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Positioning: the Battle for your mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout The marketing classic: How to be seen and heard in the overcrowded market Foreword to marketing classic • •

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For years, all of us in marketing taught to build a marketing plan around the “4Ps”- Product, Price, Place, and Promotion But important steps needed to be preceded the 4Ps and that is R, Research all good marketing planning must start with research, before any of the Ps can be set. Research reveals that, among the other things that customers differ greatly in their needs, preferences, and perception. Therefore customers must be classified into S, Segments. Most company cannot serve all the segments. A company must choose the segment that they can serve at a superior’s level. This is T, Targeting. Now there is one more step before 4P planning can taken place. That is P, Positioning. This is a revolutionary concept introduce by Al Ries and Jack Trout. Positioning is a revolutionary idea because it cuts across the other four Ps. It informs each of the Ps and adds consistency to them. Positioning can affect the product. Volvo’s conscious decision to build safety features into its product set up the hugely successful “safety” position for the Volvo brand and Volkswagen position as “small” car. Positioning can affect the price: More expensive price products: Target, Spencer’s, Virgin Airlines, Jet Airways, British Airways , low cost price products: Wal-Mart, Big Bazaar, Southwest Airlines, Air decan, Indigo. Positioning can affect the Place the product is sold: Hanes the leading department store brand of panty hose developed panty hose products for supermarket distribution. Will Life Style,Peter England, Van Haulsenand such kind of many more products restricted to sell only on their respective exclusive showroom. Positioning can affect the promotion of the product: Promotion to be offered to the product or not. His might dilute the brand equity of the product. In Big Bazaar you get offers on daily but the store like ShoppersStop offers rarely a discount because Big Bazaar position as discount price store or value based store where as Shoppers-Stop position more a highly fashionable exclusive branded store. Introduction

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What we have here is a failure to communicate. Today the communication itself is the problem.

Positioning defined: - Positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect consumers. That is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect. What positioning is all about? Today’s marketplace is no longer responsive to the strategies that worked in the past. There are just too many products, too many companies, and too much marketing noise. We are in the over communicated society. And the only defence a person has in our over communicated society is an oversimplified mind. Communication itself is the communication problem. The best approach to take in our over communicated society is the oversimplified society. The assault on the mind • • • •

The transmission traffic jam: We are leaving in a overcommunicated society The media explosion The product explosion The advertisement explosion

Getting into the mind The easy way to get into a person mind is to be first. The hard way to enter into a person mind is to be second The product era: - in early fifties, It was a time when advertising people focused their attention on products features and customer benefits. The image era: - Next phase was image, Successful company found that reputation or image is more important in selling a product than any specific product feature. The positioning era: - Today advertisement entering into a new era and creativity no longer the key to success. To succeed in our overcommunicated society , a company must create a position in the prospect mind , a position that takes into consideration not only a company own strengths and weaknesses , but those of the competitors as well. Those little ladders in your mind You see what you expect to see An inadequate container: Human mind reject information which does not match its prior knowledge or experience to work with. In our overcommunicated society the human mind is a totally inadequate container. The product ladder: -to cope with product explosion, people have learned to rank products ad brands in the mind.

The “against” position: - in today’s marketplace the competitor’s position is just as important as your own. You can’t get there from here The can do sprit refuses to die:- anything is possible if only you try hard enough. But no matter how hard we tried, no matter how many soldiers and how much money we poured in, the problem could not be solved by and outside force. Position of a leader Establishing leadership The failures of leaders: when are leader in particular category and you move into a new category where already an existing category leader or you are the second player in that category then failure will be natural. E.g IBM moves into Xerox. The instability of equality: It’s true that in sum categories the two leading brands run neck and neck. What equally true is that these categories are inherently unstable? Sooner and later, you can expect one brand to get the upper hand and open a lead which eventually will reach a stable 5 to 3 or 2 to 1 ratio. Strategy to maintaining leadership: leaders can do anything they want to. Leaders should use their short-tem flexibility to assure themselves of a stable long-term future. What not to do: there is no point advertise that is obvious “we are no 1”. What to do:”The real thing”, the essential ingredient in keeping that position is reinforcing the original concept. “Covering all bets”: -Leaders should do the opposite. They should cover all bets. Power from the product: This is classical mistake made by the leader. The illusion is that the power of the product is derived from the power of the organisation. It’s just the reverse. The power of the organisation derived from the power of the product. Covering with multiband: Most leaders should cover competitive moves by introducing another brand. P&R is a classical company. Each brand should uniquely position to occupy certain location in the mind of the prospect. When times changes, when the new products comes and go, no effort is made to change the position. Rather a new product introduced to reflect changing technology and changing tastes. Positioning of a follower •

Why products fail: it’s is not enough to be better than competitor. You must introduce your product before someone else has a chance to established leadership.

Cherchez ie creneau: to find cherchez, you must have the ability to think in reverse, to go against the grain. If everyone else is going to east, see you can find your cherchez by going west. A strategy that worked for Cristhoper Columbus will work for you.

The size creneau: Volkswagen ad “Think Small”, two simple words, this headline did two things at once. It’s sated the Volkswagen position, and it challenged the prospects assumption that bigger is necessary better. The high price creneau: BMW reason behind the success is high price product. Price is an advantage if you are the first in the category to establish the high price cherchez. The low price creneau: Opposite of high price would be low price. Like Walmart. Keep in mind that low price is always good creneau for low level involvement products. Other effective creneaus: Sex is one: Malboro if cigarettes company for women. Age, time, distribution, and possession is others positioning strategy.

Repositioning the competition Creating your own creneau : - to remove a new idea or product into the mind, you have first move an old one out. • • •

Reposition aspirin Reposition American Vodkas Reposition Pringle’s

The power of name How to choose a name: A name should not go over the edge. That is becomes so close to the product itself than it become a generic, a general name for all products of its class rather than a trade name for a specific brand. The no-name trap Phonetic shorthand: like GM, AM, FM, N.Y. The free-ride trap The colgomoarte of the corporation: GE To different strategy: When company developes a product internally its usually put corporate name. When company develops a product through externally acquisition its usually keeps the existing name. Divide and conquers: Colgate-Palmolive (Colgate toothpastes, toothbrushes and Palmolive dish-liquid and soap) A new product needs a new name: P&G The line extension trap Inside-out thinking: Line extension look from the point of view of company

Outside-in thinking: Line extension look from the point of view of the prospect. When line extension can work • •

Short-term advantages Long-term disadvantages

Rules that will tell you when to use the house name and when not to 1. Expected volume: potential winner should not bear the house name. Small volume producers should. 2. Competition: In a vacuum, the brand should not bear the house name. In a crowed field it should. 3. Advertisement support: Big-budget brands should not bear the house name. Small budget brands should. 4. Significance: Breakthrough products should not bear the house name. Commodity product such as chemicals should. 5. Distribution: Off the shelf items should not bear the house name. Items sold by reps should. Positioning a company: Xerox • • • • • • • •

The name standing for something What is Xerox’s mind? What’s in the prospect mind? The copier machine Positioning a country Belgium The sebena situation Beautiful Belgium Three-star cities

Successfully positioning programme requires a major long-term commitment by the people in change. Whether it’s the head of corporation, a church, an airline, or a country. Positioning a product • • •

Looking into the inside the mind of the prospect Develop the strategy Repositioning the competition

Positioning yourself and your career Define yourself: what are you? People suffer from the same disease as products. They try to be all things to all people. What is your own position in life? Can you sum your position in single concept? “I am the best lawyer in Dallas” is a positioning that can be achieved with some talent, some luck and a lot of strategy? And the first step to isolate the concept

that you are going to use to establish that long-term position. It’s is not easy. But reward can be great. Make mistakes: Anything worth doing is worthwhile doing lousy. On the other hand, if it is worthwhile doing and wait until you can do it perfectly, if you procrastinate, you run the risk of not doing it. Ever. Make sure your name is right: adopt any name you want as long as you are not trying to defraud or deceptive. Avoid the no-name trap Find a horse to ride: The ambitious, intelligent person secret of success is to keep your nose to the grindstone, do your job better than the next person, and fame and fortune will come your way, right? But in the current reality the truth is: the road to fame and fortune is rarely found within yourself. The only sure way to success is to find yourself a horse to ride. It may be difficult for an ego to accept, but success in life is based more on what others can do for you than on what you can do for yourself. The first horse to ride is your company: Place your bets on the growth industries. Tomorrow-type products like computers, electronics, optics, and communications. And don’t forget that soft services of all types are growing at a much faster rate than hard products. So look at banks, leasing, financial, insurance, and consulting service companies. Don’t forget that your experience with yesterday-type products can blind you to opportunities in totally different product areas. And especially services. And when you change your jobs and join tomorrow-type companies, don’t just ask how much they are going to pay you today. Also ask how much theyare likely to pay you tomorrow. The second horse to ride is your boss: Ask yourself the same questions about your boss as you asked yourself about your company. Always try to work for smartest, brightest, most competent person you can find. There are two types of individuals comes and looking for jobs. One is inordinately proud of his or her specialty. He or she will often say, “You people really need me around here. You are weak in my specialty”. The other type says just opposite. “You are strong in my specialty. You do a terrific job, and I want to work with the best” The third horse to ride is a friend:

The more business friend you make outside of your own organisation, the more likely you are to wind up in a big, rewarding job. It is not enough just to make friends. You have to take out that friendship horse and exercise it once in a while. If you don’t you would not be able to ride it when you need it. The way to ride the friendship horse is keep in touch regularly with all your business friends. The third horse to ride is an idea: Victor Hogo quote” nothing not all the armies of the world, can stop and idea whose time has come.” An idea can take you to the top faster than anything else. But sometimes expect too much of an idea. They want one that is not just only great, but one that everyone else thinks is great too. There are no such ideas. If you wait until as idea is ready to be accepted, it’s too late. Someone else will have pre-empted it. Never be afraid of conflict.

The third horse to ride is faith: The most important of getting outside of yourself, of finding your fortune on the outside, is illustrated by the story of a man who was a failure most of his life. His name was Ray Kroc , and he was a lot older than most people and failure to boot when he net two brothers who change his life. For the brothers had an idea, but no faith. So they sold their idea as well as their name to Ray Kroc for relatively few dollars. Ray kroc become one of the riches people in the America. Worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The brothers? They were the McDonald brothers, and every time you eat one of their hamburgers, remember it was the vision, courage , and persistence of the outsider who made the McDonald’s chain a success. Not two gays named McDonald. The third horse to ride is yourself: it is possible to success in business or in life all by yourself. But it is not easy. So pick yourself a horse to ride and then ride it for all its worth.

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