Poetry Centers

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 786
  • Pages: 6
Treasure Hunt for Poetry Directions: Sit w ith a p artn er and treasu re hunt fo r po etic lines or w ords in these picture and non-fiction books. Write them down on this sheet. Next, choose on e line from your selection, w rite an d illu strate it on a boo km ark- b e sure to in clu de the title and author of the boo k. My Poetic Lines: 1.





6. Write the line on this bookmark and illustrate it as you see fit. Then, cut the bookmark out place it in your poetry folder.

Cracking-Open Words

An important part of writing poetry is being able to “crack open” overused and abstract words and sentences, such as: “It was a nice day” or “She was very nice” and find the proper image inside. In this center, you can experiment with an important part of revision- cracking-open words, phrases, and sentences to find more accurate and vivid images inside.

Directions: None of th e sentences below give us a pictu re in ourminds using wo rds.

Next to each sentence describe

and w rite wh at you see in your ow n min d. Clo se your eyes an d see w hat im ages ap pear in your mind. Th en, rep aint th e sentences usin g yo ur own im ages an d words. Examp le: It w as a n ice day. = The bright sun, ap pearin g from b ehin d Mt. Skye, cut diamonds across the blue lake. 1. It was a nice day. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. We had a lot of fun. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. The flowers were beautiful and colorful. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4. She was a good person. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5. The cat was cute. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

The Music of Words

Words have different personalities and qualities according to their sounds. Poets write by considering the meaning and sounds of their words.

Directions: Think about the soun ds of w ords. Fin d at least five words th at sound smooth, bu mpy, an d sharp (five in each column !). Fo r examp le, a wo rd th at soun ds smooth is ice; a bumpy w ord is hippopo tamus becau se it has many small syllables th at m ake you r mou th mo ve; an d a sh arp word is kite becau se th e consonants are sh arp.




Listening Center Directions: Listen to a few of the poems on the C D f rom Poetry Speaks to Children. You may read along with th e boo k. As you listen, jot down th e p oems you en joy listening to. Then choo se a favorite line, image, or poem and wh en you are fin ish ed listening to the p oems, u se a piece of blank paper to illustrate th e im ages you saw in your mind. B e sure to label the illustration with the title and author of the po em. My Favorite poems: 1.




Illustration Center Directions: Choose a po em f rom the in cluded p acket. ( If you did the Listening Cen ter activity, you must choose a different po em f or this activity.) Does the poem create a pictu re or pictu res in your mind? Illu strate the im age you see o r, if you see several im ages divide the po em up and create a p icture book. Either you can create you r own pictu re book or you m ay illu strate a sin gle p age fo r one po em. When you illu strate the po em, please leave room to inclu de the actual po em. You may type up the poem and shrink it down o r you may han dwrite it on the sh eet.

Revision Center Directions: Read the poem below. I’ ve added and ch anged endings on wo rds, chan ged th e line-b reaks, and m ade it look an d sound like a p aragraph in a story. Revise th e po em as if it w ere you r own - cut out extra wo rds or en dings and rearrange the line-b reaks. Make two revised versio ns. When you are done, see Miss Mulhern w hen you are done to read the origin al.


I was standing at my window and all day I saw across the way, on someone’s windowsill, a geranium which looked like it was glowing red bright- it looked like a tiny traffic light faraway.

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