Politics, Power, And The Police

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  • Words: 1,542
  • Pages: 3
Letter to a POLITICIAN

October 2008

POLITICS, POWER, and the POLICE Introduction This letter was never actually delivered because I realised any attempt to communicate with the rulers of civilisation is pointless. Politicians are not interested in truth. Politicians do not want to improve our world despite what they proclaim. Politicians want to preserve the current state of business where billionaires and millionaires earn their riches via exploiting dumb customers and workers. Proclamations of equality, justice, and morality are false. Politicians do not want to eradicate wars, murders, rape, violence, or any other socialdysfunction. The “bad” aspects of civilisation serve a valid purpose. The “bad” aspects are utilised to keep dumb-populations in a state of submissivemalleability. I reproduce this letter with the hope that my composition will not be completely futile. ► The Letter Life is a tangled mess of nonsense therefore truthful explanations are inevitably complex. Truth in our modern world is nearly inexplicable. The elucidation of truth is unsurprisingly difficulty to assimilate due to widespread falsehoods. Within the brain of each individual the most striking and problematic untruth relates to perception of self. Delusion regarding yourself entails delusion regarding reality. Any presentation of truth must address this ineluctable nature of reality on both stylistic and content levels. This complexity is both intentional and essential. Politicians clearly don’t live in the real world. They have been spouting their propaganda for so long that they actually believe the bilge they spew. Every type of criminality arises from materialistic-capitalist-greed. Capitalism is the root of the problem. The avarice underpinning our civilisation is directly correlated to alienation-dehumanisation. The dehumanisation of capitalist-greed spawns every type of anti-social behaviour. Police officers exist to manage all aspects of the unhappiness arising from greedy inequality. The concept of THE POLICE depends upon protecting the possessions of the rich. Police enforcers use their force to control social dissatisfaction. Social unrest occurs when people are unhappy. Unrest manifests itself in a variety of anti-social crimes. Discontent produces are variety of abnormal social behaviours. Social dysfunction, degeneracy, depravity, crime and general nastiness are deemed inevitable aspects of a capitalist society therefore politicians would never seek to create a world where THE POLICE are unneeded. This is an issue of power. The police represent power. Politicians NEVER validly address the inequalities created by greed therefore politicians would never seek to eradicate their armies or police forces. There will always be wars and crimes within a greedy capitalist civilisation. The existence of a POLICE FORCE is a symptom of a dehumanised civilisation. Police (and all crimes) exist in an unequal society where some people live truly blessed lives while others live amidst squalid destitution. Police officers exist to enforce social divisions. Police exist to protect society from the dysfunctional behaviours arising from social divisions. We live in a disharmonious civilisation of vast imbalances therefore some people are inevitably disturbed. Destitute people born in underprivileged circumstances experience great difficulty migrating from their low-social-spheres-of-destitution to spheres-of-privilege.

The migration from poverty to riches is a nonsensical concept because not everyone can be rich in a capitalist world. A large percentage of people are unavoidably exploited. Capitalism is based upon profiting from lesser humans. Rich people depend upon masses of poor people to acquire their riches. Rich people are only rich because poor people sustain them. Only a lucky few can migrate from poverty because the majority must be destitute to support the Elite. Material standards of living are admittedly increasing for everyone but the relative divide between rich and poor does not improve. The divide between rich and poor has actually been getting bigger. Furthermore, intellectual and psychological standards are worsening because capitalism encourages alienation (mental disconnection) due to the superficial capitalist-ethos of callous-greediness. Capitalism is based upon exploitation of plebeian workforces. Billions of dollars/euros/pounds/yen are made by companies. Profits are milked from human herds via 1: underpaying plebeian-workforces, 2: overcharging customers. The exploitation of common people is a callous depravity inevitably leading to criminality. Look closely at civilisation and you will see hordes of apathetic beaten souls. Nastiness, indifference, insensitivity, and crime prevail. Each day when I leave my home I see at least 5 drug addicts. The facts speak for themselves. A substantial segment of the population never votes. People don’t care about the tripe vomited by pompous politicians because all political-movers are crooks. The crooked politicians support ravenous businesspeople who devour lowly people. The businesspeople of the world are seeking to exploit plebeians. This exploitation certainly doesn’t make the world a better place. Civilisation is founded upon greed. Governments receive more taxes if more businesses exist. This is the incentive for politicians to encourage business growth. Consumers and workers are continually exploited. Creative business growth has no connection to SOCIAL GOOD. Business programs regarding social-responsibility or charitable donations are purely propaganda. Politicians and businesspeople clearly don’t live in the real world. No professions exist within our capitalist civilisation where true intelligence is actually required. Our civilisation is designed to actively suppress intelligence. All politicians are utterly insincere. The amount of voters willing to vote will hopefully decrease further. People are slowly waking-up to TRUTH therefore they realise voting is pointless. With each passing decade the percentage of people willing to cast votes should decrease. Governments sometimes proclaim they want to unleash the talent and imagination of people, but our era of politics would end if the human mind was truly unleashed. Capitalism defines intellect in terms of furthering the capitalist civilisation of monetary greed, wars, and crime. Politicians probably think they are very clever and talented. Shepherding fools into oblivion is not something to be proud of. Some people delude themselves about definitions. Some people want to deceive other people. Fools want to be deceived. Politicians are interested in power. They steal your money. Public news consumption of “crime” provides a vicarious outlet for commonly repressed anti-social feelings. Journalistic reporting of crime is an entertainment service whereby law-abiding people can direct their anger (and other unacceptable emotions) onto the criminals (scapegoats). Public consumption of crime is a vicarious pleasure. Materialistic greed is a shallow aspect of human psychology therefore the capitalist focus on material-greed creates psychological alienation, which leads to general misanthropic hatred of fellow humans. Obviously it is unacceptable to directly express your general hatred towards fellow humans. Negative social emotions are therefore largely repressed. Criminals ineffectively repress their negative emotions. Criminals give law-abiding citizens an opportunity for popular cathartic sublimation. News reporting about criminality is an emotional outlet for worldwide audiences. People enjoy consuming news about crime or wars. News consumption increases when a child is abducted or when a war

begins. Capitalism creates hatred due materialistic superficiality. News is a vicarious outlet for hatred. Alienation is commonplace therefore criminals provide a socially acceptable emotional outlet for the hatred which alienation spawns. Civilisation intentionally creates criminals because scapegoats are needed. Crime is an intentional aspect of an alienated civilisation. Crime arises within untruthful environments. Capitalism is fundamentally untruthful (dishonest) but people cannot recognise their untruths thus criminals serve a valid social purpose. Crimes express the collective cognitive dissonance of society. Law abiding people alienate (project) their dissonance onto criminals. Specific hatred of politicians is also unacceptable therefore criminals (scapegoats) again allow socially acceptable catharsis to be possible. Criminals help the general population to direct aspects of collective hatred into safe channels. Criminality is principally a news story. Crime is only theoretically a problem. The reason why crime is not actually a problem is because it serves an important purpose. Crime is a smokescreen directing attention away from the legalised crime perpetrated each day by politicians worldwide. Anxiety regarding crime instils meek fearfulness in most people. Official and public condemnation savagely delivered onto criminals creates anxiety in most people regarding the possibility of being deemed a criminal. Questioning authority is terrifying because a possibility exists where you could be deemed a criminal. After centuries of living with crime we can confidently say rulers do not actually want to eradicate crime. Nobody is capable of such spectacular incompetence. The continued existence of criminality therefore decrees that crime actually serves a valid sociopolitical function. If humans can put men on the moon they can surely eradicate all crime if they want to, but people don’t want to eradicate crime. Crime serves a valid purpose within a capitalist civilisation. Many jobs depend upon criminals. Criminals justify bureaucracy. Crime justifies the police. Politicians always need police because there is always a possibility people could rebel against governmental sanctioned monetary inequality. Criminals and police both symbolise political power. Politicians are something to be feared. Anxiety regarding crime added to cathartic condemnation of “criminals” is an emotional outlet creating meekness in most people. Crime is an emotionalsafety-valve; it is a smokescreen. Rulers, leaders, royalty, and politicians have historically created a system of crime. Fear associated with crime is a fear associated with politics. Oppressed people subconsciously fear they could become a victim of political power. People are slaves but they are largely unaware of their enslavement. Slaves often fear questioning the authority of their masters. Meekness is instilled via many channels. Police, money, politics, and power are all one revolving around the exploitation of stupid people. This is my news about crime, war, politics, police, and money. http://istealyourmoney.com/politician-letter.html

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