Polycom Education Brochure

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  • Pages: 8
Polycom® Collaborative Solutions for Education

As an educator, you must do more than teach. In fact, you are challenged daily to achieve increased educational equity, comply with standards, and improve student performance. There is also the task of managing instructor shortages, while striving to improve your students’ experience with exciting cultural exchanges, field trips, and global content. Finally, you must keep up with a constant stream of professional development, certification programs, and required training courses.

With these challenges and others, it is no wonder video conferencing is increasingly a standard part of your educational tool set. But Polycom understands that providing the best video conferencing equipment alone is not sufficient. That’s why Polycom works with educators worldwide to create the most comprehensive portfolio of integrated, standards-based, end-to-end solutions for all class sizes and networks.

Those solutions go beyond great technology to provide exclusive access to global content, educational applications, public funding, and Polycom training. Polycom educational solutions are complete and flexible, giving you the freedom you need to teach the way you want to teach. Our collaborative solutions provide the best virtual experience in classroom communication, enabling people to share ideas easily and intuitively – with superior video clarity and audio quality you can see and hear, along with ease of use you can feel. That’s why more educators entrust Polycom for their video conferencing needs than all of our competitors combined. And why we remain the leader in driving new technology, standards, and programs to improve audio, video, and content sharing.

Polycom’s portfolio is designed by educators for educators to deliver a superior interactive experience through:

• Ease of use – Our products deliver transparent, one-touch technology control you don’t have to be an engineer to use

share information face-to-face. And students can coordinate with other students on group projects, without traveling across town or across the country. For Skype users, the Polycom Communicator is essential. It’s the only hands-free Skype product offering the high-fidelity sound quality and microphone pickup

• Expert guidance – We can help design your classroom

that made Polycom famous.

configuration and curriculum development • Increased success rate – Our exclusive application training and best practices will make your interactive lessons into classroom favorites • Engage students – Let Polycom help you create relevant, real-time content and cultural exchanges • Affordability – We'll even help you write grants and obtain funding assistance


Radford University Delivers Classes to Distant Students The fully wireless campus in Virginia, RU is known for its use of technology in the learning environment, especially distance education. The university’s interactive video communications network creates multiple access points to content for students who would not otherwise be able to obtain an education. The video conferencing deployment has grown from four legacy systems to almost 25 state-of-the-art Polycom video solutions. For its video conferencing endpoint needs, RU deployed Polycom’s flagship VSX™ series video conferenc-

Polycom’s strategic vision – tailored, integrated solutions and applications for every student, teacher, grade level, district, and network

ing systems, which deliver the industry’s highest audio and video quality. Another innovative use of technology is connecting deaf and hard-of-hearing students to remote interpreters. “It can be difficult to find interpreters in southwest Virginia,” explains Dennie Templeton. “Working with the Virginia

Solutions for Students

Disabilities Center, we’ve outfitted a laptop with Polycom’s PVX™ software

Polycom teaching technology is an ideal way for individual students, including

application that a hard-of-hearing student takes into an RU classroom and con-

those who are remote or homebound, to remain included and engaged.

nects over video with an interpreter in Miami or Atlanta. The interpreter listens

Advanced or special needs students can take advantage of interactive distance

to class and signs the information to the student. It’s all very transparent and

learning opportunities that their schools may not be able to provide due to lack

doesn’t disrupt the class.”

of staffing, funding, or expertise. Teachers and students can communicate and

The Alaskan built distance-learning network provides video conferencing services for K-12 schools and enables more than 5000 multipoint conferences and approximately 45,000 end point connections in one school year alone. In Alaska, applications of the technology many forms including shared classes, collaborative learning, enrichment opportunities, student services, professional development, and administrative communication. GCI deployed nearly 300 Polycom video systems, including the company’s flagship VSX video conferencing platform, which offers the industry’s best voice and video quality. GCI relies on the Polycom Conference Suite™ software for simple conference scheduling, and Polycom’s Global Management System™ management software solution to administer the entire network, including remote software updates and troubleshooting. A P P L I C AT I O N S T O R Y Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Fully Leverages Teaching Technology for Teachers

Power of Polycom Video Systems

Polycom’s solutions are designed to meet specific instructor needs. They allow

Recently, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania required all state agencies to

educators to participate in professional development or interact with colleagues,

implement new business software and train employees in its use. The organiza-

students, teachers, and administrators without spending time away from the

tion used Polycom video conferencing solutions to create a Distance Learning

classroom or personal time and money for travel. Polycom also provides exclusive

Stations (DLS) network. DLS is an IP video conferencing network that allows

access to extensive, free content and resources that make learning exciting and

all of the commission’s employees to receive training remotely, saving the

relevant. And Polycom solutions enable educational equity by exposing subject

Commonwealth money on travel and per diem costs and allowing users to stay

matter experts to students who live in remote areas or in districts lacking

home with their families instead of traveling for classes.

specific expertise. Classes are made even more interactive by the availability of electronic white Educational organizations can now expand their distance learning offerings

boards and the embedded real-time content sharing capabilities of Polycom’s

and instructional design techniques to include both Synchronous and

video conferencing systems.

Asynchronous communication elements by using Polycom’s new RSS™ 2000 network server to record, playback and stream lecture materials to remote

The video network comprises 28 Polycom video conferencing systems located at

sites. This complete, all-in-one solution is easy to use and manage.

25 sites throughout the state. Included in the deployment is Polycom’s flagship

Because it is integrated with other Polycom equipment, you can seamlessly

VSX video platform, which features Siren™ 14 and Polycom StereoSurround™

mix voice, content and video calls. Offer personalized instruction via virtual

audio to deliver the best audio and video performance in the industry.

schools, or combine several different delivery methods – such as collaboration software, Web-based courses, and knowledge management practices –

For its gatekeeper needs, the PHMC IT staff has deployed Polycom’s MGC™-25

for blended learning.

conferencing bridge, allowing seamless connectivity between IP and ISDN video systems.

Polycom Helps Ensure Educational Equity for Alaska’s Most Remote Students Interactive communication technologies like video conferencing are an excellent way to combat geographic and socioeconomic barriers to equitable education. One state where distance learning has been especially important is Alaska – a vast landmass with few roads, where the only option for travel is often a plane flight.

Collaborative Classroom Solutions for K-12

This will give these schools the same quality voice and video found in higher

Collaborative communication makes school more dynamic as the world comes

end group conferencing systems, more affordably, at their desktops with PCs

alive for students seeing first-hand exciting, real-world applications. Classrooms

and Webcams.

become the perfect stage for exchanging ideas among students, educators, and experts from around the world with different viewpoints, experiences, and


strengths. Teachers can take students anywhere via virtual field trips, and share easily accessible, content through Polycom’s exclusive database. More advanced

Polycom Video Brings California State Parks Into the Classroom

placement classes can be offered and precious teaching resources amortized,

The mission of the California State Parks organization is to provide for the

as well.

health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued


natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation.

Global Nomads Use Polycom Video to Make the World a Smaller Place The non-profit Global Nomads Group (GNG) is dedicated to fostering cross-

That’s why von Hermann and his team turned to interactive video conferencing

cultural dialogue and understanding among youth. Using Polycom VSX™ 7000

and developed the Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students (PORTS)

video conferencing solutions, it moderates conferences between K-12 classes

program. A collaborative effort between public schools and California State

in different countries, organizes virtual lectures, and conducts remote broad-

Parks, PORTS relies on the California K-12 High Speed Network (K12HSN) to

casts from the world’s historical and cultural sites. Initially the group thought it

provide network connectivity, Internet services, teaching and learning applica-

would base its model on Internet technology, but the quality just wasn’t there.

tion coordination, and video conferencing coordination and support for all of the

That’s when it turned to video conferencing.

state’s K-12 schools. PORTS delivers live presentations via video interactively to classrooms from parks throughout the state, as well as fully developed units of

“Not only does video conferencing provide the high-quality voice and video the

study that furnish support, structure, preparation, and follow-up for these live

Internet can’t... participants don’t have to have to worry about the technology,


they can interact naturally and concentrate on what they’re getting out of the program,”explains Jonathan Giesen, a co-founder of the Global Nomads Group.

Von Hermann estimates that in one school year alone, the California State Parks was able to reach between 12,000 and 15,000 additional students who would

GNG uses Polycom’s multipoint capability, which is embedded in the system, to connect multiple sites during a video call. This makes it possible to connect disparate sites without having to pay a service provider. The group plans to provide overseas host schools with Polycom PVX desktop video conferencing software.

not have otherwise have had any contact with the parks.

Integrated Solutions for Higher Education

Imperial County to effectively implement the requirements of Assembly Bill 75,

Increasingly, institutions of higher learning are adding interactive distance

which provides money for school districts to facilitate professional development

learning classes to their curriculum options. With Polycom’s integrated solutions,

for administrators.

remote students feel as if they are in the same room. More students can attend, increasing revenue opportunities. More research projects can take place, with

“Using our PC-based PVX desktop video systems, we’re able to offer a lot of the

more experts exchanging information from around the world. And more of the

AB 75 training over video, making it easier and more convenient for our adminis-

world’s finest museums can be explored via the Internet without ever leaving

trators to obtain,” explains Phillips.

the classroom. Polycom Teaching Infrastructure Technology When it comes to interactive whiteboard and video conferencing in the classroom,

Only Polycom offers educators the best in voice, video, data sharing, and content.

Polycom’s Instructor™ RP and Instructor FS collaboration appliances create the

No one offers a more complete, high-quality distance learning solution portfolio,

feeling of transparent technology. A complete solution, it gives students an equal

or more value to all student levels and all aspects of instruction.

learning and education experience, as well as providing an essential professional tool for teachers and corporate trainers. School District Solutions

Ongoing programs to support education put Polycom at the head of the class

Whether your needs require standard, high definition, specialized, or customized products and solutions, no other video conferencing vendor knows the education

Polycom Content Access Program

market like Polycom. Our solutions make educational equality a reality for millions

Through the Polycom Content Access Program, you can employ our free search-

of students every day through virtual field trips, access to engaging content and

able content database to find worldwide educational and cultural content.

experts, remote instruction, increased team teaching and course offerings –

We also offer assistance with content coordination. The benefits are many

without additional strain to already stretched budgets.

and include:


• Access to exciting live, interactive, standards-based content • Access to special or ad hoc events on a regular basis

Imperial County Bridges the Gap with Video Conferencing California’s Imperial County is the textbook definition of rural, covering 4,597 miles and bordering Mexico and Arizona. It’s a vast expanse of remote desert ter-

• Waiving of content access fees in many cases • Special preference when scheduling a content provider • Savings in time and resources

rain with a population of only 146,000 people, 36,000 of whom are students served by 17 school districts and 59 schools.

Polycom Honors Education Program — Education Solutions at Significant Savings

Alan Phillips, video conferencing specialist with the Learning Technologies Department of the Imperial County Office of Education (ICOE) and his team have deployed more than 30 Polycom video conferencing solutions to schools throughout the district, including Polycom’s flagship VSX video platform, which offers the industry’s best voice and video quality. They have also implemented the Polycom V500™ compact video conferencing solution in several locations. “We love our V500 systems, they have such a small form factor, no cables, and are easy to use as well as mobile,” he says.

The Polycom Honors Education Program provides the solutions and tools education institutions need at significant savings to eliminate the barriers of time, distance, and resources, so educators and students worldwide can collaborate as if they were in the same room. This program gives institutions the ability to purchase Polycom equipment at an affordable rate and also includes specialized application training, beneficial association memberships, value-added service options, and access to mission-critical content. It’s our way of saying thanks for your business! Benefits:

Desktop video conferencing is also a very important part of the Imperial County

• Significant Polycom Education Manufacturer’s Discount

network, both for students and administrators. The organization relies on

• Membership in Global Distance Learning Associations

Polycom’s PVX personal video conferencing software application, deployed at

• Interactive Video Conferencing Awareness Training

administrator desktop PCs and in classrooms throughout the county. This enables

• Mission-critical curriculum content offered by Global Content Providers • Special service discounts • Significant new reduced list prices

Polycom Grant Assistance Program

experts for help with room design, application training, demonstrations, grant

Your budgets are shrinking, and you’re constantly told to do more with less.

and funding assistance, content providers, and implementation strategies.

Will technology help? Only if you can afford it. With Polycom’s Grant Assistance

More information about Polycom’s Education Web Site, Content Provider

Program (PGAP), you can. Our team of Polycom grant coordinators helps you find

Searchable Live Database, E-Rate Guide, Grant Assistance Programs, Research,

the funding assistance you need, from a multitude of sources. We’ll even pay up

and free education related whitepapers, technical specifications, presentations,

to $1,500 so you can hire a grant expert. What’s more, our online application

guides, user profiles and applications is available at www.polycom.com/educa-

and grant tracking system sends e-mail alerts when it finds a program of inter-

tion. To see a “Day in the Life” demonstration of how our technology can impact

est. We can help you find and apply for funding, even match funding sources to

your working reality, visit www.polycom.com.

your specific application. Simply apply online at www.polycom.com/pgap. Make Great Things Happen With Polycom Education Solutions Training Ensures Your Success by Showing You How to Turn Technology into

Polycom believes that interactive distance learning can enable instructors to

a Teaching Tool

motivate and expose participants to people, places, and experiences beyond the

Training is your key to technology success – because it’s not just about the tech-

traditional restrictions of time or geographical barriers.

nology, it’s also about how it is used. Our application training helps you get the most out of your technology, transforming it from an appliance into a highly

As the market leader in voice, video, and content collaborative communication

effective teaching tool. We’ll show you how to increase utilization, and even

solutions, our award-winning conference technology makes it easy for people to

improve your teaching techniques and instructional design. You’ll tap into rich

interact and maximize productivity – over any network, in just about any envi-

new sources, while interacting with peers around the world.

ronment, anywhere around the globe. That’s why more educational organizations worldwide prefer Polycom conferencing solutions. Because when people

Resources and Assistance – We’re Here When You Need Us

can connect and learn together, great things happen. See how you, too, can

For more information about why Polycom should be the core of your interactive,

achieve great things with Polycom Education solutions. For more information,

education collaboration network, visit the resources below or call one of our

contact your Polycom Sales Representative.

Polycom in Education – Solutions

Mobile Responder™

Environment Room Application Products ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— • Student • Interactive Distance Learning 1. Polycom PVX™ • Teacher/Student Communication 2. Polycom V500™ • Student to student project coordination ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— • Teachers and • Classroom < 30 people • Professional Development 1. ClassStation™ Administration • Library • Interactive distance learning classes 2. PVX • Teacher’s Lounge • Teacher/student communications 3. V500 • Teacher/Principal 4. VSX™ 3000 administration meetings 5. VSX 5000 • Parent/Teacher communication 6. SoundStation2™ 7. SoundStation VTX 1000 8. SoundStation2W™ ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— • K-12 • Classroom < 30 people • Professional Development 1. Small ClassStation • Library • Interactive Distance Learning classes 2. Large ClassStation • Teacher’s Lounge • Cultural exchanges 3. Instructor™ RP and FS • Virtual interactive field trips 4. Mobile Responder™ • Dual Enrollment advance placement 5. Polycom V500 • Amortization of teaching resources 6. VSX 5000 7. VSX 7000s and VSX 7000e, Presenter 8. VSX 8000 Presenter 9. SoundStation® 10. SoundStation VTX 1000 11. SoundStation2W 12. HDX Platform 13. PowerCam™ Presenter ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— • Higher Education • Classroom < 30 people • Interactive distance learning classes 1. Large ClassStation • Auditorium > 50 people • Increased enrollment 2. Instructor RP and FS • Computer Centers • Revenue generation 3. VSX 7000s and VSX 7000e, Presenter • Libraries • Increased research projects 4. VSX 8000 Presenter • Cultural exchanges 5. Vortex® • Virtual interactive field trips 6. Security: Polycom V2IU™ Appliances • Duel enrollment 7. Multi-Point – ReadiConvene™ 8. Schedule/Manage: ReadiManager™ 9. HDX Platform 10. PowerCam Presenter ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— • National Networks • Classroom < 30 people • Interactive distance learning classes 1. Large ClassStation and Districts • Auditorium > 50 people • Increased enrollment 2. Instructor RP and FS • Computer Centers • Revenue generation 3. Mobile Responder • Libraries • Increased research projects 4. Polycom PVX • Cultural exchanges 5. VSX 3000 • Virtual interactive field trips 6. VSX 8000 Presenter • Duel enrollment 7. SoundStation VTX 1000 8. Vortex 9. Security: Polycom V2IU Appliances 10. Multi-Point – MGC-100 11. Schedule/Manage: ReadiManager 12. HDX Platform 13. PowerCam Presenter ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— • Military Base • Distributed Learning • Military Specialized 1. Small ClassStation • Deployed Units Courses of Instruction 2. Large ClassStation • Instruction Training 3. Mobile Responder Commands 4. Polycom VSX 7000s and VSX 7000e, Presenter 5. VSX 8000 Presenter 6. Polycom PVX 7. SoundStation2 8. SoundStation VTX 1000 9. SoundStation2W 10. Vortex 11. Security: Polycom V2IU Appliances 12. Multi-Point – ReadiConvene 13. Schedule/Manage: ReadiManager 14. HDX Platform 15. PowerCam Presenter ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— • Enterprise • Continuing Education • Specialized Courses of Instruction 1. Polycom PVX • Small/Medium Business Resource Center • Certification Programs 2. SoundStation VTX 1000 • Home Office • Retailer ®


Instructor™ RP and FS


SoundStation VTX 1000

Ceiling Microphone Array

VSX™ 8000

HDX 9000 Series

VSX 7000s



World-class Service and Support

PowerCam™ Presenter ©2006 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved.

Polycom, the Polycom logo, SoundStation VTX1000 and Vortex are registered trademarks and ClassStation, Global Management System, Instructor, MGC, Mobile Responder, Polycom Conference Suite, Polycom V500, PVX, ReadiConvene, ReadiManager, RSS, Siren, SoundStation2, SoundStation2W, StereoSurround, V2IU and VSX, are trademarks of Polycom, Inc. in the U.S. and various countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.


Polycom Headquarters:

4750 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588 (T) 1.800.POLYCOM (765.9266) for North America only. For North America, Latin America and Caribbean (T) +1.925.924.6000, (F) +1.925.924.6100

Polycom EMEA:

270 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 4DX, (T) +44 (0)1753 723000, (F) +44 (0)1753 723010

Polycom Asia Pacific:

Polycom Hong Kong Ltd., Rm 1101 MassMutual Tower, 38 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (T) +852.2861.3113, (F)+852.2866.8028 Part No. 3726-07793-001 Rev. 11/06

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