Political Struggle: Our Only Solution

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,196
  • Pages: 3
POLITICAL STRUGGLE: OUR ONLY SOLUTION The calamity that faces the Muslims today is predominantly a political one. Since the onslaught of colonialism and western dominance, the fall of the Khaliphate after World War I, and the subsequent nation state secularism accepted by EVERY Muslim country in the world, the number one cause and the greatest example of Shirk (i.e. polytheism) in the Ummah is in regards to the legislation that has dominated the Muslims for over 80 years. The greatest fitnah facing Muslims today is that people have left the Hakimiyyah of Allah. If people start making dua to other than Allah (SWT) it is imperative that Muslims work to eradicate this evil, but with the advancement of literacy and technology the world over, the shirk that faces the Ummah is not necessarily the shirk of associating partners with Allah (SWT) in supplication or in prostration; it is the shirk of political legislation and ruling by laws that do not conform to the norms set forth by Allah. The proofs for this are innumerable. Allah subhana wa ta’alaa has said, "But know, by Your Lord, they can have no faith until they make you judge in all disputes between them and find in their souls no resistance against your decisions, but accept them with the fullest submission

(The Noble Qur’an 4:65) (See Also: 4:58-59, 5:44, 5:45, 5:47, 5:48, 5:49, and 6:57) The narrow-minded individuals who dominate the mainstream Muslim voice have been taught otherwise however and therefore go about propagating the idea that you must call to Tawheed first. They do not realize the religion of Allah is complete and calling to the hukm (i.e. rule) of Allah is calling to Tawheed. Allah subhana wa ta’alaa said, Today, I have completed your religion, perfected My blessing upon you, and I have decreed Submission as the religion for you. (The Noble Qur’an 5:3) The Scholars of the past called to Tawheed according to the conditions of the people. When the people within the Arab Peninsula began worshipping saints, graves, and idols the Scholars of that time gave more attention to Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah (i.e. worship). During the time of Imam Ahmed(rh) the focus was on Tawheed asma wa-Sifaat (i.e. names and attributes) because that was a time that the people had fallen short in that respect. Now the calamity facing the Muslims is that they have been without a Caliph for 80-plus years and the affairs of the Ummah are not dictated Islamically, therefore the people must be taught that legislation is a form of worship and that the one who denies or violates it is no different than the one who prostrates to an idol. The legislation of the public affairs is a necessary component of Ibadah (i.e. worship) regardless of whether you isolate it as a separate category of Tawheed or include it under Tawheed alUloohiyyah. The reality is the same narrow-minded individuals who we mentioned before want you to believe that our brothers and sisters in the Muslims Lands who have suffered for 80-plus years should limit their struggle

for the sake of Allah to simply covering their hair and praying Fajr in the Masjid. Even those these are key components in Islam, they have denied these Muslims their right to struggle politically which is as we said the predominant cause of the Muslims problems today. They much rather them sit living off the crumbs of an empire manufactured by the western imperialism and submit with loyalty to the Taghoot who sit comfortably on their thrones in the Muslim world, protected by their masters in the United Nations Council. It seems that these narrow-minded individuals would like our brothers and sisters to simply ‘wait for a miracle’. It was ash-Shaheed Shaykh Sayyid Qutb(rh) who once said,

This divine path, represented in its final stage by Islam, as entrusted to Muhammad - may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him! - is not brought into being in the world, in the realm of humanity, simply by virtue of its revelation by Allah It is not brought into being by being preached and proclaimed to the people. It is not brought into being by divine enforcement, in the same way that Allah enforces His will in the ordering of the firmament and the revolution of the planets. It is brought into being by a group of people undertaking the task, believing in it completely and conforming to it as closely as possible, trying to bring it into being in the hearts and lives of others too; striving to this end with all, they possess. They struggle against human weakness and human passion within themselves; they struggle against those whom weakness and passion impel to resist divine guidance. They attain thereby, in the realization of the divine path, a point made possible by human nature and permitted material realities. They begin with man as he stands and do not neglect his actual state and demands as he passes through and traverses the stages of the divinely ordained path. This group will triumph over their own souls and those of others at times, and at other times will be routed by their own souls and those of others, in accordance with the efforts they expend and the means they choose for the battle, suitable for the circumstances and the needs of the age. More important in determining victory or defeat is however the degree to which they truly, in themselves, represent this path, and are able to give it practical expression in their personal conduct and behavior. (This Religion, Pg.7-8) The Taghoot who sit on their thrones in the Muslim lands want us to believe that this is not a political struggle and their Scholars propagate this idea that we should just ‘wait for a miracle’. However as we read from the words of ash-Shaheed Shaykh Sayyid Qutb(rh) this religion is not one which relies solely on miracles or divine reinforcement. Allah has not created Islam in such a way. Allah subhana wa ta’alaa said, "Truly Allah does not change the state of a people until they change that which is within themselves." (The Noble Qur’an 13:11) And He subhana wa ta’alaa said, Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-Ma'rûf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful.

(The Noble Qur'an 3:104) This is the true Aqeedah and Methodology of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jammah (i.e. the saved sect). In order for us to improve the condition of our people we must do so with action by undertaking a political struggle for the sake of Allah subhana wa ta’alaa and in pursuit of His pleasure. How many of us make dua (i.e. supplication) to Allah subhana wa ta’alaa to help our Ummah, but take no action in order to improve our own condition? Now is the time to abandon defeatist mentality and inferiority complex syndrome we as a Nation have adopted. It is time join the caravan Ya Muslimeen!


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