Pollution Ghannupur Amritsar

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 526
  • Pages: 8

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TYP ES OF POL LUTI ON There are 6 (six) types of pollution that are going to be discussed namely  Air Pollution  Water Pollution  Land Pollution  Noise Pollution  Radioactive Pollution  Thermal Pollution

1.Air Pollution Air pollution is indication of disturbances to the composition of compounds in the atmosphere, as it may be summarized as shown:  Excess emission of gases/vapors into atmosphere  Saturation of chemical compounds/particulates  Rate of dissipation < (smaller than) rate of absorption through various cycles (i.e. Carbon and nitrogen cycle)  Emergence of new chemical reactions of reactive and non-biodegradable compounds.  Global warming, acid rain, smog, ozone depletion are some effects of air pollution.

2.Water Pollution  Water pollution is contamination of water by foreign matter that deteriorates the quality of the water. Water pollution covers pollutions in liquid forms like ocean pollution and river pollution. As the term applies, liquid pollution occurs in the oceans, lakes, rivers, underground water and bays, in short liquid-containing areas.

3.Land Pollution  Revered to as soil pollution, land pollution involves the following mechanism:  Deposition of solid waste  Accumulation of non-biodegradable materials  Toxification of chemicals into poisons  Alteration of soil chemical composition (imbalance of chemical equilibrium to soil medium)

4.Noise Pollution This particular pollution is ever increasing with due to the rise in the utilization of heavy duty machineries of industrial facilities and vehicles, synonymous to the increase in the standard of living in most countries. We make sounds practically every seconds of our day, but to the extend it has reached an unfavorable high intensity which had cause many disturbances and irritation to others emotionally that has adverse effects on our daily activities.

5.Th ermal Po llu tion This has become an increasing and the most current pollution, owing to the increasing call of globalization everywhere. Heat produced from industries is a major contribution to the pollution, much to the operation of the heavy industries which produces high amount of heat energy. As we will show a summary to the event of this pollution happening:  Raw materials for productivity (organic and inorganic products)  Undergo different chemical reactions with several process  Excess heat energy is produced as a waste product  Heat is released through into atmosphere (vapor) and riverine system (liquid).  Increase of temperature of environmental system

6.Ra dio active Po ll utio n There are commonly three types of radiation, namely:  Alpha particles, can be blocked by a piece of paper and human skin.  Beta particles can penetrate through skin, while can be blocked by some pieces of glass and metal.  Gamma rays can penetrate easily to human skin and damage cells on its way through, reaching far, and can only be blocked by a very thick, strong, massive piece of concrete. We can classify major sources that lead to radioactive pollution to the following categories:  nuclear power plants  nuclear weapon  transportation  disposal of nuclear waste  uranium mining

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