, (p<0.02) The number of omissions is much greater after the first task. Interpretation: Difficult task or the students feel tired.

Figure 6. Number of omissions in male subjects

No changes in the time of performance. After a few worse results, the students manifested improvement of the total time for performance (adaptation in the test situation)


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Figure 7. Time of performance in male subjects The commission’s number is much greater after the third task (they are bored or tired, or the task is to hard?)

Figure 8. Number of commissions in male subjects No changes in heart rate (it must be under 10% for success) They didn’t understand the self-regulation through sympaticus/parasympathicus balance

Figure 9. Heart rate in male subject

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2) FEMALES: The t-test showed significant changes of the reaction time between RT 1 and RT 6 p<0.03 in females.

Figure 10. Reaction time in female subject Omissions are greater after the four task (attention is diminishing because of boring or tiredness)

Figure 11. Number of omissions in female subjects The greater impulsive reaction (commissions) after the 5-th task could be interpreted with the feeling of boring / fatigue. Statistical analysis showed significance at the level p<0.03.

Figure 12. Number of commissions in female subjects


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Heart rate is more flexible in girls, but they still didn’t succeeded great changes

Figure 13. Heart rate in female subjects WHOLE GROUP Testing are given below:

Figure 14. Reaction time in the whole group T-test showed significant results for: RT 1 and RT 2 (p<0.004), RT 5 and RT 6 (p<0.009) and finally RT 1 and RT 6 (p<0.0005).

Figure 15. Number of omissions

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Number of omissions in the second session is much greater than in the assessment which means “difficult task/ distractibility/ lower attention”.

Figure 16. Impulsive reactions in the whole group The impulsive reactions (low attention/distractibility) are accentuated after the third session (practical issue of the e-learning method).

Figure 17. Heart rate in the whole group All students didn’t succeed to learn how to manage the autonomic nervous system. Heart rate stays unchangeable. Indices Indices of Effectiveness RR ERR

N R −R 1 i ∑ R1 = 2 i •100 % = N −1



N RT − RT 1 i ∑ RT1 = 2 i •100 % = N −1

RR RR = =1 1 if if E ERR RR > > 1% 1% RT RT = =1 1 if if E ERT RT < < 10% 10%

Subjects Subjects (players) (players)

Figure 18. Indices of effectiveness


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The overall testing strategy for Usability testing was divided into: One-on-one testing and a group testing using the Co-discovery technique (working together) and active intervention technique (the observer is actively participating and assisting). We defined one class of users. In addition, we conducted performance measurement test to quantify usability requirements such as time to complete a task, time to learn, rate of errors and subjective satisfaction. All the participants have tested the software. After the usability test we had collected a great deal of data from the participants we had. In order to handle those data we have used the triangulation technique from Dumas and Redish (1999), were we look at all data at the same time to see how the different data supports each other.

Figure 19. (Triangulation technique) Dumas and Redish (1999) p.310 We tabulated the data for the performance measurements using the next usability attributes: time to learn, speed of performance, rate of errors, Subjective satisfaction, and Frustration for the both classes of users Experts and novices.

* number. Subject satisfaction scale: very high 5

Best possible

Subjective satisfaction

Planned target level

Rate of errors

Time to complete task Time to complete task Number of errors Satisfaction degree of users

Worst acceptable

Speed of performance

Task Scenario Task Scenario Task Scenario Task Scenario

Current Level average

Time to learn

Value to be measured

Usability Attribute

Measuring instrument

Table 1. Usability research

217.8 s

360 s

180 s

150 s

67 s

120 s

80 s

45 s









high 4

average 3

low 2

very low 1

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This study found a strong correlation between the two e-learning indicators: e-content and attention. Such findings are consistent with the idea that e-learning content (econtent) is the main vehicle behind knowledge dissemination and increased learning and it is primarily depended on learners attention. Measuring the attention and econtent through the realised tests we have concluded that the attention is dropping after the first task and later after the second task is again increasing. Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) showed highly organized ability for learning new knowledge as well as attention and concentration, which can be seen from the progression in the obtained new knowledge. Female subjects are learning much faster than the male subjects. No changes in the time of performance. After a few worse results, the students manifested improvement of the total time for performance (adaptation in the test situation). The commission’s number is much greater after the third task (they are bored or tired, and the task is to hard). Omissions are greater after the four task (attention is diminishing because of boring or tiredness). The greater impulsive reaction (commissions) after the 5-th task could be interpreted with the feeling of boring / fatigue. Statistical analysis showed significance at the level p<0.03. Based on this evaluation of e-learning effectiveness we concluded that the attention curve in the beginning after the first task is falling because of the e-content heavy requirements, while later is raising again while the e-content is becoming much attractive and the student attention is raising and with this the overall e-learning effectiveness. We propose this methodology and measurements to be realized in order to evaluate the effectiveness of an e-learning system and find out the correlation of e-content and attention curve for each particular system. Defining this will give an insight what can be improved on either of one of the e-learning indicators.

References [3]

Fetaji, B., (2007). Assessing, measuring and evaluating e-learning indicators. In P. Kommers & G. Richards (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2007. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.


Ueno, M. (2004). On at-causatives of transitive verbs in Chaha. In A. Simpson (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society—Special Session on Afroasiatic Languages (pp. 109-121). Berkeley, CA: BLS


Butler M, Retzlaff P, Vanderploeg R.(1991) Neuropsychological test usage. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 1991;22:510-512.


Schmidt, M., (2006) “Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test: a handbook (RAVLT)” (online, retrieved 23 april 2007 from: )


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Kay, Gary G. (1984). Neuropsychological Investigation of the Processes Underlying Performance on the Extended Trail Making Test. Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of Memphis State University.


Joseph S Dumas and Janice C. Redish (1999) “A practical guide to Usability Testing” revised edition, Pearson Education Limited


Klauser, F.; Schoop, E.; Gersdorf, R.; Jungmann, B. & Wirth, K. (2004): The Construction of Complex Internet-Based Learning Environments in the field of Tension of Pedagogical and technical Rationality, Research Report ImpulsEC 10, Osnabrück, 2004.

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Innovative teaching and learning technologies used in pre-university system Liliana Violeta Constantin1, Livia Dinica 2 (1) National College “Elena Cuza”, Bucharest, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] (2) School Inspectorate of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Abstract The future of a society which is in progress and development is represented by the use of the information technology and of communication in the didactic process. In this way, learning becomes interactive, in correspondence with the individual needs and the performances of the students. Using the modern technologies in the learning process is a more difficult action to achieve with the miss of quality software, the high costs, and the miss of specialized personnel, the resistance at the change of the students, the professors and the parents. Although the advantages of using the TIC in education are numerous, the student must achieve when it is possible, real experiments because the nature offered the possibility of researching and the direct learning. The laboratory experiment is a good method for developing the scientific way of thinking and the practical abilities. The student must perceive the learning process as a progressive transformation achieved after the interaction with the objects of knowledge, with the situations of life. This is why, the most efficient approaching of the practical and theoretical physics is to be achieved joining the traditional methods with the modern ones. This work presents a laboratory lesson: “The study of the uniform straight movement”. The students had at their disposition laboratory equipment and a simulation with Macromedia Flash MX Professional. Also, they had at disposition a laboratory paper which must be completed by the students. In this way is creating an adequate climate for learning and for a permanent competition.

Keywords: Modern technology, TIC, Real and virtual experiments 1. Introduction To experiment means to provoke with conscience some phenomena in determined conditions for their study and of the laws which govern them? In the scene of the physics hours the students observe the conditions in which a precise phenomenon appears, they stabilize the cause reports, they discover the factors which influence the experiment, and they record the phenomenon. In this way, when they realize and experiment, the students are in a permanent activity of observation, of searching, trying, interpretation, appreciating the results obtained in the experiment way.


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The experiment represents in this way a source of direct information but also a modality of developing the spirit of observation, of inductive investigation, of causal thinking. He develops at students’ actionable abilities, the objectivity, the analytic spirit in reworking and interpretation process of the dates, cultures the patience, the attention, the perseverance, the order, the discipline and creativity. We can say that in the study of physics achieving experiments is extremely useful because the development of the theory is made by starting from some experimental observations which determine the introduction of some notions and physical measures, the construction of some logical theories, complete and coherent. As a Chinese proverb said: “an image replaces 1000 words”. The endowment inadequate with equipments of the laboratories determines the effectuation of some demonstrative experiments or even their replacement with some summary explanations. In this way the interest of students for the study of physics is reduced considerably! This is why there must be made efforts for buying computers which can allow the realizing of virtual experiments but also the presentation of some sequences filmed during the effectuation of the real experiment. These aspects offer the students the possibility to familiarize with the laboratory equipment, with the work methods. In this way the virtual and classic experiment complete each other! This work presents a laboratory lesson in which is effectuated not only the real experiment but the virtual one in the purpose of creating an adequate climate for learning and for a permanent competition. At the study of the uniform straight movement the students had at their disposition laboratory equipment (instruments) and a simulation with Macromedia Flash MX Professional. Also, they had at disposition a laboratory paper which must be completed by the students. This work paper has the following structure:

2. The experimental study of the uniform straight movement 2.1. The Purpose of the work: The determination of the speed of an ink drop which moves through oil and the drawing of the ∆x = f ( ∆t ) graphic; The demonstration of the fact that in the uniform straight movement the line on which the material point moves is practically a straight one and the speed in constant in time;

2.2. The Principle of this work: The uniform straight movement is the movement in which the trajectory is a straight line and the speed has constant value (the acceleration equals zero). The law of acceleration: a=0; The law of speed: v=constant; The law of space: x=x0+v(t-t0); Particular cases: x0=0 result x=v(t-t0)

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t0=0 result x=x0+vt

x0=0 and t0=0 result x=vt

2.3. The used didactic materials: Gradated cylinder, oil, ink, chronometers, millimeter paper, ruler, pen, calculator, and pipette.

Figure 1. The used didactic materials


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2.4. The way of work: There are drawn different marks on the gradated cylinder and it is measured the distance between the marks. It is introduced oil in the gradated cylinder. With the help of the pipette it is introduced in the oil a drop of ink. It is easily pushed the ink drop for detaching from the superficial area and for the oil fall. On the drop actions its own weight, the Archimedes force and the resistance force at the advance through the oil (this force is in a direct proportion with the drop’s speed). The movement can be considered as a uniform straight one. It is time in which the ink drop gets down from the zero mark at the other ones. There are used other chronometers manipulated by more students. Each student chooses a mark. All students start their chronometers when the ink drop reaches at the zero mark. Each student stops its chronometer when the ink drop reaches the fixed (chosen) mark. It is recorded in a table the distance made by the ink drop and the time in which is realized this distance. It is calculated the speed

v= of the drop using the relation:

∆x x − x0 = ∆t t − t0

Figure 2. The Study of the uniform straight movement-real experiment

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Figure 3. The Study of the uniform straight movement-virtual experiment

2.5. The experimental results: Nr. of the determination The drop 1

X ∆t (s) (cm) 5 3,82 10 7,60 15 11,14 20 14,88 The drop 2 5 5,06 10 10,37 15 15,64 20 20,70 v= (vm+or-∆vm) cm/s

v (cm/s) 1,30 1,31 1,34 1,34 0,98 0,96 0,95 0,96




0,0225 0,0125 0,0175 0,0175 0,0175 0,0025 0,0125 0,0025



2.6. The graphical representation: Picatura 1 25


20 15 Series1 10 5 0 0


10 t(s)






University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta Picatura 2 25


20 15 Series1 10 5 0 0







Figure 4. The graphical representations achieved in Excel

2.7. The causes of the measurement mistakes: The inattention of the student which makes the determinations, the imprecision of the measurement instruments, the impossibility of forming identical drops, the incorrect read of the indications of the used measurement instruments, the conditions in which it is realized the experiment.

2.8. Conclusions: In the limit of the experimental errors it can be said that the trajectory of the ink drop is a straight line and the speed is approximately constant. The laboratory work was realized on groups of students, in a way in which each student had a well defined responsibility. In this way it is developed the spirit of team work, the competitively and value appreciation character, the ability of using the modern technologies and of the laboratory equipment. The laboratory work papers were presented and discussed with the entire class. Also, the students elaborated different projects in which they presented the applications of the uniform straight movement. The students have created numerous problems, indicating the methods of solving them; they created rebuses and numerous applications on the computer. For achieved the projects they used the CD-ROM encyclopedias, the search engines. In this way they have completed and diversified their knowledge. Using the electronic mail they changed opinions, thoughts with students from other parts of the Globe. They analyzed the similarities and the differences between the Romanian teaching system and the foreign teaching system. The communication through the internet allowed the professor to reply at the student’s questions and to guide them in achieving the projects even when they weren’t at school. This method of communication cannot be used by all the students because of the fact that they don’t posses an internet connected computer or don’t know enough how to use the computer. The materials realized by the students who used modern technologies were much more interesting then the ones worked by the students who used only the books found in the library.

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Fixing the knowledge is realized with the help of some supplementary work tasks and with the help of a rebus realized in Excel which synthesizes the theoretical and practical learned notions. The atmosphere is relaxed and so the fear of mistaking is taken away from the students. Alex F. Osborn said: “The fear paralyzes the ideas, the creativity.” Many discoveries and good ideas were lost in time because of the fear of not mistaking. E A 1 2 3 4



5 6 7 B


The Rebus 1. Is formed from: reference body; moment of time of reference; instrument for measuring the distance; instrument for measuring the time; 2. The movement in which the speed of the object decreases; 3. The statement in which an object which occupies the same position in front of the reference object in any moment from the analyzed time interval ; 4. CD-The movement in which the trajectory of the material point is actually a straight line; 5. The physical measure defined by the mathematical expression:


∆x x − x0 = ∆t t − t0

6. The curve described by an object during the movement or the group of points which represents the successive positions of the object; 7. The movement in which the speed of the object increases; EF-The movement in which the speed of the object remains constant in time; AB-The statement, in which an object exists, object which occupies different positions in front of the reference object at different moments from the analyzed time interval.


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Conclusions Such a treatment of the experimental works in school allows the attraction of students towards the study activity, towards the understanding of the matter in a short and efficient time and forming the necessary competences for the personal development and of the society in which they live!

References [1] Constantin Mantea, Mihaela Garabet, Fizica, Ed. All, Bucureşti, 2004 [2] Anghel Sorin, Malinovschi Viorel, Iorga Siman Ion, Stănescu Costel, Metodica predării fizicii, Ed. Arg Tempus, Pitesti, 1995 [3] Liliana Ciascai, Didactica fizicii, Ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2001 [4] [5]

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


E-Learning and E-Pedagogy in now days Liliana Violeta Constantin 1, Ovidiu Florin Caltun 2 (1) National College “Elena Cuza”, Bucharest, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] (2) Faculty of Physics, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract The main task of modern education, based on e-learning is developing and programming the creative existing forces in every individual. The fundamental problem of the teachers is “what can be done for stimulating students’ creativity?” The most important condition of stimulating the student’s creativity is the fact the teacher has to know what “being creative” means, to have basic knowledge about creativity, about the psychology of creativity, about the possibilities of developing it during the teaching process. The teacher himself has to learn to be creative, to give the proof of his own creativity. Thus, between the students’ and teachers’ creativity there is a close connection. In his activity of teaching-learning-evaluation the teacher uses strategies that are meant to cultivate the intellectual flexibility. This work presents a few of the methods that are used in Romanian schools in order to increase the students interest in learning physics. The methods consists in teaching, learning and evaluation with aided the computer. The students learn with the help of educational computer programs, real and virtual experiments, crossword puzzles and didactical movies. The evaluation is performed in modern way, the students are given tests that include various sorts of items, portfolios, projects, essays and graphs. By using these methods we assure the development of numerous practical and intellectual abilities of our students.

Keywords: Modern education, E-learning, Pedagogy 1. Real and virtual experiments The study of Physics is based on the direct contact of the student with the reality, on the realising of real experiments. Although, in the last time they gave up realising real experiments in the place of virtual ones, because of unsuitable utilities of school laboratories, because of the fact that the preparation and the realising of real experiments uses time and didactic material, imposes protection measures for the students and for the professor. Using the computer, the student doesn’t need to retain important quantities of information, only to think logically and to know how to bring under control the information he needs. Also, the student is motivated to learn independently, becoming a human being capable of self-education.


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He can traverse the disposed material in a proper rhythm. The educational soft programs and editors allow a better agreement with the matter, in a short time; allow the implication of all the students in the study activity and a different approach of all notions in function of each student’s level of knowledge and intelligence. In the case of an estimate, it is eliminated the subjective character of human being, the student being protected by the whims of the professor. Also, the students can modify very easy the conditions in which the experiment takes place, they can repeat it for a sufficient number of times so that they can follow the way in which the studied phenomenon take place, can extract by themselves the conclusions, can enunciate laws, can design and construct new experiments or can verify the solutions of some theoretical problems. With the help of the computer they can realise complex calculations in a very short time, can realise graphics or make papers. Using the computer has also disadvantages like: the absence of very good soft programs, high costs (expensive programs),the absence of a specialised personnel and of adequate equipment, the resistance at the change of didactic personnel, of the parents, of the students. Also, the educational soft cannot reply at all the unexpected questions of the students, so that, the professor will always own the most important role in education. The computer can cause the loss of calculation and investigation of reality abilities, the damage of human relations. The real and virtual experiment must complete each other for giving students the possibility to compare the real system with the virtual model.

2. Methodological considerations For realising this study there were chosen three classes of the 9th grade with general levels of approached character (chosen after the administration of some tests at the beginning of the school year).The classes are of decreased level to average. At the first class the matter was traversed in accordance with the classic methods of teaching-learning. The theoretical notions were presented using the chalk, the blackboard, the manual and the problems gathering. The students have studied the properties of images in lenses realising the real experiment. At the second class students used educational software, feigning the forming of an image (image of an object) through a lens. At the third class the theoretical notions were presented in a modern manner, attractive, on the computer. The question:”Why lenses?” and the presentation of some applications of the lenses is mint to incite the curiosity of the student.

Figure 1. The applications of the lenses

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This curiosity is amplified (increased) by the wish of knowing how did lenses appeared, how did they evolved. In the lesson is presented the history of lenses, then is given the definition of lenses and is realised the classification of them. There are evidenced the geometrically characteristics of lenses. It is explained why in the geometry optics are used the thin lenses and are established the equations of lenses. There are designed and constructed the images of an object through a lens with the help of the educational software and are given their properties. In the mean time are presented the real sequences filmed in the physics laboratory. These sequences make familiar to the student, the laboratory instruments and the way of work. Also, there are presented associations of thin lenses and the telescopic system.

Figure 2. The experimental device and the lenses


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Figure 3. The image of an object through lenses The settlement of knowledge is realised through a word game structure. After the traversing of the lesson and the agreement of the notions, the students are challenged to resolve, organised in teams, problems experimentally. The tasks of work are worded in the following terms: obtain, project, realise without indicate the way of work or the necessary materials. In this way it was demanded to the students to determine the focus distance of a convergent lens and the focus distance of a divergent

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lens, to realise an experimental montage through which we can obtain a real, straight line image of a real object. After the solving of the experimental problems which implied the realising of some scientific investigations, students realised laboratory papers and the conclusions were analysed in the class. It was concluded the fact that the interest for the lesson was bigger at the students which used the educational software. Even the under average students set questions and took notes for different aspects in their note books. At the class, where was used only the educational software existed some difficulties. Because not every student had minimal abilities for using the computer and being numerous classes, (in average 30 students), for one professor was hard to follow the way of work and understanding of the entire phenomenon by all the students. The atmosphere was disturbed by those students who, not having sufficient knowledge in the informatics domain, got stuck. These shortcomings were reflected in the notes from the tests received by the students. At the third class, where the theoretical notions were presented in a different manner, the performances of the students were much over average. They had the satisfaction of success and of obtaining some creative solutions at the experimental problems. The creativity of students manifested even when they had to answer at the question:” At what uses the realised experiment in day by day activity?” From the essays which the students presented in the following lessons resulted an important interest of them for the proposed theme. The cause can be easy infered: they had to capitalize their work, finding useful applications for what they have created and undertake.

Figure 4. A crossword puzzle


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Figure 5. Student’s projects

Figure 6. The test After the application of the tests containing identical items were obtained the following results: The statistic dates were analysed with the program (Editor) EasyPlot. The conclusions are the following: At the first class the distribution of the marks is roughly Gaussian, the average being of 5.50, a value which is in concordance with the waited aspect, the class being average like (as) value.

mark Nr. of students

1 0

2 0

3 2

Arithmetical average = 5, 50

4 5

5 8

6 8

7 4

8 2

9 1

10 0

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Numar elevi care au obtinut nota respectiva


eqn: aexp(-((x-b)/c) ), R:0.403, a=8.40559, b=5.43417, c=1.99726 6



0 0







At the second class the arithmetical average is of 6.90, but an inspection of the dates reveals a double-modal distribution, which does not allow a correct conclusion on the situation of the class, even if it indicates a rise of the average in general. This aspect is in the favour of using the educational soft. The double-modal distribution indicates an inhomogeneous structure of the class. An important part of the students had a high average, 7.70 and the other part a low average, 2.3 which indicates the fact that these students didn’t had the necessary knowledge for using the computer. mark 1 2 3 Nr. of 0 3 1 students Arithmetical average = 6, 90

4 1

5 1

6 2

7 8

8 7

9 4

10 3


Numar elevi care au obtinut nota respectiva


eqn: aexp(-((x-b)/c) ), R:1.55, a=7.67713, b=7.70394, c=1.85917 6



0 0







At the third class the arithmetical average is over the average level, an element which indicates that using not only the real experiment but the virtual one, the team activity and the provocation of the students through experimental problems leads to the increase of the performances of the students and the interest for studying physics. The average (arithmetical average) at this class was of 7.80.Using the virtual experiment


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brings a benefit with the condition that all the students must know how to use the computer. This factor imposes the reanalyse and the restructure of the entire teaching system and the altering process of the school program (methodical elements and related factors/particularities) through the introduction of informatics hours at all the profiles. It should be worked with small groups of students or with two/three professors at the hour for allowing the simultaneous access of the students at the presented notions. mark 1 2 3 Nr. of 0 0 0 students Arithmetical average = 7, 80

4 1

5 2

6 3

7 5

8 8



9 7

10 4

Numar elevi care au obtinut nota respectiva




eqn: aexp(-((x-b)/c) ), R:0.556, a=7.51514, b=8.23291, c=2.40572



0 0



6 Nota

3. Results and conclusions Although using the computer brings benefits, the student must not be transformed in a”robot” who knows only how to use it! The computer must help the student by offering him a source of reference material (informational material); develop his way of thinking, culture and creativity! In this way the students must be attracted, realising some hours in which they use not only the virtual experiment but the real one!

References [1] [2] [3] [4]

Leontina Nasta, Margareta Giurgea, Optica, Ed.Academiei, Bucureşti , 1998 Liliana Ciascai, Didactica fizicii, Ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2001 Constantin Mantea, Mihaela Garabet, Fizica, Ed.All, Bucureşti, 2004 Anghel Sorin, Malinovschi Viorel, Iorga Siman Ion, Stanescu Costel, Metodica predării fizicii, Ed. Arg Tempus, Piteşti, 1995

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Web-based learning methods and online education Liliana Violeta Constantin 1 (1) National College “Elena Cuza”, Bucharest, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract The internet is an extraordinary middle of communication which implies changes in the way of thinking and perception of the world, in the way of reporting at the surrounding reality. In this way, more and more students spend their time in front of the computer because the web-based learning offers them interactivity, the independence for equipments, distance and time. The complexity of this situation imposes restructures of different educational aspects. The accent must be moved towards making conscience of these methods, cooperation, towards analytic and selective thinking, towards adaptability and the interpretation of the ever changing world. The digital technologies must not represent a simple add in the list of didactic materials, they must be entirely integrated in the service of the education. In this way, the act of learning isn’t considered any more to be the effect of the perspectives and the work of the professor, but the fruit of the interaction between the students and the computer and of the collaboration with the professor. The lessons become more attractive, more interesting, and easier to understand. The internet navigation allows the students the development of their individual study competences, of analysis and selection of the information obtained by visiting different web pages. The paper presents a web page created for informing and gathering documentation of the students. This project permitted increase the efficiency of the learning activity, the responsibility of the students as well strengthens of the human relation. It used the programmes: Dream weaver, Flash, Fireworks.

Keywords: Computer, Web page, Online education 1. Introduction The modern teaching has to be based on the creative teaching, on the active participation of the student during the classes, on the utilization of some teaching, learning, evaluation methods which can attract the students in the activity of studying. Living in an informational world, students spend good part of their time in front of the computer. This is the reason for it uses ever more the system Web-based learning. The instruction and the learning based on the Web offer the students interactivity (the possibility of opinion change, materials), a multimedia medium (the materials present at least two multimedia elements: text, graphic, audio sequences, animation, video, etc.), an opened medium (there can be accessed different web pages or applications), a synchronic and non-synchronic communication medium, independence in front of the equipment , distance and time (students can use any computer connected at the Internet and can communicate with persons from all over the world).


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Also, the students can visit a lot of more web pages or can realize web pages for presenting the school, the city, the country (with touristy objectives) ,of culture, customs and traditions of the Romanian people, of the didactic material elaborated by them and their teachers (professors), of information (subjects and correction standards for different exams and school competitions, scientific and cultural-artistic manifestations, books and school reviews, preparation and perfection courses for students and for professors, graphics of the Olympiad actions and exams, official documents, discussion forum, marks of the students and dates about their activity in school, advertisements and the small publicity, statistics realized by the students on diverse themes, messages, optional courses, faculties and colleges). The demands of this system are complex and solicit the students the development of the flexible thinking, of the creativity, of the friendship relations, of collaboration, of appreciation of the work, of the values. Stimulates the participation of the students at learning activities, determines them to have trust in their powers and ameliorates the professor-student relation. The achieved knowledge becomes more solid and the students get conscience of the fact that nothing can be realized without work. It assures the activity centered on the student, the change in the daily routine. The web pages can be modified, readapted during his function in relation with the opinion of the entire person which visits that site. For achieve a web page is use Hyper Text Markup Language. The HTML represents the basic programming language in the web-design domain. It consists in different declarations, functions, prototype expressions, usual signs, hyperlink elements, anchors, design script-code structural particularities. In its complex structure can be inserted different script codes for improving the aspect of the web page and the respective structural particularities. PHP, Java Scripts, Apache Servers can be linked with other structural elements of the main page in order to create web databases, search engines, independent servers, “sign-in” and formulary structures; all of these aspects based on modular and complex script codes are designed by different programmers (IT developers) especially for being used in website structures. There are websites designed especially for testing and exposing modules (website design script codes), in order to be used for implementation or, by modifying there structures, for creating new complex integrated domain websites. The general aspect of a website must contain the following: • a well-defined structure (with pre-worked ideas –script, formulas, etc.- and design elements in order to create an easy navigation; this aspect supposes a good script module for the formal presentation of the page); • an integrated database (with all the script programming ideas in order; for search engines, formularies, complex separated databases); • a well structured plan from graphic point of view (this aspect consists in preventing overlaps in layer structures and frames, a well-fitting area for the website’s structural elements –buttons, graphics, animations, fireworks structures, director structures, freehand structures, etc.; a navigational character from all points of view; a in-line page arranging and all structures order). • and last but not least, a good network connection with the domain provider (a good database, material transfer –Smart FTP Client, for example -; a good link general structure and in-line web pages)

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Take these things into account it’s possible to create a good web site for informing and gathering documentation the students. In this work is presented such web page.

2. The structure of this web-page This web page represents a structural background which contains not only materials in script format (direct on the internet or downloadable) but also graphics, images or other multimedia elements. The site is easy to navigate so that the searched information from the respective domain is immediately obtained. The users of this site have the occasion of visualizing other informative projects (this aspect being certified by the presence of the links) and of receiving by email information from the searched scientific domain (the newsletter functions).

Figure 1. The main page of the web site The main purpose for constructing and developing this web site is to create a virtual informational base, precisely, a virtual library with informational material belonging especially to domains (Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, InformaticsProgramming Languages, Romanian Languages, Psychology etc.).

Figure 2. The page with matters of the web site


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The format, interactive, structural and complex shape of this webpage, with different not only internal connections but also external ones will represent an ideal informational source not only in the presented domain but also in the external structures. For each matter or informational domain exists a “tree” structure with different sides or imbrications (“branches”), particularities which attest or name the structural character and also well-organized of this webpage, of the presented structural work. The “branches of the tree” represent the sides of the matter or informational domain presented in the main structure, so, accessed they will introduce new structures like the ones described until now, an element or a factor which attests the navigational character of this page in HTML version. For a precise example of these structural particularities it will analyze the case of the matter or informational domain named Informatics-Programming Languages. For the “trunk of the tree” it has chosen the structure: ''Pascal Language-Algorithms, Techniques, Programming Methods'' (Characteristics, Presentation particularities, Examples, Different Connections) with it's 'branches' from the main domain: Backtracking Method (The definition of the method, Structural particularities, Examples, Characteristics, Different presentation structures, Different problems and exercises proper to the presented method, The reappearing structure of Backtracking Method and the major differences regarding quality, presented by both structures) Divide et Impera Method (Structural particularities, The definition of the method, Examples, Characteristics, Different presentation structures, Problems proper for the Method, Classic Algorithms, Structural relations or connections with other methods of Pascal Language)-The Reappearing technique (Notion and definition of technique, Structural particularities, Examples, Characteristics, Problems proper for the presented technique/Quick Sort, The problem of the towers from Hanoi, Fibonacci reappearing expression (the current reappearing version /the economic version, Internal and external relations, the direct character of the Reappearing technique, Different informational material)-Under-Programs (Functions and Procedures in Pascal Language)-(Different problems which use this domain of programming, Onedimensional tables, Informative structural presentation, The operational character, Particularities of this domain)-Explanatory Memorial for Programming in Pascal Language (Informative, Structural presentation, Different programming techniques and structural relations, connections, The informative domain in relation with the Informational Material of Pascal Language, Other problems proper for the presented domain, Connections with other Programming Languages/ C++)-DOWNLOAD SECTION-NEW Informational Material Section-Web pages (Web design explanatory memorial structure).

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Figure 3. The page with matters of the web site (Informatics) Also, in the presented main informational material section (website interface) which contains material from Physics domain: movies, simulations of the complex processes and phenomenon, power point presentations, problems, subjects and correction standards for different exams and school competitions, projects of the students, posters and poetries achieved by students. The visitors have the possibility of visualizing Flash graphics or other structures which have the role of realizing the relation with the physics theory and also of creating a domain of development for teaching activity.

Figure 4. The page with matters of the web site (Physics)


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In the section called Alfred Nobel it can find data about the winners of the Nobel prize in the last time like: Albert Einstein or Johannes Diderik van der Walls. This section has in the foreground the person that has changed the world through the invention of the dynamite. In 1866 the Swedish chemist and engineer Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833-1896) invented the dynamite, that would be much used in many construction works, and not only. The inventor of the dynamite became a rich man thanks to it. Alfred Nobel worried, because of the destructive goals for which it would be used. That made him to dedicate his fortune to peaceful actions. At his death, he left 9 million dollars that was used for some prizes in his memory. The Nobel prize is granted every year in Stockholm, on 10 December. The Nobel prizes for Physics are decided by The Swedish Academy in Stockholm.

Figure 5. The section called Alfred Nobel In the section for Romanian Language are present the informative materials about different writers, poets and their literary works. Vast and beautiful images gallery is dedicate for poet Mihai Eminescu. Also, are presented the movies about the life and the career of the Romanian poetry star.

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Figure 6. The page with matters of the web site (Romanian Language and Literature) The section dedicated to the contacts was created for the communication with the visitors of this site. One address of e-mail facilitates the virtual contact with the persons that are visiting this site. Of course on this address of e-mail it can send students’ suggestions concerning the site, concerning the pieces of information that are on it or that it would want to see on it. The visitors can send different papers, essays, music, pictures of nearly any field. These ones will be introduced into the structure of the site.

Figure 7. The section dedicated to the contacts The HTML design allows, also, the include in the structure of the page of some graphic external elements (Fireworks, Director 8, Shockwave) and internal structures like: tabular data with or without reference, linkage structures, frameset inserting, rotating images and different effects applied not only on the text (script) but also on other structures or under-structures (Java language script). For realizing this web page it has chosen the website editor Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0, a structure which helped us in the construction and concrete aspect of all the mentioned particularities. Using integrated structures like Word (Office), PowerPoint (Office), Macromedia Flash 5.0, also WinZip archives, it succeeded in giving, until now, a structured informative domain, integrated and navigational, a web page which has the purpose of


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creating one of the biggest informational fields, not only from the national point of view, but from the international perspective. Even though, the interface or the main structure of the presented page doesn't imply an ideal domain from graphic point of view and the stile of presentation (design), the webpage offers a structured space for all kinds of informational material belonging to the presented domains. It can be easily observed that it is trying to put an accent not only on the quality but also on the quantity, the presented webpage activating under the motto by which, not the presentation counts the first place, but the informational content.

3. Conclusions It can be concluded that this page of internet presents and will present a structured background with a line of materials more and more complex, which will constitute a point of reference for the modern teaching system, based on the individual learning, independent work and research. In this way the attitude of the students in front of school and society will be radically changed in good!

4. References [1] Constantin Mantea, Fizica, Ed. All, Bucureşti, 2000 [2] A.Hristev, V.Falie, D.Manda, Fizica , Ed.Didactică şi pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1992 [3] Anghel Sorin, Malinovschi Viorel, Iorga Siman Ion, Stanescu Costel, Metodica predarii fizicii, Ed. Arg Tempus, Piteşti, 1995 [4] Liliana Ciascai, Didactica fizicii, Ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2001 [5] [6]

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Educational Technology and the Problem of the Design of the Electronic Textbooks Elena Răilean University State of Moldova Mateevici street, 30, MD 2009, MOLDOVA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This article starts from the premise that, to be effective, the design of the electronic textbooks has to be related to the educational paradigm. However, in contrast to many of the definitions of the educational technology, which focus almost exclusively on the teacher – centered learning environments, this article discusses new concept of the educational technology focused on the design of the student – centered learning environments. Following the review of the literature in general, which highlights the process and the product aspects on educational technology, the article proceeds to introduce a definition that integrates the process and the products in one totality. The article is followed by the description of the problems of the design of the electronic textbooks and proposes an innovative approach that is an example of the applying theoretical concepts into real didactical process.

Keywords: Educational Technology, Process, Product, Electronic Textbooks 1


Educational technology has been defined as a process and as a product (Mândîcanu, 1994; Anglin, 1995; Matei, 1995; Ely, 1996; Marsh, 2005). But, the process and the product are two important elements in the definition of technology in general. For example, Anglin (1995) views technology as a “sistemic and systematic approach of behavioral sciences and other knowledge to problems solutions” that includes “processes, systems, management, human and non –human tools for assessment and the models of solutions. In the science of education there are used the following notions: educational technology, instructional technology, pedagogical technology etc. Matei (1995) observed that educational technology is a “set of theoretical knowledge about learning and education, about psychology of learning and about the methods, procedures and action – heuristic operational strategies and auxiliary mechanical methods applied with the aim to personalize students according to the educational ideal”. The author identified educational technology as a process: the application of the scientific principles (Matei, 1995 with reference to Devis, 1977) and as a product: the media resulted from the revolution of the communication tools (Matei, 1995 with reference to Black, 1977).


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Ely (1996) says that the term of the instructional technology is traditionally applied for the process of teaching and learning through intentional use of teaching /learning strategies and communicational media, but educational technology is a larger term including all aspects of the educational promptitude. These ideas could be validated using the historical method of research. So, the term “audiovisual communications” was defined by the Commission on Definition and Terminology of the USA in 1963 as “that branch of educational theory and practice primarily concerned with the design and use of the messages which control the learning process.” In 1972 AECT’s Committee on Definition and Terminology, chaired by Donald P. Ely, embraced the definition of the educational technology: “educational technology is a field involved in the facilitation of human learning through the systematic identification, development, organization and utilization of a full range of learning resources and through the management of these processes” (Molenda, 2003, p.28). Soon, in 1977 in a 169-page book, The Definition of Educational Technology the term was defined as “a complex, integrated process, involving people, procedures, ideas, devices and organization, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learning” (Molenda, 2003, p.28). The term instructional technology was firstly separated by the term educational technology and applied for situations in which learning is purposive, controlled and centered on problem-solving processes. Later, in 1994 the term instructional technology was defined as “theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning” (Molenda, 2003, p.36). This definition equated instructional technology with the instructional design process. 1.1 Educational Technology and Instruction Design Paradigms What is the definition of the educational technology? We will try to find the understanding of the concept comparing the definition of educational technology with the concept of the instructional design paradigms. During 1970 -2000 there are accepted three paradigms of the instructional design (Brusilovsky (2003). The first, AI-CAI paradigm (artificial intelligence computer aided instruction), accepted after 1970, included instructional material into automatic system of instruction. So, electronic textbooks were components of the complex system and, in this case we saw a technological product. Between 1980-1990, in the concept of ITS (Intelligent Tutorial Systems) paradigm, the main technology was problem –solving. This case is more related to the instructional process. In 1990-2000 in the concept of AIWES (artificial intelligence and web educational systems) paradigm the instructional material was based on on-line articles, presentations and web –based examples. If so, to follow the instructions the student had to be included into the active learning process. After 2000 the condition of active inclusion of the student into learning process is a vaster accepted concept. Midoro (2005) with point of the Sandholtz, Ringstaff and Dwyer’s (1997) study identifies the shift that will take in the change of teaching to learning. Paradigms are essential for instructional design in order to include diverse approaches. This may be necessary for the determination of the statute of educational psychology in accordance with educational technology. Полат et al. (2004) described

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the student – centered paradigm and observed that electronic textbooks have the best didactical characteristics for the realization of the task of a new conceptual textbook (technology as product!). In the author’s point of view the electronic textbook could include diverse cognitive information presented to students as primary resource for thinking, new methods and technologies for learning and the possibility of individual informational search. Юнина (2007) describes humanist paradigm accepted in philosophy, psychology and pedagogy and three main principles: humanist that sets up the student as a central figure of the didactical process; humanization, which means humanization of instructional context and information with point of the informational – communicational technologies in instruction, management and scientific research. The practical implementation of the above mentioned principles needs active inclusion of the learner into student – centred environments (technology as a process!). However, recently, with the advent of the new educational paradigm, the concept of learning environments has been shift. Does the shift from teaching to learning environments change the concept of educational technology? In our point of view the educational technology is a process that conducts to product. Our definition is: educational technology is a valid process in case when directly contributes to developing the finite technological product that can be demonstrated. The technological product could have different forms: graph of knowledge, all or selective inclusion portfolio of students’ work, competences etc. 1.2 New Educational Paradigm and Instructional Design As it was mentioned above the educational technology can be considered a vaster term comparatively to instructional technology. Sara McNeil (2007) observed that instructional technology is equal to instructional design plus behavioral development and described the instructional design as process, product, science and domain. Is it possible to be true? Let’s us analyse this approach deeper. In the concept of the new pedagogy paradigm the student has greater responsibility for his/her own learning. Students’ role is established on the basis of personality. But, in static, adaptive, interactive or intelligent technologies the computer program “adapts” the instructional context to psychological characteristics of the students. The adaptation is based on a dialogue scenario fulfilled totally by the teacher, or partially and totally by the instructional system. Adaptation is achieved artificially through adjusting and distributing dates from data base by the real teacher to a real student. This technology was elaborated in concept of the teacher - centered paradigm which places real teacher or the electronic textbook in the role of the main resource of knowledge or the source for all possible answers. The adaptation of the educational software to psychological characteristics of the learner contradicts with Piaget theory and their derivates. For example, Bhattacharya and Han (2001) demonstrate that biological development and the process of forming the personality is guided by the principles of adaptation, which includes processes of assimilation and accommodation and organization – the changing of complex cognitive structures with elementary level – scheme. This point of view has been extended by Atherton (2005) that observed a dialectical interdependence between the processes of assimilation and accommodation. In the process of assimilation the human perceives the information from the medium


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and interiorize it. In the process of accommodation the internal medium has been adjusted to new situation. So, the human adjusts practice to theory in the processes of assimilation and theory to practice in the processes of accommodation. The adaptation of the educational software to psychological characteristics of the learner could increase memory, but not thinking. The memory and thinking are two different psychological processes that rely to two different mechanisms. Memory depends, first of all, of the capacity of memorization and includes encoding, corning and recovering, but thinking has two sides: informational side and operational side. As it was analysed by Zlate (1999) the informational side includes generalized forms of the reflecting of the characteristics of the objects and essential cognitive units of thinking, but the operational side – ensemble of operations and mental procedures of transformation the information.


The problem of the design of the electronic textbooks

Interactive, intellegent and adaptive electronic textbooks are used by real students to gain knowledge or to form abilities and competences in an individual manner. But, how can the electronic textbooks be designed to proposed an individual path in forming the students knowledge /abilities /competence? The problem is that all “interactive, intelligent and adaptive electronic textbooks” have a similar structure (menu, theory and test, learning models) and a similar context, including multimedia (voice, video, animation) and artificial intelligence (pedagogical agents, pedagogical model). The difference consist in different technologies for “curriculum sequencing, adaptive presentation, intelligent analysis of student solutions, interactive problem solving support, adaptive navigation support, example based problem solving and interactive collaboration support” (Brusilovsky, 1999). Designing the functional structure for electronic textbooks there could be solved the above mentioned problems. In our point of view the functional structure is based on structure – context methodology. By structure – context methodology we mean the principles, methods and techniques used as catalyst in the process of acquiring the understanding in the domain. Starting with Taylor’s (2005) approach for the understanding: “students who possess a mature understanding of a subject are capable of explaining, interpreting, and applying the subject. They have perspective, empathy, and self-knowledge there was determined the principle of the designing the electronic textbooks. The structure – context methodology intends to offer a means of developing a self-regulated learning experience to students in a powerful learning environment. This model is based on systemic approach of pedagogy in the context of philosophy, psychology, physiology and cybernetics. Emphasizing the humanist paradigm, the methodology accentuates the importance of learning by doing in the process of forming the competence through technology e-manual in e-portfolio. 2.1 The principles of the design of the electronic textbooks The principles of the design the electronic textbooks were divided according to the three-dimensional model. In such context P1 integrates physiological, psychological, didactical principles with cybernetic technique; P2 – the principles of assimilation and accommodation to real life and P3 – the philosophical concepts that correlate with educational paradigm.

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 P1 Physiological principles The principle of the students’ physiological level: the design of the instructional context depends on the students level of development (physiological age) and the cognitive level (didactical age). The design of the electronic textbooks for pre-university level needs to respect the principles of Piaget Genetic Epistemology of Learning (Huitt, 2003), but the design of the electronic textbooks for adult learners - Andragogy principles of learning (Knowles, 1986). The principle of the limit character of the number 7±2 number: instructional context can include only sentences with length 7 ±2 words. As it was mentioned by Розина, 2003 in the fast reading the learner uses to read only the first sentence of each paragraph in correspondence with number Ингве-Миллер. Psychological principles The principle of specific characteristics of psychological processes: integrate concepts, prototypes, schemes and rules (Miclea, 2003) with analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, and comparison (Zlate, 1999). This principle validate directly the proposed definition for educational technology in concept of the student – centred paradigm. Analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, and comparison are the main operations of thinking, and concepts, prototypes, schemes and rules are the forms (or products) of thinking. The principle of multimedia: uses multimedia (“pictoral mode” Spencer, 1991) as medium to maintain attention and motivation. The principle of gestalt units: distributes uniform information on display in correspondence with principles of proportion, accent, unit and balance (Машбиц 1988) and apply graphs (Зайцева et al., 1989; Lanzing, 1997; Кречетников, 2002). Didactical principles The principle of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinare: determine the interdependences between what was leant and what will be studied with the electronic textbook at the early stage of design (Ильина, 1969). It’s better to present the item in form of judgment and not as a simple question (Машбиц 1988). The principle of specific methodic of domain: use the taxonomy of the active verbs in correspondence with the domain (Anderson, 2000; Paterson, 2000). The principle of leadership in instruction: apply linear, branched or blended learning in dependence on level of the student’s knowledge (Ertmer and Newby, 1996). The principle of specific characteristics of computer – student communication – the computer based communication is hard regulated and technological established (Машбиц, 1988) that means integration of synchronically and asynchronies forms of communications (Розина, 2002; Sava, 2003). Principle of didactical characteristics of informational –communicational technologies: use feedback and diversity of the computer educational resources distributed through Internet (Полат et. al., 2004). Cybernetic technique: apply concept mapping in the processes of structuring the instructional material and in forming the graph of knowledge (Novac, 2006). P2 The necessity to take into consideration the external influences of environment in the process of designing the electronic textbook has become important in close connection with the role of informational –communicational technologies. As it was mentioned by



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Golu (1993), Bhattacharya and Han (2001); Atherton (2005); Roberts (2005); Midoro (2005) the personality is a bio – psycho – socio - cultural totality that realize a specific adaptation to medium. We identified two principles: The principle of integration of the instructional context with socio-cultural needs of society: use real, authentic and meaningful tasks. The principle of collaborative learning: apply computer –supported collaborative learning that can provide “an ideal environment in which interaction among students plays a central role in the learning process” (Robets, 2005). P3 Analysing the state of art in philosophy of learning there were identified two principles for the design of the electronic textbooks. The principle of contemporary paradigm of education: to design and to elaborate the educational environments in which student has a central active role in the process of forming the knowledge; the instructional context is humanized and the informational – communicational technologies are related to all students activities. The principles of hermeneutics: to elaborate the instructional context as author’ text. The author’ text can be viewed as a generator of the personalized instructional context that demonstrates the student understanding of a subject through his/her own point of view based on past and current knowledge, abilities and competences.

3 Practical applications One of the possible practical applications of the three –dimensional model of the design of the electronic textbook is technology: e-manual in e-portfolio. The process of designing the technology has combined the theoretical instructional functional context of e-manual with individual practical building of the e-manual by the student. Such an approach has permitted the development of an interactive structure consisting of two parts: the theoretical part and the practical application. In the design and elaboration of the theoretical part has used the concept mapping. This technique permits to obtain a well -structured instructional context. There are two forms of a possible distribution of instructional context textbooks: through the free source Moodle or through the diskette (figure 1).

Figure 1 Electronic textbook and electronic portfolio As it can be observed from figure 1 the final form is the electronic portfolio created individually by each student. Instructional context has included a variety of instructional and assessment methods and techniques for learning. For this selfregulation is based on acquiring new knowledge in the process of maintaining the

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motivation through concentration the all activities for solving one main concept. According to the requirements, the concept can be meaningful for the student. For example, in electronic textbooks for Informatics it was proposed to study the second module “Microsoft Word” preparing an article about the most important question. Then the student will study the options for editing, inserting a table and apply formulae, including the result in his file. At the end of the first module the students have their e-mails and use the e-mail to be included into collaborative classroom or for peer assessment methods. As it can be observed, the individual methods have been completed by collective methods of instruction and assessment. An important moment is extension of the cognitive scheme. For these the electronic textbooks have included comparison the some concepts studied in different computer programs. For example, in the process of study the menus of Microsoft Excel the student will compare between the options of Word and Excel. Was observed that at the end of the third module, the students demonstrate good knowledge in Word, Excel and Internet, they have their own CVs, and an article imported for him/her with page title, tables, diagrams, literature and a correctly formatted text. We cannot study for school, but for life, Seneca says, and this idea was the main in the design of the electronic textbook. One important moment is that students at the final stage demonstrate their understanding through concept mapping. To create the concept map for each chapter students use and adapt what they know in drawing context. As a result presented information in graphical and symbolic ways integrates and converts information for all students. On the other hand the most important operations: Find, Send to, Save, Save As, Copy, Paste, Delete and Rename had become automatic. The obtained results were analyzed using SPSS v.10. It was observed that the students perform all the tasks and that marks increased from 6.88 to 9.56.



Reflecting in our practice in designing a electronic textbook based on three – dimensional model we have proposed a new definition for the concept of educational technology and identified the physiological, psychological, didactical and philosophical principles of the elaboration of the electronic textbooks. The principles were tested by the technology “electronic textbook in electronic portfolios” into real didactical process. In the proposed approach we tried to impose a minimum of structure in order to encourage the students to make their own contexts based on individual preferences and needs.




Anglin, G. J. (1995). Instructional technology: past, present, and future. Englewood Atherton J. S, (2005) Learning and Teaching: Assimilation and Accommodation: Brusilovsky, P. (2003), Adaptive and Intelligent Web-based Educational Systems, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 13 (2003) 156–169 IOS Press

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University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta Bhattacharya, K. and Han, S. (2001). Piaget and cognitive development. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Ely, D.P. (1996) Instructional Technology: Contemporary Frameworks. International Encyclopaedia of Educational Technology, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Pergamon Huitt, W. (2003). A systems model of human behavior. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University Golu M.( 1993), Dinamica personalităŃii, Bucureşti Mândîcanu V (1994). Tehnologi educaŃionale moderne, Chişinău, Vol.1 Marsh G.E. II (2005), Constructivism, and Instructional Technology Miclea Mircea(2003): Psihologie cognitivă: Modele teoretico-experimentale, Iaşi: Polirom Matei (1995), Pedagogie, Bucuresti Molenda M. (2003), Association for Educational Communications and Technology In the 20th Century: A Brief History, Copyright AECT, 2003. Midoro V.(2005): A Common European Framework for Teachers’ Professional Profile in ICT for Education, Edizioni MENABO: DIDACTICA, p.159 Ertmer, P.A. & Newby, T.J. (1996). The expert learner: strategic, self-regulated, and reflective. Instructional Science 24: 1-24. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers Полат Е. С., Бухаркина М. Ю., Моисеева М. В.(2004): Теория и практика дистанционного обучения. М: Академия. Юнина Е. А.(2007), Технология качественного обучения в школе. - М., С.210 Zlate Mielu (1999), Psihologia mecanismelor cognitive, Iasi: Polirom Spencer K., Modes, media and methods: the search for educational effectivencess, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.22, Nr.1 (1991) Taylor V., Online Group Projects: Preparing the Instructions to Prepare the Students. In in book Computer –supported collaborative learning in higher education/Tim S.Roberts, editor. Idea Group Publishing, 2005.-p.19-50 Зайцева Л. В. Новицкий Л. П., Грибкова В. А.(1989): Разработка и применение автоматизированных обучающих систем на базе ЭВМ, Рига: Знание Машбиц Е.И.(1988): Психолого-педагогические проблемы компьютеризации обучения. – М.: Педагогика

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Alternative Ways to Approach Math Tamaş Carmen Daniela Teacher of mathematics, No.1 School „Iorgu Radu”, Bârlad, România, e-mail:[email protected]

Abstract: Since 2005 my school is involved in a school development Comenius project, “PROLINE” (project orientated learning in networks). It’s main aim: introducing ICT in regular classes, especially Math. During these years I had used alternative ways to approach Mathematics, such are: web-quests, educational games, interactive lessons, virtual lessons in AEL (electronic assistant for high-schools), interactive quizzes, using yahoo-groups for homework assistance and starting 2006 interactive whiteboard, from year 1 to year 6, in cross-curricular classes, extracurricular activities related to the project, as well as in regular Math classes. The aim of this paper is to present the impact of using these new ways mainly on the pupils, but also on the teachers and the school, as well as presenting two of the outcomes made with the pupils in year 5: an interactive Math dictionary for fifth grade and a e-brochure of useful web-sites.

Introduction There is no such thing as a perfect way to approach Math. In Romania there is a traditional way to approach Math, a valuable and verified one and this way should be preserved as it is. But on the other hand, there are a few objectivs, even in the national curriculum, that can not be reached in this way: For instance „pupils should find new ways to solve problems” or „pupils should expailn their solutions to the other colleagues” [1]. For the first one, traditional way would ensure traditional methods, and for the second one there isn’t enough time to practice that. Then the Math exams and assessments are all written and individual ones, in this way ignoring the team work as well as different ways of presentation of the results of the work. Pupils should be able to learn from early ages to work in teams, to give and receive feed-back, to undertake learning roles, to experience new and unsuall ways of approaching problems. If we are looking at the traditional way of teaching Math we can see it hardly has anything in common with practical problems or issues or with using computers and Internet. So pupils who have abilities of using computers and Internet from very early ages can’t use their skills within Math classes, hardly make a natural connection between real world and Math, and most of the time thinks that Math and games have northing in common. I had always thought that in teaching Math to pupils up to 13 years old we should use different methods and new alternatives to approach Math, methods that should emphasize more the natural abilities of the children of these ages. Methods that should take in account and valorize their passion for playing games, the competitivity spirit, their need to talk and explain, their natural tendencies of undertake roles in teams and to work in teams, and their trend of using computers and


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Internet in almost anything. Therefore I tried to adapt, imagine and use the following methods in Math classes at children aged from 7 to 13 years and… it works.(webquests, yahoo.groups, interactive lessons and quizes, educational games, using of interactive whiteboard). Advantages of using these alternative ways are: - Web-quests: the pupils construct their own knowledge and so learn more thoroughly, take advantage of more learning styles( aural, kinesthetic, visual), learn to work in teams, they themselves decided how to divide the labor according to the team members’ interests and talents; pose real problems, challenging pupils to generate and test ideas for significance and usefulness. - Using the yahoo-group for homework assistance: Encouraging to continue in spite of their initial mistakes, correction of exercises in an interactive way to guide the pupil, contact with the teacher by email, a forum for questions, contact with the teacher and other pupils on an interactive chat - Educational games: learning mathematics is more pleasant and more fun, pupils aim to improve their mathematics result to the best of their potential, no matter how long it takes, the improving results are recorded and this encourages the pupils, the same series of exercises can be redone several times; pupil concentrates better in front of his PC than in a class; the system of accumulating points as one goes along stimulates the pupil to succeed - Interactive lessons and quizzes: each pupil can progress at his own rhythm; no lassitude because the selected statements are presented vary unceasingly and in a random way; the anchoring of errors is avoided because the exercises are corrected immediately; an interactive correction is proposed in order that the pupil can begin the exercise again -part of the process is to allow the problem through to its resolution; the pupils are often requested to play an active role in the correction; they do not receive the solution in a passive way, they are guided stage by stage through the correction to the correct answer. - Interactive whiteboard: allow more varied, creative and seamless use of teaching materials; encourage learner participation, through the ability to interact with materials on the board; learners do not need to use a keyboard to interact with the technology, increasing access for learners with disabilities; allow tutors to share and re-use materials, through the save and/or print features of the whiteboard, thereby reducing workload.

Presentations of the methods used so far and their results 1.askdana-group I found on the internet at www. interesting site. Ask Dr. Math is a question and answer service for math students and their teachers. A searchable archive is available by level and topic, as well as summaries of Frequently

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Asked Questions .In fall of 1994 the Geometry Forum (now the Math Forum) discovered a dormant project called "Ask Prof. Maths," where K-12 students could send in math questions and get personal answers. They decided to revive the program, using Swarthmore College math students as 'Math Doctors' – they where called the 'Swat Team' - students who loved to answer questions from other students. By the fall of 1995, the rapidly increasing volume of questions required that new members of the staff be recruited from other colleges around the country. By the year 2000, there had been over 300 volunteer 'Doctors' from all corners of the globe. Students submit questions to Dr. Math by filling out our Web form. Answers are sent back by e-mail, and they then gather the best questions and answers into a searchable archive organized by grade level and topic[4]. In September 2006 I decided to adapt this idea, so together with my 27 pupils we form a yahoo-group, called “askdana”. My pupils have Math classes from Monday to Thursday, and every day they get homework, except their homework is checked every Friday, not daily. Meanwhile my pupils can ask questions regarding their homework to me as well as to their colleagues, everyone receive every question and every answer in his/hers e-mail box. After a year of trial, I can say the idea works, some of the pupils are already sending reply with ideas or answers even before I check my e-mail, and some times there is a very interesting change of solving ideas in the group. The pupils get used quickly with the system, the ones gifted to Math were willing to undertake “Math Doctors roles”, and the other pupils find it more comfortable to ask a question and get a hint to or from a colleague, instead of an adult. All in all, I can say for my pupils, homework for Math is not such a hard thing to do anymore, the parents are satisfied with the idea, and after the first two months I can admit it is not a hard time consumer for me either. Where it can be used? At any classroom, as long as all the children have at home Internet access, so no discrimination is possible, and as long as the children are willing to use it. At the beginning it is challenging and time consumer for the teacher, because it needs a daily check out and answer, but when some of the children undertake active learning roles things are going smoothly. 2. Web-quests As one can see on www. a WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. The model was developed by Bernie Dodge at San Diego State University in February, 1995 with early input from SDSU/Pacific Bell Fellow Tom March, the Educational Technology staff at San Diego Unified School District, and waves of participants each summer at the Teach the Teachers Consortium. Since those beginning days, tens of thousands of teachers have embraced WebQuests as a way to make good use of the internet while engaging their students in the kinds of thinking that the 21st century requires. A real wrapped around a doable and interesting task that is ideally a scaled down version of things that adults do as citizens or workers,


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requires higher level thinking, not simply summarizing. This includes synthesis, analysis, problem-solving, creativity and judgment, makes good use of the web. A WebQuest that isn't based on real resources from the web is probably just a traditional lesson in disguise. (Of course, books and other media can be used within a WebQuest, but if the web isn't at the heart of the lesson, it's not a WebQuest.), isn't a research report or a step-by-step science or math procedure. Having learners simply distilling web sites and making a presentation about them isn't enough., isn't just a series of webbased experiences. Having learners go look at this page, then go play this game, then go here and turn your name into hieroglyphs doesn't require higher level thinking skills and so, by definition, isn't a WebQuest[5]. The webquest formula[2]. : WebQuests develop problem-solving skills, and provide an avenue for seamlessly integrating technology into the curriculum. And creating one is easier than one might think! Many sites are available to provide examples of the steps that one goes through during the creating process. One of the most thorough is Bernie Dodge'sWebQuest Page. According to Dodge, the six Building Blocks of a WebQuest are: • The Introduction orients students and captures their interest. • The Task describes the activity's end product. • The Process explains strategies students should use to complete the task. • The Resources are the Web sites students will use to complete the task. • The Evaluation measures the results of the activity. • The Conclusion sums up the activity and encourages students to reflect on its process and results. First time I had heard about the web-quest was at the first project meeting, in October 2005 in England, in the school development Comenius project called PROLINEproject orientated learning in networks, in which my school have partners 2 schools from England one from Germany and another school from Romania. After the project meeting I started to do some research on the Internet regarding web-quests, then I used some of the web-quests in the pilot classes and in optional classes( on top I think there are excellent webquest about symmetry; Learning Roman numerals from and afterwards I created a few webquests: “The power of powers”-a webquests using flashcards in order to calculate the powers, to recognize and use the rules of the powers; “Tales with fractions” – a webquest in which the pupils were invited to solve and illustrate the most famous tales with fractions; “Symmetry”-a webquest with and about symmetry and antisymmetry; “A day with Harry Potter”-a webquest to discover the rules of sequences of numbers; „The magical world of natural numbers”-a webquest about the properties of natural numbers, “Advertising for my planet”-an astronomy webquest to find out more about the planets in the solar system[6]. The webquests had a good effect on the pupils, I used them mainly in optional classes, in extracurricular

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activities regarding to the project, for final revision, I presented them in teacher’s meetings, in Math’s magazines, at a national symposium, the colleagues from my school and from other schools asked me for the webquests and used them as well. To use any of these webquests one can access or www.bro.go. One can use webquests as an assessment at the end of a unit, in the final recap period, when reinforcement of old notions is required. I used it mainly in optional classes, because usually it takes more than one hour to use a webquest. It is of particular use for SEN pupils who may find and fulfill their learning role as well as for kynesthesic and visual pupils. 3. Educational games: I would say educational games are a must for pupils up to 12 years old! Starting 2007 together year 5 and year 1 we manage to bought an interactive whiteboard for our classroom. And for year 1 Math truly became fun: 1 hour per day they played educational math games from[7], as well as from[8]. What happened as a consequence: the pupils math skills had improved, thier calculus speed improved, their response to Math challenges is much better, their motivation for learning Math had increased. In addition to that they are more confident in using computers and they managed to work with the English words in order to play the games. This extra hour per day was after their daily schedule and of course it was not compulsory, but there many days when parents and primary teacher faced real difficulties in their attempt to put an end to this hour! We can use educational games as a reward for pupils that are doing all the required tasks, or as a sequence of 10 to 15 minutes to increase or reinforce interest for a specific issue. Pupils in year 5 also enjoyed educational games, but they prefered to do this in some extra hours at the end of the week, as well as to ubdertake tutoring roles for their colleagues in year 1. There can be use in regular Math classes as well as we have computers or interactive white board in the classroom. 4. Interactive lessons and quizzes: I found the interactive lessons and quizzes most useful and attractive, there is a huge range you can chose from available on the Internet, already made, tested, classified according to topic, age, subject, free…I liked a lot the Quiz lab because it helped me create my own quizzes, in a fast and easy manner using their templates. The pupils usually love the interactive lessons mainly because they are interactive and they love to interact, as for the quizzes, the pupils would like them far more than the classical tests due to their graphics and because they can check their answers almost immediately. Of course in order to do all these a good level in English is required both for children and the teachers, as well as access to computers and Internet into the classroom. For the last one, no matter how hard it seems now, we must be aware that this is the future, as for the first one I admit it is hard to start, the beginning is even harder, but once most of


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the children have reached a fair level in English, confidence in using it and a good language control, the advantages are far more important than the obstacles. Some time ago I was thinking that it would be a good idea to have a bank with interactive lessons and quizzes in Romanian, more tackled on our curriculum, than Ael virtual lessons covered this, then I thought maybe trying CLIL might be a god idea, meaning teaching Math using English as a communication vehicle, now I would say any way that enable our pupils to have access to these resources seems good to me. We can use them as an alternative way of assessment, in practicing sequences with the whole class, in demonstrative ways of solving problems, they are particular good for competitions between groups. 5. Interactive whiteboard: An interactive whiteboard is a product on which you display your computer desktop and then interact with the information. It allows the teacher or presenter to access and display information from the Internet, run live video from a camera, and deliver CDROM presentations and control software from a single location. Connected to a computer and projector, an interactive whiteboard becomes a powerful tool for teaching, collaborating and presenting. An interactive whiteboard is touch-sensitive, where your finger can act as a mouse or a pen. With the press of a finger, you can access and control applications on your computer or write, draw, and highlight on the board using electronic pens and erasers. The large image and a focal point in the room support learning outcomes both in terms of motivation and understanding. An interactive whiteboard provides whole-group access to a wide range of activities before individuals embark on independent work. From the Internet to educational software, there is an abundance of multimedia resources available to engage students' imagination and intellect. Delivering exciting lessons with these materials can be difficult if teachers and students have limited access to computers. With an interactive whiteboard, teachers can combine a LCD or DLP projector and a computer with the board to create visual and interactive computer-based lessons that involve the whole class. An interactive whiteboard makes the instructor's computer visible to the whole group, creates an interactive teaching environment, enhances computer-based instruction, and is time-saving. Students are eager to participate, and all eyes are where they should be, focused on the lesson material. Interaction appeals to every student, especially those with a hands-on learning style[3]. First time I saw and use an interactive whiteboard was in October 2005 during the project meeting and I was determined to use one in my classes. It took me almost two years but starting March 2007 I have one in my classroom and I am using it in every Math class, in different sequences of the lesson and the effects on the pupils are overwhelming. Together with my partners in the project, we made a brochure with useful websites, for pupils aged between 4 and 14 years, the electronic version of this brochure is available on the project’s e-journal: I am using

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the interactive whiteboard in every Math class, except for the ones when pupils have written assessments, sometimes for 10 to 20 minutes, sometimes for more, in different sequences of the lessons. I also had interactive quizes using the interactive whiteboard, especially for competitions between groups but for individual assessment as well. The brochure of useful websites This brochure of useful web-sites is one of the end products of the school-development project “PROLINE-project orientated learning in networks". PROLINE is a project started in 2005 in partnership with two schools from England ((St. Andrew’s Primary School from Buckland Monachorum and Oreston Primary School from Plymouth); a school from Germany (Franziskus Grundschule-Dortmund) and two schools from Romania (Şcoala nr. 10 "Mihail Sadoveanu" - Vaslui and Şcoala nr.1 "Iorgu Radu”Bârlad).The pupils involved developed their key competences of communication (including in foreign languages), both directly and virtually (by e-mail), computer operating, use of Internet, use of ICT at all classes. The pupils with special educational needs can access different web-sites especially created to help them achieve better results. The pupils want to use ICT to a larger extent at regular classes and therefore we consider the brochure a useful tool for children, teachers and parents. The brochure contains 150 web-sites in alphabetical order. Each site has a short description of subjects where to use it, target audience, special observations. All information is in English, Romanian and German. The web-sites enable school progress offering (in electronic format, as a web page on the project’s e-journal) direct, quick and easy access to several interactive resources for all subjects. The resources adapted for the interactive whiteboard, worksheets, games, interactive and on-line activities stimulate the creativity and motivation of pupils and teachers. In its electronic format, the brochure can be updated and improved. Any user of an interactive web-site wishing to make this site popular can do so by an e-mail on the e-journal or by posting a comment on the e-journal. [9] The edictionary The dictionary is on going, it was one of the projects for final assessments in year 5 this year. The pupils made small powerpoint presentations for the main Math notions they had learnt in this year and are about to post this edictionary on their class site as well as on the ejournal as soon as possible. Using an attractive graphic, involving pupils as active participants in the creation of the edictionary, being available on the Internet, all these are making the edictionary more desirable than the usual Math glossaries. In conclusion ,to rephrase an old Romanian proverb, as Math teachers we should have the power to preserve what needs to be preserved, the courage to change what needs to be changed, and most of all the wisdom to choose between these two in the interest and for the benefit of our pupils.


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Refferences: [1] Programa de matematică, clasele V-VIII (National curriculum for year 5 to 8) [2] Tamaş Daniela „About web-quests”, in Meridian Matematic Vasluian (Vaslui Math meridiam), Math magazine no.6, 2006 [3] Tamas Daniela, „Using interactive whiteboard in Math classes”, presented at the national symposiom EficienŃa şi modernitate în învîăŃământ (Modern and eficientcy in teaching), April 2007, Bârlad [4] www. [5] www. [6] and /or www.bro.go [7] [8] [9] Note: Special thanks to miss Anca Tamaş, for help and support, for being a source of original ideas as well as the reason why for finding these alternatives.

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007




Paper and Authors Web 3D & Virtual Reality - Based Applications for Simulation and e-Learning Felix G. HAMZA -LUP, Veronica STEFAN n-D Virtual Environment in Construction Education

Page 71



Mohammed E. Haque A Dynamic Programming Approach to Identify Shortest Path in Virtual learning Environment



Hamed Fazlollahtabar A rules based on context methodology to build the pedagogical resources



Gabriela Moise Case Studies in the UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership Programme



Laurence Legg, Philip Holifield, Mircea Galis Education in Manufacturing Engineering by 3D Interactive Virtual Models



Mircea Galis, Laurence Legg Learning from Nature: Natural Computing Meets Virtual Learning



Zhengxin Chen The integration of the database with Microsoft. NET Framework



Simona Marilena Ilie Tools designed to ensure quality of educational programs at ODL Department of Bucharest University



Michaela Logofătu, Anişoara Dumitrache, Mihaela Gheorghe E-manager – A New Professional Profile in Tourism Landscape


Andrei Dumitrescu, Tom Savu

252 11.


13. 14.





University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta Exploring the concept of identity and meaning-making in the space between virtual and real worlds Simon Paul Atkinson Attitude of VET Trainers towards Virtual Training in Turkey and Romania SAHĐN Mehmet, MIHAI Aura WEB-BASED LEARNING IN MECHANICAL DESIGN Süleyman Yaldız, Süleyman Neşeli Improvements In The Learning Reached With The Use Of The New Methodologies And Technologies At Qualifications By E-Learning Fabricia Ferreira de Souza, Lucia Regina H. R. Franco E-learning multimedia applications: Towards an engineering of content creation María Dolores Afonso Suárez, Cayetano Guerra Artal, Fco Mario Tejera Hernández E-Learning Indicators: A Multidimensional Model for Evaluating and Planning E-Learning Solutions Bekim Fetaji, Majlinda Fetaji Measuring e-learning effectiveness through e-content and attention correlation Bekim Fetaji, Nada Pop-Jordanova, Jordan Pop-Jordanov, Tatiana Zorcec, Silvana Markovska Innovative teaching and learning technologies used in pre-university system



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Liliana Violeta Constantin, Livia Dinica E-Learning and E-Pedagogy in now days



Liliana Violeta Constantin, Ovidiu Florin Caltun Web-based learning methods and online education




Liliana Violeta Constantin Educational Technology and the Problem of the Design of the Electronic Textbooks Elena Răilean Alternative Ways to Approach Math Tamaş Carmen Daniela



The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Sections TECHNOLOGIES & SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Technologies (TECH): • • • • • • • • •

Innovative Web-based Teaching and Learning Technologies Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) technologies Web, Virtual Reality/AR and mixed technologies Web-based Education (WBE), Web-based Training (WBT) New technologies for e-Learning, e-Training and e-Skills Educational Technology, Web-Lecturing Technology Mobile E-Learning, Communication Technology Applications Computer Graphics and Computational Geometry Intelligent Virtual Environment

Software Solutions (SOFT): • • • •

• • • • •

New software environments for education & training Software and management for education Virtual Reality Applications in Web-based Education Computer Graphics, Web, VR/AR and mixed-based applications for education & training, business, medicine, industry and other sciences Multi-agent Technology Applications in WBE and WBT Streaming Multimedia Applications in Learning Scientific Web-based Laboratories and Virtual Labs Software Computing in Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence Avatars and Intelligent Agents

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


On teaching data analysis and optimisation using software tools Grigore Albeanu1, Florin PopenŃiu-Vlădicescu2, Liviu Şerbănescu3 (1) UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies at University of Oradea, University Street, No. 1, 410087, Romania, E-mail: [email protected]; (2) City University, Department of Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering, UNESCO programme, Northampton Square, London EC1V OHB, E-mail: [email protected]; (3) Astronomic Institute of Romanian Academy, CuŃitul de Argint Street, No. 5, 040557, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail: [email protected];

Abstract Teaching 'Data analysis and optimisation' deals both with theoretical aspects and simulation tools. This paper describes an approach based on using a software package useful both a teacher's tool and a stand-alone unit adequate for learning and research. The following major themes will be considered: linear and nonlinear regression, linear optimisation (the simplex method), non-linear (onedimensional, multivariate search, gradient-based methods) and stochastic optimisation techniques including problems of minimal risk and problems of assumed risk. All subjects are covered both for small and large size problems.

Keywords: higher education, data analysis, optimisation, computer-aided instruction 1


The investments of Europe in using ICT for performance improving in science, technology and current life, demonstrates a special “interest in discovering and implementing effective methodological/learning strategies and suitable applications, in order to deliver education services to meet both student’s learning needs and institutional educational aims”, as (Dondi et al. 2006) remark. Also, according to (IoniŃă, 2006), “many universities are expanding their range of courses available across the Internet by offering their programmes in a number of languages”. However, any important Higher Education Institution has a clear interest not only for basic education, but also for research. A research consortium is interested to produce not only knowledge, but also financial resources to survive. In this situation, the usage of software resources can be permitted only to the consortium members. This is the main reason to use a special approach in using ICT for learning and research. This paper describes an approach based on using a software package useful both as a teacher's tool and a stand-alone unit adequate for learning and research. The following major themes


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are covered: linear and non-linear regression, linear optimisation (the simplex method), non-linear (one-dimensional, multivariate search, gradient-based methods) and stochastic optimisation techniques including problems of minimal risk and problems of assumed risk. All subjects are covered both for small and large size problems, based on transformation methods.


The challenge of teaching data analysis

Depending on the field of interest, teaching data analysis is a great provocation. There are different approaches when consider theoretical mathematics, or applied mathematics in different fields. Also the vision can be different depending on science domain: business, biology, engineering, and social science. The common used methods of data modelling are based on linear (Weisberg, 2005) and nonlinear regression (Bates & Watts, 1988). However, new approaches based on time series analysis, modelling and forecasting are request by the dynamic evolution of the current life (Madsen et al, 2006). Teaching data analysis can use off-line tools and online software systems based on Web technology. However, we found that online teaching can experience sometimes unavailability of resources. Stand-alone software, available locally, is the best solution during teaching activities. If such a system supports interactive learning, the students will really appreciate is functionalities related to data analysis. Also, such a system can be used during diploma preparation or for master/PhD investigations.


The challenge of teaching optimisation methods

To optimise the behaviour of a system is an important request nowadays. The optimisation techniques play a special interest for both undergraduate and graduate people. There are classic optimisation approaches (as most of the methods considered in the next section) but also, new optimisation approaches based on natural computing, soft computing etc., are available. It is difficult to accommodate, in one course, all these techniques, and it is not efficient to create a software system supporting all current optimisation procedures. Linear and nonlinear programming, stochastic programming and an introduction to game theoretical approaches are only some chapters to be parts of the background of every graduate student. If it is necessary, these topics will be used not only during a master or PhD program but also for solving applied problems. We found that the following references are important enough to be used during teaching optimisation methods: (Fletcher, 1980, 1981), (Luenberger, 1984) and (Bazaraa et Sherali, 2006). The usage of commercial software is recommended if the institution has the requested financial resources and the people involved in Teaching/Learning/Research prove programming techniques. Otherwise, special software units can be used for every subject.

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4 Software functionalities supporting teaching, learning and research 4.1 General rules A syntactic analyser has been created for the software is used to take over a variety of nonlinear functions. The loaded strings must follow some rules, in order to use it: • The functions can be written as a combination of other functions, having lengths of hundreds of characters. The allowed functions are: pow(a, b) equivalent to ab, where a and b are real numbers or might be also another functions; sin(a) where a may be a real number or another function; cos(a) where a may be a real number or another function; log(a) meaning natural logarithm, where a may be a real number or another function; exp(a) equivalent to ea where a may be a real number or another function. • For one-variable cases the variable is named x. For multivariable cases the variables are named xi, where i = 1...n. The operators allowed are: +, -, /, *. The operator (-) is always put between brackets, for example -x1-x2-12.6*x3 will be written as (-1)*x1+(-1)*x2+(-12.6)*x3. Multilevel brackets can also be used. • The maximum number of variables, for the version 2.0 is 19 for the geometric methods (the peaks number of the complex being of maximum 20), and 20 for other cases. For the Simplex method, we have 70 variables (including the supplementary variables). The implicit restrictions must be inserted without the inequality signs. 4.2 Identification techniques Both linear (Ymodel = a0+a1x0+ a2x2+ a3x3+...+ anxn) and nonlinear (Ymodel = a0+a1f1(x1’) +a2f2(x2’) +a3f3(x3’) + ... +anfn(xn’)) models can be explored. The data for the nonlinear (Figure 1a) and linear models can be taken over from a file or may be input directly into the dialog box. The implicit extension of the data file for the nonlinear model is *.dnl. The results can be saved (Figure 1b) and visualized (Figure 1c). The file structure for the nonlinear model is: number of variables, number of functions, number of measurements, and the list of functions. The table has in columns the input variables and in the last column the output variable. The data separator is (at least one) space character. Each row from the table represents a measurement. The work on variables’ subgroups allows taking into consideration groups of variables either selected clearly by the user, or with automatic generated combinations, the model being realized only on group level. In the case of automatic generated groups of variables the program detects the combination that has the best adequacy factor (see Figure 1b). The maximal number of combinations, for which the maximal adequacy of the model is found, is of 5000. The implicit selection of each variable from group is realized by clicking on the respective column. If no selection is made, there are taken into consideration all the input data. In the linear case, the program allows to be taken over 20 input variables and 1000 measurements; it may be extended without a modification in the source of the software (the code). The implicit extension of the input data files for the linear modelling is *.dat. The input data file structure for linear modelling is the following: number of variables, number of measurements, the table having on columns the input variables and on the last column is the output variable.


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a) Nonlinear modelling

b) Saving the results

c) Graphical visualisation Figure 1: Data analysis for model identification 4.3 Optimisation techniques and transformation methods Optimisation procedures and simulations are implemented for linear problems (Simplex: min cTx related to Ax = b or Ax < b), nonlinear problems (Coggins, Gold section, Rosenbrock, Nelder-Mead, Box, Cauchy, Fletcher-Powell, Fletcher-Reeves, Rosen, Newton-Raphson), stochastic problems (minimal risk, assumed risk) and game theoretic approaches. Figure 2 illustrates some details of implementation for easy understanding during teaching, learning or research experiments. The problems with minimum risk have the form: min[ α = p(cTu < y0)] related to Au ≤ b, u ≥ 0, while the form of the optimisation problems with assumed risk is: max [ cTu], Au ≤ b, p( cTu < y) = α. The BOX method is used to solve the embedded optimisation problems. For large problems, during Teaching/Learning/Research activities, the methods of Rosen (-linear) and Benders (-nonlinear) are available to be used (Figure 3).

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a) The Simplex Window

b) The BOX method

c) Stochastic optimisation

d) A game theoretic approach

Figure 2: Interactive options for Teaching/Learning/Research on Optimisation

Figure 3: Using Rosen/Benders methods


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Lagrange multipliers approach is also available. Transformation techniques by penalty procedures (including the multivariable case) as well as for dual programming are implemented and well suited for solving large problems.


Conclusions and future developments

A computer-aided Teaching/Learning/Research approach was described using a complex software system for data analysis and optimisation. The current version of this system was implemented in Borland C++ Builder (being available to the consortium), and there is a strong request for a Java version (to be a public software). For the future, not only a Java based implementation will be considered, but also the collection of methods will be increased.

6 [1]


Bates D.M. and Watts D.G. (1988): Nonlinear regression analysis and its applications. Wiley & Sons, New York. [2] Bazaraa M.S. and Sherali H.D. (2006): Nonlinear programming. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey. [3] Dondi, C., Mancinelli Elisa and Moretti, M. (2006): Adapting existing competence frameworks to higher education environments. In I. Mac Labhrainn, C. McDonald Leg, D. Schneckenberg and J. Wildt (Eds): The Challenge of eCompetence in Academic Staff Development. CELT, Galway, 19-28. [4] Fletcher R. (1980): Practical Methods of Optimization. Vol. 1: Unconstrained Optimization. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. [5] Fletcher R. (1981): Practical Methods of Optimization. Vol. 2: Constrained Optimization. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. [6] IoniŃă A. (2006): Trends in Professional Learning in the Framework of Knowledge Society. In M. Vlada, G. Albeanu and D.M. Popovici (Eds): Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL 2006). Bucharet University Press, Bucharest, 29-36. [7] Luenberger D.G. (1984): Linear and nonlinear programming. Addison Wesley, Reading (2nd ed.). [8] Madsen H., Albeanu G., Burtschy B. and PopenŃiu-Vlădicescu Fl. (2006): Addressing Time Series Modelling. Analysis and Forecasting in e-Learning Environments. In M. Vlada, G. Albeanu and D.M. Popovici (Eds): Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL 2006). Bucharet University Press, Bucharest, 37-44. [9] Mathews J.H. and Fink K.D. (1999): Numerical Methods using Matlab. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River (3rd ed.). [10] SISCON - software for the optimisation of large systems. An auxiliary tool for the PoLogCem, NATO Science CLG 979542, 2004. [11] Weisberg S. (2005): Applied linear regression. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.

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Virtual Manufacturing Environments – The Future of Education in Manufacturing Professor Laurence Legg1, Professor Mircea Galis2 (1) University of Central Lancashire, Department of Technology, Preston PR1 2HE, United Kingdom, [email protected] (2) Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Machine Tools and Industrial Robots, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, 103-105 Muncii Bd., Romania E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This paper presents some considerations about Virtual Manufacturing and the way in which the Virtual Manufacturing Environments are used in teaching/learning/elearning. The aspects of information transfer/acquisition by using images are outlined too. The paper presents the structure of an e-learning module in manufacturing engineering, achieved by the authors, and points out some relevant examples. Finally, the way, in which users can manipulate a Virtual Manufacturing Scene via the Internet, is shown

Keywords: Virtual Manufacturing, 3D animated models, e-learning, Virtual Reality 1


In today manufacturing globalization is the major trend, both in terms of markets and partners. This means that the companies want to sell their products all over the world and that the supply chain members are also located all over the world. As a consequence, the information flow among all business actors is dramatically growing and has to be shared. Taking into account this crucial trend it is obvious that education in manufacturing has to follow this route. In other words, today training/learning of manufacturing has to cope with a huge amount of information that has to be delivered/acquired, stored, selected and used. It is generally accepted that Virtual Manufacturing (VM), with all its branches, inclusive Virtual Manufacturing Environments (VMEs), is the key to answer to present/future manufacturing challenges. Virtual Manufacturing Environments for education in manufacturing might be discussed in various ways. Using Virtual Environments for manufacturing technologies has been in fashion for some time. On the other hand, there is a great enthusiasm for promoting a new IT branch that is Virtual Reality, as a major factor in future environments for training and education. “The use of a Virtual Enterprise (VE) is becoming increasingly prevalent, and that has been made possible, in part, due to the significant advances in communication and


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information technology in recent years. A manufacturing system is one of the competitive factors that forms an effective VE” [1]. In its broadest sense, the construction of VMEs has to be seen as a design problem. The authors think that interactive visualization in product development, training and education as well as for simulating and representing complex technical relationships is the core of future manufacturing, both in education and in real enterprises. Companies have to manage their products, which are rapidly becoming more complex and varied, for their entire Product Life Cycle, which now spans from development to include a recycling phase. The use of images can enhance communication significantly; hence, one solution could be to link Virtual Manufacturing (Digital Manufacturing) with 3D immersive digital visualisation that enables interaction with the product design through the development process and in the planning and preparation of the manufacturing processes. The costs for creating downstream visual communication for documentation, training and support of complex tasks throughout the product life cycle are always increasing. To control all these, companies need to balance and optimise among the CAD solutions and visualization software. The authors believe that a combination between 3DStudioMax and EON Reality software can lead to solve these problems with good results both from economical and technical viewpoints. 2 Virtual Manufacturing “The term ‘virtual’ has been widely used in many sectors for technical terms such as virtual machines, virtual reality, virtual memory, virtual team, and so on. From the early 1990’s, the word ‘virtual’ has also been used in the manufacturing field. Jones et al. introduced the virtual reality for manufacturing simulation “ [2]. In its broadest meaning, the manufacturing can be defined as the way of solving society’s material needs. How can the virtual (digital) manufacturing be defined? First of all, it has to be emphasised that within academic and business environment many terminologies and definitions are used for this concept. Among these, very spread are: virtual manufacturing, digital manufacturing, e-manufacturing, e-factory, virtual factory and so on. As a consequence, a single definition accepted by all the actors involved in the manufacturing area, has not been set up so far. However, there are some people and organizations that, by their results, can claim the right to establish a definition for this modern and so much in vogue concept in the manufacturing world. In this respect, some opinions are presented below: "The foundation of digital manufacturing is built upon an open data management platform that can support multiple disciplines, including product design and manufacturing, and share data with complementary applications upstream and downstream for all to participate in as needed", says Al Hufstetler, vice president of digital manufacturing, business strategy and marketing for Maryland Heights, Mobased UGS PLM Solutions [3]. “Digital Manufacturing -A key tool for better products faster. Digital Manufacturing is the integrated development and manufacturing simulation of a product, which clearly communicates the product and the manufacturing processes for the product” [4].

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“Digital manufacturing may have as many definitions as there are vendors to support the concept, but the one thing for sure is that its success rests with the ability to simulate, communicate and act upon digital data system wide. In its truest sense, digital manufacturing comprises technology and business practices that let users collaborate, author, review, design, program, document and share all aspects of a business digitally”[5]. There are three paradigms of Virtual manufacturing (VM), Design-Centred VM, and Production-Centred VM, Control-Centred VM. More or less, from all these approaches, it is obvious that it can be accepted that VM is a concept that covers the entire Product Life Cycle (PLC) and it integrates the entire information amount and flow by electronic means. VM solutions enable the continuous creation and validation of the manufacturing processes throughout a product’s life cycle. Two motivations for using VM are underlined bellow: VM is to enhance people's ability to predict potential problems and inefficiencies in product functionality and manufacturability before real manufacturing occurs. • “In the future, adaptability of the structure of production will become an important competitiveness factor for companies. However, as company structures change, so also do value-adding structures alter. Future production structures must therefore allow for continuous alterations in planning and configuration. A possible solution is the use of hierarchical system technology for structuring companies. Furthermore, by decentralizing and self-organizing performance units and by networking production right up to Virtual Enterprises, a closer proximity to customers can be achieved”[6]. Using the VMEs in education There are some areas of education such as physics, chemistry and all engineering branches, where, if learning is too much language-based, conceptual, and abstract, very important side effects might appear. This is due to the fact that they have quite a little "feel" and understanding of the qualitative dimensions of the phenomena they study. Therefore, there is a strong need to root learning in experience. By doing this, the students will get a deeper and more robust understanding of the subject matter. “Understanding focuses on application and knowledge-in-action offers the best potential for knowledge transfer, the creative application of knowledge, and the construction of new knowledge”[7]. For the areas mentioned above, the education will be extremely expensive and almost impossible in physical laboratories for all subjects of study. On the other hand, the universities can’t afford to keep laboratories at the state of the art. To achieve the goal of setting education on the experience-based track, the VMEs is one of the most appropriate solutions, also from education costs point of view. To sum up, the advantages of using VMEs in manufacturing education are: More effective learning/teaching and quicker comprehension, higher retention, and greater productivity. Communicate complex processes at a glance. A well-designed environment can help students experience things in a larger context and pick out useful information from complex systems.


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Reduce training costs. In some cases it might be possible to provide remote access to expensive laboratory hardware. Less geographic and language barriers. One can integrate interactive learning objects into a VME and have people learn in that environment by working and communicating with others. • VMEs are generally interactive and 3D and these features maintain trainee interest and involvement, making learning more intuitive and fun. 3D environments have the potential to situate the learner within a meaningful context to a much greater extent than traditional interactive multimedia environments


3D animated models the core of VMEs

Generally, three – dimensional (3D) animated models are being created to enable learners to overcome difficulties in understanding/interpreting complex structures, such as a manufacturing equipment/system. Using 3D models for online teaching/learning /e-learning adds a new dimension to the entire process of education. By interaction with 3D animated models the whole teaching/learning process can be greatly enhanced. Till the last few years one would hesitate to use 3D animated models for online education, mainly due to the large size of files and the need for the original software for interacting with the model. Solutions for creating the 3D animated models, currently available on the market, are quite divers. The authors propose the use of authoring tools such as Flash (from Macromedia) or 3D Studio Max (from AutoDesk). These will offer a good equilibrium between the costs and modeling facilities. The animation to be disseminated is typically authored frame-by-frame using these tools. An important disadvantage of these tools (and this is true for any other currently solutions) is that both require considerable effort for the creation of models. The authors gained expertise in the creation of 3D digital models for manufacturing processes and equipment using the software 3D Studio Max. Despite the fact that it is very well known among creators in the field of arts, movies, electronic games industries, this software is highly appropriate to create 3D digital models for manufacturing too. Like any other CAD software it has all functions that a creator needs. Among the main features of 3D Studio Max one might be underline: • Special effects and rendering facilities. • VRML features available to publish 3D animated models on the Net. • Place photographs and film as a presentation's backdrop and integrate sound with the presentation. • Subtle visual effects. • Powerful materials editor. • One of the best modules for animations. • Using merge command the users can pickup different components from a virtual library and combine them, as they need. The Interactive 3D and Virtual Reality Software from EON Reality Inc brings the power and versatility of advanced, high-end simulation technology to the PC platform and the Internet. By using the EON Raptor plug-in for 3D Studio Max, the 3D

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animated digital models can be easily transferred to the EON Reality Studio, where the user can manipulate the scene with EON immerse facilities. Moreover, from Eon Studio it is easy to make an EON type file for Net and, using a free EON Viewer, to manipulate and examine the scene by: panning, rotating, zooming and stopping/starting the animation. From 3D it is not too complicate to jump to the next step, that is 4D meaning 3D + time. In this way, the learners will visualize the transformation of the manufacturing scene over time. Interactive 3D/4D models can be obtained both from 3D Studio Max and EON Studio. From 3D Studio Max the developer of the e-learning contents can choose either to export the model as an “avi” file (specific extension for animation files) or as a “wrl” file (specific extension for VRML file). In both situations the user will use free commercial players (like Windows Media Player, Quick Time) and browsers (like Cortona). By using avi files, the learner can stop and play the animation at any segment of time. By using wrl files the end user can interact with the model by zooming, panning, rotating and starting/stopping the animation. The quality of the models is not the best, as might be seen in Figure 1. Nevertheless, the users can freely examine the model, by using the interface buttons. By exporting the files from 3D Studio Max in EON Studio and creating an “edz” file therein (that is a specific EON file for NET) the quality of the models is considerably improved and interacting with them is very fast (see the samples from Figure 2).

Figure 1: A sample of 3D animated model for Net using CORTONA browser


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Figure 2: A sample of 3D animated model for Internet using EON Studio


A sample of e-learning module that uses elements of VMEs

The e-learning module in manufacturing engineering has two active frames. The first one, a left vertical column, involves the module contents. The second one is a working frame (target frame) and all requested topics will appear here as user order. The module is structured on 4 levels. In the first level the user might have contact with the home page (see Figure 3). In the left frame, the chapters of the module are set up, such as: manufacturing, products and parts, materials, primary manufacturing processes, manufacturing by machining, classical machining, no conventional machining, NC machining and machining centers and so on. The second level of the module appears when the user asks for a topic by clicking one of the chapters (main heading) from the contents. If for example the user wants to study about NC machining and machining centers, he will click on it and in the target frame will appear all the subchapters related to this topic (see Figure 4). Further on, the user can choose any subchapter from the menu and thus enter the third level of the module. Here, the topics are treated by means of text, sound and by 3D (in fact 4D) animated models both for processes and equipment. The main feature of the e-learning module is that it uses a large amount of such models at all steps. The models appear in the third level, but to get closer to these the user has to go to the fourth level, by clicking the icon net to the model (see Figure 4 and Figure 5).

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Figure 3: The home page of e-learning module Further on, the user can choose any subchapter from the menu and thus enter the third level of the module. Here, the topics are treated by means of text, sound and by 3D (in fact 4D) animated models both for processes and equipment. The main feature of the elearning module is that it uses a large amount of such models at all steps. The models appear in the third level, but to get closer to these the user has to go to the fourth level, by clicking the icon next to the model (see Figure 5).

Figure 4: A sample of the second level of the module with its related subchapters.

Figure 5: A sample of the third level of the module with a small image of a 3D animated model

The module can be delivered both on CDs and via the Internet.


5 [1] [2]

[3] [4]

[5] [6] [7]

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References ***, 2000, International Journal of Production Research, Taylor & Francis, Volume 38, Number 17, pp. 4113–4128. Storch, R.L., Farnsworth, K.D, 1993, “Virtual Reality for Manufacturing Simulation,” Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, G.W. Evans, M. Mollaghasemi, E.C. Russell, W.E. Biles (eds.), pp.882-887. Fretty, P, 2004, Advanced Manufacturing, Pilley, A. D., Beaumont, A. J., Robinson, D. and Mowll, D, 1994, “Design of experiments for optimization of engines to meet future emissions targets”. 27th ISATA Feurer, Z, 2003,” Managing Manufacturing Processes”. In Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 131 No. 2. Westkämper, E, 2004, “Stuttgart Model of Virtual Enterprises”, CIRP, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 33, No1. Chee, Y.S, 2001, “Virtual Reality in Education: Rooting Learning in Experience”. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Virtual Education, Busan, South Korea, pp. 43–54.

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The Implementation of E-Learning Systems for the On-line Courses Management Simona Marilena Ilie1, Cristian Pavel1 (1) Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Abstract The virtual environment represents the tool through which the access to the course material, is ensured, teacher-participants interaction is achieved as well as the content management and the course activities. These learning environments permit the use of multimedia technologies through text incorporation, images, audio, video files or animations. Like an instrument for the courses editing HTML (HiperText Markup Language) language was used, which represents a subset of SGML (Standard Markup Language). For implementing an online courses program or some online collaboration spaces, one of the important decisions are referred to the virtual environment - VLE - Virtual Learning Environment or LMS - Learning Management System, where these will take place.

Keywords: E-Learning, Virtual Learning Environment, Learning Management System, HTM - HiperText Markup Language

1. Introduction The meaning we accept for e-learning is synonymous with online education, online courses, Web-Based Learning, which doesn’t suppose an interaction, permanent communication with a teacher. E-Learning, like the convergence between learning and Internet, requires that: • The process of learning takes place in a virtual classroom; • The educational material is accessible on the internet; it includes text, images, sending to other online resources, audio and video presentations; • The virtual classroom benefits from a teacher orientation (facilitator, moderator) who plans the activity of the participants’ group, subjects to their debate aspects of the course in asynchronous conferences (discussion forums) or synchronous (Chat), delivers auxiliary resources, comments on homework, showing everyone where they had to insist; • Learning becomes a social process, through interaction and collaboration, the group of the participants and the instructor, forms during the course, many times and after, a virtual community; • The course material has a static component - that prepared by the facilitator together with a team specialized in instructional design - and a dynamic one, resulted from the participants’ interaction, from the suggestions, clarifications, commentaries, resources brought by these.


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Most of the means of E-Learning permit the monitoring of the participants’ activity, the work in subgroups, the audio and video interaction. 2. Virtual Means of Learning Then when a learning institution wants offer a program of online courses or spaces of online collaboration, one of the important decisions refers to the virtual environment VLE - Virtual Learning Environment or LMS - Learning Management System, where these will take place. Choosing environment depends on the number of courses, participants and teachers, on the course duration. The facilities which are offered by the majority of the environmental places: - Secure and controlled access to the environment - each user has an account; the environmental use is made from a web browser; the users have specific rights related to the use and administration of environment; the participant’s activity and portfolio can be seen; some environments have the possibility of automatically evaluating the competences and the training needs; - Access/management of the course content – theoretical models in different formats (HTML, audio, video), templates for the new materials development, the activities planning, access to resources, online libraries; - Communication – with the teacher and between participants through asynchronous conferences (discussion forums), chat, e-mail; some environments have the facility of transmitting private messages (like an e-mail sent into the course space); - The participants’ assessment – sending homework, creating and managing questionnaires; - It can offer the possibility of working in teams, with parts of private communication; - Administration- account creation, course components administration. The users can be classified in: • Participants (students) • Teachers (facilitators) • Developers (designers) • Administrators Criteria taken into consideration when comparing VLEs: 1. technical specifications, 2. facilities to create teaching material, 3. equipment and facilities for the members’ activity, 4. the facility and the intuitivism of exploring, 5. the potential for communication, collaboration , 6. respecting the E-Learning standards, 7. hosting. A virtual environment is just the tool through which the access to the course material is assured, the teacher-participants’ interaction is made, as well as the management of content and of the course activities. Not even the most sophisticated environment can’t replace the teacher and his art to engage and motivate participants in a learning and collaboration process.

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In the specialized literature there are some terms that refer to the learning environments: LMS - Learning Management System – complex system, with the above mentioned facilities, for all the four categories of users; other met denominations are Knowledge Management System, Course Management System, Academic Management Systems, Student Management Systems; - LCMS - Learning Management Content System - system that allows the editing, but also the access to the E-Learning materials; - CMS - Content Management System - system for editing materials.

3. The Description of Application The program contains the following modules: information, calendar, students, forum, chat, tutorials, online tests, the platform administration. 3.1. Information At a department level there is a page which contains the latest news. For each announcement the date, the title of the announcement and the content of this can be displayed. To read them one can enter a site and make a link to obtain announcements in RSS format, with the help of a RSS Reader program. A program like this is Active Web Reader (link), a free program that allows the news administration in RSS format from different domains. The list of the RSS channel is stocked under the form of a tree (Explorer type), where the directors represent domains or sub domains. For each announcement the title of this and a short description are displayed, the associated link indicating the page on the site where this is completely displayed (Fig 1). 3.2. Calendar To highlight the main events a calendar may be introduced, through which the course days, the exam days and even the meetings with teachers or other events can be watched . 3.3. Students In order to better know the course colleagues and to facilitate their communication, in this page the students and their e-mail addresses have been introduced. Also from here messages can be transmitted to the addresses selected by every student depending on whom these are addressed to. 3.4. Forum The forum allows the user the communication with the teacher. The moment the user enters the forum he sees the number of questions and answers received for every domain. Through selecting a domain, then a question the user can see all the answers at that question. After selecting a question, this can be erased or modified. In the users’ case these operations are permitted just for their own questions (Fig 2).


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Figure 1.

Figure 2.

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3.5. Chat This type of communication permits the sending of short messages among persons working in the network; the messages are stocked on a server until they are received. This service can be compared to the e-mail, with the difference that here communication is synchronous, the messages appearing automatically on the involved persons’ screen. This way of communication is useful for organizing conferences between two or more users, in the conditions of a breadth of limited tape. 3.6. Tutorials The tutorial page contains a set of lessons divided on domains. The editor contains the most used elements for creating a course, options to add files on the site as well as the possibility to introduce HTML code if the use of some more complex constructions is wished. The files that contain these lessons can be under the form of: text, HTML, Power Point. The access to a certain course can be restricted through the use of accounts and passwords (Fig. 3). In the next images a course in HTML format is presented. The tutorial is displayed divided on chapters (Fig. 4). Because for understanding the elements presented in a lesson some knowledge is needed the establishment of some preliminary questionnaires to condition the access to the respective tutorial is allowed. The checking of the level of understanding the presented information can be done with the help of a final self-assessment test or with points. The application of this mechanism permits the organization of the tutorials in a graph of dependence, determining the users to look down on them in a certain order. The accession degree and the completion of the tutorials from the selected department can be watched. 3.7. On-line tests Creating on-line tests, supposes first the introduction of some data that will identify them (title, the author’s name, description), but they will also indicate the type of this, the way in which the evaluation of the results will be made, with or without the errors’ explication, with or without points for the chosen answers. The completion of a questionnaire supposes the bill sticking of the questions whose answers will be selected with or without the possibility of returning to the selection made. Another option is that of introducing a maximum time of completing the questionnaire. To complete the questionnaire the introduction of a lot more questions through completion. Thus a question requires a text, a variant of answer (only one correct answer or more) and, optionally, an image to what the reference is made. Each such question will have more options of answers, each one having a text, a value (true answer/false answer) and, in the situation in which a questionnaire with the explication of the mistakes is created, explication for the wrong election of this answer.


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Figure 3.

Figure 4.

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A return to the questionnaire can be made by introducing new questions or by erasing some of the old ones. The general data of a questionnaire, as well as the title, and the description can be also changed. When selecting a questionnaire it appears the list with the users that completed them, and when selecting a user the answers are listed. There is also the possibility of erasing all the results registered for a questionnaire. 3.8. The Administration of the Platform The administration page allows the modification of the information about the institution, users, departments, and the distribution of the users on departments. This page is reserved to the super users that can modify all the data about their institution. These data is referred to departments, announcements and the distribution of the users on departments. At the level of a department the domains for tutorials and for the forum can be defined, inclusively administrated by facilitators (Fig. 5.).

Figure 5.

4. Conclusions The possibility of administrating the online courses for learning institutions or different firms is an important facility, allowing these to implement an E-Learning system without a hardware infrastructure being necessary, diminishing the cost of implementation. The main advantage of this solution is represented by the integration of the main modules necessary in the online learning process, being able to be used without the


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help of other programs. Still to become a performed solution, the subsequent developments must take into consideration the addition of some facilities like: - The diversification of the type of questions for questionnaires, including questions at which the user can answer through the completion of a field text; - The addition of media elements in the editor of tutorials; - The creation of materials to respect the standards in E-Learning (ex: SCORM); - The offer of some particularized templates for tutorials, questionnaires and even the entire application; - Mechanism of analysis to permit the making of some more detailed reports, including comparative analyses or the watching of the participants’ evolution in time; - The making of a page for users, where these can see their situation and the possible messages addressed to them; - The making of a system of announcements at level of department; - The requirement of receiving notices on e-mail; - The possibility of creating domains protected by password or in which the access should be permitted just too some users, to be used for discussing different team projects.

References: 1. Brett Spell - Professional Java Programming, Wrox Press, Chicago, 2000; 2. Carmen Holotescu - Ghid eLearning, Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara, 2005; 3. Introduction to Programming, Microsoft, U.S.A., 2004; 4. Michael Morrison - HTML & XML for Beginners, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington, 2001; 5. Microsoft® Security Guidance Training for Developers, Microsoft, U.S.A., 2002;Carmen Holotescu – Curs PHP si My SQL (curs online) – Timsoft; 6. Microsoft® Security Guidance Training for Developers II, Microsoft, U.S.A., 2004 7. Walter Savitch - Java: An Introduction to Computer Science & Programming, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001; 8. 9.

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ICT Challenges in education: Reflections from a developing country: Iran, with reference to the statistics from computer science students Roya Ensafi1, Amin Zamiri1, Mohsen Kahani1 (1) Computer Engineering Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, P.O. Box 982323, Iran E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract In this paper, factors affecting the development and effectiveness of ICT in Iran’s educational system, based on survey results from a group of computer engineering colleagues are discussed. Participants in the study were 22 students studying in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, selected through a voluntary basis from a pool of students who had taken at least one web-based class at the university and were also familiar with Social Informatics, using a stratified sampling technique. The sample contained 20 to 23 years old male and female students. The emerged themes from the answers to questionnaires are categorized into five main titles: Hardware infrastructures, language proficiency and native language content, cultural attitude and tendency, application of ICT in primary and secondary schools, and Learning effectiveness in virtual classes. These main categories are discussed through the rest of the paper in addition to a brief review of Iran’s current educational system.

Keywords: E-Learning, Web-based Education, E-Pedagogy, Communication Technology Introduction The impact of Information and communication technology (ICT) in the past two decades has been enormous (Oliver, 2001).ICT is a force that has changed many aspects of people’s lives. As technology rapidly changes, more cost effective and more powerful technologies with great potentials for education continue to emerge and new types of people are needed. Indeed, in today’s information and knowledge-driven world, a completely new set of skills is required (Hawkins, 2002). In response to developing countries’ demand for strategies to prepare their youth to compete in a world driven by information, technology, and knowledge, the role of ICT tools in education should be more emphasized. There have been a number of factors impeding the wholesale uptake of ICT in education. These include factors such as: lack of funding to support the purchase of the technology, lack of training among established teaching practitioners, lack of motivation among teachers to adopt ICT as teaching tools (Starr, 2001). As education has been an important part of Iranian’s strategy for economic growth and fight against poverty and has contributed to level out social differences, the main focus in this article is on the major challenges to the realization of ICT-related goals in schools which are categorized into 5 different titles: Hardware infrastructures,


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Language proficiency, Cultural attitude and tendency, Application of ICT in primary and secondary schools and Learning effectiveness. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is a state university in Razavi Khorasan province. Located in Mashhad, the university was established in 1949, making it the third oldest major state university of Iran. It is the largest university in northeast Iran, and has a large faculty. Methodology Participants in the study were 22 students selected through a voluntary basis from a pool of students who had taken at least one web-based class at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and were also familiar with Social Informatics and IT principles, using a stratified sampling technique. The sample contained 20 to 23 years old male and female students. Forty percent were junior and sixty percent were senior computer engineering students and eleven of them lived in dormitory. The students were given a set of questions intending to study their first experience of facing ICT tools in their educational life. The answers brought a wealth of information which the authors have consolidated into this research article. Results The study reveals the challenges which students perceive as major impediments for realizing university based ICT objectives. These challenges fall into two main categories: Global Challenges and Student Challenges as shown in Table 1. Table 1. The Major Obstacles to the Realization of ICT-related Goals Area 1.Hardware infrastructures

Global Challenges

2.Language proficiency, native language content

3.Cultural attitude and tendency

Student Challenges

1. Application of ICT in primary and secondary schools 2. Learning effectiveness

Respondent Theme • Insufficient computer laboratories and poor maintenance. • Not enough computers with simultaneous access to Internet. • Laboratory coordinator not skilful enough. • Insufficient native language content over the web. • Poor quality of local content and applications. • Teacher-dependant students and instructors. • Unfamiliarity with online communication. • National university entrance exam. • Restrict education infrastructure and policies. • Unfamiliarity with team work. • More interaction in face to face learning mode. • Huge gap between the learner’s use of ICT in their personal lives and their experiences of ICT in education.

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1. Global Challenges 1.1 Hardware infrastructures Developing countries have a significantly lower level of diffusion and use of ICT than in the developed countries (Sharma, 2003). The main obstacles in the growth of elearning in Iran is not the high price of computers, but rather the lack of government budgets for equipping universities, schools and public places with new computers and suitable hardware infrastructure. In the case of this study, there is no computer laboratory available in the university’s dormitory, and just one public laboratory with 30 computers for all 250 computer engineering students, where 75 percent of the students participated in the study have stated that they have at least one personal computer at their homes among which 45 percent are students living in other cities and have no access to their PCs. The study shows that 80% of all participants and 100% of student in dormitory suffer from the lack of physical infrastructure especially high-speed internet connection, to carry out their online courses. Getting computers into universities and institutions is relatively easy but keeping them up and running is a greater challenge. More than 70 percent agree that laboratory coordinators are not skilful enough in resolving technical problems. This is not because of the lack of human resources since the ever-growing computer educational centres provide several courses with different diplomas in various fields of hardware and software for the interested people. But once again, the main reason here is the lack of assigned funding to keep the labs working. 1.2 Language proficiency, native language content Language plays an important role in influencing the Internet usage. Since the Internet is dominated by English language content, English speaking countries have a strategic advantage in popularizing the use of the Internet (Xiaoming and Seet Kay, 2004). On the other hand, non-English speaking countries such as Iran face enormous difficulty in tapping the potential of the Internet as an information source. More than 60 percent of student stated insufficient native language content over the web as the main reason they can’t use the internet as a reliable source to broaden their learning experience. Though, there have been great efforts by both governmental organizations and Iranian corporations to Average asking teachers compensate for this lack of high quality local content 70% over the web, the rate of 60% growth of such supervised 50% information websites do not 40% Oral fulfil the need of huge Email 30% Iranian internet users. 20% (Among them websites like 10% -related to the 0% ministry of education- and less than 2 2 to 5 times 5 to 10 times more than 10 times times - a-non profit organization - could be Figure 1. Average Number of Asking Teachers in a Course mentioned.) This is mainly by Students including Class Sessions for Oral chart


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considered to be caused by the serious lacks of qualified people, investment, financial resources and entrepreneurial initiative. 1.3 Cultural attitude and tendency Students, adapted to teacher-dependent educational system rather than self-directed and motivated, are more comfortable with a teacher-controlled learning as 75 percent of participants preferred the traditional modes of teaching over their new experience. The study can be supported by the idea of Akerlind and Trevitt (Akerlind and Trevitt , 1995) who argue that resistance to change is likely to be greatest when it conflicts with the students’ past learning experiences, particularly when it also involves using the technology to foster a more active, self-directed style of learning. As R. Oliver (Oliver, 2001) shows in his study on the role of ICT in higher education for the 21st century, contemporary learning settings now encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning, through technology-facilitated approaches, which is in contrast with the current Iranian students’ content-centred curricula. Also, the study reveals that both students and teachers are not familiar with this new way of communication to solve their problems. More than 70% preferred to ask orally rather than using e-mails to contact their teachers. The learners believe that except the new and young professors who have completed their P.H.D within the past few years, the ICT role in education is neglected by most of the professors. 30 percent of the students agree that ignorance is one of the core reasons that ICT is less integrated in the educational system. Most teachers don't use ICT in education, though enough computer infrastructures are available for some in major universities in Iran, mostly because they are generally not aware of how ICT can be used in the learning environment. On the other hand, 60 percent of students believe that some teachers do not have enough time necessary to update their skills, experiment with and exploit opportunities provided by the virtual classes.

2. Student Challenges 2.1 Application of ICT in primary and secondary schools Iran's current educational system consists of Elementary, Lower Secondary (Guidance), Higher Secondary and Pre-University programs. All public and private institutions are under the control of Ministry of Education and Training. During the last 25 years, Iran's population has increased dramatically. According to the latest estimates (2006), Iran's population is 70,049,262 (National reports, 2006), and out of that more than 30% are less than 18 years of age(EDUTEX IRAN, 2007). More than 1,200,000 high school students take part in the highly competitive annual national university entrance exam, known as Konkoor, in the hope of getting a better career and a higher social prestige. Konkoor is a national exam taken in all cities at the same time with the same conditions (about 200 4-choice questions in different areas which have to be answered in a four-hour time), and thus taking Konkoor successfully requires a special set of skills which has become the main goal in pre-university education. Educational institutes or high schools are judged by the number of their successful students in Konkoor (i.e. students who has successfully applied for major universities) This focus

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on solely having more students applied to universities has affected the secondary education severely, in a way that the use of tools for enhancing the student’s educational experience (e.g., ICT tools), are ignored most of the times, despite the fact that motivational impacts of ICT upon learning are broadly similar and positive for both primary and secondary school pupils. (Passey et al, 2004) Besides, students and educators are different today, in the information age, than they were in the industrial age, and they will continue to change as new ages emerge. (Huebner and Wiener, 2001) Because of no useful structure for learning, the new ways (such as an online professional development community for schools and teachers) are not workable in schools across Iran. So , the lack of overall policy and poor harmonization of initiatives, and also restricted infrastructure in education have led to randomly adoption of different systems and standards, unnecessary duplication of efforts, and wastage of already scarce resources. 2.2 Learning Effectiveness Today’s networked world demands a workforce that understands how to use technology as a tool to increase productivity and creativity (Hawkins, 2002). But, the real experience of many of the learners, though, is that education is failing to keep up with them and understand what they are doing with technologies. The study shows that although 60 percent of students were satisfied with the new way of learning, they believe that class existence can help them more than virtual classes. A study by Joseph and Bejan (Kizito Bada and Khazali, 2006) also reported that there is a general feeling that face-to-face based learning programme allows learners to interact more closely with the facilitators and there is more value for money. Recognition of e-learning as a viable method is still a major challenge. There is a huge gap in the contrast between young people’s use of ICT in their personal lives and their experiences of ICT in education. Today’s learners are having new practical experiences and engaging with new forms of practical learning on a daily basis. This tide of practical learning, because much of it is happening beyond the school walls in bedrooms and on the streets, is difficult to quantify and assess. Students are more stressful because they are not aware of other students and they also believe that they are not familiar with team work which would be the vital way to reduce their stress. This finding is supported by other studies such as (Hunt et al, 2002), much of the current interest in on-line learning has been driven by its potential to harvest the benefits of collaborative learning through the establishment of learning communities. Group work is thought to facilitate learning in a number of ways. Cohen (Cohen, 1984) found that working with others reduced uncertainty when faced with new, complex tasks and increased engagement with the task. Others have shown how the nature of the interaction between students provides alternative models of thinking and clarification of concepts as they are forced to defend or explain their own views (Sharan, 1980).

Conclusion The development of the school curriculum and its implementation to the information age does not simply mean taking some specific actions, but referring to the change of the educational system as a whole. The results convinced us that it should include


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systematic change of organizations, environments, and human minds as well as physical changes toward the achievement of digital equality and all organization have to work together to make systemic change. Also, There is the awareness with both the government and private sector actors that the key to a widespread and beneficial diffusion of ICT is to provide local content and produce local products, hence to move from a “network-centred phase to a content centred one”. (ZEF Bonn, 2002) The study was conducted in the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, one of the biggest universities of Iran. The future studies should consider different locations in different to get a broader view for generalization of research outcome.

References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]



[10] [11]



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Akerlind, G. and Trevitt, C. (1995): Enhancing learning through technology: when students resist the change. Cohen, E.G. (1984): Talking and working together: Status, interaction and learning, in the social context of instruction. EDUTEX IRAN, (2007): Available at: . Hawkins, R. J.(2002): Ten Lessons for ICT and Education in the Developing World. Available at: National reports, available at: Huebner, K. M. and Wiener, W. R. (2001): Distance Education in 2001 Hunt, L. M. and Thomas, M. J. W. and Eagle, L (2002): Student Resistance to ICT in Education. In IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE’02). Kessy, D. and Kaemba, M. and Gachoka, M.(2006) : The reasons for under use of ICT in education: in the context of Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. In Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries (TEDC'06) pp. 83-87 Kizito Bada, J. and Khazali, B. (2006): An Empirical Study on Education Strategy to E-learning in a Developing Country. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries (TEDC’06). Oliver, O. (2001): The role of ICT in higher education for the 21st century: ICT as a change agent for education. Edith Cowan University. Passey, D. and Rogers, C. and Machell, J. and McHugh, G. (2004): The Motivational Effect of ICT on Pupils. Department of Educational Research Lancaster University Sharma, R. C. (2003): Barriers in Using Technology for Education in Developing Countries. In Proceeding of Information Technology: Research and Education, 1113 Aug. 2003 Page(s): 521-522. Sharan, S. (1980): Cooperative learning in small groups: Recent methods and effects on achievement, attitudes and ethnic relations. Review of Educational Research, 1980. 50(2): p.241-71. Starr, L. (2001): Same time this year, Available at Xiaoming, H. and Seet Kay, C. (2004): Factors Affecting Internet Development: An Asian Survey. ZEF Bonn. (2002): Information and Communication Technologies for Development. The Center for Development Research, University of Bonn

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OLC, On-Line Compiler to teach programming languages Cayetano Guerra Artal1, María Dolores Afonso Suárez1, Idafen Santana Pérez1, Rubén Quesada López1 (1) Instituto Universitario de Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria E. D. de Informática y Matemáticas, C. Univ. de Tafira, 35017, ESPAÑA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract The advance of Internet towards Web 2.0 conveys the potential it has in a wide range of scopes. The ongoing progress of the Web technology and its availability in teaching and learning, as well as a students’ profile increasingly more used to managing an important amount of digital information, offers lecturers “(Clearly, 2006)” the opportunity and challenge of putting at students’ disposal didactic tools making use of the Internet “(Gráinne, 2007)”. Programming is one of the essential areas taught in university studies of Computer Science and other engineering degrees. At present, it is a knowledge acquired through tutorial classes and the practice with different tools for programming. This paper shows the acquired experience in the development and use of a simple compiler accessible through a Web page. In addition it presents a teaching proposal for its use in subjects that include programming languages lessons.OLC – On-Line Compiler – is an application which greatly lightens the student’s workload at the initial stage of programming. During this initial period they will neither have to deal with the complexities of the installation and the configuration of these types of tools, nor with the understanding of multiple options which they present. Therefore students can concentrate on the comprehension of the programming structures and the programming language to be studied.

Keywords: Compiler, e-learning, interactivity, virtual laboratory, web 2.0, video tutorials. 1


New Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) still imply changes in a wide range of society scopes. A society in which the information, its use and distribution in digital format are part of a number of tasks carried out every day. New generations understand their environment in a natural way as well as the use of these technologies. This is reflected in university students who are increasingly getting used to managing this kind of information. From the beginning Internet has meant a milestone in communication at a world wide level. It provides Net users with an hypertext document system with a rich content and hyperlinks that allow to reference another resource: text document, image, animation, audio or video.


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In its beginning, information was contained in HTML pages that were not updated very frequently. From here its evolution was directed to dynamic HTML pages that make use of CMS with data bases. Next, it was directed to Web 2.0, a concept that has turned into reality in Internet, through which contents and the way of interaction with these contents in Internet have changed. Users, from sharing these contents, have turned their role into the edition and classification of them.


Web 2.0

This term, Web 2.0 “(O’Reilly, 2004)”, coined for the first time in 2004, makes reference to a new vision of the Web which has evolved towards users’ communities, interaction and social networks. Amongst the technologies that bring the Web 2.0 into reality we find: the ones that use the Web platform to host desktop applications; the ones that separate content and design using style sheets; the ones that support RSS or the ones that allow the management of users and communities. In the same way, there exists a set of Web services that can be considered indicators of the advance towards Web 2.0. These services provide communication mechanisms that make it possible to present information to users actively. Amongst these services we can find advertising services, shared photo-database, communitygenerated tag database, delivery of contents, encyclopaedias or personal web pages. Web navigators have experienced an important progress with regard to their function. They have been evolving from their beginnings, in which their function consisted in showing the contents of static web pages and their hyperlinks. Later on they went further, interpreting the interfaces that show one or various data bases’ content. At present they support newest technologies that allow not only the interaction with dynamic web pages but also a wide range of web services. Amongst them social networks, that promotes information interchange between users. Internet has undergone a change which has made it become a relevant instrument for teaching and knowledge spreading “(Brey, 2005)”, no matter the subject area. The presence of e-learning in Internet has allowed increasing education quality and its disposition. Its use to create teaching applications is fully interesting, being able to use, among other features, interactivity “(Rheeder, et al, 2007)”.


OLC: Learning Programming

Nowadays, programming is one of the essential areas taught in university studies of Computer Science and other engineering degrees, as well as in diplomas of Computer Science. At present, it is a knowledge acquired through theoretical classes and the practice with different tools for programming such as editors, compilers, linkers, debuggers or interpreters. In addition to this we find teacher tutorial classes. Being included in all programming subjects, compilers generate the executable programs made of the instructions written by the programmers. Compilation is a process carried out by means of the succession of a set of operations through which, using the instructions written in a programming language, we obtain the code written in another language that is understood by the computer. This is how we obtain executable programs. The Web 2.0 is at its very peak, this fact and the change in the web navigators’ function allow to make use of them as production tools such as text editors,

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spreadsheets or, as we expound in the present work, a compiler. In this way we can move a multilanguage IDE from a computer to a Web page. OLC –On Line Compiler- is an application which greatly lightens the student’s workload at the initial stage of programming. Its use is especially intended for subjects where the students must learn how to make programs. During this initial period they will neither have to deal with the complexities of the installation and the configuration of these types of tools, nor with the understanding of multiple options which they present. Therefore students can concentrate on the comprehension of programming structures and the programming language to be studied. The use made of the compiler in this initial stage is restricted to create programs from a set of instructions free of errors. The student will have written these instructions and the compiler will have helped to correct them. This way in later stages of the learning process and once the students have acquired the basic knowledge of the programming structures and the programming language, they can start using compilers with more complexities in the installation and configuration tasks as well as with a higher number of options. The knowledge acquired by the students in this first stage of the learning process helps them to get a better comprehension of the use and handling of the compilers. 3.1 Functionality OLC interface is simple and intuitive. An interface defines the communication boundary between two entities, in this case between the students and the application. After the student identification, s/he must choose the programming language with which s/he is going to work. This can be performed from the selection language menu. Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Welcome screen. Where the student chooses the programming language to work with.

Once the programming language is chosen, the screen on Fig. 2 will be displayed. The tabs menu located at the top of the screen, offers users the navigation through the editor, the files, the tutorials and other sections. In the section “My files” a list with the user’s files located on the server for that language is shown. These files are displayed by the last modified date.


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Fig. 2. OLC Work screen. With the tabs menu, the tools bar, and two text areas: one for the code and the other one for the results.

The students can manage their files using the available options. They can also load files in the server and work with them. Under the tabs menu, the tools bar can be found, whose options make it possible to work with different files and the code. Below the screen is divided into two text areas: One for the code, at the top, where students will write the code of their programs. One for the results, at the bottom, only for reading, that will give information about the different actions performed in the files. Local files are shown as a list with a colour code used to identify them. Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. List of local files, with a colour code used to identify them.

Apart from the local files the application has a set of tutorials in video. By using them the information transmition can be carried out in a more efficient and interesting way for students. Through these videos Fig.4, a learning process can be established. These video tutorials have got a clear purpose: to assist users in learning how to manage the compiler and to follow the practical classes.

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These video tutorials are delivered through files embedded in the web page of OLC. This kind of material has got an increasingly didactic interest, since students will have the possibility of viewing again those chapters of the video where some doubts

Fig. 4. Multimedia tutorials.

may have arisen. They could do this as many times as necessary and from any device “(Neal, 2006)” with an Internet connection. In the server we can find also a set of local files with examples. The teachers after the lessons can propose practical exercises using the different examples that can be found in the folders on-line. During the teaching period they can check the results of students’ work, directing them in their learning process.


Teaching proposal with OLC

The subject “Fundamentals of Computer Science” is taught in the first year of various engineering degrees, amongst them the degree of “Chemical Engineering” of the “School of Industrial Engineering” that belongs to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. This subject, in this degree, is taught in the second term of the first academic year. Its aim is that students acquire basic knowledge of Computer Science in the theoretical classes and basic knowledge of programming in the practical classes. The theoretical hours are taught in the theory classrooms and the practical hours are taught in the laboratory. This is a classroom equipped with computers, one for each student, and connected to Internet. Programming knowledge is necessary for the use of certain tools that students will use in the following academic years, such as programmable calculators or software like Matlab. The number of teaching hours is three of theoretical lessons per week using traditional methods and one hour of practical lessons. This means fifteen practical hours during the term. - In the first five hours of practical classes basic knowledge of programming, tools to use and C language are introduced. In the first hour of these five an introductory class of OLC will be taught. The following four hours the lessons will be taught through the video tutorials that will indicate how to make use of OLC and will ask the students to work with the examples proposed by the teachers. These first exercises will consist of simple programs that students will have to edit, modify and compile.


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- In the following five hours, students will work in the modification and creation of computer programs. The proposal of modification made by the teachers will consist of making changes in programs that make use of a bit more complex structures than the ones used in the previous phase. A group of ten exercises could be completed, two for each practical hour, with an increasingly difficulty. - For the last five hours the students must work in a practical exercise proposed by themselves. Teachers must give their approval to this proposal computer program. This will be the final exercise to evaluate and should be made with a more powerful compiler. At this stage of the learning process, students must already control the use of the compiler and its different options. The independence acquired by the student after these stages using OLC and their control in the comprehension and use of other compiles should be noticeable. The assessment process will take into account the valuation of the supervision of their work with OLC and the final exercise proposed. According to this approach, using OLC compiler the role of teachers is greatly restated. They could dedicate time to transmitting motivation about the subject being studied and directing the students in their studies. Besides, the supervision of their work and the evaluation is a continuous process that could be done completely on-line. The role of students has also changed. The use of this kind of applications gives them more autonomy than in previous academic courses.


Didactic perspective

The work developed has been exposed to a group of five teachers “(Anderson, 2002)” whose subjects deal with programming. All these subjects are included in the first academic year of several engineering studies. Different opinions about the exposition have been found “(Lautenbach, 2007)”. The features that the teachers have taken into account to give their viewpoint about OLC have been: the professional profile their students will have in the future; the use they will make of programming both in the academic and professional field, and the level of knowledge they must achieve during the academic course. To a lesser extent they have considered the percentage that programming has in the final evaluation and the number of hours they must dedicate to the practical part of the subject. - Teacher one. He teaches “Basic Knowledge of Computer Science” belonging to the first course of “Chemical Engineering”. “To me the teaching proposal is the right one”. “The students find many difficulties in the understanding of compilers at the initial period of learning programming”, he thinks. Furthermore, “sometimes even the use of computer is complex for them, although they learn quickly”. Professionally they will unlikely need to make computer programs. Nevertheless, “in the following academic years, surely, they will need to understand what variables are and how to make use of them in small computer programs as well as using them in small functions created for MatLab”. According to the teacher in their senior thesis, it is very probable that they will only need to manage statistics information and make some update or modification in a small computer program in order to obtain some of this information. - Teacher two. She is the responsible for the practical part of the subject “Fundamentals of Computer Science”. This subject corresponds to the group of training complements in the degree in Industrial Organization Engineering. “In my opinion the teaching proposal with OLC is very well structured”. “Maybe the level of

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knowledge shown in the video tutorials is high, since generally the students who apply for this degree do not have interest in programming”. “The number of students that choose the subject is low. They try to pass the subject without paying attention to the tools they are using”. “Professionally it is not probable that they will make use of these programming skills in the future”. “That is why the percentage of the final evaluation is low, although the use of multimedia material could be proposed for other subjects, since these multimedia tools are ideal for teaching”. - Teacher three. He is the coordinator of the subject “Programming Methodology” belonging to the first course of “Technical Computer Science Engineering”. He thinks it is a good proposal. In his department they have thought to develop a similar tool. However, they have not considered using multimedia tutorials, just only help files. “We should take advantage of these multimedia capacities”. His students will surely use the programming knowledge both at an academic level and in their professional life. - Teacher four. She has taught “Fundamentals of Computers” in the first year of “Computer Science Systems Engineering”. She finds the teaching proposal with OLC interesting. In fact in “Fundamentals of Computer” she uses a program developed for students to use in order to create computer programs in assembly language. Thus they will not have to make use of the machine compiler. According to her, “the students are well trained in Computer Science; therefore they do not need to begin with a tool so simple”. However “there exists a fundamental aspect of this tool that should be exploited: to have production tools in the Web. Undoubtedly they mean a great advantage”, she thinks. Proposals with more functions and accessible from the Web would be very interesting for her students. - Teacher five. She teaches “Basic Knowledge of Computer Science” belonging to the first course of “Public Works Technical Engineering” in all its three specialities: “Hydrology”, “Civil Building”, and “Urban Transport and Services”. She thinks that the proposal is of no interest for what she needs, bearing in mind the number of practical lessons per week and the teaching content, which do not match together. She believes that in the future students will not make much use of this programming knowledge. “It is quite complex to make them understand some concepts. We are just in a period in which not all the students who reach university studies are equally trained in Computer Science, and only some of them have got a computer at home”.



This work proposes an interesting initiative in the field of e-learning: to portray interactive applications on-line for didactic use. A simple compiler accessible from the Web provides students with an easy way to learn at the initial stage of programming. OLC makes use of multimedia contents to support teachers in the teaching process. These contents show how to work with it and with the programming language. Apart from these there are further advantages, such as having at students and teachers’ disposal the compiler through the Web and the possibility of making use of it at any time and from any computer with an Internet connection. Thus barriers of time and space are eliminated. Students will have access to the compiler, the contents and the files with which they have been working. Besides, there is no need to save the work in store devices nor to install software. To have remote virtual laboratories increases their efficiency and reduces the costs of the resources used in learning.


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OLC could not compete with the powerful traditional IDE’s due to its limitations for the expert software development, but undoubtedly it fills the void that exists in the area of teaching programming at the initial stage. This experience has already passed from the development phase to the experimental one. At present we are working on a research of those subjects that include programming languages lessons, and the use of OLC could be suitable. As many other initiatives, to promote its acceptance and to achieve its use depend on Programming teachers, who have already valued the application positively and favourably. According to their opinion, to introduce the students in the field of programming is hard in the initial stage. Not only for the complexity of the control and data structures and the programming language to learn, but also for the complexity of the tools they need to use, such as compilers, bearing in mind that students only need to make use of a reduced number of functions at their initial period of their studies. Using this kind of applications with multimedia contents allow teachers to dedicate time to activities which improve the quality of teaching, transmitting a further motivation about the subject to be studied and the results they can obtain, as well as directing students closely in their studies “(Fraser, 2006)”. In the near future, we will continue this line of work. Our new projects involve the development of other applications accessible from the Web “(Leene, 2006)”, used as OLC, in e-learning field. Some of these applications will count on a key feature: interactivity “(Valente and Sampaio, 2006)”. Thus students will develop new working methods in order to ensure participation. 7 [1]

References Anderson S. “Working together to develop a professional learning community”. HERDSA 2002. [2] Brey P. “Evaluating the social and cultural implications of the internet”. Vol. 35, Iss. 3 (September 2005). ACM Press. [3] Clearly J. “A case of study of Changing Assessment Procedures”. AISHE Conf: NUI Maynooth, Au31st – Sep1st 06: Creating and sustaining an Effective Learning Environment. [4] Fraser K., “A blended Learning Approach to Teaching” Introduction to Multimedia, The EBit!. AISHE Conf. 2006. [5] Gráinne C., “Making sence of today’s technology-enhanced environment for learning: rethinking student and teacher roles” IADIS Int. Conference e-Learning 2007. [6] Lautenbach G. “Engaging with e-learning: emerging epistemologies and increased pedagogic vision in higher education”. IADIS Int. Conference e-Learning 2007. [7] Leene A. “The MicroWeb”. Using Content in theory and practice MicroLearning 2006, Innsbruck – 7 June 2006. [8] Neal L. “Predictions for 2006: e-learning experts map the road ahead”. Volume 2006 Issue 1 (January 2006). ACM Press. New York. [9] O’Reilly T. “What Is Web 2.0 - Design Patterns and Business”. Models for the Next Generation of Software. [10] Rheeder R., Diseko, R. Lautenbach G. “The design of interactivity for a web based learning environment at a higher education institution.” IADIS Int. Conference e-Learning 2007. [11] Valente P., Sampaio P. “Defining Goals for the design of Interactive Multimedia Documents”. In Proceedings of World Conf on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2006 (pp. 955-962). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Brain Image Analysis with ImageJ and OriginPro Emilia Dana SeleŃchi 1, Octavian G. Duliu 1 (1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Department of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Bucharest, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Computed ImageJ is a public domain Java image processing program suitable to measure distances such as Feret’s diameter, to calculate area and pixel value statistics of user-defined selections and to provide density histograms and line Profile Plots. By using ImageJ we performed measurements on thin-section X-ray computed tomography (CT) of a brain tumor such as: standard deviation, integrated density, mean and modal values, skewness, kurtosis, etc. OriginPro is a specialized program for data analysis providing several methods of fitting functions and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis. It can also generate histograms, power spectra, Profile Plots, Profile Contour Plots and 3D Color Surface Maps of CT images. Image processing and data analysis on X-ray CT scans allowed us to display the characteristic pattern of normal and ischemic brain.

Keywords: Feret’s diameter, histogram, skewness, kurtosis, Fast Fourier Transform

1. Introduction Computed Tomography (CT), originally known as Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) is a powerful nondestructive evaluation technique for producing 2-D or 3-D cross-sectional image of body tissues and organs. X-ray scans furnish detailed images of an object such as dimensions, shape, internal defects and density for diagnostic and research purposes. The image-analysis technique includes: image acquisition, image processing, measurements, data processing, and interpretation. As the x-ray passes through tissue, the lower-energy components are attenuated more rapidly than the higher-energy components. Any attempt to reconstruct the image from the unprocessed data without making appropriate corrections for the beam hardening will result in error. These errors give rise to beam-hardening artifacts, defects such as dark bands that are observable in the image. The non-linear relationship between the projection of the object, λ and µ causes the problem [1,5]: (1)

 ∫ Emax S (E ) exp (− ∫ µ[x, y ] dl ) dE  l  λ = −ln  0 E max ∫0 S (E ) dE  

where the source spectrum S(E) is defined such that S(E) dE is the energy fluence in the energy range E to E+dE. The main effects of this artifact show up as a false reduction in density in the centre of a uniform object and the creation of false detail in the neighborhood of bone/soft tissue interfaces. This problem is caused by the different


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paths lengths of tissue through which the projection are measured. Another problem is caused by the unhomogeneous nature of the object studied. The energy dependence of the linear attenuation coefficient varies according to the type of material: bone, waterequivalent tissue, air, etc. resulting additional artifacts into the image. A reduction of the noise level requires the increasing of x-ray intensity or data acquisition time, leading to the increase in patient dose. The radiation dose depends on multiple factors: volume scanned, patient build, number and type of scan sequences, desired resolution and image quality. X-ray CT, do expose the patient to a certain amount of radiation which should be the lowest in accordance with the radiation protection principle ALARA (as low as reasonable achievable) [2]. The typical effective dose for an X-ray CT brain scan (without contrast) is about 2-3 mSv. Modern CT scanner can acquire data in a continuous helical or spiral fashion, shortening acquisition time and reducing artifacts [3]. This paper reveals our results concerning the analysis of X-ray CT brain scans by using ImageJ and OriginPro software [6].

2. Results and Discussions 21. Image Processing Image processing techniques can help to differentiate the abnormal tissue growth (tumors) in question from other tissues, providing more detailed information on head injuries, stroke, brain disease and internal structures than do regular X-ray CT scans. By using suitable programs into the first stage we performed multiple processing on a typical tomographic image of a normal brain – S1 (Subject 1) and ischemic brain – S2 (Subject 2) illustrated in Fig.1.a,b The binary threshold level indicates the intensity level at which binary segregation occurs in digital image. Binary segmentation reduce the vast information content of a grayscale image that has 256 possible intensities values (8-bit image) while the features of interest remain recognizable. This technique can be used in X-ray CT analyze of brain tumors, because a large number of feature recognition and classification algorithms operate exclusively on binary images (Fig. 1.c,d). One of the methods of automatic threshold selection is based on viewing the graylevel histogram of an image as an estimated probability density function of the graylevels including samples and background pixels. Considering that the sample pixels and background pixels are normally distributed but contained in separate classes. The gray-level histogram is displayed as an approximation to the sum of two normal distributions, given by the equation [4]:  (g − µ 2 )2   (g − µ 1 )2  1 1 + − exp exp −  (2) p(g) =    2 2 σ1 2 π  2 σ 2   2 σ 1  σ 2 2 π where p(g) is the percentage of black pixels desired, µ(k) and σ(k) (for k = 1,2) represent the mean and the spread, respectively, of Gaussian distributions that approximate the sample and background pixel distributions. Adobe Photoshop filters used in conjunction with Corel PHOTO-PAINT processing enable to apply automated effects to an image, allowing us to correct lighting and perspective fluctuations. Hue represents color, saturation indicates the color depth or richness and lightness shows the overall percentage of white in the

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X-ray CT images. For clarity some regions are made transparent while the significant details can be easily seen (Fig. 1.e,f).






f) Figure 1. - RGB-X-ray CT scan of

(a) S1-normal brain (1911 × 2311 pixels), (b) S2 abnormal brain (1669 × 1706 pixels), - 8-bit images performed after Adobe Photoshop – Image Adjustment – (Threshold - Level 82) folowed by ImageJ– Filter (Variance: Radius 5) Process: Enhance Contrast (Saturated Pixels 2%, Equalize Histogram on X-ray CT scan of (c) S1 normal brain (d) S2..abnormal brain, - Corel PHOTO-PAINT effects: Color Transform (Psychedelic: 92 level) followed by Adobe Photoshop multiple filtering: Stylize (Trace Contour: 255 level, Upper Edge followed by Find Edges) and image adjustments: Invert followed by Hue (119)-Saturation (0)-Lightness (0) on X-ray CT scan of (e) S1 normal brain and (f) S2 abnormal brain


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Histogram illustrates the number of pixels distributed on X-ray CT image (y-axis) for each level (gray value) from darkest (0) to brightest (256). The total pixel count was also calculated and displayed, as well as the mean, modal, minimum and maximum gray value by using ImageJ program (Fig. 2.a,b). Min (0) and Max (255) represents the minimum and maximum gray values within the X-ray CT image. The Mode (Modal Gray Value: 10 and 15 attributed to S1 and S2 respectively) was computed as the midpoint of the histogram interval with the highest peak. Figure 2.a indicates that all the pixels had been shifted to the left, shadow side of the histogram. For this reason I concluded that there are no pure whites in the S1 X-ray CT normal brain scan.



Figure 2. – ImageJ-histograms of S1 X-ray CT normal brain scan (a) and S2 X-ray CT ischemic brain scan (b)

Mean is the sum of the data in a frequency distribution divided by the number of data elements. n








i =1

n The standard deviation (σ or Std Dev) is the most common measure of statistical dispersion. If the data points are close to the mean, the standard deviation is small; on the contrary, if many data points are far from the mean, then σ is large. The standard deviation of a discrete uniform random variable X can be calculated as follows: 1 n

_    x i − x   i =1  n



where x1, x2, x3,...xn are real numbers with equal probability and x is the sample mean In probability theory and statistics the variance (σ2) and the standard deviation of a probability distribution or random variable are both measures of the spread of the distribution about the mean (expected value). Profile Plot displays a two-dimensional graph of the intensities of pixels along a line (x-axis or y axis) within the X-ray images (Fig. 3. a,b). For plotting the S2 X-ray CT of abnormal brain we have been used the figure 1.b. The highest peaks in Profile Plots on x-axis ( h1 = 153 a.u.) and y-axis ( h2 = 193.667 a.u.) describe the tumor location, being calculated by us in the range 6-6.7 cm and 1.33-2.23 cm respectively.

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High peaks depict low density tissues (lack of tissue) while boundary valleys with lowest gray values show calcified tissue in Profile Plots on x-axis and y-axis.



Figure 3. a,b - ImageJ Profile Plots of S2- X-ray CT abnormal brain scan – a) on x-axis: x 1 = 6 cm, x 2 = 6.67 cm, b) on y-axis: y 1 = 1.33 cm, y 2 = 2.23 cm

In order to acquire the power spectrum as a function of frequency we have been applied the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis by using the profile plot values (Fig. 4. a,b) and the histogram values (Fig. 5. a,b)


b) Figure 4. a,b - OriginPro FFT analyze of S2- X-ray CT abnormal brain scan on: (a) x-axis and (b) y-axis, using the plot values


b) Figure 5. a,b - OriginPro FFT analyze of S2- X-ray CT normal brain scan on (a) and abnormal brain (b) using the histogram values


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Particles Analyze command counts and measures objects in binary or threshold images. Once the image has been segmented we can obtain various information regarding particle size and numbers. By using ImageJ software we can also perform a set of measurement on a selected object (the brain tumor showed in Fig. 1.b.). The Integrated Density represents the sum of the values of the pixels in the selection, being equivalent to the product of Area and Mean Gray Value. The Feret’s Diameter (caliper length = 1.030 cm) is the longest distance between any two points along the selection boundary. The measurement results are presented in calibrated units (Table 1). Table 1. The measurement results of a brain tumor 2

Area(cm ) Std Dev Circularity Integrated Density

0.447 29.737 0.955 52.200

Min/ Max 53/195 Mean gray value 116.770 Modal gray value 133 Median 119

Skewness - 0.032 Kurtosis - 0.234 Perimeter (cm) 2.426 Feret’s diameter (cm) 0.933

A fundamental task in many statistical analyses is to characterize the location and variability of data set, including Skewness (skew, g1) and Kurtosis (kurt, g2). Skewness is a parameter that describes the asymmetry of a PDF (Probability Density Function) while Kurtosis is a parameter that depicts the shape (the degree of peakedness) of a PDF. These statistical measures were used to describe the distribution of observed data around the mean. Negative values for the Skewness (-0.032) show data are skewed left and negative Kurtosis (-0.234) indicates a ’’flat distribution’’. A distribution with negative kurtosis is called platykurtic or platykurtotic. For a sample of n values the sample skewness is written as: _    x i − x   i −1  n


g1 =

m3 m 32 2

n =

2 _  n      x i − x      i −1 




where xi is the ith value, x is the sample mean, m3 is the sample third central moment and m2 is the sample variance. For a sample of n values, the sample kurtosis is given by: _    x i − x   i =1  n


g2 =

m4 m 22

n −3=


2 _  n      x i − x    i =1   



where m4 is the fourth sample moment about the mean, m2 is the second sample _

moment about the mean (the sample variance), xi is the ith value and x is the sample mean.

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Origin Pro 7.5 software converts each pixel to an RGB value giving the corresponding matrix cell an index number to a gray scale palette, based on the RGB value of the pixel. By using this software we have been created Profile Plots, Profile Contour Plots and 3D Color Surface Maps of CT images. Contour Plot is useful for delineating organ boundaries in images. The X-ray CT image of the abnormal brain can also be plotted using a graph template that includes X and Y projections. While the X-ray CT scan show a tumor located in the middle frontal gyrus, the Contour Plot (Fig. 6.) reveals additionally data about other brain tissue damages in both hemispheres.



Figure 6. Profiles Contour Plot of X-ray CT (a) S1 normal brrain and (b) S2-abbnormal brain scan – OriginPro application (RGB images)

3D Color Surface Map displays a three-dimensional graph of the intensities of pixels in a gray scale or pseudo color image (Fig. 7. a, b. and fig. 8. a, b.).


b) Figure 7. – 3D Color Surface Map of : (a) S1- X-ray CT normal brain scan (b) S2- X-ray CT abnormal brain scan - OriginPro applications


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b) Figure 8. - 3D Bars Graph of: (a) S1- X-ray CT normal brain scan

(b) S2- X-ray CT abnormal brain scan - OriginPro applications

3. Conclusions Image enhancement technique allows the increasing of the signal-to-noise ratio and accentuates image features by modifying the colors or intensities of X-ray CT brain image. The X-rays penetrate the tissues differently depending on the type of tissue. The solid tissue, such as bone, appears white and the air appears black. Image processing of X-ray CT scans displayed the characteristic pattern of a normal and abnormal brain showing calcified and lack tissues or asymmetric perfusion in both hemispheres correlated with the neurological disease. Image analysis with OriginPro 7.5 and ImageJ programs revealed Hisograms, Profile Plots, Power Spectra, measurements on a brain tumor with a Feret’s Diameter of 0.9333 cm and 3D Color Surface Graphs.

References [1] Barrett H.H., Swindell W. – Radiological Imaging, The Theory of Image Formation, Detection and Processing, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, USA, 1981, P. 438439, [2] George M.S., Ring H.A., Costa D.C., Ell P.J., Kouris K., Jarritt P.H.– Neuroactivation and Neuroimaging with SPET, Springer-Verlag, London, 1991, P.8. [3] Hawnaur J. – Diagnostic radiology, British Medical Journal, 319(7203), p. 168-171, [4] Spring K.R, Russ, Parry-Hill M.J., Fellers T.J., Burdett C.A., Stamper J.A., Zukerman L.D., Cusma A.M., Davidson M.W. and Davidson M.W., Abramowitz M. – Binary Slicing of Digital Images (Interactive Java Tutorials), Olympus America inc., and The Florida State University, 2007. [5] Webb S. – The Physics of Medical Imaging - Medical Science Series, Institute of Physics Publishing Bristol (Great Britain) and Philadelphia (USA), 1996, P.124125. [6] ImageJ 1.37 v, OriginPro 7.5, Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12, Adobe Photoshop CS2 software and their tutorials.

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Digital Image Processing using MATLAB and STATISTICA Emilia Dana SeleŃchi 1, Octavian G. Duliu 1 1 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Department of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Bucharest, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] Abstract By using MATLAB 7.0.1., in a wide range of applications including image processing and visualizing data we performed statistical function such as: mean median, range and standard deviation, displaying image histogram and plotting the profile of intensity values on an X-ray CT scan. The plot fits panel allowed us to visually explore multiple fits to the current histogram data. We have been also created 2-D Stem Plots, Bar Plots (Plotmatrix), Polar Plots, Contour Plot, Vector Fields Graphs(Feather Graph and Compass Graph) and 3-D Surface Plot. STATISTICA 7.0 has been used to generate Normal Probability Plots, Scatter Icon Plots, 3-D Sequential graphs (Surface Plot and Contour Plot) and to apply multiple exploratory techniques such as Cluster Analysis.

Keywords: Stem Plot, Plotmatrix, Polar Plot, Feather Graph, Compass Graph, Normal Probability Plot, Scatter Icon Plot, Cluster Analysis

1. Introduction MATLAB is a high-level technical language and interactive environment for data analysis and mathematical computing functions such as: signal processing, optimization, partial differential equation solving, etc. It provides interactive tools including: threshold, correlation, Fourier analysis, filtering, basic statistics, curve fitting,, matrix analysis, 2D and 3D plotting functions. The operations for image processing allowed us to perform noise reduction and image enhancement, image transforms, colormap manipulation, colorspace conversions, region-of interest processing, and geometric operation. The toolbox functions implemented in the open MATLAB language can be used to develop the customized algorithms. STATISTICA software provides advances linear/nonlinear models, multivariate exploratory techniques (Cluster and Canonical Analysis), Industrial Statistics and Six Sigma Methods. The digital images processing were performed on medicine studies.

2. MATLAB 7.0.1. Applications 2.1. Image Processing An X-ray Computed Tmography (CT) image is composed of pixels, whose brightness correspondsto the absorbtion of X-rays in a thin rectangular slab of the cross-secton, which is called a ’’voxel’’ [1,2]. The Pixel Region tool provided by MATLAB 7.0.1. superimposes the pixel region rectangle over the image displayed in the Image Tool, defining the group of pixels that


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are displayed, in extreme close-up view, in the Pixel Region tool window. The Pixel Region tool shows the pixels at high magnification, overlaying each pixel with its numeric value. For RGB images, we find three numeric values, one for each band of the image. We can also determine the current position of the pixel region in the target image by using the pixel information given at the bottom of the tool. In this way we found the x- and y-coordinates of pixels in the target image coordinate system. The current position of the pixel region rectangle is also carried out by selecting the Copy Position option from the Pixel Region tool Edit menu (Fig.1.).

Figure 1. – Image details, Metadata and Pixel Region of an X-ray CT scan

The Image Processing Toolbox provide a reference-standard algorithms and graphical tools for image analysis tasks including: edge-detection and image segmentation algorithms, image transformation, measuring image features, and statistical functions such as calculating the X-ray CT image mean, median standard deviation, range, etc., (Fig. 2.) displaying the image histogram (Fig.3) or plotting the profile of intensity values (Fig. 4.a,b).


b) Figure 2.- Data statistics of an X-ray CT scan performed by: (a) MATLAB 7.0.1. (b) STATISTICA 7.0 (Tree Cluster Analysis)

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Figure 3. – The Histogram showing the number of pixels distributed on X-ray CT image (yaxis) for each level (gray value) and the plot fits (significant digits: 2)


b) Figure 4. - Line Plots of X-ray CT scan: (a) on ox axes, (b) on oy axes

The Plotmatrix generates rows and columns of scatter plots (Fig. 5.a,b) The 2-D Stem Plot displays data as lines (stems) extending from a baseline along the x-axis and terminated with a marker symbol at each data value (Fig. 6. a,b). The polar coordinate system is especially useful in situations where the relationship between two points is most easily expressed in terms of angles and distance (Fig. 7. a,b).


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Figure 5. – Bar Plots: (a) Plotmatrix generated with the histogram values of X-ray CT scan, (b) Plotmatrix generated with plot profile values (on ox axes) of X-ray CT scan



Figure 6. – 2-D Stem Plots created with (a) histogram values of X-ray CT scan (b) plot profile values (on ox axes) of X-ray CT scan



Figure 7. – Ploar Plots generated with (a) histogram values of X-ray CT scan (b) plot profile values (on ox axes) of X-ray CT scan

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The 2-D Contour Graph display isolines of a surface represented by a matrix. 2-D Filled Contour Graph (contourf) plot displays isolines calculated from matrix Z and fills the areas between the isolines using constant colors [3]. The color of the filled areas depends on the current figure's colormap (Fig. 8.). 3-D Contour Graph (contour3) creates a 3D contour plot of a surface defined on a rectangular grid (Fig. 9.). The 3-D Surface Plot display a matrix as a surface (Fig. 10).



Figure 8. – 2-D Filled Contour Graph generated with (a) histogram values of X-ray CT scan (b) plot profile values (on ox axes) of X-ray CT scan


b) Figure 9. – 3-D Contour Graph generated with (a) histogram values of X-ray CT scan (b) plot profile values (on ox axes) of X-ray CT scan



Figure 10. – 3-D Surface Plots generated with (a) histogram values of X-ray CT scan (b) plot profile values (on ox axes) of X-ray CT scan


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Feather Graph displays vectors emanating from equally spaced points along a horizontal axis (Fig. 11). The Compass graph displays the vectors with components (U,V) as arrows emanating from the origin. U, V, and Z are in Cartesian coordinates and plotted on a circular grid. The n arrows indicates the n number of elements in U or V. The location of the base of each arrow is the origin. The location of the tip of each arrow is a point relative to the base and determined by [U(i),V(i)] (Fig. 12).



Figure 11. – Vector Fields-Feather Graphs generated with (a) histogram values of X-ray CT scan (b) plot profile values (on ox axes) of X-ray CT scan



Figure 12. – Vector Fields-Compass Graphs generated with (a) histogram values of X-ray CT scan (b) plot profile values (on ox axes) of X-ray CT scan

3. STATISTICA 7.0. Applications STATISTICA software provides several methods in which graphs can be requested or defined. These methods ensure a high level of integration between numbers such as: raw data, intermediate results or final results and produce highly customized graphical displays. The 2D graphs include a very wide variety of both common and unique graphs types. Icon Plots represent individual units of observation as particular graphical objects where values of variables are distributed to specific features or dimensions of the objects. The values of variables in circular icon plots format (Polygon Icons) are

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represented by distances between the center (hub) of the icon and its edges. Icon plots were used in order to find systematic patterns or clusters of observations and to explore possible complex relations between several variables (Fig. 13.a,b).


b) Figure 13. - Scatter Icon Plots based on histogram values of X-ray CT image (Selected variables for X, Y, Icon and Weight: 1, 1, 1-2, 1) (a) Polygons, (b) Lines

We ca also perform the observed cumulative distribution function versus the theoretical cumulative distribution function in order to estimate the fit of the theoretical distribution to the observed data. The Probability-Probability Plots indicate where the data points do and do not follow the distribution. The theoretical cumulative distribution approximates the observed distribution well if all points in the graph fall onto the diagonal line. The Normal Probability Plots were used to evaluate the normality of the distribution of a variable (Fig. 14. a). The normal distribution function is written: (1)

f(x) =

 1 x −µ2  1 exp −    σ 2π  2  σ  

where σ is the standard deviation and µ is the mean. The 2D Detrended Probability Plots were constructed in the same way as the standard normal probability plot, except that before the plot was created, the linear tendency was removed (Fig. 14.b).


b) Figure 14. a,b – Normal Probability Plot created with histogram values of X-ray CT image, Selected variable: 1, Graph type: (a) Normal (b) Detrended


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The 3D Sequential Graphs are unique subset of 3D graphs showing representations of multiple sequences of values and /or their variability. The Surface Plot fits a spline-smoothed surface to each data point (Fig. 15.a). The Contour Plot represents a 2D projection of the spline-smoothed surface fit to the data, where successive values of each series are plotted along x-axis and each successive series are represented along the y-axis (Fig. 15.b).



Figure 15.- 3D Sequential Graph (Advanced 3D Raw Data Plot) based on histogram values of X-ray CT image (a) Graph Type: Surface (b) Graph type: Contour

4. Conclusions MATLAB provide interactive tools and command-line functions for analysis of medical imaging data such as: basic statistics, matrix analysis and curve fitting, allowing us to visualize vectors of data with both 2-D and 3-D plotting functions. STATISTICA has been also used to reveal the wide variety of graphs including: Normal Probability Plots, Scatter Icon Plots and 3-D Sequential Graphs generated with histogram values. The Tree Clustering Algorithm joins together objects into successively larger clusters by using Euclidean distances. These multivariate exploratory techniques and image processing tools carried-out the variables of a complex system.

5. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Bistriceanu, E.G. (1996): Principiile Matematematice şi Fizice ale Tomografiei Computerizate, Matrix ROM, Bucureşti. Webb, S. (1996): The Physics of Medical Imaging, Institute of Physics Publishing, London. Moshe Y. (2004) – GUI with Matlab, Signal and Image Processing Laboratory MATLAB 7.0.1. – The Language of Technical Computing STATISTICA 6.0 software, STATISTICA Electronic Manual

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WebVEx Dumitrescu Bogdan1, Andra Lada1, Alina Coroma2 (1) University of Bucharest, Informatics Section, Str. M. Kogalniceanu, ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] 2) University of Bucharest, Mathematics Section, Str. M. Kogalniceanu, ROMANIA E-mail:[email protected]

Abstract WebVEx represents a new instrument in the educational area that was developed to help teachers that are holding their lessons in the informatics lab to prepare tests and check their students knowledges.

Keywords: Testing, Platform, E-Learning, Students

NOTE: The system used for holding all the data is the MySQL database system. It is used a lite version of the MySQL system, a version that has a slightly decrease in the security policy when communicating with the exterior web. This decrease helps the database perform faster. The build used is MySQL XE. Databases are coded using MD5 keys and this system ensures a high functionality to the system and a higher security. The security has been enhanced too, into the administrative area where the intruders are kept out because of the MD5 dynamic coding. The configuration that was used for making all the tests was a server based on a Pentium III processor at 866 MHz, equipped with 512 SDRAM, and a PATA 100 hard drive with 10 GB. The networking stuff was done with network cards equipped with the Realtek chipset, the RTL8139. The infrastructure concerning the wiring, switches, and the rest of parts was done by the technical teams inside the company’s where we tested the product. The desktop systems were provided by HP and Dell. These machines had mounted on them Windows XP Professional with SP2. On the server side part, the machine’s were running a Linux distro, based on RedHat and in an isolated case we had a Windows 2003 Server.

1 Introduction This project was developed to fulfill the ideas of teachers that wanted a flexible and powerful tool in evaluating the students. After some analysis on the field during the time a structure was distinguished and implemented, a structure that all the teachers approved as the ideal structure. This


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model was named eTest and it was a simple application that was developed with ActiveX controls. This was a fine solution to the problem but the system was incapable of work properly becouse the OCX’s and the existing technology disallowed the structures to support very much users and tests. The databases used were a personal ideea of the developers and they were not as flexible as today’s databases, they were having a series of problems of compatibility and interoperability. And even more, the system was unable to sustain two simultaneous sessions of exams with different teachers and students. Even if the eTest software was a failure the concept was a success, it was the key to the WebVEx system. The eTest structures were analyzed, it’s tables, concepts, and behaviours were replicated, adjusted, and improved, in one word, shaped a new modular and flexible system named WebVEx. In this new system the security is a powerful tool by using the MD5 keys, the number of accounts, exams and running simultaneous exam sessions is practically unlimited, the only limit being the hardware. Looking to the connection data transfer algorithms we are in front of a new era, a new structure is used, the MemTr algorithm. This algorithm is a new solution in securing and compressing the data send over to the servers. Times are smaller, less data, perfection!

2 Tools used Also, the testing system has been enhanced, being evaluated and offering the teacher a series of tools that will help him define a perfect test. Actual tools have been enhanced and a superior state of personalization has been added to them to make them the perfect instrument. Existing instrument were the Radio Button and the Check Box system that were defined by the operating system OCX’s library. Now the OCX library’s have been overridden by the program, and the rules are now made by the user. Now the user can override the rules defined by the operating system, and create his own behaviour for his tools. This behaviour can be saved and used in every exam defined by the user to achieve the perfect exam. Also in the tools are we are proud to present a innovation in this domain, we say that this is an innovation because till now there was no way for an exam program to initiate and rely on mathematical equations. Now this problem is solved using the Microsoft’s Office Word’s OCX’s that has a series of controls that allow you to use math in your exams. Using their’s advanced OCX’s you can make or display math the way it’s meant to be. Referring to image tools, the controls that are using Windows controls are mostly based on the drag and drop functions and on the ideea implemented by Microsoft in the window system, the contraints system that defines the drag and drop ideea. Even with this system, the user can change it’s behaviour to a personalized behaviour that acts and reacts to his needs. Another improve to the system is the possibility to user one or more tools for a subject. According to this utility the user can develop a subject that will use Radio Button’s along with Equations or other tools. They can be mixed in different ways and manners. This advantage can be exploited in chemistry lessons or physics or mathematics where the teacher can combine problems concerning the geometrical domain where the student receives a picture, or a diagram that next he has to fill his

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corners with different letters where is involved the drag and drop function and then to write a solution for the problem.

3 Functional sketch Student [5]

Student profile [1] [2]

Exams MySQL Server



[4] Teacher [6]

Teacher profile

Sketch 1. WebVEx architecture

[1] & [3] – Consists in the profiles of the teachers and those of the students, profiles saved in the MySQL database. [2] – Represent the exams stored in the MySQL database. [4] – MySQL server. [5] – The student application that is running on every computer in the company. [6] – The teacher application that makes a link between the teachers profile and the exams stored for that profile. [7] – The exam session being initialized between the student and the teacher with the exams. All the exam data, behaviour settings and other data.

4 Speed and performance Thankfully to the structure of the server (teacher edition) / client (student’s edition) the WebVEx system has a major advantage when were talking about speed. The job is spited into two separated jobs and this structure makes the traffic in the network to be minimum, making possible that the system to support up to 100 simultaneous tests, each with an average of 30 users. This facility is provided by the MySQL XE server, that it’s special build version enables a higher speed that other versions of MySQL servers Referring to access times we can say that they are practically instantaneous. Because of the system is working with secure connections the data is compressed with MemTr and then sent to the main server . In the table below we have made a statistic showing the speeds achieved on a normal MySQL server compared to a MySQL XE server type, and above all, the data sending algorithm recorded with the MemTr standard and without it.


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Client 36



35 28



ms 25



20 15 8

10 5




0 XE / MemTr

XE / Normal

SQL / MemTr

SQL / Normal

Graphic 1. Speeds obtained on different configurations

- TOTAL represents the sum of the times registered by the server (teacher edition) and the client (student edition). The result is the medium value that is obtained from the moment when the command is being issued till the moment when the result is found in the database.

NOTE : In this times some delayes may be found because, even if the information is sent at a high speed to the server the infrastructure can be a troublemaker. The slow connections and the weak network points can damage the speed recorded on the machines. In the calculation of the speeds a 10% value has been added, a value that should be enough for a company with a network administrator who cares about it. NOTE : The system that was the subject of our tests was a Pentium III class processor at 866 MHz, with 256 SDRAM at 133, and a PATA 100 hard-drive, and 5e network cable. The system described can be found in 90% of the schools and high schools on the territory of Romania We must alert you that the system is compatible with the default system, the MySQL, but also the normal MySQL system. In case of normal MySQL system is used the delays are a little bigger that in the case of MySQL XE. These statistics were crafted after a series of tests were made in 6 different high schools. The same values have been always obtained

5 Structure The WebVEx is structured into 3 main components :

The first component – represents the MySQL server, the server that takes care of all the account created in the company, and not only the account, but the exams and the behaviour settings. Also, this server takes care of all the feedback’s and all the results and marks of every student.

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The second component – is the software dedicated to the teacher where he is making, saving and editing all his exams. This component has two functions, and it’s transforming itself as it’s focus is changed. Firstly is a component that generates exams, and secondly is a powerful feedback tool and a statistic one in the same time. Third component – represents the component that are in the student hands. It is the interface that loads the exam and in the final displays the feedback. Within this interface the student is logging in and loads the exam in the interface, after this step being done he actually takes the exam, and finally he get’s his mark and his personalized feedback. The feedback is less complex or very detailed, this thing being defined by the teacher with the help of the behaviour tool.

6 WebVEx software WebVEx – Student Edition (Client)

Figure 1. The interface of the software

Represents the program interface that will be installed on all the computers in the company. Working with this program the user (student) can customize his profile and when talking about profile it’s about the appearance and behavier of the software. This interface firstly requires a login with your username, password and a choice about the exam desired. Once logged in the student configure the software in his spare time till the exam is started. Without an active exam the main interface will not start, logging in being impossible.


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In the right below the interface has the „Settings” button where are displayed different tools for the exam and the so called Cosmetics button where the user can change fonts and colors in the program. We mentioned above about some tools, and we meant the statistical tools, tools that allow the user to send into his personal mail address a chart with his result customized with different filters.

WebVEx – Professor Edition (Server)

Figure 2. The interface of the software

In the picture above is shown the interface of the WebVEx program, the teacher version. In this interface the teacher has the freedom to develop an exam for his students. From this point the teacher has the power to access a series of functions that define the behaviour of the software for students. He can customize in different ways the method and behaviour that the exam will react when launched on the student’s platform. All these changes are being done from the button name „Rules” displayed in the left below. These settings are can be saved by the user in his profile for a further use in further exams that he will develop.

7 Working with the software In order to run the WebVEx system firstly a database system must be installed on the main server of the company. The MySQL server is provided by the developers of the WebVEx system. Once installed the database, the application can run properly and work should start.

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For the server (teacher’s program) the company’s administrator will make an account in the server’s database and will fill the adequate data according to the desired account. Once received the username, the user should login and define a password, and from now on his micro-universe is waiting for him. He will have the power to define and develop exams, to configure his behaviour settings for each and every exam, to combine tools in order to create a perfect exam for it’s students. He will be granted with full administration rights for his exams and he will be unrestrained in configuring and setting the software. Once the exams are created behaviour settings are being developed and just second far away the students can start working. For the client module (the so called student program) it’s assumed that every student is having an account on the server’s database made by an authorized person. Once the account is received by every user he can login and sustain his exam. At the login page he will fill in his password and username and from the list below he will select what exam he will sustain. Once authentificated he will find himself in front of an interface ready to show an exam. Till the exam will start he can make some cosmetic adjustments or change his profile password or send to his personal e-mail address a statistic with his history. When the exam is started the student should complete the subjects shown. Once finalized the subjects, the student should push the „Submit results” button, and according to the settings defined by the user he will receive a feedback, the feedback will be larger or smaller according to defined. Instantly with the results display the application will upload to the teacher’s edition the modifications and update the table. All the results will be recorded in the student’s profile, but he will never gain access to them. This thing is done to keep a complete evolution of the student’s exams and participation.

8 Demonstration We will try below to reproduce a simple case of using the WebVEx platform. We will be using both the server (teacher software) and the client software (referred as the student’s application). [1] The teacher generates an exam according to his materials and build’s it in the Server program. It is supposed that the teacher already has an account in the database [2] Secondly, the teacher saves the exam form in the company’s server database and in the next step defines the behaviour of the exam and the user class for which it will be activated. [3] Optionally ! The company’s administrator can add the layout of the room in the server’s database to activate the A.I. advanced randomizing module for achieving the perfect exam. [4] Once finished developing the exam the examination can begin. Students will access their programs and authentificate on the server in order to start [5] The client software will auto-morph it’s structure and behaviour once the exam is loaded into the memory. The behaviour settings will shape the interface of the exam into a exam imagined by the professor and it will be rendered by the machine [6] In front of the problem the student can start working, having the necessary time already set for this exam. Along with the exam on the server program the interface will


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morph into a « Surveilance » module that will analyze every move that each student it’s making in the class room. [7] Any problems raised can be resolved only by the teacher. We are helping the professor with a series of tools developed to resolve these problems. We are not talking about bugs but teacher-student problems. [8] Finalizing the exam gives the student a personalized feedback in the main window, and depending on the settings his feedback will be lighter or more complex and below the feedback the final mark will be displayed. Also depending on the settings the user will find out or not what went wrong during the exam. [9] At the end of the exam the teacher has in on the monitor a detailed static of the marks that every student got after the exam and as a detailed version, he can see what are the mistakes made by everyone, the tempos of the exam, and several. Once generated, this chart is saved in the teachers profile on the main server of the company.

9 Conclusions Finally we can say that WebVEx is an independent system, independent we say when we are referring to the location of the databases and the level of knowledge of every user of the system. It is a system developed by the users for the users, and it’s done primarely to help teacher to test their students, and we are talking about people that don’t have a great experience in working with PC’s and in the IT industry. It is a new and flexible sistem that has infinite expand possibilities to achieve the goal to satisfy every exam. Independent of the professor the WebVEx sistem is making a randomization at the level of IP addresses and the layout of the testing room to develop a unique exam and to assure the teacher that the student’s are not copying the results from the other mates.

10 Web Address To download the WebVEx application containing the teacher and the student edition please follow the link below:

11 Bibliography [1] L. Thomson, Developing web based applications with integrated MySQL Databases, tihrd edition, Editura Teora, 2002 [2] Elena Piticu, „Biblia DotNet”, Editura Teora, 2003 [3], Online Manual [4], „ActiveX Controlls”, Editura ProgrammersWorldWide

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Experience in Developing the Advanced Distributed Learning Capabilities in the Academic Area Assoc. Prof. Doina MURESAN, PhD candidate “Carol I” National Defence University”, Bucharest Abstract: eLearning is the new challenge in the education and training field everywhere in the world. Connected to the educational system, both at the NATO and the national level, the “Carol I” National Defence University has started developing its own elearning project in order to improve its capabilities in delivering the education and training services. The eLearning projects are different from one another but at the same time all of them follow the main principles and comprise of the best experience from previous projects. In this sense, through this paper, we try to bring in focus our experience in developing eLearning project in our institution. Due to the specific of our university regarding the two different sets of education and training requirements which come from NATO and from the Romanian national education system, we believe that our experience could become a good pole of lessons learned for others eLearning developers. This paper tries to show you some relevant aspects about what we think that could be useful for interested readers in the e-learning project development. At the same time, we consider part of lessons learned like a good practice but, of course we know better that there are not two projects alike, and we invite you to criticize and to enrich them by own experience and suggestions.


1. Learn about e-learning In 2004, in the fall, The Senate of the National Defence University “Carol I” decided to develop a new dimension of its university education capabilities based on the new concept e-learning. Since then the initiative has been transformed in reality and consequently starting with the 2006-2007 academic year the NDU launched its first on-line courses. The story seems to be very simple and short, but in this period of time a lot of things have happened. Practically, this project was developed in three different phases and more activities. Each phase and activity meant for us both a challenge and a source of lessons learned. If somebody wants to know about this concept, he will probably find on INTERNET based on “e-learning” word searching and like a result he will have more than 150 millions of recording. Nobody reads everything, and consequently one will search by advanced search tools to reduce the results, and so on and so forth to the convenient solution, let us say around 100 sources. That means that at the beginning of


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studying about e-learning someone reads no more than 0, 0000001 percent of elearning knowledge sources. Knowing about this situation, we started to build a team consisting in teachers, IT specialists and researchers who tried to acquire valuable information and knowledge about e-learning concept and its derivates. A generic plan was generated, through which the directions of studying the principal aspects were established, as follows: 1. Fundamental theories about e-learning: distance learning, advanced distributed learning, on-line learning, web based training etc. 2. Teaching and learning processes based on information technology, including here: instructional design knowledge, digital content development, pedagogical aspects, adult education learning etc. 3. Technical tools and e-learning systems: learning management systems, learning content management system, authoriting tools in content development, contents standardization etc. 4. Best practices and case studies: university virtual campus advanced distributed learning in NATO and PfP Consortium, e-learning in the military and civilian institutions, corporate and stakeholders experience etc.

2. Set-up the project master plan The core of the any master plan is the end-state of the project. The end-state is strongly related to the objectives, directions of effort, SWOT analysis, logistics and financial support and probably some other more. In the economy of this paper only three of them will be tackled. The end-state for the eLearning project represents the technical and educational (training) capabilities in order to be able to support the learning processes. The end-state has to be very well defined, realistic and proper with the institutions` base mission, in fully accordance with the time length of the project and the internal and external support. The “Carol I” NDU e-learning project’s end-state is “to create the distributed network based education - student oriented in order to develop valuable digital standardization content and deliver knowledge what, where, when and to whom it is necessary” Directions of effort were established going from the role and mission of our institutions in the military and national education systems. The specific of the NDU is given by the double subordination and educational objectives, both by the military training requirements in accordance with NATO standards and national educational system, based on Bologna documents. As a result, the area of interest was divided in two different directions, called by us e-training and e-education. E-training follows the military requirements and it is focused on development and provided the short professional and small team tailored courses inside the widely concept Adult Life Long Learning. E-education is represented by capabilities to organize, deliver and manage the university curricula under the national distance learning specifications and it comprises of educational service support for the distance learning and on-line distance learning

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university’s studies level, bachelor, master degree and doctoral studies and integrated post graduated courses.  Logistic and financial support is one of the most important issue in the project development, so much the more for the e-learning where not many people can see the benefits of it. Knowing about it, we built the strategy around the idea to create the network and deliver the first on-line courses based on extra budget. In this way we thought, and the reality confirmed our hypothesis, that it is necessary first to demonstrate the utility, benefits of this new education way and of course to create a pressure from the learners to the decision level. For this purpose, we have focused on the research area (private and national research programs) and we had a proposal called “e-Learning Pilot Centre” by which we succeeded in 18 months to meet the end-state.

3. Development of project – technical capabilities We had our e-learning model as a starting point , figure 1, and the main interest was built around the knowledge distributed network and capacity of creating the educational service support for both delivering ways: synchronous and asynchronous. From our perspective, technical issue into e-learning project comprises of: hardware and communications infrastructure, learning (content) management system, commercial on the shelf (COTS) software, in-house developed software and content development authoriting tools.

Figure 1 – The “Carol I” National Defence University eLearning Model  Hardware and communications infrastructure consists of: e-learning laboratory, Internet, NDU`s Intranet and MoD`s Intranet connections capabilities, servers machine park, network storage attached equipment and different types of peripherals, figure 2.


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Figure 2 – The eLearning network  Learning Management System is the heart of any eLearning system developed anywhere in the world. Nevertheless, the NDU has something special in using LMS`s, because we use two different LMS, for different purposes. Thus, we have installed two LMS`s, both on-the-shelf and an open-source one. First LMS is used mostly in delivering synchronous digital content, lab-synchronous and integrated curricula of courses. ILIAS, open-source, is designed to manage the on-line courses. The big advantage of this kind of solution is given the possibility to test if the digital content developed in house or imported is compliant with different standards, especially SCORM. Others advantages: open-source offers more freedom to our software developers and it is more easily maintained while commercial one gives us a lot of learning tools and technical assistance; by one we manage the synchronous lessons in the e-learning laboratory and by the other we manage the distance learning activities and in this way we avoid the problems with the bandwidth. Disadvantages are concentrated around the manpower designed to setup and maintain two LMS`s and of course increase the number of servers and consequently the budget is increased The software components, both commercial and our own, refer to the operating systems, security solutions, data base management, virtual library, web and portal development tools and so on. Obviously, we use both commercial and open-source server and network operating system but only Microsoft XP Professional for workstations. At this moment we are not decided if the future development will be based on Windows or Linux, but our IT specialists are still looking into it to find the best solution. We will take the decision by the end of this academic year and from the fall we will have a new technical reference model. Digital content authoriting tools represent a set of specialized software, standalone or embedded into LMS. In this category the software for evaluation tests creation is included and for on-line or local testing session, too. More about digital content development is written in the next section dedicated to educational capabilities.

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4. Development of project – educational capabilities As I mentioned before, the e-learning project is designed for learning and teaching while the technical aspects represent only the platform, like a school building in the classical educational system. It is normal to build the technical capabilities but the main mission is still the educational processes, teachers, students, books and knowledge. The educational capabilities cover the third level of our e-learning reference model and have in focus content, curricula, human resources, both students, teachers and tutors, specific didactical and psycho-pedagogical aspects, educational objectives and so on. From this perspective we believe that the digital content and its didactical aspects represent the key role in the eLearning enterprise. Digital content is the most sensitive issue in the NDU`s ADL project. If the LMS is the heart, content is the brain of any eLearning system and it plays the key role in reaching the educational objectives. It could be an easy or a very hard matter of any discussion! It is easy, when you speak about it from the theoretical perspective and it could be very hard when we try to develop some content fully compliant both with the educational principles and technical standards of the development. It is well known that in the digital content development enterprise, there are three pillars: subject matter experts, instructional designers and content developers. No one of them is more important than others and, consequently, having a proper digital content requests people well prepared for their jobs. In attempting to reach this desideration, the NDU has set up a training framework including best practices in eLearning, short training session based on technical standards guide, gain the information – spread the knowledge about instructional design principles and so on. Now, we consider that the most challenging problem is the human resources, especially educators, not technology. In our attempt to solve these issues properly, we have made a decision regarding instituting a teacher team designed to receive the know-how and after that to deliver it. Our concern is around the questions “who could deliver know-how?” The link between the educational objectives and the eLearning objects has been debated for years. In designing and authoring the course, the course team needs to address a number of educational issues that arose as a direct result of adopting the learning object approach.

5. Human resources Not many people were confident in the Advanced Distributed Learning project when it started two years ago. It could be very easy to call them “skeptics”. In fact, depending on the reasons of doubts, the e-learning skeptics could be divided in at least three different groups. 1. The group gathered around the concerning of quality of education processes delivered by electronic facilities. 2. The group which is focused on the technical aspects of the e-learning projects and capacity of the project team to manage this project. 3. The third group considered the financial aspects and in general the cost of such project and the costs of developing the e-learning process.


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Obviously, to be fair, it is necessary to mention the fourth group, as well . It is about those who are skeptical regarding anything. This paper is designed to analyze only the reasonable debates and how those could be converted into advantages for the project coordinator team. I have started this article in this way because many of e-learning developers claim that they have to pass over the conservatorial attitudes of the teachers or institutions board. We never forget that the actual educational system based on face-toface teaching has at least two thousand years and consequently it has a mature pedagogical principle while the e-learning trend is still at its beginning. On the other hand, it is obvious that at this moment e-learning is promoted and developed on its technical dimensions and less on the didactical aspects or in other words the “e” is stressed instead of learning. The real debates deeply concerning the e-learning side inside the groups of critics, can show up the points of interests for e-learning project developers. Any signs of questions based on logical argumentations should be taken in consideration. I think that it can be one lesson learned for the e-learning system developers: listen and learn from those who criticize the e-learning projects, they might be right and can give you new ideas. Speaking about the people directly involved into this project, I would like to stress only two aspects: desire and motivation. Going from those characteristics we succeeded in generating competence through hard work, learning, trials and very important by “stealing” experience from different groups which we joined. We do not want to speak about our team, the results speak for themselves, but we want to mention something which we consider being the key of success: put together the teacher’s experience, management capabilities and technical expertise.

References: [1] [2] [3]

Mircea Muresan, Ion Roceanu – Security Through Knowledge – Network Based Security Education, Berlin EDUCA 2006. Ion Roceanu - E-education versus e-training. Managerial and pedagogical approaches, Berlin EDUCA 2006 US Army’s Advanced Distributed Learning Vision, 2001, Department of Defense Library

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Virtual Training Centre For CNC: a Sample Virtual Training Environment Mehmet Sahin1, Süleyman Yaldız1, Faruk Ünsaçar1, Y. Burak YALDIZ1 Nikolaos Bilalis2, Emmanuel Maravelakis2, Aristomenis Antoniadis2 (1) Technical Science College, Selçuk University 42031, Konya, Turkey [email protected] (2) Department of Production Engineering & Management, Technical University of Crete, 73100, Chania, Greece [email protected]

Abstract It is a fact that virtual training has been a scope of interest for vocational training for a very long time. However, it needs more time to be more common in all specific training fields. This paper presents the development of a Virtual Training Centre (VTC) to promote and reinforce Vocational Training in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machines. “Virtual Training Centre for CNC” is a multilateral LdV project and of high importance in terms of virtual teaching and learning in vocational education and training. This virtual training environment is based on a common curriculum developed by the project partners. Since it is an interactive training tool, accessibility is the most important advantage over other training tools in VET.

Keywords: Virtual training center, CNC, Training centre

1. Introduction The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is the European Union's reference Centre for vocational education and training. This centre provides information on and analyses of vocational education and training systems, policies, research and practice. According to Erwin Seyfried (2007), in the past two decades and in most Member States there has been a growing awareness of the importance of quality in vocational education and training (VET). Obviously, the changing demands of the knowledge-based society and the overall trend to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of VET systems, constitute major driving forces behind these developments. Undeniably, through its funds and programmes, such as Leonardo da Vinci, the European Commission has contributed to improving education and VET systems by raising the level of the services they offer. For a qualitative approach to VET, the technical working group on quality in VET (TWG) was called to respond to during its mandate (2003 and 2004) in accordance with the priorities of the Council resolution of 19 December 2002 (Council Resolution of 19 December, 2002) and the Copenhagen declaration on ‘enhanced cooperation in vocational education and training’ (European Commission-DG EAC, 2004). Finally, a further focus of the work


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consisted of translating the three European policy priorities (promoting employability of the workforce, access to training with particular emphasis on the most vulnerable groups, and the better matching of training demand and supply) into concrete and measurable objectives. One of the objectives of the innovative VET systems is regarded as transparency and distribution of information. This function concerns the potential and actual use of information. There may be different systems and structures of information distribution among the various actors, and in the public. And there are preconditions for creating transparency in the VET system. To improve quality there must be systems for distributing information and certain mechanisms to ensure the circulated information can be used by the various actors in the policy process. The more widespread the distribution, the better the potential use of the data will be – and as a reversal effect, better quality data can be expected, as the actors are able to check the information against their experience and will provide feedback to the systems for gathering data. One of the concrete future strategic objectives of education and training systems in the EU (Council of the European Union, 2001) is improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training systems in the EU. This includes improving education and training for teachers and trainers, developing skills for the knowledge society, ensuring access to ICT for everyone, increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies, and making the best use of resources. The second strategic objective is facilitating the access of all to education and training systems. This objective includes open learning environment, making learning more attractive, and supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion. This article aims to promote a LdV project that will address the strategic objectives mentioned above: The first one is improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training systems in the EU by developing skills for the knowledge society, ensuring access to ICT for everyone, increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies, and making the best use of resources. The second one is facilitating the access of all to education and training systems by providing open learning environment, making learning more attractive, and supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion.

2. Importance of Virtual Training During the 60's and 70's, teaching and learning tools were nothing but a piece of chalk and a blackboard eraser, teachers and students who met each other face to face inside the classroom during class. In the 80's, videotape programs were used as teaching aids. In the 90's, one-way teaching by computer arrived. And finally today's advanced computer and information network technology has revolutionized our teaching and learning methods. In accord with the development, learning environment has also changed. Students can listen to their teacher or trainers in distant classrooms through PC's and get a simultaneous view of their teachers and texts as well. They can ask questions and record the "class" for repeated viewing. Training organizations can conduct professional training directly via the computer network. These learning environments are not so different from a teacher-guided class with discussions and tests as well.

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In the report “Studies in the context of the E-learning Initiative: Virtual Models of European Universities” (Ramboll, 2004), a key concern was how virtual mobility is being supported in European universities through ICT integration and e-learning. The study found that the majority of universities face major challenges in promoting ICT integration. ICT strategy is very important and those universities that have an ICT strategy are significantly ahead in integration of ICT in administration and organisation and networking. Integration of ICT and e-learning is politically important in the EU in terms of internationalisation and globalisation of education, student demand and interest in increasing the quality of education through ICT. At the national level, integration of ICT should become a key priority with national and regional institutions making a commitment to ITC and the development of networks. There must be increased national flexibility with a commitment to support common standards of quality and assessment and to develop national and international metadata standards.

3. Importance of Virtual Training Centre (VTC) In the last 3 decades, a large number of vocational training centres and technical universities are giving priority to CNC Training. New developments on CNC machines are providing a continuous need for updated CNC training curriculum. Training on CNC should follow similar developments and in particular in their programming capabilities, automation they offer and their technical capabilities. In addition, CNC programming is becoming more and more automated through the use of CAD/CAM systems. This requires from the programmers to acquire CAD operation capabilities, on top of their CNC operation and programming knowledge. The major objective in the field of CNC training is to improve the qualifications and competences of the trainees, which is directly related to a well-designed and effective curriculum to be carried out on CNCs. The facilities for CNC training vary a lot and this has had direct impact on the experience that the trainee is acquiring during his/her apprentice. This paper presents the development and promotion of a Virtual Training Centre (VTC), an internet based e-learning facility, specifically based on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) training. This centre includes a virtual space (a CNC training portal) on the Internet which allows the constant sharing of e-learning based CNC teaching material, which is created so as to foster the further development of e-learning based CNC educational contents. This virtual training centre aims at setting the standard CNC virtual learning in vocational training systems (Şahin at all, 2007).

4. The partners of Virtual Training Centre (VTC) The projects has five partners from three countries: Technical Science College, Selcuk University, 42031, Konya, Turkey; Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece; The Higher School of Transport (HST), Sofia, Bulgaria; Chamber of Industry, Konya ; Turkey, and Uzçelik Machine Manufacturing Company, Konya, Turkey.

5. The content of the Virtual Training Centre (VTC) During the first stages of the project, the equipment, methods, curriculum and techniques currently used for CNC training by the organisations in the partner countries were observed, collected and evaluated (Xiaoling at all, 2004; Yadong at all,


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2007). The selected materials were used to create a new and common curriculum. Five important factors that contribute to learning were taken into account in order to prepare the CNC curriculum:  Motivation  Aptitude  Presentation  Repetition  Practice with reinforcement

The approach for developing the appropriate training material was based on the following key concepts:          

Know your machine (from a programmer’s viewpoint) Prepare to write programs Understand the motion types Know the compensation types Format your programs in a safe, convenient, and efficient manner Know the special features of programming Know your machine (from an operator’s viewpoint) Understand the three modes of operation Know the procedures related to operation You must be able to verify programs safely

This approach combined with the important learning factors finally led to a CNC training curriculum including 28 sessions: 1. Machine configuration 2. Speeds and feeds 3. Visualizing program execution 4. Understanding program zero 5. Measuring program zero 6. Assigning program zero 7. Flow of program processing 8. Introduction to programming words 9. Preparation for programming 10. Types of motion 11. Introduction to compensation 12. Dimensional (wear) tool offsets 13. Geometry offsets 14. Tool nose radius compensation 15. Program formatting 16. The four kinds of program format 17. Simple canned cycles 18. Rough turning and boring multiple repetitive cycle 19. More multiple repetitive cycles 20. Threading multiple repetitive cycle 21. Subprogramming techniques 22. Control model differences

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.


Other special features of programming Control model differences Machine panel functions Three modes of operation The key operation procedures Verifying new programs safely

6. The Virtual Training Centre To develop the virtual training centre, firstly, a communication website was developed in order to manage the activities and tasks to be carried out by the partners.

Figure 1. The Front Desk of The Communication Website

Then, an interactive teaching program was developed and put into a website to form a virtual training centre. The common curriculum developed for this purpose was the base of this training centre. The site, along with the interactive teaching program, was divided into four main areas, "News", "Exchange of views", "Projects and Networks", and "Information Resources". It was planned that, with these, users would be able to access a newsletter, a bulletin board, online surveys and survey reports, information on VET networks, an electronic library with references, a bookshop with downloadable publications and a number of databases. In the main core of the CNC training material, simulations and practical exercises are included into the interactive training centre (figure 2). According to the related workpackage, the virtual training centre will be in use of test sessions by the beginning of October, 2007, which is also the beginning of the second year of the project. In the long run, the VTC for CNC aims to be an interactive platform, a meeting point for policy-makers, social-partners, practitioners, researchers and all those with an interest in CNC field of vocational education and training. Experts in the field will be able to share and exchange knowledge and experience with associates within and outside the European Union. This will foster the long-term viability of the Centre.


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Figure 2. The preliminary interface of the interactive CNC training centre (

7. Aims of the project This project aimed to improve the skills and competences of people to promote and reinforce the contribution of vocational training to the process of innovation, with a view to improving competitiveness and entrepreneurship, also in view of new employment possibilities. The specific aims of VTC can be defined as follows:  Training the trainers, trainees, technicians and apprentices and all enthusiastic about CNC.  Preparing technicians as intermediates having common measurable qualities the industry is seeking.  Helping to form a labour force that can use current knowledge and technology, and thus, in search for life-long learning.  Supporting the sectoral communication through the national centres in partners.  Setting up a website to publish the data collected.  Adapting the collected materials to enhance the new curriculum satisfying the requirements in a modern sense.  Helping to improve and upgrade competences and skills of the involving institutions’ didactic staff and exchange experiences over the virtual training centre.  Enabling the participants to extend the common educational qualifications of CNC technologies, the accreditation of the skills and knowledge of CNC technologies acquired within the network created between participating institutions and organizations.  Increase the quality of employment through qualified workers.

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007     


Helping to increase active use of technology acquired and thus to increase the standards. Contributing to individuals by behaving through life long learning. Having a labour power in accordance with common design and production standards. Contributing to labour market by using the common technology and equipment effectively. Helping to enhance available potential of human sources.

8. Target groups of the project Target groups will be trainers, trainees, technicians, apprentices and all enthusiasts about CNC. The final and potential users of the project’s results will be the training organisations, the SMEs dealing with metal products by CNC usage, and the universities, colleges, vocational schools, training centres. The feedback of the implementation of the VTC in training centres will be recorded and the training participants will evaluate the curriculum; this will be undoubtedly one of the strengths and recommendations on both form and content, which will be incorporated into the final version. Evaluation will cover content (topics, language used, modules), methods (progress, different levels of difficulty, and range of resources, situations and practical cases) and technology (ease of installation, interactive nature and use without a tutor). Testing of the resource in self-instruction, workplace and training centre situations will be important. The experiences and knowledge gained during the implementation of this Center can be used in developing and improving other training programmes in particular in the area of new information technology applications in related sectors.

9. Conclusion This virtual learning environment for CNC Integration of ICT and e-learning is politically important in the EU in terms of internationalisation and globalisation of education, student demand and interest in increasing the quality of education through ICT. At the national level, integration of ICT should become a key priority with national and regional institutions making a commitment to ITC and the development of networks. There must be increased national flexibility with a commitment to support common standards of quality and assessment and to develop national and international metadata standards. This centre addresses the priorities expressed here. Furthermore, this virtual training centre addresses the strategic objectives mentioned above: improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training systems in the EU by developing skills for the knowledge society, ensuring access to ICT for everyone, increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies, and making the best use of resources. Facilitating the access of all to education and training systems by providing open learning environment, making learning more attractive, and supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion is the other strategic objective that can be achieved through this virtual training centre.


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

10. References [1] [2]

Council of the European Union, 2001. Council Resolution of 19 December 2002, 2003.


European Commission - DG EAC, 2004.


Ramboll, PLS, (2004): Studies in the context of the E-learning Initiative: Virtual Models of European Universities (Lot1). Draft Final Report to the European Commission, DG Education and Culture. Available at


Şahin M., Bilalis N., Yaldız S., Antoniadis A., Ünsaçar F., Maravelakis E., (2007): Revisiting CNC Training–a Virtual Training Centre for CNC. International Conference on E-Portfolio Process in Vocational EducationEPVET, Bucharest, Romania.


Xiaoling, W., Peng, Z., Zhifang, W., Yan, S., Bin, L., Yangchun, L., (2004): Development an interactive VR training for CNC machining, Proceedings VRCAI 2004 - ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, pp. 131-133.


Yadong Liua, Xingui Guoa, Wei Lia, Kazuo Yamazakia, Keizo Kashiharab and Makoto Fujishimab, (2007): An intelligent NC program processor for CNC system of machine tool. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol 23 (2), pp 160-169.

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007



Paper and Authors On teaching data analysis and optimisation using software tools

Page 255

Grigore Albeanu, Florin PopenŃiu-Vlădicescu, Liviu Şerbănescu 2.

Virtual Manufacturing Environments – The Future of Education in Manufacturing


Laurence Legg,, Mircea Galis 3.

The Implementation of E-Learning Systems for the On-line Courses Management


Simona Marilena Ilie, Cristian Pavel 4.

ICT Challenges in education: Reflections from a developing country: Iran, with reference to the statistics from computer science students


Roya Ensafi, Amin Zamiri, Mohsen Kahani 5.

OLC, On-Line Compiler to teach programming languages


Cayetano Guerra Artal, María Dolores Afonso Suárez, Idafen Santana Pérez, Rubén Quesada López 6.

Brain Image Analysis with ImageJ and OriginPro


Emilia Dana SeleŃchi , Octavian G. Duliu 7.

Digital Image Processing using MATLAB and STATISTICA


Emilia Dana SeleŃchi , Octavian G. Duliu 8.

WebVEx Dumitrescu Bogdan, Andra Lada, Alina Coroma


330 9.

University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

Experience in Developing the Advanced Distributed Learning Capabilities in the Academic Area Doina MURESAN

Virtual Training Centre For cnc: a Sample Virtual Training Environment Mehmet Sahin, Süleyman Yaldız, Faruk Ünsaçar, Y. Burak YALDIZ Nikolaos Bilalis, Emmanuel Maravelakis, Aristomenis Antoniadis

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


News and Events ICVL 2006 Web site October 2, 2007

LOCATION OF THE CONFERENCE, The conference will be held in the "OVIDIUS" University of CONSTANTA Campus [1 University Street, Address: MAMAIA, BUS 100 (head line), Constanta-Mamaia] ICVL 2007 SCHEDULE, FRIDAY, October 26, 2007 18:00-18:30 Registration, 18:30 Welcome Reception (Dineu/Cocktail - Oxford Hotel) | [Contact: , e-mail: oxford[at] - Address: 202A Lapusneanu Boulevard, BUS 100 (head line), ConstantaMamaia] SATURDAY, October 27, 2007

September 24, 2007 •

VRRM 2007 - First International Wopkshop in Romania | VIRTUAL REALITY IN REHABILITATION MEDICINE, September 24-25, Bucharest | ICL 2007 Conference in Villach - International Conference - Carinthia Tech Institute Villach, Austria, September 26-28, 2007 | | International E-Learning Association (IELA)-

September 6, 2007 •

New - The Conference Proceedings is in preparation and will be sent for printing. For the important dates concerning the ICVL event please have a look to the page: signup/ (see Registration Fees) | A photocopy about transfer or a purchase order will be sent by e-mail to Organizing Committee ([email protected]) More about Registration Fees: The fees will be sent to one of following accounts (Please DEADLINES: September 30) in € (Euros): RO87 RNCB 0076 0104 5262 0003, BCR (Romanian Comm. Bank), Sector 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA [Bank name: BANCA COMERCIALA ROMANA, sector 5 Sort code: BD. T. Vladimiresu nr. 57, sector 5, Bucharest, Romania Acct no: RO87 RNCB 0076 0104 5262 0003 Beneficiary Bank RTN or SWIFT Bank Identifier Code (BIC): University of Bucharest, SWIFT- RNCBROBUB50 ] 2008-Online Learning: Toward the Globalization of Higher Education The University of Atlanta's First International Symposium - Online Learning: Toward the Globalization of Higher Education, 24 to 26 October 2008, Atlanta, GA | Explore recent advances, enhanced strategies and altered paradigms within the rapidly evolving realm of online teaching and learning. Focus on the embrace of challenge via the implementation of innovative models | | FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT


University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

August 26, 2007 •

Accepted papers: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44 (Total = 34 from 44 received)

August 23, 2007 • •

New - Accommodation: Hotels in Constanta-Mamaia, Romania | Accommodation .campion - .campion is a training program for performance in computer science, supported by well-known teachers and brilliant students, former winners of International Informatics Olympiads | SIVECO Virtual Center for Excellency created by SIVECO Romania in cooperation with the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research gathers young people whose innovative ideas greatly contribute to the software market development | On November 1st 2005, .champion became an international program, supported by teachers from all Balkan countries | Advanced Technologies in Education - The 4th Educational Symposium "Designing the Classroom of Tomorrow: Advanced Technologies in Education", Athens, Greece, November 9-10, 2007 | e-Education 2007 - The 2007 International Conference on e-Education, August 15-17, 2007, Hong Kong, China (Organized by Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research-ATISR and Taiwan Knowledge Association) | Innovative Educators - Innovative Educators is dedicated to providing superior conferences and training sessions focused on the most critical and relevant issues facing educators today | | Increasing Enrollment and Retention via Technology: Recruit, Retain, Reconnect, November 7- 9, 2007 Boulder, CO

July 3, 2007 •

The list of accepted abstracts - The list contains about 40 selected proposals from 61 received ( LINK ); We invite you to complete and to send the full version paper no later than July 15, 2007; All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, significance, soundness and clarity; [read more] [EVALUATION REPORT FOR PAPER (.pdf, The report file for authors)] Open Access Initiative - Open Access Journals | OAI is a new paradigm in scholarly publishing. It aims to promote models that ensure free and unrestricted access to scholarly & research journals |

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


June 12, 2007 •

• •

SIVECO 2007 - "For 15 years, Software that matters"; The SIVECO Romania's team celebrated 15 years of activity | SIVECO Romania, a company that talks best through its performances | ICVL 2007 - Call for Papers: | | | | | SJI - Scientific Journals International (SJI) | SJI invites you to join its Editorial Review Board [LINK] The e-Learning Awards 2007 - The 3rd annual e-Learning Awards will take place in November 2007 in London | 2007 Awards Submission Deadline: 16 Days [] VRST 2007 - ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Nov 5-7, University of Irvine, USA |

June 3, 2007 •

• •

2007 Prix UNESCO - 2007 Prix UNESCO Roi Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa pour l'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans l'éducation [Link1 | Link2] SEI-The IT Based Educational System - The IT Based Educational System (SEI) is a complex program initiated by the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth in 2001, aiming to offer ITC support for the Romanian education. The program supports the objectives of the educational reform, in conformity with the eEurope 2005 action plan initiated by the European Union and with to the European eLearning initiative | The Center for Excellency - SIVECO Virtual Center for Excellency; The Center for Excellency brings together young people who have an original contribution to educational software [Link] The SIVECO CUP - The SIVECO CUP in Educational Software (2003-2007) [Link] TEHNE - Center for Innovation and Development in Education is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training |

May 21, 2007 •

WCECS 2007 - The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2007 | The WCECS 2007 is composed of the following 15 conferences (San Francisco, USA, 24-26 October, 2007)

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• • •

University of Bucharest and Ovidius University of Constanta

ICEIT 2007 - The International Conference on Education and Information Technology 2007 | International Association of Engineers (IAENG) (San Francisco, USA, 24-26 October, 2007) ICIMT 2007 - The International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Technologies 2007 (San Francisco, USA, 24-26 October, 2007) ICMLDA 2007 - The International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Analysis 2007 (San Francisco, USA, 24-26 October, 2007) ICMLA 2007 - The 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications | (Cincinnati, Ohio USA on Dec 13-15, 2007) | Association for Machine Learning and Applications (ALMA) | Conferences Alerts - Conferences Alerts Monthly - May [Link]

May 9, 2007 • • •

MAY 9 - EUROPE DAY - Declaration of 9 May 1950 (Robert SCHUMAN DAY) Informatics Europe - The Research and Education Organization of Computer Science and IT Departments in Europe ( European Computer Science Summit - 3rd Annual Informatics Europe Meeting 2007 (, October 8-9 2007, Berlin

May 4, 2007 • •

Events: - ICVL 2007 ( ICWL 2007 - The 6th International Conference on Web-based Learning, 1517 August 2007, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ( ASTD - American Society for Training & Development ( | ASTD is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals | ASTD 2007, ASTD 2007 International Conference & Exposition - June 3-6, 2007

The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2007


Sponsors • • • •

Main Sponsor University of Bucharest - Main Sponsor SIVECO Romania SA - Main Sponsor M.Ed.R.-National Authority for Scientific Research Media Partners: o Agora Media - o The International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control - o Market Watch-IT&C. Informational solutions for management - o Modern professor's portal - o MEdC - SEI educational portal - o CNCSIS -

Tiparul s-a executat sub cda 1856/2007 La Tipografia Editurii UniversităŃii din Bucureşti


In association with GENERAL OBJECTIVES • The development of Research, projects, and software for E-Learning, Software and Educational Management fields • To promote and develop scientific research for E-Learning, Educational Software and Virtual Reality • To assist the teaching staff and IT&C professionals in the usage of the modern technologies for teaching both in the initial and adult education • To improve the cooperation among students, teachers, pedagogues, psychologists and IT professionals in specification, design, coding, and testing of the educational software

CONFERENCE TOPICS • M&M – MODELS & METHODOLOGIES - Research, Development, Strategies, Objectives, Quality, implementation and applications • TECH – TECHNOLOGIES - Innovative Web-based Teaching and Learning Technologies • SOFT – SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS - New software environments for education & training • EXHIBITION – Projects and Applications, Educational Software, Training and Educational Management

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