Poster Analysis

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 302
  • Pages: 2


Wartime Persuasion Persuasive rhetoric (appeals to pathos, logos, logos and ethos) ethos can be found in places other than writing or speeches. As a large group, we will analyze a WWII poster for elements that are designed to create emotion in the viewer, elements that are designed to provide logical thought for the viewer, and elements that are designed to give the viewer a sense that the poster’s ideas come from a place of authority or expert wisdom. Record the class’ observations and answers below. 1. Appeal to Pathos: Pathos Which aspects of this poster are intended to evoke emotion?

Which emotion is evoked?

2. Appeal to Logos: Logos Which aspects of this poster are intended to present logical ideas?

What is/are the logical connection(s) made?

3. Appeal Appeal to Ethos: Ethos Which aspects of this poster imply a sense of authority or expert views on the given topic?

Who or what organization is the authority or expert view supposedly coming from?

With a partner, analyze a WWII poster for elements that are designed to create emotion in the viewer (pathos), elements that are designed to provide logical thought for the viewer (logos), and elements that are designed to give the viewer a sense that the poster’s ideas come from a place of authority or expert wisdom (ethos). Record your observations and answers below. 1. Appeal to Pathos: Pathos Which aspects of this poster are intended to evoke emotion?

Which emotion is evoked?

2. Appeal to Logos: Logos Which aspects of this poster are intended to present logical ideas?

What is/are the logical connection(s) made?

3. Appeal to Ethos: Ethos Which aspects of this poster imply a sense of authority or expert views on the given topic?

Who or what organization is the authority or expert view supposedly coming from?

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