Poetry For Ba Students

  • June 2020
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LyallPur Guide On Antholog By Abdul Razaq Sadiq Dedication I dedicate this book to Muhammad Hasseb, Mian Muhammad Usman, Ch Nadeem Iqbal , and Muhammad Ahsan Sahib who are my asset of pride. Preface The prime focus and aim of this book is to make the most suitable and precise material available at the disposal of the students of graduation. An other significant purpose a nd vital object of this attempt is to encourage the students to develop among them an i ndividual and distinct approach to handle the papers of English. The questions are deal t in an efficient manner. The presentations of the answers is very apt. I am quite hope ful that this book be instrumental in paving the way of the students towards a bright a nd honourable future. Abdul Razaq Sadiq Email: [email protected] Contact No:0314-3038453@0332-6650814 Contents QNo.1.What is this life if full of care. Discuss. QNo.2.The modern man is worse than the animals. Discuss. QNo.3.Leisur presents the picture of a busy American life. Discuss. QNo.4.We have no time to stand and stare. Discuss. QNo.5.How does the poet personify the beauty? QNo.6. Discuss Tartary as an imaginary land. QNo.7. How the musical instruments would make the music gay? QNo.8. Why does the poet want to become the sole lord of Tartary? QNo.9. Why does the poetess want to remain quiet? QNo.10. What are the bonny arms of reality? QNo.11.Who I am. Discuss. QNo.12.What is the idealization of a domestic woman? QNo.13. What is domestic life of the American women? QNo.14. What is the significance of the rebel for social change? QNo.15. Discuss The Rebel as a humorous poem? QNo.16. Discuss Patriot Into Traitor as a monologue? QNo.17. How the patriot was welcomed by the people? QNo.18.This poem has relevance to the political drama of the third world countries. Di scuss. QNo.19. “Talking brought me here”. Discuss. QNo.20. Discuss ‘The Huntsman’ as a folk tale? QNo.21. Discuss Kagwa as an insane character? QNo.22. What are the elements of suspense in the poem “The Huntsman”. QNo.23. The art of losing things is not hard to master. Discuss. QNo.24. What are the elements of irony in this poem? QNo.25. Why does the girl sing a melancholic song? QNo.26. Why does the poet compare the melodious song of the girl with the song of c uckoo and nightingale?

QNo.27. Discuss “The Solitary Reaper” as a romantic poem. QNo.28. Describe the seven stages of a man’s life. QNo.29. Discuss the (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) stage of a man’s life. QNo.30. What is Eliot’s idealism? QNo.31. The poem “Departure And Arrival” is for the youth. Discuss. QNo.32. Discuss the journey of the poetess towards eternity? QNo.33. The poetess has discussed the three stages of life in this poem. Discuss. QNo.34. What is the moral lesson of the poem “A Poison Tree”? QNo.35. “Sleep is an equalizing factor”. Discuss. QNo.36. What does the empty barrel signify? QNo.37. What sort of sleep the apple picker is going to have? QNo.38. How does the hawk boast about his physical powers? QNo.39. What are the modern or urban elements in the poem “Say This City Has Ten M illion Souls”. QNo.40. Why does the poet curse his modern education? Leisure QNo.1.What is this life if full of care. Discus Ans. William Davies has presented the miserable situation of modern man in the modern world. The human life has undergone a complete change. Man has changed his mind and ideas about this universe, under the influence of science and materialism. The Modern man has adopted materialistic ways of life. This modern way of life has brought coun tless problems for him. He has to work like a machine for many hours. He has no time to enjoy the pleasures of life. He can not stay in the company of natural objects for enjoyment. He is constantly worried about the worldly success. The simple pleasures of life have become useless for him. The cares and worries of life have made this lif e a charm less burden and an unhappy thing for him. QNo.2.The modern man is worse than the animals. Discuss. Ans. In this poem the poet has presented a very pathetic situation of man in the moder n world. The arrival of materialism has introduced new ways of leading life. The value of natural objects has decreased to a considerable extent. The modern man has nothing to do with the pleasures provided to him by the natural things. He leads his entire l ife among the sky high building and then departs to the next world. The modern man is worse than the animals due to his separation and isolation from the natural things of the world. The animals are better than a modern man because they can enjoy the pleasur e of the natural objects every time. The modern man considers that money and status ar e inevitable things for his life. His view is one-sided. QNo.3.Leisur presents the picture of a busy American life. Discuss. Ans. This poem presents a man who has no time to stand beneath the trees like the anim als and enjoy the natural beauty of the natural objects. The poet has tried to show th e hectic and busy life of the American people with the help of this simple poem. The A merican people have emerged as the trend setters in the world. They have adopted the m odern ways of life where there is no scope for the enjoyment from the natural objects. The life of the American people centres on the material advancement. There is given n o importance to the spiritual calmness and the natural objects for happiness. They han ker after the worldly success. The value of natural things has no meaning for these ma terialistic people of America. QNo.4.We have no time to stand and stare. Discuss.

Ans. William Davies is remarkable due to his modern themes. The theme of this poem is that the modern man is using his time and energy for the material benefits. He has no concern with the other things that can provide happiness to his soul. The modern man o f the present age has broken his relation with the natural world. The natural world wi th its beautiful objects is a source of real pleasure. The hectic activities of this m odern life have made the minds and bodies of the people tired. The beauty of nature ca n sooth the minds and souls of the modern people. The presence of trees, streams, star s and the tiny things can provide happiness to the modern man but he has no interest i n natural things. He consumes his time for the worldly gains and thinks it the wastage of time to join the company of the natural things. QNo.5.How does the poet personify the beauty? Ans. William Davies is an American poet and he has used the personification as an effect ive poetic device to convey his ideas to the reader. Personification is a poetic device used by the poets to give living qualities and traits to an inanimate thing. This techni que adds beauty to the poem. In this poem the poet has personified beauty by giving it various attributes of the livin g beings. While reading this poem we feel that beauty is smiling before our eyes. We begi n to feel that it is dancing in every object of nature. Its ensnaring dance and alluring smile have great appeal and attraction for the onlookers. This personification of the bea uty helps to shift the attention of the people towards the natural objects that contain b eauty. QNo.6. Discuss Tartary as an imaginary land. Ans. This poem is replete with various imaginations of the poet. These imaginations see m like the yearnings or the long-standing desires that the poet wants to materialise in Tartary. Tartary is the picture of an imaginary world that is developed and structured by the vi sion of the poet. The poet wants to become the lord of the Tartary to realize his fanta stic dreams. The poem also has a dream like quality. This poem gives the impression tha t the poet is weaving various dreams about a strange and fanciful land. He wants to liv e there like a majestic lord. He wants to be invited for his meal. He has dreams for ro yal dress, throne and royal palace. The discussion of the musical instruments also help s to make this poem an imaginary poem. QNo.7. How the musical instruments would make the music gay? Ans. The poet has a strong desire to become the lord of Tartary. He has expressed his d esire of becoming the lord in this poem with the help of various imaginations. The poet knows that his life in Tartary as its lord will lose its charm in the absence of sweet music. He accepts the importance of the music for soothing his tired mind and nerves. The poet thinks that with out music his life in the palace will become a victim of mono tony. He does not want to lead his majestic life replete with dullness. He will need pa ssion and change for this purpose and various instruments will be helpful to create mel odious songs. It is also an important point to note that music has deep relation with t he palaces and the kings in every age. The poet also wants to maintain this tradition o f music in the court of Tartary. QNo.8. Why does the poet want to become the sole lord of Tartary? Ans. The poet has painted a beautiful picture of a fanciful land with the help of his i magination. The deep analysis of this poem reveals that the poet has cherished a very d eep desire to become the lord of a country. He imagines a beautiful world and them cons

iders himself to be the lord of this imaginary land. This may be a long standing desire of the poet to hold an imaginary world under his sway. He thinks that he will lead a m ajestic life in the palace of Tartary. He will be the owner of the vallies, streams, Tr ees Mountains and birds of Tartary. He will be invited for royal meal by the trumpeters . The matchless beauty and charm of Tartary may be the significant reason behind the ye arning of the poet to become the sole lord of Tartary. QNo.9. Why does the poetess want to remain quiet? Ans. This poem presents the mystic and spiritual concepts of the poetess. This poem is remarkable due to its simplicity of thought and expression. This poem presents the ne w year resolutions of the poetess. It is a common habit of the prudent human beings to take stock of their failures and achievements of the previous year and make new resol utions for the forth coming year. The poetess has a mystical bent of mind and she has decided to observe silence during th e new year. The poetess wants to remain quiet because it will help her to purify her sou l. The mystic people consider silence essential for the purgation of their souls. The re ligious people also use it for the spiritual purposes. This is the serious resolution of the poetess. We can also achieve human greatness by purifying our souls with the help o f silence. QNo.10. What are the bonny arms of reality? Ans. The new-year resolutions made by the poetess have a universal appeal. It is the thi rd resolution of the poetess to face the bonny arms of reality with constant passion and endurance. The arms of reality are always bonny and hard for all the human beings. This line seems quite ambiguous in its meanings. However, the bonny arms of reality may be t he hardships and bitterness of life that rob the charms of life. The poetess has made a strong determination and resolution to stand eye to eye with all the bitter realities of life. She will face the bitterness of life with a broad mind. She will not succumb to t he dire threats of life during the new-year. She will remain steadfast in all her noble aims. It is against the dignity of man to yield before the trying circumstances and acce pt defeat. This resolution exposes the strong determination and will power of the poetes s to lead her life with honour and pride. QNo.11.Who I am. Discuss. Ans. This poem is remarkable due to the mystic resolutions of the poetess. It is an impo rtant resolution of the poetess that shows a very deep concern of the poetess for the pu rpose of her creation. It is still an enigma for man to understand the purpose of his cr eation. He thinks that his creation has a purpose. In every age, man struggled hard to r esolve this issue but he is still in the beginning of this spiritual journey. The poetes s has made her mind to start this tradition and a spiritual journey towards the destinat ion of her recognition. This resolution also reveals the seriousness of her mission. In simple words, the poetess intends to recognize herself with this instrument. She wants t o reach at the conclusion about the about the aim of human existence. QNo.12.What is the idealization of a domestic woman? Ans. Maya Angleau is a very famous and popular American poetess. The theme of this po em is the domestic life of an American woman. This poem consists of two segments. The first segment deals with the domestic responsibilities of a household woman. These d uties are discussed very elaborately. In the second part of this poem, the poetess pr esents the idealization of a busy woman. The household responsibilities put an unwant

ed burden on her mind and nerves. She performs all her domestic duties very skilfully . As a consequence, she feels tired and wants some rest to restore her physical balan ce and mental energy. She starts idealization and wants to spend some time in the lap of natural things. She invites the storm, snow, rain, moon glow and other things to give her company and peace of mind. This idealization gives courage, normality and ba lance to the tired domestic woman to survive in the world with confidence. QNo.13. What is domestic life of the American women? Ans. The American society is remarkable due to its hectic life style. This poem depic ts the picture of the busy life of the American women who have no time to enjoy the p leasures of life. This society has become very modern and complex. These women are al so performing their household duties in an efficient manner. The poetess discusses a typical domestic woman who performs various domestic duties in a routine manner. She prepares the food for her family. She buys household things from the bazaar. She clea ns the floor to keep her house neat and clean. She also mends the clothes of her chil dren. This is the picture of a working woman and it depicts the whole life pattern of the American women. The duties discussed by the poetess in the poem constitute the r outine life of the American women. They feel tired and want relaxation in the company of natural objects. QNo.14. What is the significance of the rebel for social change? Ans. D. J. Enright has presented the humorous character of a rebel. This poem generates laughter among the readers and informs us about the significance of a rebel for the huma n society. It is the common habit of the people to live and order their lives according to the set norms of the social culture. There are present in the society various social institutions that teach the people to live according to the established social norms. Th ese institutions help to control social disorder and disharmony. It is a fact that human beings need change and variety to add charm to their lives. The similarity and homogeneity of opinion and dress create dullness in life. The poet expo ses the importance of the rebel for the human society. The rebels have their own signif icance. They help to bring social change. Their manners, habits and actions are all nec essary to make life a happy experience. They teach others the new ways of leading life. QNo.15. Discuss The Rebel as a humorous poem? Ans. This poem presents a serious social message with the help of the humorous manners of the rebel. The rebel has a humorous character. He creates humour by his words, act ions, likes and dislikes. The rebel shows a different kind of behaviour at various occ asions of his life. He acts against the normal standards of social life. He sits in th e company of dog lovers and expresses his preferences for cats. His strange preference s also create humour among the people. He attends his class with fantastic clothes to win the attention of others. His strange dress also provides humour to the others. His conversation is also against the social norms. He uses uncommon words and phrases to demonstrate himself. His language has many elements of interest for others. It seems t hat the rebel has a serious aim of providing cheep humour to others by his funny manners. QNo.16. Discuss Patriot Into Traitor as a monologue? Ans. Robert Browning has won large fame due to his monologues. This poem is also the monologue of Robert Browning. The theme of this poem is the change of the political s etup and as a result the patriot is transformed into a traitor by the new ruler. The

patriot has been given death sentence and now he is going towards the gallows for the punishment. The patriot is talking with himself about the changed political environm ent of the city. He was accorded a very warm welcome when he was the popular leader o f the people. He also talks about the devotion of the people for him a year before. T hey spread roses and other fragrant flowers on his path to welcome him. After one yea r, the political condition has undergone a change. The people of the city have change d their minds and shifted their loyalties towards new leader. The people who showered rose petals on him are now throwing stones on him for his misdeeds. This is the stor y that patriot reveals to us through his conversation with himself. QNo.17. How the patriot was welcomed by the people? Ans. This poem is a monologue of a patriot. The patriot was warmly welcomed by the peo ple of his country. He tells that he did every possible service of the people. The people of his country had great love and respect for him when he was their favouri te leader. When he entered the city there was present a great mob of the people in the streets and on the roofs of the houses to welcome him. They decorated his path with v arious flowers to welcome him. The people of his country were at his command and ready to carry out his directives. There were cries and slogans of the people in the street s. The huge buildings of the city seemed to heave and sway under the weight of the vis itors. The bells were ringing in his honour. Hence, the patriot received a very warm w elcome from the people before a year. QNo.18.This poem has relevance to the political drama of the third world countries. Di scuss. Ans. This poem deals with the saga of the political rise and fall of a popular leader. H e served his nation and earned great fame as a patriot. But after one year, the politica l system assumes a change. There emerges a new leader on the scene. He paints a very dis mal picture of the patriot to change and control the minds of the people in his favour. He succeeds in his mission to a great extent. This poem has a great relevance to the political situation of the third world countries. The political leaders rise to prominence in third world countries and occupy the minds of the people for some time. But after some years another leader appears with the public support. He tries to stay in power. But his opponents do not give him chance to hold th e power for a long time. There are also present political intrigues and leg pulling in t he poor countries. This poem presents a true political picture of the third world countr ies. QNo.19. “Talking brought me here”. Discuss. Ans. This poem seems like the folk takes that are still very popular in the world. This poem deals with a skull that can talk. This talking of the skull increases the suspens e of this tale. Kagwa is an African hunter. He hunts lions with his spears. One day he finds a skull in the forest. He asks the skull a very strange question. The skull opens its mouth and replies that talking has brought it in the forest. The skull has explain ed its whole story in clear words by this simple sentence. This sentence of the skull c arries a message for Kagwa. But Kagwa is an insane person. He is unable to understand t he truth that is contained in this simple sentence. He pays no head to the message of t his sentence and becomes a victim of misfortune. The guards kill kagwa in the forest fo r his worthless talking with the king. But Kagwa comes to know about the meanings of th is sentence after his own death. QNo.20. Discuss ‘The Huntsman’ as a folk tale?

Ans. This poem has the atmosphere of a folk tale. There are present several elements of the folk tale in this poem. The folk tales have strange things to fascinate the readers and the listeners. This poem contains several strange things. This poem has the atmosphe re of the forest and hunting of the lions by a hunter. Again there is a discussion of sp ears, guards and a king to make this poem like a folk tale. In common and practical life we can not find talking skulls. The presence of a talking skull in this poem also creat es the atmosphere of a folk tale. There is also found the discussion of death in this po em. The folk tales also have the elements of death. This poem has also suspense which is essential for a folk tale. Again the ruthless murder of the hunter at the end of this p oem helps to make this poem a folk tale and an interesting piece of writing. QNo.21. Discuss Kagwa as an insane character? Ans. The Huntsman presents the character of an insane fellow. His name is Kagwa. He has to suffer death due to his insanity. He is an artless fellow. Kagwa goes for hunting t he lions and other mighty animals in the forest. There is no doubt about his insanity y et he knows the art of hunting well. He is insane because he is unable to grasp the mea ning of the sentence spoken by the skull. The skull gives him a moral lesson or a messa ge that talking has caused its death. It was a kind of warning for Kagwa that he should also abstain from useless talking. But he does not understand this moral lesson due to his insanity. He repeats the same blunder again and goes to inform the king about the strange skull. The king takes his information with a grain of salt. Kagwa fails to prov e the truth of his statement. In this way his insanity brings about his tragic death. QNo.22. What are the elements of suspense in the poem “The Huntsman”. Ans. This poem has the atmosphere of suspense. The skull and its sentence “talking bro ught me here” create enough suspense for the reader. The skull utters this sentence in the beginnings and at the end of this poem. This sentence of the skull also creates s uspense in Kagwa and the minds of the readers. After hearing this sentence Kagwa is in suspense and wants the king to solve this riddle. The king does not believe in what K agwa says. He sends his two guards with Kagwa to find out the strange skull. The skull is found but it does not say any word at the humble requests of Kagwa. The guards kil led Kagwa and the riddle of the talking skull remained unsolved. After his death Kagwa comes to know about the secret meanings of this sentence spoken by the skull and thus the suspense of the talking skull comes to an end. QNo.23. The art of losing things is not hard to master. Discuss. Ans. In this poem the poetess tries to convince the readers that the specific art of losi ng things is not hard to master. She wants to say that this art seems very difficult to l earn but in fact it is very simple and easy to learn. She suggests various ways to train the people in this specific art. This art has great value in practical human life. There are various losses and gains in life that give pleasure or botheration to the human mind. It is a common habit of man that he takes all possible precautions to avoid the loss. Ho wever, loss and gain are an essential part of human life. The poetess wants to prepare ou r minds for contentment. This art of losing things can help us to learn the virtue of con tentment. In the beginning, this art seems difficult to learn but in the later stages we can master it with ease. This art also helps in increasing the real human happiness. QNo.24. What are the elements of irony in this poem? Ans. The poem “One Art” presents a very simple theme of learning the art of losing thin gs. The poetess suggests that this art is not hard to master. This art is very easy to master. This poem has deep irony in its words and meanings. The poetess says again and again that this art of losing things is not difficult to master. But the deeper analysi

s of this poem reveals that this art is not easy to master. The practice of this art de mands an extraordinary human courage, wisdom and patience. These great virtues are rare in human beings. The human beings do not like to lose their personal things. They take utmost care to save their precious and valuable things. A meagre loss of a thing gives much pain and trouble to a man. While keeping in view this discussion we can say that this poem has deep irony in its message and meanings. This art of losing thing looks ve ry simple but in practical life it is very hard to act upon. QNo.25. Why does the girl sing a melancholic song? Ans. In this poem the poet has narrated a memorable event of his past life. The poet w as passing through a valley and he came across a lonely girl. She was working in the c orn fields. The poet saw that she was reaping the crop and singing a melodious song. T he song of the girl attracts the poet much. The poet did not understand the native lan guage of the girl. He was also unable to comprehend the meanings of her song. But he c ould understand quite easily the language of melancholy and pathos of the song. The po et was fascinated much by the deep melancholy of the song. The poet makes a guess abou t the reasons and causes of her sad song. He guesses that the past events, wars and su fferings of her life may be the cause of her sad song. The poet thinks that the girl i s singing a melancholic song due to her past miseries and sufferings. It also seems to him that the girl is singing a sad song due to the memories of the relatives that hav e departed her. There seems present the element of sorrow in her life that forces her to sing a sad song. QNo.26. Why does the poet compare the melodious song of the girl with the song of c uckoo and nightingale? Ans. The poet was wandering in a mountainous area and he found there a lonely girl. Sh e was singing a melodious song while bending over her sickle. The poet was wonderstruc k by the melody of her song. The language of the song was alien to the poet but he cou ld understand easily the subtle language of the melody. The melody of the song arreste d the mind and feet of the poet. He stood three to listen the song of the girl. He com pares the song of girl with the song of cuckoos and nightingales to pay rich tribute t o her song. He says that the nightingales of Arabia sing the melodious songs but they have no comparison with the melodious song of the highland girl. The cuckoos of the fa r off islands can not sing a sweet song like the melodious song of the girl. This poem deals with the melodious song of the girl and its strong impact on the heart of the p oet. QNo.27. Discuss “The Solitary Reaper” as a romantic poem. Ans. William is a romantic poet. This poem is remarkable due to several romantic elemen ts. The romantic poetry contains some specific elements like imagination, natural thing s and the memories of the past. This poem also comprises several romantic features that are discussed below. The poet has described the presence of solitary lass in a corn fi eld. The poet has mentioned several natural elements like the valley, islands, cuckoos, nightingales and the corn fields in this poem to give it a romantic touch. The romanti c poems also have a dream like quality. It seems that the solitary girl is dreaming and imaging about some events of her past life. She is busy in the thoughts of her past li fe and gives vent to her feelings in the shape of a melodious song. This song becomes t he part of the poet's memories and he can recollect this song due to its melody when ev er he wants. QNo.28. Describe the seven stages of a man’s life. Ans. William Shakespeare is popular in the literary world due to his excellent dramas

and poems. In this poem, the poet has divided the human life in seven stages. The poet has discussed the seven stages of a man’s life in a very elaborate manner. In this po em he gives us a complete and comprehensive picture of the human life. The journey of the human life starts from infancy when the baby cries and creates botheration for his nurse. After some years he enters into a new stage of his life and becomes a boy who does not like to go to school. In the next stage he becomes a restless lover who sings ballads to praise the beauty of his beloved. In the fifth stage he becomes a greedy s oldier who does not fear from death and is ready to go to the mouth of cannon for chea p reputation. The sixth stage of a man’s life is also very important. He becomes a jud ge and influences others by his wisdom and modern instances. In the last stage, the hu man body becomes a skeleton. He loses his teeth, eyes and ears. He becomes a child again. QNo.29. Discuss the (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) stage of a man’s life. Ans. William Shakespeare is a remarkable literary figure due to his deep knowledge of h uman psychology. His dramas and poems have earned great fame for him. The subject of th is poem is man who comes in this world in the form of a baby. His life resembles the li fe of a stage actor. Like an actor he plays seven roles on the stage of life and then q uits this stage in his old age. The poet has discussed the seven stages of a man’s life very elaborately. The depiction of all the stages of human life is very interesting an d real. His strong and energetic body loses its strength. His legs become quite thin. T he old age snatches the teeth, ears and eyes from man. His voice produces whistles when he speaks. He loses his physical powers and becomes a chill again. He forgets all the significant events of his life. In this stage he is ready to become the prey of death a nd a part of his grave. QNo.30. What is Eliot’s idealism? QNo.30. Discuss Eliot as a poet of hope and optimism? Ans. Eliot is the poet of hope. This poem presents Eliot’s idealism and optimism. The p oet has tried to give a message of hope to the youth. The poet believes in the brighter aspects of life. He thinks that the human problems can be conquered by man with a posi tive mind. In this poem Eliot has tried to preach his specific optimism and idealism in his particular style. The theme of this poem is the arrival of the new century with it s massive new challenges. The poet thinks that the new century will pose new challenges to the youth. He is optimistic that the new heroes and great persons will emerge in th is century and they will help to conquer the pain and miseries of human life. The poet tries to persuade the youth of the new century to come forward and grapple with the cha llenges of life and defeat the hardships of life. He gives the message of hope to the y outh and invites them to bring the hurdles of life under their sway. QNo.31. The poem “Departure And Arrival” is for the youth. Discuss. Ans. Eliot is the poet of courage and idealism. This poem gives hope and passion to th e young people. This poem presents the journey of humanity in the new century. The arr ival of the new century brings new problems for the human beings. This poem addresses the young people who have capabilities to handle and counter the challenges of life in future. They have passion and courage to win the battle against the human miseries. T hey do not lose heart and hope in the hours of trial. They remain confident about succ ess in the moments of crisis. This poem gives hope and courage to the young people and urges them to fight against the hardships of life. They can reduce the scale of human miseries by their heroic deeds. The poet has called these young people the great sons of the new century. The flag of victory is in their hands and they have to conquer th e new heights and lead the mankind towards a better future.

QNo.32. Discuss the journey of the poetess towards eternity? Ans. In this poem Emily Dickinson has described her cordial relation with her death. The concept of death in this poem reveals the fact that death does not destroy life. It ser ves as a medium to impart eternity to man. Death is not an unkind enemy rather it is an affectionate friend that shows the poetess her destination of eternity. The poetess thin ks that the arrival of death in not without a purpose. Her death intends to take her tow ards the eternal world. The poetess reaches her grave to explore the eternal world. She has spent centuries in her grave but she feels that she has spent a very short period in the grave. She has realized in her grave that she has attained eternity in this house o f dust and darkness. Thus, death provided her opportunity to realize her dream of eterni ty in her grave. QNo.33. The poetess has discussed the three stages of life in this poem. Discuss. Ans. The poetess presents death in a new perspective. She has described her journey towa rds the grave in the company of death. She has described her experience with death in he r specific poetic manner. In this poem the poetess has also discussed the three staged o f her life. She starts her journey towards her grave in a death carriage. Her carriage p asses by a school where the school children are playing in a circle. It is a recess peri od and the children are busy in games. It depicts the childhood or the early age of the poetess. Then the carriage of the poetess reaches the fields of the gazing grain. The fi elds of grain represent the youth or the ripe age of the poetess. The poetess also expla ins the scene of the setting sun to discuss the final stage of her life. She reaches her grave after passing through these essential stages of her life. At the end she becomes a part of her grave. QNo.34. What is the moral lesson of the poem “A Poison Tree”? Ans. The poet has highlighted the destructives implications of mistrust and misundersta nding with the help of this simple poem. This poem presents a simple story of a friend who gets angry with his friend due to some insignificant matter. He does not conceal hi s anger and wrath from his friend. He opens his heart before his friend and informs him about the reason of his anger. His anger comes to an end. Their friendship is revived again. The poet gets angry with his foe but conceals his anger from his enemy. This enm ity begins to grow and assumes the shapes of a serious hatred. This rivalry results int o the death of his enemy. This poem reveals the fact that friendship is a highly valuab le thing. It should be protected from the poison of distrust and misunderstanding. Frie ndship is an important human relationship and mistrust is the enemy of this relation. QNo.35. “Sleep is an equalizing factor”. Discuss. Ans. The theme of the poem is sleep and the role of sleep in human life. The poet consi ders sleep an equalizing factor. Sleep is a very strange thing. It has the power to dom inate all the human minds. It has power to equalize the sorrows and pleasures of life. When it arrive the dearest face or the interesting book does not remain important for m an. He sets aside every thing to go into the unknown world of sleep. In sleep the human beings forget their sorrows and worries. This sleep makes the human beings equal. This human equality is due the factor of sleep. It is like a deep forest and the human bein gs merge into it to gain equality. The poet says that sleep is a natural phenomenon and the human beings can not escape from its spell. The vital role of sleep is to impart e quality to the human beings. QNo.36. What does the empty barrel signify? Ans. Robert Frost is a remarkable American poet and his poems present the modern theme

s. This poem is about a person who is standing on a ladder. He is busy in picking appl es from the branches of the trees. He has filled many empty barrels with apples. He wa nts to do more labour to fill the barrels that are still empty. While standing on the ladder, he feels that sleep is hovering over his mind. He knows about his dreams. He t hinks that apples will appear in his dreams. These apples signify the human dreams and desires that are still unfulfilled. The empty barrels are the desires of the apple picker that he wants to achieve before the arrival of sleep. He wants to fulfil these empty barrels before he goes into the unknown world o f sleep. QNo.37. What sort of sleep the apple picker is going to have? Ans. In this poem, the poet has presented sleep as a natural need of man. The apple pic ker is standing on a ladder and is busy in his day’s work. This long labour of the day has made him tried. He is about to be seized by his sleep. He knows that he dreams abou t the big apple will appear in his dreams. The apples are his desires that he wants to realize. It means that he will watch his desires in the form of dreams in his sleep. It is sure that the apple picker is going to have sleep. What sort of sleep he is going t o have is an ambiguous question. The sleep in this poem also symbolizes death. The slee p can also be considered a normal human sleep that has a fixed duration. It can also be in the form of a long sleep that is experienced by the wood chuck. There may be any ki nd of sleep that the apple picker is going to have. QNo.38. How does the hawk boast about his physical powers? Ans. Ted Hughes is famous due to his animal poetry. This poem also belongs to his an imal poem. This poem presents a hawk that is proud of his physical powers and strong limbs. The hawk boasts like an absolute monarch who takes pride in his tremendous powers. In t his poem the hawk is talking to himself about his strong and sharp body limbs. He says to himself that God has created him to award death to the other birds. His eyes can det ect his prey from a long distance. He can tear the bodies and bones of other birds with his sharp claws. He thinks that he is the ruler of this world. He has the authority an d power to allot death to the birds. He is the ruler of the sky. His creator has design ed his body and limbs in a very superb manner. QNo.39. What are the modern or urban elements in the poem “Say This City Has Ten M illion Souls”. 1. Ans. This poem deals with the miserable condition of the Jews in America. The Ger men Jews took refuge in America in large number to avoid the cruelties of the ruthle ss rulers of the European countries. The Jews had to face countless problems in Amer ica. This poem contains the problems of the Germen Jews. The poet has used the moder n and urban elements to discuss the miseries of the Jews in America. The poet has used the modern words like passport, conferences, and buildings to highlight that the German Jews have no freedom to move freely like the birds, and fish. The condition of the Jews is worse than the pet animals. They animals enjoy co mplete attention and care of the people but the Jews have no place in this human soci ety. The Jews are human beings but they have no identity of their own. The poet has e xpressed his sad feelings with the help of the modern elements like pass ports and co nferences. QNo.40. Why does the poet curse his modern education? Ans. D.H.Lawrence has cursed his modern education due to his odd behaviour with the sn ake. The poet saw that a beautiful snake was drinking water on his water trough. The s

nake looked like a ruler of the under world. The snake had majestic manners. He drank water like an animal and began to enter into a hole in the wall. The poet did not like to disturb the snake while he was drinking water. When the snake was about to enter h is body into the hole, the poet took a log of wood in his hand to kill the snake. The poet felt sorry for his odd behaviour with the snake. He thinks that the snake came li ke a great guest. His behaviour with the snake was not according to the majesty and ho nour of that great guest. He thinks that his modern education forced him to become cru el with the snake. He holds his modern education responsible for his cruel behaviour w ith the snake. Email:[email protected] Contact No:0314-3038453@0332-6650814

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