Poker And Casino Affiliate Source Book

  • May 2020
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Poker and Casino Affiliate source Book

Marketing Strategy

Strong Partnerships Lead to Success

New gambling affiliates often start out in this business with a big dream. While they have the heart in the right place, the problem with most new affiliates is that they have no clue what they’re getting into. Once you start to actively promote poker rooms and casinos, you quickly realize that things aren’t as easy as you thought they’d be. That’s actually a good thing. If it was too easy, then everybody would do it. Being a successful affiliate takes a lot of hard work. You’ve been warned!

Like many new gambling affiliates, I woke up one day and told myself I wanted to get involved in the industry and make a quick buck. I started out by putting together a website and which focused solely on Texas Hold’em strategy. Having played the game for years, I figured my knowledge and experience could be shared and benefit other players. The site eventually evolved to something much bigger and I ended up creating more sites, but my first challenge as a marketer was to build a traffic base. You can have the greatest site on the web, but if no one knows about it, it’s completely worthless.

The very first valuable lesson I learned was that I could never succeed on my own. Initially, I was reluctant to link to other sites thinking they would “steal” my potential gamblers away. I didn’t understand how search engines worked and clearly, I was starting off on the wrong foot. While other affiliates are

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considered your main competition, they are also your greatest allies. To be successful, you’ll want to establish long term relationships with them. Trading link is one thing, partnerships are quit different however.

What you really want to do is take advantage of someone else’s success. Find a website that will help you get traffic in exchange for something else. And remember, your long term goal is to get traffic from search engines, not necessarily from other sites. So the deals you make have to make the search engines notice you so that they send you loads of traffic. When working with your affiliate peers, remember that it’s not about the quantity of links, but about their quality. That’s really the strategy you want to go for. I assume you know about search engine optimization (SEO) so I won’t talk about it here, but if you don’t’ know what I am talking about, search for SEO tips, SEO tutorials, or something like it. You’ll need to align your strategy with the SEO methodologies.

The second lesson I have learned was that I would get different results from people depending on how I approached them, or presented myself. I want you to remember one thing: You don’t have to be big to make big deals. Webmasters are busy people, and when you start to get some traffic, you’ll quickly experience this yourself. People will e-mail you every day because they want something from you. They want you to join their affiliate program, they want you to sell their products, and they you to purchase Viagra by the case. Yes, spam does increase when you get popular! The point is that when you contact another webmaster, you have to compete for their attention so what you’re asking for has to include a benefit for them. You can be to the point, but you can’t be rude or appear to be demanding. The idea is that you want to start by offering them something they could be interested in. If that grabs their interest, then they’ll consider giving you something back. It’s simple really, but so many people just don’t get that concept.

Also keep in mind that you can’t do business with everyone, and you probably don’t want to anyway. Many webmasters will not respond to your original email. Don’t take it personally. Give them a week or two, and then send them a polite follow up e-mail. As a webmaster, I tend to pay more attention to someone who makes the effort to track their messages and send me a follow up e-mail because it shows they legitimately want to do business with me without being pushy about it. I also get e-mails from other people which I totally disregard because you can tell they are so generic. It’s a copy and past/spam the poker affiliates kind of approach which I hate. Don’t be stupid

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like that because you will not succeed. I remember loosing my cool once, after receiving 10 e-mails from the same company in a week. My response was certainly not pleasant, but I assure you it was very clear. If you piss off webmasters, you will never get anywhere.

Once you establish a good contact with a successful webmaster, work at maintaining that relationship. Be sensitive to their needs, not just your own. Be reasonable and accommodating. At then end of the day, you want to earn trust and respect from others so that you can build and develop your business further with them. Get known, and get to know other webmasters because it’s always easier to work develop partnerships. Also remember that contacts can be made by joining existing affiliate communities, via forums or other means.

How you present yourself is very important. Image is everything online. I have a full time job and I work on my affiliate business part time, like most affiliates in fact. But I present myself as a serious business entity. I don’t mislead others, I will deliver on what ever I agree to do, but I do work at emulating a professional impression. That means try not to use hotmail accounts or free hosting to do business. Get your own domain, and setup multiple e-mail accounts ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], etc). I will use my personal e-mail account sometimes, but only when I have some familiarity with the person I am dealing with. You can get a domain for a year for less than $10, and web hosting can be as low as $5 a month to start out. We’re not talking big expenses. Giving that professional impression gives you credibility, and credibility gets you deals.

Having a website that is professionally designed and doesn’t look amateurish also inspires confidence. Work hard at establishing and maintaining your image so that you can take advantage of it, just like in poker. I recently reached a deal with a poker room where I am providing them with gambling content in exchange for links. Writing for other sites is a great way to start getting free links. In my case, I won’t name which room it is, but my point is this: You can be someone with who works on his affiliate business part time as a hobby and you could end up writing content for a room like Carbon Poker for instance. It’s possible. I don’t have a big business, but I’m doing it. The sky is the limit, and the only thing that is stopping you from reaching your goals is yourself.

Think big no matter how big or small your business is. Think big, but have a plan because delusions won’t get you anywhere. Associate yourself with

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successful people and learn from them. Remember that a business relationship is like a personal relationship: it requires care and involves some give and take. When you have that relationship in place, you can make big things happen. You have room to negotiate, favors to all in, etc. Most important of all, recognize that gambling affiliates form a community and once you start to be successful, consider giving back and helping out less experienced affiliates.

Web Affiliate Program Advertising: Low Budget Idea

Why would offline advertising be so terribly important to a web affiliate program venture? The answer to that question is simple. It is because conventional advertising does NOT work online.

The truth is that people hate to be advertised to online. This explains the reason why banner advertisements are not that effective when compared to those tiny little text link ads. The latter hardly look like advertising and are seen by many readers as the usual links designed to lead information-hungry readers to more information and other relevant articles that will provide the knowledge and answers they seek to solve some of their problems. Actually contrary to what many people still think, the World Wide Web is not similar to offline television in terms of being able to carry effective ads that yield a useful response capable of quickly building up a new or even existing business. In other words the web is not the next frontier after Television. It is in fact the most advanced telephone in the world, but I digress.

Offline advertising has proved to be invaluable to numerous websites and web affiliate programs. In fact these ads have proved to be much more effective in driving traffic to many sites than any online program.

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Radio for example has been a success story for many web and affiliate program sites. The success of radio has surprised many because it has come despite many clear weaknesses like the fact that most people may not be able to spell your web address correctly after listening to a radio spot about it.

Fortunately there are a number of other low budget offline advertising methods that have proved to be hugely effective for many web businesses and even affiliate programs. One example are bumper stickers. It seems that as folks are idling around in those frequent traffic snarl ups, they avidly read bumper stickers and depending on the message (if it piqued their curiosity enough) they will tend to visit the site either right their in their cars or later when they get to the office or wherever they are going.

Bumper stickers are relatively inexpensive to produce and the only challenge in a bumper sticker ad campaign is how best to rapidly distribute the stickers and to get motorists to use them. However this should not be too difficult with a little creativity because many folks happily purchase bumper stickers. One obvious way of getting your web affiliate program bumper stickers out there is to use your current client base.

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Web Stats

Did you know that your humble web stats are a gold mine capable of helping you make money from your online business so fast that it will make you dizzy? Yet many web sites don’t even have a way of tracking their visitors and then those who do, hardly look at their stats on a regular basis, let alone use them as the marketing weapon that they are.

You have heard bean counters or accountants say that numbers tell a story. This is especially true about your web site stats. They tell you how each and every visitor found you and which article on your site is the most popular and what kind of information they were looking for that you did not quite have yet. There is a lot a smart webmaster can do with just that preliminary information that will dramatically boost their site traffic and help them make money fast. What Do You Do With Your Most Popular Online Pages To make Money Fast?

There is plenty that you can do with information from your stats on your most popular pages. To start with you create more articles providing even more information around the same theme that seems to be so popular on your site. You can think link to your brand new content from your popular page. The immediate effect of this will be that your prospects will spend more time on your site. Research has repeatedly shown that the longer your visitors stay at your site without leaving too fast, the more money you will make online from your site. What that means is that this simple idea can dramatically increase your web profits.

Secondly you can use the same popular information to create a special report which you can then make available via email. This is the fastest method of creating an opt-in email list which can end up being both a marketing tool and a separate stand alone profit centre.

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What About The Keyword Phrases Your Stats Tell You Your Visitors Used To Fined You?

Your stats will also show you exactly how your visitors found you. If you are the typical website then most will have found their way via a search engine where they used a keyword phrase. Take careful note of these keywords and then find all the possible synonyms and words that mean the same thing and create content around it so that you completely dominate that particular keyword phrase online so that making money from site fast will be a breeze with all the targeted traffic you will be getting.

But even more crucial, you should pay attention to the keyword phrases used to find your site where you are thin on information. You should then make the effort to fill in the gaps so that you dominate those keywords as well as ensuring that the next lot of hits that use those keywords to find your site will not be disappointed.

The less you disappoint your niche the faster you will make money online.

Writing An eBook To Help Promote Your Affiliate Product

The viral marketing potential of an Ebook can help you to promote your affiliate product to a captive audience that is larger than anything you ever anticipated in your wildest dreams.

And yet it is fairly simple to write and promote an excellent Ebook online to a huge audience. Here is a very simple but effective way of doing it all. Write Your Affiliate eBook To Promote A Product In A Brand New Blog

The amazing thing is that you can start promoting your proposed eBook even as you write it. The blog is the perfect medium to do this because through comments from the people who read your regular posts you will be able to start gauging reader response. It would be useful if you estimated how many posts you would require to complete the entire eBook. Once you have known

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the answer to that question, it will be very simple for you to make your regular posts while having a pretty good idea of when your eBook will be ready.

An additional idea to help you promote your eBook in progress will be to release a special report or Mini-Ebook based on the first 10 posts or so, and the offer it free via email to your readers. This way you will already be building a client base to sell your main eBook to when it is finally published.

The awesome power of viral marketing can begin working for you here. What you need to do is to allow those who get your initial special report or miniEbook to pass it on or even sell it as long as they retain the format exactly at it is with the links you will have placed in it leading back to articles and pages on your blog and also referring folks to your affiliate product. Make Your eBook Available In eBook Directories

Once you have released your main eBook, make sure that you list it at major Ebook directories where it will get excellent exposure and allow you to reach a much larger audience of targeted prospects.

You should also continue making posts at your blog promoting your eBook and inviting your visitors to get it via email. In your new posts you should try and highloight current problems that can easily be solved by those who read your Ebook. You should also make every effort to carry testimonials from those have read and benefited from reading your eBook.

A well written eBook is a very powerful marketing tool that will help anybody to promote their affiliate product in a very effective manner.

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How To Build Up Your Image To Sell Your Affiliate Product Effectively

Without the right favorable image, you will not be able to sell much of your affiliate product or service. Image as they say is everything.

So how does one go about creating a favorable image on the World Wide Web? Before You Sell Your Affiliate Product You Will Be Judged By Your Content

Content, as they say is truly king and it is the first thing that your prospects will use to pass judgment over you. Here is a simple analogy. When you meet a person for the very first time, assuming that they are well dressed like most sane persons, how are you going to be able to decide what kind of people they are. The answer is obvious. You will listen carefully to what they have to say. In the same way folks will read carefully what is written on your web site.

But there’s more. What you have to say has to be as interesting as possible, even controversial. This is because there is plenty of choice online and people will just not allow themselves to be bored.

This means that you have to understand the key to attracting people’s attention. One way is by giving away valuable tips that will help them live a better life or solve some of their pressing problems. This will help you build a very favorable image very quickly on the web. Do You Use Testimonials To Sell Your Affiliate Product

Testimonials are very powerful, and they can help build a very favorable online image for you and the affiliate product you are trying to sell, virtually overnight.

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Talk to your past clients and satisfied customers and get them to say something specific that they liked about your product. Do not be alarmed if in their praises they mention a negative point or two. Sometimes these can play a very big role in making testimonials be more believable after all somebody can just go and create their own accolades claiming that they are from other people.

How Do You Deal With Clients?

One excellent place to pick up this information is at discussion forums where people ask questions. Even relevant blogs that allow comments can yield a lot of useful information to guide you to the kind of content that will greatly attract visitors to your affiliate website. Advertising Should Not Be On Your Mind As You Generate Affiliate Website Content

Lastly your image over time will depend heavily on your customer service and how you deal with clients and even prospects. Do you go out of your way to help. How quickly do you deliver orders? The way you deal without clients will sooner or later get out there by word of mouth. You need to be very careful because bad news and the negative always travel much faster than good news.

Just remember that if you are careful enough about cultivating a good image, your affiliate product or service will sell itself.

Useful Free Services To Help Lift Your Affiliate Website To Success

There are a number of amazing free services that are invaluable to any affiliate website. These are mostly in the form of vital services that many affiliate websites require which would have otherwise cost them money to acquire.

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It really is amazing how increasingly services of extremely high value and which involve significant costs to the owners to provide are being made available for free online. One of the factors that makes this possible are affiliate programs that reap amazing profits for webmasters who manage to generate significant traffic for their sites. One example is the Google Adsense program which makes hundreds of thousands of dollars for some webmasters on a regular basis. All they have to do is find something to offer that has the potential of attracting amazing volumes of traffic.

One example of an extremely useful free service that is bound to be very useful to any affiliate website can be found This is a site that provides a lot of very useful tracking information on the visitors to a site. This will include information like the keywords that were used to get them there and even the particular search engine that was used. Other pieces of information include the most popular pages on your site and the duration that your visitors took on each page they viewed as well as on your site. Actually the volume of valuable information provided by this free tool is huge and it really is amazing that the service is free. Naturally this is very useful free information to any affiliate website and webmaster who can use it to lift their site to the next level of success.

Yet another free online service that would be of great value to any affiliate website is available at This is no doubt the article directory on the web that attracts the highest traffic by far. Most articles posted at this directory will tend to attract huge amounts of traffic. So by simply placing links, you can end up with significant traffic at your site from nothing else but promotional articles posted here. While ezinearticles has a number of rules, one of which is it does not accept articles that contain affiliate links, the thing to do as an affiliate is to target your links in articles posted at this directory, to your blog from whence you will re-direct traffic to your affiliate site.

Then there is the overture keyword tool which provides you with the exact number of hits that a certain keyword or keyword phrase has had in a recent month. This is invaluable information for any webmaster making a decision on which particular keywords to target in their hunt for search engine traffic.

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These are just some of the available free services that can prove to be extremely useful to any affiliate website owner.

How To Use The Power Of Free in an Affiliate Program Marketing

It is impossible for anybody to understand online marketing let alone how to apply it to thir affiliate program, if they do not grasp and appreciate the power of free things on the web.

Actually the online business model of offering free services is more powerful than most people realize. Let’s take the example of Google, one of the most profitable corporations in the world which did not even exist 10 years ago. Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed an amazingly powerful and efficient search engine and then proceeded to provide to the world for free. It was not until the search engine was receiving tens of millions of visitors before they started trying o figure out a way to monetize their innovative creation. This is very different from the conventional wisdom that has ruled offline businesses for many years, which is that you don’t dare roll out a service until you have carefully worked out how it is going to raise revenue for you.

One of the huge advantages of offering something for free is the fact that it enables you to build a huge audience and once this is achieved, earning revenue is not too difficult.

This powerful principle of offering free services and products can be used to tremendously boost the marketing of any affiliate program. For example free software can be offered to your target market in return for their email addresses so that you quickly build a database of prospects for your affiliate

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program and affiliate products that you can market to again and again through regular interesting email messages. And it is not too difficult to get this free software to offer to your prospects. There’s a lot of it available online and to find it you just need to use some keywords at your favorite search engine.

After software the next desirable thing that prospects will yearn for are well written e-Books packed with hot tips and valuable information. Again these can be offered for free and in exchange of the prospects’ email address. The amazing thing about e-Books is the fact that they usually tend to go viral meaning that they get passed on a lot so that from a minimal initial distribution they end up being seen by a huge audience of your potential prospects for your affiliate program and this is very powerful and effective marketing.

Using these few examples, you can continue to explore ways and means of bringing a tremendous impact into your affiliate program marketing using the power of the free offer.

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Motivating yourself as an affiliate

As a business owner, you have set some goals for yourself. They may be quite aggressive and you’ve made plans on how you’re going to reach them. Now you have to get to work to make them real.

What motivates you personally can be entirely different than what motivates someone else but many entrepreneurs like you are motivated by winning the game and by making money.

To win the game and make good money as an Affiliate, you need to identify what motivates you. Maybe it’s not the money itself; maybe it’s what the money can buy you and your family. Only you can define it.

One thing for certain, setting up a website and/or adding some banners to your existing site will not lead to any measure of success. So set yourself up for success.

Once you have identified what motivates you, re-check your business and marketing plan to make sure it fits with your vision for success. Maybe it’s unrealistic, which can be a de-motivator. Or maybe it doesn’t allow for you to make as much money as you want in your planned time frame. Or maybe it’s not aggressive enough – you want more from the business than you originally planned.

Don’t be afraid to be brutally honest with yourself about your capabilities, budgets, time constraints. There’s nothing wrong with adjusting plans as you go. If the fit isn’t right, change your plan and then start working towards it.

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Allow yourself a growth period, knowing that it will take some time to build your customer base. Don’t let this de-motivate you. It’s all part or your plan!

Sometimes it feels like hard work to measure your results against your plans but if you don’t do this daily, weekly, monthly, -- or on some regular basis, you won’t know where you’re going. It is essential that you bite the bullet and get into the habit of looking at your results, whether it’s the number of players, earnings, costs, etc.

Now, you will find that you are motivated to work at your business because you have clear goals and you have things under control. You know that with hard work and persistence you will get where you want to go.

There are a lot of books and articles on the web and at your bookstore about motivating yourself.

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Why do most affiliates never earn $1

That’s right – they can earn a lot of money; that is to say, the affiliates who understand the value of marketing. You can have the best affiliate program network in place but what’s the point if nobody knows you’re out there?

Affiliate programs are a partnership. You need each other to build a profitable business.

Marketing and promotions are keys to success in all business (the other important key is financial management) and maybe more so in internet enterprises. Building a site and then hoping someone will happen across it just doesn’t make good business sense. Even is someone does “happen” across your site, they may not be at all interested in internet gambling. Getting Started

You’ve got your affiliate program in place. The gaming sites have provided you with some marketing materials. Now you need to get known and differentiate yourself from all the others out there.

First think about your target audience. Put yourself in their shoes and research other sites. What do you want your customers to see when they visit your site? What would make you want to click through to play on a particular online gaming site?

Keep in mind that your target customer may not be just like you. You might want to research some demographic stats. For instance, the general impression is that the bulk of players are between 19 and 34 and male but that may be an outdated stat.

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Think about the type of players you want. Maybe you want to focus on high rollers or maybe you just want to capture everyone you can and have a large base of players.

If you have an existing site, it is important to analyze your customer base to see if it is a good fit with the added client base you want to add as players. Promote, Promote, Promote

Ok, now you know who your ideal visitor is. How is he or she going to know you’re even out there?

You need to create awareness by promoting your site in unique ways, building credibility, a buzz, and excitement. Examples could be:

* Emails blitzes (try to source a good, current, email list * Direct mail * Word of mouth * Incentives * Website optimization * Promo items like hats, tee shirts * Sponsorships

Be creative and don’t forget to measure the level of success of each of your marketing tactics. It’s work but it’s worth it. Don’t waste time and money on a tactic that just doesn’t give you the return.

And don’t forget to use ideas you see on other sites. Why try to reinvent the wheel?

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And to debunk Conspiracy Theory 101: You only need to capture one player who plays for real money and you’ll be making some $$$!

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Website Traffic

Free Affiliate Website Content: What Broke Non-Writers Can Do About Generating Articles

Content is very important for any website and yet most affiliates with limited finances need plenty of it, naturally the answer is to find a way to get it free. One of the ways that content can be free is if you generate it yourself. So what happens when the webmaster or affiliate cannot write anything more complex that a shopping list? How can they get their affiliate website content for free?

Actually every problem has a solution and this one is no exception. There is a way that virtually anybody can generate useful articles and content for their websites.

The way to do this is by putting together list articles. List articles as the name suggests are articles that are created out of a lists. For example if you want to do an article on the advantages and disadvantages of writing your own free affiliate website content, you simply start of with a list. First you write down the heading or title of the article and then you move on o the sub-heading. For instance you can start off with; disadvantages of writing your own website content. After the subheading you can list the various disadvantages like the fact that it is very time consuming and that most webmasters tend to postpone the writing chores for so long that their sites suffer from not having new fresh content for a long time.

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After you are through with the disadvantages, just create the next sub heading which will be; advantages of writing your own website content. You will then be able to list the various advantages like the fact that it is free meaning that you can create a lot more content for your website than somebody who has to pay for it.

When you are done, you will have what is called a simple list article. However it can be developed a little further by briefly explaining each point and ensuring that you have inserted the keyword phrases required.

This way any broke non-writer can still be able to churn out plenty of their own articles and website content. It is important for you to realize that even professionals construct their articles in this way because it is ideal for the web where many readers tend to skim through rather than read content on most of the websites they visit. When the article has listed clear points it becomes very easy to absorb the details very quickly. And that is exactly how even a nonwriter affiliate can succeed in generating free online website content.

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Ways To Generate Extra Traffic For Your Affiliate Website

Many webmasters don’t seem to realize it, but there are a number of ways in which you can generate extra traffic for virtually any affiliate program, even if your current website traffic is very low.

This is vital for any affiliate to be able to start earning some income even as they work on building their own website traffic. Traffic Exchange Programs Can Boost Your Affiliate Website Traffic

For affiliates who are just starting out, a useful idea is to join a traffic exchange program. As the name suggests a traffic exchange program gives you traffic in exchange for you visiting other sites in the program. Obviously this is not quality traffic, but you never know whose eye will be caught by your affiliate program and what it has to offer. Besides you will get to learn a lot about other websites out there and what they have to offer.

So instead of sitting there very miserable at the fact that your affiliate website has zero traffic, you can do something about kick starting traffic to your site. Join Opt-In Email Lists To Generate Targeted Traffic To Your Affiliate Website

There is a way that you can get much more targeted traffic to your affiliate website, but again it will involve some work. You will also require a brand new email address as it is not advisable to use your usual one because of the high volumes of email you will receive when you start working this program. This is

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perfectly legal email and has nothing to do with illegal spamming. The idea is to join opt-in email list groups in sites like Some of these groups will allow you to send out email messages to other members in the group. Say you join 100 such groups with average membership of just 10,000 each, you will be able to send out an email message promoting your affiliate website to a total of 1,000,000 people which should surely get you some useful traffic. Although many will hardly take a second look at your email, the sheer large numbers almost guarantees that some will, enough to give you a reasonable response.

The way to keep your traffic as targeted as possible is to join groups that are as closely related to the industry and subject matter covered by your affiliate website.

Yahoogroups is not the only site that offers opt-in email lists. There are actually quite a number of other sites. Articles in High Traffic Article Directories Can Get Your Affiliate Website Plenty Of Traffic

Yet another idea to help you generate extra traffic for your affiliate program from outside your website is to post useful articles at high traffic article directories and then place a link pointing directly to your affiliate site. Naturally the more articles you write and post, the higher the amount of traffic you will attract to your affiliate website. This is the highest quality targeted website traffic you will be able to attract.

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Making Maximum Profits From A Low Traffic Website

It is no secret that there are many small businesses out there today that have taken on much larger companies and beaten them to submission. It is amazing how this would have been totally impossible just a few years back but has today become just too common place.

There are a number of things that have taken place in the small home business sector in recent years that have made this amazing feat possible. The two that stand out most is the Personal Computer PC and the World Wide Web. These two factors have combined to completely change the face of business and more so the small home business.

The Personal Computer revolutionized the small business so that entrepreneurs no longer required a sizeable staff and high costs to get a simple business off the ground. For instance simple to use computer accounting software like Quickbooks made it very possible for the first for a home based entrepreneur to run a fairly complex business without a large staff and still stay up to date with their accounting.

Not only that, various tasks that were previously undertaken by costly machinery were now easily accomplished using a PC. Just to give one simple example, previously pre-press work for printing like typesetting would require a very large machine to set the type. With software like Pagemaker and Coreldraw, the home PC was able to comfortably undertake this task and produce high quality work that was in many respects better than what the large machines were producing at a much higher cost.

This was quickly followed by the World Wide Web which served to dramatically cut costs lower. For the first time a small home business run by a single

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entrepreneur could compete with any Fortune 500 company in terms of communication capabilities and at a small fraction of what the cost used to be.

The result of all this is that today a very small home business can deliver better service quicker and cheaper that a large Fortune 500 business. Indeed we are now beginning to see trends where small home businesses run by the owner and without a single employee are making millions of dollars a year. What this means is that they are starting to compete with the huge companies in terms of revenue and yet are being run by the owners with very little outside help. The example we can give here is a dating site that recently announced earnings of close to a million dollars over a two month period. And the sum total of this came from a single affiliate program—namely the Google Adsense program.

How A Small Home Business Can Beat A Fortune 500 Company To The Draw

It is no secret that there are many small businesses out there today that have taken on much larger companies and beaten them to submission. It is amazing how this would have been totally impossible just a few years back but has today become just too common place.

There are a number of things that have taken place in the small home business sector in recent years that have made this amazing feat possible. The two that stand out most is the Personal Computer PC and the World Wide Web. These two factors have combined to completely change the face of business and more so the small home business.

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The Personal Computer revolutionized the small business so that entrepreneurs no longer required a sizeable staff and high costs to get a simple business off the ground. For instance simple to use computer accounting software like Quickbooks made it very possible for the first for a home based entrepreneur to run a fairly complex business without a large staff and still stay up to date with their accounting.

Not only that, various tasks that were previously undertaken by costly machinery were now easily accomplished using a PC. Just to give one simple example, previously pre-press work for printing like typesetting would require a very large machine to set the type. With software like Pagemaker and Coreldraw, the home PC was able to comfortably undertake this task and produce high quality work that was in many respects better than what the large machines were producing at a much higher cost.

This was quickly followed by the World Wide Web which served to dramatically cut costs lower. For the first time a small home business run by a single entrepreneur could compete with any Fortune 500 company in terms of communication capabilities and at a small fraction of what the cost used to be.

The result of all this is that today a very small home business can deliver better service quicker and cheaper that a large Fortune 500 business. Indeed we are now beginning to see trends where small home businesses run by the owner and without a single employee are making millions of dollars a year. What this means is that they are starting to compete with the huge companies in terms of revenue and yet are being run by the owners with very little outside help. The example we can give here is a dating site that recently announced earnings of close to a million dollars over a two month period. And the sum total of this came from a single affiliate program—namely the Google Adsense program.

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How eBooks Can Tremendously Increase Traffic To Your Affiliate Site

Ebooks can also help increase traffic to your affiliate site. In fact it is utterly amazing the kind of traffic that ebooks are capable of generating.

However one needs to be very skillful in the way they produce their ebook for this to work out so that your affiliate site benefits. The truth is that most people love useful ebooks and will hungrily take in the information contained in them.

Anybody who owns a website or even a blog has lots of information within that can hardly be taken in at one seating by people who discover your site a little late. So it makes plenty of sense to reorganize the information and re-package it into desirable ebooks. Your ebook should also contain plenty of links leading back to articles within your site.

This will often work out very well for affiliate programs where ebooks on how to successfully work the affiliate program can have a tremendously positive impact on affiliates.

The title of your ebook will determine how well received it will be in the market. In the offline world books that flop and somehow fail to sell will sometimes be re-packaged which means simply changing the title and reprinting it. Many times books that had previously failed to sell will start selling at high speed after a mere change of the title. This illustrates just how important the title of a book is and this rule applies online to ebooks as well..

The next important step is the distribution of your ebook. For starters you can make it available on the most popular pages on your site. One thing that is capable of causing your ebook to go viral very quickly is to allow the people who download it to pass it on to others and even to sell it, if they so wish. The viral effect here can be tremendous and will go a long way in helping you

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increase traffic to your affiliate site. This is because the condition for people to re-distribute ebooks is usually for them to retain the links and everything else in the ebook as it is.

You will quickly discover that in most useful ebooks everybody who reads it will tend to click on virtually every link they come across in the ebook which will help increase the traffic to your affiliate site considerably. Done properly you can even recruit people very effectively into your affiliate program site by simply placing affiliate links in the ebook and directly recommending your affiliate program.

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The Viral Way To Quickly Accumulate Back Links To Your Affiliate Web Site

Without enough targeted traffic flowing to your affiliate web site it will be impossible for you to generate any income. It does not matter how good your affiliate program is.

Generating traffic is one of the biggest challenges for many affiliates who have no idea what to do to increase traffic to their web sites.

The truth is that there are many creative ways to increase traffic to any web site. Perhaps the most effective has to be viral marketing techniques. What is viral marketing? Viral marketing gets its’ name from virus. We all know how rapidly viruses can spread after starting in one individual or place. Actually even the Internet grew virally from just a few computers linked to one another to a World Wide Web of computers linked to one another. Little wonder that some of the webs best known companies grew in the same way, virally. A good example here is Google Inc. The search engine giant has never needed to advertise anywhere to date and yet now has tens of millions of people all over the world using its’ search engine every day.

Now the most effective way to improve traffic is by accumulating back links pointing to your site. So how does one do this?

Create Valuable Articles And Post Them To High Traffic Article Directories To Generate Back Links For Your Affiliate Web Site!

Creating interesting articles and posting them at high traffic article directories is one way of generating quality back links pointed at your Affiliate site.

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Actually it is probably the most effective way of accumulating quality links quickly. You see when you post your affiliate article at a busy article directory; other webmasters will quickly pick it up and re-post it at their site complete with the resource box at the end which will contain links pointing straight back to your affiliate website.

If you are careful to create engrossing articles the viral effect can be pretty rapid and from just two or three articles posted in leading article directories, they can easily multiply so that you find that you have accumulated tens of thousands of back links pointing straight at your site.

This will automatically increase your daily traffic tremendously so that from a single or double digit traffic figure, the back links can cause your affiliate website’s traffic to shoot up to tens of thousands of hits daily. This will automatically mean more affiliate product sales for you.

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Promotional Articles Can Grow Your Affiliate Web Site At High Speed

There is no other online marketing weapon that is more powerful than the promotional article when you want to grow any web site and not just an affiliate one. Done properly articles are capable of lifting an unknown site from oblivion to great success within a very short period of time. And what’s more articles are a very cost effective promotional method.

Why is it then that we have so many folks who claim that articles don’t work? Have you ever wondered why anybody would want to make such a ridiculous claim when you and I know that the minute we enter a keyword phrase in a search engine, we will end up on a page with an article? And what’s more some of these articles receive millions of hits every month. So why would somebody want to say that promotional articles don’t work?

The answer is simple. Most of these “experts” wrote a handful of articles and posted them at a few article directories and when the floodgates of traffic did not open, they declared that promotional articles do not work. What a pity, because like everything else, you require certain skills and knowledge to use promotional articles effectively to grow your affiliate web site. You need to know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it. To Grow Your Affiliate Web Site, You Need To Find The Right Keyword Phrases

Before you even write your article to grow your affiliate web site, you will need to carefully select your keyword phrases. Without the right keyword phrases your article marketing campaign will go absolutely nowhere.

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The most common mistake made here is that blogger and webmasters always select keyword phrases that are too competitive for them and therefore useless. What is the point of being ranked number 200 for a popular keyword when most surfers hardly go beyond the top 10? In other words unless you are pretty sure that you have a good chance of ending up in the top 10 with a keyword phrase, there is no point in choosing it because it will not grow your affiliate web site or help you in any way. If You Don’t catch Them With The Headline, You Will Not Grow Your Affiliate Website With Content

Another very important component of success with promotional articles is the headline. With a lousy headline you will not go far because your content will hardly get read. Catchy attractive headlines that just can’t be ignored will make your keyword articles much more effective in growing your affiliate web site.

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Search Engine Optimization

How To Use Breaking News To Lift Your Affiliate Website To Success

It certainly shouldn’t be news to anybody that one of the biggest challenges that any affiliate webmaster is bound to face is how to constantly attract high quality traffic to their website. We all know that no traffic means no prospects and no clients and therefore nil revenue. That is the harsh reality. Part of this harsh reality is that there are millions of sites out there all competing for some attention.

Fortunately there are many ways to attract attention and traffic on the web which mostly hinge on how creative a webmaster can dare to be.

For example there is a way that you can cleverly use the breaking news in your industry to attract tons of traffic to your affiliate website. Let us first define what we mean by breaking news. Every industry and every niche on the World Wide Web has things happening all the time. Fresh new articles are being generated about it every other minute. New technological developments that impact the industry are being made regularly. Not to mention new products and gadgets being churned out all the time. It is virtually impossible for most people to keep up with these developments and that is where you can help and in return receive more traffic than you will be capable of handling.

Getting this information is easier than you may think because there are several things you can do to ensure that you always have the information at your finger tips. You can use your favorite search engine to look for sites that

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regularly produce industry news related to the field covered by your affiliate website.

Then you can also use the Google email alert service. The way this service works is that you enter a keyword phrase (it is important to be as specific as possible so that you get quality results). You will then receive an alert every time anything gets indexed by Google that is related to your keywords. This ensures that you will never miss anything, because everything will always end up in your email inbox.

There is yet another very useful service that you can use to get all the news you need for your affiliate web site industry. This is the Google blog search tool. By using your most important keywords you will be able to view all the posts starting with the very latest that have been made in blogs concerning the subject.

Using all this information, you an specialize on posting this breaking news at the blog you are using to generate traffic to be redirected to your affiliate website. Done properly, you will quickly attract a lot of highly targeted traffic and what’s more many of them will want to discuss the same topics in their blogs and will therefore quickly link to your breaking news.

Within no time, you will have tons of targeted traffic as a result of your news service that will help turn your affiliate website into a cash machine.

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Where To Get Ideas For Your Affiliate Website Content

Your affiliate website content is so terribly important that it will make or break you. Yet many affiliate web site owners have a huge problem finding appropriate content that will keep their visitors interested. The result is that despite the fact that many affiliates are aware of the fact that blogs can help them build up targeted traffic to their affiliate site, they have no clue on how to generate content for their proposed blogs, because blogs need plenty of interesting and engrossing content.

One thing that you must remember at all times is that whatever you do, you cannot afford to bore visitors to your site. There is just too much choice online and at the earliest sign of boredom, your precious traffic will just click their way out and to other sites.

There are some interesting ways in which to ensure that you generate the sort of content that will help you build up traffic and page views quickly. Where To Get Affiliate Website Content Ideas

The affiliate product or service that you deal with, solves certain problems for its’ users. Now your captivating content has to start with ideas and to be able to generate the right kind of ideas, you will need to focus on the target market for your affiliate website product. Then you need to ask yourself what kind of problems and concerns they are facing some of which can be solved by your affiliate product.

One excellent place to pick up this information is at discussion forums where people ask questions. Even relevant blogs that allow comments can yield a lot of useful information to guide you to the kind of content that will greatly attract visitors to your affiliate website.

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Advertising Should Not Be On Your Mind As You Generate Affiliate Website Content

There is a very good reason why advertising should be furthest from your mind as you generate content for your affiliate site. And it is really simple. People do not come online to be advertised to. Rather they are seeking for information and if you can provide the information that they are looking for, then you will have their attention. If you succeed in generating useful content for your prospects, then referring them to your affiliate site for more information or directly to your product will prove to be much more successful than if you were to try and advertise your affiliate product directly in the article.

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Conversions and Retention

Customer Service

You’ve put a lot of effort into researching the correct affiliate program partnership, figuring out how you’re going to attract players to your site, setting goals and objectives, creating budgets, etc., etc., and now you’re getting visitors to your site.

First Impressions

The first impression of how you treat your customers will come from the ease of use of your site. How many times have you gone to a site where you just couldn’t find what you wanted or it took too long to load, or ….? You just leave, right? Realistically, you probably only have one chance to capture a customer.

Research other sites and note the features that you like and dislike and then make sure your site encourages visitors to stick around and click through. Make sure your navigation is easy and user friendly.

Customers today want instant gratification. Make sure you have “Help” up front and centre on your site. If you can, have a direct line to your customer support. Walk players through the process while you’re on the phone. At the very least, have an email system in place and answer promptly.

A “Questions and Answers” section on your site can really help. Not everyone will understand how affiliate programs work so be prepared to answer all questions clearly and concisely, whether in writing or in conversation.

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If you don’t have answers at your fingertips, tell the customer you will get right back to them – and do so! Be friendly, and truly concerned with each customer.

A professional approach will make the customer comfortable enough to click through on your site. After all, it’s their money that they’re going to use to gamble on line and it’s your potential profit that will be lost if they decide to give your site a miss.

And never forget that customers tell everyone who will listen (blogs especially) about a bad experience but rarely make a point of talking about a good experience. But can you keep them?

Life is sweet. Customers clicking through and you’re making money. But customers are fickle -- they want change just for the sake of change. Excellence in your customer service is a very important part of your business strategy to keep them coming back.

In fact, solving problems in a prompt and professional manner can build customer loyalty.

Many of the biggest issues that arise in internet gambling are technical issues. Players are not technical people and don’t understand why they could be disconnected from a tournament or why scheduled maintenance has to be done.

Your affiliate gambling sites will probably have 24 hour customer support but the players will be confused about the difference between your role and the role of the poker room. Be prepared to answer their questions and/or point them in the right direction.

Send out emails to all your players letting them know if there is going to be any downtime and talk to them about situations that can occur on the internet and why they happen.

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Some players will get quite upset as it’s their money that’s at stake. As long as you can deal with their problems in a satisfactory way and feel confident that they are happy, they’ll more than likely stick with you, and if their experience leaves them feeling special and happy – they may even tell others.

Consider giving free tickets to tournaments or some other compensation that rests on playing more poker if you feel it is necessary or if the problem has arisen from your site or the poker room, but be careful – some players will abuse your goodwill.

In summary, the key to great customer service is to think of how you wanted to be treated and treat your customers in the same way.

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Adsense Affiliate Program Tips

There is really no doubt that the Adsense affiliate program from Google is by far the most popular on the web today and this is one of the reasons why any available tips to help improve the performance of this program are usually wildly popular with virtually every webmaster.

Everybody who runs this innovative program on their sites is constantly looking for ways and means to increase their earnings. More so when recent revelations have shown that there are some site owners taking home close to a cool million dollars every two months from their Adsense earnings.

The fastest way to increase your Adsense affiliate earnings is to seek tips on high paying Adsense keywords. While the vast majority of Adsense clicks pay a pittance in just a few cents, there are certain keywords and keyword phrases that pay $10 or even much more than that. Now let us assume that your site gets an average of 1000 clicks a month and the average per click is about 10cents. That would give you a monthly affiliate income of $100 from Adsense. Now let us assume that you are able to get useful information and tips on the highest paying Adsense keywords, that is keywords that tend to attract high paying ads that when clicked on will give you an average of about $7 per click. That would enable you to earn a whooping $7,000 from the same number of clicks that gave you $100. One very reliable place where you can get the very latest high paying Adsense keywords is in a Google Adwords account. At one time or another you will need to place some pay per click (ppc) ads through Adwords so it is a good idea to open an account as soon as you can.

Another way to increase your Adsense monthly affiliate earnings is by working on increasing the volume of traffic that flocks into your site. Naturally the higher the traffic the more money you will make from Adsense because you will end up with more clicks. Actually there are a number of sites that have opted for this option because selecting high paying Adsense keywords has its’ limitations. For instance high paying ads being displayed in Adsense affiliate sites are limited as most clients paying more per click usually prefer their ads to be displayed next to search engine results only. This is because search engines produce much more targeted responses than the same pay per click

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(PPC) ads on participating sites. There are various ways to increase traffic significantly to your Adsense affiliate site so as to tip the scales in your favor.

Taking the trouble to stay updated with as many Adsense affiliate tips as you can pick up can help you increase your monthly Adsense earnings significantly.

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Get Ideas To Promote Your Affiliate Product Sales From Blogs

Most affiliates hate selling and this is clearly portrayed in the very poor product sales we quite often see for most affiliate products. Little do they know that selling can be a lot of fun as long as you have the right technique and approach to doing it right.

For example rather than just hoping that somebody will come across your affiliate product and somehow want to purchase it, why not aggressively position your product to solve problems? In fact anybody who can master this simple but effective technique of positioning their product to solve problems will always have more affiliate product sales than they can handle.

One way to go about this is to find a place on the web where a problem that your affiliate product can solve is being discussed. For example if you have a weight loss product, you could go to a weight loss blog and join a discussion. Say the discussion taking place in the comments section of a post has something to do with a new weight loss technique that is being discussed. You should not dive in and advertise your product upfront. Rather you should patiently make a number of useful contributions to the discussion. Remember that whatever blog software you are using, people can still click their way back to your site, if they really get interested in what you are saying, so avoid every temptation to spam the blog with links pointing back to your affiliate program.

The other thing that you should do is that in the course of your leaving comments you will have developed some very useful thoughts that should help you turn some of your comments into fully fledged articles. If you make the small effort required to get your articles out, you will find that what you generate will be high quality and very useful articles.

Later on in your comments you can refer to these articles that you have done without providing a link back to them. Another technique is to make one post referring to your article and then provide the link in a separate post right next to it. That way if the post with your link gets deleted by the blog administrator,

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your other post will still remain intact. It is very important that you only do this after you have already became a regular contributor to the high traffic blog that you are targeting.

Finally you can also start referring to specific case studies involving the affiliate product on sale at your site. Using this simple technique you will find that within no time you will be generating the kind of high affiliate product sales that will be the envy of everybody.

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How To Use Blog Power To Boost Affiliate Program Sales

Blogs are very powerful tools that can have a tremendous impact on your affiliate program sales. That is if you know how to use them.

There are two types of search engine optimization, namely onsite and offsite. Firstly let us appreciate the fact that chances of you successfully using onsite optimization techniques to boost your affiliate program site so that it appears high in the rankings are very slim indeed. Your chances are much higher with offsite optimization.

The Real Power And Impact A Blog Can Have On Affiliate Program Sales

Blogs are real special in the eyes of search engines. To start with they tend to have plenty of content unlike conventional sites. The result is that a blog will almost always outrank a conventional site. This is a powerful advantage that can be used o capture huge chunks of targeted traffic and to then direct it to your affiliate program sales site.

But there is something about blogs that is even more powerful and valuable. Bloggers who specialize on a certain subject area are quite often considered experts in their fields. Imagine what would happen to your affiliate sales if you positioned yourself as an expert in affiliate programs and then referred or recommended your prospects to particular affiliate programs? Your affiliate sales would literally explode.

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How To Set Up A Successful Blog To Boost Your Affiliate Program Sales

Setting up a blog is easy. I would recommend that you start off with a free hosted blog. It may be a good idea to go with for several reasons. One of them is the fact that it is owned by Google and good search engine rankings should be at the top of your list of priorities. Select a niche related to your affiliate program sales that you know well and then use the overture keyword tool to research the most popular keywords related to your subject. You can then include that keyword in your domain name address. This will help you a lot with search engine rankings for that particular keyword phrase.

One other huge advantage that you will have with blogger is the fact that there is an increasingly popular blog search tool that indexes and lists blog very highly. This means even more traffic for you, especially if you can manage to make posts on a daily basis. Using Other people’s Blogs To Explode Your Affiliate Program Sales

Not many people know that you can use other people’s high traffic blogs to promote your own blog and even your affiliate program sales. You can easily do this by leaving comments. However I do not mean spam messages which everybody loathes. Since you are an expert on the subject it will be easy for you to leave intelligent comments. And make sure that you DO NOT link back to your site or affiliate program. Instead if it is blogger just make sure that you update your profile to include both a link to your blog and the affiliate program whose sales you want to promote. Other types of blog software automatically link every comment you make back to the site or blog you choose.

Using this comments facility, you can quickly grow the popularity of your blog literally overnight, which will give you much more ability to really promote your affiliate program sales.

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Why Banner Ads Are For Image, Not Sales

Many affiliate programs include very colorful and well designed banner advertisements in their marketing arsenal to be used for promotional activities by those who join the program. Many enthusiastic affiliates who join these programs try out these banner ads with very high expectations only to be greatly disappointed.

Actually banner ads are not a bad idea and can in fact be highly effective if you know how to use them properly and mostly to combine them with other types of ads to get the best results. Can Banner Ads Sell As Marketing Tools For Affiliate Programs?

The big question that we need to answer first is if banner ads are capable of selling. The answer to that question is that although they can, they are not really good at that task and one will need to receive millions of page views before their banner ads can receive a reasonably amount of clicks to make a sizeable amount of affiliate sales. It is important to understand the fact that people hate to be advertised to on the web and will go to great lengths to avoid advertisements. The problem with a colorful banner is the fact that it has the word “advertisement” written all over it.

On the other hand seemingly ugly, tiny text ads in one or two colors tend to achieve many more clicks and ultimately a lot more affiliate sales. This clearly tells you that text links are much more effective in selling and marketing an affiliate program. The Correct Way To Use Banner Ads In The Marketing Of Your Affiliate Program

The effective way to use banner ads is to use them to enhance the image of the affiliate product that your are marketing on the web, you can then go ahead

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and place your text links within the text on your site. The banner ads will help create a lot of awareness so that people know of your existence you should however not expect much from them in terms of clicks which you will then need to rely on the text ads for.

Actually you will be able to accomplish a lot more with this effective combination of banner ads and text ads in your affiliate program marketing. Do not accept to fall into the trap that many ignorant online entrepreneurs usually fall into of totally relying on banner ads for all their affiliate program marketing sales because chances are high that you will end up extremely disappointed.

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How An Email Opt In List Can Help Your Internet Affiliate Program Site

Take Off Like A Rocket

It may surprise you to learn that on of the fastest ways to get an Internet business, including an affiliate program opportunity, to really take off, is with the help of an opt-in email list. After all, those who have tried know how difficult it is to build up a sizeable opt-in email list these days.

The facts are that email has many issues, mainly stemming from the menace of spam email which continues to be a major problem. Because of this there are many people who do not even want to hear the phrase email marketing. How Does One Quickly Build An Opt-In Email List For Their Internet Affiliate Program?

Creativity still works and it is still the best way to solve all those knotty problems. You can use your existing content to create really useful special reports. The way to do this is to focus on the questions that your content answers and the problems it solves. Alternatively you can easily use your special knowledge to create such a special report. Once your report is ready, offer it via email to visitors who drop in at your website. To speed up the rate at which you grow your email list, you can split the special report into two and offer the second part in return for referrals. This should set off the kind of viral effect that will enable you to grow your email opt in list at blinding speed.

Another very effective strategy is to offer your special report for sale and then give your prospects the option of giving you referrals in exchange for the special report. Naturally to be able to do this you special report will have o

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represent real value and have the kind of information that folks will gladly pay for. This is not difficult if you focus your content on solving nagging and pressing problems that your prospects may be facing.

Yet another brilliant idea to help you grow your email opt-in list very fast to help you effectively market your Internet affiliate program is to offer valuable new products to your existing subscribers and then give them the option of paying fro them by referring others to register as subscribers to your list. Assume that your list has about 1000 names and the information product you want to sell is worth 5 referrals, you will easily be able to double your list if just 200 people successfully deliver their 5 referrals. That is how powerful this kind of viral marketing can be in helping you to market your Internet affiliate program.

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Affiliate Program Selection

How To Find The Right Affiliate Program For You

The reason why most affiliates fail is because they have no clue on how best to find the program that suits them best. The result is that they end up with a program that they don’t like and are in fact ill-equipped to succeed in and thus failure is inevitable even before they begin working their program. Find Something That You Are Good At For Your Affiliate Program

Many folks forget that competition on the web is very high and you are competing with the best in the world. It therefore makes a lot of sense to find an affiliate program where you will bring in some special advantages and will have an edge over your competition. For instance an affiliate program that is closely tied to your hobby is an excellent choice. Basically it will help a great deal of you find something that you love to do because the rule is that you are bound to be very good at what you love to do. It could also be the sort of affiliate program that requires skills that you picked up in earlier life.

Remember that most affiliate programs are run from the home, meaning that whatever you opt for, you will be stuck with 24/7. All the more reason why it had better be something that you like. Set up a trial timeline before committing to an Affiliate Program

One of the huge advantages on the web is the fact that it is so easy to test virtually anything, more so the affiliate program you find to see if it is capable of producing a good income for you.

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It is advisable to look for an affiliate program that gives plenty of support in terms of marketing, more so one that has clearly defined methods for generating leads and then converting as many of those leads as possible into actual affiliate product sales. Doing a fully fledged trial run to test and ensure that those systems work for you and even being able to estimate the kind of sales you will be able to make initially is very important.

For instance you can paste your affiliate link at your site to drive traffic to your affiliate site and then try to establish how many hits you need to make a single sale. By testing two or three programs in this way, you will be able to find the most lucrative and best affiliate program for you.

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Why Affiliate Programs Are The Most Profitable Online Business

There is no denying that ever since they were first introduced by at the inception of that giant website, affiliate programs have quickly emerged as the most profitable online business ever.

The most amazing thing that affiliate programs have done for many online businesses is to give them a source of revenue that allows many sites to be very profitable even as they continue to provide valuable services for free. They simply get paid for their traffic by lucrative affiliate programs that are closely related to the website or complement its’ activities.

Just to give you an example here. We have seen cases where a barely legal youngster launches a most profitable online business in the form of a blog based on an electronic gadget like the iPod picking up huge traffic within a very short space of time. Without any other form of expensive advertising other than getting others to link to him, the site soon becomes a phenomenon. The blogger then monetizes it by signing up for one or two highly relevant affiliate programs. Virtually overnight the site suddenly starts bringing in a five figure income for the owner. And yet even as the profits pour in, they can continue doing what they enjoy most—providing information about an electronic gadget that they really love even as they earn the kind of income that most people can only dream about.

And as if that excitement is not enough, there is the added advantage that there is really no limit to the kind of profits that an online business can earn. For starters a webmaster can sign up for several affiliate programs at the same time. If they are well organized it is possible to make substantial profits from each individual affiliate program.

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Affiliate programs in themselves have plenty of important advantages that make them amongst the most profitable online businesses. For starters the affiliate needs to concentrate on only driving traffic to their affiliate site. All the headaches of product delivery and customer service is handled by the affiliate program business and the affiliate just waits to earn their affiliate commission. That affiliate commission can often be as high as 60 per cent of the sale or even higher. In fact in many cases, online affiliates earn much more profit than the affiliate program business owners and naturally much more than if they were running a fully fledged business on their own.

There is really no argument that affiliate programs are the most profitable and convenient of online businesses.

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Common Errors most Affiliates make

1. Not Maximizing Potential Income off Existing Traffic: This is by far the most common mistake affiliates make online. Many if not all of the super affiliates I talk too about this issue feel they could be squeezing more money out of their networks but want to do it without being too invasive. There are several things I would recommend on a general level although each site and niche is different: * Proper Analytics – If you are not using a program like Google analytics you can pour over your raw search logs to see exactly who is doing what on your site and when. With this detailed info, combined with the tweaking of your campaigns and landing pages, your conversions can dramatically increase. * Split Testing – Split Testing is a smart way to test your site’s pages fast. Make several variations of landing pages on your site, where the traffic is converting. Then split your traffic up to different landing pages at a ratio you choose, and tweak, tweak, tweak. * Geo Targeting – Many people from various countries around the world are not likely allowed to sign up for the same offers as your main target audience. You should geo-target your ads or your entire site based on browser settings or IP address of the user. I can’t tell you the number of times I have clicked through a CPA type submission form/pay to signup type ad, and I get redirected telling me “This offer is not available in your area”.

2. Great CPA programs will have something sweet for other countries set up automatically on redirect AND credit you the redirect – Most do NOT so it is up to you to drive your country-specific traffic to the proper country-specific affiliate programs. For the record I am from Canada which is close to the USA and many offers are not available to us – just think about the other 192 countries that could possibly visit your site.

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3. Not Learning the Basics of SEO: This is definitely not as widespread as the others on this list, but it had to be included because it is so important. For most this is more than a hobby, so you better learn to do it right. Aaron Wall’s SEO Book is the best beginner’s SEO book on the market. Although SEO is a complex art that is changing everyday, the very basics of SEO can be grasped by most webmasters and there is no excuse not too. One thing I’d like to add is the real “common mistake” here is not learning advanced SEO tactics. Especially if you are the “SEO guy” I would recommend reading every publication you can get your hands on including all of the black hat stuff too. You just need to know what is going on even if you’re hat is white as snow.

4. Not Establishing Relationships and Rapport with Affiliate Managers: Getting to know your affiliate managers is a major advantage, especially if you can do it in person. They are much more likely to answer quickly and put you ahead of others if there is a connection and rapport. That last statement may seem unfair but it is simply human nature.

5. Failure to Capture a User’s Email Address: It is so simple to include an option for a newsletter on your site and capture an e-mail. This way you can push new promotions or site updates to an already interested audience, while building your brand. Even if it is an individual who might not be converting right away, they are showing interest in learning more, and creating a targeted converting point for you.

6. Choosing The Wrong Affiliate Program: Just because “Joe’s Bait Shop Online” is offering 75% profit share, does not mean it is the right choice for you as an affiliate. You should read some of the major affiliate marketing blogs and forums to find out the credibility of different affiliate programs in your niche. There are too many “veterans” on the forums and blogs lately complaining about affiliate programs even though they are still pushing them. I don’t care what niche you are in there are enough affiliate program options to go around – if there is a big problem with one then drop it and don’t waste your time or breath on them anymore.

7. Promoting Too Many Programs at Once: Many affiliates promote too many programs at once. It often makes more sense financially to promote the highest converting programs only, and then trying to increase your CPA or Rev Share because of increased volume to a particular program.

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8. Giving Up On Current Projects Over and Over: This would be OK to do if you are going to follow through on the new project and the old one is really toast. Unfortunately, however, I have seen countless affiliates follow this pattern over and over instead of being consistent with their current ventures. There will be ups and downs when you promote your websites it’s as simple as that. Overcoming these obstacles is what separates long-term super affiliates from the one hit wonders.

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What is new for affiliates now?

As affiliates online, we are susceptible to the fast paced changing environment that we work in. Good affiliates follow new trends, and leverage technology and advances on the internet to their benefits. 2007 has seen large increases in the way webmaster’s are gaining and rapidly mastering the following:

1. Social Bookmarking – Social bookmarking is a way for users to share and store their bookmarked and favorite web pages. Many of these sites have become very large, in terms of both page rank and authority. Never before have so many webmasters been utilizing social bookmarking sites to promote their own sites or products. When another web user sees a site that many people claim is good, it is human nature to check it out. For webmasters, social bookmarking is all about viral marketing. With so many different options though, it’s hard to know where to start. Here are a few of my favorites. * StumbleUpon : Hands down, StumbleUpon drives the most easy and consistent traffic to nearly any niche you are in. It is particularly powerful for launching new sites – from gambling to real estate, there is truly a market for everyone. There are tons of people gaming SU everyday, trading stumbles and buying them. The fact that this is becoming increasingly rampant probably indicates it’s working. While that is true, however, it requires a lot of grunt work you may not have time for. That being said, my favorite trick on StumbleUpon is to create something good and entertaining or interesting and then buy the traffic directly from StumbleUpon itself. The traffic is relatively cheap with very, very detailed targeting options and I find if you had good content in the first place, the stumbles just snowball and you see much, much more traffic than you paid for. * : is a popular social bookmarking service owned by Yahoo! and can drive a significant amount of targeted traffic. * : Of course, Digg is the big one and hitting the coveted homepage is a common cause for servers being down. * : This is the old Netscape, a smart re-brand in my opinion.

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* : Technorati is huge, and a very popular social bookmarking site. * : Digg like site that can drive very decent traffic. 2. Video + Podcasts – With every passing day, more and more of the world’s population are upgrading their computers to be able to handle video. Podcasts are becoming hugely popular and mainstream. To see a site with very professional podcasts, check out WebmasterRadio - As an affiliate you’ll probably want to stick around and listen to a few shows too. I could go on and on about the great shows on this network, but considering SEO Rockstars will be back later this September I promise you that alone is reason enough to tune in. 3. Mashups – Creating a mashup is a great way to get a site to go viral fast. A mashup generally “mashes” a bunch of information together using various sources like API and RSS feeds. Generally speaking, any affiliate can make a mashup in any niche although skeptics claim that only those sites using private interfaces and applications are true “mashups”. 4. Social Networking – Social Networking, which is different than social bookmarking, is the one of the newest ways to promote your affiliate sites. With no sugar coating, there are affiliates making 7 figures riding on social network’s backs. This level may be hard to attain, but it gives you an idea of how beneficial these sites can be for your brand. If you want an updated list of social networking sites and their user base, check it here. 5. More Outsourcing Options – The “I can’t work with anyone overseas b/c they don’t understand me” is a cliché and definitely erroneous in today’s global workforce. The best super affiliates always outsource more work then they can handle and the options are really endless. Without even going into the markets at various webmaster and niche forums, you can generally find any help you need from grunt work SEO to Fully Ran Websites or Networks and anything in between.

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