Police Report

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 2
POLICE REPORT Date: Time: Location: Arrested: Witnesses: Charge: R/O:

6/15/[-1] 2310 hrs approx. 3309 N. Clark, on sidewalk Merle Rausch, 5’6”, approx. 150 lbs., approx. 25 yrs. old, 3501 N. Clark William Jones (deceased), 3101 N. Clark Eddie Felton, 3140 N. Kenmore Fred Martin, 3333 N. Clark murder Thomas Connor, patrolman

Narrative: On 6/15/[-1] at 2310 hrs. R/O on routine patrol received radio message of “man shot” at Clark and Elm. Proceeded to location, observed several persons holding a man, arrestee Merle Rausch, and another man, William Jones, lying on the sidewalk, with apparent through-and-through wound to chest-back. Ambulance called, took victim to St. Mary’s Hospital. Clark and Elm is principally a residential area. Both streets have two traffic lanes and two parking lanes. Streets approx. 50’ wide. Typical residential lighting. Searched area, .38 cal. revolver, Smith & Wesson, 2” barrel, found approx. 3’ from Jones, head, containing 5 unspent, 1 spent shells, and smelled of fresh gunpowder. No other weapons found in area. Jones’ body lying on sidewalk approx. in front of 3309 N. Clark, about 40’ from Elm, parallel to street, feet toward Elm. No weapons found on or around Jones. Revolver marked and inventoried. Following persons interviewed: 1. Eddie Felton, a construction worker, stated he was in the Red Apple tavern, 3300 N. Clark, since about 9:00 p.m. The Red Apple is his regular bar. Rausch and Jones were already there, as well as several other persons. Everyone was drinking socially. Both Rausch and Jones were drinking mixed drinks. They probably had around four drinks each between 9 and 11 p.m. Around 11:00 p.m. Rausch and Jones got into an argument. Other patrons broke it up and things returned to normal. A few minutes later Rausch left, followed 2 or 3 minutes later by Jones. A minute or two later Felton heard a shot from outside the tavern. He and the other patrons went outside, saw Rausch across the street standing near Jones, who was lying on the sidewalk. Rausch looked at them, dropped a gun, and started to run up the street. Several 861

patrons chased Rausch, caught him and returned him to the scene of the shooting. Rausch said nothing from that time until police arrived. 2. Fred Martin, a fireman, stated he was sitting on his porch at 3333 N. Clark, and noticed two men at the end of the block near Elm talking loudly. They were approx. across from the Red Apple at the time. The short man (Rausch) was backing away from the tall man (Jones), backing up toward Martin. The taller man was following. Because of the light and distance, he wasn’t sure how far apart they were, although it didn’t seem very far, maybe a few feet. They seemed to be keeping the same distance, still talking loudly, when a shot rang out, and the tall man slumped to the sidewalk. The short man just stood there. People came out of the Red Apple and crossed the street. The short man threw what appeared to be a gun down and started to run up the sidewalk towards Martin. The people from the tavern caught him and returned him back to where the tall man had fallen, and held him until police arrived. Rausch was handcuffed, advised of his Miranda rights, which he waived, and put in the rear of the squad car. R/O asked Rausch what happened, and he stated that he and Jones got into an argument in the Red Apple (he refused to say what the argument was about) and Jones wanted to go outside and fight. Rausch said he didn’t want to, so the whole thing died down. He then left the tavern and crossed the street, when he noticed Jones following him. Jones kept saying "You want to fight?" and kept coming closer until he was only about 3 feet away, then lunged at him. Rausch said he reached for a gun in his jacket pocket and fired it at Jones, who fell down. Rausch said he then panicked and ran, but was caught by the people from the tavern. When asked why he was carrying a loaded gun, Rausch said: "That’s a dangerous neighborhood." Rausch said nothing further until at the police station. As he was being booked, he said, "You know, Jones threatened me last week too." When asked to elaborate on the circumstances, he declined.


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