Portfolio 2008

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,127
  • Pages: 17

New Media & Video Art

QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art


p. p. p. p. p. p. p.

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36

3 4 6 8 11 15 16


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

ARTIST STATEMENT Queralt Lencinas works and lives in Madrid, Spain. At present, she studies at the University Complutense (Madrid) at the Fine Arts faculty. She got formation also at the National Art School Villa Arson (Nice, France) and at the Visual Art Program of the University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) as international student.

In the last years, her work has been mainly focused in the image in movement, passing from the traditional animation techniques to the digital video. Her photographic and video projects are based on the construction of the image through the special effects and the digital postproduction process, including her work in the context of the illusion and the artifice faced towards the mass media culture and the perception of our cotemporary reality. One of her leitmotivs in relation of the digital process is the spatial experience in landscape from the point of view of the individual, as we see in her latest piece Displacements through landscape (2008). In this work, photography and video images show empty grounds with a strong pictoriality. The result is a video piece where sound and image create a kind of unreal scene background.

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

Poupées / Dolls (2005-2006)


6 dolls 20 cm X 8 cm each Fabric and thread

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

La Señora de los Pinchos / The Lady of the Spines (2006)


100 cm X 40 cm approx. Fabric and thread

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36



QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

Solar (Paisaje desde el tejado) / Solar (Landscape from the tejado) (2007) 5 photographies 30 x 50 cm & 5 photographies 30 x 30 cm. Colour print




[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36



QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art


[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

Hay una tensión entre nosotros y esa tensión proviene de ti / There is a tension between us and this tension comes from you (2006) Three channel installation. Three TV monitors, three DVD players & three animation clips

Jupe / Skirt Animation. Colour 2 sec. loop

Course / Race Animation. Colour 3 sec. loop

Robe / Dress Animation. Colour 3 sec. loop

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


Installation at the exhibition space of the Jardín Botánico of the University Complutense. Madrid, Spain (2007)


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

Le sous-sol / The basement (2007)

Installation at the Visual Arts Faculty of the University of Ottawa, (ON, Canada, 2007)

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


Interactive video-installation. Computer screen, laptop, two speakers & close-circuit camera


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

OVNI / UFO (2008)

Installation at the Dirt Palace Show in the University of Ottawa, (ON, Canada, 2008)

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


Multi-channel installation. Screen, laptop, two diapositive projectors, one digital projector, one Clear Light Micro Diamond & one speaker.


Tríptico / Triptych (2006) Three animation clips. Colour & sound.


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

Edificio #1 / Building # 1. Animation. Colour and sound. 1” loop

Danza al sol / Dance to the sun. Animation. Colour and sound. 1 sec. Loop

Edificio #1 / Building # 1. Animation. Colour and sound. 1” loop

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


Atardecer / Sunset (2006) Animation. 5 min. Colour & sound.

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art


Retratos / Portraits (2007) Four animation clips. Colour & sound.


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

#1. Animation. Colour and sound. 1 min 21 sec. Loop

#2. Animation. Colour and sound. 2 min 37 sec. Loop

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36



QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

#3. Animation. Colour and sound. 1 min 51 sec. Loop

#4. Animation. Colour and sound. 1 min 34 sec. Loop

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36



QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

Displacements through landscape (2008) Video. Colour & sound. 4 min 50 sec

View of the piece at the New Contemporary exhibition of the Lena & Roselli gallery, (Budapest, Hungary, 2008)

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


QUERALT LENCINAS_New Media & Video Art

RESUME Queralt Lencinas Born in Barcelona (Spain), in 1983

Formation 2008_ Sound register and editing workshop. SAW Video, (Ottawa, ON, Canada) 2006_ TIPP, International Postgraduate Program (Tihany), Hungary, coordinated by the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Budapest (Hungary) and the Goldsmith Collage of London (UK) 2001_ Bachelor in Fine Arts. Complutense University, (Madrid, Spain) 1999-2001_ I.E.S. Europa (Madrid, Spain).High School Degree in Art

Prizes & Scholarships 2007-2008_ University of Ottawa, (Ontario, Canada). International exchange. Visual Arts Program 2007_ IX Edicion del Premio Joven. Complutense Foundation (Madrid, Spain). Honourable mention 2006_ Ecole National d’Art de la Villa Arson (Nice, France), Erasmus Scholarship.

Work experience 2008_ Volunteering at Menos 1 Gallery, (Madrid, Spain) _ Volunteering at the production centre SAW Video, (Ottawa, ON, Canada) 2007_ Pepe Cobo Contemporary Art Gallery, (Madrid, Spain). Internship.

Exhibitions 2008_ TAIS Showcase 2008. Monster Edition, Toronto (ON, Canada). Group show _ The Dirt Palace. Intermedia 2008. University of Ottawa (ON, Canada). Group show _ Samples. University of Puebla, (Mexico). Group show _ New Contemporary. Lena & Roselli Gallery, (Budapest, Hungary) Group show _ Exhibition of the Visual Art Department of the University of Ottawa. La Petit Morte Gallery (Ottawa, ON, Canada). Selected work 2007_ IX Edicion del Premio Joven. Complutense Foundation (Madrid, Spain) _ Certamen Arte Joven La Latina 2006. Latinarte exhibition space (Madrid, Spain). Selected work _ Madrid ’06. La movida. Floristeria Lola Castro, (Madrid, Spain). Solo show 2006_ Ne pas toucher le contour, Ecole National d’Art Villa Arson (Nice, France). Group show 2005_ La Crépérie de l’Art.(Madrid, Spain) Red de Arte Joven de Madrid. Solo show _ I.E.S. Puerta Bonita .(Madrid, Spain) Red de Arte Joven de Madrid. Solo show _Café La Trocha (Madrid, Spain). Solo show 2004_ I Concurso de Dibujo y Obra Gráfica de la UCM, Faculty of Fine Arts, Complutense University (Madrid, Spain). Selected work. _ Concurso de Pintura de la Fundación Valparaíso. Kreisler Gallery (Madrid, Spain). Selected work. 2003_ I Concurso de Pintura y Obra Gráfica. Faculty of Medicine of Complutense University (Madrid, Spain). Selected work. 2002_ Café de Varone (Madrid). Group show

[email protected] +34 600 52 52 36


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