
  • December 2019
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  • Words: 996
  • Pages: 5
Positioning is about perception.


Positioning links the product to benefits or appealing images. Closely linked with segmentation – how customers perceive the product depends on who they are

References: •Rix chapter 4 •Al Ries and Jack Trout; Positioning: the battle for your mind; Warner Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


Ladder of awareness

Why positioning?

within each category

River Breeze The over communicated society means that

Little ladders in your head

– Impact of marketing and ads is minimal


• Not a sledgehammer • A light fog

Jacob’s Creek

– Selective attention to information

Annies Lane

• Rejected if too complex • Rejected if it doesn’t fit existing opinions

What hope is there for OTHER brands that do NOT spring to mind?

– Simplified minds need simplified messages Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


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The easy way into the mind Positioning describes how customers in a market segment think of a brand in relation to its competitors •Be first

•Imprint the customer Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


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The simplified mind uses product categories to save effort

Be first to tell the story The pigeon holes in your head

Christopher Columbus vs Amerigo Vespucci

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Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone

Attach new meanings to the brand

We see what we expect to see Which category does it fit into? Categories reduce need for thought

Is it just another Cab Sav product in a bottle?

Look for the empty hole and fill it!!

VU Wine

Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


Competitive positioning communicates the benefits by comparing it with the competition

What are some ideas you could attach instead? Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


Typical positioning strategies •Product features •Benefits •How it is used •Who uses it •Against the competiton

Informational positioning • Product/benefit link cites product benefits Image positioning • Customer reads in the benefits Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone



Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone



Student Review Results

Perceptual mapping

Snake diagram based on attitude scales

Attitude scales and snake diagrams

Y-Axis 3





Course gave useful knowledge T eacher followed the syllabus Amount of detail suited me All topics covered well Found material easy to understan Teacher used board and projector Handouts and worksheets useful


T eacher was always well prepare

Spiderweb diagrams

Class started and finished on time

Data A

T eacher helpful answering questi

Data B

Teacher always respected student Everyone involved in class discuss Teacher is approachable Teacher knows the subject well

Multiarmed diagrams

T eacher always speaks clearly T eacher explains technical langu I would recom mend class to my fri

–How close is one to the next?

Students prefer this class to others

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Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone

Yet another chart of the same data

Spider web diagram

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Let’s rate some brands on how socially acceptable and economical they are and position them on this graph – stop the slide show by pressing <ESC> key and then click on the brand names to move them. You can change the brand names if you wish Banrock Economical Station

Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


Adding another dimension to the map - place the brands where you think they should go. This time we need to choose which dimension to leave out for a brand.


Banrock Station Poet’s Corner

Annies Lane

Social acceptance

River Breeze

Annies Lane

River Breeze

Poet’s Corner Social acceptance Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone

Sophisticated Taste 17

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This can usually be summed up in a simple sentence - a POSITIONING STATEMENT

This idea can be taken further so we end up with a multi armed positioning chart. What should the FACTORS be? Rename them. Charm Grace


Like: Strength

Relative position of the arms depends on correlations between factors.


Barky doesn’t smell up the fridge!! Waggy tastes better!! Yummy – just like a chocolate milkshake only crunchy?

Temper Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


Let’s try to write a one sentence positioning statement for each of the following: • • • • •

Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


If we do not manage perceptions about our brand’s position – someone else will do it.

River Breeze Poets Corner Banrock Station Annies Lane Yellow Tail

We need a positioning implementation plan

It gets hard as we go down the list, doesn’t it? Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


Who are we talking to? Let’s draw up a PROFILE of the target customer.


What do they do? What are they buying? Why are they buying it? How do they choose? Where and when do they buy? How do they use the product?

Who are they? •Who buys and who influences? •Demographics? •Geographics? •Psychographics? Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone

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Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone



What do they think about the OTHER brands on the market? What do they think of OUR BRAND?

Where do we fit in? •How do we fit into the mental landscape of our target market? •Are we unique (in a positive way)? •Are there UNFILLED position possibilities we want to occupy?

Try to work out their positioning statements. and/or Try to map it out on a positioning diagram. Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


Informational positioning – we tell them •Product features •Benefits •How it is used •Who uses it •Against the competition Image positioning - customer assumes •Who presents and how it is presented 27

How will the message be delivered?

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Implementation issues •Who •does what •by when •with what resources •for what results?

Ads? –Media –Copy

Point of sale? Sales promotions?

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Develop your UNIQUE POSITIONING STATEMENT - a simple sentence

What do we want to tell them?

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Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone


Positioningl.ppt JUne 07 Balderstone



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